
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?

I think we should start stocking up on essentials before the next wave this fall. We really got caught out on the first wave and didn't have things others thought to get in advance. I'm fine with my collection of reusable masks at least. I had no masks for awhile first time around.

Smart. My daughter left yesterday to spend five days with her father at our house in Virginia, so I will have some time alone.I had a long phone call with my great-nephew who currently lives in Texas. His partner, who is a physician, just had a covid19 scare. A nurse with whom they work tested positive for it so everyone had to be tested. Luckily a rapid test with results in minutes was used. But it made my great-nephew and his partner even more cautious.. His partner never takes off his N95 mask at work, so he does not eat at the hospital. He goes all day without food until he gets home at night.

My great nephew who is very young (late 30's) and fit gets very ill with pneumonia if he gets it. So he stays home. (He has a good job, but can work from home.) When he goes out he wears an N95 mask covered with a regular mask.

Last night we discussed getting vaccinated for all the things that we might complicate covid19 if we got it. I told him I had just had the pneumonia vaccine and would get the high dose 'flu shot. He will get the 'flu shot, but has now decided to speak to his doctor again about getting the pneumonia vaccine.The last time they spoke she told him he was too young to need it. But that was before covid19. The pneumonia he gets is bacterial, so it may, now, be good for him to be immunized against pneumonia.

No oe can stop covid19, but we can do other things to help minimize our risks.
Smart. My daughter left yesterday to spend five days with her father at our house in Virginia, so I will have some time alone.I had a long phone call with my great-nephew who currently lives in Texas. His partner, who is a physician, just had a covid19 scare. A nurse with whom they work tested positive for it so everyone had to be tested. Luckily a rapid test with results in minutes was used. But it made my great-nephew and his partner even more cautious.. His partner never takes off his N95 mask at work, so he does not eat at the hospital. He goes all day without food until he gets home at night.

My great nephew who is very young (late 30's) and fit gets very ill with pneumonia if he gets it. So he stays home. (He has a good job, but can work from home.) When he goes out he wears an N95 mask covered with a regular mask.

Last night we discussed getting vaccinated for all the things that we might complicate covid19 if we got it. I told him I had just had the pneumonia vaccine and would get the high dose 'flu shot. He will get the 'flu shot, but has now decided to speak to his doctor again about getting the pneumonia vaccine.The last time they spoke she told him he was too young to need it. But that was before covid19. The pneumonia he gets is bacterial, so it may, now, be good for him to be immunized against pneumonia.

No oe can stop covid19, but we can do other things to help minimize our risks.

I agree with everything you said. We have to do everything we can in our control to prevent getting the seasonal flu. I was told we should get the shot the end of September but worry they may run out by then. I also got my pneumonia shot. Your nephew‘s partner should also consider wearing eye protection..I’m sure he knows that since he’s a doctor but I couldn’t help it..I read about a virologist that went on a plane...disinfected everything...wore a personally fitted n95 mask..and he still got it. His eyes were red rimmed after the flight. He got COVID through his eyes. Scary..
Thank you for the article @Bayek . Some of our extended family are living their lives as if none of this is happening. This virus scares the daylights out of me.
My county was put on the governor's watch list yesterday because of the spike in cases. All of the new cases for months have been in the below 50 age range with the majority of them between 20-39 yrs old. Amy's Kitchen, one of the biggest employers in the area, reported 18 cases yesterday, all of which are from community spread. We did so well from February through March and then things snowballed as soon as we had a soft reopening of businesses. If we don't get our act together, we're facing another total shutdown.
I agree with everything you said. We have to do everything we can in our control to prevent getting the seasonal flu. I was told we should get the shot the end of September but worry they may run out by then. I also got my pneumonia shot. Your nephew‘s partner should also consider wearing eye protection..I’m sure he knows that since he’s a doctor but I couldn’t help it..I read about a virologist that went on a plane...disinfected everything...wore a personally fitted n95 mask..and he still got it. His eyes were red rimmed after the flight. He got COVID through his eyes. Scary..

Good reminder. He may already be talking care of this. I believe my nephew mentioned he wears a face shield. I am not sure if that is sufficient eye protection, as I am not working in a hospital at present.

The first time I went out to a pub since lockdown last Saturday, someone who was there allegedly for only 30min or so had been tested positive for C19!

So far I have no symptoms, and I went to get tested straight away for my own peace of mind, results should be available tomorrow.

Hey ho!

DK :roll2:

The first time I went out to a pub since lockdown last Saturday, someone who was there allegedly for only 30min or so had been tested positive for C19!

So far I have no symptoms, and I went to get tested straight away for my own peace of mind, results should be available tomorrow.

Hey ho!

DK :roll2:

Ugh. Sending you lots of good luck dust for a negative Covid test!

The first time I went out to a pub since lockdown last Saturday, someone who was there allegedly for only 30min or so had been tested positive for C19!

So far I have no symptoms, and I went to get tested straight away for my own peace of mind, results should be available tomorrow.

Hey ho!

DK :roll2:

Good luck, DK.
@missy ; @AGBF ; thanks!

I am 99.9% positive I will be fine, as I stayed outside, only mixed with my bubbles of 4 others (not any of them, otherwise, they would have told me), went inside the pub to get some snacks and practiced social distancing.

Hey ho!

DK :roll2:
Good reminder. He may already be talking care of this. I believe my nephew mentioned he wears a face shield. I am not sure if that is sufficient eye protection, as I am not working in a hospital at present.

Goggles seem like they should be protective. I’m not sure it would be easy to see out of them..I wore safety glasses along with two masks to my mammo appt. I thought the side protection of the eye glasses would help..but probably not much..
Colin read that there’s been no evidence at all of children infecting adults @MamaBee, I’ll see if I can find the article for you.

All studies are indicating that teens are just as infectious to others as adults. There are as many good studies indicating that younger children infect others quite well as there are ones indicating that they don't, so this is nowhere near settled science. I would urge plenty of caution here.
All studies are indicating that teens are just as infectious to others as adults. There are as many good studies indicating that younger children infect others quite well as there are ones indicating that they don't, so this is nowhere near settled science. I would urge plenty of caution here.

Of course we should all be cautious, I was merely stating what WHO said about under 10’s.

Today I got the Covid 19 study consent form and patient data form.

I will admit I'm scared but excited. I feel like its the least that I can do. Lord knows its not because of the they don't pay a lot for studies for this reason!)

Anyway here's the email I got:

Good morning,

Prior to your appointment, please complete the Patient Data Form which is accessed by the link below. Once complete, please click the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Also, attached to this email is the Informed Consent Form for you to review and make note of any questions you may have for the study nurse when you come to your visit. You do not need to print this document.

Do not come before your scheduled visit time,

Please stay in your vehicle when you arrive and call our office at xxx-xxx-xxxx and press 1 to let the front desk know you have arrived.

As a reminder, your first appointment will take approximately 4 hours.

My appt starts at 12:30 on Wed. oh man, Imma be tired....
Day 178 of DH being sick.

He managed 4 hours per day at work (from home office) week before last then 5 hours per day last week. Been a stretch, but managing tolerably well. He started walking on the treadmill 5 minutes per day a few days ago and that was a helping some. This morning, he went down to walk his 5 minutes while I was cooking breakfast and came back up much sooner than expected. His oxygen dropped from 94 to 92 to 88 and all the way to 77. He initially thought it was wrong, but stopped the treadmill anyway. Good thing he did because he got very light-headed and nearly fell.
Day 178 of DH being sick.

He managed 4 hours per day at work (from home office) week before last then 5 hours per day last week. Been a stretch, but managing tolerably well. He started walking on the treadmill 5 minutes per day a few days ago and that was a helping some. This morning, he went down to walk his 5 minutes while I was cooking breakfast and came back up much sooner than expected. His oxygen dropped from 94 to 92 to 88 and all the way to 77. He initially thought it was wrong, but stopped the treadmill anyway. Good thing he did because he got very light-headed and nearly fell.

Oh my, I am so so sorry to hear he is still suffering.
Day 178 of DH being sick.

He managed 4 hours per day at work (from home office) week before last then 5 hours per day last week. Been a stretch, but managing tolerably well. He started walking on the treadmill 5 minutes per day a few days ago and that was a helping some. This morning, he went down to walk his 5 minutes while I was cooking breakfast and came back up much sooner than expected. His oxygen dropped from 94 to 92 to 88 and all the way to 77. He initially thought it was wrong, but stopped the treadmill anyway. Good thing he did because he got very light-headed and nearly fell.
@TooPatient I’m so sorry he’s having such a hard time...I know it’s been hard on you too.
Also I saw on Yahoo there was a confirmed 2ndary infection.
Day 178 of DH being sick.

He managed 4 hours per day at work (from home office) week before last then 5 hours per day last week. Been a stretch, but managing tolerably well. He started walking on the treadmill 5 minutes per day a few days ago and that was a helping some. This morning, he went down to walk his 5 minutes while I was cooking breakfast and came back up much sooner than expected. His oxygen dropped from 94 to 92 to 88 and all the way to 77. He initially thought it was wrong, but stopped the treadmill anyway. Good thing he did because he got very light-headed and nearly fell.

:cry: this is so aweful. so many covid survivors are having these symptoms. Lots of healing dust for you both.
Every time I read the title of this thread, I get chills. Nothing to add beyond that. Here we are, 8 months after we heard about it. Sigh.
I just got the shot. Gotta wait for 30 mins. Then I'll be on my way.
This is frightening...Chris is over Covid...but he still doesn’t have his energy completely back. He’s been trying to build up his strength by taking walks...Just a reminder that he was a marathon taking a walk should be nothing. It tires him out. He called me today to tell me he fell down the long flight of stairs outside of his house. He’s been getting spasms in his back which we think is from his inactive muscles trying to recover. His legs gave out and he fell all the way down...Chris said he’s bleeding all over...scraped skin off his elbows, knees and face. I noticed when he walks down the stairs his lower legs quiver..Is this somehow related? I don’t know...but he’s a mess...TG he didn’t break a bone..If feel bad for him...but also feel lucky that he made it through...
@MamaBee I am sorry about Chris! In the UK there have been lots of articles citing a significant percentage of people that have lengthy symptoms post Covid. Is there any advice/ support where you live?
@MamaBee I am sorry about Chris! In the UK there have been lots of articles citing a significant percentage of people that have lengthy symptoms post Covid. Is there any advice/ support where you live?
Thank you @Niffler75 He went through this with absolutely no support. He‘s a tough it out kind of guy..If I had those symptoms I would be contacting my physician...He keeps telling me he’s fine and will be okay...He’s too old to argue with him about it...I don’t have a say anymore...:roll2:
So I got a minute to discuss and then I have to eat something (SO HUNGRY!)

You are made to wear a mask the entire time it was....awful....

I get there, they buzz me in, I tell the poor guy who is my study coordinator everything about me medically stem to stern. He told me basically they see 2 people a day and my paperwork was actually pretty easy!

then I see a Dr who gives me the once over goes over my medical history. After that, more note taking. Then its off to do the labs... I give blood, and they swab me for covid. Back into the room to wait. My study coordinator and I talked about vacation spots and food because we were both starving.

Next, another Dr comes in with someone whos carrying a clear box. we talk, they verify who I am, and then ask whats my dominate hand. So I got my shot on the right side. (yes it hurt, I'm a wuss)

So, here's the thing; yes I got a minor headache, which I don't know is from the fact I was hungry/thirsty or, nerves, or, the shot. I still had to record it as a symptom.
The injection site hurt. I had to record that too. its mildly sore. I get sore from the flu shot so nbd.

And for the next 7 days I'll record temperature, how I feel, and injection site and my glands.
I'll receive 3 checkin calls between now and the next trip in for the 2nd shot.

I got my own

Its about as easy as it can be. No idea what I got and they don't know either. They are however still looking for participants (which is kind of a shame really!)
@Arcadian Good luck to you on your brave new frontier! It's not everyday you get to be an active participant with *Science!*(yes, you always have to write it like that :lol: ) I'll be curious to know your findings.

Eat, eat you earned it.:bigsmile:
This is frightening...Chris is over Covid...but he still doesn’t have his energy completely back. He’s been trying to build up his strength by taking walks...Just a reminder that he was a marathon taking a walk should be nothing. It tires him out. He called me today to tell me he fell down the long flight of stairs outside of his house. He’s been getting spasms in his back which we think is from his inactive muscles trying to recover. His legs gave out and he fell all the way down...Chris said he’s bleeding all over...scraped skin off his elbows, knees and face. I noticed when he walks down the stairs his lower legs quiver..Is this somehow related? I don’t know...but he’s a mess...TG he didn’t break a bone..If feel bad for him...but also feel lucky that he made it through...

Fatigue and weakness definitely linger. People report muscle spasms and all sorts of stuff like that in the survivors groups. I'm sorry Chris is dealing with this. It isn't easy. Please remind him to keep monitoring his oxygen as that can drop suddenly too.

Oh! I just remembered one post I read where someone was way short of potassium or sodium. I forget the specifics. Worth remembering though. That could impact muscles like you are describing.
Fatigue and weakness definitely linger. People report muscle spasms and all sorts of stuff like that in the survivors groups. I'm sorry Chris is dealing with this. It isn't easy. Please remind him to keep monitoring his oxygen as that can drop suddenly too.

Oh! I just remembered one post I read where someone was way short of potassium or sodium. I forget the specifics. Worth remembering though. That could impact muscles like you are describing.

Thank you @TooPatient That’s a really good point about the potassium and sodium!