
Assuming this checks out to make me a 3 stone ring....

coatimundi|1328227625|3117794 said:
haha ok-ok I get you now. 3 stone vs. honker...or honker-esque. I'll stop projecting now. :cheeky: (I have honker 3 stones on my always)

I like the sentiment of a 3 stone, because it's a lovely reflection of your family. Plus, you already have a solitaire, so it's different. I think this thread is compelling, because it's a tough decision to make. I also echo Sharon's sentiment about looking for a needle and finding...needles, or er, a bunch of splintery hay. It doesn't always work out. Anyway-good luck...again!! I love these stones, and you definitely got them for a good price.

Now, have you bonded with the stones? Would it be hard to part with them?[/quote]

Well, as Mara said to me, "possession is a funny thing..." :rodent:

I like the stones. It would be hard to part with them.
canuk-gal|1328228676|3117809 said:
coatimundi|1328227625|3117794 said:
haha ok-ok I get you now. 3 stone vs. honker...or honker-esque. I'll stop projecting now. :cheeky: (I have honker 3 stones on my always)

I like the sentiment of a 3 stone, because it's a lovely reflection of your family. Plus, you already have a solitaire, so it's different. I think this thread is compelling, because it's a tough decision to make. I also echo Sharon's sentiment about looking for a needle and finding...needles, or er, a bunch of splintery hay. It doesn't always work out. Anyway-good luck...again!! I love these stones, and you definitely got them for a good price.

Now, have you bonded with the stones? Would it be hard to part with them?


Three stone ring from the brooch now = awesome.

In 10 years, remove the 2 side stones and make earrings for Amelia = way to go! (close to 16th BD present, forgive me if my dates are a bit off)

Coinciding with another milestone BD find 2 matching stones for the centre, and have honkeresque 3 stone ring = priceless.

All win? :bigsmile:


LOL Sharon...I could not wear a 3 stone with one carat each, ever! (I reserve the right to eat my words though). My finger is only a 5.25 on the right...although in 10 years, I suppose it could get fatter..............
mmm honker-esque on a small finger.
Sharon-you are pulling out all the stops! :naughty:
ok, bye now.
First, I am decidedly not an ebay maven. I have made all of three purchases there, and have been lucky to have all of them be perfect :devil: Maybe I am a maven after all :tongue:

Jokes aside, from a purely financial perspective, if you could not sell the brooch then this would not be a "deal" worth thinking about and patting yourself on the back over on those long walks in the park (am I the only one who does that?). But with selling the brooch making the cost of the stones $3300, I think it changes things and this crosses into deal territory in my opinion. So I concur with Ari and your appraiser. Not to mention the ease of having all three stones at once. I am contemplating finding sides for my own 1ct (ish) OEC and it will take a while (or not, I have my eye on a number of likely candidates). I like that since I really ejoy the hunt, but you obviously have a more full and interesting life than I do. So if you want a three stone with OECs then I think you have found what you need. I don't see any good reason to return the brooch and start over. If you want a three stone ::)

There is risk in the hunt. I would not personally use Bright Ice's example as a cautionary tale, though, as she prefers the $25k 3ct diamond to the $9k 2.66ct ebay stone 8) Others may have weighed things quite differently in that comparison, and at least now she knows that it is worth it to her to spend the extra $16k, having examined another possibility.

Regarding the "honker". Yes, you can get a larger single diamond for $4500. Based only on purchases I have seen from ebay in the past 6 months or so, I believe we both know you could get about a 1.5ct in a lovely antique mount, you could also get a 1.75ct M-ish color OEC in a scrap mount, or with a little extra money and crazy good luck and... oh... 10000 hours scouring ebay, maybe a 2ct OEC if the stars align right. But if you want to get over 2ct it will cost you more most likely. It all depends what you want.

So what do you want? :sun:
Dreamer_D|1328230521|3117844 said:
First, I am decidedly not an ebay maven. I have made all of three purchases there, and have been lucky to have all of them be perfect :devil: Maybe I am a maven after all :tongue:

Jokes aside, from a purely financial perspective, if you could not sell the brooch then this would not be a "deal" worth thinking about and patting yourself on the back over on those long walks in the park (am I the only one who does that?). But with selling the brooch making the cost of the stones $3300, I think it changes things and this crosses into deal territory in my opinion. So I concur with Ari and your appraiser. Not to mention the ease of having all three stones at once. I am contemplating finding sides for my own 1ct (ish) OEC and it will take a while (or not, I have my eye on a number of likely candidates). I like that since I really ejoy the hunt, but you obviously have a more full and interesting life than I do. So if you want a three stone with OECs then I think you have found what you need. I don't see any good reason to return the brooch and start over. If you want a three stone ::)

There is risk in the hunt. I would not personally use Bright Ice's example as a cautionary tale, though, as she prefers the $25k 3ct diamond to the $9k 2.66ct ebay stone 8) Others may have weighed things quite differently in that comparison, and at least now she knows that it is worth it to her to spend the extra $16k, having examined another possibility.

Regarding the "honker". Yes, you can get a larger single diamond for $4500. Based only on purchases I have seen from ebay in the past 6 months or so, I believe we both know you could get about a 1.5ct in a lovely antique mount, you could also get a 1.75ct M-ish color OEC in a scrap mount, or with a little extra money and crazy good luck and... oh... 10000 hours scouring ebay, maybe a 2ct OEC if the stars align right. But if you want to get over 2ct it will cost you more most likely. It all depends what you want.

So what do you want? :sun:

Ha! Well put like that Dreamer, I think I want the 3 stone. I already have the dealer who wants the setting (although it ain't done until the fat lady sings, I know.) I don't know if that is contingent on Ari doing the setting for me, or if they'd just take out the stones and want the brooch anyway. But I have an appraisal saying it's authentic, so I think it's being realistic to think the 1K can happen.

So if that puts it in Dreamer's "walk in the park and pat on the back" deal category, then I'll do so, hehehe. I think I'm keeping it. TGuy likes the idea of looking at 3 stone settings and figuring out what we want the ring to look like together. I like his taste, so I am game for it. And he likes the idea that he will have input into the gift...that this is a project for both of us. A honker in an already good setting takes away that part of the fun. A bigger stone in a scrap setting means I will even pay more. I would want nothing less than a 1.7 to make it worth my while...because as you say, for bling factor, a 3 stone paired with a antique band has more finger presence than a larger stone (unless it's in a blingy setting, of course.)

I have some options to look at, so I'm fortunate. As we always say around here, there are far worse problems to have, no?

I had asked the sellers if I could have a few more days, and if I returned it, I'd give them the appraisal papers for free to include. They seem to want it back and not give me even the weekend. I think they must have gotten better offers after I bought it. :cheeky:

So, after a discussion with TGuy this evening, I believe I will keep it. He's seen it, likes it, and said he'd like me to keep the pendant. As Ari said, it's a lot of work to save a few hundred bucks (I think it's more than that, but still). Does Ari know what we PSers are like? He seen enough of us...he should! We're crazy and YES, we like the work to save the money, no? I do get his point though, for sure, when I think about how long it will take to sort through this project!
Just got pics from today from Heather...will post in a sec....
OK, here you go. The side stones in this ring (which is a sample made in silver and CZs) are a little smaller than mine. But it gives a very good idea of scale. It can also be done in octagons, but that is a little more expensive. I think octagons would spread it out a little more.

I also would like to pair it with a band, but not the one pictured.

Dreamer, maybe this helps you too, since the center in this sample ring would be very close to the size of your OEC.

3stone1 copy.jpg



Last one, 3 stone by itself. I like it with something along with it better.

Well. It is frigging awesome. Are you thinking bezels for sure? I love it. Seriously tempting. My only thought is that bezels will change their optics, but am I seeing correctly that they are bezeled in the brooch? If so then you know exactly how they will look bezeled. My other thought is that for *me* I want to see as much of the profile of the diamond as I can. I love the big pillowy table and the depth and want to see it. I learned this by seeing my OEC loose and then mounted, and how it changed slightly the whole experience of the stone. That said, OEC really don't show warmth face up but do in profile, so bezeling wil lmake them look the mose colorless.

I am enjoying your throught process here tGal. I have been debating the "honker verssu three stone" thing too. but for me "honker" would be 7mm. But finding those needles in the haystack... nerve wracking. I don't really want to sell my OEC, it is so pretty. When I was upgrading before I spent so much on each diamond that it was crazy talk to keep the smaller one and buy a larger. But since I do walk in the park and pat myself on the back over the deal I got on this one ;)) keeping it is feasable. I also think I need to set this sucker in an awesome mount. I've never done that yet, I think it would affect my feelings.
I like the 3 stone you posted!!! I do like it with a band like you were saying! :love: Could DBL make something similar? I wonder?
Sounds like a wonderful project TGal!!! I like the idea behind the 3 stone too!! :love:

Dreamer, I only mentioned the 2.66 carat being a crapshoot because you used this :nono: emoticon when the person said the color was way off and clarity was questionable. lol ;)) :halo:
Skippy|1328235412|3117936 said:
I like the 3 stone you posted!!! I do like it with a band like you were saying! :love: Could DBL make something similar? I wonder?
Sounds like a wonderful project TGal!!! I like the idea behind the 3 stone too!! :love:

Dreamer, I only mentioned the 2.66 carat being a crapshoot because you used this :nono: emoticon when the person said the color was way off and clarity was questionable. lol ;)) :halo:

LOL! I can't remember all my uses of emoticons :o , but I just meant that sucked for her :blackeye: . Mara seemed to suggest the stone had been listed as an N prior :!: , not the L it was listed as when BI bought it :?: ... now that would be a true :nono: for a vendor to change the color grade like that in order to make a sale. If I had $9k I would also have checked it out, but maybe not if they said it was N color, since then you assume PQR and it isn't such a deal. But that is likly why they changed it. Anyways, point taken. It is a shark pool. My buys on ebay have all been from private sellers -- people like you and me selling grandma's old engagement ring. One was an antique mall dealer but not someone who sells jewelery regularly. I think they are lower risk in one sense because they are not saavy sharks, but higher risk because of course THEY dont know what they have really. Its why the prices are lower, but you could get a kumquat in the mail not a diamond.

Anyways, with Bright Ice's ebay stone, since we all know diamonds are priced by the market, it is hardly fair to compare a $25k stone and a $9k stone and think they would come out equal :bigsmile: If the larger more pricey stone was not there as a comparison, or a retail $9k stone was the comparison, I wonder how it would have come out?
The vendor I bought sells some furs (second hand stuff, it seems) and clothing. Not much in jewelry. The brooch was from a private seller that used her to consign the brooch. So it wasn't a jewelry dealer at all.

I sent a note to Patrick...the broach appraisal was rushed and I forgot to ask him about the hallmarks (I know! :nono:). The hallmarks on the brooch and on the stick pin (which was supposedly replaced) match. one says EK950, the other EK585, with matching logos of what seems to be an animal. So I wonder if the brooch would have been made with platinum except for the pin in WG originally. Hm. Or maybe the original maker replaced the pin part later.

Dreamer, I'd want a stone that's I'd want something bigger, haha! But really, for me when would that stop? I can see myself enjoying a 3 stone of this size with some stackers to change the look for years to come. But it IS some interesting thinking, and I'm glad you've found my hunt interesting! You've certainly been a help as well.

I was thinking bezel because most likely the girdles will be thin and this is going on my right hand...I'm accident prone! I also like that it would emulate the look of what this piece was originally somewhat. Also, I have a feeling that the two sidestones will be different depth wise (I didn't get those stats either today, argh! Hopefully they will be on the appraisal) and it might bug me to see the pavilion in one, but not the other if it's too shallow or what not. I do love the crown on the center stone, but I really don't feel like I need to see the full profile.

TGuy and I were looking at the pics I posted along with the octagon one that coati posted. I asked him which he liked, and he said the round shape rings because he felt it gave a nod to spirit of the brooch. When pressed, I realized it wasn't the shape he liked, but the milgrain! As he said, he liked the "bumpy bits." I laughed and said they could do bumpy bits on the octagon too, and he said then he liked the octagon shape better. Gotta love men who couldn't give a whizz about jewelry nuances. :cheeky: But the great part is we are right in sync with our preferences, so that's a relief!
It does not stop in the urge for bigger, or different, or bigger. Did I say bigger? Unless you complete the project. I think when its done and in the perfect mount maybe it is done. Maybe.

Love the octagons. Love them! Let me know if this makes 40 more paletable, eh? ;)) I think I might need some help with that one. First up is 35 and that one might need some bling to go down better for me.
Dreamer_D|1328254135|3118137 said:
It does not stop in the urge for bigger, or different, or bigger. Did I say bigger? Unless you complete the project. I think when its done and in the perfect mount maybe it is done. Maybe.

Love the octagons. Love them! Let me know if this makes 40 more paletable, eh? ;)) I think I might need some help with that one. First up is 35 and that one might need some bling to go down better for me.

I like them too, but you never know until you try them on, yanno?

I'm good with 40...I'm in a place where I can think about extra projects of bling. I couldn't have done that at 30 so I figure that's an improvement. ;))
Haha... bumpy bits. Classic! :bigsmile:
ForteKitty|1328254938|3118143 said:
Haha... bumpy bits. Classic! :bigsmile:

Well, in the last 30 minutes, he's doing research on hallmarks and is coming up with all sorts of info. Maybe he'll become a hallmark expert!!! ::)
How is he finding stuff? I suck at finding hallmark info!!
He's just going from one article to another on the web FK. Of course he picked up the "science/history" aspect of bling to get into. It was nice to see him taking an interest though.

I did give official feedback to the ebay buyer, so I am keeping it. I think I can resell it for what I paid in the future, plus the appraisal fees if I change my mind in the future.
CONGRATS on part one of the decision! I think I prefer the octagonal bezels -- because three stone rounds bezels always remind me a little of Mickey Mouse. (Maybe that's why you like it stacked w/something more than alone??)

And I'm still hoping you keep the original brooch! Are you determined to sell it ... or still pondering? It is quite lovely ..

ETA: And here's an idea that would tie the ring together with your e-ring set a tish bit. INSIDE ONLY miligrain! (I know, i know -- predictable coming from me but could be pretty -- blurring the border between the stone and the bezel, giving a bit of an antique touch) So many options!
decodelighted|1328290141|3118330 said:
CONGRATS on part one of the decision! I think I prefer the octagonal bezels -- because three stone rounds bezels always remind me a little of Mickey Mouse. (Maybe that's why you like it stacked w/something more than alone??)

And I'm still hoping you keep the original brooch! Are you determined to sell it ... or still pondering? It is quite lovely ..

ETA: And here's an idea that would tie the ring together with your e-ring set a tish bit. INSIDE ONLY miligrain! (I know, i know -- predictable coming from me but could be pretty -- blurring the border between the stone and the bezel, giving a bit of an antique touch) So many options!

Deco, TGuy and I talked about me keeping the brooch. I just wouldn't wear it. We even had the same idea of wearing it with a scarf or something, when I'm more "mature" and could pull it off. But it's not something I would invest in to wear with a scarf from time to time.

But TGuy is turning 40 first (in two weeks time), so I am putting this on the back burner so we can focus on HIM, not me!

We both know this will be quite the process. I have to sell some items to make it work, plus while it was nice to get an idea of the spread of the 3 stones together, I don't love certain things about the SS setting. And yes, totally, to your mickey mouse comment. Honestly, I never loved three stones for that reason, but think with some tweaks I'll really love the ring. Plus there's that "meaning and symbolism" crap that TGuy and I are shooting for in this piece.

Budget is limited, so it's not like I can go crazy with the setting and have a dream piece, but I am going to work to find something reasonable and workable.
Hey Tgal-nice to hear that you are keeping the stones. I think they are a lovely size for the vintage designs you may be considering. One thing that is nice about the octagonal setting is that the stones are bead-set rather than bezeled, so you have more crown visible for light entry and added protection with the outer rim of metal. I'm partial to that design for those doing old cuts in period style for that reason. The octagonal bead-set 3 stone also feels truer to the period. *Fine* milgrain can be added to the octagons as well. Ultimately this design, if devoid of melee diamonds, shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, but that all depends on the gallery detail and any engraving or pierced work you might desire. Also, remember that this style will add to the diameter of the stones, so if you desire a hair of extra oomph-the design would function well.

Ok, sounds like this is going on the back burner, but I look forward to reading about the future design process.

Here's another version of the bead-set with outer metal. Not a three stone, of course, but showing the delicacy of this style. Food for thought...

...and the octagonal three stone again for those just tuning in to the last pages.
coatimundi|1328299741|3118431 said:
Hey Tgal-nice to hear that you are keeping the stones. I think they are a lovely size for the vintage designs you may be considering. One thing that is nice about the octagonal setting is that the stones are bead-set rather than bezeled, so you have more crown visible for light entry and added protection with the outer rim of metal. I'm partial to that design for those doing old cuts in period style for that reason. The octagonal bead-set 3 stone also feels truer to the period. *Fine* milgrain can be added to the octagons as well. Ultimately this design, if devoid of melee diamonds, shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, but that all depends on the gallery detail and any engraving or pierced work you might desire. Also, remember that this style will add to the diameter of the stones, so if you desire a hair of extra oomph-the design would function well.

Ok, sounds like this is going on the back burner, but I look forward to reading about the future design process.

Here's another version of the bead-set with outer metal. Not a three stone, of course, but showing the delicacy of this style. Food for thought...

...and the octagonal three stone again for those just tuning in to the last pages.

Yum love that solitaire! Thanks for all the information, Coati, I am listening closely 8)
coatimundi|1328299741|3118431 said:
Hey Tgal-nice to hear that you are keeping the stones. I think they are a lovely size for the vintage designs you may be considering. One thing that is nice about the octagonal setting is that the stones are bead-set rather than bezeled, so you have more crown visible for light entry and added protection with the outer rim of metal. I'm partial to that design for those doing old cuts in period style for that reason. The octagonal bead-set 3 stone also feels truer to the period. *Fine* milgrain can be added to the octagons as well. Ultimately this design, if devoid of melee diamonds, shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, but that all depends on the gallery detail and any engraving or pierced work you might desire. Also, remember that this style will add to the diameter of the stones, so if you desire a hair of extra oomph-the design would function well.

Ok, sounds like this is going on the back burner, but I look forward to reading about the future design process.

Here's another version of the bead-set with outer metal. Not a three stone, of course, but showing the delicacy of this style. Food for thought...

...and the octagonal three stone again for those just tuning in to the last pages.

Coati, thanks for being interesting and helpful on this project! I'm definitely going to be looking at pics and thinking of ideas, but I just don't want to slam TGuy with anything for at least a month until his parents leave from Oz. I want to respect that he's turning 40 and this month is about HIM! ::)

But that doesn't mean I can't sit here and gather info and concepts to present to him later, hehehe. I totally am board with the octagon idea with that reason...I want to increase the spread sidewas on my finger. I also like the beadset idea too. I'm not sure I will have the budget for extensive gallery detail, etc, but TGuy and I will discuss adding more to a budget if reasonable to get the ring we both really like.

If you know of any good designers in the LA area, let me know. I liked Singlestone, but I have to consider all my options. That includes vendors who are not in LA too!
Seeing there are a lot of OMC, OEC and August Vintage, experts and such following this thread, please excuse the interruption but I would like to ask a question to the audience.

I was given my grandmother's pendant when she passed and had to have it appraised for insurance reasons when she passed. I remember learning of the Old European Cuts and the rare high quality diamonds that were in this "1900 era" piece. After that, it went into my bank box until I was about to get engaged and got it out to break up the pendant for the center stone to be used in my ER. **** I KNOW, I KNOW, I really REALLY wish I had not, but this was WAY before I knew about PS and did not know any better*****

Since then I have learned tons on this forum, but I still have six of the stones from when the pendant was originally broken apart. I know now the magnitude of having these MATCHED stones but I dont really have a need for them.

As such, I am looking to you ladies for what you think the six side stones are worth... I would LOVE to give them to someone that could use them in a project and ensure they are loved as much as they used to be BUT I dont want to be ripped off...

With that being said they are six OEC round diamonds ALL G(ish) in color and totally eye clean (>VS) .66cts, .63cts, .47cts, .44cts, .31cts and .30cts.

Thanks for hopefully allowing the interjection!
TangoSierra|1328304965|3118503 said:
Seeing there are a lot of OMC, OEC and August Vintage, experts and such following this thread, please excuse the interruption but I would like to ask a question to the audience.

I was given my grandmother's pendant when she passed and had to have it appraised for insurance reasons when she passed. I remember learning of the Old European Cuts and the rare high quality diamonds that were in this "1900 era" piece. After that, it went into my bank box until I was about to get engaged and got it out to break up the pendant for the center stone to be used in my ER. **** I KNOW, I KNOW, I really REALLY wish I had not, but this was WAY before I knew about PS and did not know any better*****

Since then I have learned tons on this forum, but I still have six of the stones from when the pendant was originally broken apart. I know now the magnitude of having these MATCHED stones but I dont really have a need for them.

As such, I am looking to you ladies for what you think the six side stones are worth... I would LOVE to give them to someone that could use them in a project and ensure they are loved as much as they used to be BUT I dont want to be ripped off...

With that being said they are six OEC round diamonds ALL G(ish) in color and totally eye clean (>VS) .66cts, .63cts, .47cts, .44cts, .31cts and .30cts.

Thanks for hopefully allowing the interjection!

Tango definietly start your own thread for this one, I promise, everyone will see it!
TravelingGal|1328232037|3117870 said:
OK, here you go. The side stones in this ring (which is a sample made in silver and CZs) are a little smaller than mine. But it gives a very good idea of scale. It can also be done in octagons, but that is a little more expensive. I think octagons would spread it out a little more.

I also would like to pair it with a band, but not the one pictured.

I love this 3-stone ring. It's gorgeous!
Isn't that a hexagon??
LOL Deco, either way, it's really pretty. I've seen that listing before (I haven't checked the link, but I believe I know which vendor that is), and thought that ring was cool! Thanks Dreamer!
decodelighted|1328311127|3118567 said:
Isn't that a hexagon??

Yes teacher. I guess it should be excluded now since only octagons will work for this design. D-oh.


I actually like the hexagon more than the octagon, somehow it makes the "non-circle" shape more obvious to my eye!