
Assuming this checks out to make me a 3 stone ring....

What a neat project. I'm glad that brooch is working out --- you're so creative to come up with that. I have to say that I just love the octagon/hexagon shapes that are posted. They look so much more unique and custom. But whatever you do, I'm sure this ring will be amazing. The finger coverage alone is awesome. I was looking for a large stone myself and now you're having me rethink things!
So I have thought about it, and really love this piece a lot. But not enough to wear it. And not enough to leave in intact. But enough to try and give it a chance to live in its entirety.

A few weeks ago, I contacted a reputable dealer and they are interested in consigning the piece. The range of price what I would receive should the item sell made me go "whoa!" Of course, first, it has to sell. They sell a lot of antique pieces and I think they are the right seller for this item.

I'd have to let them have it a minimum of 120 days, which is fine as my birthday is not until November. I'd also be really happy to have it back at that point, should it not sell, and continue with my plans for a ring.

I was going to wrap it back up and send it this week, but thought I'd get your opinion on whether I'd list it on DB myself. Yes, it would be at a higher price, but comes with the appraisal from Patrick Davis. I don't think anyone is interested in brooches these days, but maybe put it out there in case someone collects these things and would want to pay less than retail (I don't even want to know what the consignment place is going to mark this up, based on what they think they could give me. Yikes.)

So that's the plan (basically still leaning on NOT dealing with it myself and sending it off). Every time I bring this brooch out, I think...I can't part with it, but I think this is a nice win win for me because if it sells, I don't feel bad about taking it apart, plus I make some nice money - and if it doesn't sell, I go ahead with a three stone ring with stones I love.
I think in this instance consignment is a good way to go, IF they consignment percentage is around or under 25%.

I don't see it selling on DB. BUT I also don't think it hurts to try for 2 weeks. In my experience if something is going to sell at it's given price you will know within two weeks. If you get people emailing you interested in it, then it will sell eventually. If you get one person or crickets... it won't.
Gypsy|1331084665|3142370 said:
I think in this instance consignment is a good way to go, IF they consignment percentage is around or under 25%.

I don't see it selling on DB. BUT I also don't think it hurts to try for 2 weeks. In my experience if something is going to sell at it's given price you will know within two weeks. If you get people emailing you interested in it, then it will sell eventually. If you get one person or crickets... it won't.

I have no percentage info. They give you a price that they guarantee you if it sells. Anything on top of that is their profit. So if they sell it, I'm guaranteed my money and that's it. Since I don't see myself personally selling it for what they're offering me, I don't think it's a bad deal (although I am sure they are making heaps too). Also if they come back and say they would only give me the low range of their offer (which is still a nice profit, believe me), I don't think I could let it go at that. I'm having a tough time thinking it'd actually sell and I'd have to let it go. So basically I'm sending it to see if they'll give me the high end of the range.

I agree Gypsy, I really don't see it selling on DB (and I don't want to deal with the hassle) but based on my guess on what consignment will sell it for, I thought...sheesh, someone would end up paying a lot for this thing...wonder if anyone might want it for less.
I think it might be worth putting out on DB for a few days and see what happens, if nothing then send it on to consign? It is a beautiful brooch!
Just wanted to say that I am really happy to see you give it a chance to stay intact!
I think I'm confused. You *don't* want to sell it at the low end of their range? Wouldn't you be committed to selling it within their pricing structure if you sent it to them? Maybe I'm not getting how consignment works? It seems risky to me for THEM to take a piece & try to sell it only to risk being told "no" by a reluctant seller later? Like their customers might be annoyed or something ...

ANYWAY: I think it's cool you're interested in giving it a chance at a new life as a whole -- ESPECIALLY since you can profit at the same time. Which you SHOULD for having a great eye & taking the initial risk getting the piece.

Can't see it selling on Diamond Bistro cold -- but maybe it has a well-padded PS secret fan who will make themselves known?
If there is one thing I know, its when you find something for a great price, the temptation to sell is *always* present ;)) At some point you have to decide to just keep your find and enjoy it I think. Is this your time to keep it? I don't know. But I totally empathize.
decodelighted|1331090017|3142473 said:
Can't see it selling on Diamond Bistro cold -- but maybe it has a well-padded PS secret fan who will make themselves known?

Agree with deco about DB.

Another one to try: (I've never used them, but the brooch might be a good fit for their market) Worth a call, at least!
diamondseeker2006|1331088853|3142449 said:
Just wanted to say that I am really happy to see you give it a chance to stay intact!

I wonder if the eventual buyer would keep it intact, though.
I think consignment might be your best bet.
dreamer_dachsie said:
diamondseeker2006|1331088853|3142449 said:
Just wanted to say that I am really happy to see you give it a chance to stay intact!

I wonder if the eventual buyer would keep it intact, though.
good question- but I guess either way- keeping it or selling it may or will result in it being taken apart
decodelighted|1331090017|3142473 said:
I think I'm confused. You *don't* want to sell it at the low end of their range? Wouldn't you be committed to selling it within their pricing structure if you sent it to them? Maybe I'm not getting how consignment works? It seems risky to me for THEM to take a piece & try to sell it only to risk being told "no" by a reluctant seller later? Like their customers might be annoyed or something ...

ANYWAY: I think it's cool you're interested in giving it a chance at a new life as a whole -- ESPECIALLY since you can profit at the same time. Which you SHOULD for having a great eye & taking the initial risk getting the piece.

Can't see it selling on Diamond Bistro cold -- but maybe it has a well-padded PS secret fan who will make themselves known?

Like I said, I'm leaning toward this consignment.

The way it normally works (I think) is that you and the consignor agree to put it up at a price, with a percentage going to them. If they get an offer that's lower, they come to you to see if you will sell it for lower, and then if you agree, they sell it and cut you a check minus their percentage.

The way I am understanding that this particular place is working is they looked at the photos I submitted them. Then they said, based on these photos, I believe we can offer you $X to $XX, depending on how it checks out. Then after I send it to them, they will give me the final amount. Let's say it's $5000. If the brooch sells, they cut me a check for $5000. It may have retailed to the customer for $7000. Or $10000. The rest goes to them. Basically they don't have to come back to ME if they have an offer lower than the published price...they can simply choose to make less for themselves and sell it.

When I mean when I said that I don't want to sell it at their low range, is that they have given me a range, i.e. an "idea" of what I could possibly get for it. If it comes in at the lower end of the range, it won't be enough profit for me to want to give up those diamonds, because I would need more to probably start a project like this (or any other) anew. Not sure if I want to go trolling on ebay again, if that makes sense.

There's no risk to them except for the time and energy to market it. They are not paying me until it actually sells.
Dreamer_D|1331090918|3142490 said:
diamondseeker2006|1331088853|3142449 said:
Just wanted to say that I am really happy to see you give it a chance to stay intact!

I wonder if the eventual buyer would keep it intact, though.

I think at the price that it would sell for, if it sells at all, would be because someone actually wanted a brooch. It would make no sense to me to take it apart at such a price.

ETA, meaning I think it would go to someone who collects this stuff and has the change to spare. Because as we all said before, who buys a brooch these days?
Perhaps not. Look up the retail value of the diamonds. It is shocking! Someone still might buy it for diamond value only at $8k.
Dreamer_D|1331093818|3142544 said:
Perhaps not. Look up the retail value of the diamonds. It is shocking! Someone still might buy it for diamond value only at $8k.

Dreamer, based on what they are saying they will give me, I am estimating they will put it up at about 10K.
Seems right for retail, you were offered one thousand for the brooch alone. But maybe someone will keep it intact, who knows.

I think if you want a three stone, you keep this. Finding a matched suite is a royal PITA. Trust me ;))
Dreamer_D|1331094974|3142569 said:
Seems right for retail, you were offered one thousand for the brooch alone. But maybe someone will keep it intact, who knows.

I think if you want a three stone, you keep this. Finding a matched suite is a royal PITA. Trust me ;))

Really Dreamer? Some say it would be easy. Others tell me it's super tough. All I consider pretty good ebayers. Your hunt has been challenging?

That really is the other thing Dreamer...I want a three stone and I love THESE stones. TGuy has voiced his opinion - he wants me to keep it and do the three stone ring. But as you say, the possible profit along with the feeling of letting it live on intact is a nice one. I have my own doubts that this brooch would sell in 120 days. But in case it does, that's why I won't sell for anything less than the high end of their range...I just adore these stones.

If I were to make a profit and increase my budget, I honestly don't know what I'd buy. And TGuy really loves the 3 stone idea. But he's letting me make the final decision on this one.
oh, and the worst thing for me when it comes to the "guilt" of taking this apart has been my addiction to Downton Abbey. Sometimes I'll just sit and hold the brooch in my hand, close my eyes, and imagine its life for the last 100 years..........
If you love those 3 stones, replacing them is going to be tough. Especially in the same proportion. I say keep it.
I think it would make a killer 3-stone ring and you will be sorry if you sell it. KEEP it and get that ring done girl!
Bugger this, argh! You gals aren't helping me! :cheeky:

OK, someone recommend 3 colored stones to put in it, who to go to who can supply something that will work well, and I'll change out the stones and start wearing brooches!!!! (I'm only getting older anyway...I can pull it off. Flip flops, sweats, tees, scarf and brooch!!!)
ForteKitty|1331095633|3142582 said:
If you love those 3 stones, replacing them is going to be tough. Especially in the same proportion. I say keep it.


It is easy to find three stones if you will pay for it. Isn't that always the way? But if you want a deal -- and you got a deal! -- and you want well cut stones that match. Harder. Yssie said the same thing when she looked for earrings, and I think she found it an equally long process more recently when she hunted for another suite of stones. You will either spend a lot of time shipping things back and forth, or paying more money that you did for these three stones. I am not sure who is telling you it is easy, but I spend a lot of time on ebay and it has not been easy so far. I am looking for two pairs of matched stones for two different projects and I want a *deal* and so far, lots of stones that don't match ;)) Color, size, optics. Add to that the additional complication that many/most of the stones I have found needed to be unset to *really* know if they work -- some from bezels -- and I have a few stones sitting around that aren't right and can't be returned (or I just can't bring myself to return them 8) ). Now, I will just sell them I guess if I can bring myself not to hoard... errr... collect them :tongue: But unless you enjoy the process, don't bother.
TravelingGal|1331095428|3142579 said:
oh, and the worst thing for me when it comes to the "guilt" of taking this apart has been my addiction to Downton Abbey. Sometimes I'll just sit and hold the brooch in my hand, close my eyes, and imagine its life for the last 100 years..........


Barry Bridgestock is THE MAN when it comes to colored gems, and his cutting is so perfect IMO. That brooch deserves precision cuts me thinks ;)) Apparently you can get on a list ETA: I meant that you can get in touch with him and he can hook you up with the sizes you need, maybe all three from the same rough. You can choose any gemmies you want because its a brooch ETA: meaning you don't have to worry about durability. But I like garnets personally :)) What is TGuy's birthstone? Or yours? It could be a family brooch (Amelia is already there in the diamonds).
TravelingGal|1331097227|3142600 said:
Bugger this, argh! You gals aren't helping me! :cheeky:

OK, someone recommend 3 colored stones to put in it, who to go to who can supply something that will work well, and I'll change out the stones and start wearing brooches!!!! (I'm only getting older anyway...I can pull it off. Flip flops, sweats, tees, scarf and brooch!!!)

What sizes? I might have some in my stash o'box o'gems.

eta: Barry IS the man.
Thanks FK! I need 6.1-6.3 mmish and 5 mm.

Dreamer, last I noted your search, you had found one side stone for your current OEC. I think on that thread you said it was a good match. Are you keep that one and on the hunt for the last stone?

TGuy's stone is Amethyst and mine is Topaz. I dislike purple, and don't like topaz (imperial or otherwise) so that isn't going to work.

I didn't like the design of the brooch much at first, but it's grown on me. I might wear it for special occasions if I replaced the stones.

Um, I came here to let everyone know what I decided after weeks of thinking, and look at me now. Gah! :rolleyes: :cheeky:
Tsavs would look awesome in there. I dont have any that will fit tho. :((
I love Malaya and Umba garnets myself, but they are purpley (going on photos only, I have not seen on in person!)

TGal, I unset the half carat OEC and it turned out to be at least 2 color grades whiter than my 1ct! It was set in yellow when I thought they matched. Unset, it turns out to be much less tinted than it appeared initally. Hence my comment above that you need to unset diamonds in mounts to know if they match existing stones, and if they don't... cost, time, maybe can't return them.

Anyways, my half carat is an amazing stone but not for a three stone. At present I want to keep it because it is an awesome cut and am looking for its mate for earrings, but I am not sure. I have two potential mates in the mail as we speak and frankly, if neither works, I might give up! Sell the lot, or make a pendant, I dunno. Its a fun project for me, but not if you want fast results.

I'm also looking for a 0.50cttw pair. I bought a platinum three stone mount from the Pre-Loved forum (the W-prong from whiteflash) that will fit my 1ct. It was seredipity because I always coveted that setting and would never have ponied up for it retial in plat (almost $2k now!), and I got it for an awesome price. It needs 0.25ct sides, so I have been looking for those and not having much luck. I tried one pair I lucked out to find but they were smaller than advertised, chipped, and the optics left me cold. I can get a matched pair immediately if I am willing to spend near-retail, but I am not. The stones have to be 4mm exactly, which makes it hard. Anyways, I am working on that search too but might give up. My jeweler found me a pair of lovely rubies and I might use those as sides instead!

I'll know what I plan to do in a few weeks when all my packages arrive. Registered mail from the US takes like two weeks!

Enough threadjacking :rodent:
Dreamer_D|1331099621|3142625 said:
I love Malaya and Umba garnets myself, but they are purpley (going on photos only, I have not seen on in person!)

TGal, I unset the half carat OEC and it turned out to be at least 2 color grades whiter than my 1ct! It was set in yellow when I thought they matched. Unset, it turns out to be much less tinted than it appeared initally. Hence my comment above that you need to unset diamonds in mounts to know if they match existing stones, and if they don't... cost, time, maybe can't return them.

Anyways, my half carat is an amazing stone but not for a three stone. At present I want to keep it because it is an awesome cut and am looking for its mate for earrings, but I am not sure. I have two potential mates in the mail as we speak and frankly, if neither works, I might give up! Sell the lot, or make a pendant, I dunno. Its a fun project for me, but not if you want fast results.

I'm also looking for a 0.50cttw pair. I bought a platinum three stone mount from the Pre-Loved forum (the W-prong from whiteflash) that will fit my 1ct. It was seredipity because I always coveted that setting and would never have ponied up for it retial in plat (almost $2k now!), and I got it for an awesome price. It needs 0.25ct sides, so I have been looking for those and not having much luck. I tried one pair I lucked out to find but they were smaller than advertised, chipped, and the optics left me cold. I can get a matched pair immediately if I am willing to spend near-retail, but I am not. The stones have to be 4mm exactly, which makes it hard. Anyways, I am working on that search too but might give up. My jeweler found me a pair of lovely rubies and I might use those as sides instead!

I'll know what I plan to do in a few weeks when all my packages arrive. Registered mail from the US takes like two weeks!

Enough threadjacking :rodent:

Nah, I love threadjacks. Not many participating in this one, so consider it your own private haven for 3 stone talk.

I saw that preloved post for the 3 stone. I like that setting too, but my stones were too big for it. I did see your thread on the gold vs platinum and how it affects old cuts, thought it was interesting, but wasn't sure if that was the stone you got as a match for your main OEC. But Dreamer, you must be very eagle eyed! My center came in as a J. The sides are G/H and H/I, so one is definitely two color grades off. IIRC, your 1c OEC is an I, right? I would think anything from G-J would work fine with it? Maybe I am not that sensitive so finding stones on ebay that match would be easier. Already I have three stones where two appear OMC, and one OEC/tranny, but that doesn't bug me. Profile wise, one has a shorter crown, and that still doesn't bother me.

And I think rubies would be lovely, but you seem to have always wanted a diamond three stone ring. I can't wait to see how this all pans out for you.
Well, since we're talking three stone rings, here's some that I saved for one reason or another. Doesn't mean I love the ring, but found an element interesting.



