
Baby Nurseries!

Thanks NFOwife! Where did you buy the supplies..Michaels or something similar? Did you sketch the owls/birds on scrapbook paperI am normally not very crafty AT ALL, but recently made some animal pillow pals (also inspired from Etsy) and they came out well..I was so proud!
Love the lights you got as well (flanking the bed) - where'd you find those? Thanks for sharing, I love the feel and combo idea! :).
I get my art supplies at Hobby Lobby- similar to Michael's. And they pretty much have everything half off on alternating weeks so if you like something and it's not on sale, wait a week and it will be!
The lamps are from there too, they were half off so I got them both for $30. score!

I didn't sketch anything out. If you can cut basic shapes that is pretty much it. Look at this one:

You can see how the owl is composed of different papers cut in shapes and glued together. The shapes themselves are very basic and primitive. But for a nursery, you want cutesy and childlike so it doesn't need to be (even close to) perfect. I used scrapbooking paper for it- got a huge pad for $10 half off at hobby lobby. I used that same pad for the name letters, and about 5 other items in that room so it was money well spent- I don't scrapbook.
Well our nursery is well under way, but I still have a crib in a box, so I'm refusing to take pics until that sucker is put together and no longer in a box. Seeing as how my shower is this weekend, I'll probably have a lot of new stuff to fill the room and post next week!

Psst...our baby girl's room = blue. Tee hee hee. Lauren's nursery (and her name!)! You did a great job on the artwork! My daughter is also doing pink and green for her nursery. I just love that combination! and my daughter are due about the same time! She just had her first shower yesterday!
here's aubrey's nursery for the most part.

the decal is from etsy. i saw that the decal vendor had this sample up, and they got the butterflies actually from another etsy vendor. i used that as inspiration and love how it came out and has the 3D effect.

the metal butterflies are now on a shelf we hung...i'll try to snap a picture of that, its really cute. the glider is an oatmeal color, a gift from the grandmas.

the green blanket draped on the crib is from when i was a baby- a coworker and friend of my mother made it for me when my mom was pregnant, and she found them, washed them, and gave them to me at my baby shower. i bawled my eyes out because i totally remembered having them.

the hanging mobile- I made that after being inspired by a mobile on etsy, then found it on younghouselove. they had a tutorial, so i used that as an outline on how to make it. it would have cost ~$50 on etsy, i made it for ~$10, and like how mine looks much more :)




Charbie, your nursery looks so beautiful! I love butterflies!!! great job!!! I need to post my nursery sometime but just haven't had a chance.
Charbie, it's beautiful! My favorite part is the name art over Aubrey's crib.
It's beautiful, Charbie!!! You chose such a beautiful name, too!
charbie - your nursery is butterflies done right!! it is simply beautiful!
Okay, I have some pics of my daughter's baby's nursery! The only thing not up yet is her name above the crib because the name is a surprise until she is born! The room is tiny but I think it turned out well!


More...(I made the owl bow holder for her and did the name letters which are not up yet)



I always love checking out this thread. Everyone's nurseries are gorgeous, and I love the personal touches.

DS -- I LOVE the furniture and the wall color in your soon-to-be granddaughter's room. The chandelier is quite beautiful, too!
DS, What a beautiful nursery!!!! It's absolutely adorable and the perfect place for a little grand daughter!!! I love every detail!!!

DS, the nursery is just precious. It turned out beautifully!!
Thanks Zoe, Liang, and MrsS! I think it turned out so pretty, too! I had fun helping them with it! In fact, my husband helped with the light fixture and putting the crib together and picking up the dresser with her husband, so it was a family affair!

Zoe...the color is Cucumber by Sherwin Williams. I love it!
Oh Diamondseeker, I LOVE IT!!!! Oh gosh I bet you can't wait to hold your beautiful granddaughter!!! I love the owl theme, sooooo soooo darling. hugs and so happy for you! :appl:
Skippy|1318893626|3042335 said:
Oh Diamondseeker, I LOVE IT!!!! Oh gosh I bet you can't wait to hold your beautiful granddaughter!!! I love the owl theme, sooooo soooo darling. hugs and so happy for you! :appl:

Thank you, Skippy! It is almost surreal, really, that a new little person will be here soon and forever a member of our family! We are just thrilled! Hugs back!!
We still need to finish a few details in Ava's nursery (nearly 9 weeks after her birth), but it's nearly finished! I can't wait to see the nurseries of the ladies in the pregnant thread.

So beautiful, PT!!! :appl:
PT, your nursery looks great!!! I also finished mine at 8 weeks after the babies birth!!! I have the same swing; we love the snuggabunny swing! :appl:
Love that crib PT. Where is it from?
Skippy - I think we got the Snugabunny Swing because of you. You mentioned it had the option of being plugged in and not going through a ton of batteries, which sounded great to me. Plus, it's awfully cute. We also got the Rock n Play on your recommendation. Love it for after feedings, since Ava does spit up a little once and a while.

Allie - The crib is from Babies R Us. It's the Babyletto Mercer 3 in 1. We got it for the drawer underneath (to store extra sheets). We were originally expecting twins, so I got it in my head that we needed all the extra storage space we could get. Even with one baby, the extra space is nice. :)
I'm just peeking at this thead. I envy the beautiful, creative nurseries. The butterflies in Aubrey's room, for instance, are not something that I would have seen in the rooms of any of my daughter's contemporaries 20 years ago! I really like all the different styles, too, from the open spaces of Ava's and Aubrey's rooms to the warm, pink cozy nest of diamondseeker's daughter with the sparkly little chandelier. One thing that struck me was that babies seem to have their names in their rooms now. I do not recall that we put our children's names up in their rooms! Interesting.

parrot tulips|1325784632|3095760 said:
Skippy - I think we got the Snugabunny Swing because of you. You mentioned it had the option of being plugged in and not going through a ton of batteries, which sounded great to me. Plus, it's awfully cute. We also got the Rock n Play on your recommendation. Love it for after feedings, since Ava does spit up a little once and a while.

Allie - The crib is from Babies R Us. It's the Babyletto Mercer 3 in 1. We got it for the drawer underneath (to store extra sheets). We were originally expecting twins, so I got it in my head that we needed all the extra storage space we could get. Even with one baby, the extra space is nice. :)

The Snugabunny is uber cute!!! Please take a pic of Ava in hers; the babies look so cuddly in them! hehe Yay I am glad you love the rock n play and snugabunny; that makes me happy to hear! Great nursery!!! :love:
I've really enjoyed looking through this thread, even before I was pregnant. I just finished our nursery this weekend and posted a few pics in the pregnancy thread. I'll post a few more here as well.

The work on the nursery actually started prior to TTC. The nursery is located in an older section of the house (not original, but built in the early 1800's) and I was determined to strip the paint from a wood wall. Since there were strong chemicals involved, I decided to tackle that while NOT pregnant. I decided to just paint the rest of the nursery after stripping the wood wall and opted for a light apple green because it was gender-neutral.

The only other "project" in the nursery is the window above the changing table. I found an old window frame in my favorite antique store and decided to paint the glass with chalboard paint. Then I used chalk to write in her name, though I like that I can change it in case we decide NOT to go with Katie or I just get tired at looking at it.

future nursery.jpg


nursery 4.jpg
At first I just wanted to do a black and white nursery because I didn't think I'd want anything too girly. So I bought black and white toile and gingham valances and gingham bedding. I also bought some black and white horse prints because I thought they were girly without being too girly. My husband took one look at the room and said "We need a lot more pink, she's a girl".

So I bought the girly rug and other girly touches--the pink ottoman, the purple crystal lamp, etc. and I have to admit that I'm glad we girled it up a little.

I also wanted to have antique furniture (except for the crib, of course). I bought the small table to use as a changing table from an antique store--I think it's from the '40's. the dresser is probably my favorite. It's from the '30's and I found it on Craigslist. I had planned on buying an antique rocking chair, but the glider was too comfy to pass up. I found it at a consignment store that often sells antiques, then just ordered new gingham cushions for it. Finally I bought the little black side table from the same consignment store.

Our plan is to use an area in our bedroom we've designated as the "baby area" for the first several weeks, so not sure when she'll start using this nursery, but wanted to have it ready so we can start using it anytime.


nursery 6.jpg

nursery 8.jpg

nursery 9.jpg
Super cute NEL! You did a great job! I think I mentioned this to you before, but my sister did black and white toile and gingham with black and white furniture and almost the identical shade of green for my niece, and your nursery very much reminds me of hers (minus the wooden wall). I love it!
DS: I hadn't noticed before, but the bedding you used for your granddaughter's nursery is EXACTLY what we are looking for for our little girl!

What brand/style is it if you don't mind me asking?

That turned out to be gorgeous, NEL!!! Love it!
bobbin|1327974536|3115248 said:
DS: I hadn't noticed before, but the bedding you used for your granddaughter's nursery is EXACTLY what we are looking for for our little girl!

What brand/style is it if you don't mind me asking?


Hi, Bobbin! My daughter first saw this bedding at Babies R Us and she just had to have it! I found it on Amazon as well (plus some neat accessories like the matching baby book!) but ended up buying it when BRU had a sale and gave it to her at her shower.

It is Kids Line Dena Happi Tree:

Check on Amazon, too, to see what they have and the prices. I found the baby book there and it is beautiful! Right now they have the bedding for less than BRU:

Baby book: