
Baby sleep training

I'm probably going to jinx myself, but b just went to bed. He cried for about 3 minutes and is now sound asleep. His naps were better as well- he had two that were about 1.5 hours each. Fingers crossed!
How was last night???
megumic said:
How was last night???

Pretty good! He woke up around 1:45 and I had to go in, but only once. I really think we are making progress! I probably could have not gone in (because he stopped crying) but I couldn't see him on the monitor. Turns out he was sitting up in the corner of the crib. Just sitting there. So if course once he saw me and I left he cried, but only for a couple of minutes.
amc80 said:
megumic said:
How was last night???

Pretty good! He woke up around 1:45 and I had to go in, but only once. I really think we are making progress! I probably could have not gone in (because he stopped crying) but I couldn't see him on the monitor. Turns out he was sitting up in the corner of the crib. Just sitting there. So if course once he saw me and I left he cried, but only for a couple of minutes.

Do you have a video monitor? Don't know if it would make it worse (lol) but we got one as a gift when DD was 2.5 (random) and I immediately realized the benefits of one when you have an infant. Or at least how much easier my life would have been with one when she was an infant ;)
amc80|1366725204|3432862 said:
Pretty good! He woke up around 1:45 and I had to go in, but only once. I really think we are making progress! I probably could have not gone in (because he stopped crying) but I couldn't see him on the monitor. Turns out he was sitting up in the corner of the crib. Just sitting there. So if course once he saw me and I left he cried, but only for a couple of minutes.

Isn't it freaky when they get out of the view of the camera? A few nights, I was sleeping on the couch with the monitor and DH was sleeping in our bedroom. DH came out and looked at the monitor, and Ev was nowhere to be seen. DH woke me up freaked out thinking I had taken the baby out of the crib and put him somewhere and then fallen asleep, but Ev was just nestled up against the side of the crib just out of view. My heart has never pounded that hard!
fiery|1366735740|3432979 said:
Do you have a video monitor? Don't know if it would make it worse (lol) but we got one as a gift when DD was 2.5 (random) and I immediately realized the benefits of one when you have an infant. Or at least how much easier my life would have been with one when she was an infant ;)

Oh yes and we LOVE it. My only regret is not spending more to get the one with the camera that moves.

monkeyprincess said:
Isn't it freaky when they get out of the view of the camera? A few nights, I was sleeping on the couch with the monitor and DH was sleeping in our bedroom. DH came out and looked at the monitor, and Ev was nowhere to be seen. DH woke me up freaked out thinking I had taken the baby out of the crib and put him somewhere and then fallen asleep, but Ev was just nestled up against the side of the crib just out of view. My heart has never pounded that hard!

OMG yes. I didn't realize there was that much space where the camera couldn't reach. Yikes.
AMC, sounds like B's getting the swing of things. Hope it stays that way. Also I read a suggestion for introducing loveys or soothers to babies: carry it around with you. When the baby sees you always have it, they'll want it and associate it with you. Not sure if you want to try that. If the logic holds, it kinda makes sense why babies love remote controls and phones. Because parents always have them.
lliang_chi|1366749946|3433136 said:
AMC, sounds like B's getting the swing of things. Hope it stays that way. Also I read a suggestion for introducing loveys or soothers to babies: carry it around with you. When the baby sees you always have it, they'll want it and associate it with you. Not sure if you want to try that. If the logic holds, it kinda makes sense why babies love remote controls and phones. Because parents always have them.

Hmm, that's a really interesting point. I'd rather have him have a normal know, stuffed animal or something. It would be weird for him to be carrying around a remote!
B took a two hour nap today. He rarely will nap that long. Then he took another 45 minute nap. He was in bed by about 7:20. Cried for less than a minute and has been sound asleep since then. Hoping for a wake-free night!
Wow amc, you are doing such an amazing job, well done! That is fantastic! Fingers crossed for a great night's sleep for you all :appl:
amc80|1366779341|3433485 said:
B took a two hour nap today. He rarely will nap that long. Then he took another 45 minute nap. He was in bed by about 7:20. Cried for less than a minute and has been sound asleep since then. Hoping for a wake-free night!

This is exactly how it happened for us too! YAY! Sleep training DOES work :bigsmile:
amc, I'm so glad that the sleep training is going well! Sounds like he's having much better nights, which is also helping him to have better naps. I hope the trend continues!
AMC, Ethan also started napping better when we sleep trained him at night. Daycare was like, "Whoa, what'd you guys do over the weekend because he's napping GREAT now." So hoping everything continues to progress well.
And I think it'd be hilarious if he had a remote lovey. Ethan had some weird things the wanted in his crib with him to go to sleep. The strangest by far was DH's car keys. :rolleyes:
Last night was ok. He went down SO easily. Woke up around 2ish and cried for a while, so I had to go in. Woke up again about an hour later, same deal...I've decided (not sure if I'm right) that when he is really crying like that he's probably hungry. His cries are a bit different. I gave him a 4oz bottle and he drank the entire thing and went back to sleep until we woke him up at 7:30. I'm very curious to see how his naps are today.

DandiAndi|1366780021|3433487 said:
Wow amc, you are doing such an amazing job, well done! That is fantastic! Fingers crossed for a great night's sleep for you all :appl:

I take no credit! I followed instructions and B responded well :)

megumic said:
This is exactly how it happened for us too! YAY! Sleep training DOES work :bigsmile:

Isn't it amazing?

NewEnglandLady said:
amc, I'm so glad that the sleep training is going well! Sounds like he's having much better nights, which is also helping him to have better naps. I hope the trend continues!

Thank you! Me too!!

lliang_chi said:
AMC, Ethan also started napping better when we sleep trained him at night. Daycare was like, "Whoa, what'd you guys do over the weekend because he's napping GREAT now." So hoping everything continues to progress well.
And I think it'd be hilarious if he had a remote lovey. Ethan had some weird things the wanted in his crib with him to go to sleep. The strangest by far was DH's car keys. :rolleyes:

I should give him the remote and see what happens. He'll probably wake up with the buttons imprinted on his forehead or something, ha!
Wow wow wow. B went down without a peep. He even smiled when I laid him in his crib. Amazing. Now if he will only sleep all night without a peep :)
Yay, AMC, that's great. How did B sleep tonight? You'll see he'll get better and better for naps and sleep in general :) After we went through this DH and I were like, "Geez! We should've done this sooner!"
lliang_chi|1366901746|3434298 said:
Yay, AMC, that's great. How did B sleep tonight? You'll see he'll get better and better for naps and sleep in general :) After we went through this DH and I were like, "Geez! We should've done this sooner!"

He did well! He woke up twice. The first time was only for a few minutes. The second time he cried for much longer (maybe around 10 minutes) and I was just getting ready to go in there when he fell asleep. What's interesting is his naps were awful yesterday (something like 45m, 30m, and 45m) but it didn't seem to impact his sleep.

And I agree...why didn't I do this 2 months ago?
Another update- he slept all night! If he did wake up he didn't cry. And I was able to put him down for two naps in his crib. He fought one but eventually fell asleep. His naps still aren't great but honestly as they don't impact his night sleep I'm fine with it. So it took exactly a week to go from start to sleeping all night.
Slept through the night again! Woohoo!! And is currently napping in his crib :)
Woo hoo! Very encouraging news AMC! Go B! In the grand scheme of things, 1 wk is a small price to pay. :) I"m so glad he's sleeping so well for you. I'm sure it'll take some time but his naps will square out too. :)

Thanks! I'm sure I lucked out with how well he took to it. I think the important thing is that he was ready.
Woohoo!! Well done! What a great little fella you've got! :appl:
Well, we have total relapse going on....but I don't really think it's B's fault. He's got two teeth coming it at once, has some sort of stomach thing (so he's on a bland diet and still puking once per day), and, as of yesterday, is all wheezy and coughy. He flat out refused to sleep last night except for on me. So that's how we slept all night (and sleeping with 25lbs on you is hard!). I'm hoping once he's feeling better he'll go back to his lovely pattern.
Amc, how's the sleep training going? Is B STTN every night now?
mayerling|1368001262|3442563 said:
Amc, how's the sleep training going? Is B STTN every night now?

Well, his cold/teething messed everything up, but we were able to rebound pretty quickly. He cried for a while going to bed the past few nights, but last night was less than 5 minutes. Other than waking up last night around 10:30 for a bottle, he has been STTN the last several nights. I think he's going through a growth spurt right now because he's been eating a ton (which was why I gave him a bottle last night, I just had a feeling he was actually hungry). So I'd say it's going well! Oh, except his new wake up time is 6:30 on the dot.
That's great! :appl: I'm glad it worked out!
AMC, great that B's doing so well. Yeah sounds like he's got a growth spurt if he's seriously chowing the grub. Ethan was like that a few weeks ago, and now he's gone back to throwing food on the floor. On the plus side, the dog *LOVES* him now :rolleyes:
Ethan's wake time got MUCH earlier too. I kept trying to push him till 6:30, but now he's squarely @ 5:50. Sigh if he would even give me an extra 15 mins that would be awesome. But no...
I wanted to update this. B did great for about two weeks. Then he got sick and was dealing with two teeth, and was back to getting up 2x a night. But I think he's feeling much better- the last two nights he's slept about 11.5 hours straight. Yay! And his naps on Sunday were a dream- he went right down with very little protest. Same with bedtime, I give him a bottle and he drinks it and falls asleep.
Yay! I'm glad B's back to sleeping so well. That's fantastic.

How are the other mamas doing that were watching this thread?