
Baby sleep training

amc, this is great news! I really think you've made it over the hump. It sounds like STTN and good naps are the norm. The regressions still happen, but now you can trust that it's a phase. Makes it so much easier to get through!

LC, K is waking up really early these days, too. A few days she was getting up at 5 or 5:15, but it seems like 6 is more normal for her. I keep trying to get her to sleep until 7. In fact, if I leave her in her crib she won't cry, but the point is that she's not sleeping. And at night we're still putting her down at 7:30, but she doesn't fall asleep until 8. So she's only sleeping from 8pm - 6am, which doesn't seem like enough.
Yay amc!

Ev's sleeping is still so irregular. He is out for good and in his crib anywhere from 8:30-10 at and sleeps until 4-7. He almost always has a crying spell within an hour or so of being put in his crib, and sometimes another one before sleeping until morning. His naps are still definitely catnaps. I still don't have the heart to let him cry it out for more than a couple minutes. DH is even worse than I am. We've pretty much determined that if his eyes stay closed, he may go back to sleep, but if we can see his eyes opn on the monitor, there's no turning back. For the moment, we are okay with our arrangement. I guess we are just a very unscheduled family....
NewEnglandLady|1369241200|3451879 said:
amc, this is great news! I really think you've made it over the hump. It sounds like STTN and good naps are the norm. The regressions still happen, but now you can trust that it's a phase. Makes it so much easier to get through!

LC, K is waking up really early these days, too. A few days she was getting up at 5 or 5:15, but it seems like 6 is more normal for her. I keep trying to get her to sleep until 7. In fact, if I leave her in her crib she won't cry, but the point is that she's not sleeping. And at night we're still putting her down at 7:30, but she doesn't fall asleep until 8. So she's only sleeping from 8pm - 6am, which doesn't seem like enough.

Well, obviously I spoke too soon. He screamed his head off at bed time and then woke up again around 11. I think he was just hungry though. But he slept from 11 until almost 7 so I think we are still on the right track.
amc- I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. I'm glad you've made some progress on sleeping, despite the teething set backs recently.

L seems to be teething every few weeks, so I'm never sure when to start CIO fully.It appears her 7 and 8th teeth are around the corner. During the teething do you let him CIO? L can cry for up to 3 hours (we've tried)- I'm not sure what's normal. :/
Last night was AWFUL. B went to sleep at the usual time and woke up at 11 SCREAMING. He'd only settle when laying on me. I got him to fall asleep and put him back in his crib at 3. He woke up at 4 wide awake. Back to sleep at 5:30. His naps sucked yesterday though so I think that messed with his night sleep.