
Breastfeeding help needed from some experienced Mamas

Kunzite, maybe the soft shields would work for you? I wonder if they'll empty you better? My output has definitely increased since getting them but could just be coincidence.

JCrow, I have the Medela PIS and use these - They attach to your existing valve/membrane. If you have the one piece, you'll have to buy separate valves. By STTN, I meant 9-12 hours. N would nurse around bedtime ( 7 or 8) and sleep until 6:30 the next morning without waking. Now, it's hit or miss. He *sleeps* from 7 or 8 until 6:30 still but is up 1-3 times to nurse. When he's up 3 times, it's really hard but 1 or 2 is totally manageable, especially since the first time he wakes is usually before we go to bed.
Kunzite|1294348934|2816027 said:
Logan - So happy to see another EP! I just asked in the NB thread but this thread may be more appropriate.... How protective are you of your pumping schedule? The LC at our hospital made it seem very dire that I stick to my set schedule and only move it very gradually if I needed to change it (like 5 minutes at a time). Obviously when I go back to work that might not be realistic as I might have meetings to work around, etc. I'm totally paranoid to get mastitis again so I'm trying to figure this all out!!

I was not a pumper but did BF for 12 months, and that advice seems a little odd to me?? When BFing you do not need to be so strict -- I fed on demand and that moved things around a tonne in the day -- and I don't see why it would be necessary to be so regimented when pumping. Both nursing and pumping empty the breasts of milk so it seems the processes are similar. Perhaps there are issues with pumping re:mastitis and stuff that make it necessary to be more strict? I cannot think what those would be. Hopefully someone else will know. My gut it telling me that is pretty strange advice though.
Kunzite|1294348934|2816027 said:
Logan - So happy to see another EP! I just asked in the NB thread but this thread may be more appropriate.... How protective are you of your pumping schedule? The LC at our hospital made it seem very dire that I stick to my set schedule and only move it very gradually if I needed to change it (like 5 minutes at a time). Obviously when I go back to work that might not be realistic as I might have meetings to work around, etc. I'm totally paranoid to get mastitis again so I'm trying to figure this all out!!

Hi Kunzite- I'll start a new thread for us pumpers where we can discuss pumping till we're all emptied out...!
Well, I pumped in place of breast feeding for the first time last night and got about 2.25 ounces which was a little disappointing! But it was at 9 pm, which seems to be the absolute nadir of my supply as far as feeling full. Hopefully it will get better. I am wondering if this is part of the reason Jumper is fussy in the evenings, because he got 4 ounces of BM from a bottle and actually went to sleep around 11 pm (until 3 am!!) and he usually fusses from around 10 pm until midnight.

pupp- I have the medela softfits too; they actually came with my PIS! How weird. Unfortunately, they are definitely too big for my itty bitty bbs (hello medela, one size does NOT fit all) and they only come in 24 mm. So I separately bought a pair of 21 mm, which are STILL too big but better.

LS- A pumping thread sounds wonderful! Likely I will continue to BF when possible, but I work a TON so pumping is going to become a huge part of my life. Will check out the baby center pumping forum, too.

Kunzite- I agree with DD that it seems weird that you have to keep to your pump schedule so strictly. It makes sense that you should avoid engorgement, but I cannot see how a (gasp) 10 minute shift would cause a problem. Strange.

swimmer- Thanks so much for the book recs! I will check them both out soon. Work and pumping is a little terrifying, because I am pretty much at the mercy of my attending providing me breaks, which is completely unpredictable. And then there is being on call overnight, which I do not even want to think about! I guess all I can do is my best and be happy with that.
I just wanted to post a quick update for you guys. My body seems to have adapted to the overnight feeds and my supply is up. I'm back to pumping 18-20oz per day on average and N usually only has two 6oz bottles while I'm at work. Whoever suggested that it may have been a growth spurt when N was waking multiple times at night may have been right. N has gained 3lbs in the last 6 weeks! At 5.5 months, he's already bigger than DD was at her first birthday. He's clearly not malnourished!