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Date: 1/17/2007 6:33:27 PM
Author: JadeLeaves
Calling Demelza!
How are you doing? You must have had your baby already? We haven''t seen u for awhile here!
Hope everything is well.
Date: 1/23/2007 1:14:02 PM
Author: Demelza
Aww, thanks for thinking of me. Congrats to you on your beautiful baby boy AND your beautiful new wedding set. WOW to both!! How have you adjusted to life with a newborn?
Yes, I did have my baby girl at the end of October. The first couple of months were HARDER than anything I''ve ever done (breastfeeding in particular!!), but things are finally starting to get easier. It sure does help when they start smiling and seeming more human. I can''t wait to see how she changes and grows in the next few months. Isn''t it crazy how much we love these little people?
Congrats to all the newly pregnant PSers!
Date: 2/2/2007 4:28:17 AM
Author: JadeLeaves
Thks for all that info chrono! Button has been fussy for a few days so I haven''t had much time to read PS.
Button turned 4 mths old on Sunday, and I am very pleased with myself for making it this far with regards to pumping exclusively. It is a pain, but so worth it. I still try to get Button to latch on occasionally but he does the same thing Ryan did - he cries when I try to put him on.
We were going to get a deep freeze for the EBM, but we''re going overseas for 4-6wks in a couple of wks time and by the time we get back, Button will be 5 1/2 to 6 mths old, and I think I will stop expressing then. Also, I am a little worried about being able to keep up with my expressing when overseas.
I think I will have to chuck out most of the frozen EBM because I was told you can only keep them in the normal freezer for up to 3 mths. Not happy with that - think of all the effort that went into expressing all that milk![]()
On another topic, does anyone has good sleep settling tips? Hubby gave Button a dummy a month ago, and he is so reliant on his dummy to go to sleep now. However, his hands are a lot more dexterous now and he kept knocking the dummy out of his mouth and cries when that happens. We then have to pop it back into his mouth. Rinse, repeat. It is kind of annoying at 3am in the morning to have to do that again and again. I have tried putting him to bed without his dummy but he just cries inconsolably. I am of two minds about controlled crying - I think he is too young for it. Any good tips will be very appreciated!
Date: 1/25/2007 8:21:44 AM
Author: Chrono
I gave up trying to breastfeed Ryan when he cried everytime he saw my breast as I was getting ready to try to feed him. It broke my heart and we both cried together.
I purchased 2 deep freezers and put them in my basement. They were dedicated to Ryan''s breastmilk only. I pumped into the milk storage bags, then put 8 milk storage bags into the 1 gallon freezer bags. The freezer bags are dated on the outside to make it easier for me to find the oldest one first to use, plus the double bagging helps to prevent freezer burn.
I kept my frozen milk for up to 1 year. I''ve read that if you keep your milk in a separate deep freezer, it is good for a year. Don''t be alarmed if your milk smells soapy/metallic when you defrost it. It hasn''t turned bad; it is only the lipase in your milk. Also, sometimes the frozen milk looks like it has white/yellow dots in them; that is the milk fat that separated.
As time passes, you''ll be pumping less and less, so building a large stash now is very important. On days when my output was low, I took fenugreek pills but that didn''t do much. Mother''s Milk Plus work super well; I was engorged the following day. When AF makes her presence known, your supply will take a HUGE dip. To prevent this, take 1000mg calcium/500mg magnesium supplement a day, several days in advance until AF is gone. This will help keep your supply close to normal and eleviate the nipple tenderness that comes with it.
Feel free to ask me anything about pumping and freezing. A website that helped is
I love the bottoms up picture. So cute.
I''m glad to hear that your little girl is beastfeeding again. It is so much easier to nurse straight from the tap. Don''t forget to take some pics for us!