
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks lili and ellaila! She had a healthy baby girl last night by c-section. We got a little worried when the baby''s heart rate dropped but they are both doing great now. She is 7lbs even! My cousin also had a baby last night and we weren''t expecting that one to be born for a few weeks so it must be a good week for giving birth (Tacori must be excited too!). Thanks again ladies!
Popping in late with lots of good wishes:

Tacori - good luck this weekend. Wishing you an easier delivery and quick recovery with a healthy baby. Don''t forget to post some pictures of baby Tacori when you get the chance.

Jas - Sorry about the burns and exzema. Hope you are healing better.

MsS - Happy belated birthday!
Mrs. Salvo a big happy birthday to wonderful sweet you!!!!

Tacori, I am cheering you on! Yay for baby Tacori! Praying for a smooth delivery!

Whoa, your eczema story is freaking me out--your ordeal sounded terrible. I don''t think people know how painful it can be be unless they have it. I have been dealing with it all my life (mostly on my right hand b/c it is used for everything, gets wet more often etc. etc.--PS''s would understand how happy i am that it IS my right hand b/c when i got engaged my left hand was still pretty enough to show off a ring hehe) Anyway--i''ve noticed the eczema creeping into spots that my mom claims bothered me as a child---back of the knees, scalp, dry eyelids- for instance. The breast are by FAR the worst--i have blood on the inside of my bra each day due to the rawness of the skin and cracking around the nipple. I am so worried about breast-feeding b/c for me it is one of the most important things ever and I''ll submit myself to severe pain to do it but if it can be avoided, well obviously I am looking for that relief!!!!

I am going to stop eating dairy completely. I am lactose intolerant so never had a lot of dairy to begin with and was 100% no dairy prior to being preg. But since the pregnancy I have been eating a bit of cheese and milk products b/c i am trying to keep a very balanced diet with no restrictions. My doc says I don''t need any dairy at all b/c I juice dark greens for breakfast and take a supplement--in addition to eating alot of veggies/nuts/legumes in general--so at least i got the go--ahead to make that change now. iI''ve heard no-dairy can help with eczema, did you try this?

I''ll look into the other options you mentioned as well--thanks so much for that.
The cream i use now is considered safe in small doses for preg. women (and i have been using it very sparingly when the ezema gets really bad on my hand) but i'' am not going to use it any more just to be on the safe side.

GOSH, what we woman do for our unborn babies--the little kicks i am getting each morning are a reminder that someone else is causing all this grief and goodness at the same time!


Tacori--I am counting down the hours for you. Everything is going to go well--I am sending positive thoughts over the border to you, DH, and the new babe on the way!!!!!

Thanks to everyone for the ''burn'' sympathy--you guys are sweet. My arm looks like it was attacked by a rabid animal--but the burns are scabbing over and hopefully won''t scar--sheesh

Ella your cheque story is hilarious---too cute. Don''t be too hard on yourself, all that brain power is being used to form two little super-brains inside of you. You just have preggo-brain to the power of 2. Perfect excuse IMO
Just in case I don''t have time later I wanted to check in and say good bye. Thank you all for all your support, advice and encouragement. I am feeling pretty emotional right now (damn hormones!) so sorry if this is cheesey but I really feel like you are all my friends and know you ALL made my pregnancy smoother. I don''t have any close friends or family who are preggo right now so this thread has been my support system. It is so nice to know whatever symptom I was feeling I wasn''t alone. When I was upset, happy, didn''t matter you were all there for me. This whole adventure is scary! But I know we are ready and this baby is going to add so much love and joy to our lives.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I promise I will check in ASAP! Perhaps even again before the baby is here. Ella, the sad thing is I COULD see myself cruising PS during labor
Remember that thread, "you know you are a true PSer if..." I bet that one would take the cake. Haha!
aww tacori, it''s not goodbye, just *next time you hear from me I''ll be a mommmy*
. try to just relax and have fun, enjoy the experience, take lots of pictures and if you scrapbook, take the scrapbook page and the nurse will footprint right on the page for you. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers and we are all just about as excited as you are. If you don''t check in again, can''t wait to here from you hopefully early next week. big, big hugs''re going to do great!!!
Tacori, the cheesy emotional stuff only gets worse when you''re a mom! I''m actually all teary eyed here after reading your post. I''m beyond excited for you and will be looking forward to hearing all about your experience and seeing photos of your little one. You''re going to do great. The joy and absolute LOVE you will feel the moment you hold your baby for the first time is the best feeling in the world, enjoy it!! Sending you tons of easy labor vibes and virtual hugs and kisses!! Good luck!!!
I am not lactose intolerant but have mild eczema. Both my boys are lactose intolerant and also have mild eczema, going dairy free has certainly controlled their outbreaks enough that a good slather with Eucerin cream 2x a day is sufficient. It is worth a try to stay dairy free, just remember that it takes about 2 weeks before you will get it completely out of your system so don''t despair of you don''t see any results after a few days.

I am so excited for you. It''s not goodbye at all; more of a when I come back, I''ll be a new mommy. I second MrsS'' suggestion to bring a scrapbook paper for baby T''s footprint. The nurse will do it for you and it''s a wonderful way to remember that very special birthday.
T, we ARE all your friends, and it''s been so fun sharing the past few trimesters with you! Sending you best wishes for a speedy, great delivery and for a healthy beautiful little baby!

Tons of hugs to you, MOMMY!!!
Good luck Tacori you will do GREAT!!!
Best wishes, Tacori and hubby!
Can''t wait for pics and stories.
Good luck Tacori, I will be praying for a smooth delivery. Can''t wait to hear all about baby T!!
Just popping in to wish Tacori ALL THE BEST!!!

My thoughts going out to you this weekend ~ and lots of L&D dust your way ~
Good luck, Tacori! We''ll be thinking about you. Come back with a baby!
Thinking of you Tacori! I can''t wait to find out if you have a boy or girl and hear all about baby!
T - YAY!!!!! I think the 3rd is a great b-day date!
Enjoy the last few hours of non-parenthood!!!!! Good luck... relax and try not to stress about things!!!!!

Ella - I was 27 my entire pregnancy... turned 28 2 weeks after Jon was born.

Diver and MrsS - Cute kiddos!!!!

Sorry i cant write much... someone is alseep in my arms, which is the only time i can get on here!

Birth story i wrote earlier:
I woke up Wednesday morning (10/3) at 445am with contx that were 11 min apart. I slept in between until DH got up at 7am. He had already planned on going to the doctors with me since I was over my EDD. I did a few last minute things around the house, DH went in to work to check in and off to the doctors we went for my 1045am appt. contx were 7 min.

Waiting at the docs, my contx were 5 min apart and getting more and more uncomfy. When I got back to the exam room, they were 3 min apart and it was hard to get myself comfy to get through them. Doc came in and checked me at 5cm, fully effaced with a bulging bag and said she would be back... she was going to call L&D to let them know I was on my way! I honestly worried the whole time all that pain would be for nothing and that I would only be 2cm, so I was very happy to hear I was at 5!

We were at the hospital and all set up by noon. Contx were definately strong and painful. I was being asked 1001 questions and I was starting to loose my concentration on my Hypnobabies. About 115 I finally broke down and asked for an epi. I was absolutely miserable and couldnt imagine the pain that was still to come.

130... Got epi, sweet relief! I could smile!
145... Doc came in to check for the first time. 8cm and she broke my water. I also complained about not being as comfy as I was with the 15 min earlier with the epi. I was told to keep pushing the button to "get more".
2pm... I puke during a contx. Poor DH tried to catch it. Call the nurse. Again complain about the pain... im feeling everything again which wasnt good because i had let my hypnobabies go and couldnt get it back so much pain and stuff going on.
210... nurse agrees to get anestesiologist (sp) after i tell her i have been pushing the button to "get more".
215... Doc comes in, checks me and says its time to push... WHAT!? I am still in pain... this is happening way faster than I expected!
226... After all the usual, "this hurts", "I cant do it", "OMG" comments from me, all 7lbs, 5oz and 19 inches of Jon shows up! They put him up on my belly and I still cant believe its all done.

BFing has been hard. ive got a flat nipple, so i have to use a nipple shield and lately i cant make enough to fill him up, so we are having to supplement a little. keep getting cracked nipples (ouch!!!) then tuesday i went to the doc for mastisis.
its slowly getting better. Diver, i think of you and your BFing story and just wanted to let you know, i cant blame you for not wanting to deal w/ all the problems this time around. this is insane... i just want it to WORK.

hope you are all doing well... i miss having fun play time!!!

on to pics....

39w4days w/ DH

at the hospital

my mom with 30min old jon

me and jon next day... he always keeps his tongue out like that!

last one... jons ghetto fab halloween outfit... 4 weeks old

Yay!!! Pictures from NJC!!!

Jon is an absolute cutie!! Love the tongue sticking out.
I love the one with hubby pointing at your stomach.
I love love the one with momma and baby. :)
That one is so precious.
And you looked so radiant.

Thanks for sharing

oh NJC, what a precious little boy!
hello, Jon!
Best Wishes to TACORI.
Lots of good labor vibes for a speedy delivery!
Can''t wait to finally meet your little one.
Jon''s an angel, I especially adore the one with the tongue sticking halfway out.
njc, I have tears in my eyes over that photo of you and Jon -- it''s beautiful!! I''m glad that your delivery went fast after all that up-front misery -- but it was all worth it in the end, right?

Hang in there with the BFing -- but if it doesn''t work out, then don''t beat yourself up over it. It''s more important to get him the nutrition he needs than to stick with something just because you WANT it to work! And esp. with mastitis ... yikes. Whatever decision you make will be the right one even if it''s not what you originally thought it would be. Wouldn''t it be nice if babies came with owner''s manuals that gave clear "troubleshooting" tips?

But anyhow, Jon is absolutely adorable and you look fantastic too!! Cheers to our new Mommies!!
Would soy milk be a good substitute for your dairy?
Hope your dairy-free diet will give you the relief you needed.

Thanks for sharing the forgetfulness story.
I may just let DH handle all the finances for the time being.
And the cooking and cleaning....and everything else.
njc!!!!! It''s so good to hear from you. What a great birth story. I''m sorry the epidural wasn''t as heavenly as it should have been but it sounds like it didn''t really matter because Jon wanted out quickly!!! He is absolutely beautiful. I love the Halloween costume--too cute!!! I hated the one handed typing thing--it was almost a relief to come back to work and be able to use both hands!!!! Do not beat yourself up over the breastfeeding. Just make sure your little man is getting food and growing strong! Hope you''re feeling great. Check in again when you have time and take care of yourself and your precious boy!
njc, love the pics, Jon is such a sweetie!!!
njc, awww Jon is adorable! Love the pictures!