
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Oooooh the suspense!!! I hope the new mommy and baby are resting happily right now... but can''t wait for an update!!!
Tacori, where are you?! I hope she's doing ok and resting comfortably with her new little munchkin. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl!!!
Hey ladies,

Amnio results came back in on Friday, but I could not call the genetics counselor as I was out of town. So called her today...

Everything is normal.

Baby is kicking up a storm in there, so it seems it''s still doing OK. They forgot to leave the gender off the report, so I have to make sure to tell my doc not to tell us. No extra chromosomes or missing ones. I had anticipated good news, but it is so nice to know diagnostically and I can move on from worry about this thing to the next big (or small) thing.

Lili, now we''re just waiting for your amnio results! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Jas, I am so sorry to hear about your ezcema! I had never had it but got a small patch of it near my eye/nose (where eyeglasses pads would sit) and it drove me bonkers! You have my full sympathies, and I hope you find something to help!

Ella, your baby brain story totally made me laugh out loud!

njc, your son is a doll! It was great to hear your story. So would you say forget the hypnobabies and go for the epidural? I''m thinking that''s the way to go. I was at a business meeting over the weekend and saw a lot of industry friends. Everyone wants to tell you their birth story and how awful it was. Even men were simply saying "get the epidural." Made me laugh.
that is great news!! Glad to hear that everything is normal! :)

Are you sure you want them to leave the gender off the report??
TGal, congratulations on the good news!!!
It''s such a good feeling to know that what you already suspected is now confirmed and you have a healthy child growing in there! It definitely helped me to have peace of mind for the rest of my pregnancy. Of course there will be a billion other things to worry about but this is one big thing to put out of your head now. So happy for you!
So if Tacori had the baby on Saturday, then she should be coming home today -- and hopefully we''ll hear from her soon! (I know that my hospital doesn''t have WiFi in the rooms, so I''m thinking maybe she can''t access PS from there ... or maybe she''s just too busy to write to us (gasp!)?). If she had a c-sec though, we may have another day or two of waiting ... ? Oh, the anticipation is killin'' me! Boy?? Girl?? How''s the new Mama doing??

TGal, congrats on the results!!!
That''s fantastic news -- such a relief, isn''t it??

So I "hit my wall" this weekend, I think. Walking, driving, sitting, standing -- all of it is just getting excruciatingly uncomfortable and painful (pelvic pain is a nasty nasty beeeyotch). I told my boss that I think I''ve got about 2 weeks left of coming into the office at all (2 weeks tops!), and she was like, "I don''t even like you coming in now! I''m not comfortable with you driving" so I think I''m going to be starting my disability sooner than I had thought! Weird how my life isn''t dictated by ME anymore in a lot of ways. I mean, I want the babies to stay in there for many more weeks and to get healthy and big, but I am def. getting ready for the aches and pains to go away and to get my body back. When your husband has to help put your pants and shoes on for you ... well, it''s just strange. I feel so guilty venting, but I think I''m entitled to vent at this stage in the game (~32 weeks but am more like 37 weeks probably if I had one baby in there -- 2 weeks ago I measured at 34 weeks, and I''m def. bigger now than I was then!) ... right?
TGal that''s wonderful news!!! I bet you had a big sigh of relief!!!
TGal--that''s great news!!!!

I didn''t have any testing done, but sometimes I think about it--some extra peace of mind is a nice thing during pregnancy.
I have another appointment tomorrow and hopefully an US to follow sometime this week. I am hoping my doctor can give me some other eczema suggestions--DH said he woke a few times last night and I was scratching up a storm---i tried wearing cotton gloves to bed (ha) but i just take them off in my sleep--oh joy.
Anxiously awaiting a baby Tacori update--it''s so fun when you don''t know the gender, we''re all kept guessing


Crazy story....
There was baby abduction in my area this past week. A 29 year old woman dressed as a nurse came into a maternity ward and took a 1-day old baby girl from the mother, got into a car and drove 5 hours back to her home. Our community went into ''high alert'' immediately (there is very little crime around here and something like this is totally unheard of so you can imagine the reaction). By the time the baby was discovered missing the entire highway system surrounding our area was blocked off so that no cars could pass without being checked. However, the woman was able to get through before the blocks went up. Luckily an Amber Alert was issued with her picture from a surveillance camera flashed across all media outlets and with the help of local witnesses the police were able to get a lead on her right away. The baby was recovered from her home later that night --unharmed. Apparently when the cops arrived she claimed the baby was her own and showed the police a fresh c-section incision with stitches. Details are still emerging today, but it looks like she was due with a child around this time but had a c-section that resulted in a still birth...she must have decided she was going to have a baby of her own at any cost and drove hours to another hospital to kidnap one (postpartum psychosis?) Her boyfriend and mother thought she had a healthy baby already (!?)
Such a sad story--but luckily the child was unharmed and returned to the parents within 24 hrs...can you imagine what they were feeling during that time....
Jas, that''s so scary! Is that the hospital you''re using? If it is, I''d go and ask them a LOT of questions about security before delivering there! First off, even if wearing a nurse''s uniform, wouldn''t she need some type of hospital ID?! And wouldn''t other nurses on the floor realize that they don''t recognize her? And I know that our hospital gives Moms, Dads (or whoever is the support person), and babies all bracelets with the same ID numbers and there''s no way a baby would be able to leave the hospital without that bracelet being checked a million times against the person who is taking the baby out!

Sounds like post-partum pyschosis to me for sure. Thank God there was a happy ending though!
Tgal, that is just wonderful news. I have my ultrasound on monday so even though I didn''t do the extra testing I should have a pretty good idea of what''s going on. I do agree that the extra peace of mind would be a nice thing.

ella, i thought of you and your pregnancy brain story over the weekend because I had my own pregnancy brain symptoms. we had company over and i was lighting candles. Put a new candle in the holder in the bathroom, lit it and walked away. a coulple of hours later someone went in and noticed melted wax running down and something strange going on, I had forgotten to take off the plasic
. then i was dishing up icecream for the kids and couldn''t find the lid to the container. looked everywhere, gave up and just put the icecream back in the freezer. minutes later I needed and extra spoon, opened my silverware drawer and the icecream lid was sitting on top of the silverware

Jas, that is just too scary about the baby...eek...

My little bean has been kicking up a storm too. i tried to give hubby a chance to feel it but i guess the kicks just are strong enough b/c he felt nothing. it is fun feeling the little things move around though.
Ella-- thankfully it is not the hopsital i will be delivering at--but it could have happened anywhere I think. All the regular ''percautions'' were in place, but the woman was sneaky, she entered the hospital as a visitor and changed somewhere into the nursing uniform before entering the baby''s room (it was a little more complex than that, but you get the picture). We don''t have security at the main entrance or anything (only on certain wards)--she must have sneaked out without looking suspicious. I worked in a hospital for a while and I can see how it could happened, nursing staff are so busy and buzzing around (plus there are so many employed at one hospital in addition to support staff, therapists, docs, volunteers in uniform etc. ) I am sure someone could slip into a room easily. As for the mom, she probably just assumed it was a new nurse on rotation and didn''t think twice about it

I am not sure what new security measures will be put in place, but it is under review right now. I think this is such a rare thing, and the fact that serious crime here is rare in general (just last week the ''big'' news story was a kitten that went missing from the local shelter--haha) I think ppl become lax and just don''t ever think about something like this... they will now!!
Date: 11/5/2007 10:24:32 AM
Author: curlygirl
Tacori, where are you?! I hope she''s doing ok and resting comfortably with her new little munchkin. Can''t wait to hear if it''s a boy or a girl!!!
That''s great about the amnio.

Thanks, I''m keeping mine crossed too.
I should be getting the results shortly.

Gee Jas, thanks...I''m no longer worried about chromosomal issues, but now I''ve got baby theft on my mind.


Mrs S, that is funny! The only thing I''ve done is forget my pilates appointment, which is a standing appointment every week since December. I''ve never been late, much less blown it off altogether. But that''s not as funny as your stories.

Thanks ladies...yes it''s a relief. Sophie, yup, I''m sure I don''t want gender on the report. I wonder what is making me not find out. It would be so easy to call the counselor back and say I want to know. It''s really strange that someone knows and I don''t. It was even weirder to think she was looking at the results right there, in front of her, and I was *this* close to being able to find out.

Ella, I can''t imagine how uncomfy you are. One tot seems like a lot of work, much less two. Hang in there girl!

Lili, keep us posted!
Tacori, we're thinking about you and baby T! Hope you're able to check in soon.

TGal: Great news about the amnio!

Lili: Will you be asking for the sex when you get the results? Fingers crossed everything looks great!

Jas: I've noticed that in a lot of birth plans I've read (from women in my other communities), they've included that the baby is not to be without one parent or the other for the entire hospital stay unless absolutely necessary. After hearing your story, I'll most likely be including that specific wish in mine!
Where oh where is Tacori????? I''m dying to hear from her!

Tgal: great news on the results!

Ella: sound so uncomfortable. I really feel for you was heck with one, I can''t imagine two babies!! Hang in there, you are doing great & you''ve earned the right to vent freely!

Mrs S: thanks for the giggle..your prego brain stories are great. Made me laugh.

Well, hung out with my new playgroup today. All kids Jake''s age...all here in my town. Part of the International MOMS club (all over the main site for a club in your area). It is so fun. Tons of activities each month, mom''s night out, charity events, Santa Brunch & Halloween parade (for entire community..not just us) and dues are $25 a year. Also, they brought meals to my house nightly for 2 weeks after Delaney was born. Talk about awesome! They divide the playgroups up into age appropriate smaller groups & we can be as involved or not as we choose. I really recommend moms groups for SAHM'' helps alleviate isolation, gets you around like minded women from your own community, and gives you something interesting to do that costs little or no money. For instance, this month my moms group is doing events at the local inflatable gym place (for preschoolers & up), an event at a gymnastics studio, story times at the library, mom & baby or mom & kid yoga, etc. Very very cool. And then we have the playgroups to boot. We''ve had pool parties, craft parties etc.

Anyhoo...check out to find one in your area...I love the town''s chapter is a blast.

Ok...jake & d are napping..time to groceries get delivered in an hour and I need to clean out my fridge.
ella- I'm so sorry you're feeling the aches. Being the home to two babies can't be easy, but it'll be worth it! *hugs*
oo diver, i soooooo second the mom''s club thing. ours it just awesome and we do many of the same things you all do. It really does help with the isolation and gives you a great chance to chat with other women while the kids just are so happy to run and play with each other.

tacori!!!! where are you girl? i can''t wait for you to check in to tell us how you are and what you decided to name your baby (code for what''s the sex?????)
Where, oh where is Tacori?! I''m guessing she gave birth either Saturday night or very early Sunday morning. If she had a c-section, she''ll probably be in the hospital till Thursday. While I''m dying to know if she had a boy or girl, I''m more concerned about how she''s doing. Yes, I''m a worrier by nature! I hope she''s ok and can''t wait to hear from her!
Jus'' checking in to see how Tacori and all the other mommies to be are doing!!
Tacori is really tiny, so I would not be surprised if she had to have a c-section. Of course, the doctors might have all been on the golf course over the weekend and made her wait until today. Ugh!

MrsS, it''s good to hear someone as young as you did something like that! After three kids, I think we all have those moments!
add me to the list of obsessively checking this thread for Tacori news! Hope you and BabyT are doing well, can''t wait to hear about it all!

Hi Ladies. Sorry it has taken me so long to check in. I haven't had a
chance to read any of the posts so I will have to catch up later. Thanks for
all the good wishes. I am STILL at the hospital. There were some
complications but baby is perfect and I will be fine. I did have a VB but
have developed an infection (they think it is a UTI, maybe my kidneys) and
have had a fever. Anyways I will post my birth story and all the details
soon. I promise. (Though it might scare the ladies TTC) I might have to stay
another night depending on my fever so I might not be able to sign back on
until Wed. (this internet connection goes in and out) but I didn't want you
all to worry.

By the way.....

IT'S A GIRL! 7 lbs 2 oz. 20 inches long. Full head of dark brown hair and
perfect (of course) Her name is Tessa Elizabeth. She was born on 11/3 at
12:48 PM."

Tacori says she is really is adorable and she will post pics when she gets home.


Congratulations S and J!!!!!

YAY! Welcome to the world, Tessa Elizabeth!

And congratulations, Tacori! I hope you''re healed and home soon with your baby girl!

YAY!!!!! Tacori, I am soooooo incredibly happy for you. I''m so sorry about your infection and fever but so happy baby Tessa is doing wonderful. Can''t wait to see pictures of your sweet precious girl. prayers heading your way for a super quick recover and that your fever will break so you can go home tomorrow. hugs sweet gal...

thanks so much DS for giving us the update
YAY Tacori!!! Congratulations!
Thanks for posting this DS!

A girl! YAAAY! What a beautiful name too...Tessa Elizabeth, I LOVE it!

Sounds like such a perfect baby. I hope you feel better Tacori and will be full strength to enjoy your bundle of love.

COngratulations Tacori!
Congrats Tacori, and welcome little Tessa! Hope you kick the infection quickly and get back home where you can be more comfortable. Can''t wait to see your gorgeous little bundle
Congratulations Tacori!!!!!
Enjoy your new little miracle.