
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

34 weeks!

hi everyone,
just wanted to pop in to say hello. it has been a LOOONG time since i've posted; things have been so incredibly busy. this pregnancy is absolutely flying by! can't believe i'll be 34 weeks tomorrow. we are letting out huge sighs of relief as i have been soft and dilated to 1 cm since about 27 weeks. i'm SLOWLY progressing (getting soft, shorter, and wider), and every day is a blessing! since i've been doing so well, i haven't been placed on strict bedrest which is WONDERFUL (last pregnancy i was on it from 26-36 weeks!). i'm supposed to be "resting as much as possible" (haha with a 21 month old!). only 1 trip to L&D a few weeks ago for spotting where i was given terbutaline to stop contrax (which stopped them for...oooh....maybe an hour or so!). tomorrow i'm off to see the cardiologist as i've been having terrible spells of my heart racing and feeling dizzy. i'm sure it's NOTHING, but my OB wanted to be sure... UGH

anyway, i'm LOVING the women look amazing!! i can't wait to meet the new babies!!
PUPP- i canNOT believe you're full term! best of luck!!
HH- i will also send you stay-put vibes! hope those pains subside for you. sounds like you had an amazing shower!
BB: you look amazing. i can't believe you have twins in there!!
Laila, Lanie, Noewl, and HouMed: thanks for posting pics too! beautiful!!

oh, and re: bottles: don't buy too many to start!! coby was a mess and refused to take a bottle after about 5 months or so. i tried basically every bottle known to man, but the stinker had no interest (only in mom!). unless you know you'll be exclusively FF, i would start with 1 of a couple different types to see if your baby has a preference and go from there...

sorry i missed a bunch of people! :wavey: :wavey:

Hi ladies...

Laila- You looks great! And I would say you are on the higher side at this point anyway. Perhaps it is a bit too early to be really carrying high or low, though.

noelwr- Cute cute belly home for your little girl! I bet you are feeling her move. Your description sounds very similar to my earliest feelings of baby movement.

HMG- You're getting a cute little belly too, but you might be right about a little less bloat. Cannot wait to hear about how much you loved the NT scan.. :love:

Lanie- Ahh the registry. I've been procrastinating there a TON, but it just sounds like so much work. We do have a running list of recommended products though, so it really should not be awful. It's so difficult to know what we will need though. I need to get it done ASAP regardless, as I have a crazy crazy summer of work coming and my Oct shower will be here before I know it.

HH- Your shower sounds like it was so nice! I bet the quilt is extra special. Gifts that people put so much thought and effort into mean so much. Sorry to hear about your rough nights, though. So not looking forward to those.

puppmom- Congrats on full term! Hope Nolan makes his appearance as soon as you are ready for him. The maternity shoot awkwardness sounds just like my hub and I would be.

Blushing- You look fabulous. Cannot remotely believe that there are two in there! Such a cute little belly.

SYTYCD...... hehe, I am a fan too! And totally miss Alex. sigh. Awful injury! The girls this season are so unimpressive.


I am officially past the halfway mark, a little over 20 weeks :appl: :appl: I am somewhat blessed to work a ton, because it is making the pregnancy FLY. Jumper is INSANE... I can feel him moving easily multiple times per hour, which seems somewhat unusual for 20 weeks. I am still awaiting the 2nd tri honeymoon. Perhaps it is simply too much to ask to not be tired after working for 26 hours straight, though. heh. Nausea is still with me daily, but does get slowly better still.

Still don't think the belly has really POPPED exactly, but is slowly looking more preggo. It's a little shocking to me though. I am so tiny and my abdomen just does not have much baby space! I took a photo over the weekend and will try to post it later.

It seems nuts to me that baby Jumper could potentially survive (though probably not WELL) outside of my belly in only one month. And speaking of which, a good family friend has just given birth to a 24 weeker after a complicated pregnancy. Thoughts and PS dust for this tiny little boy would be very much appreciated.
The 20 week belly...

Icekid--I can't believe you! Where are you hiding your bebe?!?! I bet people keep asking if you are sure you are pregnant!

Icekid - you look fantastic!! I agree, you haven't *popped* yet, but definitely filling out some!! But still so cute and compact for over 20 weeks! You must have some abs of steel in there!! hehehe!! I will definitely send prayers for your friend and her baby...a dear friend of mine gave birth to her boy at 25w0d back in February, and he did remarkably well (no cerebral hemorrhage at all, a little touch of ROP but not bad at all, a little touch of BPD but went home off oxygen). I will pray for the same for your friend's baby.

LIA - thanks so much! :) I hope your visit to the cardiologist is uneventful!!

Blushing - you look amaaaazing!! Can't believe you have 2 in there!! Such a beautiful bump!! :)

Noel - I bet it's so much fun to be able to feel your little lady kicking around in there!!

Re: full moon - I can testify to the fact that the newborn nursery at the county hospital where i work is definitely more busy around full moon time.

Pupp - yeah, I think you're right about the shirt making me look more "bumpy" last week, hehe! I also think there was some bloat involved as well....Zofran is wreaking havoc on my ability to poop like a normal person. Grrr. CONGRATS on full term!!! WOOHOOO!!! :appl:


NT scan today was sooooooooo much fun!!! :appl: :love: :appl: I could have spent all day watching our baby on that screen...he/she looks so cute and was soooo active!! The tech had a hard time getting the measurements because Peanut was squirming and kicking and jumping all over!! It's so weird to see all that movement going on and not feel it yet!

Peanut is measuring *slightly* ahead of dates now (12w3d by dates today, CRL was 12w6d at first measure and 12w4d at second measure, and BPD was 13w!). Heart is nice and strong, 165 beats per minute. Nuchal trans was 1.6 mm, which is well within normal range, and I didn't see anything abnormal looking on the scan.

Couldn't see "the junk" but they sent the Jack or Jill test (supposedly 99% accurate!) so we'll know if we're team pink or team blue in exactly 7-10 business days!! :)

First pic: profile (I think he/she has my profile, but maybe it's too soon to tell! hehe)

Next: profile with hand by mouth...

And finally....little bottom and long legs stretched out!

Houmedgal, that is a *cute* little bean you've got! How reassuring that everything looks good and you are moving out of the danger trimester. What kind of sex test did you send off for, btw? Inquiring minds want to know! Oh, and stool softener is your friend. TMI, didn't make me normal but did make me less miserably backed up. I will be sooooo glad when my digestive system/abdomen is my own again. Except for the people warning me about the LO being easier to take care of in the incubator. Tradeoffs :cheeky:

Icekid, congrats on the halfway mark! And that's a 20 week belly ?!? It'll be exciting to see it pop in the next few months! I remember *feeling* big at 20 weeks, but now I look at pictures of then and think hmm no. But give it a month or two...

BB, you look great! How is the belly doing with twins in there? 24-26 wks was when mine started to feel the strain of one.

LIA, so glad that you are doing well despite the contractions! And 34 weeks is great! Did you make it full term with Coby? Hope the heart is okay!

And since I have been woefully delinquent on BPF, here is a random picture from this weekend. Another wedding! Though this one was local and low stress :)

Hubs says I am now doing 'pregnant person things'. Like moving my legs way out of the way before bending over. And approaching the waddle at times. I have explained that he is not allowed to use the word 'waddle' to describe my personal locomotion, but he has found other ways to convey the meaning without using the word. He found it hilarious when I described losing my phone underneath the pedals while driving (it had been on my lap attached to the earpiece thingy but slid forward when I braked) and my *painful*/desperate efforts to safely retrieve it. Belly is just not that compressible! Sigh, phone goes in the cupholder now, I don't want to have to do that again!

One of our friends had their baby girl last week, three weeks early. All are doing fine, but I wasn't ready for them to move on to the next stage yet, haha. Can't believe it is only two more months to go here for us, give or take, and then BABY time.

I went to buy a bathing suit today as I am going to Singapore for work for 2 weeks and I plan to swim in the hotel pool every morning. I heard Obama stays at the same hotel I stay at, so I had to make sure if I run into him that I wasn't sporting a little bikini with a huge belly sticking out. haha. no, of course I bought the suit for myself and not for him. can you imagine a hippo squeezing into a purple bathing suit? that's kinda what it looks like. yikes!

icekid - half way there! I am jealous of your figure. I do love my baby bump, but I think it came way too early. if it would just stay this size the rest of the pregnancy I'd be happy, but now I can just "look forward" to being huge. you must have strong abdominal muscles. don't worry, I am sure Jumper is feeling quite cozy.

puppmom - what is a belly bud?

HOU - glad to hear the NT scan measurements went well. the bottom and legs pic would have been perfect to find out gender, but I can't see "junk" nor the 3 lines. well, 1.5 weeks at most to find out!

Cara - I love your dress!
Looking good ladies!!!!

Re: pumping at work. I did this for 3-4 months. It really wasn't that bad for me, but I have a private office. As for washing, Medela makes wipes for pump parts. So what I did was use the wipes at work and then wash everything at night. Easy peasy.
Thanks, China! I definitely want to nurse while I'm on leave (12 weeks) but thought I would just transition to formula when I went back to work but I would really like our baby to have the benefits of bm as long as possible. I'm really intimidated by breastfeeding so I've set mini goals for myself. Right now, I want to make it to 4 weeks as I hear that's when it becomes easier. My biggest concern is that I want to enjoy the little bit of time I have with Nolan before I go back to work so I don't want to dread BFing, KWIM?

Noel, belly buds ( are like ear phones that stick to your belly so you can walk around, etc.

Cara, great pic. You look fantastic! All belly!!

Hou, I'm so glad that your scan was fun. We loved ours too. It was so surreal seeing our baby moving all around.

Icekid, wow! Where oh where are you hiding that baby?

BB, wow, what a change! You look fantastic! I totally didn't realize I was *next*! Did you ever get to wear those formal dresses? i would love to see pics! Oh, and I'm another huge fan of Etsy. Most of the sellers will work with you too if you order multiple pieces from the same seller.

Lover, I'm glad things are going well. Not sure how you're supposed to rest with a toddler though! A friend of mine had a short, soft cervix 1-2cm dilated at 30 weeks and her little gal was born at 40w3d so you never know. I was kind of hoping that being 3cm dilated at 35w4d meant I wouldn't make it to my due date but all signs point to it not meaning much. Oh well, this kiddo HAS to come out sooner or later, right?

Allie, :wavey: I hope all is well over there!
Cara - you look fantastic as well! Our bumps look very similar! :appl: It's really cool having two babes inside movin' and groovin' - they are definitely very active, but I love it! I'm definitely doing the pregnant waddle AND moving my legs out of the way before bending - I actually, I rarely bend anymore, however my knees bend so, really I'm squatting to pick things up! ;))

Houmedgal - Thanks for compliment! Love the profile shot! I'm trying to look to see if I can tell what you're having from your last shot. Maybe a girl? I know it's too early to tell, but it's fun to guess!

Icekid - You have the makings of a bump, but no "pop" just yet! You probably look at yourself everyday waiting for something, but trust me, one day you'll wake up and then BAM - you've magically got a belly! Hope you start feeling better soon!

LIA - Wow - 34 weeks already!!?? It is flying by for you. I didn't know you can start dialating as early as 27 weeks. :o Interesting. Also, as for the cardiologist, I went a few weeks ago for similar reasons (including breathlessness). Everything checked out fine and as it turned out, all I needed was some iron since I was slightly anemic. Maybe that's the case for you too?

Curlygirl - great to see you popping over here! :wavey: How's my favorite NYC mom doing these days? ::)

HH and Mara - thanks for the Etsy recs!

PM - I do have some pics of me in the Isabella Oliver dress, but I have to remember to download them from my camera. Also, I must warn you that I'm pastey white and have major roots showing. Not the most flattering pics, but willing to sacrafice the highlights and tan for the babies!
Super fast but I wanted to comment!

HOU -- yay for so far, so good NT scan! Did you go in the room with the cool chandelier? Such cute pics!

Blushing and cara -- such cute bellies! I love both of y'alls dresses!!! Ditto request for Blushing to post your Isabella Oliver dress pics!
Lanie - yup, we were in the cool chandelier room! I *loved* having the big screen on the wall so I didn't have to crane my neck around to see the ultrasound screen!! Too cool!!!

Blushing - yeah, that pic was from when the tech was trying to get a potty shot, but the little booger wouldn't keep still enough or spread em wide enough for us to see!! hehe! However, we will know the results of the gender blood tests probably early-mid next week, so not much longer to wait!! :)

Noel - did you find a cute maternity bathing suit? I'm wondering if I need to get one or not....I have a non-maternity tankini that I bought kinda roomy when I found out I was preggo, but it's getting tighter and my belly is poking out the bottom a lot. I guess I'll probably end up getting a maternity suit at some point, since here in Houston we can continue to swim outdoors till pretty much October!

Cara, thank you!! I think the bean is pretty cute myself! ;) The blood gender test I was referring to is called the Jack or Jill test...basically they look for something called the SRY (sex determining region of Y chromosome) in maternal blood...if it's present, it's a boy, and if it's absent, it's a girl. Supposedly 98 or 99% accurate! Thanks for the stool softener advice...I have been taking 300mg of Colace nightly when I take my vitamins, and it has helped some. Not perfect, but at least I'm not totally backed up (just a little, LOL). BTW, you look fantastic, and I love your dress!! Super cute bump!! :appl: :appl: :appl:


So I spent way too much money in Motherhood Maternity today, but I got some really cute stuff that makes me feel good! :bigsmile: I am set for awhile...will prob need a few more work shirts once the belly really pops, but I've got enough to get me by for the next couple months I think!

Wow so much activity the past few days!

Seriously everyone looks SO great!! I still just look thick in the middle, so no cute preggo belly yet. I plan on taking a 16 week shot later this week though.

Lanie - you make me laugh RE: my son looking like your DH as a baby. I wonder if our DH's look similar because my son has a lot of my DH's In the past I definitely posted pics in the newborn thread. I haven't posted a pic of him recently. Here's 1 from a couple of weeks ago after he devoured tacos. He clearly loves his food...that he got from my DH too :cheeky:

Ooooh I love that! But not the price tag. I'll have to keep an eye on it to see if the price drops.
Hudson_Hawk said:
Ooooh I love that! But not the price tag. I'll have to keep an eye on it to see if the price drops.

I hear ya! I think we spent $75 on all of the art work in the nursery!

I would really appreciate some advice from the 3rd trimester ladies who have signed up for pregnancy courses. how am I supposed to do this all and still find time to relax with DH at night... our last nights together alone for a long time? my schedule in my 7th and 8th months in addition to my full-time job will look like this:

Monday evening: Pre-birth informational courses with DH, for 7 weeks in a row. Will cover everything from healthcare, to what to expect when giving birth, to breathing, to breastfeeding, etc. (1.5-2 hrs)

Wednesday evening: 1 hour aquanatal (swimming)

Friday evening: pregnancy yoga (1.5-2 hrs) for 8 weeks - very important for breathing techniques

In addition to that, I have a massage every 2 weeks to relax me and relieve my aches and pains.

Is that just going to be too much, especially when I'm going to feel so heavy and tired? I am thinking of maybe doing the swimming every week up until then, and then do it every other week, but if I then alternate with the massage, that is still 3 week nights I am not relaxing at home. Is this all realistically doable or not?
noel-your 7 week course, is it a specific course like the Bradley Method or is it just regular courses offered by the hospital?

I ask because if it is a regular course offered by the hospital then 7 weeks is a bit much. We did a 2 day course (Saturday and Sunday all day) 2 weeks before my daughter arrived and by the end of day 1, I felt like most of it was common sense. The breathing techniques was what was the most helpful for me but because it was so basic, I didn't need more than 2 days worth. And since you are also doing yoga that will help with breathing techniques then a scaled down course is ok.

Of course if you're doing something like Bradley, then just ignore :)
I don't think two-three nights at home is too little, but ultimately only you can make that call. However, I will say that so far the third trimester has definitely not been as energetic as the second. I still have bursts of energy and it's not as bad as the first, but there are definitely days where I'm half asleep at my desk by noon and my house hasn't been cleaned in 2 weeks. It's not like I CAN'T do stuff because of lack of energy, it's more my motivation is gone or its easier to make excuses and procrastinate.

You need to decide what's important to you and prioritize accordingly. Even if you plan to stick with your existing schedule, identify the things that are absolute musts, like the childbirth classes and things that you could skip if you felt you needed another night off. Ours are one night a week for two hours and the class runs for five weeks. There are other classes like CPR and breastfeeding that we will take, but those are one or two nights, versus five weeks.

Also, I know a lot of people talk about feeling heavy and tired and hot all the time during the third trimester, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will. I personally don't. Sure I have my moments where I feel like a hippo or I need to take a break and sit down for a minute, but for the most part I feel really really good. I'm also still sleeping really well at night (knock on wood). Just take the next few months one day at a time and go by how your body is feeling, not how others are feeling or how they say you should feel.
Noel, wait until you add bi-weekly then weekly doctor appointments to the schedule! Seriously though, it was a struggle for me as I was doing prenatal yoga one night, DH has band rehearsal two nights and, on the fourth night we have the doctors. That left us with Fri, Sat and Sun. It's hard sometimes. I ultimately stopped yoga because it was 7-8:30 and some days I could barely keep my eyes open on the way home from work let alone drag my butt to yoga. I've actually felt more tired since I stopped yoga - it could be my growing belly but I think it has more to do with missing the benefits of yoga. I highly recommend doing that as long as you can.

For DH and I, we ended up taking the one day *crash-course* variety instead of the once per week for 3-4 weeks. That's not ideal either as you're hanging out in childbirth class ALL day Saturday or Sunday.
Hmm, Noel, I'm a month into the third tri and am definitely needing more sleep, and walks/exercise type things take more of an effort. My exercise quota has been reduced to a measly amount of walking I squeeze in during the day, and I am often too burnt out by the time I get home to do much more. I also have been getting some uterine cramping with exertion. However, I think I could take an evening 1-2 hr informational class if I was properly fed :)

As to whether or not you need aquanatal AND yoga AND massage, well that's up to you. I'd classify the aquanatal (and possibly the yoga, depending on its balance of meditation to poses) as pregnancy-appropriate exercise not an 'informational class' - so I'd try to get one of those in just for exercise if you aren't getting it in elsewhere. Of course if you can get dinner/snacks around those classes. ;)) Priorities!

I wish I could motivate to get to the pool a few nights a week (but often dinner + couch win out!) so I personally would sign up for the aqua-class and skip the yoga class if it is just breathing/meditation focused since that's not my thing. However, if you are into yoga or want to practice breathing for the birth, then prioritize that instead! The massages sound totally like a bonus (though I do know a woman who claimed it was a necessity!), so if you are on the fence or scheduling them is making you stressed out, I'd skip that or scale them back to once a month or so.

Just for reference, we are signed up for a birth class through the hospital this weekend (2x4hrs), and a newborn care class some weekend in the future (3 hrs), and a breastfeeding class on a weeknight (2 hrs). That sounded like a lot to me, but I guess its a lot less than some people sign up for!
we did a newborn class (2.5 hours), a birth class (3 hours) and a breastfeeding class (2.5 hours) over the span of the last 4-6 weeks.

i know some people who did the full 8 hour day class which pretty much covered all of the above in one session but we preferred it broken up like this and the classes were free through our hospital. honestly it was all we needed. everything else you just figure out on your own. 7 weeks sounds crazy long!!!
Hudson_Hawk said:
I don't think two-three nights at home is too little, but ultimately only you can make that call. However, I will say that so far the third trimester has definitely not been as energetic as the second. I still have bursts of energy and it's not as bad as the first, but there are definitely days where I'm half asleep at my desk by noon and my house hasn't been cleaned in 2 weeks. It's not like I CAN'T do stuff because of lack of energy, it's more my motivation is gone or its easier to make excuses and procrastinate.

You need to decide what's important to you and prioritize accordingly. Even if you plan to stick with your existing schedule, identify the things that are absolute musts, like the childbirth classes and things that you could skip if you felt you needed another night off. Ours are one night a week for two hours and the class runs for five weeks. There are other classes like CPR and breastfeeding that we will take, but those are one or two nights, versus five weeks.

Also, I know a lot of people talk about feeling heavy and tired and hot all the time during the third trimester, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will. I personally don't. Sure I have my moments where I feel like a hippo or I need to take a break and sit down for a minute, but for the most part I feel really really good. I'm also still sleeping really well at night (knock on wood). Just take the next few months one day at a time and go by how your body is feeling, not how others are feeling or how they say you should feel.


I used to read this thread before the move to Pricescope 2.0, but hadn't "found" it since the move. You are one of the pregnant women of whom I did not want to lose track. I am glad that I did not miss your labor and delivery! Maybe now that I found this thread I can look back and see who gave birth recently and if anyone new joined the thread. I am glad to see you again!

pregnancy class schedule

aw, thanks ladies for all your feedback.

well, we will already miss the 1st week of the childbirth courses because we will be on vacation. anyway, this course is actually for English-speaking expats in Holland who need more info on what you can expect for childbirth here. I picked it because it's in English so DH can go, too. it covers:
1. Dutch maternity system/healthcare - we will miss this one, anyway
2. what methods of pain relief are available and their pros and cons
3. how to create a birth environment to assist a successful labour - breathing, massage, positions
4. breastfeeding
5. induction and what this means medically
6. caesarian, and time management with a newborn
7. life after birth (changes to mom's body, post natal depression, sex, cot death, colic, etc)

I think it all sounds quite interesting, plus you pay for it as a whole package so I want to get my money's worth. but like HH said, I will see how it all goes and how I feel. I'll probably give up the swimming because it starts at 8 pm!!! or maybe I can find a different class on the weekends. I'll just plan my midwife appointments to be during office hours so that I don't have to tap even more into my own time (but thanks puppmom - I forgot about those!). luckily I don't have to clean my house because we've got a guy we pay to do that, but I still have to do laundry... well, there's no reason DH can't do it.
We just did a 4 1/2 hour prenatal parenting class this past Saturday (it covered everything from swaddling, breastfeeding, bathing and everything in between). We are also signed up for 3 additional classes for multiples called "Preparation for Parenthood" - those are two hours each. All are through our hospital however, they weren't free - we had to pay $300 for them (jealous that Mara got hers for nothing).

7 weeks also sounds very long to me!
AGBF said:
Hudson_Hawk said:
I don't think two-three nights at home is too little, but ultimately only you can make that call. However, I will say that so far the third trimester has definitely not been as energetic as the second. I still have bursts of energy and it's not as bad as the first, but there are definitely days where I'm half asleep at my desk by noon and my house hasn't been cleaned in 2 weeks. It's not like I CAN'T do stuff because of lack of energy, it's more my motivation is gone or its easier to make excuses and procrastinate.

You need to decide what's important to you and prioritize accordingly. Even if you plan to stick with your existing schedule, identify the things that are absolute musts, like the childbirth classes and things that you could skip if you felt you needed another night off. Ours are one night a week for two hours and the class runs for five weeks. There are other classes like CPR and breastfeeding that we will take, but those are one or two nights, versus five weeks.

Also, I know a lot of people talk about feeling heavy and tired and hot all the time during the third trimester, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will. I personally don't. Sure I have my moments where I feel like a hippo or I need to take a break and sit down for a minute, but for the most part I feel really really good. I'm also still sleeping really well at night (knock on wood). Just take the next few months one day at a time and go by how your body is feeling, not how others are feeling or how they say you should feel.


I used to read this thread before the move to Pricescope 2.0, but hadn't "found" it since the move. You are one of the pregnant women of whom I did not want to lose track. I am glad that I did not miss your labor and delivery! Maybe now that I found this thread I can look back and see who gave birth recently and if anyone new joined the thread. I am glad to see you again!


Awww AGBF you're so sweet! Thank you for checking in. Aidan and I are still here, plugging along at 31 weeks.
This is going to sound weird, but does anyone feel like they're in a state of constant pap smear-like poking? I don't know what Aidan is doing today but I feel like I'm experiencing the longest PS of my life right now. Is my cervix really that fun to play with?
BB...we have Kaiser and I swear they were SO FRIGGIN AWESOME with pre-natal and post-partum stuff. Honestly I had the best experience I could have expected being pregnant, delivering and healing etc etc. I never would have expected it either since their regular care can be really random.

Lanie, re your Q on the other thread. I told my mom and sister, the two who would be in total contact with J all the time other than me and G to be sure they got their boosters. They already had in their last tetanus shots so we were fine. I also felt comfortable with friends seeing him because I would just stress ... make sure you aren't sick kind of thing and all my friends had no issue with it. When people came over they'd go oohh baby and we'd ask...oh can you wash your hands before holding him? No one had an issue with it, a few people might have made a joke or two, but I didn't really care. We also kept Purell around the house and would use it anytime before we touched the babe or his stuff. I know that some would say oh that just makes it more dangerous for exposure to germs later, but I figured hello this kid is newly born we can be a little over cautious and then eventually he will be exposed to more of course.

I tried not to be 'paranoid' about stuff because really SO many things can happen that you really can't focus on any of it and stay sane. But I just tried to be smart where applicable and not too overly cautious--we took him out and covered his car seat with an A&A blanket, we didn't let strangers touch him, if we showed him to someone it was from a distance.

The biggest issue with pertussis is that people can be carriers, so even if they have their shot they can come in contact with someone sick, not get sick themselves BUT then pass it to the baby. But once I knew that I thought well realistically unless we shut ourselves and the baby in our house for 8 weeks then it won't make sense. AND even since then, I found out that the first shot doesn't just create 'total protection'. They get a series of shots, one at 2mo, 4mo, 6mo, 12mo and then I think 2 years. So it is what it is really.

Hope this helps!