
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I still don't have time to play catch up yet but wanted to say Thank you to all of you for your good thoughts and prayers. Lily had an SVT episode today that I caught out of Mother's Intuition. She was sleeping peacefully and just a little gaggy (she hadn't burped real well) and I ran my hand over her chest and couldn't identify her heartbeat because is was just humming. I grabbed my stethoscope and she was so fast I couldn't count it. I had DH try to count it and as he was, she converted on her own. Her heartrate went from 250+ down to 190. We called the card and they increased her medication. We'll start the new dosage tonight so hopefully we'll avoid any further episodes. It is very scary and we can use all the prayers you have to offer.

I did peruse your beautiful bellies Mamas! You all look great!

Pupp~ You're coming up so quick!! Hope you're comfortable these last couple weeks!
Shiny, I can't believe I'm next. I hope I have some good news for everyone soon!

I'm back with my BPF. I wish I wasn't scared to show my face because it kind of ruins my photos but here are two from our shoot this past weekend.

ETA - Noel - I think you can only get the belly buds online.


I'm on my way to the airport soon and then get to look forward to a 14 hour flight. boo... will log in once in a while in Singapore to check how you ladies are doing

puppmom - your pics are great, and I'm sure your face doesn't ruin your photos.
Pupp - I love your maternity pics!!! They are so nice.

Noel - you look great! I seriously can't wait to look preggo :bigsmile:

Lynnie - looking good (and tiny!!).
CDT: Wanted to reply to your post over here......I barely had time to fb you asking what made you decide to try so soon and BAM knocked up also! :bigsmile:

Ok, back to lurking for a bit longer.
Pupp, your maternity pics are awesome!

Morning ladies, happy Monday.
pupp -- your pics are fantastic! Love the owl in the tree!!! I bet you are so excited that it's almost here. I have just over 20 week left and I feel like that's an eternity.

tao -- Congrats! That was super fast!

Love the belly pics ladies! I'll post one this Friday.

I'm feeling some big time pulls and stretches whenever I get up to move around after being in the same position for awhile, i.e. lying on the couch watching TV. I guess it's the round ligament pain everyone keeps talking about, but man, does it hurt sometimes! I hope it's my uterus moving upwards because having it low lying and being on pelvic rest for the past 9 weeks has NOT been fun. :Up_to_something:

Are you ladies having any wild dreams? I know it's common to dream weirdness while preggo, but I've had now 3 dreams where my husband leaves me! I wake up very upset, and I always tell him about it the next morning, and he thinks it's really funny, and now every night when we go to bed, he tells me he'll try his hardest not to break up with me. He would never in a million years do anything like that, and it's not sexual, or cheating, just that he has fallen out of love with me. Last night he left me for my college roommate (whom he's never met) because they were partnered up in a computer class project. I wonder if I have this Freudian deep lying fear of being pregnant and alone??? Or that he doesn't love my new "condition"? :cheeky: He thinks me and my belly are so cute, and he talks and kisses my belly all the time, so I don't know what my deal is!
Lanie-I had a very similar dream. FI had left me for another woman and said he just didn't love me anymore. I was crushed and cried when I woke up! I also had a dream that I went in for an u/s and the tech said I was lied to and was actually having a boy. I woke up crying from that one too lol (not that I wouldn't have wanted a boy but I was only a couple of weeks away and had already grown attached to my little GIRL heehee). Normal!
ditto Fiery. weird preggo dreams are normal!!! i had all sorts of ridiculous dreams, like ridiculously strange dreams. i would wake up disturbed or upset, i think i also dreamt that G was cheating on me and left me, i had multiple (like 4-5 times) dreams where the baby came REALLY early and something was wrong, one where he came out at 12 weeks and i 'stored' him in the closet for him to continue to mature and grow in there (umm yeah that one was so bizarre), really vivid sexual dreams :o etc etc.

I wish I was dreaming... or just sleeping. hello from Singapore where I am seriously jet-lagged. got nauseous in taxi ride to office: too much jerky movements stop and go. then after lunch I was so tired, hot and light-headed, that I lay down on a little bed they have in a quiet little room on the floor I'm sitting on (which is very lucky - I don't think they have it on any other floor or in any of our other 2 buildings). I did that for 30 min and felt better afterwards. really hope to sleep tonight. I miss DH. :-( don't think I want to take any more business trips after this.
Noel I can't believe you're in Singapore right now. Holy long flight batman!

32 weeks today ladies!! Hard to believe I'll be considered full term in only 5....
Just popping in to say hello. 38 weeks and going strong. In the family pool, I predicted Nolan would be born on the 29th - wishful thinking I guess! :bigsmile: If he isn't here yet, I have a doc appt on Thursday and I'll find out if I made any progress. Besides feeling HUGE, I'm feeling okay just *ready*.

Thanks everyone for the compliments on the pics. I can't wait till Nolan is born and we get more!

Noal, Singapore? Wow!

HH, I can't believe you're 32 weeks already. I was so excited last week when I reached full term but I haven't been motivated at work since then. When any day could be your last, it's hard to work.

Lanie, I haven't had a lot of dreams this pregnancy but I recently dreamt that I was in labor and had to ROLLER SKATE to the hospital!

Tao, congrats! Tao and CDT, How far apart in age are Lex and Evan (gosh I hope I got their names right - my brain isn't working properly these days!)? These two will be pretty darn close too!
Noel - wow singapore! I'd be homesick too, hope you don't have to stay too long!

HH - yay on 32 weeks!

Tao - I'm still so excited for you :bigsmile: We are certainly going to have our hands full!

Pupp - I believe Evan is about 9 months now, Lex is just about 14 months. So we will have a similar age gap w/ the kiddos, I think Tao's kiddos will be about 17 months apart, Lex will be 19 months when baby #2 is born for me! So we have clearly both lost our minds :bigsmile:
Yup, CDT is correct. E is nearly 9 months. And yup, we've clearly lost our minds (or we will in 2011!)

I just realized that I put in the wrong info for my due date...I'm actually due April 1st. If this date were to stick (I doubt it) and by some miracle I also gave birth on the date...I would have two holiday babies (Halloween and April Fool's) haha.

Back to lurking.....

I slept much better last night! and I dreamt that I was swimming with my colleagues (because we have some pool party BBQ on Saturday) and that I was super buoyant due to my pregnant tummy!

heard that one of the ladies at the office (not someone I know really well) just lost her baby at 8 months pregnancy. can't imagine what hell she's going through. :((

HH - is 37 weeks considered full term? interesting. I thought 40. can't believe you're so close already!

puppmom - roller skate to the hospital??? that is hilarious!
While 40 weeks is the average gestational end of pregnancy, here in the states the medical community says you're "full term" after 37 weeks. This accounts for different rates of growth, miscalculations of due dates and other things. Obviously it's not ideal to deliver before 40 weeks but they don't consider your baby premature between 37 and 40.
Shiny - your birth story with Lily is unimaginable!!! :nono: :o :(( ;( You show tremendous strength and I wish you, your DH and Lily all the best as she continues to improve. Please know that you are doing all you can for her and she's without a doubt, in the best hands! While you are taking care of her, don't forget to take care of yourself too!

Tao - welcome and congrats again!!!
BTW - anyone know where Snlee has been? Hope she's doing well!
Hi everyone!

First I wanted to say congrats to shiny! My heart aches thinking about what you had to go through when Lily taken away so soon after birth. I am so glad she's home with you now.

Blushing, thanks for thinking of me. I haven't been on PS lately. Things have been crazy here. Contractions have been getting worse. At 23 weeks, I started working part time and was put on meds. At 26 week, I went on bedrest. At 29 weeks, yesterday, I went to my reg OB appt and was SHOCKED that I was 1 cm dilated and significantly shortened. Drs have been monitoring me every week with either an u/s for cervical length or fFN test (thankfully all have been neg). I had to check into L&D right away! A week ago my cervix was around 2.7cm and yesterday it was only 1.1-1.3, with some funneling. Not good. I'm getting steroid shots to help baby's lungs develop and they upped my meds. The hep lock, shots, meds, internals, and constant monitoring is no fun but I'm hanging in there! Baby is doing well, moving around a ton! I'm in the hospital for a least 2 nights. Things are very up in the air. So that's what's going on with me. Hope everyone is doing well!
Oh geeze snlee! Please keep your legs closed for the next few weeks! I kid....I hope things slow down for you soon.
Snlee, that all sounds so stressful! I just wanted to chime in that I had a friend that was 1-2cm at 30 weeks as well as a shortened cervix. Her little girl ended up being born AFTER her due date. Sending lots of baby baking dust your way!
There you are! I was worried about you! ::) Hang in there sweetie - your baby girl still needs to bake!
Pupp~ Just in case my PSing is sporadic over the next couple weeks, I want to wish you luck and easy L&D! That would be so funny if you do go on the 29th!

HH~ Wow, you're so close too! Time flies!

Noel~ OY! I didn't realize you were still taking business trips! I imagine they're getting a bit stressful! Hope you get to see your DH soon!

Snlee~ Lots of anti-labor dust to you! Keep that baby in there!

Thank you again for all of your good thoughts for our family. I love PS! :love: We're doing really well now. The meds are doing their job and Lily is finally sleeping better at night. JT is loving being a brother and is quite a little man. DH returned to work today so I'm in for the long haul tonight. (he doesn't get home until 4am) Luckily, she's a good eater and is getting to be a better sleeper!

I hope you're all feeling well!!
Oh snlee I hope your baby girl keeps baking for awhile! what an ordeal! How are you holding up?

Tao, congrats! Yes, you and cdt have clearly lost your minds, though at least you have some recent experience that should have educated you about what you are signing up for. My friend often says that at two, the kids have the parents outnumbered but it should be lots of fun!

There are some teeny second-tri-ers on the other page! Just relish it while it lasts. Noel, don't feel bad, you have a cute 18 wk belly.

Puppmom, you look great, as does your nursery decal! Only a few more weeks, eh? Or not if the baking works?

SS, glad Lily is doing better on the meds.

Anyway, here I am typing in the middle of the night. Had to get up and have a snack :sick:, alas. Just ticking away at 32 weeks, baby gifts have been arriving by mail (yay!), and we went to birth class last weekend. Well, we went to half of it, it was HORRIBLE. Oh my gosh, talk about painfully horrible classtime. Hubs and I barely made it through the first 4 hours, and bailed on the second. Instead we destroyed our house, rearranging furniture, emptying our crap out of the baby's room and shampooing the rug, etc. Now we have an empty nursery, ready for furniture to arrive! If only UPS can figure out how to deliver a 200 lb dresser to a second floor apartment - the UPS local manager guy keeps complaining to me about how hard his job is and that he can't get two people together at the same time to deliver this thing. Nor can they deliver after work or on Saturdays. I even took off work earlier this week to meet them and they bailed on me - not sure why they agree to ship things they can't deliver, but this is ridiculous.

We didn't quite manage to put the house back together before the workweek began and have been living in rearranged detritus. And even though the first half of the birth class was sorely lacking in any useful information, I am still nervous I 'missed' something. Haha. I should get over it. I can't believe we paid money for that, it was worse than elementary school sex ed. Totally wrong level of information. I didn't think I had been reading much on birth, but maybe just keeping up w/ ps has me somewhat educated on what to expect. Or the class is totally useless, which I guess is more likely. I am hoping breastfeeding and infant care class are slightly more useful, but I guess I should lower my expectations!
Hi everyone. I think I can finally come and join the real preggo thread. We had our 12 week scan today and all is looking good. I think it is finally sinking in that this one is a keeper and that we will have a little one in early February!
CARA! I've been thinking about you lately because we're so close in due dates. How are you feeling (other than the necessary nocturnal feedings)?

We had our first baby class last night. We're doing the 5 week course and I have to say I was nervous going in because we'll be 37 weeks along when we finish. I thought we might be cutting it a little close. Um...I was the second latest due date in the class, everyone else is due in very late Aug to mid-September! I had to ask if the instructor had ever had someone go into labor during class, some of these ladies are going to be right up against 40 weeks when we're done. It's a small group, only about 7 couples, but everyone seems pretty cool and we're all in the same general age group which is nice. DH and I live about 30 minutes away from work and friends so it's nice to think we could come out of this with a few local friends to hang out with. Anyway, yea, the information was pretty basic and most of it I knew already. I think we're going to get into the more interesting/important stuff in the later classes. Because of work and travel, DH hasn't really had time to do any of his own reading and research into what's going on and will happen so I think it's important for him to take the class. I've also asked him to take the Daddy Bootcamp class because it'll give him an opportunity to talk to other dads about the early days after the baby is born. I told him it wasn't a class, but a GTG with other guys where they swap war stories. And I'm going to do the breastfeeding class and we need to take CPR.

Question for second time moms, when do we have to take CPR? I've been trained in infant CPR in the past (last year actually) so I'm confident I'd know what to do in the event of an emergency, but DH hasn't. However, we've got so much going on in the next 8 weeks I feel like throwing one more class in might be tough. Is this something we could do in the weeks following birth?

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Welcome Geri and Tao! Did I miss anyone else??
HH, we did the CPR class before the baby came--just figured there would be less time and/or inclination (due to sleep deprivation!) to do anything like that once the baby had arrived! We actually had the instructor come to our house rather than doing a group class and I think it was the smartest thing to do because DH and I could both focus and get one on one attention. To me, the CPR was way more important than the birthing classes. I totally zoned out in those so having the private CPR lesson forced me to really pay attention. It's good that you already know how to do it but DH should certainly learn. If you think he'll make time to do it after the baby arrives, I don't think it would be an issue.
Here is my early BPF contribution. Feeling like a whale! I got my first "You look so big, are you sure its not twins?" comment.

Allie - you look fantastic!! :appl: Ignore the comments from others - it's unbelievable what comes out of some people's mouths! :rolleyes:

Cara - glad to see you! Sounds like your baby class was just awful - sorry to hear that! But, we would've done the same thing you guys did if it was that bad. Hopefully, your other classes are more informative for you. Best of luck preparing the nursery and getting things organized!

Just wanted to announce that today I am officially 28 weeks, 7 months and in the 3rd trimester!!!! :appl: :appl: Also, my baby shower is next weekend which I'm very excited about! I can't believe it's just around the corner!

BTW - DH and I completely changed our baby names since the last time I mentioned them to all of you. We are going to keep them a surprise, but I will say that our girl's name happens to be the screen name of one of the preggo mamas - total coincidence of course! Anyway, we just had certain issues with our original names that continued to bother us so, that's why we changed them. Now, we both feel comfortable with the first and middle names which is great (I would hate it if one of us still had doubts over the names). YAY!!! :appl:

I'm off from work tomorrow, but have two Drs. appts. lined up which means no PS for me so, hope everyone has a great weekend! :wavey: