
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks Vesper and Hudson regarding late ultrasounds! The reason I asked is because I've already had 5 ultrasounds and I'm only 22 weeks. I really would prefer to not have anymore unless medically necessary. I know they are supposed to be perfectly safe, but I have read some things that say it's still best to minimize baby's exposure to ultrasounds unless they are absolutely needed. Anyone else worry about this? Or am I the only cukoo paranoid nut? :lol: :wacko:

Thanks Lanie! :wavey: Can't wait to see your latest pic! I bet you look adorable.

Hudson, your bump looked compact during much of your pregnancy but you definitely look preg now!! Almost done, how exciting! :appl:
I don't worry about it but I'm a verrrrrrrry laid back mommy to be.
Hudson_Hawk said:
I don't worry about it but I'm a verrrrrrrry laid back mommy to be.

Just as I suspected, I'm a nut. :bigsmile: I need to get waaay more relaxed about this whole pregnancy thing.
Laila, my doc said more ultrasounds are not standard after the 20-weeker, but you might get one to check something (baby size, position, etc.) In my case, I am getting one more to check the placenta as it was low. BUT I don't think there is much evidence out there that ultrasounds need to be avoided or cause any kind of harm.

LV, is there a way you can schedule with the same doctor each time? I also go to a huge medical facility w/ ~8 OB care providers, but I decided early on I wanted to just see one doc when possible. I know I will get whomever is on call for delivery but I wanted continuity of care for the prenatal visits if possible. I've had a handful of appointments with other people when I couldn't get one with my regular, but most have been with my regular. It has made me feel a lot better about my care at the big group practice. And while my appointments aren't long, there is ~5 minutes of all the standards stuff (weight, pee in a cup, measure belly, listen to heartbean, ask about new symptoms) and then there is 5 minutes of standing around with the doctor asking me and husband if we have any more questions. And we scratch our brains trying to come up with something. So even though the doc does run out the door after 10-15 minutes usually, we don't feel rushed or like we didn't get a chance to discuss things. Everything we have wanted to talk about has gotten ample attention. When I dealing with a non-OB medical issue pre-pregnancy, jumping around between different GPs taking whomever had a convenient appointment didn't give me the best feeling in the world. If your current place isn't set up to allow you to consistently see someone, maybe a smaller practice is in order.

Also on appointments, for my practice they are once a month starting at 8 weeks normally, but I squeezed my first one in around 6 weeks. Then go to biweekly at 32 weeks, and then weekly at 36 weeks. Plus some extra visits to the lab or radiology department for scheduled scans (NT, anatomy.) HTH.

AFM, I'm doing well. 34 weeks! Go through phases where I feel too big and uncomfortable, but then the next day I feel okay. And I'm still often a little nauseous in the mornings after breakfast (I actually threw up this weekend for the first time! I think it just caught me off-guard) but thankfully the prilosec has been keeping the heartburn at bay most of the time.

We got our baby furniture last week and now the nursery has some bones to it! And the shower this weekend was really nice, good to see everyone and good cake and fun to get more baby stuff. People are so nice! There were two new baby boys there - a 9 week old and a 7 week old - so it was good to see what we are in for! Everyone warned me that we would be inundated with baby clothes, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Don't get me wrong, we have a fair number but I'm not sure we have the appropriate distribution of sizes and styles. Though maybe we will get some hand-me-downs from the two baby boys :Up_to_something: We still have a few things to buy like the crib mattress and diaper pail and such, so I am trying to work on those items while holding off on things for later.
Laila - I think you are right: we are belly twins! here is a pic of naked humungoid belly. excuse the fat roll.

Just a quick note and I'll do more catching up later!

Cruising along here and nearly 24 weeks! Wow. My little man is getting big and strong. When he is active, he makes my belly move from the outside. It seems pretty wild :cheeky: though my little sister says it is creepy hahaha. And I can feel him from the outside nearly every time he moves around, and he FINALLY gave it up for hubby and kicked his hand multiple times over the weekend. So cute.

Off to work... :knockout:
Cara, thanks for weighing in about the ultrasounds!

Noel, belly twin, looking fabulous mama! :appl:
Laila and Noel, You guys both look amazing!

Laila, Yes, I cannot wait for the anatomy scan! I've been thinkng about this for so long! I can't believe it's finally tomorrow! Hey, I thought of you today at my doctor's appointment. The doctor said I probably won't have any ultrasounds after tomorrow. That's fine with me! I am happy enough just to hear the heartbeat!

Cara, Thanks for chiming in on the dr's visits. It is the practice's policy to have the patient see each doctor at least once. They really push this, so I don't think I have an option. I will definitely ask if I have future issues with the other drs. I really, really liked my dr today. Can't wait to see your nursery pics!!!! What kind of furniture did you get?


Fortunately, I really liked the doctor I saw today. He was very nice and patient. When he came in, he introduced himself, sat down, and asked "what question do you have for me today." I was like -- is he reading my PS posts? j/k. Everything is going well. 18 weeks today. He answered all of my questions, very thoroughly. I mentioned my occasional chest pain to him, but told him that I was sure it was anxiety, and that it generally goes away very quickly with some focused deep breathing. He was completely unphased by it. So, of course, I get back to the office, and feel severe chest pain, worse than what I've experienced in the past. I had to shut my door and try to open up my chest, stretching and breathing. Gone in a few minutes. So, I made an apptmnt with my regular physician. Maybe she will order testing, or maybe not. Better safe than sorry, I figure.
LV, that is what my practice's official policy is too. Actually it is worse than that, they try to have you alternate between the NP and a doctor for each visit, so then since they want you to see all the doctors in the practice that would mean extremely few visits with whomever is your official OB over the pregnancy. I didn't mesh well with the NP after my prior miscarriage, so I asked if I could have all my visits for this pregnancy with a doctor and they said yes! Apparently I am not the only one to make such a request, they noted it on my record and haven't pressured me to change that decision. I also decided not to make an effort to schedule appointments with all the docs in the practice - I figure one short appointment woln't make a huge difference in terms of how well I know the doctor come delivery time - I'd rather have continuity of care for the prenatals. I have had a few appointments with other doctors (and one with the NP, who was perfectly fine for that standard appt) when my doctor was fully booked on a given week, so I estimate I will have met half of the people that might deliver me by D-day. Anyway, you can always ask. See what they say.

So all the furniture is unpacked (thank you husband and MIL!) but the baby stuff has not been properly arranged yet. Most is still in a duffel or in a big pile from the shower! We got the Uptown furniture by Baby Cache from BRU - ordering was the hugest hassle but now that it is here I'm glad we stuck it out! The wood is really nice, and I think the set is very similar to the Urban line by Munire (I think Baby Cache is a cheaper/exclusive line made by Munire for BRU). They were basically out of stock of the crib and changing table/dresser for months - they wouldn't even let you backorder it or put your name on a list! Sometimes it would show up online as available from a particular store for a few hours, but by the time we showed up at the store and asked to order it, it was out again. They seem to be back in stock now. And we also got an XL dutailier glider from BRU, that was really spoiling ourselves. We could have gotten one of the standard size gliders on craigslist for way less as there are literally hundreds available, but we are tall people and the XL one is tall enough for us to lean our heads back in while the regular sized ones are just a bit short for that. I hope we appreciate it in the months to come! It does take up a little more of the room than I was anticipating.

The LO has been superactive these last few days! Hopefully getting stronger! Also seems to be in a more consistent position, with hand-like chatter low and to the left, and kicks up and to the right. Still no progress on names... though the shower did yield about 50 'suggestions' on the suggestion board - some more likely than others ;)) I think Alpha, Tiger, Angus, and Tofu are out. The votes by attendees were tied between Julian and Luka - though I don't think that DH and I are quite the right ethnicity to pull off Luka for our son. Julian might have been favored because the 4 yro sister of one of the new baby boys was pushing for that name for her brother, but her parents had other ideas :)) . SO HARD is the naming - anyone else having lots of trouble with names?
Cara, Interesting, I will have to ask then because I really liked the doctor today, and as it turns out, my next appointment is with him as well. Good to know. The furniture is very nice! I think I remember you told us previously that it was a hassle to order it. It's going to feel great once everything is in its proper place! I love the name "Luka" by the way. I suggested it to my DH, but he rejected it. There have been so many boy names tossed about. Boy names are so hard!
Noel – congrats on a good anatomy scan! That must be a great relief. You’re going to have a beautiful healthy baby girl. I think it’s a good thing that she moves so much! Your company has a great maternity leave policy. Thanks for your comments re my belly. I am short and short-waisted, though, so the baby has nowhere to go but up in my ribs and out, probably way out – it will be interesting. I can't really imagine it.

Split shank – you’ve inspired me to do planks!

Mara, thanks! I think he’s so cute in that shot with his arms curled up in front of his face.

Laila, how exciting to feel baby kicking! Great belly! Everything I’ve read says ultrasounds are safe, but if you don’t have a medical reason to have another one, maybe you can request not to.

Icekid, that must be really neat to see your belly move from the outside.

LV, can’t wait to hear about your anatomy scan! My practice is about 8 doctors too, and you can see whomever you want. My OB books up fast, so I’m only getting to see her for the first time at 15 weeks – I had to make that appointment 2 months in advance. When she’s not available I see a NP or another dr. I don’t really feel like she’s “my” OB since I’m probably going to end up seeing her for fewer than ½ my visits and I haven't seen her yet. Any of the doctors could be the one delivering. My visits are not as long as Mara described; I still feel a bit rushed but I have a feeling it would be hard to find a private practice that is not like that. I didn’t receive a schedule of appointments, but I booked a few appointments in advance (based on once a month until later on) for the reason described above.

AFM, I got my NT results today and they are 1 in 10,000, so I am hugely relieved. The whole being pregnant thing is still surreal to me, though, since I can’t feel anything moving and I don’t really have a real baby bump yet. I could just be tired, with growing sore boobs, bloating, food aversions and no period :)

Question – for those who had a triple/quad screen, did you get different results from the NT/first tri screen?
preggo brain

I do apologize... my preggo brain made me skip a week.

I am actually 21w5d today... instead of 22w5d which my naming of my picture yesterday would make you believe.

Catluver - great results for the NT scan! you must be very relieved.

LV - hoping for the best results for you today during your anatomy scan.
Good morning preggos~~ :D

Every once in awhile the topic comes up about some reccommended reading for pregnancy. I came across a book yesterday when I was cruising the book aisle at the local discount superstore. If any of you like Dr. Oz (he's the Dr. that did Oprah occasionally, I think he has his own show now), he has a book called You, Having a Baby. I like his way of explaining complex things in an easy to understand way. I just briefly paged through it and thought it was pretty good. The illustrations alone are hilarious but informative. Here's a link to an exerpt of the book. Just a suggestion for a different pregnancy perspective book if you are into geeky medical reading like me.

ETA this excerpt is at the very beginning of the book, a lot of "duh" information but the rest of the book was a little more in depth.
Just wanted to say YAY for great scans and lots of kicking! I check in on all of you regularly and am so glad everything is going well!!

You're all doing a fantastic job!

I'm having a girl! Everything else at the scan looked as it should. No problems!

I am so happy!!!! :appl:
YAY! Congrats LV!!!!!!!!
Loves Vintage said:

I'm having a girl! Everything else at the scan looked as it should. No problems!

I am so happy!!!! :appl:

LV - That is soooo very exciting, congrats! I'm so happy for your great scan and your girly news. Yippee for adorable little girls :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Congrats LV! I've been stalking this thread all morning:-) Now you have a little blingaholic in the making:-) I'm glad everything is on track, and know that you are going to have a BLAST getting little girl stuff:-)
YAY LV!!! :appl:
Yay LV!!! Congrats!!!
Wow, you ladies look AMAZING! I am loving the belly bumps!!!!! All shapes and sizes! Gorge :love: US!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all!

CONGRATULATIONS LV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG, a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
I agree with Mara - did you switch practices yet? Your OB should never make you feel rushed ever ever!

Split_shank & Hudson - I'm with you on the crazy abs refusing to let the baby through! Sometimes I feel like they're working against me like an internal steel girdle. You both look SO amazing, though. I feel like all of my internal organs are smushed up against this baby! I am actually pushing OUT my abs now to give the baby more room! For a while, I also hated feeling "thick" but now that we're 17 weeks... the tiny bump is showing! Hudson, you popped near the end and you have the most BEAUTIFUL round bump now!!!!

Laila, what an amazingly beautiful belly you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure on the later scans, but we get a scan every time we go to the OB. I had one at 4, 7, 10 or 11, 12 (NT), 14 and 17 weeks. Like you, I've had a lot of scans! Since they're short scans, I don't worry too much about it. The only in-depth scan was the NT and I guess the 20-week scan which is coming up. I had concerns initially with the first bebe and all the scans (we had super in-depth scans every week with that one), but with this one... I'm pretty much just happy to see the baby and don't worry about it at all.

Wow, Noelwr! 21 weeks already???? Almost 22? How time flies!!!!!! Love the belly pic!

Cara, how exciting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to feel all the kicks and pats! So cute!!!!!! Glad that your LO is so active and that you're unpacked! Whew! And yay for all the fun new baby loot!

CatLuver!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Hooray for your awesome NT results! Yay for you and your baby!!!! I know what you mean about it all being surreal. I feel the same way! Often, I forget I am even pregnant! BTW, you look HAWT MAMA!!!!!! Boy, do you have a body or do you have a body? What do you do, yoga/pilates? Whatever it is, sign me up! You and I are wearing the same outfits in our belly pics! Love it! Wait until your boobs go nuts - that cutie little lime green tank won't be able to hold them in!!!! Ahhh, regarding your question about working... In my head I would like to stop working once the baby is born but I'll have to see how I feel when that day comes. Will I love it? Will I go nuts? Different gfs of mine urge me not to quit... LOL... DH is happy either way, so we'll see how I feel about it once the LO is here. Right now we have a perfect balance and I'm taking it day by day. If once the baby comes I feel like I want to stay home, I won't hesitate to do so! :naughty:

HOU!!!!!!!! AWESOME belly shot!!!!!!! I know work is a lot, but keep chugging pretty Mama! You're doing great!

Tao!!!!! Oh, may your first tri pass quickly and easily! How wonderful that you're not feeling as sick this time around. Wonderful!

So..... we went to our 17 week appointment and.....TEAM PINK!!!!!!! We are beyond thrilled. I have wanted a baby girl my whole life!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom is so excited. It will be so amazing to have 3 generations of women together. I'm so happy that I find myself tearing up all day thinking about it. Oh, it's going to be so much fun to raise her, play with her and dress her! But how amazing that I will also get to teach her how to be a strong beautiful woman... wow, I'm so humbled.

SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! My heart's desire, a little baby girl.... OMG, my heart is bursting today.

LV, congrats to you as well! GO TEAM PINK!

Love the BOYS, too!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I would love one of each! :appl:

Wow, another girl! YAY Bliss!!! :appl:
Oh wow... :appl: :appl: for Team Pink to LV and Bliss!!
you ladies look amazing!!!

LV and Bliss....congrats on girls!!!
Congratulations Bliss! It's about time we had more girls, I thought this year was going to be dominated by BOYS!
LV and Bliss- Congrats on TEAM PINK!!! :appl:

Get ready for a flood of the most adorable girly outfits that will come your way!! its so much fun!!
Bliss - SQUUUEEE for a little girl! How exciting for you and your DH. Yeah for dresses and such and big yeah for strong women :mrgreen: I'm sure you little girl will be just as pretty and sweet as her mommy :saint:
Congrats Bliss and LV :appl: great, pink news :love:

LV- Sorry to hear that you have not been loving your ob practice. Unfortunately, they often are rushed! It's the nature of the job. My appointments have generally been of the five minute variety, but then they know I am a doctor too and really don't have any questions. Hopefully you can mostly stick with the doc that you seemed to click with better, if you stay with that group. And congratulations on your precious little girl. Wonderful news!! :love:

Bliss- :love: :love: you are such a sweetheart. I just love how your excitement and love for your baby girl oozes through your post. And if she is anything like her mommy, she will definitely grow up to be both strong and beautiful. yay for baby girls!!!

CatLuver- Wonderful news on your NT results. And you look fabulous... definitely no baby belly to speak of :cheeky: Unfortunately I am with you on the short and no abdominal space. These kids have no where to go but OUT! And it is pretty cool to know my little man is getting strong enough to cause impact on the outside, hehe. Cannot wait until he starts inflicting painful kicks ;))

Noelwr- Yay for a great anatomy scan. photos?? please? :appl:

cara- I like the furniture! We ended up going with a Baby Cache set too and are pretty happy with the quality for the price. We are going to work on the nursery this weekend and my hubby is SO excited. It's pretty adorable.

Laila- Add me to the list of not worried about the effects of limited ultrasound exposure. I actually have an OB (anesthesia) call coming up and hoping that one of my buddies will be on call and scan me for fun hehehe.
Bliss!!!!!!!! Squ . . . Squ . . . Squeeeeeeeee-iii-eeeeeeeee!!!!

Yay for baby girls!!!!! How wonderful!!! I'm so happy you're so thrilled!! I too was hoping for a girl. ::)

Thank you everyone for posting your congrats! I'm so happy to share this wonderful news with you all!! :appl:

Bella!!, Haha! I am so looking forward to buying little girl stuff! I'll have to get some pink diapers, squee!

Catluver, Congrats on your great NT screen results!! You asked about the AFP/triple/quad screen and how that affects your NT screen results. My risk for DS was 1 in 1,600 after the NT screen. After the AFP, the risk decreased to 1 in 4,100. Following the anatomy scan today, they told me the risk is now 1 in 8,200. Considering my age-based risk, without any screening, is 1 in 287, we are very pleased. Hope that helps.