
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

what happened? no Friday belly pics or posts?

I am almost home... in the British Airways lounge in London Heathrow. in about 4 hrs I should be reunited with DH. so excited (and tired).

here is my belly pic from Friday.

Noel, I bet you are glad to be home!! PS: love your belly pic, that's a really cute shirt! :)

Don't have a long post in me right now...soooo tired. Was on call last night, slept only a little, took a brief nap then got up to go play with my Mom (she and my Dad are visiting) and we got nursery stuff!!! :bigsmile: Soooo much fun, but I'm exhausted! Promise to post more later!! :)

Belly pic, 15 weeks. Feeling thick around the middle, in that awkward "is she preggo or just chubs" phase. LOL.

15 weeks.jpg
I usually only get around to taking pictures on the weekends, if ever, so I often don't make the Friday deadline :) Here's my latest @ 25w, please excuse the pajamas and dirty dirty mirror. Yuck!

25w (2).jpg
6 weeks and 2 days.

You ladies look great!

I'm 6 weeks and 2 days today. I have hardly any symptoms this time around. Last pregnancy I was puking up a storm by now and I wanted to sleep all the time. This time I've only been nauseous maybe twice...and that's about it.

I set my 1st appointment for the end of the month. I remember how things are from the first am trying to hold off on visiting the Dr. as long as possible--as they don't really do a whole lot at the beginning (and I already have prenatals). So I meet with the coordinator on the 25th of this month (should be almost 9 weeks by then). And then we schedule the U/S for the following week. So I'll be almost 10 weeks by then.

Hope everyone is doing great!
You ladies look so cute!

Congrats, tao!!

Noel~ Glad you're home with your DH FINALLY!! Your 20 week scan is going to be perfect!

HOUie~ Yay for nursery stuff! Please post in the nursery thread when you've got the room ready!

I just found one of my closest friends is pregnant. She must've gotten preggo on the day Lily was born!
Morning ladies! You're all looking fabulous! I was lazy last week and didn't get around to taking a picture. I'll have DH take one tonight when I get home.

I'm feeling good. Hard to believe I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow. Time is just flying right out the window!
brightlight said:
Loves Vintage said:
Thanks everyone for replying to my question about when I should feel the baby. For the most part, I am not reading any pregnancy related information on-line except for here, so I really rely on you ladies, and you never let me down. Aww! ::)

LV, I think I remember you mentioning before that you had a tipped/retroverted uterus. You may feel the baby's movements in your tummy later than other women if you do. I think it may depend on when your uterus straightens out. Some women with a retroverted uterus actually mention feeling their babies in their butts first. ::)

Alrighty, back to lurking ...

Brightlight, Thank you so much for posting this! Yes, I do or did have a tipped uterus. I am not sure at what point it corrects itself, but I plan to ask my doctor that during my visit this week. Anyway, it was so thoughtful of you to post this. It hadn't occurred to me, but of course, it makes perfect sense. I appreciate your post! Thank you!
Hey preggos!

Lynnie -- lovely pics! I think the snot is cute :cheeky: I can't believe how detailed they are. Do you see any resemblance between you or your hubs?

Split, HOU, Noel -- nice bellies! I love them!

Nothing new from my end, except that my tenant keeps making me sick! I threw up AGAIN a couple of days ago. At 20 weeks you'd think I wouldn't still be typing this. But at least the nausea is gone during the day! Nighttime is a different story, but I'll take it!
Here's my BPF submission, a little late...oh, and for your viewing pleasure, a full frontal belly shot.

HH 34 weeks.jpg

full belly shot!.jpg
HH you and I can be belly twins :) I have the same kind of belly button. I keep waiting for it to pop but I don't think it will ever since it is like a cavern!
Hi ladies!

Bliss, I’m glad you are doing well. Have fun at your scan this week! That’s awesome that you get so many scans! I think the OB can guess the sex at 17 weeks, especially if it’s a boy. That’s too funny about DTD. Seriously impressive that you used to be ever day or every other day – that’s a lot of action :)) TTC must not have been a stretch for you guys stamina-marathon wise like some of the rest of us! I was reading the “housewife” thread in Hangout (interesting reading) and was wondering if you plan on stopping work altogether once baby is born? Just curious, no need to answer if you don’t want to!

Noel – can’t wait to hear about your anatomy scan. 18 weeks paid is really great. I assume you work for a European company; Europe is so much more family-friendly than the US. I’m with you on the worry…I guess it never stops! I haven’t told work yet – still nervous about it and waiting until I start to show. I wouldn’t want to have to tell people re M/C or have people know about it; it would make me uncomfortable.
AFM, I had my nuchal scan today which was great fun and a huge relief to see the little guy (I call it a he even though I don’t know) so much bigger than last time, and moving around. Unfortunately the lab never got my blood test that I sent in, so I have to wait up to another week for the results! :(( The tech said the measurement looked normal, though. But I can’t wait to get the results. The tech said if she had to guess, she'd say girl (which I would be thrilled with), but of course it's too soon to confirm. I’ll post the pics. I love the last 3D one with his hands in front of his face.




Ok those posted in reverse order, so I meant I like the first 3D pic!

Also here are my first belly pics...

No real baby belly to speak of; just a little flab flap (I know this because I can pinch it w/my fingers, lol) that's been displaced by organs, displaced by my uterus!

at 12 wks v. 5 wks.

5wks-12wks CL.jpg
Catluver, WOW, that first U/S pic is so detailed! I don't think I've seen one so detailed before at 12 weeks! We definitely did not have any 3D pics at my NT Scan. Oh, and I can't see any difference in your pics! You're tiny!

HH, Wow! Time flies, huh? Hope you are keeping cool during our recent heatwave.

Lanie, Hope this is the very end of the nausea for you! Yikes.

My question of the day: Did you all receive a schedule of your appointments from your doctors' offices? At this point, I know that I will have one appointment per month, and I have my anatomy scan this week at 18 weeks. I think some have their anatomy scans at 20 weeks? So, 18 must be the soonest they could be scheduled? Aside from this scan, I don't know if/when I will have another ultrasound. I plan to ask at my dr's appointment tomorrow -- just curious when the appointments become more regular and what the deal is with future ultrasounds (which I am not saying I have to have, just curious how it works.)
all went well at the 20-week anatomy scan today and there were no anomolies to be found! she spent a lot of time checking out the heart (we could see the chambers and valves), but at least she told me before hand that she would and not to worry. so I guess that means I can start my baby item shopping.

my daughter is super active. I don't know if this is normal and I googled "overactive fetus" and couldn't find anything wrong with it. since I started feeling her 3-4 weeks ago, I feel her every day. and where they say it's normal for a fetus to move about 30 times per hour... uh, I think she moves 30 times per minute! okay, it's not constant but it's very often.

HOU - I want to see your nursery stuff. where did you post it?

split shank - you must have really strong abdominal muscles as you are looking compact for 25 weeks (says the jealous fat hippo).

HH - your belly is so awesome! and I am very jealous that your innie is looking great and like it won't come out. mine isn't looking that way... I fear the day and that it will come too soon.

Catluver - that is a fantastically cute 3D pic! the u/s technician wanted to try a 3D shot today but the baby was facing away, so that didn't happen. guess we have to wait for our 4D appointment end of Aug. I work for an international company and our CEO decided that he would take on the maternity leave policy of whichever office had it the longest (I think it was Australia with 18 weeks paid leave) and implement that worldwide. so my colleagues working in Houston and Pittsburgh are also entitled to the 18 weeks paid leave. it's really awesome. the same goes for if you adopt. men get one week paternity leave. and by the way, I see you're another one of those hot mamas like Bliss who have a super body and will be carrying around a basketball belly.

LV - anatomy scan can be scheduled anywhere between 18-22 weeks. I don't think I'll get another u/s unless the midwife (who I visit every 5 weeks and then eventually every 4 and then 2) needs to see something or maybe nearer to delivery due date if she needs to see the location of the placenta and how the baby is positioned.
AllieLuv83 said:
HH you and I can be belly twins :) I have the same kind of belly button. I keep waiting for it to pop but I don't think it will ever since it is like a cavern!

LOL I know, my belly button is beyond crazy. I can still get a finger tip in up to the base of my nail, yet the scar from my navel piercing is like an inch above it right now. I don't think it's going to pop.

Re: schedule and scans, etc. I wasn't given a written schedule, but we talked about it at the first visit and the doc always gives me a run down of the next visit when I go in to see them. My general schedule went like this:

6 weeks-phone call with nurse, Q&A
8 weeks-intake appointment, bloodwork, u/s, Q&A
12 weeks-NT blood work and scan (hospital visit), monthly appt
14 weeks-second half of blood work (hospital visit)
16 weeks-monthly visit
18 weeks-Anatomy scan (hospital visit)
22 weeks-monthly visit and u/s to check cervix
26/27 weeks-monthly visit and u/s to check cervix, glucose/blood tests
30 weeks-bi-monthly visit
32 weeks-bi-monthly visit
34 weeks-bi-monthly visit
36 weeks-weekly visit-internals start if I want them
37 weeks-weekly visit-internal
38 weeks-weekly visit-internal
39 weeks-weekly visit-internal
40 weeks-weekly visit-internal

I wont have any more scans unless they need to check the position or size of the baby due to other factors/signs of concern.
split shank - you must have really strong abdominal muscles as you are looking compact for 25 weeks (says the jealous fat hippo).

Thanks :) I would like to say I have had pretty strong abs with a good layer of insulation around them hee hee. Its been my curse but I can tell sooo much that having a decent core (minus the flab) has helped so far with back pain and lugging around the extra 20 lbs that is somewhere on this body. I continue to do plank exercises (no crunching) to help with transverse ab strength. I think that's why I may be carring this compact car in there, as well as having an abnormally long torso. Good chance he was just hiding behind my liver or something that day ;) Good to hear everything went great on your scan!!!!!!!!!!
SS, I know what you mean about the long torso and tight abs. My abs were the one area I was kind of happy with before getting pregnant. They've served me well. Hopefully this whole pregnancy thing hasn't completely ruined them.
The only bad thing is there are days when I still just look "thick", with no bump to show for. I guess I should shut my mouth and enjoy it while it lasts, the belly explosion is imminent. :)
I hear ya sistah! I'm happy to finally sport a bump that actually looks like a bump.
HH, Thanks for writing out your schedule. I will have to ask tomorrow what to expect for the rest of my pregnancy.

I can't tell if I am not happy with my practice (they are new to me) or just high-maintenance, which I fully acknowledge I may be. I tend to have high expectations, I guess. I generally have no idea what to expect each visit, and there was a lot of confusion regarding the integrated screen blood work 2 weeks ago. I also feel generally ignored thus far. Each visit is with a different doctor (there are 8 ) in the practice. When I have a question, I generally get, "ahh, don't worry about it" answers, and nothing that specifically addresses my concerns. Visits are 5 minutes tops, not including the wait time, of course.

Is this just the way it is? Or, maybe I would do better at a smaller practice?
Cat I just had to pop in and say that is an AWESOME 3D shot of the little bean...WOW I have never seen one like that before. That is so cool.

I had a lot of scans until the 20th week. I think I had 6 week, 8 week, 11 week, 12 week, 15 week amnio, 20 week. Then nothing til I think 32 weeks? And then 37 weeks I think. I asked for a 6 week just to see what was going on in there even though they tried to put me off til 8--I just saw yolk sac. 8 week was when they looked for heartbeat. 11 was because my MIL was visiting so my Dr took mercy on me to show her the bean. 12 was NT. 15 was amnio (best scan at that point). and 20 week was when I came back from Spain and I was paranoid so the Dr did a scan just to show me it was all ok. 12 and 15 were the most detailed and 'best' looking ones. Oh and I had a 3D done 3rd party at 30 weeks which I was beyond excited about since we hadn't seen him since week 20. I loved seeing him all the time...but I could have seen him weekly and loved it.

LV-- my appts were like 30 minutes almost each time. I had 500 questions every visit for my Dr and she answered every one, and sometimes got very clinical which I loved. I think it depends on the practice and the Dr. I switched Dr's at 10 weeks because I just was not clicking with the first gal..and she was not friendly and was judgemental about stuff. I loved my 2nd Dr. I think that you should try to find someone who meshes well with you because pregnancy is not one of those things you want someone to just say 'don't worry about it' to you, you know?? I wanted to know answers to things I was curious about because it helped me feel better and be more calm. If my Dr didnt answer my Q's...I would have turned to Dr. Google and that would have been a disaster!
Gotta love the 30-45 minute wait too pee in a cup and be told everything you're experiencing is normal!

My practice has 15 providers split between MWs and OBs. You see whoever is there up until about week 24 and then you pick your track-OB or MW. Then you see just people on those tracks for the rest of your pregnancy. You don't know who will deliver your baby but you usually know it's someone you've at least met once or twice.

I chose to go the OB track because I felt they had better bedside manner than the MWs I met with. I felt the MWs were more apt to dismiss my questions or act like I was inconveniencing them, whereas the docs were open and willing to answer my questions in a straight forward and honest manner. After our anatomy scan we were a little freaked because the peri didn't really give up the full picture. The doc set us straight. If I'm in a position where I need to make a tough decision, then I want the details and facts immediately. I don't want someone to make me feel like I'm not qualified to make a decision for myself or to make me feel like my questions are foolish.
Mara, Wow to 30 minute appointments!?!? Seriously, the 2 doctors I've met with so far have both concluded my appointments while headed toward the door, as in *signal annoying patient to stop talking*. I just assumed because it was so early, that they could not dedicate a lot of time to me. Hmmm. I will see how it goes tomorrow. I've talked to this doctor on the phone before and really liked him. He seemed a bit more patient. If it doesn't go well, then I may just decide to change.

HH, Your practice sounds similar to mine, except there is only one mid-wife at mine. I would guess that I could not elect to have her deliver, because she is only one person, and no guarantee as to her availability.
I should note that the appts were scheduled at 15 min each but my Dr is so awesome she would just answer whatever Q's I had and NEVER made me feel like I was rushed or she had other patients. Sucked for the patients behind me and sometimes I would have to wait 15-20 min for her to come to me (prob because of a patient like me before me!). Also she was big on email so I could email Q's in the meantime. :lol:
Yeah, e-mail would be AMAZING for me! Wow, and it sounds like it's her own practice? Was she there for your delivery or was it another dr from the hospital?
No it was actually HMO. I was totally shocked at how great their pre-natal and post-natal care was actually--I had better experiences than most of my friends paying PPO. And no she did not deliver me which I knew about (unless I had scheduled csect) but it was ok because quite frankly I was in a daze for 1/2 that time anyway and the Dr just comes in for the pushing and popping out of kiddo, and then my Dr came to visit me the next day anyway in recovery. Most of L&D was nurses actually which I think is common.
Hi everyone! Question for moms and moms-to-be: after your anatomy scan, do/did you get any more ultrasounds? Is a 35 week growth ultrasound to see how big baby is measuring standard at your OB's office?

Lynnie, congrats on a BOY!!!

You girls *all* look great! Some of you (split shank and CatLuver) are teeny tiny! Great u/s pics by the way CatLuver! Noelwr, you have an adorable baby belly. I feel like we're about the same size.

LV, you must be getting so excited about your anatomy scan! :appl:

I forgot to post a pic for BPF, so here's my 22 week shot. I hit 22 weeks and feel like I really popped! I even got a stranger comment at the store the other night. I have anterior placenta so it was harder to feel movement, but baby is now kicking up a storm. :)

Laila -- I love your belly pic! So cute! And yay for lots of movement! :appl:
Laila, regarding a 35 week anatomy scan:

The OB who delivered my first baby did an US of all preggos at 36 weeks.

The OB who just delivered my second does not as long as your stomach is measuring "normal." Even though my external measurements were normal (40 cm at 40 weeks) and I only gained 35 pounds, I ended up having a 10 pound baby! :shock: My best friend goes to the same OB, and she is measuring much bigger than she should at 36 weeks, so they gave her an US. She just turned 36 weeks, so she had the scan yesterday - her baby is already measuring at 10 and a half pounds at only 36 weeks! She is bummed because now she thinks they won't let her have a vaginal delivery ...

So, I guess some OBs do it routinely, and others just do it if they think the baby is going to be too big or small.
Laila your bump is SO CUTE!!!!

I had several scans after the anatomy scan because I had a procedure done on my cervix a few years ago that put me at risk for early dilation/effacement. I had three extras with the dildocam and part of that exam was a transab u/s to measure and check the HB. My cervix was fine so they stopped once I was past the point of early labor being a HUGE concern.