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- Jun 25, 2007
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Hi, ladies!
Just popping in to share a picture and our (quick) birth story.
So...I went to the doctor on Thursday night. She said I was a good 4-5 cm dilated and probably wouldn't make it to my next appointment. Like Mara said, I was a bit confused. I thought 4-5 cm was IN LABOR! Anyway, I stopped by my brother's house on the way home and we chatted for a while. My mother was having a party at her house this weekend and sent me a text to see which day I preferred and I joked that it didn't matter to me because I plan to give birth before the weekend.
I got home around 8 or so and ate some dinner and watched the Phillies game with DH. At about 9 what felt like my normal BH contrax started but they seemed pretty frequent. I started timing them...wishful thinking I thought. They were anywhere from 5-9 minutes apart and definitely not painful. I didn't have to shift positions or breath carefully to tolerate them. We finished watching the Phillies and I took a bath to settle the contrax and planned to go to bed. When I got out of the bath I noticed they were a little more intense. It was around 11 and I told DH that I thought I might really be in labor!
He got out of bed and started timing the contrax. They were 4-5 minutes apart and 1-2 minutes long so we called the doctor. He told us to come in to OB triage. We arrived at about midnight and by this time, I was pretty uncomfortable but able to tolerate the contrax. They gave me an IV and the pain of that was far worse than the contractions. I'm such a bad stick so I knew to expect it but that didn't make it hurt any less. They checked my cervix and I was 6-7 cm dilated. They asked if I wanted the epidural and I said I was still able to tolerate the contractions. At that point they said to let them know soon if I wanted it because they thought things were going to move quickly. They moved me into a delivery room and started monitoring me. The nurse popped in one more time to see if I wanted the epidural and I was still unsure. Just after that Nolan shifted so that I had horrible pain in my right hip with each contraction. At the same time, I began shivering uncontrollably which made relaxing and breathing during the contractions nearly impossible. The next contraction I sent DH out to request the epidural. The anesthesiologist arrived super fast and had it in in less than 10 minutes. They laid me on my back which was one of the reasons I didn't want the epidural in the first place. The next contraction was awful and I looked at the nurse who told me not to give up on the epidural yet but it's possible I progressed too quickly for it to work. The next contraction, I felt TONS of pressure so they checked me and I was 10 cm! They warned me that the epidural probably wouldn't work and they were right! Ouch!!! At this point, they broke my water after being sure the doc could make it in time. The doctor came in and we started to push. As far as pain was concerned, I really only thought about the contractions but the crowning and ultimate delivery were pretty tough. It was definitely hard to relax in between contractions with (sorry for the TMI) your babies head in your crotch! Anyway, from the time they broke my water to Nolan's birth was about 20 minutes. I cannot describe the relief I felt physically and emotionally when he finally arrived at 1:58am!
The nursing staff and my doctor were amazing. They asked my permission to do everything which I really appreciated. My L&D nurse was just the right combination of soft and in-charge. Since Nolan vitals were all good, they allowed us some alone time right away. I felt so lucky! Nolan nursed within an hour of birth.
DH was a bit traumatized seeing me in so much pain. He said it just didn't feel *right* and he couldn't believe people decide to do this over and over.
We're home now and things are going pretty well. Most importantly, Nolan is nursing like a champ! My Fs thank him every time he provides some relief from their current rock hard state.
Ok...I've rambled enough. Here's a pic of our handsome little man.

So...I went to the doctor on Thursday night. She said I was a good 4-5 cm dilated and probably wouldn't make it to my next appointment. Like Mara said, I was a bit confused. I thought 4-5 cm was IN LABOR! Anyway, I stopped by my brother's house on the way home and we chatted for a while. My mother was having a party at her house this weekend and sent me a text to see which day I preferred and I joked that it didn't matter to me because I plan to give birth before the weekend.

The nursing staff and my doctor were amazing. They asked my permission to do everything which I really appreciated. My L&D nurse was just the right combination of soft and in-charge. Since Nolan vitals were all good, they allowed us some alone time right away. I felt so lucky! Nolan nursed within an hour of birth.
DH was a bit traumatized seeing me in so much pain. He said it just didn't feel *right* and he couldn't believe people decide to do this over and over.
We're home now and things are going pretty well. Most importantly, Nolan is nursing like a champ! My Fs thank him every time he provides some relief from their current rock hard state.

Ok...I've rambled enough. Here's a pic of our handsome little man.