
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Forgot to post this:

I was cruisin around the net, and stumbled across this:

Lullabye renditions of popular music of past and present, including Elvis, Queen, Guns n Roses, Kanye West, Bob Marley, and on and on and on. I want them all!! lol
Geri, I hope your scan went well!! That's so nice that you guys took the day off and get to celebrate together. My appts are in the morning and rather anticlimactic as we both run off to work afterward. So I'm thinking for the anat scan maybe I'll ask them to write it down on a piece of paper for us to open together after work. It would be really hard to not open it during the day though!

I finally got my afp result back and it was normal/negative so that's a relief.

So I read somewhere (I think WTEWYE) that at 17 wks you can hear the hb through a stethoscope, so I made DH bring his home and try it. No success though, maybe next week. Geri & hou, have you guys been able to feel movements yet? I haven't consistently but every so often I feel a little kick or pulse, it's pretty cool!
ditto the info re: a c-section... it seems like a lot of times nowadays hospitals let you 'choose' that if you want but i would never choose major abdominal surgery over vag-birth IF there is that option. talking about it as necessary for the health of you or the baby is totally diff.

and re: the 2010 bumbleride... i would totally go for that at $400 now if you can use the coupon rather than waiting til end of year or early spring for 2010 closeout, plus you have no guarantee re colors at that point. you have to be a new customer for our sun shade is insane, we love it! oh and random bumble plug but when we go walking with the stroller, my mom and sis argue over who gets to push J because they say the stroller is so smooth that it makes walking EASIER than without it. HA!
Congrats HH! Aidan is adorable!
Wow, I am quite thrilled to see all of the bumbleride enabling going on! Really though, it's a great deal and a great stroller so nothing wrong there :bigsmile:

Bliss- it is so great to hear from you! There are a lot of really nice strollers out there, but the indie happens to combine some great features and accessories at a relatively reasonable price. So cute too! I'm sure your little girl would love it :appl:

Kunzite- Well done! The black is definitely classic!!

HH- So glad to hear that Aidan is well and maybe getting the hang of this breast feeding thing! That really seems to be half of the battle.

LV- Yay another bumbleride lover! What color did you choose?

geri- Good luck and enjoy the anatomy scan. It is so surreal to see the baby squirming around in there.

CatLuver- I tried listening for his heartbeat with my stethoscope around 20 weeks and could not find it. Then kind of forgot about it! Maybe you've motivated me to give it another try.

Ok, here is my promised (and late) belly pic at a little over 28 weeks. He sure is growing!!

Annnnnnnd in case we can enable any new bumbleriders, here is our pretty new seagrass indie with a little sneak preview of our nursery.

Great belly icekid! It's helpful to know kind of what to expect in the future. I'll be 28w around Thanksgiving, so that's a good visual for me. Nice Bumbleride! I think the Seagrass is my favorite "color" color; I like black a lot but where we live it is extremely sunny and hot for most of the year and anything black in the sun(like wearing a black shirt) becomes burning hot to the touch very quickly, so that's a no on black. It must be nice to have a stroller and your crib in your nursery, makes it so much more tangible. Our baby room is still filled with junk but we're holding out until the anatomy scan to buy anything and for me to tell at work, so it all still seems very surreal to me.
HH -- I'm sorry for spelling Aidan's name wrong earlier!
Congrats to HH and your family. Baby Aidan is beautiful :love:

AFM: We went for our first OB appointment today. Gummy is measuring at 6w1d or so, which would be correct if we go by my ovulation date. EDD is 5/8/11 right now. We are scheduled for another ultrasound in 2 weeks to get a better idea of my EDD and how far along Gummy is. I'm really nervous, I feel like Gummy isn't measuring big enough which is irrational since it's right on with my O date. And we saw a strong heart beat. Must be nerves. I also got Zofran today for my m/s since I can't eat and have been vomiting quite a bit. The OB was concerned with the m/s and how sick I've been since I'm only just over 6 weeks. She's worried that it will get significantly worse since I've been feeling like this at about 4.5 weeks. Only plus side is that she said that this is a good indication of a strong pregnancy. I do miss food though. And feeling "normal" instead of sick all the time, but it's good to know the baby is doing well.

Here is my first contribution to belly pics, but from the inside:

Baby Cupcake.jpg
Hi everyone. Just a quick post from the phone to say the anatomy scan was amazing! All is looking good! And to our surprise and absolute delight, we are joining team pink!! Now off to our celebratory dinner!
Congrats Geri!!

So many PS girl babies this winter/spring!
Welcome to team PINK, Geri!! :appl: :appl: I must admit, I had a feeling you were destined for pink.... :) So glad your scan went well!! It is so amazing to see all the perfect little parts, isn't it?

IceKid, love the belly!! You're looking great, and definitely looking preggo now!! Love the Indie too - we're gonna spring for ours soon! I think we'll get the Ruby.

CupcakeMuffin - congrats on a great 1st appt!! What a cute little bean - can't wait to watch him/her grow!! Hope the Zofran helps - it did wonders for me. It was, however, very constipating, so if I were you I'd start taking Colace as soon as you start taking the Zofran, and you may even need something additional (I needed Miralax).

CatLuver - I started feeling the first movements that I could definitely chalk up to baby right between 18-19 weeks. Just little flutters, occasional bumps. They're still not super strong at 20 weeks, but I do notice them several times a day now. Still too little for DH to feel from the outside.

Lynnie - thank you very much!! :)

Bliss - hey there, lady!! Glad to hear all is going well!! C'mon over and join the Indie club - it's a great stroller. Go try one out in person, I bet you'll be sold!!

Hudson - BIG BOOOOO for mesh panty rash!! Not cool! I hope it's started to clear up for you!


I hate 12 hr ER shifts. Especially when they're at night. I'm going to bed now so I can return at 8pm for my second of 4 nights in a row. :(sad
HH, I came over to see your latest Belly Pic and SURPRISE you have a beautiful little boy!!! Precious, congratulations on your miracle :love:
Geri, Congratulations on your girl!! I had a feeling she's a she!!

Icekid, You look great! I love your dress! And, your nursery looks so nice. What a nice crib? And, with the Seagrass Indie, ahhh. I love that color. I haven't ordered mine yet, very color indecisive at the moment.

HMG, Really, the ruby? My husband suggested the red yesterday because he thinks it will stand out more to cars driving by. I wasn't sure! I love spice, seagrass and also like the black. I suspected Mr. LV would agree to black right away, and I'd be done, but then he liked the red! I do like Ruby too, but wondered if it might get too hot?

Bliss, If you do order from, don't forget to go in through your upromise. 2% back! ;))

Cupcake, Congrats on seeing the heartbeat! I know it's natural to worry, but don't worry about baby measuring behind at this point. The fact that you saw the heartbeat should be a great relief to you!! Enjoy it! And, I hope your m/s gets much better soon!
geri, congrats on a great scan and your baby girl!!

cupcake, I know it's hard not to worry, but seeing the heartbeat and measuring exactly with your O date is the best news you can have at this point. I know it's so hard to wait for reassurances at your next appointment, but 2 weeks isn't too bad! congrats!

hou, hope your 12 hr shifts aren't too bad.
Congrats, Geri! Looks like things are shifting around here...lots of girl news these days!

just returned from Tuesday evening swimming. was nice and relaxing again. boo to having to get up early to go to work tomorrow.

I also found out that as I am using up my parental leave by working 4 days a week after my maternity leave, that will last not 15 months which was it was 2 years ago, but that it has doubled to 30 months! that's going to be a long time to earn 80% of my salary, but I am sure every week I'll be looking forward to spending that one day alone with my daughter.

geri - yay on joining team pink! I can imagine the two of you giddy at your dinner talking about your future with your little girl.

cupcake - great news on already being able to see a strong heartbeat at 6 weeks!

icekid - looking good for 28 weeks! can you believe you have only 12 weeks to go?

HOUie - I have no idea how you manage to do the shift work while you're pregnant. you must be Super Mom.
Congrats on TEAM PINK, Geri! Told ya I'm always wrong!

Cupcake - YAY for a strong HB!!! It's thrilling, isn't it?

Icekid - Love your crib! Cute dress and belly pic too! I have a 90th bday party to go to next week, and need to find a dress for it. Oh, and the Seagrass is my fave, too!

Re: Leave time. My work is being a pain in my butt. I filled out all the FMLA stuff, and they called me and told me I have to wait til mid to late Oct to process my paperwork, because I don't have enough 'hours worked' yet to qualify. I had a ton of vacay time built up, so I probably used 100 hours or so of it this year alone. I'm 150 hrs short of qualifying. They know I'm not going anywhere. I don't understand why they can't assume I'll be working full time up until 2 weeks prior to the EDD. Ugh. OK, rant over!
Just a quick note to say congrats to Miss Hudson and your handsome little Aidan! :wavey:

I also wanted to say congrats to Geri for joining Team Pink! :bigsmile:
Thankyou everyone for the wishes – we are really excited to be having a little girl. There were so many girls on here lately that I was sure I was next in line for a boy.

It was so nice to have the day off, although it largely consisted of running lots of errands. Went to be fitted for new bras and was a bit shocked to find I am now a D cup rather than a B cup. DH is loving it but I am a bit freaked out since we are not even half way there yet :eek: .

Noel – we were a bit giddy over dinner, especially DH who had the matching wines with the 12 course tasting menu and probably had a bit too much to drink! Can’t blame him, I would have if I could have too. What a pleasant surprise re your parental leave. I am thinking of trying a 4 day week, at least initially, but not sure whether work will allow it as it’s all a matter of negotiation here.

Lynnie – I was obviously completely wrong too! (And, just out of interest, the Chinese gender chart also said boy so you were in good company!). Sorry about the leave situation – how frustrating for you.

Catluver- Congrats on the AFP result! I started feeling things at about 17 weeks but it took me a while to work out it wasn’t just my tummy gurgling or gas! It is still quite inconsistent and I know DH is waiting o be able to feel it.

Icekid and others - I am so jealous of the bumbleride indie (especially the Seagrass)– it looks great but from what I can tell it’s not available in Australia and I think the cost of shipping probably means it’s not worthwhile.

Houie – So exciting to join all the ladies on team pink! She just wouldn’t keep still in the ultrasound so it took ages to check everything out which was fun for us!

Cupcake – Congrats on the heartbeat, that is great news!
Lynnie, Interesting about the FMLA. If I'm reading correctly, this is your first year with your employer, right? My HR department told me that we won't fill out any paperwork until the last day before I leave. That doesn't make much sense, considering my last day may be a bit of an unknown if I go earlier than expected! I'll have to double-check with them on this at some point. I got the impression that there was not much to fill out.


Has anyone heard from Cara lately?
still pregnant! 39ish weeks along...
Thanks for checking in, Cara! I couldn't stop myself from wondering. :bigsmile: Are you still working?


Question of the day:

What cravings have you had?

Right now, I have very few cravings. In the beginning, I had to have cottage cheese all the time. I loved it. Now, I wouldn't call it a food aversion, but I definitely have no iterest in it.

I also had this weird craving for a Big Mac (no meat) with fries and a sprite. Oh, it was just the best food in the world to me. I would indulge once a week, but now, I am happy that I have no interest in that either!

Now, if I crave anything, it is skim milk. I'm sometimes having 3 tall glasses a day!!!

How about you?
I thought I would answer this question here in the preggo thread instead of the TTC thread!

Loves Vintage said:
Dreamer, Since you mentioned your weight gain during your pregnancy, I'm hoping you don't mind if I ask you a question about it. Did you gain consistently from the beginning, or did you gain more toward the beginning, middle or end? I'm a bit concerned because I am overweight to start, so I know I shouldn't be gaining the standard recommended amount of weight. I am 23 weeks, and according to my home scale, I've gained 10 pounds, though this fluctuates a bit, and could have been as high as a 15 pound gain as of last week (maybe I am retaining water??) I mentioned it to my doctor, but he was unphased by it. He also has not said a word about the gain being too much. He actually said he thought I was on track, but then the next day, I did get, uhm, "counseled" by the doctor at my anatomy scan (18 weeks) about my gain at that point, which I think was 8 pounds. This is a different doctor from a different practice, where I go for my scans due to my "advanced maternal age." So, I'm rambling now . . . my point, am I going to get blind-sided by excessive weight gain in my last tri? I mean, the kid is only 1.5 pounds at this point, so I would expect at least another 6 pounds just for the baby.

I am also a tall girl and wore a size 18 wedding dress ;)) Just for perspective.

I dug up my records, so at 10 weeks I had gained 4lbs, at 21 weeks I was up 22lbs, at 30 weeks I was up 32lbs, at 34 weeks it was 40lbs, at 38 weeks it was 50lbs and at birth it was close to 60lbs. I was never ever give grief about my weight by any of my healt hcare practitioners and I am very glad. It would not have made a difference at that time given my mindset and would only have made me feel guilty.

I gained pretty steadlily though the second and third trimesters, but as you can see, by 30 weeks I was already at 30 lbs gained! If I had been closer to 15lbs gained at that point I would have been a lot better off. I had a lot of water gain in the last month, as you can see by the rapid gains, and I lost most of that within a week or two. But I was still up about 32lbs at a month post-partum, so that was my fat gain during pregnancy. As anyone who has lost weight knows, that is a lot to lose, and it took me a year to get within 5lbs of pre-preggo weight and it was not until I started weight watchers three months ago that I lost the last 5lbs (and another 10 so far :appl: )

Because I started heavier, 60lbs added to my frame meant I was *really really* heavy. I had knee pain after from the weight. I also had pelvic pain during pregnancy that caused me to be basically imobile from 32 weeks onwards, and that was not related to my weight, but it did not help matters one little bit because I was not moving/exercising at all. I just felt like my recovery was so long! And *some* of the complications I had in the last 8 weeks could have been due to my weight. My BP was slightly elevated, I had too much amniotic fluid, and they thought my baby was going to be very large. I would like to avoid those things next time if possible.

So you are already doing really well in my opinion and I would like to be there my next pregnancy! My goal next time is to gain "only" 40 lbs, which would mean that I would have much less to lose post-partum and I would hopefully feel better. I am also losing weight now and plan to be 20lbs below my first pre-pregnancy weight before TTC again.

If you are concerned, I would suggest asking your doctor to refer you to a prenatal nutritionist. That is what I plan to do! I don't think deprivation is required, but if you are overweight I think it is harder to "listen to you hunger" and make healthy choices, since clearly troubles with those two things are why we are overweight to begin with :rodent: So my plan is to have a plan that will help me make healthier choices when I am hungry and to feel more control over the whole thing.
I picked up the curtains for the nursery today and hung them up. I was very naughty because DH didn't want me up on the ladder doing it on my own, but I was too impatient to wait for him. he will be home very late tonight. plus the furniture is coming in tomorrow so I just thought it would make the room look more complete. it's all so exciting!

LV - everyone asks me that and funny enough, I haven't had any cravings! mind you, that doesn't mean I don't eat because I eat SO much and think I have gained more weight than I should (though the midwife says I haven't). I eat a lot of french fries and chocolate ice cream, but I've always loved both those things and am using the pregnancy as an excuse to indulge. :nono: the fries I bake in the oven so they're not greasy, but I'm sure that amount of carbs is no good either. I am really looking forward to my trip to the States in 2 weeks where I'll be having french toast and bacon for breakfast... yum... and oreo milkshakes... I know I'm making it very difficult for myself to lose the weight after the pregnancy.
Dreamer - Thank you so much for your thorough response and for digging up your old records. I wore the same size wedding dress, and I'm also tall at 5'8". ;)) The doctor at the ultrasound told me that I should really only be gaining 10-15 pounds!! Since I was already up 8 pounds at that point, she saw fit to warn me! I would be happy at 25, and my regular dr's office would be too, but we've yet to see how it will all turn out. I've just been a bit worried that the weight will catch up with me. I will say that my only saving grace thus far, has been that when I am eating, I have a sense of fullness and stop eating. Pre-pregnancy, I don't recall having this feeling for years (perhaps medication-related), and it is really quite remarkably different. So, I will still have some ice cream, for example, but it is an appropriate amount in terms of proportions. If this feeling stays with me after birth, I would be elated. As you suggested, I will talk to my doctor next visit, and will see how I have progressed weight-wise at that point.

I'm going to have to go back and read all of your old posts now. The pelvic pain and immobility must have been very difficult to deal with. I'll refrain from asking you more questions here and will go back to your old posts.

Congratulations on your successes with WW thus far!! It seems like you really love the program and do well with it.

Noel - Mmmm to oreo milkshakes!! Can't wait to see your nursery pics!!


ETA: I totally didn't mean to post about cravings and weight gain on the same day!!! :Up_to_something:
Loves Vintage said:
I'm going to have to go back and read all of your old posts now. The pelvic pain and immobility must have been very difficult to deal with. I'll refrain from asking you more questions here and will go back to your old posts.

You are welcome! The pain and other issues started in January of 2009, if you are looking back. Evil Crotch Pain is a not uncommon but horrendous occurance for some pregnant women!
Dreamer_D said:
Loves Vintage said:
I'm going to have to go back and read all of your old posts now. The pelvic pain and immobility must have been very difficult to deal with. I'll refrain from asking you more questions here and will go back to your old posts.

You are welcome! The pain and other issues started in January of 2009, if you are looking back. Evil Crotch Pain is a not uncommon but horrendous occurance for some pregnant women!

ECP! :eek: Yikes, this is the first I'm hearing of such a thing!! January 2009 - thanks for the reference point. I shall read up tonight. :read:
the hormones in your body cause the cartilage of the joints in your pelvis to become softer so that the bones can move apart, thus preparing for childbirth. for some women the hormones are a bit too proactive and cause it too soften too much thus moving too far apart and this can cause pain. it's called symphysis publis dysfunction. :read:
LV, I haven't really had any cravings since the first tri, but I did crave cottage cheese too at one point. I think my body was needing calcium. Once I craved a steak, probably because I hadn't been eating much protein. At the very beginning, I wanted to eat sour things (still have a bag of Lemonheads from that). Other things I craved before were Mexican food, and California rolls. My appetite seems to be normal now, which is good, no more food aversions.

Cara - you're next! Any day now?!

Geri - I have to credit you for the idea to have a celebratory dinner after your scan, as I've convinced my DH it would be a great idea :) Now you can start definitively thinking about names, how exciting.

noel - great news about your leave!

I've been feeling continued little movements and yesterday DH even got to feel some which was so cool! No thumps or anything, more like little twitches.