
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

snlee Oh I am so jealous of your L&D this time! I hope my next go round is as good. You and your husband certainly make beautiful babies, Noelle is gorgeous just like your son.
Snlee, congratulations on Noelle's arrival!! What a nice and relatively easy labor too!

Lynnie, thanks! Can't wait to see your latest pic! I bet you are showing more than you think. :) What a funny story too.

Geri, looking great! Cute little bump!
Snlee~ Congratulations to you and your family! Noelle is beautiful, what great hair!!
Beautiful little girl!!!!

Geri: You are super tiny--but def starting to show.

Robbie: You are due the same day as my brother and his gf.

My sister in law had her baby today! She as supposed to be induced last week but the beds were full so they called her in this morning. I won't be able to make it to the hospital but hopefully I'll be able to see him soon. So happy for her!

I've reached 12 weeks and I'll probably start posting more on this thread now that it appears this LO is sticking around for the long haul!
Geri, you look AMAZING! What a cute tiny little bump!!!!!!!!!! Awwww, you are such a cutie with your wee girlie bumpkins!!!

Cara, your time is coming so soon! I'm so jealous!!!! Keep chugging, mama!

Loves Vintage - LOL about your Big Mac cravings!!! Skim milk now? I have had no cravings except for FRUIT! Lots and lots of fruit and sometimes DARK CHOCOLATE! Yum yum yum! Oh, I am so happy to hear you're enjoying the pregnancy so much you are thinking about #2! I am so jealous. How blessed are you? That is soooo wonderful! I am not enjoying the fatigue and nausea, which persists... so I am actually afraid of #2! LOL Everyone says once we see our precious angel that I'll be looking forward to the second. We'll see!!! :naughty:

Dreamer, I'm scared of evil crotch pain now! The other day I wore tights outside and omg, I started getting cramps! It was so scary - I guess any pressure there leads to major discomfort, at least for me! For a second, though... I thought, "Could this be the evil crotch pain the PS ladies have been talking about?"

Noelwr, you look so cute! Love your cribbie!!!!!!

CatLuver, the little kicks and punches are so cute, aren't they???? I love it, too! It's the most amazing thing! Enjoy it!

AllieLuv, thanks for the advice! I think I will also probably gain the most in the third tri. I still feel nauseated sometimes and have a hard time enjoying food. But I have been forcing myself to eat nutritious, calorically dense foods because initially I was losing weight. So every pound I gain, I celebrate!

Robbie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another bundle of joy on the way! Lucky lady! Hope your eye feels better!

MISCKA! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New mamas!!!!

Somethingshiny, thank you for sharing. I will be on the lookout for any PPD symptoms and won't hesitate to ask for help!

Laila, you look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a pretty little belly you have!!! :appl:

Lynnie! LOLOLOL! Blame Preggo Brain! What a great story!!! YUM brownies!!!!!

Divazdiamond!!!! Me too!!!! Oh, my OB says some women just feel morning sickness their entire pregnancy! While mine is a lot better than what it was, food still grosses me out. I *hate* eating. And before I ever got pregnant, I was a major foodie. So this is a new experience - having to force feed myself for the baby! DH does a little celebratory dance every time I scarf something down because I so rarely eat anything with any sort of enjoyment. I wonder if it's because I'm carrying a girl or if it's just an old wives' tale? Why do we feel nausea at this stage of the game? Oy vey!!!!

snlee - :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! She is beeeeyoooouuuteeeefullll!!!! What a great L&D story! I hope mine is like yours! Ha, wishful thinking!

Sorry if I forgot anyone! Hope everything is going well for all of your pretty mamas! Aside from the nausea and fatigue, we are enjoying a lovely pregnancy as well. I love love love it when our girl kicks me! I think she is full of mischief like her mom because the last time she kicked (a big one!) I exclaimed, "Hey now!" Silence. Then a tentative kick to show me who's boss...followed by a flurry of punches! SO...UNBELIEVABLY...CUTE.

My heart melts every time I feel her tiny feet or tiny hands thumping me from inside. Seriously, how are they so active in there? Once they come out, all they do is sleep, right? So how come they're such athletes in the womb? I love it, though. It makes me so happy my heart is always bursting with joy when I feel her moving around in there. It's just... wow! I wish she'd do it more for Daddy, though. I think she's teasing him because when he begs her to do it, she goes all quiet! Hahahahahahaha! Such a little prankster. :love: Every day I wonder what she looks like and I can't wait to meet her. It's crazy to think that in about 3 mos, we will be holding her!
Bliss said:
Once they come out, all they do is sleep, right?

Sorry Bliss, but this made me :lol: Suuuuuuure. Aaaaaalllll they do is sleep ;))
Haha to the "All they do is Sleep" line!
Hello Ladies :) Here is my 35 week belly contribution. I can't believe that the last 35 weeks have gone by so fast. These last few seem to be dragging on. I can't wait to hold this little guy.

I feel huge but when I compare my belly with other bellies it doesn't look so big. The doctor says that I am measuring right on track.

Welcome to all the new preggos :) and returning preggos!

snlee - congrats! she is BEAUTIFUL!! :appl:
AllieLuv! Dreamer! LOLOL - yep, I'm in for a rude...Rude...RUDE awakening! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: Allie, you look GORGEOUS! Man, what a beautiful belly!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl:

I know newborns cry and need to nurse all the time, but do they do those incredible rolls, punches and kicks as well? That would be so cute! I read something so cute online - called the Kick Game. Some parents tap where the baby kicks and then tap another place on the belly - and the baby kicks back. Just the idea is so cute! This morning, DH snuggled up to me too closely and the baby kicked him hard! I think he was smushing my belly a little. She definitely likes her personal space! Too funny!

I also ate something super spicy yesterday and she was punching up a storm. Do you think that was because she liked it and was all fired up or because she didn't like it? Boom boom boom! Baby tae bo!

Snlee – congratulations! Noelle is really cute.

Congrats Robbie! I had an eye issue before, some kind of scratch or bump on my cornea and it was so annoying, I feel your pain.

Miscka, great to see you – I was wondering where you were too. Congrats on 13 weeks!

Laila, noelwr, allie, great bellies!

Noelwr: Good question! I am grateful for being healthy enough to nurture a baby, for being able to go through this bonding experience with my DH, and for being able to feel all of baby’s little kicks and pokes at me, I love it!!! And I’m really excited for our babymoom in Oct. – it’ll be short (3 days) but I’m looking forward to the time off work with just DH and some pampering spa treatments!

Geri – you are still so little and cute!

Bliss, good to see you, we’ve missed you around here! Glad all is well but sorry you are still sick and not able to enjoy food :(

AFM, I have really exploded in the last couple weeks - see below!

comparison sm.jpg
Bliss said:
AllieLuv! Dreamer! LOLOL - yep, I'm in for a rude...Rude...RUDE awakening! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: Allie, you look GORGEOUS! Man, what a beautiful belly!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl:

I know newborns cry and need to nurse all the time, but do they do those incredible rolls, punches and kicks as well? That would be so cute!

Bliss, one of the coolest things when Sophia was itty bitty was when I had her on my chest and she moved around in her sleep. It felt exactly like her movements in the womb. So cool.

They do eventually roll, punch, and kick...but as a toddler...and it's not so cute then :tongue:

You ladies look so great :love:
cupcake*muffin said:
Congrats Robbie and Miscka!

Ditto, congrats ladies!

Re: weight gain. I'm 5'7" and I started out around 155. I'm not sure if that's considered overweight, but it was about 20 lbs heaver than I would have like to be when getting pregnant. I packed on weight in the first trimester and the first half of the second. I'm not sure if it was the various holidays that fell in those months and the corresponding candy put out in the office, or my cravings, but I had no willpower and everything sounded good. I had very few real cravings, though one major one was in the first weeks-I wanted a very rare hamburger. Then I started craving hot dogs. Then things leveled off and it was more of constant state of being up for eating anything and everything. So when I delivered I was 191, so I gained 36 lbs during the pregnancy. Only once did my doc say anything to me about my weight and that was in response to my visible cringe when I hit 180 lbs. She told me to lay off the ice cream. After I delivered Aidan I had no appetite. I ate what was put in front of me in the hospital because I was supposed to and I knew I wanted to BF, but I really didn't care about eating and I wasn't hungry. Then I got home and came down with a stomach bug soon after. There was another 4 days of eating very little. Luckily for the first month of breastfeeding the body mostly pulls calories from fat stores vs intake, so it didn't have an affect on my supply. So I weighed myself today and discovered I was down to 170 lbs! I know this is because of being sick and I could easily put it back on, but it's still kind of motivational in a way. So weight goes on and weight goes off. As long as you're eating well, taking your vitamins, and aren't developing secondary issues or ignoring special diets like the one for GD, then don't worry about it.
Congrats to Robbie and Snlee and Miscka!

Well, my baby is out! Silas Cole was born last Thursday and he is pretty wonderful... 9 lb 4 oz, 22 in. Labor was surprisingly quick; we got home yesterday and its been going really well. Of course, my husband is off work and has been awesome and my mom flew out and Silas has been sleeping a lot so I've been able to work on recovering and feeding and enjoying my little boy. So fun!

Thanks everyone!

Congrats cara! Silas is adorable! What a big baby. Enjoy this special time, it really is the best!
Congrats Cara!
Re: 26w6d

Congrats Snlee and Cara both your little ones are just precious and so beautiful - they looks like two sleeping little cherubs :)

Well this is my first post here figure might as well jump in - just over 15 wks and I have been lurking DH bless him chickenheadedness used up all our DL for the month and we are slowed to dial upish speeds :K so I have been lurking and ready but not posting by the time I load the pages I am buggered LOL

I had my first ob appointment - on Friday which went great, he is really down to earth and funny and meant to be good so really so far all good - much better then the negitive GP I had to see in the start so really thats a bonus

Geri Unless I got this wrong - are you an aussie Pser as well?

Thought I would post this for any aussie preggie ladies - I was looking at the bumbleride after the req's here and have not been able to locate it does not look like it sold here however have found a similar pram at Babies Galore for a bargin - The Swallow beema q reduced from $499 down to $199 - it had everything we were looking for and you can get a bassinette attachment for $39 :o CRAZY - personally to me compared to the more expensive prams of the same style apart from the straps which we will buy padding for it is pretty good

worth a look and avail online as well :) We got the nero colour. Reason they are so cheap as they are stock that was bought up when babyco went into recivership

I look forward to chatting with you all over the coming weeks :)

Congrats Cara and Snlee! Those babes are absolutely gorgeous!

Cat, you are teeny! I'm jealous...I would be happy to look 18 weeks pregnant if that's what it looks like. :bigsmile:

HH, I'm so jealous you ended up gaining only 36! I did the same thing only my weight gain didn't slow down at the end. I started at 128 (I'm 5'5") and was 173 when I delivered. I'm now 143 which is a little less than I weighed before joining WW two years ago. My clothes from then don't fit well though. I guess because the weight is distributed differently? I had no idea that the first month of BF that you're body used fat stores. That would explain why the weight falling off stopped then. I lost 26 pounds the first 3-4 weeks and then nothing until last week when I joined WW and lost 4.

Allie, you're getting so close. You look great!

Bliss, I want to see that belly!
congrats Cara... he is such a cutie!! and yep what a big boy!

congrats Snlee... your little doll is a darling.

re weight gain. i gained 34 lbs and i lost 20 within about a week of birth. that was the easy weight. the last 14 were hard and the last 5 took the longest. i def could have eaten a little healthier during preg and i know it's easy to think about later LATER but i think if i had to do it again i would eat about 5-10% healthier while preg AND that 10% healthier right post birth but 10 months of habits can die hard. it took me 6.5mo to be pre-preg weight but i still have work to do.
Mara said:
re weight gain. i gained 34 lbs and i lost 20 within about a week of birth. that was the easy weight. the last 14 were hard and the last 5 took the longest. i def could have eaten a little healthier during preg and i know it's easy to think about later LATER but i think if i had to do it again i would eat about 5-10% healthier while preg AND that 10% healthier right post birth but 10 months of habits can die hard. it took me 6.5mo to be pre-preg weight but i still have work to do.

Exactly. The water weight is easy, the fat not so much. And the more of that you gain, the longer it takes. For some women it melts off, but I think for most, especially if you gain more than 40lbs, it is WORK!
congrats and welcome to the new preggos! wishing you smooth and healthy pregnancies

and a huge huge welcome to cara and snlee's little ones - yay! they are both soo squishy and adorable. love the pics and your birth stores are great. cara, i can't believe what a big boy you have!

hh - how are you and aidan doing?

things are going well over here. i'm in week 31 now which just seems INSANE to me. where has the time gone? feeling pretty good so far and have managed to avoid the evil crotch pain of my last pregnancy. maybe i'll be brave and take a belly pic this week - all your bellies are so cute!

re: weight gain - i gained 32 lbs in my last pregnancy (am 5'7" and started out at 122 lbs) and lost all of the weight by about 4 months or so without any effort. however, even though the weight was gone, my body was different and i still couldn't fit *properly* into my old clothes until about 9 months post partum. the clothes fit - they just didn't look right before then because of the saggy belly and different distribution of fat.

i started this pregnancy at 122 lbs again and have gained 15 lbs in 30 weeks so i know it's less than before. the bulk of my weight gain tends to happen in the last month or so, so i'm pretty sure i'll make it up to around 25 lbs by the end. i really hope the weight comes off again like it did before, even if it takes another 9 months. i'm older now, and not starting off with a healthy toned figure so who knows.
What did you all do when you had to go back to work? Buy new clothes? Do you think *baby* weight is different to lose than holiday pounds etc? I joined WW in Oct 08 at 146 and I lost 18 pounds in 8 weeks but I have a feeling that's not going to happen this time. Besides, these bbs aren't going anywhere until I stop nursing and they definitely make me look heavier.

I have a girlfriend who delivered 3 weeks ago and is back in her size 3 (YES JUNIOR SIZE) pants! Life is cruel sometimes. :wacko:
Hey ladies!

I'm new here :) This was unexpected but definitely not unwanted! I'm still in shock and feel sick a lot and at the same time I want to eat all the time...this is a vicious catch-22 I got goin here!!
CARA CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Oh, your baby is G :love: RGE :love: US!!!!!!! How wonderful, and right on time, too! Wow, what an angel. So sweet and cuddly!

Deelight! Ooooooh 15 weeks! How are you feeling? You are so ahead of the game with your stroller already! Congrats! What an amazing deal, too! Nice work!!!!! How exciting!

Puppmom! How are you doing? I woke up early and took a belly pic for you! I've missed you!!!! As for going back to work, I think I'll wear my maternity clothes. I really love them and plan to wear them even when not preggo! I hope the drape-y style tops and dresses are still en vogue by then! That or I'll buy some looser outfits that are more forgiving?

Mara! Wow, that is awesome with your weight gain and how fast it came off. You know you look fab. I think all new moms look fab - they just have that glow. I commend you for working out because I had visions of being a buff preggo and now that I see the reality, I am also accepting that I will probably not be a buff new mom right out of the gate! But I can live vicariously through you hottays!

Fiery, how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am over the moon with how cute the little movements are. How cool that your gorgeous little peanut moved around the same way she did while in the womb??? I would have melted into a puddle and she would have woken up on the floor in my melted puddle of love and adoration. LOL

sbde, I am totally relate! This weight gain and how much to gain is puzzling to me! How much to shoot for - I would love to be a preggo who can eat what she wants and put on weight steadily, which is healthiest. I think it just depends on the woman.

Welcome, random__thought and congratulations!!!!!!

So here's a clumsy collage of belly pics! I'm at 23.5 weeks, whew! Looking back at the far left pic when I was barely pregnant, I am AMAZED at how many changes have taken place! I keep forgetting and sometimes when putting on pants, I lift my leg all the way up and bump the belly. Sorry, baby! Oh, the boobs are insane, too. Wow. CatLuver, we have the same outfit! LOLOLOL

Since we're all talking about weight gain, I'm pleased to be on track...gained a hard won 7-8 lbs so far. My first tri, I lost weight so it was a huge concern for us both. My challenge is eating because I am still cursed with nausea. My DH is always asking the OB why I'm not rounder and plumper. A few of our friends are pregnant and they are carrying much rounder and blossoming beautifully. THANK GOODNESS my OB finally told him to quit worrying! As long as the baby is growing (and measuring ahead, thanks!) it's OK to carry small. My mom carried small both pregnancies and had a big boy first followed by yours truly.

At times I'm really frustrated because I love to eat and the nausea has really taken one of life's pleasures away from me. Plus, I really hate feeling seasick. I wish I could gain weight more steadily and more easily but ah well. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. And my OB told me that he actually doesn't want me to force myself to put on a lot of weight because it wouldn't be good for the baby or for my health. But I feel like I'd like the belly at least to be bigger! Ahhh, I should stop worrying!

Otherwise, things are going well! Yesterday the bebe was pretty quiet and I worried about her lack of kicking/punching but then at 4am. HELLO!!!! Boom! Boom! Boom! Hahahaha! I didn't know they held Tae bo classes in my uterus at 4am but I guess it's my fault for not checking the schedule.

Something really funny DH does is spot pregnant women and point them out to me - whether they're on TV or on the street. He calls them "Preggies" and whispers to me, "Look Bliss! A preggie!" Of course, we see them everywhere now because we're pregnant! The funniest thing he does is when we're in a store - he encourages me to make friends with my "fellow Preggie." It reminds me of when I was a little girl and my mom would nudge me forward to make friends with another little girl at church! Ha! When I tell him that you can't just go around making friends with random pregnant women who might not want to be bothered, he looks puzzled and goes, "What, you don't have some secret hand signal or something among you Preggies? Like a secret club?" LOL You mean like a STAR TREK VULCAN SIGN??? LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY????? Live long and prosper, Preggie! How many weeks art thou? Can you imagine??? Ha! But I must admit, fellow "Preggies" are usually just as excited as I am and it is fun to smile conspiratorially at each other in public!

I have my gestational diabetes test in a couple of weeks. I get those weekly emails from several baby sites about growth and etc. Today's was about GD and it said symptoms include nausea and fatigue. I guess for some women it can be triggered by too much weight gain but in others it can simply be insulin resistance due to all the extra hormones. I hope my nausea doesn't indicate GD! After reading all the stories about how sugary the drink is, I'm not looking forward to chugging it down. Can you imagine how nuts the baby is going to go with all that sugar???? She's going to punch a hole through my belly! Heehee. I love her so much, it's amazing.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!!!! Let's do some KEGELS today, ladies!!!!!!

KEGEL TIME! :appl:

congrats to snlee....she is absolutely beautiful!!
and cara...too cute your little man is!

weight gain was kinda weird for me with my first, gained more than i wanted even though i was working out and eating healthy but it was just out of my control. but with my second, i started out lighter than i did with my first and gained less than 20 lbs and dropped all of iot within 4 weeks BUT i also hit the gym and started working out 2 weeks PP. i know, i was crazy. so now being preggo with my third, i'm still going to the gym everyday and TRYING to eat healthy.

happy monday preggos!!
Cara Silas is gorgeous! Congrats!
sbde said:
congrats and welcome to the new preggos! wishing you smooth and healthy pregnancies

and a huge huge welcome to cara and snlee's little ones - yay! they are both soo squishy and adorable. love the pics and your birth stores are great. cara, i can't believe what a big boy you have!

hh - how are you and aidan doing?

things are going well over here. i'm in week 31 now which just seems INSANE to me. where has the time gone? feeling pretty good so far and have managed to avoid the evil crotch pain of my last pregnancy. maybe i'll be brave and take a belly pic this week - all your bellies are so cute!

re: weight gain - i gained 32 lbs in my last pregnancy (am 5'7" and started out at 122 lbs) and lost all of the weight by about 4 months or so without any effort. however, even though the weight was gone, my body was different and i still couldn't fit *properly* into my old clothes until about 9 months post partum. the clothes fit - they just didn't look right before then because of the saggy belly and different distribution of fat.

i started this pregnancy at 122 lbs again and have gained 15 lbs in 30 weeks so i know it's less than before. the bulk of my weight gain tends to happen in the last month or so, so i'm pretty sure i'll make it up to around 25 lbs by the end. i really hope the weight comes off again like it did before, even if it takes another 9 months. i'm older now, and not starting off with a healthy toned figure so who knows.

Hey SBDE, We're doing a lot better. The stomach bug has passed and Aidan has gotten past his cluster feeding bout. I think it was just a growth spurt.

RT-Congrats Jo!

And congrats to you as well snlee!
All they do is sleep.

Wait a minute, are they supposed to sleep?? Apparently Lily missed the memo. Hers said "all they do is eat."
Cara~ Congratulations on the birth of your big boy!!
I have a question, how long did it take you for your cramps in the beginning to go away? They are annoying and when I don't feel too great to start with, it kind of kicks things up a notch. I just want them to stop!