
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Fiery, I *heart* you! Thank you for posting this. I just printed and saved to my favorites!! I will look forward to reading through these posts later today and will happily share with DH as well. I love reading birth stories, in general, but a hypno-birth story, woo-hoo!!
LV - honestly, I probably haven't been drinking enough water. It's hard being a preggo resident. But I'm working on it! :) Doc did think that what I've been having is BH, but she wasn't too concerned. She says they're OK as long as they're not regular or more frequent. Plus my cervix was nice and long on ultrasound today, and closed up tight (she went ahead and did an internal given my concerns during the past week about pelvic pressure sensations), so we were both very reassured by that! :) YAAAAY for passing your 3 hr GTT!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Fiery - thanks for the links! I haven't read them yet, but I'm looking forward to it...


Just wanted to pop in and share my 24w3d ultrasound pics from today, and let you guys know that everything looks perfect! :) Cervix is nice and long (3.2cm) and closed up tight on internal exam. Placenta is now a good 6.5cm away from cervix (was only 3cm away last ultrasound) - YAY! And Ellie is vertex now, which my doc liked ("I like that this baby can navigate your pelvis!") LOL. She does think I've been having BH, but as I mentioned above, is OK with that as long as they continue to be like they have been. Got a good look at her spine and kidneys today, since we missed those at the anatomy scan, and they all look nice and normal! :appl:

OK, first pic: she is sideways and you are looking at her face-on - top of her head is to the right, and the two circles to the left are her arms in cross-section. You can see her eyes and her mouth, and kinda imagine her nose in the middle!

Next: similar view, sideways and face-on with same orientation as the first...the two dark spots are where her eyes are, and to the left side you can see her arm with her hand up beside her face, kinda like she's laying on her hand

This one's kinda cool. :) It's a face-on shot again, but just of her nose and lips, with head oriented the same way as before. Image you're looking at her face on, but she's got her head tilted back with her mouth open, and you can see up her nostrils...that's what it is. :) The bigger oval dark area is her open mouth, and there are 2 smaller dark areas above that are her nostrils!

A foot! Heel is to the left, toes to the right.

Cass - welcome and congrats on reaching the second trimester!

Lanie - I'm sorry about the poison ivy and other preggo issues - you poor thing :(sad . I hope the next 10 weeks are better for you and that you are holding your precious boy soon.

Noelwr - Cute MIckey pick!

Allieluv - good luck with the appointment today.Your little one will be here so soon!

Houie - Congrats on the great ultrasound - cute pics!! I'm so jealous - I want to see our little girl again. I only got to see the heartbeat today, but that was nice and strong at least.

LV- Congrats on passing the 3 hour test - that must be a relief for you. And great progress on the nursery - that sounds like a lot of work!

I just need to have a little vent - DH is telling lots of people that we are having a girl, including all of his family, a number of work colleagues, including people he isn't even close to, and who knows who else. He knows I wanted it to be a surprise to the point where I told him we wouldn't find out if he was going to tell people. He didn't disagree so I figured he understood it was important to me that it be a surprise but he seems to be telling everyone. I'm really upset and annoyed about it (no doubt exacerbated by raging hormones) but he just doesn't think it is a big deal :angryfire:. Next thing he will be telling everyone what name we have chosen (if he hasn't already) and leaving no element of surprise. How do I get him to understand that this matters to me or am I just overreacting?
Tuckins you poor thing MS can be the worse thing - one of the best tips my friend gave to me the hint of having some crackers beside the bed and eating some before even getting out of the bed it does pass eventually

Hou, noelwr and Allie :) awesome belly shots - I missed posting my first one our house is in current state of renovations so trying to find a place that does not look like a disater hit it is hard LOL. Allie good luck with the proteins 38wks not much longer now :)

Hou Your little E is just precious :) such cute US pics

Cass It is hard to say I have felt some weird taps for the last few weeks (am currently 18wks 4 days) however just since last few days have I felt what more I consider to be actual baby movements - flutters and taps which are more intense it is hard to think about when I first felt them really - I spent so much time thinking it can't be baby moving

Lanie We don't have PI here but it sounds horrible - can you use calamine lotion would that help - i hope it gets better soon

icekid YAY for vacation - sounds like you have a fun time planned

LV YAY for passing the 3hr test :)

Geri I think sometimes things can be important to us personally however others may not realise just how much - maybe your DH is just caught up in the moment and getting really excited and this is his way of showing it. Have a chat to him and let him know how you feel.


Nothing much to report here - I have been having some tummy pains but I think they are just stretching pains they do go away which is apparently normal

- I can also feel the bubs more which is nice and sometimes inconvenient when I am at work doing something and feel a little stab in my lower belly LOL
3 more sleeps till I find out what it is YAY
Well girls we are at the hospital waiting for Charlie to arrive. They decided to induce last night. My BP was 160/100 and I had a pretty bad headache. They used a foley bulb to get my cervix from a 2 to a 3cm. That caused a lot of back pain, and started the pit at 5am. I am contracting but not feeling them yet, knock on wood!!! Hopefully we will meet this little guy by days end :)
OMG Allie that is so exciting - good luck sending you a ton of PS dust for a quick, safe delivery :)

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Good Luck, Allie!! Can't wait to meet Charlie!!!!!!!
Good luck Allie!!!!!!
Good luck Allie! Praying for a swift and entirely painless labor. :naughty:
Good luck, Allie! I hope you have a speedy and pleasant (as it can be) delivery!
Good luck Allie!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :wavey:
Best of luck Allie!!! Can't wait to see pics of your precious Charlie!
Hi, friends!!!

I'm waaaay overdue for a post - I swear, *every* weekend has been booked w/family commitments!! Baby showers, birthday parties, christenings, you name it! Between all these events, getting the nursery ready, and work, I don't even seem to have time to clean my house anymore, let alone post on PS! I do read up from time to time, and am glad you are all doing well, and looking fantastic baking those little babies!

Blushing - Congratulations, mama!! So Laila was the lucky PSer, huh?? I do love the names!! Enjoy those precious bundles!!

Catluvr!!! Congrats and welcome to team blue!!! We are still undecided on a name. Boy names are so hard!!

Cass - Congrats and welcome!! How've you been feeling? I felt flutters at 16w, but a 'for sure' tap at 18.5w.

Lanie - So sorry about the poison ivy! That really stinks! Has it gotten better yet??

Noel - Look at you with Mickey!! I'm so jealous! I've never been to DIsney, and would absolutely love to go someday. Oh, and you're not the only one with hemorrhoids. Thank goodness I work at a hospital that stocks Tucks!! Hemorrhoids + 12 hours of running = awfully uncomfortable itchiness. Yuck. I'm glad you had a nice vacation!!

Icekid - So glad your u/s went well!! You must be so relieved. And I'm sure you're up to your eyeballs in baby shower presents! Hehe - I poke my little guy constantly! I can't help it! DH yells at me to leave him alone, but I love lying down and trying to figure out where his head/butt/feet are. Not that I ever can, though!

LV - Congrats on the glucose test! And that's very interesting about hypnobirthing - I'm about to google :read:. And look at fiery's links! I hope it works out for you!! I agree, people screaming PUSH isn't my idea of a calm experience! It's no wonder that women are portrayed as evil monsters while giving birth... Look at what they have to deal with!

HMG - Lookin good, mama! And I love the new u/s pics :love: :love: !! I especially like the nose/lips one.

Geri - Sorry your DH is being a blabbermouth!! Ugh, I'd be annoyed, too! BUT, is it just possible that he's *so excited* to share the news? If that's the case, then I'd probably give him a little leeway. But definitely let him know how you feel.

Deelight - Glad all is well. I say BOY, but am always wrong (I'm 0 for 4 so far).

Bliss - How've ya been? It'd be nice to hear your peppiness. Hope all is well.

ALLIE!!!! Tons of dust!! I can't wait to hear your story!!!!

My SIL (due in Nov) has been monitored extra close b/c they found an enlarged kidney at 20w. So she's been super anxious - and the last u/s (at 33.5w) showed he already weighs 6lb7ounces! Which means he's huge for his gestation, and she'll most likely go early. I kinda wish there were another standard u/s. I would love to see my baby again before he's born, though I'm so happy that there's been nothing to warrant another u/s. But you always have that 'what if' in the back of your mind, yanno??

30 weeks! I can't believe it! Where does time go? Everything's good, measuring on track. I was up 15lbs at 26 weeks. Then from 26 to 28 weeks I gained 10 pounds!!! :eek: How is that even possible?? My doc didn't seem worried in the least - she said it was most likely water weight. But dag, 10lbs in 2 weeks seems a bit much to me! My 30w appt is Friday, so we'll see what the scale says then.

My rants:
Chin hairs. I had a few, like 4 or 5, pre-pregnancy. Now I'm sprouting new ones constantly!! Ugh, it's awful.
I currently have a zit the size of India on my chin. Thanks, kid.
What is this tsunami of CM?? And I hate pantiliners!! Maybe I have sensitive skin or something, but I get so irritated by them. It's to the point that I have to stand in the bathroom for a minute or two after doing my business, just to wait for the tsunami of CM, so I can clean it up! Ugh, sorry for the TMI, but it's soooo gross!!!
And, of course, the hemorrhoids.
Still with the pregger brain, too. I lost my cell phone Thursday, and couldn't get a new one til Sunday morning. What a PITA it is to get all your contacts again.
It'll all be worth it, though. :twirl:

My raves:
The nursery is mostly done! Just need curtains, wall hangings and accessories now. I have a pic, which I'll share, but I'm sorry it's a crummy phone pic. I'll post the good ones in the nursery thread when it's *all* finished.
I'm finally getting that special pregnant treatment from strangers!
This little guy is such a mover this past week! It's really cool to see my belly 'wave' when he rolls.
DH won't let me carry anything. Which means he gets laundry duty :praise: He's been so good to me lately (maybe especially so now that I really look pregnant).
He also wants to take me to see the Transiberian Orchestra next month since they'll be in town. I'm so excited!! :bigsmile:

Sorry if I missed anyone, but please know I think of you all often, and wish the best for all of yoU!

The pics are of the nursery (crappy cell phone shot), and my 27w/30w comparison shot.


I am back ladies :) Charles "Charlie" Alexander arrived at 7:24pm on 10/12/10. He is so stinking cute. From the start of pit to the birth was about 14 hours total, and about 30 minutes of pushing.

He is 8lbs 4oz, 21 inches long and 2 weeks EARLY :o

Spitting image of his Daddy :) I will post a more detailed story later on but here is a picture of the little bug.



Wow, 8 lbs and 2 weeks early?? He's a big boy. Congrats mama, he's gorgeous. I'm glad things went smoothly for you. now get your ace over to the the mommy thread so I'm not the only neurotic new mommy asking questions!
Congrats Allie!!! He is sooo cute! (Even if he was a little grumpy when he came out... :wink2: ) Can you imagine how big he would have been if he went full term? :o
Lynnie, you look fab! Definitely showing now. The nursery looks great too.

Congrats to Allie!!
Congratulations Allie! What a beautiful boy :love: :love:
Thank you ladies! I imagine he would have at least been 9-9.5lbs had I went the extra two weeks. He is definitely a big boy...we are so proud :) Both my husband and I are tall so I thought he would be more long than anything. I didn't carry HUGE so I figured maybe 7lbs at the most.

I was honestly imagining him to be a little peanut at 38 weeks and was shocked when the doctor weighed him and told us. I honestly can say I the labor was very exciting, by the time it came to pushing my adrenaline was pumping and I couldn't wait to meet him. It is all very surreal. This time yesterday he was just a little squish in my belly moving around and kicking and now he is laying right next to me. It is WILD.

Now onto the labor story:

I got a headache at work on Monday during the day, and since I knew my blood pressures were on the rise I went to see the school nurse to check it for me. It was 150/90. By the time work was over my headache was raging so I called the on-call doctor. I had a BP recheck appointment the following morning but she advised me to go into triage. I came home, showered, packed the bags thinking "what if this is it?" and we went off to the hospital. Of course in the back on my mind I was completely sure that they would monitor me for about an hour and send me on my merry way. At triage my pressures hovered around 140's/90's. I had been dilated since my 36 week appointment. So when they checked me at triage I was 2cm and 50% effaced, and when the doctor came in and said "well I guess we are inducing you" my BP shot up to 160/100 and my husband turned pale and looked like he was going to pass out.

They wheeled me up to labor and delivery at around 11pm. Put in the foley bulb to get me to at least 3cm and said they would start the pit at 5am. They gave me a sleeping pill and told me to rest, and I passed right out. At around 4:30am I sneezed, the foley bulb shot out like a rocket. They started the pitocin. At around 9am, I was checked and was only 3cm and 50% effaced so they broke my water. My contractions started coming but I was breathing through them. They got really painful at around 1pm. I got my epidural (miracle drug) and they checked me once again I was about 5cm and 75%. So I was progressing but slowly. At 3pm and 5pm there was little change, I went from 5cm to almost 6cm and was 100% effaced but I was starting to get worried that we wouldn't progress any further. I sat up in bed upright, talking to my friend that was there to hold a leg and my hubby, we watched TV, and waited. When she checked me again at 6pm and I had gone from 6cm to 9.5cm in an hour! She said in about 30 minutes it will be time to push. My epi was starting to wear off a little and I was feeling some back labor again, at around 6:55pm it was time. They couldn't see the contractions clearly on the screen since the sensor fell out a little, so we were going just by what I was feeling mostly. With my hubby on one leg and my best friend on the other I pushed and pushed, and finally he was here!

I am so glad everything went smoothly. Of course today I am in PAIN. The mesh panties and the ice packs are wonderful but it really hurts to pee because of my stitch, I only got one but it feels like 20. It was nice to be able to take a shower and I need to get up and walk around a little bit to get my legs stretched and my hoohaa to stop hurting so much. My husband and I are thrilled! Nothing in the world compares, I still remember coming downstairs and telling him we were going to have a baby and now hes really here. I miss my belly and woke up in a panic this morning thinking I could not feel the baby only to see him in his little bassinet sleeping right next to me.
Congratulations, Allie!! Little Charlie is ADORABLE!! :love:

I hope you are feeling more comfy soon! I loved your last post, especially the last few lines, so sweet!!
Congrats Allie! Charlie is adorable!!
Oh, Allie!! Charlie is a doll! So cute! :love: :love: :love:

And thanks for sharing your story. How weird it must be to suddenly not have a baby moving around inside you!! I'm sure I'll miss my belly, too! Congrats to you and your DH on such a beautiful babe!!! :appl: :appl:
Allie~ Congratulations!! Charlie is so adorable! I know what you mean about that surreal feeling when your baby is born. It's so strange to look down at a fully developed human being and know that he/she was EXACTLY like that INSIDE of you! I hope you recover quickly, enjoy your precious baby boy!
Allie- Charlie is so sweet! What a big boy, too. Sounds like labor went quite well overall. 30 min of pushing is awesome for a first baby. And awww on missing the belly- though I'd have never guessed this to be the case, I think I will too! It's lovely having the little guy all to myself. It will be a little sad to share him with the world.

Lynnie- You look great! No doubt your doc is right about the quick weight gain. It really cannot BE anything other than water. Hahahaha... sometimes I feel a little bad about poking the baby, but it's fun! My hubby gives me a hard time about it too :cheeky: Also with you on the killer chin hairs..... :rolleyes: Thanks for all of the extra testosterone, little boy!

HMG- Love the new ultrasound photos. Our tech was a little stingy, and only gave us a profile shot. It's amazing though, because you can only see one small part of him at a time now instead of the whole baby. I did make her check that he is still a boy though hehe.

LV- YAY for passing the three hour glucose!


Shower was wonderful. Baby O and I are truly spoiled, loved, and blessed. Everyone was SO generous, far more than I would have ever expected... crazy expensive medela pump, pack n play, clothes clothes CLOTHES etc etc etc. So glad I was somewhat restrained in the buying of clothes, because my mom surely was not. Suddenly it really did seem we were swimming in baby STUFF. But hubby took it all back home with him, while I am staying in our hometown until our friends get married in Boston. So he can swim in the baby paraphernalia. I told him he could play with the baby toys during the drive back.

The kid has hiccups constantly! It's somewhat hilarious. I guess he is busy working on his swallowing. Even more funny because my family's new puppy also seems to have chronic hiccups.

I will try and sort through some shower photos and gather up a 32 weeks belly shot soon (though we're pushing 33 now haha). My cousin said at my shower, "WOW, you don't look nearly as big as everyone said." WHAT! Hahaha... undoubtedly my 19 year old little sister who thinks anything other than my normal flat stomach is enormous. Good thing I am not easily offended.
congrats allie!!! he is absolutely precious!!! take care of yourself.
icekid...our J had hiccups ALL the time. i even asked the OB if that was ok. one day in the last 3 weeks he had them like 5x!~ so funny. he hiccuped a lot while out for a while too.

ally, congrats! love your pics, esp the last one with the trembly sad lip, J used to have that same expression sometimes. poor little bub!

lol re: The belly out and being surreal... i felt the same way. for a week or two i even had like phantom belly movements and pains...i mean a lot is happening in there so you def feel stuff but sometimes i'd think i felt him moving but he was out! and it was my uterus contracting or whatever. 10mo is a long time to have someone in your body. traveling with the baby. our photog would do either, we bring him to her or her coming to us. i didn't really want to take him out so soon after birth so she came to us, but she was also actually really good about making sure he kept warm, he had time to relax, etc. so i think it would have been ok at her studio too BUTTTTT it was just so much more comfortable at our house. plus when it was over she left and that was it! we do have good natural light thankfully though.
Allie - congrats with lil Charlie. thanks for sharing the pics and your story. I am so counting on an epidural, hope when I go into labor that I get to the hospital on time, that they don't keep me waiting or that the anesthetist is busy with someone else.

HOU - great pics of Ellie! you should go for the 3D/4D ultrasound.

geri - I would just cry to show DH how frustrated you are. I try not to let the hormones control me so that DH doesn't ignore my crying, and so far he still sees my crying as though something is really upsetting or hurting me, which it usually is.

Lynnie - you can definitely see your growth over the last 3 weeks. I am happy to say that my crack ain't that itchy anymore :bigsmile: (phew, what a relief), but I am getting bleeding now. I also have had uncontrollable itching behind my ears and upper back with hard little bumps that look like acne, but the midwife said that it's probably an allergic reaction, to use menthol gel (which really soothes) and to go see my regular doctor. I also have an itchy crotch and don't know if that's related or again something different but can't use menthol gel there because that would just be way to sharp. earliest doc will see me is Friday. at least the itchiness doesn't keep me awake.

icekid - my little girl has hiccups about 4x per day, and sometimes they last quite long. it feels annoying after a while.

- - -

AFM, we had our first birth class on Monday and DH has the habit of just saying whatever comes to mind, so there was a French lady there who said, "I want my birth to be all natural with no drugs" and he just blurted out: "WHY?!?" after the class he told me he doesn't like her. I am guessing the feeling was mutual. otherwise, you can tell that all couples deal with the information differently. there were a few where both husband and wife were taking down very detailed notes, and with one couple only the husband was taking the notes and asking all the questions while his wife just sat there all relaxed and quiet. DH and I aren't note takers.

interesting things I learned: eat carbs at the beginning of labor, drink energy drinks during, showering is allowed any time during labor, bring a couple of hats for the baby (because if they put one directly after s/he's born, it might be not clean for any pictures).

Friday I am supposed to start with pregnancy yoga. I hope the breathing techniques will be useful, but more so that I won't have to use them much!