
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats, Allie! Charlie is gorgeous. I love the little pouty face in the last pic!

For the peeing issue, try squirting the spray bottle on yourself while you pee. It really works!
puppmom said:
Congrats, Allie! Charlie is gorgeous. I love the little pouty face in the last pic!

For the peeing issue, try squirting the spray bottle on yourself while you pee. It really works!

Congrats Allie! And big ditto! I did not use a squirt bottle but used just a regular water bottle and poured it slowly. Worked really well.
Fly by post

T-MINUS 57 minutes till I find out girl or boy OMG so excited will be back later :)
Just wanted to post that I had the best day ever! Found out today I'm getting promoted soon at my new job to the director of graphic design and I'll have 5-6 people under me. Also will get maternity leave and they have a fully stocked kitchen at the office that I'm allowed to help myself to. And my desk is right next to a HUGE window in a really nice office! I also am still allowed to work at home if I choose to :)

Also today, I finally got some preggie pops!! Our first doctor's appt. is on Monday so I'm praying hard that we will hear a heartbeat! Please keep your fingers crossed!!!
Well I posted a massive post the other day it got eaten by the PS Gremlins so I gave up but I am back from my scan

Lynnie You can now count yourself 5-0 for being wrong LOL - I am pleased to announce we are TEAM PINK ultrasound confirmed today we are having a little girl and I am just over the moon - hubby is pretty sick poor thing but he is excited as well
now I get to go shopping :) - it feels different to me now as I have a proper little person in there not just an it anymore :)

I have to scans were not that exciting - I had 3d and normal scans done but I don't think the baby was fat enough yet to look ultra cute - she is also very uncooperative and camera shy.

I was also told today the baby has really long legs (on the report it states 95th percentile) which makes sense as we are both tall long legged and his whole family is tall and by the looks of it a massive head - ahhhh takes after her mum :rolleyes: personally I am all for the little bubba with a smaller head LOL

Allie Your little Charlie is just handsome - I love the name so sweet :) I really enjoyed reading your labour story.

icekid Sounds like you had an awesome shower - this might sound like a stupid question but does the babies hiccups feel much different from kicks - I am just intrigued

Noelwr Your DH sounds like me - I have the same habbit

random_thought Congrats on the promotion and good luck at your doctors appointment - sending you tons of dust
Congratulations Allie! He is so handsome!

ETA: Congratulations Deelight on the little Girl!
congrats deelight on a baby girl!! super exciting i'm sure.

quick question, i just went in for an NT scan today at 13 weeks. the tech told me she more than pretty sure baby is a girl then the doc came in to confirm it. and they were both very sure we are having a girl. but really, how accurate are we talking at 13 weeks? i went back and looked at u/s pics of my 2 boys at around 13 weeks, and it was pretty clear that they were boys. i guess DH and i don't want to get too excited yet. but from every angle, it was pretty clear to even me that there was no pee pee, but it could have been hiding, no? either way, we are happy that baby looks healthy.i was just wondering since this is the last time i plan on being preggo and would love to have a little girl. just don't want to get too excited just yet.

hope everyone is doing well!!!
I just wanted to throw in that I had the preggie pop and it made me throw up!! Is it just me or is that just really unfair!!

I hope hope everyone is doing well :)
PS just ate my post :angryfire:

Allie - Congrats on the arrival of Charlie - he is adorable!

Lynnie - Looking good! Congrats on 30 weeks. I suspect the weight gain is mostly water. I went up 4 pounds in 4 days at one stage then most of it disappeared again so who knows.

Noelwr - I think we have the same birth plan - drugs, quickly!

Icekid - People really don't think before they speak sometimes! Glad you are not hypersensitive.

Deelight - Congrats on team pink! Enjoy the shopping.

As for me, just had dessert and half a coffee with lunch and bub is going crazy - oops!
Thanks Mere, Puffy and Geri I literally have not stopped smiling all day :) I know I would not have cared either way but even Dh knows I really wanted at least one girl one day I lost my mother to heart disease at 13 and I feel like I missed out on so much of that mother and daughter relationship now I will finally get to have that

Puffy I don't know how accurate it would be - at my 12 scan they could not tell sometimes they can (I was bummed) but there definitely was no little doodle there - apparently when looking for a girl they look for the presence of 3 little lines - I probably would not buy pink stuff yet and wait for the 20 wks scan to - but I hope your having a little girl :appl:

Random What is a preggie pop?

Geri mmmmmm desert baby is prolly on a rush LOL :)
Congratulations Dee on team pink! Girls are so much fun!

Puffy-IDK about finding out at 13 weeks. It's so hard with girls to be completely accurate that early. I think even Tao found out further along that she was having a girl and later on found out she was actually having a boy. But an early congrats on team pink! I just wouldn't buy anything pink for a little while :bigsmile:
congratulations allie. charlie is too precious!! and I heart his name.
Deelight, Congrats on your baby girl!! Welcome to TEAM PINK!!!!!!!!

Puffy, It's really hard to say! My u/s office would not guess as to gender, as a matter of policy, at the 11-13 week u/s. That said, maybe it was particularly clear to your technician and doctor, and that's why they felt comfortable saying?
Deelight - Congrats on team pink!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Little girls are so precious!!! It's gotten to be comical how WRONG I am all the time! lol

Puffy - Fingers crossed on team pink for you, too! They didn't even venture a guess at my 13w u/s, so I don't know what to tell you there. But if they're pretty confident, the odds are def for team pink. Ditto on holding out on buying cute dresses, though!

Icekid - Our little guy gets the hiccups all the time, too. I always grab my stethoscope and make DH listen! haha.

Geri - Did you ever talk to your DH about spreading the news? How'd it go? mmm coffee... I love making a cup of hazlenut - half reg half decaf :lickout:

Noel - Thanks for sharing the birth class info. I was a bad girl and waited to register. By the time I did, the earliest class I could get was Nov 20th. I'll be 35w6d. Eek...

RT - Congrats on the promotion! Do the preggie pops taste good, at least? I never needed them...

Just got back from my biweekly. My practice consists of 4 dr's, and they make sure you have at least one appt with each dr, because any one of them could be delivering the baby. This was the first time I've met Dr. K, and he is AWESOME... I kinda wanna switch primaries! He showed me how to feel for the head, butt, and extremities, and he was so cool and down to earth.
I only gained 1 more pound, so yay for that!

Happy Friday, everyone! Looking forward to the BPFs!!! I just posted one, so I'll wait til next week... Let's see those bellies, ladies!!!

Happy Friday! I am about to go pregnancy yoga class (I don't know why I signed up to this in addition to the Monday night birth class, but oh well) but thought I'd drop a post.

went to doctor this morning and gave her my long list of symptoms. she gave me cream for the itch on my back and apparently I also have a vaginal yeast infection for which I also got cream. my right eye lid is swollen but she thinks that will go away on its own and I have a hard lump in my left breast but she thinks it's a lymph node and said to ask the midwife for a 2nd opinion. as long as I can get rid of the yeast infection, I'll be happy. so uncomfortable to be itchy down there. apparently I shouldn't eat sugar.

Lynnie - what rubbish is this about not posting a belly pic today? we still want to see you! yah, I am starting late with the pregnancy yoga as it runs for 8 weeks and now I'm almost 31 weeks... the midwife practice I go to also makes you see a different lady every time as you don't know who will be there during the delivery. hopefully none of them because I want the epidural which means I get a gynae instead. next week I see the male midwife.

geri - yay for drugs! I'd even be willing to be put out for the whole ordeal. okay, I guess that makes me a strange mom not to want to witness the birth of my kid.

Deelight - welcome to Team Pink! :appl:

random_thought - congrats on the promotion. sounds like the ideal situation for a pregnant woman.

- - -

and here I am one day short of 31 weeks

noel, you look great!!!

thanks ladies!! i just needed to hear it i guess. i knew that it was way too early to tell, but i was just hoping. haha. hopefully we'll find out for sure in a few more weeks.

have a great weekend everyone!!
Re: 30w6d

Lynnie said:
RT - Congrats on the promotion! Do the preggie pops taste good, at least? I never needed them...

The preggie pops tasted horrible! lol and the flavors were so strange
Deelight, congrats on Team Pink!!

Noel, you look fabulous!!

Puffy, I think it's still too soon to tell 100%. I wouldn't buy pink just yet, but how exciting nonetheless!

Here's my BPF contribution. Sorry for the bare belly...I'm watching my belly button to see when it officially becomes a complete outie. :bigsmile: Only 8 weeks and 2 days until my due date, and I can't wait to find out if this LO is a boy or girl. DH and my Dad put up the baby's crib this past weekend! Yay! It's the Graco Lauren, like a lot of other PSers have.

You look GREAT Laila!! Such a cute belly!! Only 8 more weeks!! Wow! Time flies, yet stands still at the same time, huh?

Can we guess gender???

I'm going to guess BOY!!! Based on the way you are carrying (haha, I've become one of those women now.) I can't really guesstimate how tall you are, but you seem quite petite -- that's when the whole guessing based on how you are carrying thing doesn't work very well, but I dunno, I'm still guessing BOY!!!
Hi LV! Happy Friday! Any gender guesses are most welcome! :) I'm not petite at all though--I do have a short torso, but I'm 5'7" so the height is all in my legs. My mom and grandmother insist it's a girl based on my bump. BUT I've had other people insist boy. So who knows?! It's fun not knowing but now the suspense is really getting to me. :rodent: Hope you and miss Samantha are doing well. :wavey:
Hey pretty mamas! I have so much to catch up on and will try to this weekend but I have a question for you in the TMI arena...

Is it normal on the inside down there to be super soft, swollen and almost spongy? I decided to check my cervix awhile ago just to compare, and I could barely even reach it. It's super high and like everything else, so incredibly soft, maybe even dilated, and not long and hard at all like I've read it's supposed to be. Nothing is painful, but just feels so much more swollen and soft than it ever did while ttc that I'm cautious about something being wrong and have not let poor DH anywhere near there for months now. No other signs of anything being wrong and it's been like this for months. My next appt is with a man doc in the group and I don't want to get an exam. Anyone?
thanks guys :)

Lynnie If you think about it you are predicting correctly in your own way - you think it is a boy - BAM girl so people can just think the opposite

Noel You look really good - hope the infection goes away soon

Laila You look great :) Initially I was going to say boy because your belly looks similar to one of the girls carrying a boy in my office but I am more inclined to say girl you seem to be carrying really high which makes me think girl - heck I could be wrong - I am on a streak at the moment :P gees my guess was terrible really - I admire your patience I have non when it comes to surprises LOL

Cat Sorry hun no idea - after a bleeding scare on the honeymoon when after DTD and I thought I was miscarrying I have steered clear of the area. Have you had any scans recently - my last exam and scan both showed my cervix is acting as it should so that could help put your mind at ease - anything else I think would just be a guess.


Had my second ob appointment - paid the management fee which was scary (to the bank balance) - hoping medicare covers a decent portion - didn't get weighed again or anything but got to hear the bubba's heartbeat.

Is it normal to be weighed each visit - I have not been weighed once he seems very down to earth and a calm not worrier - he also comes highly recommended on forums and by my GP so I am not too worried but I figured I would be tracked along the way - honestly I am now to scared to weigh myself I am just keeping content in the knowledge I can still fit my pre preggie clothes still so I am tracking myself that way. Also got told they won't do a growth scan unless there is complications - I think I kinda want one so I can mentally prepare myself IYKWIM

If I get a chance tomorrow will try to get DH to take a photo of my belly I believe it is about time I post a pic I feel so huge and I am convinced I am waddling- my belly feels like it starts just under my boobs goes in at my belly button and then pops out again - urgh which I had a cute round belly.

Bubba has been moving like crazy today - it feels weird but nice - at my scan they showed me she is lying sideways (across my belly) but they said it is not a concern at this stage.

Hope everyone is doing well :)
Hm, you must have had some weird preggo pops....the ones the doctor office gave me tasted like normal lollipops.
Hi ladies, I am going to attempt to catch up!

Blushing and Allie – congrats! Thanks for posting your birth stories.

Noel – too funny about your DH and the birth class. People have such different ideas about birth. I feel warm/hot all the time too, I’m so glad it’s finally cooling off. Nice little belly!

Puffy – even though it’s too early to tell, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you! If we have 2 boys I will be in your same position :) Not too much longer to wait.

Laila – great belly, you’re getting closer and closer! I don’t know how you can take the suspense :)

Deelight – congrats on girl! That’s so exciting. I do get weighed each visit.

Lynnie, yay on 30 weeks! I can’t believe you ladies are in the 30’s now! I think I have you beat on the weight gain though (see below). And I look like you at 27w now at only 22. I hear you on the CM – ick!

Cass, welcome. I felt the first tiny movement at 16w but nothing much until 18w.

Icekid, that’s reassuring to be at 32 weeks. Sorry about the BHs though.

Hou – I’m envious you got another US. You’re looking great!

Geri – sorry about your DH telling people. I don’t think you’re overreacting. Maybe he just wasn’t clear exactly how strongly you felt about it. Hope you worked it out.

LV – glad you passed your glucose test, one less thing to worry about.

AFM, I have COMPLETELY popped in the last 1-2 weeks. There is absolutely no hiding my belly now! Even when I suck in it doesn’t go in much and it’s just out there, big, round and so firm. Definitely an interesting experience! It feels kind of awkward to me to have my coworkers checking out my belly/body…like an invasion of privacy or something…heh, I know I’m weird.
I’m trying not to stress about weight gain but I seem to continue to be packing it on…4 lbs this week for 16-17 lbs at 22 weeks! Yikes! Oh, well.
Other than feeling huge, no other issues except what I posted above, so I’m happy that I mainly still feel like myself, just w/a bigger belly. Before being pregnant I wasn’t sure if it would feel like I was in a completely different body. Maybe in the 3rd tri when I get even bigger...I can' even imagine how big right now.
Will post more later, but for now- the promised belly pics!


Noel - Sorry to hear about all your itchy issues! What a bummer... hope the creams do their jobs!!! On the up side, though, you look fantastic!

Laila - I love your bare belly!! Your belly button is so cute! Mine hasn't popped yet. I'm gonna guess GIRL, just b/c I think you're carrying just like Noel, but you know my track record!

Catluvr - Sorry, I don't know what to tell you on the softness front... You just had your 20wk scan, right? I would imagine that they would've seen if anything was wrong. Try not to worry, and maybe just mention it to the doc, just to see if it's normal? Aw, and don't stress about weight gain, either... I'm up 26 lbs at 31 weeks now. haha - I told my co-workers to let me know if my face is getting fat! I think as long as the weight is mostly in the belly area, you're fine! Oh, and I think it's time we see your belly!!

Icekid - You look great, too!! Holy cow, less than 2 months for you now!

Alright, girls... any of you hosting Thanksgiving dinner?? I'm working, but I just wanted to tell you all to chill and let people help you! My mom went a month early on Christmas day with my brother 'cause she was prepping and stressing and having all the family over for dinner!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!
puffy, I haven't been on here in a while so did I miss your announcement or are you just being sneaky?! :Up_to_something: CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you and I truly hope you get your girl although your boys are so cute that another one would be great too!! Hope all is well...
congrats allie!

puffy, at 13 weeks I think it's too early to tell, although I've read you can make a good guess based on the angle of the nub. I hope you get your little girl. wow 13 weeks already! how are you feeling?
Noelwr - Gosh, I'm sorry about all your symptoms. How frustrating for you. I hope it gets better soon. Love the 30 week belly pic!

Laila - Cute belly! I am going to guess boy for no other than reason than there seem to be lots of girls lately!

Deelight - I haven't been weighed at all either - maybe it's an Australian thing! If you are still fitting into your pre-preggo clothes I think you are doing really well! I busted out of most of mine long ago and the scales at home have not been kind to me :eek:

Icekid - You look great too!

Catluver - you are only a little thing so I know it's hard but try not to worry too much about the weight gain as it's all for a good cause. Show us your belly!

AFM, 24 weeks today and time for another belly shot. I feel like I have grown a lot in the last 4 weeks. People openly ask when I'm due so I obviously look preggo. Despite me having another chat to him, DH is still telling people the gender. I think it's because he is excited and I am going to drive myself crazy trying to stop him, so have given up for now. Besides I have inadvertently referred to the gender a couple of times so don't really have any moral highground anymore. He has promised he won't tell people the name (he has done it a couple of times now) because I don't want people giving us their opinions on it. Hopefully he will stick to this at least! Anyway, without further ado, my 24 week belly pic:

curlygirl said:
puffy, I haven't been on here in a while so did I miss your announcement or are you just being sneaky?! :Up_to_something: CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you and I truly hope you get your girl although your boys are so cute that another one would be great too!! Hope all is well...

And clearly my brain is mush because I congratulated you in the toddler thread 2 months ago!!!! :o I'm losing it! And I only have 2 kids--you're totally my hero!! :sun: