
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Kunzite Sending you lots of delaying baking dust - it sounds like it is under control and I hope your little bean sticks in there for a good while yet

Nowler Bubble tea is a cold Asian tea drink that generally has tapioca pearls or jellys in the bottom I found some pics for you :).

I am finding it really hot here at the moment and a nice honey tea once in a while is really refreshing :)

TiffanyTwisted: Congrats on two boys :) that is uber exciting :) it will be lots of fun I am sure :)

Marquiseluv Congrats on reaching that awesome first milestone - I know for myself it was like a weight off my shoulders :)

taovandel good luck with the scan :) did you have a feeling either way? - we only had a girl name picked out which was good since we are having a girl - though I was convinced otherwise :P


All this talk about epi's am I the only one who is scared about this - the thought of a needle in my spine just creeps me out - still I will likely get one if I need one but I am so in the camp at the moment of wishing I could be knocked out and woken up when it is all over. This may sound stupid (as in I think I am being irrationally stupid to the point of tears) the whole labour experience is freaking me out either way I know this kiddo will have to come out one way or another but still I don't feel prepared mentally- someone please tell me this is normal I figure I have 19 wks to get used to the idea.

I ended up taking the day off work today cause I was feeling stressed and tired - the last week of so I have been going through periods of irrational grumpiness - no one makes me angry or grumpy I just feel like I want to be grumpy - thankfully when I get grumpy I just get very quiet - is anyone else going through this?

21 weeks tomorrow - wow time is flying :o
Deelight- When I was pregnant with Ellie I was TERRIFIED of labor/epi, too. Everone told me that when the time came I would be so glad to be out of pain (epi) and to get it over with and meet my baby (labor) that I wouldn't be scared anymore. I thought "oh yeah- right." Well, I have to say it was true. I labored at home for a very long time (like 3 days) and was at 7cm when we finally went to the hospital. I got the epi right away because they wanted to give me pitocin (looking back I think I would have told them I wanted to go longer without the pitocin, but WITH the epi) and I had heard that pitocin contractions are a nightmare. Truely, the worst part about the epi in my opinion was having to hunch over really awkwardly as they put the needle in. And I remember my hair falling forward in my face and it was so HOT :wacko: . I don't remember any pain from the needle at all. I was also all freaked out about having the little tube coming out of my back while I was laying on it in labor, etc. Never even felt it or thought about it once the time came.
As for labor, I actually liked it. It was hard work, physically exhausting once pushing. Then again, I pushed for 3 hours and 15 minutes. That's definitely at the long end. My doc gave me 5 more minutes and said we would go to c-section if she wasn't out yet, so we decided to use the vac to help. POP- out she came! Funny, I remember one of the first things I said to DH as Ellie was laid upon my chest was "that wasn't bad at all! I could TOTALLY do that again!" I think he almost passed out!
Bottom line: you will do great. Your body truely does take over and it's an awesome thing.
Oh- one other thing- I was also all nervous about the whole 'naked in front of strangers/possibility of gettinga male doc on-call' and everyone said I wouldn't care when the time came-- true again!!!!
Zulily has halo sleep sacks on sale for $12.99 today. Keep in mind they usually take a week or two to ship.

ETA - coupon code of GAF6745 saves $5 of $50 too!
Deelight - SO normal to feel like that. By the time you are full term you will be so fed up being preggo L&D will seem like a good thing!

The first time I ever got an epidural I was nervous but they honestly don't hurt at all - less than giving a blood sample IMHO. I've had 5 total now and ones where they inject stuff into the nerves in your spine and even those are easy - I've had with and without local anaesthetic and I now opt for none as the local hurts worse than the procedure! Best thing is to sit still and relax as much as you can - they'll wait during contractions.

I'm relatively modest, have to talk myself sternly into going for pap tests and yet I just didn't care when it came to L&D. Even lying there for 40 minutes while some guy stitched me back together under a very bright lamp didn't bother me.
Just popping out of lurkdome to say a few words to some friends...

Kunzite - OMG, what an awful and scary experience. I really hope that your little bean keeps baking for at least a few more weeks. Sorry about having to use all your leave time up, but your LO appreciates it ;))

Marquise - Congrats on making it to your 2nd trimester. I wish you a very happy and healthy 6+ months!

Ok, back to regularly scheduled posting...
Deelight - I think it's perfectly normal to feel the way you feel. We've never done this before. You might see what you can do to help you manage or reduce your fears beforehand. Maybe reading some books with labor stories will help you feel a bit better about the birthing experience? Maybe seeking out a doula to support you during birthing would make you feel more at ease?

With respect to receiving the epi, I am personally not concerned about this because I once had a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) where spinal fluid was removed. I would guess the needle for that is larger than the one used to administer an epi. I honestly felt no pain at all with the LP! I distinctly remember telling the doctor that it was easier than a dentist appointment!!

Keep reminding yourself that the epi will be administered by a highly skilled medical professional. By the time you reach that stage, you are probably going to be so glad to have the epi that hopefully all worries will be gone by then!!

With respect to feeling grumpy, YES!!! I think I was my grumpiest during the 2nd tri. I was very very irritable. Now, I'm just feeling quite happy and hope I continue to feel this good for the next 10.5 weeks!!

Marquise - Congrats and Welcome!! :appl: :wavey:
re: epi. I was TERRIFIED of the epi. I ended up getting it. It seriously did not hurt AT ALL. It didn't work but that's besides the point! :naughty:
Kunzite - Wow, I'd like to reiterate everyone! What a scary ordeal! Tons and tons of baking dust to you and Oliver! Hopefully the docs are right, and it's just your body's natural way of getting rid of all that extra fluid. **hugs**

Tiffany - YAY!!! Twin boys! Congratulations and welcome to team blue!!!

Deelight - I'm with ya on being scared of a needle in my spine! And I'm still up in the air about an epi, too. My mom told me her labors were all totally tolerable, and we were all out in like, 3 pushes (no epi for her either). I hope there's some genetic link to easy labors! Oh, and congrats on 21 weeks!

Marquise - Welcome to the thread, and congrats on being almost through the first tri!! How are you feeling?

Tao - Are you thinking girl or boy? Is this pregnancy different than your last one at all? hmmm I'll say BOY. Boys names are hard... we had a girl's name all lined up, and we're still undecided on a boy's name!

Steal & DC - I am your silent cheerleader - one of many I'm sure. I really can't wait to hear those 3 magic letters from you, and see you guys over here permanantly!!

Nothing much new. Had my biweekly today, all is well, and I'm up a total of 25lbs at 32w4d. I met the last of 4 drs in my practice. She was really nice, and knew right away by the HB that it's a boy. She said "30 years of this, and you just get to know how they sound!". Anyway, it really amazed me how STRONG and loud the HB is now, compared to the beginning.
I also had an epi in the end (did not want it but needed it for various reasons, was labouring on pit and was not progressing for 6 hours). It did not hurt. You are in a wee bit of pain for the labour 8) , so really the epi is nothing at all when compared to the labour experience.
Forgot to mention...

Speaking of FB, anyone wanna be friends?? That sounds so lame!! But I thought it'd come in handy, what with reporting on labors/deliveries etc. And, no, I'm not one of those crazy post-every-hour-about-things-noone-cares-about type of people! We can situate it thru administration...
Kunzite, sending prayers your way! So glad your little baby is baking in there and doing well. Super duper hugs!!! May angels hover over you both and make sure you're both protected and safe always!

Loves Vintage, thanks for the Halo sleep sack info! I just ordered two! What a great deal! Question - will you use these instead of swaddlers? I never know what the baby will sleep in - swaddled or in a sleep sack? I've heard such great things about the Halo one and it was such a great deal!

Hey ladies! I'm so sorry I went MIA! Icekid, how are you doing? :appl: Ahhh, the new PS makes me feel overwhelmed because it's harder to respond to everyone and you're all in my prayers and thoughts. I'm sorry! I've just been nesting and taking it easy in a dreamy preggie cocoon with DH. The third tri is the best one for me. I suffered so much during the first two with nausea and exhaustion. Now, I finally feel like me and am very thrilled to enjoy the benefits of pregnancy! I've gained about 15 lbs so far (29 weeks) and am trying to eat as much nutritious food as I can. I don't know, I think it's tougher for some women to pack it on because my mom also had a hard time gaining enough weight during pregnancy. I still have time to put on another 10 lbs, though! I feel huge as it is so that will be interesting! Preggo yoga is awesome and keeps me feeling happily zen.

Belly button is coming out like a turkey timer! It is really cool. I thought I'd be grossed out but I'm kind of fascinated by it! DH is loving my preggo body - he is fascinated by it and thinks it is the most beautiful thing ever. OK, maybe the man is just trying to make me feel better but he seems genuinely proud and in awe of it. I thought I'd freak out when my belly expanded but I am loving it!

The only downside to being preggo is that DH is too afraid to DTD these days for fear of bumping the baby! Silly men! It sure is fun to press my belly up to him in bed and feel her kick him! She is a squirmy love of a child; I love her so much. Sometimes I play a game with her and tap back. It's funny because eating certain foods make her more active. She dances when I eat fresh pineapple or pomegranate. I'm talking DANCING the polka or who knows what - punches on one side of the belly and kicks on the other! I can even feel little feet and elbows sometimes when she stretches and that melts my heart. It's impossible to do anything but grin and be ecstatic when the baby says hello. It is the most incredible miracle ever and I tear up every time I feel her there.

Confession: since we got married, I've secretly hoped for a baby girl one day. So I've been saving up beautiful silk and satin ribbons from gifts and etc. in hopes of tying them in her hair or sewing them on her dresses one day. I had no idea how much I had collected until DH opened a cabinet and was smacked by an avalanche of ribbons the other day! Poor man had no idea what had hit him. Ha!!! I felt like a squirrel who'd had her stash of nuts uncovered!

Those of you having winter babies, what do you plan to dress them in? From what I've read on this and the newborn thread, lots of mommies say not to buy those cutie outfits because onesies are the best for changing and ease. What do you put on their legs? Leg warmers with socks, pants or sleep sacks? Swaddled? Ohhhhh, I cannot wait to meet this baby. I cry at all the baby shows and birth stories. Ohhhhhh, sending you all lots of baby dust and baking dust... may sweet sweet angels watch over you and your little ones during this blessed time!

NY ladies - please be careful crossing the street! The other day, a crazy bike messenger almost hit several people when he was running a red light. I didn't see him because he was riding in-between cars and speeding like crazy. Pedestrians screamed at him because he almost killed a couple of people but gosh, it reminded me of how tenuous life is. In a blink of an eye, everything can change.

Oh and anyone having pregnancy brain? The other day, I threw DH's underwear in the TRASH while zooming around thinking it was the HAMPER! Hahahahahaha! DH opens the trash and goes, "Why are my boxers in the garbage?!" I was like, "I didn't put it there! How should I know?" LOL - then I remembered picking them up with the intention of putting them in the hamper.

Super hugs!!!!! :love: :appl: :love:
Re: Epidurals. I got mine when I was 8cm with my son. I was 4cm when I was admitted and only got it because I was scared I wouldn't be able to get the baby out without it. It's funny looking back on that! I found the most uncomfortable part to be hunching over for the needle to get in the right spot and the electric shock feeling down my leg was frightening too. Otherwise, the actual needle going in felt like a bee sting and only hurt/stung for a second. I had pain relief within minutes. It was bliss!

Re: Being Grumpy. I am so crabby this pregnancy. I have a short fuse and just do not have any patience any more. The smallest most inane things annoy me to no end :rolleyes: I was not this way at all with my first pregnancy so it's a totally different experience.

Update on me:

I had another anatomy scan today to check baby girl's growth since my fundal height measured 2 weeks behind at my last OB appointment. She now weighs 1lb, 10ozs so small but still within the normal range and is measuring only 1 week behind per the ultrasound. The tech said that the placenta, unbilical cord and fluid look good. My appointment was at 8am, lasted about an hour and neither the MFM doctor or my regular OB called me to alert me of any problems or abnormalities. I'm feeling better about it but won't feel totally at ease until my next OB appointment a week from tomorrow. She was wiggling all around during the scan and it was great watching her. She even gave the tech a few good kicks/punches for good measure!
Diva: Glad to hear your scan went okay! Will still keep you both in my thoughts.

As for me: Everyone keeps telling me a girl (including the only three people who thought I was having a boy last pregnancy....the 100 other people kept telling me girl). I feel like this pregnancy is waaaay different from Evan's time. I'm super moody and mean and my morning sickness feels worse......but I guess we will find out soon enough!
Kunzite---hope everything turns out and Oliver gets to stay in there until it's time.

Tiffany--congrats on the 2 boys! Wow, you must be so excited.

Diva--glad everything turned out ok and the baby is still on track.

To everyone else I missed, sorry but hope you are all doing well.

AFM: Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I've been MIA since we were preparing for DH's surgery, then DH had his surgery and my ILs are in town helping me take care of him. MIL has been a big help, staying at the hospital so I can continue to go into work. I am hoping DH gets discharged today but there's a chance it might not be until tomorrow, he has not been progressing like they hoped ;( .

As for the little alien inside of me, things are moving right along. I'm 14 weeks now and still having some nausea--seems like dairy, onions, and chicken brings it on. I got to hear the heartbeat on Tuesday and everything sounded good. HB was 165....I think the faster it is, the more likely it's a girl? Anyone know? We find out the sex in 6 weeks, can't wait! My stomach has been exanding at a rapid pace, I think the jig is going to be up pretty soon. But I'm still not ready to tell everyone at work yet...guess I'm fighting an uphill battle.

Happy Friday ladies!
Dreamer_D said:
I also had an epi in the end (did not want it but needed it for various reasons, was labouring on pit and was not progressing for 6 hours). It did not hurt. You are in a wee bit of pain for the labour 8) , so really the epi is nothing at all when compared to the labour experience.

This! haha

Tao-can't wait to find out what you are having!!
I hope everyone is doing ok, happy friday! I have no belly pictures yet because I have no belly lol. We have our first ultrasound 2 days before our wedding anniversary so we are going to officially announce it on that day :)) I just wanted to pop in to say that I'm so happy that most of my crappy symptoms have disappeared, vanished! Woo! I still get exhausted and have sore bbs, but I can deal with that :))

As for the discussion about epis, I'm not too worried. I usually have periods so bad that I am vomiting from the pain and I put up with that decently enough. I'm hoping this is a good indicator that I have a high threshold for pain! (i.e. DH and I both got bad papercuts the other day...guess who was the one carrying on about it like he was going to die lol)

Also, I have a feeling we are having a boy. No solid theory to base this on, just a feeling :))

hi, everyone! my, it's been a busy week. nothing to do with the baby, like kunzite's experience, just busy with pregnancy classes after work and yesterday we did some more shopping (baby bath, bath seat, thermometer, diaper pail, car seat cover, new cover for my maternity pillow, breast pump, bottles). I think the things I still need to get are diapers, wipes, a lamp, clock, powder for the umbilical cord and some homeopathic pills for after birth which helps reduce swelling and bruises.

ladies who haven't shopped yet: heed this advice. do NOT buy clothes for newborns. after my 20 week scan was positive and we knew it was a girl, I bought some cute newborn onesies. and then my mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and friends all started giving me newborn clothes. there is no way she is going to wear them all. I still have to have a baby shower, so I've asked for please no clothes (and actually please no presents at all because I already have everything). you will see that friends who are mothers will buy you the more practical stuff, and friends who aren't mothers will get you the cute little outfits, socks, hats.

I've already done the washing for the newborn stuff (there was one load of just pink stuff!), towels, cloth diapers, and this weekend am carrying on with the bigger size clothing + sheets. I know this is very soon because I've got 7 weeks to go and should save some stuff to do until I go on maternity leave in 3 weeks, but I just like to have it done. plus I have a lady coming by next week to speak to me about what she's going to do after the baby is born. the insurance pays for her to come by and help out for 40 hrs after the baby is here, and she'll probably also check out what all I've bought, so I want everything to look all nice and organized.

thanks to everyone sharing their epidural stories. yes, I've heard that the needle isn't bad at all, and that the worst part is just trying not to move during the contractions so that they can get the needle in. I am also glad to know that you can get still get it even when you're quite far dilated. I thought you had to have it done by 6 cm, or something.

cupcake - yes, they say girls have a faster hb, but it can vary from baby to baby.

Bliss - I am going to dress up my little girl in long-sleeve onesies and then with pants and socks. over that a cardigan or coat with hat if going outside (and then in the stroller sleeping bag). I've learned that it's not good to dress up babies too warmly. yes, they cannot regulate heat as well, but better to be cold and add a layer than overheated. as we use the hot water bottle here, I was told that the heater in the room should not be on (keep the door open and let heat from the rest of the house go into the nursery), and a good sleeping temperature is 65C. because I've got the swaddle sleeping bag, I think putting her in one layer of clothing, then in the bag and then a thin fleece blanket over her will be sufficient.

Deelight - thanks for sharing the bubble tea photos. I know what it is now, and I know I don't like it!

- - -

well, here's my belly pic today at 32w6d. I am SO ready to go on maternity leave. she pushes against the front of the belly all day and is making my belly button hurt.

noel -- you look great! Thanks for saying what you said about washing. I was wondering whether to wash stuff or not. I got so many onesies, actually I got 3 five packs of onesies that are THE EXACT SAME and no receipts :angryfire: . I didn't know whether to wash them bc I was afraid they'd shrink too much, BUT they were in public being touched by grimy fingers. I guess I'll wash and set the dryer to low.

cupcakemuffin -- Sorry to hear about your DH's surgery. I wouldn't have been able to function without my DH in those first months of puking. I've heard mixed reviews on the heartbeat. FWIW, I have a little boy, and his heart rate was always on the high side, but yes, traditionally you hear that girls have higher rates. It all depends on when it's taken. You are still early, so the HB will be faster.

Bliss -- glad to see you back! I had gained about 15 pounds by your week, and now I'm up to 20. My gyno scolded me for gaining so much :confused: which made me feel AWESOME, but I reminded her that I lost a lot in those first months since I was so sick. I bet you look so cute!

Lynnie -- I'll be friends with you! Arrange it with the admin (I don't know what to do...send them a message?)

Thanks for all of the stories about epis! Good to hear they didn't hurt! i'm a total wuss with needles.

AFM -- I'm 32w2d and I swear on the bible that my baby is going to burst out of my stomach with his kicking/punching. :eek: It's crazy! He must be really strong. I don't know how I'm going to make it 7 more weeks. I'm getting so tired, just walking around! But very excited, nonetheless. My shower was really fun, even though I got so many things that weren't on the registry, like clothes with no receipts!
Noel, cute pic!!

Just a PSA for all the moms who are having winter babies soon (which is a lot of us!): I had NO idea that it is not safe to dress baby in a snowsuit or bulky coat and have him/her in the car seat. The reason why is because this winter outerwear interferes with the harness on the infant seat and makes it buckle too the event of a crash, baby could be ejected out of the car seat. :errrr: <---This youtube video explains safe options for keeping winter babies warm.

We returned the one piece snowsuit we received and will be buying one of those elasticized car seat covers that go over the car seat instead, similar to this:

Lanie - I thought it would just be better to wash everything that's going to be in contact with the baby's skin, especially since it's passed so many hands and the ones in packs obviously come from a factory where I doubt they really test for hygiene. I asked a mother of 3 if she uses a special washing detergent, and she said no, but not to use fabric softener (also not dryer sheets). and if it turns out later that the baby is allergic to the detergent, then to go buy special stuff. I do think some of the onesies shrunk as I have no idea how she will ever fit in them, but at least I have some clothes if she comes out too early. I will bring a selection of different sizes with to the hospital. oh yah, and I also cut out the labels because that can irritate. I only cut out the ones for the newborn sizes to start with or else I'm not going to be able to figure out which is for what size. and then I'm packing them in plastic boxes by size and putting the boxes in the closet. am I anal? ya bet! I can't believe your gyno scolded you for 20 lbs. I sure am glad I'm not seeing her as I've already surpassed 30 lbs! so please don't feel bad at all.
Kunzite~ I just saw your post. Lots of prayers for your family to keep that baby boy baking!!

I'm so glad to read up on all of you. Those babies are coming so quickly!!

RE: winter babies in car seats. JT was born in Feb (it's still cold here then) and the nurses wouldn't let me take JT home in his little winter suit thing for the same reasons mentioned above. After we found out about the risks, we were totally fine with what the nurses suggested which was put baby in the car seat wearing whatever is comfortable for being indoors. Then, wrap a receiving blanket tightly tucking in around baby's body. Then put a fluffy blanket more loosely and tucking it in, and finally a fluffy blanket tucked tightly under feet so it can't be pulled up and out, that you can flop over baby's face for when you're actually outdoors. When in the car take the top blanket and pull it way down so baby doesn't get over heated or suffocate. If it's very windy, use the car seat cover but take it off while in the car so baby doesn't get over heated. We do this same set up for Lily now too since we're already getting pretty chilly.
random_thought said:
I hope everyone is doing ok, happy friday! I have no belly pictures yet because I have no belly lol. We have our first ultrasound 2 days before our wedding anniversary so we are going to officially announce it on that day :)) I just wanted to pop in to say that I'm so happy that most of my crappy symptoms have disappeared, vanished! Woo! I still get exhausted and have sore bbs, but I can deal with that :))

As for the discussion about epis, I'm not too worried. I usually have periods so bad that I am vomiting from the pain and I put up with that decently enough. I'm hoping this is a good indicator that I have a high threshold for pain! (i.e. DH and I both got bad papercuts the other day...guess who was the one carrying on about it like he was going to die lol)

Also, I have a feeling we are having a boy. No solid theory to base this on, just a feeling :))

Vomoting from the pain in labour is common, I did it twice ;)) Ahhhh good times. I am not sure that reacting that way to period cramps means you have a high threshold... perhaps the opposite :cheeky: Labour is period cramps times about one million and two. But vomiting-schmomiting is what I say. The mental part is a big part of it.

Laila A nice fleecy blanket also works well, you can tuck it around them snuggly which is better for warmth that the cover things. But we had one too and it worked great.
Happy Friday, everyone!!

Bliss - Good to hear from you! Glad you're doing well and enjoying pregnancy! My DH is in awe of the preggo bod too ::) Our little guy gets all flippy on me whenever I eat something really strong (spicy or sweet).

Diva - Glad your u/s went well. That's interesting that you're more crabby this pregnancy with a girl than you were with your son! I've heard that from a few friends of mine, that girls make you more miserable!

Cupcake - Continued dust for your husband's recovery. Re: HB - My baby's was 160's-170's early on in the pregnancy (its a boy), but the HB gradually went down to the 130's now. I think that early on it's difficult to discern boy/girl based on HB, but later on in pregnancy boys tend to hang lower (120's-140's), and girls a bit higher (130's-150's) - although it's definitely not scientific, but my OB at my last appt that based on her 30 years experience, there is some truth to it.

Noel - Looking good! I'm ready for maternity leave too :bigsmile: I'm on the countdown - 17 shifts left! It'll be so nice to be off... And I hear you on clothes! My girlfriend gave me 2 huge bags of newborn/0-3m stuff, so I think I'm set, for the beginning, at least! The one thing I'm really tempted to buy is a nice Christmas outfit, though. But I'm holding off til after the shower, since I may get one then. Plus, I may go a week late and miss Christmas, who knows?

Lanie - I'll message admin. I guess I'll just give them my full name and you can do a search? They'll email you for me, so look out for it. My name's not common, and I have a pic of DH and I on our wedding day as my profile photo... LOL at bursting out of your belly!! I feel the same! I swear, I don't know if he's stretching in there or what, but it's like he's SO big now! And I'd like to smack your gyno - he must think I'm a total cow for being up 25lbs!

Laila and SomethingShiny - thanks for the tips on the winter baby issues... I can totally see how easy it could be to make them overheat.

I think my shower's gonna be next week... I don't know for sure, though :) I can't wait for all the goodies!!
OMG, soooooo much to catch up up! I've been busy at work, and this thread has been hopping!! :) So good to hear that everyone's doing well - special shout-out to Kunzite, I hope you're comfortable in the hospital and baking that baby boy! Stay in a little longer, Oliver!!! :appl:

I've just got time for a quick post, because my parents are coming to visit this weekend and I've got some house straightening-up to do before they get here!! :) Things are going well for us, we hit 27 weeks yesterday :appl: and officially entered the 3rd trimester! WOW! Also, I have officially survived my most difficult rotations at work (during the pregnancy) and starting this weekend, I will have alllllll 2 day weekends until she comes!! As a resident, I normally only have 1 day off per week, so this is huge. :bigsmile:

I did get sick last week - starting about a week and a half ago (Wednesday) my stomach started to feel very uncomfortable (bloated, refluxy, and sooooo full all the time, painful gas, etc). The feelings progressed daily, I started to get nauseous on Sat/Sun, and on Sunday, in the middle of my work morning, I ended up puking my guts out. Felt a lot better afterward, though. I don't think it was a virus or anything like that...I think it's my extremely slow preggo GI tract motility, combined with acid reflux, and my body's way of telling me I have to be VERY CAREFUL from here on out about what I eat and how much/how frequently I eat. After I puked, I could only get liquids down for about 36 hrs, and then I slowly added back foods after that, and have been feeling much better for several days (but being very careful about what I eat). I still have the reflux bad, and if I don't take a Zantac every 12 hrs, it gets really, really uncomfortable. Ahhhh, 3 more months.

Ellie is a super active squirmy worm! Oh, and she had hiccups for the first time yesterday!! hehehe! Soooooo cute! It took me a minute to realize what was going on, but it was like subtle little bumps on the inside (couldn't really feel them from the outside) that were rhythmic in nature. I finally put 2 and 2 together and realized they were hiccups. Isn't it silly how the most routine things are SOOOO CUTE when your baby does them?! LOL!

We are having a 3D ultrasound today while my parents are here!! I will post some pics later today or tomorrow. I'm so excited to see at least a glimpse of what she looks like!

OK, gotta run. Sorry for the me-centric post - know that even though I haven't been posting, I have been reading and keeping up with you all, and I am so glad everyone is doing well!!! More later! :)
29w 5d

lili, Bella, Steal, dc – Thank you so much! You ladies are on my mind a lot and I think about you all often. I really appreciate you stopping in here to bring me dust. :wavey:

geri, tiffany, Lanie, LV, EB, CatLuver, tao, Deelight, Lynnie, Bliss, cupcake, shiny, hou – Thank you ladies so much for the dust and well wishes!! It means so much to me.

Lanie – Yep, I’m here until I deliver! I will still get the 6-8 weeks after he’s born as STD, which is standard, but depending on when I deliver little O could still be in NICU for those weeks so I won’t really be at home enjoying them with him. I do still get my standard FMLA 12 weeks afterwards too, but at that point I’ll have used all of the sick and vacation time that I had saved up so I don’t think we’ll be able to afford for me to stay home unpaid. So most likely DH will get to have all of the bonding time to himself ;(

LV – How are the BH? So jealous of your CL Indie find! Good for you!! I stalked CL forever but there was only ever one listing and it was for a twin. I adore the Indie :love:

Bliss – You always crack me up lady!! I was wondering the same thing last week as I was looking at a closet full of onesies. He doesn’t just wear onesies all the time does he? I’m just as confused as you are. :confused: I figure around the house we’ll do baby legs and maybe just throw pants on if we leave the house over the onesies?! I don’t know!

Cupcake – I wouldn’t put too much weight on the HB. It can vary so much. I get to see my LO’s heart rate a lot these days and it goes between the 130s to the 160s depending on what he’s doing in there. At my checkups it was usually in the 150s.

AFM - Things here are still stable and I’m hanging out, trying not to get too bored (and trying NOT to have a baby!). I have to be monitored for an hour, three times a day, which is good but usually causes me to worry. Just little things like, why did his heart rate just change, why is it suddenly so fast, etc. They should probably face the machine where I can’t see it! I was finally able to have my IV removed yesterday and I feel like a new person, two functioning arms!! I think the thing that is stressing me out the most is that I’m not really prepared for labor in my mind. I hadn’t confronted that issue yet and all of our birthing classes were scheduled for the end of November. So I’m mentally trying to prepare myself for that. :eek:
HOUie - sorry you got sick. nausea can also return the 3rd trimester. as for hiccups, it's probably because she wasn't positioned right near the front of you belly at the time. often when my little girl has hiccups (which is now like 5x a day and is getting annoying), you can see it from the outside.

Kunzite - please make sure to still walk around the hospital and sit up, if they let you. if you stay in bed for a week, you will lose some of your muscle strength, like you know how you do when you're sick for a while? you're going to need that muscle strength for labor. I haven't finished my birthing classes, but here some crash course tips for you:
1. Contractions last about a minute and follow a wave pattern. Work on breathing through your nose deep into your belly, filling it up, then shape your lips as though you are going to whistle and blow the air VERY slowly through. If you are able to do 4 breaths like this in a minute, it will make the contraction seem much shorter, and the contraction will have actually passed by the end of the 3rd breath. When the contractions get heavier, instead of continuously blowing the air out very slowly, you can break up the air you blow out with mini pauses in between, like you see the women do in the movies. Never breathe in until all your air is out or you will hyperventilate.
2. You don't have to lie on your back during labor. Actually, being on your back makes it difficult for the baby to get passed your tailbone. Therefore, feel free to stand, walk, sit on a skippy ball, whatever you need. However, if you will be hooked up to machinery, IV, drugs, you might have to stay in bed. Try to lie on your side.
3. Ring of fire: don't push! When the baby's head crowns, you will feel the urge to push. Don't! The gynae/midwife will also tell you not to push yet. In order not to push, repeatedly blow out four times with your lips shaped like you're going to whistle. For each breath you push out, think "I will not push!" breathe "I will not push!" This should last only a minute. If you have an epi, you probably won't experience this.
4. And last, don't fight it! I know it's easier said than done, but when you're in pain, your automatic reaction is to tense up all your muscles. You will hear a lot of women say that once they just gave in to it, the labor went quicker (or they were just already at the end and didn't have the strength anymore).

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here's a no-sew quilt painting I finished for the nursery last week. it was really fun to do:

Noel - your quilt painting is beautiful!! I Love it!! :) Thanks for posting the labor tips - I'm looking forward to learning more once our classes start (in 2 more weeks!) Also, you are looking great!! :) Love the belly!!

Kunzite - glad to hear you're hanging in there, mama! Are there any projects you can do to help past the time? Do you do artsy craftsy stuff at all? Or maybe browse Amazon and treat yourself to a few good books! I will keep sending "stay in there" vibes to Oliver and "stay sane" vibes to you!! :)

So here are some pics from our 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday - it was sooooo much fun!! My parents were there too, and really enjoyed getting to see a glimse of their granddaughter. :) She's still a girl, for sure, and she's BIG! I was 27 weeks 1 day yesterday, and she's measuring 28w5d!! Which puts her at around 3.5 lbs....WOW!! If she keeps growing at this rate... :eek: But I am glad to know that my placenta seems to be doing its job very well. :bigsmile: She didn't want to show us her face at first - she was facing my spine and had her arm across her face, and the ultrasonagrapher was giving her pokes to wake her up! Finally he had me get on the floor and do cat/cow stretches to help her turn, and at the last minute it worked! We got lots of great shots of her little sweet face and chubby cheeks. :love: She looks so cozy in there!

First, the initial position, she's facing to the left with her arm across the side of her face (look for her ear to orient yourself):

Now, her arm is down further (but still crossing over to the other side) so you can see most of her face, and you can also see one of her knees at the bottom left corner. So cozy and snuggled up! :love:

Probably the best face shot we got -

27_weeks1 - Copy.jpg
Mouth open, hand against cheek....

27_weeks2 - Copy.jpg