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random_thought|1292350047|2796654 said:PSA:
Pregnancy brain is a very real thing that can be very dangerous when it comes to your fashion sense. Beware of episodes that include but are not limited to, putting your pants on backwards and walking around that way all day in public. Side of effects of this include strange looks and stifled giggles from strangers. Please spread the news and let all your fellow pregnant friends know about pregnancy brain!
bissa|1292350145|2796658 said:Hey everyone! I'm a longtime PS lurker, but a first time poster. I found this site like many of you did, I'm sure. I was browsing styles to see what I'd like for an engagement ring, and I ended up here. I've now been married for 7 months and we are expecting our first baby!
Shortish intro: We started TTC immediately after our wedding, as I am 33 and DH is 34. I went for my annual pap smear a month into trying and my GYN decided to do some bloodwork since we were trying. It came back that I had some of symptoms of PCOS. I had suspected that many years before, because my periods have never been normal. I was on the BC pill for 12 years before coming off just about a year ago to let my body adjust before TTC. Anyway, the dr sent me for the glucose test and ultrasound and determined that I am "mildly polycystic." She told me to try on my own without any meds for a few months to see what happens. I did a lot of research and obsessively lurked the TTC thread here and started tracking my cycles. My dr wanted to see my on Sept 10 to discuss my options, but I knew I was due to O the following week, so I cancelled the appt. And guess what?? We got busy during my O week and I tested on 13 DPO and got a BFP!!! I was so shocked that I sent my poor husband to the store to get more tests.
So here I am now at 15 weeks pregnant!! Besides some awful m/s and fatigue in the first trimester, it has been a perfect pregnancy so far. I am a worrier by nature, so I expected some problems, but it's been great.
I read your posts everyday and feel like I already know you all (NERD ALERT!!), so I thought I'd jump in and start posting.
Dreamer_D|1291747173|2790013 said:re: inducution. I did some research on this when pregnant with Hunter. The research is very clear on a few things.
1) there is NO benefit to baby or mother for inducing because a large baby is anticipated. Do not let then induce you on those grounds as it only serves to increase the odds of C-section significantly. This conclusion was reached by comparing the birthing outcomes of *anticipated* large babies to *surprise* large babies. The surprise large babies had no worse outcomes than any other babies in terms of interventions and outcomes for mom and baby, but the *anticipated* were more likely to be born by c-section in part because of early induction.
2) In a cost-benefits analysis looking at outcomes for mom and baby and the need for interventions, induction does NOT win up until 1 week past the due date. Up until then, going into natrual labour was much better than being induced in terms of outcomes. But after 1 week past due date, the risks start to outweight the benefits of waiting. I am personally against interventions in general, but based on my research I concluded that I did not want to go more than 10 days past my due date with biophysical montioring in the latter part to make sure the placenta was not deteriourating (the main risk of waiting).
I did want to come back to this post, which you posted over a week ago. Thank you very much for sharing your research. It really hadn't occured to me that induction would be recommended because of the anticipated size of the baby. I have an appointment with the DR on Thursday and am curious if they will say anything about the u/s findings/estimated size. I will surely resist any talk of induction before my EDD, but will remain open to discussions, of course. When you refer to biophysical monitoring above -- what does that mean?
Welcome and Congratulations! You'll have to post your EDD on the Preggos in Waiting List too!![]()
I don't have much of an update. I have been and continue to have intense pain when I get up from sitting at work. It is troublesome, but not unbearable. As I mentioned above, I have a dr's apptmt this Thursday. I will have my first internal exam. Really curious if there will be anything to report, though I know from my reading here that I could be dilated and that won't mean anything in terms of progress. Then, I will be on to weekly appointments. Baby moves around a lot and moves from side to side in huge swirling movements every few days or so.
Loves Vintage|1292361483|2796830 said:Dreamer_D|1291747173|2790013 said:re: inducution. I did some research on this when pregnant with Hunter. The research is very clear on a few things.
1) there is NO benefit to baby or mother for inducing because a large baby is anticipated. Do not let then induce you on those grounds as it only serves to increase the odds of C-section significantly. This conclusion was reached by comparing the birthing outcomes of *anticipated* large babies to *surprise* large babies. The surprise large babies had no worse outcomes than any other babies in terms of interventions and outcomes for mom and baby, but the *anticipated* were more likely to be born by c-section in part because of early induction.
2) In a cost-benefits analysis looking at outcomes for mom and baby and the need for interventions, induction does NOT win up until 1 week past the due date. Up until then, going into natrual labour was much better than being induced in terms of outcomes. But after 1 week past due date, the risks start to outweight the benefits of waiting. I am personally against interventions in general, but based on my research I concluded that I did not want to go more than 10 days past my due date with biophysical montioring in the latter part to make sure the placenta was not deteriourating (the main risk of waiting).
I did want to come back to this post, which you posted over a week ago. Thank you very much for sharing your research. It really hadn't occured to me that induction would be recommended because of the anticipated size of the baby. I have an appointment with the DR on Thursday and am curious if they will say anything about the u/s findings/estimated size. I will surely resist any talk of induction before my EDD, but will remain open to discussions, of course. When you refer to biophysical monitoring above -- what does that mean?