
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I remember Evan had hair on his was cute but I was like "Man I hope it goes away!" haha....and it did and now I miss it because it means he isn't a little baby anymore.
Lanie - :love: the 3rd pic with the eyes. are they dark blue-gray? we have the same set up: DH has green, I have brown, so we think Skye's will turn brown, too. I am part Asian so that is usually dominant. but if Anderson has light blue eyes, it's very possible they might stay that way.
yes, I remember reading about throwing up being part of labor, but actually forgot about it on the day, which is good because I didn't vomit. I did have lunch about 4 hrs before she was born. maybe because I didn't feel the abdominal contractions that it made a difference. I also clearly remember the limbs coming out feeling all slimy-like.
do they usually clean babies before putting them in mom's arms? here the baby comes out, they put a hat on it, wrap it in a blanket and put it on the mom. they don't bother with cleaning unless baby isn't breathing or something.
lucky for you missing the baby blues! I had them bad.
regarding hair, Skye is almost 3 weeks and she still has them on her forehead, ears and quite a big patch on her lower back.
I know with me, before pushing they asked if I wanted the baby immediately on me or not....and I remember not knowing if I did! I always pictured the baby being all gross and bloody and just eewww....but once the baby was out they asked me again and I was like "Yes!" haha....So with me they gave me the option of having the baby cleaned up or not.
Laila and Lanie-congratulations! What beautiful babies you girls have :love:

Lanie-Sophia also had hair on her forehead and went away. I actually remember her forehead peeling. I freaked out.

I also threw up right before pushing. I hadn't read about it but the nurse said it was a combo of the epi and being ready to push. I remember feeling like I should be embarrassed but not giving two hoots at that point. Glad baby blues skipped you!
Ooooooooooooh I hate my computer right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angryfire: I just wrote a SUUUUPER LOOOOONG POST replying to everyone and was getting ready to submit, and then my browser redirected to some random microsoft page and I LOST IT ALL. GAH!!!

I don't have the energy to re-do, but know that I'm thinking of you all and hope you all had a wonderful Xmas weekend!!

Lanie, it is so good to "see" you!!! :) Your story brought tears to my eyes - I SOOO cannot wait to do all of that myself!! I am thrilled that your birth experience was quick and seems to have been relatively easy, and it sounds like the moment of his birth was just magical (there are no words, right?!) He is ADORRRABLE - I love the squishy newborn pic!! Makes my heart ache!! I am so glad to hear that you guys are doing well and are all loved up and enjoying each other. :love: And NO WORRIES, I totally didn't mind rescheduling!! I was just so excited when I figured out that the reason she had to go was probably YOU!!! hehehehehe!!! Would love to hear more about your impressions of St. Luke's and any hints/tips that would be useful for my big day, but NO RUSH. Enjoy hanging out with your little man. :bigsmile: Congratulations to your entire family of THREE!!

Bissa, congrats on team PINK!!! :appl:

LV, hope you guys do OK in the blizzard. Having lived in Texas my whole life, I have NO IDEA how to handle weather like that, LOL. YES, back that hospital bag, you're getting CLOSE!!! hehehehe!! Personally, I think it would be neat if your baby girl came the day after her due date, because then her birthday would be 1/11/11!!! How cool is that?!?!


We had a lovely Christmas here at our house - my parents came to us, and brought the entire Xmas dinner, so I didn't do much cooking. I did do a Christmas morning breakfast for myself and DH to enjoy before my parents got here, and we had a sweet morning of yummy special breakfast and opening our presents to one another, daydreaming about how special the next few Christmases are going to be at our house. :love:

I'm 35 weeks 3 days today! Feeling pretty good, aside from the crotch pain that waxes and wanes (always there, but sometimes better than others) and back pain if I stand up for too long without sitting to rest. Otherwise, can't really complain! Ellie continues to be very active, gets the hiccups often. Last night she was doing this crazy thing while I was laying on my side...she was pushing out against the side of my belly that was up and it felt like it was either a foot or an arm/hand, because whatever it was it was small (as opposed to her entire back) and she kept pushing out against my hand when I pushed back, for a good 5-7 seconds! It was hilarious!! She did it several times. DH got to see/feel it too, and he just laughed and laughed. :)

I haven't taken my 35 week pic yet, so here's a couple 34 week pics, just a week late. I'm still carrying pretty small, I think. I have had several people surprised when they asked how far along I was, saying I don't look big enough....guess that's what happens with a longish torso! I also still feel like I'm carrying low - how am I supposed to know when she drops?! I feel like she can't go any lower!

And here's the 34 week belly uncovered!

Congrats Laine!!!!!!!!
HOU- You look awesome!!!!!!!!
Dee- Thank you :)
HOUie - your belly's so pretty. I don't think you look small. not saying that you look big, either. just right! I had no idea when Skye dropped. usually they say it's when you feel you can breathe better because she's not pushing up against your rib cage anymore. I never had that sensation nor the kicks to the ribs. think my placenta was in the way. I did have the kicks/bounces down into the vageegee that were not comfortable.
Congrats Lanie :wavey:
Awww, thanks Noel! I like "just right". :) I wondered if not everyone was able to sense the baby dropping...guess we'll see if I feel anything different or not! Ohhh, I definitely get the vajayjay kicks too (or headbutts, I guess) - sharp pains that are enough to make me stop in my tracks and suck in my breath! I'm wondering what the heck she's doing in there!! I'm glad to hear you and S are doing well, and I will be thinking about you as you approach your surgery in January. It's so nice that they will allow Skye to stay with you, but I think you're smart in not planning to have her with you the whole night. You're right, your rest and recovery postop is so important, and I think 3 or 4 nights in a row of good sleep will serve you well.

PrincessPlease - thank you!!
HOU! Cutest bump ever.
and Lanie, those eyes....what I heartthrob! Sw :love: :love: n!
HOUie~ You are SO cute! Lovely perfect bump!

Hope you're all feeling well.

I'm looking forward to Skippy's double bump!! :tongue:
HOU, you look fabulous lady!!! You are all belly!!! :appl:

Somethingshiny, okay just a couple of pics; I didn't think I was going to do this but here goes. hehe ;)) You are so sweet to think of me!!!

LV, yay for being so close!!! I agree with HOU that 1/11/11 would be so cool!

I am 14 1/2 weeks; thanks for letting me share friends. :)) My neighbors were so excited to see me preggo at a neighborhood xmas eve party; it made me excited for us to be bring more babies into our neighborhood!


Skippy - I didn't know you are pregnant. Congrats. You barely have a bump. So cute.

HOU - You are getting close. One more month. You look fabulous.
Skippy~ You are already glowing! You look wonderful and perhaps even prettier than you were before!! Thanks for posting pics, I hope you continue to throughout your pregnancy!! Aww, your neighbors sound wonderful, what a great community to raise your children in!
QT, thank you!
SomethingShiny, thank you friend for your sweet words!!!

ps, I think my nausea is way better than it was 2 weeks ago; I am feeling lots better. Weird how it slowly gets better, yay!

I just was looking through the preggo thread and all the newborn baby pics I have seen are so adorable!!! I am so looking forward to seeing more stinkin adorable newborns!!! :love: :love:
Bliss OMG lady, you are FT!!! That is amazing. Your journey just seems to have started a few days ago, time is flying so fast (for me, not you, I remember how slowly it went while I was PG!)...! Congrats! I remember how tiny you are, have you posted a belly pic lately, I bet you look awesome. too!! You look fabulous and you are almost there!!

Skippy, looking good....can't believe there are two in there! Our neighbors have twins and they also felt the same way-- more for the neighborhood.

Laila and Lanie congrats..!! Lanie, baby looks so so alert!

LV... 1/1/11 would be fun. :) Our son's bday is 2/1/2010. 0, 1, 2.
Skippy you are one seriously gorgeous preggo!!! You look great.

CONGRATS Lanie!!! He is way too cute.
Congrats on a short and speedy delivery.
Anderson is seriously a cutie pie.
Love his big eyes....he's so alert there!

HMG, Bliss, LV--
Can't believe you ladies are so close to meeting your little ones.

Cute perfect belly.

Great little bump.
I'm always in awe w/ how well you multiple preggo carries.
Agreed w/ the others that you are just glowing and looked fabulous.
Hou You look fantastic :) almost full term - how awesome :)

Skippy Awww you got the beginnings of a cute little belly there :) also really love your outfit - you look fantastic twinkie mama :) - Glad your starting to feel better - the second tri was my favourite time of the whole pregnancy you get to enjoy the startings of look preggie without sickness and the energy to enjoy it :)


Nothing much to add here - think I might be getting the beginnings of crotch pain - when I was for a bit I feel like I have a hot drill going down my pelvis on the left side - it usually subsides if I sit for a while and then get up again - so far it has happened a matter of 3 times not that I am counting :P.

I am so getting over the comments about belly size - I swear I have to man up and stop letting it affect me but it still makes me upset, mostly it seems to be in the same dress so I must look huge in it but I am comfortable so I am not going to stop wearing it. Maybe I have belly dysmorphia but I don't think I am that big or small just in proportion for me I didn't start off with a flat belly and the ob has never said a word about my size - and quite frankly I like my belly and what is in there but apparently according to all the insensitive jerks I look HUGE - and are you sure your not carrying two?

One of these days I will post a photo :P

If you carry small , people comment if you carry big people comment - you can't win it seems - gah.

On a positive note - The closer it gets to 2011 the more excited I get to the possibility of meeting her - the delivery is still something I need to come to terms with but I feel more and more at peace with it and more excited about holding the little one for the first time - must be all the positive birth stories here and the influx of all the beautiful babies.

Can't believe I am almost 30 wks - time is seeming to fly LOL

Hope all you ladies are well :)
Skippy123|1293483723|2807242 said:
HOU, you look fabulous lady!!! You are all belly!!! :appl:

Somethingshiny, okay just a couple of pics; I didn't think I was going to do this but here goes. hehe ;)) You are so sweet to think of me!!!

LV, yay for being so close!!! I agree with HOU that 1/11/11 would be so cool!

I am 14 1/2 weeks; thanks for letting me share friends. :)) My neighbors were so excited to see me preggo at a neighborhood xmas eve party; it made me excited for us to be bring more babies into our neighborhood!

I don't get choked up much. BUT seeing this pic of my sweet dear friend , just made me tear up a bit... I know I am old and hormonal anyway.

BUT that is such the cutest bump!!!

Over the moon thrilled for you and A. These babies are going to be so very blessed. :halo:

Hearing this news made Xmas come early!!!
:wavey: :appl:
Just a quick fly by to say:

Houie - You look great sweetie! You are getting so close and I bet you can't wait to meet your little one. Keep baking lady!

Lanie - Congrats on such a handsome little man :bigsmile: . Thanks for sharing your birth story too. Take care of you and your little man!
HMG - Wow! You look great!!! All baby!! So cute! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! And, yay for having interaction with the baby already. :)) I've had the same question about what it will feel like for the baby to drop because she has been so low all along. The thought of a 1/11/11 birthday has crossed my mind! I would love it! But, anything 1/12 or later is going to be annoying! Ahh, the baby will come when she is ready! That is what I keep telling myself.

Skippy - Gosh, that is the cutest twin bump you're sporting there! It's nice to hear you have such a great neighborhood. I wish we had that here. Glad to hear you are feeling better too! :))

Deelight - I found that sleeping with a pillow between my knees (or a little higher) helps to alleviate the crotch pain. For me, it gets worse when I am at work, I assume because of the angle that I am sitting, where pressure is applied. I try to get up and walk around frequently, but oof, when I first get up and for a few steps is when the pain is the worst. Fortunately, I am still off from work (office holiday through today!!) so I've had a break from it. Sorry that you are having a hard time with comments. I'm sure they aren't being mean-spirited. They probably just don't know what else to say. For a long time, people would examine me up and down and then comment that I was starting to show. Truthfully, I've wanted to be showing noticeably since the very beginning, but it has taken a while, I think because of long torso and being overweight to begin with. I do have one top that has caused comments since the first time I wore it (severe empire waist), and I've loved wearing it, though I think I have now outgrown it. :rodent: Haha. Fortunately, I have only a few weeks left of work outfits to pull off. Anyway, my advice would be to embrace those comments. You said yourself that you like your belly, so when someone makes the twin comment, I'd say -- "Nope, just one very healthy baby!! :bigsmile: " The truth of the matter is that your body is doing EXACTLY what it is supposed to do! And, it is amazing. :))

Lili and Mara - :wavey:


38 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have an appointment tomorrow with one of my favorite doctors in the practice. If he's at the hospital on Samantha's birth day, I will be very pleased. Anyway, I will have another internal, so it'll be interesting to see if there are any changes, not that it means anything if there are.

I was going through my baby clothes this weekend to select some outfits for the hospital. I noticed that the Carter's newborn size are for 5-8 pounds, so I am going to exchange those today. I have some newborn sized gowns, so I'll bring one of those to the hosp just in case she is smaller than I suspect she will be. ::)

I ordered some kimono onesies too this morning, as I've read on here that they do make life a little bit easier in the beginning.
Congratulations skippy!!! How did I miss this???? You look radiant!!! I am over the moon for you! Much love sweetie!
Skippy, you look gorgeous! Glad to hear the nausea is fading.

Hou, HOT! Love the new hair! ...and the belly is so perfect!
We took some photos this morning! Here I am at 38 weeks!!!!!!!!!

Also. Baby Steals has ergo carriers for only $60; however, the only color remaining is PINK! DH vetoed it because he doesn't want to wear a pink carrier. Hee-hee.

38 weeks rs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.JPG
LV just an FYI... J was 8.2lbs and he wore newborn in Gerber and Carters for about 3 weeks. Even though they are born at X weight, they usually lose a little bit of weight following birth until your milk comes in--not always but J lost a few ounces, not too much but was more like 7.5lbs and then took 2 weeks+ to get over 8.5lbs. So he was able to be in newborn diapers AND clothes for a few weeks. So if you don't return those clothes, it's probably fine. We actually had hardly any newborn stuff and I had to go BUY a few more things funnily enough!

Also FYI for everyone-- Gerber stuff runs smaller and Carters runs more 'true to size'.

We got a black Ergo from BS a few months ago and finally wore it this wkd, took forever to bust it out! Before that we had the Bjorn.
We were out of town for Christmas and then our internet was out until just a little while ago.

LV- you look fabulous! My husband wouldn't wear a pink carrier either. He takes my kindle out of the pink cover when he reads it, even when we are at home! I heard about a woman that gave birth in her car during the blizzard- glad it wasn't you!

Skippy- Congrats!! I'm so excited for you- and you look radiant! I think my nausea finally subsided around 15 weeks or so.

Lanie- Anderson is just adorable. Congratulations to you and your family.

Hou- You look great!

Deelight- I'm sure that dress is fine. It amazes me that people will say whatever they want to pregnant women, regarding their size, what they are eating, etc. If you are comfortable keep wearing it. That's what's important.

I do have some pics from Christmas so I'll post one of those when I find the camera. I feel like the last two weeks I've really grown- and these babies are all over the place. Sometimes I look down and my belly is completely off to one side, like they are both curled up there. And baby A keeps trying to get higher into my ribs- although I'm happy that they are as far away from the "exit" as they can be- I want them to bake as long as possible.
I'm a little unhappy with the communication (or lack of) at our office. I love my Dr. and have had no problems, but we had the anatomy scan at 18 weeks and I was told then that all looked fine. I didn't see my normal doc that day as he was on vacation so I saw one of the others at that practice. But after the ultrasound the tech walked me to the exam room and told the Dr. that everything looked good. I've since had one other ultrasound at 22 weeks. Well last week, we had a different us tech (who I like a lot better, I've known her at that office for awhile) and she made a comment about following Baby A's kidneys (which I hadn't heard anything about). Appearantly his kidneys are a little dilated, when she measured them at first they were dilated but then when she went back again they were normal size (so they are just watching it at this point, not yet calling it hydronephrosis). My understanding is that after birth he could have reflux from his ureters into his kidneys. So then, Baby B had too much amniotic fluid (this is the first time for that, all other ultrasounds the fluid level has been ok) Anyway, the tech had the maternal fetal medicine specialist come in and look while she scanned, and he said it was "generous" but not enough to be worried about- and so we will just watch it. Ultrasounds every 2 weeks for now. I know that if they aren't worried I shouldn't be but that's easier said than done!
And, I will definately be having a c-section. I had a fibroid removed 5 years ago and the incision on the uterus was vertical so we aren't even going to attempt a vaginal delivery (right now both babies are head down). At first I was a little disappointed but now I'm ok with it.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Miskca, how are you doing friend?

Deelight, please post a preggo pic! Yay for 30 weeks; oh my gosh it is going to fly!!!l :bigsmile: I hope you don't get anymore of the crotch pain; sounds painful, ouch!

LV, yay a preggo pic; you look fantanstic!!! :appl: :appl: I hope you get your favorite doc on your birth day; I am crossing my fingers for you! hehe about your hubby not wearing pink; I don't think my hubby would wear pink either! What color did you get?

Tiffany, yay, for pics coming up!! I am so glad you posted! I am sorry the doctors office didn't say anything at first about the possible reflux; trust your doc though. I will cross my fingers it clears up and if he isn't worried try not to worry; I can understand how that would be hard though. sending healing baby vibes your way, hugs. Yay for seeing the babies every 2 weeks! I bet that is cool to see them more often!!!

Oh you ladies made me feel good, thank you!!! Thank you for your uber sweet words Tiffany, Puppmom, Aprilbaby, LV, dear Kaleigh, deelight, lili, Miscka, and Mara! Mara J is so cute!
Awww, Skippy, you look sooooo wonderful!! What a great little twin bump you've got, and you're positively glowing. :love: I love it!!

Tiffany - thank you!! I can't wait to see YOUR twin bump now that it's getting bigger!! :) Sorry about the miscommunication with the doc's office. That's no fun. I wonder if you can request your fave tech for each subsequent ultrasound, just to have the same person (that you like) looking at the kidneys and the fluid on repeated visits??

Mara - thank you! :) And thx for the newborn clothes FYI. I was worried, because they look SOO TINY, but I just got a few things because I know she'll need them for at least a few weeks. I hope I don't get too much NB stuff at my shower because my nesting instinct kicked in a couple weeks ago and I felt the need to go ahead and make sure that I had the essentials (since I'll be 38 weeks at my shower I didn't want to wait!)

LV - you look beautiful. :) A perfect 38 week belly, and a happy glowy momma!! I was the same as you, I wanted to show earlier than I did...I didn't start out skinny either (pre-preggo weight was 170) and I have a long torso. I feel like I didn't *really* start to look obviously preggo until 20ish weeks. I am so excited that you're so close!! Ahhhhhh!! Good luck at your appointment!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Puppmom - hello, friend!! Thank you! :)

DCgator - hi there!! Thank you so much!! It's good to see you - how are you feeling??

Deelight - thank you dear!! Wow, YAY for almost 30 weeks!! That's awesome!! Yup, that's exactly how my crotch pain feels - hot drill is a pretty good description. It's definitely a burning type sensation. Try not to let the belly size comments get to you. You're right, they comment whether you look big, small, average - somehow people seem to think that just because you're pregnant, they're allowed to make the kind of comments re: your appearance/figure that they would never dream of making if you weren't pregnant! You just keep on loving your perfect belly and let their comments go in one ear and out the other. They don't matter. :bigsmile:

Lili - thank you, friend!! I hope you're doing well. :)

qtiekiki - thank you! I am indeed getting close - due one month from today, actually! Honestly, can't believe's gone by really fast. :)

SomethingShiny - thank you dear!! Miss you 'round these parts! ;)

Charbie - thank you!! How are you doing? I've been lurking on TTC and keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Several Braxton-Hicks this afternoon - must go drink water!