
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

LAILA!!!!!! Luke is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
Oh, you can tell by his face he is going to be a VERY handsome boy! What big beautiful eyes and such hair! Stunning bebe!!!!
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

LV - 1 cm???? Squeee!!!! Not long now, pretty mama!!!!!!!! DH is pro-doula because he's a guy who likes to know what's going on in the delivery room - what they're putting in my IV, what the best solution is for this or that. I think he fears being out of control and having decisions made without adequate counsel since we have no experience in this! We do LOVE our OBGYN and trust him, but it's possible there could be another one on call that day. The doulas where we live range from $1500-1800 for the experienced ones. I remember reading we also need to tip them - I wonder how much? It sounds like a lot but I have heard from people who use them that they are worth their weight in gold and don't get paid enough for all that they do. I hope we have a good experience with ours.

When DH stresses, I just laugh because I know that birth plans often go out the window and it's just a roller coaster ride to get the baby out! Still, I have read encouraging things about how having a doula can help lessen the likelihood of a c-section, only because she can help manage pain and hold off medical interventions as long as possible. Personally, I am happy to have one to supervise the episiotomy (if need be), make sure the placenta is delivered correctly, help with lactation and keeping watch to make sure everything is done properly since DH and I will be distracted in the moment. NY hospitals tend to over-medicalize birth and can often start a chain reaction to put one in a position to have to have a c-section - hospitals are run like huge businesses/baby factories here. I love my OBGYN but it would also be nice to have a doula to jam her fists into my back to help with the pain and massage me during the labor portion. She can also be our advocate if things get stressful and complicated, I hope! We'll see.

Deelight, thanks! And how are you, gorgeous mama? How neat about being able to feel her head! :appl: Ohhhhh, wow. Sending you lots of dust for a painless root canal! I had one before and didn't feel a thing! The worst part is anticipating the procedure, I think!

Pandora!!! Thank you, oh voice of reason! You were super lucky to have the nice privacy and space post partum. Daisy is such a beautiful girl. I can tell you went into it all totally informed and had amazing medical care. I wish our healthcare system was more fair but I have to say that there is a great disparity between the haves and have nots. It makes me angry to think that some moms aren't treated the same way as others - depending on their heath care coverage and what they can or cannot afford out of pocket. It is kind of ridiculous to have to pay for a private room and my friend who is delivering at the same hospital is not going to be able to afford $1700 for 2 nights. Doesn't she deserve the same care as anyone else? Why isn't it just included - or base it on medical need and not on cost. Sigh. Something has to change.

And thanks for the advice about eating! The doulas I talked to say - DEFINITELY eat before going to the hospital. They say a bowl of oatmeal with honey and nuts is a great snack that will sustain you for the long haul. I'm going to sneak some Gatorade or coconut water if I get too thirsty and DH has agreed to be my accomplice!

Noelwr, thinking of you and your beautiful little girl! How amazing she is! So perfect!

Not long now, ladies!!!!!!! :appl:
Bliss, All great reasons for choosing to have a doula present. I've also thought of our doula as a potential liason between us and the doctor. I think the fact that the doula is not as emotionally invested in the experience means that she will likely be more clear-headed than DH and I. I don't think it will come to that, though. My doctors have been surprisingly open-minded, and I plan to birth for a short period of time. ::) It is nice to have a back-up plan though. Have you found a doula already?

Gosh, NYC is expensive!!!! I hadn't heard about tipping a doula previously. I was hoping to find my doula a nice gift, like a special necklace from etsy or something along those lines, that reflects birthing or motherhood or something. I haven't found it yet. On the off chance that I do have a particularly long birth, then I would definitely tip. It would make sense, but since they are really working for themselves, I think they should just charge more to start. I don't subscribe to the rule that all business owners should not receive tips, but if they don't have any other employees, then it seems kind of silly to tip on top of their fee. I did a quick google search, and there doesn't appear to be a definitive rule on this. Maybe there is in NYC though?

Oh, and re: the private room issue. At my hospital, you get a private room if one is available. It sounds like private rooms generally ARE available, but if they happen to have a lot of new moms, then you would have to share a room. As soon as a room becomes available, they move you asap because they know people prefer the privacy. There was no mention of paying more for private, and I don't think they offer this.

What is your due date, Bliss? We must be due within a few days of each other.
Hello lovely preggo friends!

LV, congrats on your 1cm!! hehe! Is it weird that I'm looking forward to my next appointment (on Jan 3rd) because that'll be my first internal and I'll have some info on whether I'm starting to dilate/efface or not!? LOL! You and Bliss are getting sooo close!! YAY!! One question...I have decided to try to go med-free - in your opinion would it be worth my money/time to go get the hypnobirthing book and read it/listen to the CD before D-day?? If it might be helpful, I'm all for it...

Bliss!! Hello my dear! Sorry it costs so much to have a private room in NY, but I agree, I'd spring for it too. I really loved what you wrote a few posts back - "For the ladies who started this amazing journey around last October/November... I can't believe how different things are this year. And it's incredible to imagine that we don't have much longer now. Life is just so miraculous! If you would have told me last year we'd all be about to welcome little babies into the world around this time, I would have laughed and laughed in joy!" I have had the same thought so often. It's soooo cool to be here at the end with you all, and I feel so blessed and so grateful that we've all had or are about to have healthy little babies!! What a difference a year makes. :bigsmile:

Laila - thanks for sharing Luke's birth story, and the pic!! He is absolutely adorable, what a little lovebug!!

Noel, how's Miss Skye? I think about you often and hope everything with your ongoing treatment plan is going smoothly!!

Deelight, glad to hear everything's going well! Now, when you say he taught you how to feel for her head, do you mean by feeling your low belly, or *ahem* internally? And BOOOO for root canals!! Hope it's quick and painless - I had to have one awhile back and it really wasn't too bad.

Bissa - gender scan tomorrow, right?? WOOOHOOO!!! Any mommy's intuition/guesses?? I thought that my LO was a girl from the very beginning (started having a strong feeling around 6-7 weeks) - not sure why I felt that way, but I was right! :)

Tuckins - LOL @ your BOOOOOOBS!! hahaha. I feel ya, mama. Mine were really really sore until 2nd tri, and now they're starting to get kinda sore again since they're winding up to make milk!

Lanie - thinking about you!!! You must be enjoying those precious first days with the new man in your life - how much fun!! Can't wait to hear how everything went!! Hope you're doing well. :bigsmile:


Had dr's appointment this morning - all is well! Belly measuring on target, baby's HR in 150's, weight up 2 lbs over 2 weeks (total gain around 25 lbs at almost 35 weeks, so I'm pleased!), blood pressure good, no protein, etc. My next appointment is scheduled for a little less than 2 weeks from now, and at that one she'll do my GBS swab and my first internal exam, and we'll be starting weekly appointments! I'm excited to be getting close!

My latest interesting symptoms: I feel like she is riding really loowwwwww. Like, I can feel her squirms A LOT in my crotch - weird pressure sensations, along with the lovely headbutts of my bladder! Also, I spoke too soon when I said that my crotch pain wasn't too bad - it's back with a vengeance these last few days. Ugh. Other than that, feeling pretty good! Ohh, and my boobs are leaking! First noticed it around 31 weeks, actually - sometimes especially 1st thing in the morning when I get up I'll notice (sorry if this is TMI) a little crusty stuff on my nips that must be dried colostrum. And I can easily express a little bit too. Kind of exciting that my boobs are getting ready to fulfill their destiny, LOL!! Anyone know if leaky boobs before birth is a sign of good future milk supply/easy BFing? I hope so.
Hi HMG! :wavey:

It's so hard to say whether the book/cd will be helpful or not. Everyone is so different. For sure, I think you'd find the book interesting. If you think you could get into the guided relaxation, then yes, I think it could help. Some people aren't really open to it. For example, in class, I was able to reach a deep level of relaxation very easily. My husband, on the other hand, was making his list of things-to-do for the weekend in his head. It's just not something he's open to. So, if you think you'd be open to the relaxation, then you may find it helpful.

Did you read Ina Mae's Guide to Childbirth? I think you mentioned it before? I never did get that book, but wish I had!

Oh, and I think we are carrying very similarly. I've also been feeling her moving above my crotch. It is such a strange feeling!!! It's almost hard to describe how strange it is, and how startling it was the first few times. :eek: It's like a sweeping feeling, above my crotch. I mentioned it to my doctor, and he said it's just her moving above that area. I hadn't felt any pressure on my bladder until this week, when I wake up in the middle of the night and sit up. Ooof! Very painful!
Ohh Lanie! I'm so happy for you! I jsut got back in town and came over here to see if you have met your little one yet.

I can't wait to hear how everything went!

HOU- How did you girls figure out that you have the same doc? I have a feeling I might have had the same one you girls have. Is she expecting right now?
I know I missed BD but I wanted to share because well..I finally have something to share...sort of lol
I think this proves that even heavier girls can get bumps :) I'll post a before and after photo lol

This is me at 15 weeks (thinking I had a bump lol)

And here is me almost 3 weeks later at 17w5d

Happy holidays everyone :) Safe travels!
RT- You are so cute! I'm at 18 weeks now and I "sorta" have a bump- It's really just more like serious bloating... (Still can't wear my own pants, though.)
For anyone out there who is hungry, I just got a chicken sandwich at burger king and it's buy one get one free...frickin made my day :twirl:
Thanks tuckins, I know how you feel about the bloat, ugh, hate it :)
Hello pretty preggos! I haven’t been able to post in awhile because I’ve been working 80 hr weeks, but at least I think I won’t have to work Christmas weekend. I don’t know how you residents do it!

Laila, congrats and thanks for sharing your birth story.

Skippy, congratulations. Twins, how exciting.

Diva, that is scary, glad you are ok now.

LV, excited for you, you’re so close! I think you’re the last of the “Ls” to go :))

Hou, too funny about your bbs fulfilling their destiny. You’re getting so close too! I’m envious of your weight gain!

Bliss, that’s good you can get a private room. I can’t believe you’re almost there, it still seems like yesterday when you got your BFP. You are going to be such a great mama to your baby girl.

AFM, I can’t believe I’m almost 32 weeks and it could be as little as a month or so if he decides to come early. My belly is HUGE already and I am scared…Yesterday, I discovered I have stretch marks ALL over the underside of my belly, which I had no idea were there before (since I can’t see down there! They’re close to skin color and not that bumpy so I didn’t see or feel them before, but they’re there). Sigh, I guess it’s time to accept that my pre-mommy body is gone forever. Even if I lose all the weight, I’ll still have these, and now I’m worried I’ll have a lot of excess skin which won’t go away w/o surgery (which I wouldn’t get). Oh well! All worth it for a healthy bebe!

I had a 4d Ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome! It was so much fun seeing our little guy and actually seeing his face. Makes it much more real that he’s really a little person in there (still blows my mind). He already looks just like DH which is so funny. I was surprised that he already has little chubby cheeks. I’m a little shy about posting pictures.

Have a good holiday everyone!
Happy Christmas Eve Eve aka Festivus!! I hope you guys are all ready for Christmas and get to spend the holidays with loved ones.

Deelight - So sorry that you have to get a root canal! Ugh. I hate dental work and I can't imagine having to do it while pregnant. I hope it's not too bad.

Random Thought - you look so cute! I am 16w2d and I still just look like I have a beer belly. I can see co-workers who don't know looking at me to see if I'm just getting chubby. You have definitely popped and it's adorable. Are you feeling much movement yet?

LV, HOU, and Catluver - you girls are all getting so close!!! I bet you can't wait to meet your little ones!

Sooooo, um.... IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was very cooperative for the ultrasound tech and showed us her goodies. My husband was a little bummed (I could tell). I know he really wanted a boy first, but he's just happy that she's healthy so far. She was hilarious in there and moving so much. At one point, she was upside down with her legs in the air. The tech said it looks like we have a little gymnast on our hands. I've only had one other ultrasound and that was at 6 weeks, so this was the first time we got to see our baby girl. I am just so excited and can't wait to go shopping! I printed out some ultrasound pics and I'm going tonight to see if I can find some pink frames to give to our families on Christmas. Even though she won't be the first grandchild or great grandchild, she will be the first girl in a very long time! Lots of people are waiting for this baby to get here.

I won't be back on until Monday, most likely, so I hope everyone has a great holiday!
Bissa, yay for a girl!!! You and I are 2 weeks apart in EDD! Yay for team Pink!!!!! :appl:

Catluver, wow, you are getting close; yay!!! Hopefully at work things will settle down. aw, that is so cute your baby has chubby cheeks; too cute!! please post pics if you feel comfortable.

RT, cute pic!

Tuckins, yay for 18 weeks!

HOUmed, never tmi; I think that stuff is helpful for us later wondering if it is normal or what is going. sorry it hurts. Yay you are in the home stretch!!! :bigsmile:

LV, 1 cm, yay!!! It will be here soon!!! :bigsmile:

Deelight, I had a root canal last year; it didn't really hurt, it was just a pain having the work done. I will cross my fingers yours goes smoothly.

Dreamer, oh I am going to make a mental note on the food info, good to know!

Bliss, yay, you are getting so close too; very exciting!! :bigsmile:

Wow there are so many of you soon close!!!! This is so Exciting!! :appl: Hope all you Wonderful ladies have a Happy Happy Holiday!!! :wavey:
bissa, congrats on a girl!!
any news on Lanie?

HOUie - Skye keeps us busy but when she is sleeping we just think :saint:
I post on the Mommy Newborns - 12 Months thread now.
my next operation (skin-sparing mastectomy, removal of some more axillary lymph nodes - he won't try to touch the ones for my arm, and breast reconstruction all in one go) will be somewhere between Jan 7-25. I'll be able to go home after 3-4 days. they requested a private room for me so that Skye can spend the night, which I thought was really sweet as I didn't ask for it, but I'm not going to have her sleep there as a) I won't be able to lift my left arm for 3 weeks and b) the more rest I get the better/quicker I can recover.

Pandora|1293041598|2803806 said:
Noelwr - I had a 'mobile epidural' which meant that I could have walked around with it ( although as I was also on pitocin and hooked up to monitors I wasn't personally allowed to) and I could still feel my legs and feet. Even when they whacked it way up for the forceps I could still feel my lower legs. So you may have had one more like that than a total block.

yes, this is exactly what I had.
I hope all the PS preggos are doing well! Happy holidays to all!! :wavey:
Hi ladies-

Happy Xmas Eve! I hope all of you are doing well, and congrats to all the new mommies - what an amazing present to have!

I have been posting in the TTC thread, but thought I might get a few more responses here about this topic. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor wants to put me on Clomid starting my next cycle. Can you guys share your experiences with Clomid - positives, negatives, any warnings, successes/non-success?

Thanks in advance!


Well it is Christmas here we are a day ahead of the northern hemisphere :)

HMG No idea on leaking issue but I assume it can't hurt - as for feeling the head nope that was by pressing the belly - felt so mean poking her in the head :(.

RT Cute pic - definitely the startings of a little bump there :)

Catluver :( bugger about the stretch marks - while I have not used this I have heard others swear by it not sure if it is available in the states but it is called bio-oil and it apparently helps reduce stretch marks and prevent new ones from appearing [a href=""]Bio Oil[/a] looks like it may be available your way.

Bissa YAY congrats on a little girl another one for team pink :) welcome

Scarlett I have no idea - but I know from reading here there have been a few positive results from the ladies - hopefully someone can chime in soon :)


Thanks ladies for the words of support - now if I can just remember to call the dentist to find out costs and book that would be awesome :)

Hope your all having a wonderful Christmas and to the new mum's congrats on the first of what I am sure will be a long line of special Christmas' :)
Laila- CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's amazing!!!

RT- What a cute bump!!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday!

Here's my 6w pic. Definitely rocking the plump look, lol! Holiday eating is not helping, lol, but I get the "food baby" after eating meals all the time now (I bloat so much I kind of look like I have a bump), but I definitely am a little "thicker" from 4w to here (I have been eating like a horse though. This PG is making me SO hungry all the time!)

Good morning and Merry Christmas preggos!!!! This will be a "me" post, sorry for that, but I was reading through your replies, and thank you SO very much for wishing us well! I am in the most baby love I think anyone has ever been in. It is incredible, and I can't wait for the rest of you to feel what I'm feeling! :love: I have some pictures, and a short version of the story and the loong version for those that like details! :cheeky:

Short version: Anderson Timothy was born at 1:32pm, 7 lbs 3 oz. And HOU was right! It was me that was delivering alongside another of our doctor's patients! Sorry HOU for pushing your appt back...I've been that girl before, and it was horrible to be on the other end, so I apologize! I think that is absolutely hilarious that she was the super secret PS spy, so thanks HOU! He's doing great, nursing has been pretty good, of course there are road bumps along the way, but all in all he's doing very well. I can't explain in words what it is like to be a mommy. It's the best feeling ever!

Long version: I checked in at 6am and was admitted right away. They started the IV and started pitocin at 9am. I was 3 cm when I got there (I think I posted this already, so sorry if I'm repeating!) and was having contrax pretty regularly, so I think that was going to be the day no matter what, or maybe even the next day. Anyway, pitocin started kicking in and I could feel the contrax, but not too bad. I remember thinking, "this isn't so bad! Maybe I could do this naturally!" they started getting strong right away, and before I knew it, they were getting a little more on the untolerable side. Finally, the nurse came in and saw that I had had 3 in a row, with no break between, so she turned off the medicine. The first dosage is a 2, and she said she couldn't go lower than that. So they had me off for maybe 15 min or so, then turned it back on. Finally, the contrax regulated themselves, and I got 2 minute breaks between. It's pretty cool to see it all on the monitor! My DH and I were watching TV and they started getting stronger and stronger and I would just hold his hand and onto the bed rails. Finally, I had to have him mute the TV when they were bad...I couldn't concentrate. I was breathing and very, very quiet. I was surprised I wasn't yelling bloody murder! Then my doc came in to check me, I was at 5cm, and she said the wait time for an epi was 30 min so I could gauge when I would need it. They were still about a level 6 out of 10 at that point, so I figured I would try to barrel through them. Some were worse than others. It's a pain that feels like there is a belt around you and it squeezes, like super bad menstrual cramps, but you feel it in your back too. At 9:45 I put in a call for the epi. I couldn't handle it anymore. They had to give me IV fluids beforehand (someone else posted about that...I didn't know that!) so when those ran out, they could give it to me. At 10:30 I got the epi. Didn't hurt too bad, just pressure after a bee sting. Life was good! Then about 30 min later, the nurse came to turn me over bc epis work with gravity, so they have to flip you. When she flipped me, I started feeling the contractions. They weren't too bad, but I didn't think I would feel anything after the epi. After about 15 minutes, I was watching the monitor, and could tell I was feeling them and we buzzed the nurse, and I said "I think it's wearing off! I can feel them!" she came right in and said that it meant I was ready to push. I was at 10cm! I could feel oh man, I wasn't expecting that. They called in my doc and another doc and they came in and started putting on their clothes for delivery. It was so scary, I couldn't believe it was actually going to happen. I started pushing at 12:45 with the nurse, then by the time my doc got there it was 1pm. I felt like I wasn't pushing, but they said I was really good at it! I felt so embarrassed in front of my husband, but I knew I needed to get the baby out. I threw up at one point, and the nurse told me 95% of women throw up during delivery. I felt so much better after throwing up. My god, if you are still reading at this point, thank you so much. I feel I have so much to say! Anyway, they could see the head, and I was biting a towel. He had so much hair, they kept saying. Hee hee. At the end, he was almost out. It HURT so bad. I could feel my skin stretching, and my doc was stretching out my hoo ha. I could feel it! It got to the point where his head was halfway out, and they wanted me to wait until the next contrax to push the rest of his head, but I couldn't wait. It felt like the biggest poo was on deck and I had to get it out. So I pushed and I felt a huge gush of fluid, and then little limbs coming out of me. Oh my god, I'm crying right now as I type this. They took him away to clean him super quick, put him on me and I remember feeling his breath and thinking OH MY GOD this is my baby! They took him to weigh him and the docs delivered my placenta. I could feel that too! It felt like a giant blob. Then they finally had him bundled and they stuck him on my chest and he looked at me with his blue, blue eyes. I don't know if they'll stay that way, but he was just gorgeous! Lots of hair, and no cone head! My friends and I joke that he needs a Just for Men sideburn and forehead hair trimmer! Everyone assures me he will lose it! :cheeky:

The rest would be a novel, so I'll wrap it up here. Things that surprised me most were how much I love to nurse him. It's so cool to know that he knew what to do and I knew what to do. Even if you aren't going to bfeed, it's cool just knowing that they know how to suck right away and when to stop, etc. It also surprised me how happy I have been this past week. My friends all told me I'd be so hormonal and bawling, but I haven't really been. Just when I think of that first day, but other than that, you'd think I take happy medicine or something.

OK, so here are some of my fave pictures. I'll limit it to 3. Let me find some...
where are Anderson's pics?!?
They gave him a Santa hat at the hospital! HOU, I'm going to give you a good post about the hospital in a second!

Anderson web.jpg
So squishy!

Anderson web3.jpg
You can't see his eyes really well, but they are such a pretty blue. Mine are green, DH's are brown, so who knows. I know a lot of babies have blue eyes and then they change.

Anderson web2.jpg
OK I lied. 4 pics. Here's a good one of how much hair this critter has! I'm off to post on the mommy thread, but I'm going to be back. This day was so special, and I want to see each of you go through it. It's like a secret club. AAAAHHH!!! LV you are NEXT!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

Oh, and one of the TTC girls asked about Clomid on here...I took it for one cycle, and it did nothing. I had 100 mg. My doc said 150 probably wouldn't grow me follies, so he just put me on Femara, 5mg. That did the trick and brought me little Anderson! Clomid works for lots of girls, but some are Clomid resistant. The side effects weren't too bad...headaches were strong. But there are other options if it doesn't work for you! Make sure your doc is monitoring you while you take it with ultrasounds bc it can grow you too many follicles, and that's bad news.

Anderson web4.jpg
OMG SO cute!!!!

Glad to hear the birthing experience wasn't too bad....I also threw up prior to pushing (twice I think) and was told it was completely normal...I think it also has to do with not eating anything for hours and hours and hours...
Oh Lanie, Anderson is BEAUTIFUL!!! :love: I love all his hair! I enjoyed your birth story!!! Congrats Momma :appl: :appl:

Princess, cute pic!

ps, hope everyone had a Wonderful holiday!!! :))
Lanie!!! Anderson is so adorable!!!!!!!! I love his hair! What a cute little man! Thank you for sharing your birth story. I'm glad that everything went so smoothly and quickly!!!!!!! And, most of all, I'm glad to hear how much you are loving motherhood. The way you wrote about it is so sweet! :))

I cannot wait to have this baby. We have a huge blizzard over the next two days (10-20 inches, yes, that is a wide range estimate, isn't it!?). I've always wondered if she would arrive during a big snowstorm, which would be totally ok with me, but I don't think she's ready yet. I think it'll be closer to due date (1/10)! Maybe I should pack my bag already, just in case! :cheeky:
Princess What a cute pic :) - as for the hunger for me it did eventually subside to days where I eat less then I would have pre preggo but then there are days when I could eat a horse and then some :).

Lanie Anderson is just beautiful - look at those eyes :love: thank you for sharing your birth story - it sounds like an amazing experience and well worth it for the reward at the end :). Congrats again :):):):):)

LV WOW it could be any day now - I have never been in a snow storm before - heck we don't have snow here but I hope there weather is good when she decides to come :)
Oh my lord Lanie, he is beautiful! Congratulations, i'm glad that all is well! ::)
Lanie - Anderson is absolutely divine. No wonder you are so in love! What a fabulous Christmas present for you and DH. Enjoy your little one.

Hope everyone else is enjoying their holidays.
Oh, Lanie! He's wonderful! So handsome and alert! The forehead hair will go away!! Lily had it too and I was panicked! One day I just noticed it had receded. I think that was around 2 months. She also had some neck hair that went away then too. Congratulations!!