
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Skippy!!!! Congratulations! Yea for twins!!!! Wishing you a happy pregnancy with a minimum of stupid twin-preggo comments from strangers.

And a hearty congratulations to all the mommies here! This thread is just the loveliest!
Blushing_B|1292734710|2800756 said:
Hi Ladies!!!

Had to jump on here to congratulate Skippy and DD (DD, I know you've been pregnant for a while now, but just have been so busy)!!!!

Skippy, take it from this twin mama...twins are AMAZING!!!! You'll have so much fun with them!!! Definitely TONS of work, but it's such a pleasure!

Speaking of twin mamas...Tiffany, I hope you are doing well! Did I read way back that you're having twin girls??? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm super excited for you too!!!!

I'm still new at this whole twin thing, but if either of you have any questions, please come find me in the newborn thread. I'll be back on as more of a regular once I head back to work part-time in January.

HI Blushing! You were almost right- I'm having twin boys!! I have been watching the newborn thread for you so I'll pay closer attention in January!
lliang Thank you :)

Good luck tomorrow Lanie I can't wait to see pics of your little bubba sending you loads of quick and painless L&D dust

My Ob appointment was canceled today as he has 3 deliveries this morning :o how exciting for these mum's little ones just in time for Christmas :) I will see him later this week for my monthly and also for GD test results hopefully it goes well I was told I may have a chance of failing by the chick who took my test because I just ate lunch - which is annoying because I specifically called and asked about fasting and eating requirements grrrr - oh well we will see what happens.

It is nearly Christmas and then NY :o where does the time go she is going to seem a lot closer to being here that side of the NY - I am starting to get excited I really want to meet here - probably doesn't help with all the influx of cute PS babies lately :love: and lurking on the NB thread.
Skippy - Holy Cow! Congratulations to you!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
CONGRATULATIONS, Skippy!!! I am so very thrilled for you!!!! Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy!!!!! :appl: :appl:
Skippy eeeeeeeeeeep, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!,
Nothing yet, but for a baseline, late BPF ;))
5w0d, bloated, so I'm slightly puffy in the belly and the angle is goofy

Laine, you look amazing!!!!!!!!
Skippy, I am SO thrilled for you and your hubby! You deserve this and I know, with all of my heart, you are going to be an AMAZING mom.
Lanie, thinking about you!! :)
Has anyone had their eyesight change while pregnant? I've been sick all day and took a nap for 4 hours today. After I woke up I put my glasses on and everything was still completely blurry; it's gradually been getting clearer but it's still a little weird. Anyways, just wondering if anyone has experienced this? Was it brief or did it last the rest of your pregnancy?
:wavey: :appl: :appl: SKIPPY!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :wavey: Congratulations X2!!!
Double yays for skippy! Yay yay!

Best of luck, Lanie! Wasn't she planning on hanging out around here this weekend??? Maybe her little man go scared into coming out early, before induction??? If not, can't wait for pics of the little man!
Lanie, Good luck today! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Deelight|1292629458|2799937 said:
tuckins Good luck with the ultrasound - do you have a preference or a feeling? I swear this pregnancy felt like it was taking forever before the gender scan and now it is flying buy :o

This whole time I have felt like it's a boy... I sort of want a girl, but really it's fine either way! I can't stand the anticipation!!!!
Thanks chicas! I'm here now, 3cm when I waddled in at 6am, they put in an IV (blah) broke my water (not as bad as I thought it would be), and have been on pitocin for 30 min. Had series of 3 contrax in a row and they got out the shot for tribulin (or something like that) but I am now having breaks between them. Not so bad so far!!! The warm water that keeps coming out of me feels weird weird weird! Sent the hubs to go get himself bfast before it gets too crazy! I'll post again when I'm done...thanks for the well wishes!

Eta--she turned off the pitocin and now turned it back on. She said it's at the starting dose of 2, so I guess my body reacts too well to it.
Good luck Laney!
Lanie - you know labor is managable when you can still post on PS! I know the constant flow of warm fluid between your legs is very weird. good luck for the rest of the day. hope it is over quickly.
Lanie - Good luck today!!! Love the in-hosp posting!!!
random_thought said:
Has anyone had their eyesight change while pregnant? I've been sick all day and took a nap for 4 hours today. After I woke up I put my glasses on and everything was still completely blurry; it's gradually been getting clearer but it's still a little weird. Anyways, just wondering if anyone has experienced this? Was it brief or did it last the rest of your pregnancy?

RT, I've held off on getting lasik for this very reason. My eyesight did NOT change with my first pregnancy but I've heard that it can indeed happen. Hope you feel better and that your eyes stop bothering you. I know how disconcerting it is to feel like you can't see!

Good luck Lanie!

:wavey: everyone else! I'm hanging in the barely pregnant thread for now but hope to join you here before to long.

Mrs|1292860549|2801743 said:
random_thought said:
Has anyone had their eyesight change while pregnant? I've been sick all day and took a nap for 4 hours today. After I woke up I put my glasses on and everything was still completely blurry; it's gradually been getting clearer but it's still a little weird. Anyways, just wondering if anyone has experienced this? Was it brief or did it last the rest of your pregnancy?

RT, I've held off on getting lasik for this very reason. My eyesight did NOT change with my first pregnancy but I've heard that it can indeed happen. Hope you feel better and that your eyes stop bothering you. I know how disconcerting it is to feel like you can't see!

Good luck Lanie!

:wavey: everyone else! I'm hanging in the barely pregnant thread for now but hope to join you here before to long.

My eye surgeon recommended holding off on Lasik until after pregnancy and they recommend waiting 6 months following surgery to get pregnant. I was unknowingly pregnant during my Lasik surgery, but they said the only real changes would be the dry eyes. Get some drops like sustayne and it should help.
YAY LANIE!!!! Best wishes!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: I am super excited for you!!!

Princess, cute belly pic!!!!

RT, my vision changed a bit but not super blurry but it was a little bit of an adjustment. If it gets too bad my Mayo clinic books says to let the doc know.

Deelight, boo on the appt but glad you will be seen this week!! How exciting about all the new babies!!!

MRS, hi, can't wait for you to join us!! congrats!!!

Many many thanks dear friends for your super sweet words, blushingB, Mara, Lliang, Kimi, Puffy, Canuk/Sharon, Kaleigh, Jas, Lauren, Dani, Princessplease, Tacori, DivaD, and Charbie! :halo: ps Lliang, they are fraternal twins
Skippy, I wanted to answer your doula question from a page or so ago. I will be having a doula. She actually taught my hypno-birthing class, so it worked out really well. We both like her and think she will do a great job in helping me relax and reminding me about specific breathing techniques. Two of my friends used doulas and found them very supportive and helpful.

Miscka, I went through a period where I was drinking milk all.the.time. For maybe 10-12 weeks, starting maybe mid 2nd tri, I was drinking at least three tall (think pint glasses) of skim per day. I could not get enough of it. We would buy milk by the gallon for home, and I'd also keep a half gallon at work! I was severely disappointed to learn that most restaurants do not serve skim milk, so I even drank straight whole milk a few times. Hee-hee. Now, I don't crave it nearly as much, but L :love: VE watered down orange juice!!

Mrs, Can't wait to see you and the rest of the newly preggos over here soon!!!

37 weeks!!! Finally! Not much new here except for some random (very infrequent) stabbing pains in my crotch area. :o Next appointment is Weds. I love having the appointments every week now because it does help to pass the time. I'm thinking I'll go a day or two past my due date (1/10), but who knows?!?!?!
Just wanted to report back that my vision seems to have returned to normal today...I dunno why but how weird!!! I swear when God came up with the whole idea for pregnancy that he threw in some extra weird things just to be a smart***

Last night I was puking my guts out from being sick and DH walked in on me and went "eww" (as I hadn't thrown up the entire pregnancy) and I waved at him and started singing "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." I'm pretty sure he thinks I've completely lost it! Lol

Good luck today Lanie!!
Hmmmm....I suspect it may be time for Lanie to push, because I have an appointment with the OB at 1:30 (we have the same OB) and I just got a phone call that it's OK if I'm a little late to my appointment because Dr. B had to go over to the hospital for a delivery!!! :naughty: :appl: :love: Lanie, I hope it's you and that you are getting to meet your little man very soon!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
RT, make sure you watch the vision thing carefully and let your doctor know- vision changes can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, and while you're still pretty early to develop pre-E, it's something to pay attention to. I'm glad it seems to be back to normal today! Sorry about the puking, though...hope that gets better too.
HOUMedGal|1292872326|2801904 said:
RT, make sure you watch the vision thing carefully and let your doctor know- vision changes can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, and while you're still pretty early to develop pre-E, it's something to pay attention to. I'm glad it seems to be back to normal today! Sorry about the puking, though...hope that gets better too.

Yeah, I've been doing my fair share of pre-e research as well because my sister had it when she was pregnant. I don't know if it can run in families, but I'd rather be over informed in case it happens to me too.
random_thought|1292872480|2801907 said:
HOUMedGal|1292872326|2801904 said:
RT, make sure you watch the vision thing carefully and let your doctor know- vision changes can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, and while you're still pretty early to develop pre-E, it's something to pay attention to. I'm glad it seems to be back to normal today! Sorry about the puking, though...hope that gets better too.

Yeah, I've been doing my fair share of pre-e research as well because my sister had it when she was pregnant. I don't know if it can run in families, but I'd rather be over informed in case it happens to me too.

I'm not sure about any genetic predisposition, either...but either way, definitely good to be informed!
HOUMedGal|1292872197|2801900 said:
Hmmmm....I suspect it may be time for Lanie to push, because I have an appointment with the OB at 1:30 (we have the same OB) and I just got a phone call that it's OK if I'm a little late to my appointment because Dr. B had to go over to the hospital for a delivery!!! :naughty: :appl: :love: Lanie, I hope it's you and that you are getting to meet your little man very soon!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Very exciting, HMG! Thanks for that insider info! If it is Lanie, then that's another nice shorter labor!!! Hoping that trend continues around here . . . ::)
HOUMedGal|1292872197|2801900 said:
Hmmmm....I suspect it may be time for Lanie to push, because I have an appointment with the OB at 1:30 (we have the same OB) and I just got a phone call that it's OK if I'm a little late to my appointment because Dr. B had to go over to the hospital for a delivery!!! :naughty: :appl: :love: Lanie, I hope it's you and that you are getting to meet your little man very soon!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

How exciting!! It's almost as if we have a secret spy!
Lanie- Hope all is well!!! Warm wishes coming your way! :wavey: