
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Fiery Thanks for chiming in - I probably should add I am planning on taking a year off after bub is born and I guess for pumping purposes really I guess to have backup and if DH wants to feed and I guess if I have supply issues.

I will try looking up more reviews thanks for chiming in :)
Dee- just saw your post. If that's the case I would go with the manual or single pump. Try asking your LC when baby arrives. I was surprised at the amount of things they gave me for free, especially the manual pump (really all it is is an attachment placed on a bottle). Doesn't cost anything to inquire!
I had a manual pump (Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature) and really liked it. However I also wasn't going back to work and so didn't need to pump much. It was fantastic at the beginning when I couldn't bear the thought of putting my nipples near Daisy - I fed and pumped alternate days until they healed and until my milk was in. I didn't find it too much of a faff and I liked that I was in control especially when they were so sore.

Was also one of the lucky ones who lost all the baby weight and then some purely through breast-feeding. I was a size 8 pre-baby and I'm now a size 4 - I'm having to watch my calories at the moment as I was getting too skinny. Most of the 75lbs I gained was water so I lost it very fast. The elephant skin did take a while to get looking more normal and I don't think will ever totally go (but then at 38 I don't think your skin is so elastic). The only exercise I did was core abdominals (for my spine) and carrying Daisy.
re: weight loss from BFing. DS is 5 months old and I've lost all but 2lbs of the 45 I gained without doing much BUT the girls make me look heavier and the belly is flimsy. All of my prepreggo clothes fit except shirts that button - and I don't know that those will ever fit again to be honest. I didn't BF my first and I never really lost all of the weight from that pregnancy. I gained 65lbs and it took me about a year to lose 50 and I never lost the rest.
Deelight|1294065350|2813115 said:
Fiery Thanks for chiming in - I probably should add I am planning on taking a year off after bub is born and I guess for pumping purposes really I guess to have backup and if DH wants to feed and I guess if I have supply issues.

I will try looking up more reviews thanks for chiming in :)

In that case I would really wait and see about the pump until after baby is born. I took a year off too and did not buy a pump and was glad I did not, because when I *did* want to start pumping a) Hunter would not take a bottle and b) I could not produce at all for the pump. Nada. So wait and see. You really do not need a pump at all if you BF and do not work, it is more of an optional accessory to me.
The pump + bottles thing *is* a hassle if bfing is going well, but its also a lifestyle thing. If you want your LO to take a bottle for some flexibility in your schedule or for going back to work, etc, the LCs recommended introducing a bottle at 3-5 weeks and continuing with a bottle once a day most days to keep the baby used to it as if you wait too long or do it too infrequently the baby might reject the bottle. My DH was eager to start the bottle as he wanted to be able to feed the baby once in a while, and having that option meant I could go out for more than 1-1.5 hrs at a time without worrying if the baby was getting hungry. (Of course if I go out for more than 3-4 hrs then I need to pump while out, which is a hassle, but at least I don't worry about the baby being fed.) So while a good pump is optional if you will be stay at home, think a little bit about how tied to the baby you want to be.

I'll disagree with dreamer a bit here - I do thing you can and should try to plan for these things somewhat. If you want the baby to take a bottle then make it part of your plan, and make it somewhat easy on yourself, so for me that would mean an electric pump. Also I really didn't need to have any more things to think about or do in those early weeks, so it was great to be able to have the pump already bought and in the house if we needed it for supply reasons or for sparing the much-abused nipples for a day (almost did need that but squeaked by!) and then to be able to start figuring it out in spare moments during the early weeks. I have the freestyle (double electric) and its great. I'm back at work now so its getting used enough to justify the cost, but frankly if I was pumping once everyday or every other day at home for the once a day bottle, now I think it would also be worth the cost. Life is too short, get a good pump so its faster and you don't have to worry about if the pump is working or if you aren't responding well or if your supply is a problem or something.

Hmm, while everyone is different, you can put me down in the breastfeeding took the weight off camp. I'm pretty familiar with how hard a time I have losing weight normally and what efforts are usually required, so I can credit bfing (plus a moderate activity level- mostly walking) during maternity leave for somehow working some magic. I was eating whatever I wanted, which was less than when pregnant but still a fair amount. Thank god for small victories! At 3.5 mo postpartum, my rings still don't fit (boo!), my feet are still 1/2 size bigger (maybe forever - double boo!), my boobs and belly will likely never be the same, but my weight is back at pre-pregnancy number and most of my clothes fit. I put on 35 lbs with the pregnancy and was overweight to start, so I was definitely worried as health-wise I really didn't need to be carrying any additional weight long-term. Just to give you ladies some hope. Breastfeeding definitely requires extra calories, but what it does to your overall weight gain/loss situation depends what it does to your appetite and energy level and what you eat and do activity-wise, obviously. For me at least, its been helpful in taking off some of the pregnancy padding.
Deelight.. I am reading more than posting as my hands are full! Thanks for the compliments on my little guy- I have to agree! :love:

On the breastfeeding and weight- I have had quite good luck so far. My total gain was only 23 lbs but at one month I am two lbs over prepreggo weight. And I am eating like crazy, constantly starving, way more than when I was pregnant or not. And my activity thus far has been limited to walking on the few days it has been warm enough to take the little guy out, since I am not yet cleared to work out. I can wear my normal clothes but things do not fit the same (yet?) hope things will continue to firm up.
cara|1294092282|2813462 said:
The pump + bottles thing *is* a hassle if bfing is going well, but its also a lifestyle thing. If you want your LO to take a bottle for some flexibility in your schedule or for going back to work, etc, the LCs recommended introducing a bottle at 3-5 weeks and continuing with a bottle once a day most days to keep the baby used to it as if you wait too long or do it too infrequently the baby might reject the bottle. My DH was eager to start the bottle as he wanted to be able to feed the baby once in a while, and having that option meant I could go out for more than 1-1.5 hrs at a time without worrying if the baby was getting hungry. (Of course if I go out for more than 3-4 hrs then I need to pump while out, which is a hassle, but at least I don't worry about the baby being fed.) So while a good pump is optional if you will be stay at home, think a little bit about how tied to the baby you want to be.

I'll disagree with dreamer a bit here - I do thing you can and should try to plan for these things somewhat. If you want the baby to take a bottle then make it part of your plan, and make it somewhat easy on yourself, so for me that would mean an electric pump. Also I really didn't need to have any more things to think about or do in those early weeks, so it was great to be able to have the pump already bought and in the house if we needed it for supply reasons or for sparing the much-abused nipples for a day (almost did need that but squeaked by!) and then to be able to start figuring it out in spare moments during the early weeks. I have the freestyle (double electric) and its great. I'm back at work now so its getting used enough to justify the cost, but frankly if I was pumping once everyday or every other day at home for the once a day bottle, now I think it would also be worth the cost. Life is too short, get a good pump so its faster and you don't have to worry about if the pump is working or if you aren't responding well or if your supply is a problem or something.

The only reason I suggested waiting was to perhaps allow time to rent one first and see if it works for you at all. As I said, I never produced for a pump (beyond the first days when I was doing it every 2 hours to increase my supply) so was pretty glad I did not spend the extra $350 or whatever it cost. Lots of places rent pumps, you buy the parts that come into contact with the breast milk. It is an option to consider as a temporary thing before committing.

And I hate to say it, but babies can take a bottle like a champ and then refuse it out of the blue like a champ too. Crazy babies.

My friends agreed with you about the pumping FWIW, too. They hated being tied to baby and loved being able to get away. I hated pumping more ;)) and was glad to have one less thing to deal with. It was easy to cart baby with me when I went out most of the time, and so that is what I did.

Thing is, I don't think you can know your lifestyle choice until you are in the situation. I am really cheap and hate the idea of spending money on something I would not use.
The hospital-grade symphony pump personal parts kit is ~$40 and the pump is another $40/month to rent. Okay, some places more some places less on both those numbers. But that's $80 give or take in the first month that you could have spent on your own personally owned pump. Of course the symphony is a superior pump and if bfing doesn't end up working for you it is cheaper than if you had bought a good double electric on your own. But if it does end up working and you want a good pump, down the line you may have wished you put that $80 towards the purchase of a nice $300 pump and not bothered with the renting.

Everyone should make their own decision on this kind of thing, and if you are hesitant to invest in a pump then by all means rent and see if you need it or want it. But I just thought I'd throw out my perspective on this in case others find it useful to their situation. I decided that I would *plan* to breastfeed (even though there was always a risk some wrench would be thrown in those plans), and since I was also planning to go back to work (on the US timeschedule of ~ 3 mo maternity leave), that would mean I needed a good pump so I bought one pre-birth. Made life less stressful for me to have things ready to go, and the money spent on it is a bit of a gamble. In the end it worked out for me - I saved money not renting the hospital pump and breastfeeding is going well and I'm using my freestyle. However, it would have been an unhappy chunk of change to waste if the breastfeeding or pumping didn't go well, but I think I personally would be a lot more sad at the not-breastfeeding than the money lost, and like I said earlier, at some point I decided to hope and plan for things going well in that department rather than worry too much about contingency plans.

Of course I didn't get everything right. There is this beautiful crib going unused in the baby room, baby is still in the cosleeper or our bed! Who knew?! That certainly wasn't our baby-sleeping plan. Many people warned me about renting the pump rather than buying, fewer people warned me not to buy a crib unless I was sure I'd need it, haha! Well, there is still time to get use out of the crib but thus far it is decoration for the nursery.
cara|1294102912|2813648 said:
The hospital-grade symphony pump personal parts kit is ~$40 and the pump is another $40/month to rent. Okay, some places more some places less on both those numbers. But that's $80 give or take in the first month that you could have spent on your own personally owned pump. Of course the symphony is a superior pump and if bfing doesn't end up working for you it is cheaper than if you had bought a good double electric on your own. But if it does end up working and you want a good pump, down the line you may have wished you put that $80 towards the purchase of a nice $300 pump and not bothered with the renting....

Of course I didn't get everything right. There is this beautiful crib going unused in the baby room, baby is still in the cosleeper or our bed! Who knew?! That certainly wasn't our baby-sleeping plan. Many people warned me about renting the pump rather than buying, fewer people warned me not to buy a crib unless I was sure I'd need it, haha! Well, there is still time to get use out of the crib but thus far it is decoration for the nursery.

Interesting that the rentable ones are better, it sure seemed that way and explains why I was able to produce with the rented one and never was with the Medela that I borrowed from a friend.

And haha about the crib. Eventually you will probably use it ;)) Kiddo will sleep in it until he is about 2-3, so unless you co-sleep that long it will at least get some use! Otherwise it can be used to store toys :cheeky:
Happy Happy New Year friends!! :wavey:

TUCKINS, thanks; I feel okay, kind of sore throat/headache but no flu thank goodness, phew. I am so sorry you were sick over Thanksgiving, bless your heart; that must have been tough, especially since we aren't suppose to take anything. I will keep that tip in mind in case I get sick later; this is a bad time of year for colds, etc.

PRINCESS, you look fabulous; you are tiny, lady!!! I do see a little cute baby bump! hehe :bigsmile:

CUPCAKE, aww cute baby bump; you look Great!! :bigsmile: Lorelei is such a beautiful name!!

MARCY, thanks friend for the congrats!! Happy New Year to you!

BLISS, thanks; I am washing hands like a mad woman and running after hubby w/clorox wipes to wipe stuff he touched even though he is washing his hands. hehe I think I caught a baby cold but not bad thank goodness, phew. LOL about the prairie doggies; they are so cute!!! You are going to be a fantastic momma; I can't want to see your pics of your beautiful little girl!!! lol about Macy's day parade; eek I am going to have two parade's in me. Oh if you have nursery pics I would LOVE to see them!!! I bet you decorated so beautifully.

LOVEINLIFE, aw you look fabulous and so adorable!!!! :bigsmile: My U/S is next week; I am hoping on finding out the sex of these babies. I love your profile pic, sooo cute!

GERI, you look fabulous!!! :bigsmile: I will cross my fingers your baby turns, keep us posted! I like that there is a crib in the background, yay for being ready! thanks for the welcome!

LV, thank you!! woohooo for 39 weeks; yay, so excited for you!! :P I hope you are sleeping better and that one night was just the exception. How are you feeling? hugs

DEELIGHT, yippeee for 30 weeks and some days!! :P Oh I have not seen that add, sounds super cute though!!! I loveeeee Hello Kitty; too cute!!! thanks about my hubbs and I am eating oranges my orange loving friend. hehe

Hi Mommas!!!

Okay nothing too exciting going on here. Hubby is starting to feel much better but will be home one more day so he doesn't get others sick at work. I just have been a mad woman using clorox wipes on everything which seems to be working and lots of hand washing for both of us and banning hubby from the kitchen. hehe I am excited because next week is my U/S; I will be almost 17 weeks when I go so hopefully (fingers and toes crossed) that the babies will cooperate and we will find out what we are having. Hope everyone has a Beautiful week and hugs to all you lovely ladies :wavey: Oh ps I keep forgetting to ask you but are you ladies loving the baby center weekly emails for your weekly growth info, etc; I think they are so much fun to read!!!
LV- I can't believe your almost there.....yippee :appl: :appl: :appl: :

Skippy-My profile picture is of my first little love, Oliver. He's a total sweetheart! Do you any "feeling" about the twinlets gender?
luvinlife|1294110619|2813746 said:
LV- I can't believe your almost there.....yippee :appl: :appl: :appl: :

Skippy-My profile picture is of my first little love, Oliver. He's a total sweetheart! Do you any "feeling" about the twinlets gender?

I don't have a strong feeling for what I will have but it would be fun to have a boy and a girl (just because I would have one of each) but I would honestly be happy with 2 boys or 2 girls too! hehe Oh Oliver is adorable!!! :love: :love: I always smile when I see your profile pic!
Noel - Unfortunately it is not baby stuff in the crib but books and other things that we need to find a new home for to make space for the baby. We are in a state of disarray at the moment but we have the essentials just in case she comes early and once I am on leave and we have sorted the mess, I plan to do a big shop for the rest. Thanks for the tips on how much we might need - I was initially thinking 2 or 3 of everything but agree with you on the washing front so might buy a little more.

LV - I'm so impressed that you are still working next week! I plan to finish about 2 weeks before the due date which is quite late by Australian standards but, because it is summer, this is our main holiday time of the year so work is pretty quiet (I'd say about 20-30% of my co-workers are in the office this week) and I'd rather save as much leave as possible till after the birth. Once I go on mat leave, I can't totally check out because of my role but will have my secretary check my emails and call if there is anything I need to attend to. After the first couple of months (I wil take about 6 months leave), I suspect I will reengage more with the office, but as so many people say, I really won't know how I feel about that till the time comes.

Lanie - Nice of you to pop in! Well done on being back in yor pre-preggo jeans! And you sound like you are loving motherhood - it is so heartwarming to hear! Enjoy your LO.

Dee - How great that your MIL bought back so much fun stuff for you. I find the range in Australia quite limited and expensive so it must be great to get things from overseas that you don't see everywhere here. i would highly recommend swimming if you can, or even just floating about in the water - it's such a nice feeling. And don't worry about the togs - I am still wearing my old bikinis, although the girls are filing out the tops way more than they used to. There are lots of preggo women in bikinis at the beach I go to so I don't feel out of place and, in any event, I am beyond caring whether anyone else thinks it looks funny - if I'm comfy and not indecent, that's good enough for me at this point!

Fiery, DD, Pandora, Cara - Thanks for your input on pumping - it's quite confusing to know what to do. I will take mat leave for about 6 months so there is no real rush to pump but I am keen to try from earlier on so that DH can be involved in the feeding so not sure whether to just buy the pump now or to wait. Too many decisions!

Skippy - Wow, double the fun for you at the gender scan! I hope they both behave for you!
Oh my, I feel so terribly bad.... Yesterday I was talking about my baby to another one of my pregnant co-workers, going on and on about finding out that it's a boy, yada yada yada.... I asked her when she gets to find out (because she's about 2 weeks behind me) and she says "I don't. I lost the baby. They did the D&C on Christmas Eve".... then starts getting teary eyed. I felt like such an ass, but I didn't know!! I feel terrible! What do you say to someone who just lost a baby? How can I even discuss my pregnancy without feeling guilty?
Sorry, double post.
Oh Tuckins, that is so sad. You couldn't have known so I'm sure she wasn't upset you said that, but what a tough situation. I don't really know what I would have done, other than I know I would have felt just like you. I guess I would just have said "I am so sorry. I didn't know. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Ugh. So sad. Just reminds us all how fragile this situation is throughout- I think so many people think once you're through the first trimester you are out of the woods. While I know the chances of a safe and healthy pregnancy go up greatly at that point there's always that chance...I know I shouldn't think about that, but my old boss lost a baby at 25 weeks and I think about it a lot :(.
It will be hard for her to watch you go through your pregnancy I'm sure. The fact that you are sensitive to that will make all the difference. Hugs.
natalina|1294154595|2813979 said:
Oh Tuckins, that is so sad. You couldn't have known so I'm sure she wasn't upset you said that, but what a tough situation. I don't really know what I would have done, other than I know I would have felt just like you. I guess I would just have said "I am so sorry. I didn't know. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Ugh. So sad. Just reminds us all how fragile this situation is throughout- I think so many people think once you're through the first trimester you are out of the woods. While I know the chances of a safe and healthy pregnancy go up greatly at that point there's always that chance...I know I shouldn't think about that, but my old boss lost a baby at 25 weeks and I think about it a lot :(.
It will be hard for her to watch you go through your pregnancy I'm sure. The fact that you are sensitive to that will make all the difference. Hugs.

Thanks for the response. There are a lot of us who are pregnant, and some who just had babies, so I think this year is going to be difficult for her. She seems pretty level headed, so I hope she is able to cope with it in a healthy way.
Tuckins, it was a mistake, don't beat yourself up. Having had a miscarriage at 11 weeks and D&C, I would have appreciated if you would not complain about being pregnant in front of me, but otherwise wouldn't expect anything from you. Just a bit of extra sensitivity.
KimberlyH|1294163840|2814081 said:
Tuckins, it was a mistake, don't beat yourself up. Having had a miscarriage at 11 weeks and D&C, I would have appreciated if you would not complain about being pregnant in front of me, but otherwise wouldn't expect anything from you. Just a bit of extra sensitivity.

I never complain.... Just was excited about finding out it was a boy, etc... But I can see how losing a baby, a person might think others were taking it for granted by complaining. I will definitely try not to do that around her. But, I can't help but to be excited about various things, like when he moves a lot or when I get to see him on ultra-sound. Do I refrain from mentioning these things around her? Should I talk to her and ask her if it makes her uncomfortable? Should I just refrain from mentioning it all together?
Tuckins, one of my friends lost identical twins recently at 26 weeks. Talking to her, she wanted people to acknowledge her daughters and her loss and not avoid the subject. She is still in a pretty bad place and I know from her husband that the one thing she finds very hard is to be around very pregnant women or new-born babies.

I probably wouldn't talk about feeling the baby moving, but would feel okay talking about the ultrasound.

Cara, my crib is still a lovely clothes dumping place 20 months on - also never intended to co-sleep!
My twin pregnancy miscarried in December of 2009. Someone recently asked how the twins were doing. It was an honest mistake; like others said don't beat yourself up.I always loved hearing and being happy for others while they were pregnant and I wasn't. Everyone however has a different threshold.

Just popping in to give Tuckins a hug! You didn't do anything so don't feel too badly about it. :wavey: On the other hand, it's wonderful that you are so sensitive to how she's feeling. I think the best thing to say is, "I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to help?" And mean it. Other than that, I would just be a friend! You sound like a wonderful friend and colleague to have.

I have two friends who have had mcs and one is suffering from infertility after her mc. Early on, I told her that I understood how hard it would be to be around me as I went through my pregnancy. So if she wanted to drop off the radar when it got too hard, it was totally OK and that I was thinking of her always. She took me up on that and we haven't heard from them in a long long time but we always pray for them to conceive quickly. I have another friend who went through a mc and it's hard for her to be around me so on the rare occasions when we meet up or talk, I never bring up my pregnancy and neither does she. It's totally fine since we have lots to talk about but I'm happy to be there for her and that I don't cause her any further suffering. And be ready for her to be angry about it if she's the type of person to internalize and not deal with things openly- just know it has nothing to do with you. We had dinner with a couple recently who went through a loss and infertility and she just said some awful things to me out of the blue - I knew it came from her bitterness and anger and was not meant to cause any harm. But it was hard knowing that my presence was causing her to be like that.

The worst thing for me when I had a mc was a colleague who got pregnant at the same time I did. She would continually text or e-mail message me updates on her pregnancy including ultrasound and belly pics. It was really painful. We had a talk about it because it got to be too much but she was just so excited she couldn't help it. We're still friends and I would never fault her for sharing something so incredibly joyful and exciting - but gosh, it was really painful to be texted randomly throughout the day and see an ultrasound or belly pic while I was going through my loss. God bless all the women who have never gone through a loss! I wish women wouldn't ever have to experience such a thing! Just joy! :wavey: As a preggie now, I try to be super duper sensitive to women who have been through it because it is such a horrible thing to experience.

Anyway, what a blessing it is to be pregnant... I think you should be free to savor every special moment and celebrate every little joy that comes from this miracle! It is super nice and compassionate of you to be sensitive around your friend. May you always be so blessed and generous with your kindness! :appl:
Awww Tuckins, I'm sorry that happened. Don't beat yourself up - how were you to know? I think all the advice offered so far is good - just being aware and thoughtful around her will guide you. I think it's important, as was said before, to be careful not to complain about preggo symptoms around her (she may think "I would give anything to feel uncomfortably pregnant right now" etc). As far as sharing your good news and other happy things, if I were her I wouldn't want you to avoid talking about anything to do with your pregnancy around me...but I wouldn't want you to approach me directly to talk about it, or talk about it when it was just you and I alone (i.e. it would be OK if she was part of a group you were talking to....does that make sense?) I think totally avoiding all baby talk whenver she's in earshot might be even more awkward and painful, for me, anyway.

Luvinlife, please forgive my forgetful preggo brain if I did indeed know this and have forgotten, but I didn't realize you had lost twins in Dec. 2009. I am so sorry. My MC was in Dec 2009 as well (and Bliss, Noel, Geri, and LV all had losses around that time too). But I'm thrilled that you're here now with a healthy pregnancy. Yaaaaay!! :) Your 26 week bump is adorable!! Wow, 4’11”? You are so tiny! But you look wonderful!

Skippy - keeping my fingers crossed for a couple cooperative babies at your scan!! I can't wait to hear the news!! :bigsmile: Sorry your DH is sick…keep up your good handwashing and don’t get sick yourself, mama!!

IceKid - wow!! Sooo awesome that you're only 2lbs above pre-preggo weight!! I hope I am that lucky!! :bigsmile:

Deelight - awww, yay for fun Hello Kitty stuff!! Would love to see a pic of the booties!! :bigsmile:

Lanie - thanks for the tip re: the Medela steam bags! I put some on my registry and if I don't get any as a gift I will go buy them myself! hehe! Oh, and WOW for only 5lbs above pre-preggo weight after only 2 weeks?! Awesome!! You and IceKid are impressing me big time, and I'm really hoping I'm just as lucky! Thank you so much for the tips about St. Lukes!! So glad to hear that you and your little man are doing so well. :appl:

LV – you’re over 39 weeks now!! WOW!! Any indication of things happening?? I hope you’ve managed to get at least a little decent sleep…just hang in there, not long now!!!

Geri – thank you dear! You are looking fantastic yourself!! What an adorable bump you have! I absolutely cannot believe that everyone in our little group will have a baby in their arms so soon! It makes me sooo happy and soooo grateful for our blessings. I went back and read some posts from us from a year ago…wow. What a different place we’re all in. We probably would have felt better if someone could have told us where we’d all be in a year…

Blissie – I hear ya on the totally feeling it at the end of the 3rd tri….it’s everything they say it is. Poor sleep, aches and pains, can’t breathe, feeling full all the time, etc etc etc. However, I am so dadgum excited to meet this little girl that I remain in good spirits anyway. Hehe! Love the prairie dogs, btw!! So good to hear from you and Geri and LV and Noel…can you believe how far we’ve come in a year?! Loads of love and hugs back at you!! :love:

CupcakeMuffin – what a cute teensy bump!! You look fantastic!! Lorelei Ann is a beautiful name, I love it!

PrincessPlease – Remember, you aren’t fat, you’re growing a baby!! I recall those days, feeling so chunky and wishing I’d just hurry up and look pregnant already. But you look great, and definitely not fat!! :bigsmile:

SomethingShiny – thank you!! It wasn’t super scary, knowing that I was already so close to term that if she ended coming out it would more than likely be just fine. However, it was pretty miserable. My stomach *finally* feels completely normal again today for the first time since my “episode,” which was a week ago tomorrow.

RT, that’s a cute little bump you’ve got coming along!! :appl:


Alright, so I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and the first thing I thought was "hmmm.....belly looks different!" And every time I've gotten a glimpse of myself throughout the day I've thought the same....I think she has dropped! :eek: I have also felt better today (can breathe better and don't have that uncomfortable "stuffed full" feeling in my stomach). I took a pic today in the same clothes I was wearing for my 36 week belly pic and put them side by side - so here's the comparison shot! What do you guys think?? The one on the left is at 36 weeks even, and the one on the right is from today at 36 weeks 4 days. I feel like today my belly is lower and sticking out further in the front....

Hou- you are adorable. I think you've definately dropped!
Thanks all! I actually talked to her yesterday, just about her. She is open to talking about what happened and is doing as well as can be expected. They are going to try again when she is able to. I'm not really going to bring up my pregnancy to her directly, but others still ask me about it all the time so it's just going to have to be that way. She's really sweet and understanding. I really pray that she is able to conceive again and has a healthy pregnancy!
Thanks for the feedback on the pumps ladies - it is hard to know these thing - didn't know you could rent them - hehe learn something new everyday :)

Tuckins I would try not to feel bad - you weren't to know you have got some great advice from the ladies here so I don't have much to add except that loss whether that be a miscarriage or a death acknowledging it happened, being sensitive of the persons feelings and offering support goes along way - and you sound like your doing that I am sure she will appreciate your caring attitude.

Miss Skippy *dust* for two babies that behave during the ultrasound :)

HOU Seriously how cute are you :) and yup I definitely think you belly dropped looks like she is preparing for her big debut :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Geri WOW working up to 2wks before - that is quite late for Australia my work makes you go into confinement 6wks beforehand however you can work 4wks beforehand with medical approval - I am sure your counting down the days I know I am :P

Hope everyone is well :) - must get back to cleaning - decided to host orthodox Christmas at my house - WTH was I thinking :P
Hou- You look adorable! ::)
Houie -OMG, I love the adorable belly! And no, you are not crazy, you have definitely dropped. I can't wait for your little princess to make her appearance!
HOU, you look Fabulous fabuous!!! Yay for almost 37 weeks; you do look like you dropped a bit! :appl:

DEELIGHT, oh wow, you are busy lady!! That is sweet of you to host the dinner and thanks friend!

DCGATOR, can't wait till you join this thread with us!!! thanks for the congrats and congrats to you; yay for 10 wks!!

TUCKINS, I am sorry about your coworker. Sounds like you are good friend to her during this time.

Have a Wonderful day and week!!! =)