
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

random_thought|1294422048|2816769 said:
Diva- that is so scary but I'm glad everything turned out ok!

Hou- I can definitely tell you've dropped, you're almost to the end of the race and ready for your precious prize :)

AFM- Today's the big day!!!! We find out which team we are on and more importantly that the little peanut is doing ok :)

Yay! Can't wait to hear the news! :bigsmile:
Hou- What exciting news that she dropped!!!!!! Soon mama!!!!!

Luvin- Yay for hitting 27 weeks!!!

Deelight- Yay on 31 weeks!!!!!!!!!

RT- Yay for finding out what team you're on!!!!!

AFM, I'm only 8w1d, so I feel very odd posting a lot in here with the much more advanced preggos, lol!! So I apologize for seeming like I don't have much to say. I just haven't experienced anything yet lol!!!

Here's my contribution to BPF. I can definitely see something yay!! I'm definitely going to start taking the pics with my digi as the phone quality is awful! I was wondering if the slight showing is because I was PG before (although I did miscarry at 13 weeks ) :confused: week8.jpg
RT- Where are you? Did the baby show you the goods?
Princess- I see a little something :appl: Love it!!!!
Dee, Noel, and Dreamer- thanks for the advice!

This week has been the beginning of hiccups for my little one. This babe gets them a lot; about 3x a day. What a cool feeling! Any new changes going on with anyone else?
I'm pleased to announce that we are on team blue!! In 20 weeks, Cayden will join our family on the outside of the womb :)
random_thought|1294449663|2817232 said:
I'm pleased to announce that we are on team blue!! In 20 weeks, Cayden will join our family on the outside of the womb :)

Yay team blue!!!!! :appl: :appl:
luvinlife|1294445243|2817176 said:
RT- Where are you? Did the baby show you the goods?
Princess- I see a little something :appl: Love it!!!!
Dee, Noel, and Dreamer- thanks for the advice!

This week has been the beginning of hiccups for my little one. This babe gets them a lot; about 3x a day. What a cool feeling! Any new changes going on with anyone else?

How can you tell it's hiccups?
PP Please don't feel odd - I know it can be a little daunting but everyone has something to contribute whether that be well wishes or advice and so on - and with all the newly confirmed positives there should be a new influx of new baby mamma's in here shortly :appl:

Your photo is really cute :) - you can see the starting of a little showing YAY :) - i think 13wks is pretty normal to show around about that much or even more or less everyone is different - I felt huge from about 4 weeks, I got very bloated and then it subsided and then I went through what I liked to call my I look like I ate 40 cheeseburgers in one sitting look until about 25-27 wks where I finally popped out and actually finally looked preggo LOL. - you look great hun :)

LL YAY for hiccups - they are cute it makes me giggle when she has them - don't you love all the changes - gives you something new to look forward to all the time :)

RT Congrats on Team blue :) - Cayden is a very cute name have you had a chance to buy any cute boy things yet?

Tuckins To me the hiccups feel like rhythmic little movements - pretty gentle and kinda like a heartbeat it can be hard being sure but until you feel them a few times - my LO does not hiccup often but she did the other night it is kinda cute :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)
Tuckins- ditto on what Dee said. They are rhythmic pulsation which in my case last between 3-5 minutes in my case.

RT- How exciting! Go. Team. Blue!!

Princess- don't feel weird posting so soon. Time goes by so fast .
RT, congrats on team blue!!!
Aaaawwww... Can't wait for baby Tuckins to get the hiccups! ::)

My friend just had her baby last night... She was a week overdue and was induced by her midwife. After about 30 hours, baby was born!! They didn't know what they were having and it was a boy! Congrats to a tired mom and a stubborn little man! :appl:
Hi Ladies :wavey: ,

Attached is my 27w2d contribution. Have a great weekend!

luvinlife - you look so cute! hiccups can be indicative of what's to come. in utero, Skye had hiccups 5x a day. outside 2-3x a day.

RT - congrats on Team Blue.

LV & HOU - looks like you ladies are next!
Re: Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Luvinlife Such a cute photo awww you have the cute preggie round bump :) I hope you take this as a compliment as I think she is stunning - you look a lot like Jessica Alba

Noelwr I have been lurking on the NB thread - the pictures of Skye are just beautiful she is such a pretty little sweetie :)


Ahhh I think pregnancy insomnia has hit - 3:32am and I am awake :o I had a nap earlier but now I can't sleep - been like this the last few nights urgh

Oh well at least I can still nap occasionally sure I will miss those soon - if inutero activity is anything like the outside this little munchkin is going to be a squirmy wiggly worm who does not like sleep - ahhhhh we will wait and see....

ETA: Think I got my first BH tonight :o weird sensation not painful just crampy/stretchyy tight - really hard to explain LOL
LUVINLIFE, oh my gosh you are adorable (gorgeous smile), great belly shot!! Yay for 27 weeks and a trip to Cancun, very exciting!

PRINCESS, aw you do have a cute lil bump!!! Keep posting friend; good to see you in this thread!!

TUCKINS congrats to your friend; how exciting!

RT, congrats on a boy, yay!!!

DEELIGHT, oh no for not sleeping well; yay for naps though! Hope you sleep better. Your meal the other night sounded fabulous and made me wish I was there to taste! hehe aw, you little girl will be so cute; lol, about wiggly worm.

Well yesterday I bought a body pillow; I have not tried it out but I have found myself lately wanting to sleep on my back so I am hoping it will help! Anyone interested Kohl's has them for $7 instead of $20 till tomorrow. :)) Today was weird because I woke up at 10am; :o I thought it was weird but hubby said you are just preggo you needed the extra sleep (sweet guy). Also, when did you all have your baby showers? Just curious what the norm might be, thanks!!! Have a GREAT Weekend all you fabulous preggos :wavey:
Just poppin in to say thank you to everyone for the congratulations :) We are sooo excited!
So last night I had some pinkish fluid on my tp when I wiped, and internally there was a little bit more. It seemed to go away, and then this morning there is some brownish discharge. Neither time was enough to spot my panties or anything, only there when I wipe.

I called the midwife and she said this is nothing to worry about and I will have a doppler on Monday, but I am still pretty worried. She thinks my cervix must have gotten irritated, and that is more common with second pregnancies. I thought by 13w that these types of things were over, but I guess not. I have never had any type of bleeding so this scared the crap out of me. Any support, or similar stories would be much appreciated.
Dreamer-No advice just dust.
Dreamer: Your midwife is probably right and I agree you shouldn't worry too much about it (easier said than done I'm sure!). Especially if it's brown now which is old blood normally.

RT: Congrats on a boy!

Diva: I've already congratulated you on the other site---and your little girl is a beauty and you seem to be handling everything extremely well. Continued wishes and prayers that you will both be able to go home soon!

I'm 28 weeks and 1 day...this pregnancy is flying by. I passed my three hour glucola (or I guess I did...I took it 4 weeks ago and never heard from the doctor). We have a DA, a meeting to view a rental house and our elective u/s on tuesday! So we have a busy day coming up! I'll make sure to post some of the pictures from the u/s as soon as I can!
I had something exactly like that happen Dreamer; it really scared me so they did a U/S the next day and all was fine. They said the cervix is stretching so blood sloughs off and also sex can do it too. They told me as long as there isn't bright red blood and cramping not to worry too much. I know this can make a person anxious; hugs and sending dust your way.

eta: Toav, how exciting to be 28 weeks!! YAY!!
re: flying, i don't remember where you said you were flying but just make sure the airline you are using doesn't have restrictions on pregnant women. in europe, specifically spain and portugal, the airlines we took would not allow pregnant women past 24 weeks. not sure how they know for sure you are 24+ but i was 17 and the flight attendant actually asked me if i was pg and how far along. and i was not even that big at 17w. i flew again at i think 23 or 24 weeks for work for just a 1hour flight, but that was the last trip i wanted to take and even then it wasn't totally comfortable, i noticed my breathing was a little more labored during the flight and sitting in the chair during takeoff and landing was kind of just a little weird feeling.

dreamer, i don't have any personal experience re: the bleeding but ditto the others who said they say to worry if it's bright red and cramping as well. i never had any sort of spotting at all during pg, but i read in multiple books and magazines that it was very common as the body changes to accommodate the growing babe. glad you are getting a visual soon!
just about flying while preggo, with my previous pregnancy, i flew just about every month until i was just about 36 weeks preggo and my doc was more than ok with it as i had no real issues throughout the pregnancy. but of course they were relatively short flights also, 2 hours max. and now with this pregnancy, i've been flying throughout it. just flew to orlando, but i was only at 24 weeks or so. and we are planning on taking our last trip out at the end of february so i would be about 32 weeks or so. and again, my doc is fine with it.

hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
Dreamer I had the same sought of thing - it is easy to say not to worry but in all honesty I did. I spotted for about the first 2-3 months around about when my period would have been due - it freaked the hell out of me but she has turned out okay :) - mostly it was light pink and brown as your describing and according to my doctor would have been old blood. I also bled bright red on my honeymoon In Thailand at 4wks pregnant after DTD and was panicked that I was miscarrying in a foreign non English speaking country it went away about an hour or two later - didn't attempt anything again till I was like 20wks along (all good now) as I was scared - I think I just had an angry cervix or something.

When I spotted called my sister in tears who has had 5 m/c and described similar to what your saying and even she said it didn't sound like anything to worry about.

If the midwife is not worried I would take reassurance from that :)

*HUGS and DUST* chickie :)

Skippy The body pillows are great they can be a challenge when you first use them to get comfortable - okay maybe it is just me :P in the earlier days before I got my body pillow I found a cushion/throw pillow worked wonders :).

taovandel Congrats on 28wks :) I swear after you know the sex the weeks fly by :) and congrats on passing the GD test :)


Last day of my hols today :( sad I am not ready to go back to work LOL oh well - enjoy your weekend ladies :)
Skippy Forgot to post this before but I am having mine at about 33wks I say anytime before the baby is born is generally pretty good some people I think have them earlier and some later :)
Dreamer~ I had some weird spotting too. I didn't know it was supposed to be common with second pregnancies, I just thought it was from sex actually. It seemed that I spotted the morning after. Try not to worry. Lots of prayers that everything is fine.
Hi ladies! I know I rarely post anymore, but wanted to update that our daughter made her arrival NYE @ 11:52am. Vivian Marie was 7lb 11oz, 20.5in long.

She's absolutely a doll :love: Seriously such an angel. DH is so in love w/ his little girl...funny since he was so apprehensive about having a girl (wanted another boy).

My labor was pretty quick. I was scheduled to be induced because of a low lying placenta (1.7 cm away). In case of a bleed, my DR decided to induced instead of risking going into labor on my own and god forbid hemoragging on my way to the hospital. That morning I had some spotting so went to the hospital earlier than planned. Lost my mucus plog as soon as I got there and starting having contraction, although not consistent at all. This was around 4am. At 6:30 am they started pitocin on the lowest dose and my body just took off from there! Got my epi about an hour later. She was still quite high though, so they broke my water in hopes of getting her to come down so that I would dialate more. At 11:00am I started feeling my contractions again and was in a lot of pain, even w/ turning the epi up I was still very uncomfortable. Once checked, I was at 8cm! By 11:30am I wanted to push really bad, but DR wasn't there yet. Dr got to my room at 11:45, 3 contractions later, Vivian was here!! It was awesome only pushing for 10 min! I barely broke a sweat ;))

I'm so happy I trusted my DR and went ahead w/ the vaginal delivery, there were talks of C-section because of the location of my placenta. But I had a realitively quick labor w/ my son so she felt I should at least try and see what happens. I'm so happy w/ my birth experience and because it was so quick I only tore a tiny bit and feel GREAT!

So that's my update, and sorry for not participating more. Life has been crazy w/ my now 19 month old son, and w/ this new addition things are just so hectic!! But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Lex isn't adjusting as well as I'd hoped. He's throwing a lot of fits this past week and so far just ignores his sister. It breaks my heart when he wants me to do something w/ him and I can't becuase I'm feeding Viv. But we'll figure things out.

A HUGE CONGRATS to all the new PS babies, I check in occasionally so I know I've missed some annoucements. Hope everyone is doing well!

I wish I could post a pic of our little doll, but I'm having computer issues and can't resize the photos right now to upload here :(( When I can I'll post a pic!
Congratulations CDT!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Glad mom and baby are doing well!!
Thanks Tuckins!

Ok...attempting to post a pic...

oh yay!

And because I can't leave him out, here's my little man. Wish I could get a pic of them together, but that isn't happening yet...LOL.

Awwwww- CONGRATS CDT!!! What wonderful news!! Your kids are so beautiful!!!! :appl: :appl: :confused:
Dreamer_D|1294514808|2817663 said:
So last night I had some pinkish fluid on my tp when I wiped, and internally there was a little bit more. It seemed to go away, and then this morning there is some brownish discharge. Neither time was enough to spot my panties or anything, only there when I wipe.

I called the midwife and she said this is nothing to worry about and I will have a doppler on Monday, but I am still pretty worried. She thinks my cervix must have gotten irritated, and that is more common with second pregnancies. I thought by 13w that these types of things were over, but I guess not. I have never had any type of bleeding so this scared the crap out of me. Any support, or similar stories would be much appreciated.

DD, I had spotting, bright red and then brown, at 22 weeks with Leon. No cramping, and it slowed down pretty quickly. We went to the ER because I was so spooked, but it turned out to be an irritated cervix due to sex. Only happened that one time. Hope everything is ok.