
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

CDT, Congratulations!!!! Vivian Marie is so beautiful!!! And, yay for another relatively short labor!!!!

Deelight, Grrr for having to go back to work, but at least you won't have to work for too much longer, right?

Tao, Congrats on 28 weeks!! Will your elective u/s be 3D? What's a DA?

Dreamer, No experience, but I have to think since you just had the NT Scan that everything is ok. So hard not to worry, though, I know.

Skippy, I think sleeping til 10 am is great!! If your body wants to rest and you can, then enjoy it! I used to sleep on my stomach and had a hard time adjusting to side sleeping at first, but once belly reaches a certain size, it's the most comfy way to sleep! Very balanced, sort of like gravity favors the side-sleeping. ::)

Luvinlife, Yay for 27 weeks!!! You look stunning and so happy in your photo!!


39 weeks, 6 days here! No signs of labor! I have a dr's appointment tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how that goes. The good news is that I still feel GREAT! Baby still moves around quite a bit, despite what should be a lack of space. I sill feel quite normal, which amazes me, except for maybe bending over to pick something up is no longer so easy!
No spotting since that first little bit on Friday, so I am attributing it to cervical irritation ;)) Thanks for all the reassurance. LV is correct, too, our NT scan just 10 days ago was perfect, which was and is very reassuring.
Ladies, I have some qs about the glucose test. I know there have been some moms on here who have failed the one hour and passed the 3 hour, but has anyone REALLY REALLY failed the 1 hr and still passed the 3 hour? Not sure if there is a correlation between degree of failure of the first and odds of failing the 3 hour, if that makes sense?

Kind of in a funk here, as on top of that I have a UTI, am anemic apparently, AND my midwives are leaving their current practice and the situation is complicated but I do NOT want to stay at the practice without them.

Sorry to be a self-centered debbie downer!

Other than that (lol) doing good here. Getting the nursery almost done, we have acquired all the major things we need and I made a crib skirt and curtains this weekend, its looking so cute! I will post in the nursery thread when I get a few more things done. Also we got all signed up for our labor classes (x2), BFing classes (x2), and infant CPR. LOL so much to learn!

Having SO much movement and some hiccups. I absolutely love it, it seriously makes me so happy. Hubby is starting to get way more into it now that I am bigger and he can feel him. He loves to scour the local kids consignment shop with me to pick out little onesies, etc which is so cute.

Congrats Diva and CDT!

LL, you look great!!

Dreamer, I had almost exactly what you described, though it was a bit earlier. It was nothing, but I know its hard not to worry. Keep us posted!

Re: preggo pillows...I would literally die without my snoogle! I seriously adore that thing. It helps my back and belly so much and I sleep like a baby. I am keeping it for my next pregnancy for sure. Anyone who has a Burlington where they are, they are cheaper there. I am pretty cheap on that stuff but it was worth every penny.

Deelight, ugh I am dreading insomnia! I hope it passes me up. Maybe it will be a short phase for you :)) I agree ab BH...I *think* I have had a few but its so hard to tell! I just feel a weird tightness like you said.

Hi to everyone else!!!!!
Also, LV! So close!! DH and I were talking about how weird it would be to be right at this date we say all the time is here! Glad you are still feeling great, your LO will be here so soon! Excited for you.
CDT- She's beautiful and your little boy is so adorable! ::)
cdt~ Both of your children are gorgeous! My nephews are almost 2 yrs apart. At first the older one wanted nothing to do with the baby but he started loving up on him with 3-4 weeks. It takes some time but he'll fall in love with his sissy. Even JT at 4 yrs had a hard time at first.

eta~ Someone asked about the glucose test. I failed the 1 hr but passed the 3 hr. I don't know either number to know how badly I failed or passed. During my 3 hr test, my first draw was high and the next 2 were normal.
I also have failed the 1 hour (three times!) but have passed my 3 hour every single time. But I never badly failed the 1 hour...I think the first time I failed it I was out of the normal range by about 5 points....not sure about the other times. I think there is a correlation though. I wanna say it was posted on here before also....not entirely sure.
I found it way back in the 700 something pages!!

One-Hour Screening Result
Percentage of Women Diagnosed With GD

140-145 mg/dl 18% had gd
146-150 mg/dl 20% had gd
151-155 mg/dl 30.5% had gd
156-160 mg/dl 34% had gd
161-165 mg/dl 34.4% had gd
166-170 mg/dl 29% had gd
171-175 mg/dl 45% had gd
176-180 mg/dl 55% had gd
181-185 mg/dl 41% had gd
186-190 mg/dl 67% had gd
191-195 mg/dl 67% had gd
196-200 mg/dl 64% had gd
201-225 mg/dl 85% had gd
226+ mg/dl 100% had gd
Noel-Thanks for the heads up on the hiccups. Do Skye’s hiccups wake her up from her sleep?
Dee-Thanks for the compliment. Jessica Alba is indeed very pretty.
Skippy-I am in desperate need of vacation and sometime away with my sweetheart. Virgin pina colada on the beach…I can hardly wait. How are you feeling?
Mara/Puffy-Thanks for the flying tips. I went on the United website they let you fly up to your 9th month without a doctors not. However, I plan on getting a note anyways, mostly for my own peace of mind.
CDT-Congratulations. Your children are both beautiful.
TAO-Our due date are really close. Can you believe time is going by so fast?!!!
Loves Vintage-I can’t wait to hear about Dr’s appointment tomorrow. I feel an eviction notice coming soon .
Dreamer-Glad to hear the spotting stopped.
Miscka-Thank you! I feel great too. How many weeks along are you again?
cdt1101 Oh my she is an angel - look how cute and peaceful she looks - she has such perfect little rosebud lips :) and your son is such a cutie as well especially with that hair and those cheeks :)

I have no practical advice to give (as in I have not been there) but I am sure that Leo and Vivian will get along eventually - it is hard to adjust from being an only child to the eldest :)

good luck :)

LV One month after today - not that I am counting or anything I have some days off lined up as well (YAY) so I have a couple of 4 day weeks which will help break it up

Any updates from the doc? Can't wait to see your LO :)

DD that is awesome news :) so happy for you :appl: :appl: :appl:

Mishka No advice on the GD but I will send you dust for the 3hr test that you pass with flying colours - could it have been something you had eaten in the lead up to it that may have tipped you over?

taovandel Awesome chart - it is good to know those sorts of things :)


First day back was not as bad as I expected - which is good however it was hard sitting in my office chair and not lounging or being able to move as much as I want and all I wanted to do was NAP - as I still can't sleep well - oh well considering I have had a super easy pregnancy thus far I really cannot complain

It is raining like the dickens here so I wore sneakers to work - what a pain in the tookus to get those one GAH belly won't move and it was extreme effort LOL

I was just talking to hubs on the phone and was rubbing my belly around my belly button - OMG there is a massive bump there HAHAHAHAHA and it moved when I rubbed it kinda cute kinda ewwww LOL - wonder if it was a knee, elbow or shoulder - she is head down so I guessing elbow or shoulder who knows hehehehe I love new discoveries

Hope your all well :)

Sleepy Dee :)

ETA - wonder who will be the next PS Mumma - LV or Bliss :) you ladies are both so close squeeeeee :)
thanks everyone! I know Lex will come around, he's such a lovebug in general I just assumed he'd be giving his kisses like crazy to her, but no such luck ;))

Dreamer - sorry about the spotting, but glad it stopped!

Viv was up for over 4 hours last night...hahhaha..I guess that's the universal telling me to stop saying she never cries! She didn't really cry though, just fussed off and on...poor girl!
Tao! Thank you so much for finding that and posting it! Exactly what I was trying to find. I wish it had better news for me but still really good to know.

LL I am 29w5d so pretty close to you and Tao.

Dee - thanks for the good luck. I was fasting so not sure ab dinner the night before or anything. Sometimes I see what I think is a butt sticking out, it's so fun and weird!

Sitting in the waiting room now, 1 hr in to my test. My fasting finger prick was a 96 or 98 which I think is borderline? Guess I will find out tomorrow. Blah. I just want to know and start doing what I should!
luvinlife - no, hiccups do not disturb babies. when your baby is born and home with you, you will find you feel sorry for her/him and want to cuddle and soothe while s/he has the hiccups. you don't have to do this and probably shouldn't or s/he will get accustomed to being cuddled during hiccups and become dependent on it. we put Skye in her crib and though she will stay awake during hiccups, she usually just lies there quietly and falls asleep once they are finished (can take to 20 min). if she cries, she is crying about something else.
PUFFY, yay for one last trip before the baby comes! hi! :))

DEELIGHT, thanks for the info on the body pillow and the shower! Yay for going back to work not being so bad. lol, how cute; you little girl was just poking you hi momma! hehe :bigsmile:

CDT, congratulations; she is beautiful!!! :love: :appl: :appl: I am so glad you had a good delivery!! aw, Vivian's little brother is waay adorable!!!

LV, aw I am so glad you are feeling great!! I am so Excited for you, yay, you are almost there! :bigsmile: How was your doc's appt?

MISCKA, oh you poor sweetheart; I get UTI's but not during pregnancy yet (knocks on wood). bless your heart. I will cross my fingers for your gluc test. Aren't you around 28 or 30 weeks? Can't wait to see nursery pics. hugs friend

LUVIN, I am great thanks; how are you? yay for a vacay! :))

BLISS, how are you doing sweet momma? hugs!! :))

Okay, hate to be a broken record here but I am uber excited about my U/S tomorrow; can't wait to see what we are having! Thanks for the cooperating baby vibes for my us the other day! Nothing else too exciting going on!! Oh I do love being in the second trimester now; I feel waaay better!! HAPPY HAPPY New Week friends! :wavey:
Cdt - there are 20 months between me and my sister and I was not amused when she was born - I ran away from home, got a mile away and was brought home by a neighbour demanding that we found her 'another nice mummy and another nice daddy'. I also fed her glass xmas tree decorations and dog biscuits!

I did come round eventually. We were never great friends but that was more because we are chalk and cheese rather than any thing else. She has always been super competitive with me though! I'm sure it will get better but plenty of kids are less than enamoured to start with - just be sure that he's not left alone with her.

They're both real cuties - what gorgeous curls Lex has now!
Hi all!

Dreamer- I had something similar around 12 1/2 weeks- turns out it was just an irritable cervix. I think that since it stopped that's a good sign- good luck with the midwife!

RT- congrats on team blue! Glad all else looked ok!

Tao- Yay for 28 weeks and big yay for passing the glucose test! I found out last week that I passed also and I think my husband was more excited than me- he has quite a sweet tooth and I had told him he couldn't keep that stuff in the house if I couldn't have it!!

CDT- Vivian is adorable- congratulations! I have no real advice but I'm sure you're little man will warm up to her soon. My neice and nephew are 21 months apart and it took her (she's older) a little while to get used to him. I think it can be quite an adjustment for them and they just need a little time.

LV- wow, almost there lady!! Good luck at the doc appointment!

Miscka- good luck with the 3 hour test. Fingers crossed for you! That really stinks that the midwives are leaving- are they going to another practice that you could switch to?

Deelight- hopefully these few weeks of work will go by quickly for you.

Luvinlife- you are gorgeous lady!! Great pic!

Skippy- I'm so excited for you to find out what you are having!! I don't remember if you said before but are they fraternal? I just had my first shower yesterday at 29 weeks. I had originally wanted to have it closer to 27 but that was right around Christmas (for my family shower I had to travel about 2 hours, which was fine but I was worried I'd end up on bed rest before the shower!) I know most people with single pregancies wait until early 30 weeks or so to have a shower, but with twins I wanted to be prepared earlier. I have one at work this week also. I think you asked awhile back about sleeping arrangements? I plan to have them sleep in the bassinet portion of our pack n play in our bedroom to begin with. I considered moving one of the cribs in there and we may end up doing that, but I thought I'd see how it goes first. Some have had the babies in their bedrooms for months and others have moved them out pretty quickly (noisy babies!) so I thought we'd see how it goes and then maybe move a crib in. I do plan on them sleeping together until they are really able to move around, and then separating them. But again we'll see what works for them!
Tiffany, they are Fraternal. Are yours Fraternal? Oh yay for your showers!! Well someone is throwing me a shower and she keeps changing her mind when we will do mine so I was curious when people usually did it? That is very helpful to hear about your showers, thank you. Oh thank you for the info on what you are planning to do with their sleeping arrangement. I keep thinking what cribs to buy, what strollers, car seats? lol I was reading that there is a snap n go for twins so you could use the carseats in the stroller. I guess I have plenty of time to decide but now it is feeling like it is kind of going fast!! Do you have all that stuff already? Aw, thanks!!! I am so excited for your twins to arrive; I am so looking forward to your parenting tips too!! How are you feeling?
Hi ladies! I haven’t posted in a long time but have been keeping up with you all.

Congrats to cdt! Boy and girl, lucky!

Diva, congrats and glad you are both ok. I love Grace’s name.

Skippy, I’m having my work shower this week at 34.5 weeks, but I think it is much too late (I didn’t really have control over the timing though). There was no way I was going to wait this long to get all of the necessities, so the only things left for people to buy were smaller things like sheets, etc. and people commented that there were no big things left to buy. Oh well! How was your US?

LV, labor dust soon! Very exciting!

Deelight, I get the bump around the belly button area too. It’s all so strange. I hate sitting all day in my office chair too! It makes the swelling so much worse.

Hou, you’re getting close too! Yay for full term!

Geri, you look great, still so teeny in a good way!

Bliss, how are you lady? You must be so excited to meet your baby girl soon. Care to post an updated belly pic?

I am plodding along at 34 weeks, can’t believe I’ve made it this far. It all still seems surreal and while I can’t remember what it felt like to have my old body, I think after birth I will feel like pregnancy was one big dream. I’ve gained a massive amount of weight (35.5 lbs) that I’m hoping includes a lot of water, but I’m probably just delusional and it’s really a lot of extra fat - lol. Stuffing my face isn’t helping, but it is oh so fun. Here I am at 34 wks - he's sticking out a lot and also low, I think. I’m super nervous about giving birth and can’t believe it will be so soon. Have been in a nesting frenzy for the past month and finally have the room ready and the carseat base installed, just in case. I’m going to have to start sleeping with a towel underneath soon. Eeks!

Catluver - seriously you look great and I'd put money on the weight just dropping off you once you've had the baby. I put on double what you have - I don't have digital photos but my parents took some normal ones and I just look horrific. Mine was mainly water but I stuffed my face stupid in the last 4/5 weeks - couldn't get enough chocolate or cakes! Even so at 38 I was back to pre-preggo weight by 5 weeks PP and am now a size 4 - I did EBF but didn't diet and the only exercise was picking up the baby.
Pandora, I'm really hoping I'm like you and that it's a lot of water and drops off quickly, but I won't get my hopes up knowing how poorly I've been eating compared to before. I always ate a lot, but the pregnancy has made me love sweets when I normally don't care much for them. I'm nervous because I'm off the charts above the maximum recommended gain and still have 6 weeks left. That is amazing that you were back to prepreggo weight at 5 weeks PP. How much did you lose immediately (or a few days) after giving birth (baby, blood, placenta and water)?

I had my appointment this morning. I'm still 1 cm. I will have a fetal non-stress test and biophysical profile on Friday. If all is well, then we'll wait for labor to start on its own. If it doesn't by the 19th, then I will be admitted in the evening and a Foley catheter will be inserted to try to open up my cervix and get labor started. If it doesn't start by the next morning, then pitocin begins. :sick:

I'm still quite sure that labor will begin on its own, but I'm also happy to know there is a plan and time-line in place in case labor does not start on its own. I'm actually a lot less fearful of induction after reading Lanie's and Icekid's birth stories, which is one of the many reasons that I am so happy to be a part of this community!

So, within 10 days, we will meet our little girl. :bigsmile:
LV, bounce on a yoga ball STAT!!! I am convinced that is how I got J to pop out! My friend went into labor 3 days before me (we were same due date) so I grabbed her ball at the hospital and started sitting on it every chance I got. And bouncing like a madwoman. 24+ hours later my water was broken. :naughty:
Mara, I will give it a go and let you know how things turn out!! I was doing plie squats yesterday (in hopes of getting things moving, NOT as part of an exercise routine!!), and my DH was just shaking his head at me. Haha. When labor really does start, I don't think he'll even believe me!! I've been faking him out with labor symptoms all weekend. FUN stuff!! :twirl:
LV!!!!! Congrats on 40 wks! I can't wait! Glad you have a timeline just in case but you know what? You won't need it. You'll go in naturally and I can't wait for that rush of emotions you are about to feel!!!! Aaaahhhh!!!!

Catluver--you look great! You will lose the weight, don't worry! You were a skinny Minnie before and you look like you are all belly. Don't worry about pounds, plus you might not gain anything the last couple of weeks. Almost there!!!

HOU--that's funny about Bobo being generous with the cm! She's great. I miss seeing her weekly! Almost there for you too! Congrats on reaching full term! How exciting and soon little Miss Ellie will be here!

Bliss--you are coming up as well! Hope you are enjoying the last days!

To the other preggos, I read daily but it's hard to post. You will see! But I love the pics and updates and so excited for each and every one of you!
Loves Vintage|1294689504|2819073 said:

I had my appointment this morning. I'm still 1 cm. I will have a fetal non-stress test and biophysical profile on Friday. If all is well, then we'll wait for labor to start on its own. If it doesn't by the 19th, then I will be admitted in the evening and a Foley catheter will be inserted to try to open up my cervix and get labor started. If it doesn't start by the next morning, then pitocin begins. :sick:

I'm still quite sure that labor will begin on its own, but I'm also happy to know there is a plan and time-line in place in case labor does not start on its own. I'm actually a lot less fearful of induction after reading Lanie's and Icekid's birth stories, which is one of the many reasons that I am so happy to be a part of this community!

So, within 10 days, we will meet our little girl. :bigsmile:

I was also inducred, LV, and ended up with a nice vaginal birth!

My money is on you going into labour naturally. At your stage, 10 days is a loooooong time. Your cervix could be funnelling out nicely!
LuvinLife: I can't believe how fast it's going this time around! I was planning out my work schedule and when I got to the middle of March--I realized I had to stop because I could have my baby by then!!!

I hope everyone finds that glucola percentage helpful.

Skippy can't wait to see what you have baking!
When did you second timers start feeling the baby move?

I swear the last couple days I have felt it a couple times, and I am only 13.5 weeks.
Skippy Sending you dust for well behaved little Twinkies - I am so curious to know the results - my guess is two boys but I could and am most likely wrong :P

CatLuver You look fantastic :D You don't look massive to me or too little just right really - you have the cute preggie bump chickie :) and my guess is you will lose it pretty quickly :D I bought a waterproof mattress protector a few weeks ago just in case LOL do not want to wreak my new mattress

LV YAY congrats on 40wks - really could be any day now how exciting can't wait to see pics


Left work early today due to flood threat - so I am now safe and dry at home and hopefully in a low risk area

Not sure if you ladies have heard but Queensland has had some major issues with flooding - just devastating - at the moment we are just sitting and watching the updates pretty sure we are low risk thankfully.

Really wish this rain would P*** off

Geri not sure if your in QLD as well but if you are hope your well

Take ae ladies
Dreamer_D|1294712605|2819377 said:
When did you second timers start feeling the baby move?

I swear the last couple days I have felt it a couple times, and I am only 13.5 weeks.

I had some early fluttering, too. Probably around 15 weeks or so if I remember correctly. It's exciting! Now he jumps around like a mad man....
Dreamer: I have an anterior placenta and didn't feel anything for certain until around 17-18 weeks....I think I thought I felt something around 15 but wasn't for sure. So it's definitely possible you are feeling something now.