
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thank you so much Kaleigh, Dragonfly, Deelight, Taovandel, Tiffany (fellow twin boy momma) hehe, Bella, Catluver, Geri, and Puffy!!

DEELIGHT, wow, I am so sorry about the floods; how scary. I will keep everyone in my prayers! I am glad you are home where it is safe but how heartbreaking for everyone out there.

PUFFY & TIFFANY, how are you?

ZOE, cool, thanks!!! :bigsmile:

TAOVANDEL, yay for a baby girl!!! Little girls clothes is the cutest! Did you buy anything fun today?

CATLUVER, aw, thanks about the built in playmate; I am looking forward to that! hehe How are you feeling?

GERI, hoping the LO moved, sending good vibes for you and the LO; please keep us posted .

Sending smooth delivery dust to HOU, LV and BLISS!!! How are you?
Skippy!!!!!!!!! Congratulations on Team Blue times two!! I'm so happy for you! You must be so excited!!! And, YES, let the shopping begin! I found it to be the greatest distraction during pregnancy!

Geri, Good luck on Friday. I hope your LO has turned for you!

Catluver, Glad to hear your work has calmed a bit for you. It's been a real struggle for me to know when is the right time to leave work. I'm still addressing work matters from home, but I guess it's a good distraction.

Deelight, I'm so happy to hear that you are safe. I had no idea how bad the flooding was. :(sad How are you feeling? How many weeks now?

HMG, Where are you?!?!

Kunzite, Yes, I am crazy! I kind of don't think baby is coming right away, so I think that's why I wasn't too worried about the storm. I was actually thinking the storm predictions were quite funny, given the circumstances. We did get a ton of snow, like 20 inches, and I was a bit worried when it started last night!!

Dreamer, Thanks for chiming in about the pitocin contractions. You are absolutely right. I need to just wait and see what I can deal with. Maybe with the doula's help, I'll be ok, and hopefully you are right, and things start on their own!


40+2 and nothing new!

Last night I had some slight cramping that I convinced myself might have been the beginning of labor. After an initial bit of panic, I was able to fall asleep, figuring if things were to progress, I certainly wouldn't be able to sleep through it. But, I did, and it was nothing. So, the wait continues! Physically, I am fine. Mentally, well, I'm a bit more worried about that. It is good that I have Friday's appointment, to which I can look forward! I just keep reminding myself that baby will come when she is ready.
Oh my lord... I thought all that "super tired/zombie on my feet" stuff was over a few months ago, but MAN! Today was bad. From about 5:30-8 I was completely in a coma, drifting in and out of sleep... Baby must have had a growth spurt!
LV - how exciting. your LO should be in your arms within 12 days!
Noel, 7 days!!! They won't let me go more than 10 days past my due date (1/10). Tomorrow, I will have a detailed u/s and a non-stress test, to make sure I can still keep waiting. I really don't feel like labor is going to start before then, so we'll see what they say tomorrow!!!!!
Loves Vintage|1294950617|2821951 said:
Noel, 7 days!!! They won't let me go more than 10 days past my due date (1/10). Tomorrow, I will have a detailed u/s and a non-stress test, to make sure I can still keep waiting. I really don't feel like labor is going to start before then, so we'll see what they say tomorrow!!!!!

Girl, I did not think labour would start until it did ;)) Think positive! Also, I had cramps for a couple days before hand, likely it is your cervix effacing which is the most important part for labour starting (more than dilation), so I bet you are on the way!
Hello friends!

LV, I'm here! hehe! Still preggo. See below for the update. So you're hanging in at 40 and 2?? Still no cramping or twinges today?? I wonder if your cervix was changing last night when you were cramping...One thing is for sure....whether it happens on its own or you end up with the induction, your baby will be here SO SOOOOON!!! eeeee!!! I'm so excited!! I'm glad you're still feeling well, hang in there!!

Bliss, where are you, my dear?? Are you still preggo or not?!

Catluver - don't worry about your weight, momma. You look fan-freakin-tastic, and as far as preggo weight gain goes, I'm totally convinced that the mom's body does exactly what it needs to do whether that's put on a lot of weight, or just put on a little. Just because you put on more than average doesn't necessarily mean it'll take longer to come off. If I recall correctly, you were pretty thin to begin with, so you're allowed more weight gain anyway!! :) I've been worrying about not gaining enough....I've only gained 1 lb since 34 weeks (and I'm 38 weeks tomorrow) for a total gain of 26 lbs at 38 weeks...but the doc told me yesterday that it was totally fine. I wasn't wasn't tiny to begin with (5'9" 170lbs). Again, another example of your body does exactly what it needs to do!

Skippy, YAAAAY for 2 boys!! Congratulations!! You will have SO much fun with them. :bigsmile: I know you're gonna be an awesome twin boy momma!!

Tao - yay for girl confirmation!! Enjoy the shopping for pink stuff, woohooo!!! Looking forward to seeing some of those feet-in-face pics, hehe!!

Deelight, so glad you've managed to stay safe and avoid the flooding!

Geri, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a vertex baby for you tomorrow! But as has been said, if you end up with a C/S it's no biggie, it'll be nice to know WHEN and how great that your family will be around on that date!!

Jennifer W - WOW, I totally aspire to be like your friend! That's amazing!

Sorry if I've missed anyone....I hope you're all baking happily away!! :)


Well, I'm 38 weeks tomorrow! Went to my dr for my weekly check yesterday, and ended up seeing one of her partners instead of her (she got called to an emergent C/S right after I had gotten roomed and was sitting on my table with my pants off, LOL). Her partner was very nice, I liked him a lot. We chatted about how things had been going, and then he checked me, and said "Your cervix is already anterior, and it's a nice loose 1 (as he wiggled his finger back and forth inside my cervix!), I'll call it a 1.5, and you're already 50% effaced!" :shock: And then he said "while I have a finger in here I'm gonna go ahead and strip your membranes if that's alright" and proceeded to do so! I told him sure, why not, but later realized that maybe I should have told him to hold off since I don't want her to come before my baby shower on Saturday, LOL!! I asked him if he wanted to give me a gut feeling estimate about how long I had, and he didn't give me a specific estimate, but said "once you go into labor I think you'll progress quickly because you have a nice favorable cervix!" I wanted to say, I think that might be the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me, LOL!! Then he said, "We'll see you again in a week, if you're still pregnant by then!" Also scheduled a scan for baby measurements at my next appointment...I don't think she's too big, because all anyone ever tells me is "you're soo smallllll!" To the point that I have been worrying about baby's growth...Hmph.

I wondered if I might have progressed some, because Tuesday I think I pushed myself a little too hard (work in the morning, then ~2 hrs of shopping at the mall, then was on my feet doing lots of stuff around the house for the rest of the evening) and ended up having lots of contractions because of it. They're getting more and more uncomfortable when they happen...After my exam yesterday, I had some crampiness and about 4-5 contractions during the following hour, but then things settled down. Today I have been a little crampy with some low back pain off and on, and having some contractions, but nothing too regular or frequent. Had a teensy blood tinge when wiping yesterday but I assume that was from the exam/sweep. Somewhat increased mucousy stuff today, but I haven't seen anything that looks like my plug.

My mom told me to keep my legs closed till after the shower, LOL!
HOU--oh goodness!!! You are so close!! What was her partner's name? I wonder why she didn't send in her partner when you were waiting on me?? And why did he strip your membranes? I've heard of them doing that but didn't know what it was for if the doc does it. How cool would it be if you go into labor the night you finish with the shower? That would be perfect!!! Hang in there Tiny Momma!

LV--aaahhh!!! I check here so often to see when little Samantha will be here!!!!!! Soooooo close!
Hi Lanie!! :) How's your little cutie?? The doc I saw was Dr. Espana. Not sure why they sent him in yesterday and just had me reschedule before...maybe now that I'm this far along they want to make sure I get seen instead instead of rescheduling?? Or maybe they just felt bad because I was already sitting on the table with my pants off and didn't want me to have to get dressed again and come back, LOL! I didn't mind seeing him, he was nice. Stripping the membranes supposedly helps things to continue progressing along...Not sure why he chose to do it, but I'm OK with moving things along as long as I make it to my shower! hehe! I wouldn't mind going into labor Saturday after the shower, that would be just fine!! My family will already be here anyway! :)
HMG!!!!! So glad you checked in! I was certainly wondering what you've been up to!!! Sounds like you had a great appointment today! It's so funny what you thought to say after the DR complemented your cervix! I would have thought the same thing. Hee-hee. I hope you have a lovely shower without any surprise interruptions!!! Oh, and 40+3 today! ::)

Lanie, Keep checking! It's gotta happen. My doctors keep assuring me that they've never had a permanent pregnancy. Ahhh. So happy to hear how in love you are with little Anderson. I hope things go so well for us too!

Dreamer, You offer great perspective! Of course, labor could start at any time!!!!
HOU and LV The type of cramps that really signal labour type stuff are very very low in the abdomen, like menstual cramps, and at least for me I did not feel my belly tighten during them. I had these for a few days before labour began, and they were pretty much constant the evening before my water broke. You can and will still have more BH type cramps at your stage too, which are more high and your belly feels goes hard like a basket ball. Both of your are doing great though, I'm sure it will be soon!
Thanks, Dreamer! What I had the other night was very, very low, like at the bottom of my abdomen, so I'm hoping that's a positive sign. The other thing is that the baby has been very, very active over the past week. I assume that it's because she's bigger now. Maybe she was always this active, but I just wasn't feeling every movement, whereas I am now, just because she's grown a bit. I don't know. I'm trying not to think about it much. ::)
Loves Vintage|1294968933|2822280 said:
Thanks, Dreamer! What I had the other night was very, very low, like at the bottom of my abdomen, so I'm hoping that's a positive sign. The other thing is that the baby has been very, very active over the past week. I assume that it's because she's bigger now. Maybe she was always this active, but I just wasn't feeling every movement, whereas I am now, just because she's grown a bit. I don't know. I'm trying not to think about it much. ::)

Those sound like the good type of cramps that indicate thinning of the cervix! :appl: And you may feel more movements if your baby descended down nice and tight into the pelvis, giving her more room to move her body!
Also there is lower back pain and/or tightening sometimes before as well...! I had lots of BH for days before real labor kicked in but the evening before I felt something slightly DIFFERENT. Not sure how to explain it, just different. That night my water broke.

LV and HMG you are so close..! ::)
I think I missed bump day again..when is it exactly? Anyways, here's my contribution lolbump.jpg
Popping in Skippy to say wow wow!!!!!!!
Two little boys to love :appl: :appl: :appl:
LV, Catluver, Hou, Deelight, Skippy and anyone I missed - Thanks for the well wishes for today. Unfortunately, the little one is still in breech with her head firmly entrenched under my ribs. The OB doesn't think there is much chance of her moving since I will be 37 weeks on Sunday and she is in complete breech (ie legs straight up not bent, which apparently makes it even harder to turn). So I am booked in for a c-section on 28 Jan. If on the off chance she turns we will cancel the c-section and wait it out but most likely by this time in 2 weeks bub will be here. It seems very real now!

LV - Still thinking of you and hoping your signs are indications of impending labour. Best of luck for a quick and easy labour!

Houie - I now have the same EDD as you but it sounds like you may not make it that far! Hope she holds out till after your shower on Saturday but otherwise best wishes for a smooth labour for you. Can't wait to hear your news!

RT - Cute belly!
Congratulations Skippy!! That's wonderful news! :appl: :appl:
geri - one of the ladies in my pregnancy class ended up having a c-section. she had problems finding comfy fitting pants because the seam would rub against her stitches. so make sure to get some comfy pants.
Tao Ohhh please post pics when you can - that sounds so adorable :) your son is such a cutie (I am assuming that is who is in your av) and I agree those cheeks are just too cute so another little one with cheekies like those would be awesome :)

Cat, Skippy, LV and Geri thanks :) yup still all good where I am - seriously if you look outside it is like nothing happened yet if you travel 15 minutes away by car it is a disaster - I feel so lucky to say the least

LV Bubba will come - and you have an end date 7 days will fly and for all you know bubs could come sooner and there is still a good chance of that happening :) I can't wait to see pics of your LO :) GL with the US

Tuckins :( hope you feel less tired soon - that feeling just bites

HOU OMG 38 wks - WOW it could be any day now :D I hope she comes just after you shower *fingers crossed*

RT Cute bump pic :)

Geri 28 Jan you get to meet your LO :) YAY if by chance she turns and comes a couple of days earlier she would be an Aussie Day baby - benefit is she would have a public holiday on her birthday every year :). My sister had a C-section with my niece (hers was an emergency) and even under those circs she thinks it was the best thing ever - a lot of people I know have had really positive experiences with C's.

Seriously can't wait to see the next influx of PS babies :D so excited


Officially 32wks today - WHAT THE :o where did the time go 5 wks till full term - crazy stuff. I went out with a friend today and when I told her far along I was even she was shocked and kept thinking I was only like 24ish weeks - time is flying eeeeeeeeeek.

I also bought my first mat bras - they are ugly but actually comfortable and supportive (this surprised me as there is no underwire :o) - Geri Myer has some on sale if you need some ;)

Due to the flooding I had my ob appointment canceled today - well I assuming it was canceled as the answering machine said they were closed -and I also had to reschedule my prenatal class for tonight - also canceled due to flooding (which is a minor inconvenience compared to what others are going through) the midwife was trying to reschedule me to 25th of Feb for a physio class except I kindly explained I would be 38wks preggo then and managed to get a class sooner on the 31st of Jan - oh well I guess a benefit of doing the class later is I am more likely to remember stuff lol.

Mostly I am feeling really good - better then I expected however I am getting the worst pins and needles in my arms when I sleep or hold things in my arms - I keep needing to switch sides when I sleep - I am assuming this is normal and will go away did anyone else experience this?

The clean up has begun - there have been some absolute heartwarming stories come out of the floods and people are chipping in where they can but there have also been some absolute twats like some corner stores charging $10 a loaf of bread and other basics to people who cannot get it anywhere else due to supply issues - SCUM :rolleyes:.

Not sure when I get back to work at this stage but I am assuming it will be Monday.

Hope everyone is well :)
Deelight- I'm having the same problem with my arms when I sleep! At first I thought maybe I was sleeping on my arms weird but it's happening regardless of how I sleep. Changing positions helps. I'm with you and hoping it's normal and will go away afterwards (can't pick up a crying baby with pins and needles arms!!) I also have carpal tunnel in my right arm, which my doc warned would probably get worse when pregnant. The flooding in your country is so awful, I have been thinking of the people there and praying for them daily.
Need advice (heh irony)
I'm so tired of people giving me unwanted advice. Seriously about to tear my hair out. Does anyone have any advice on how they handle it when people time and time again give them advice that they could care less about? I mean, do these people really think I am making a mental note or writing down what they say? It's just driving me insane.

The other one I am tired of hearing: "Oh it's just hormones". No, it's isn't always just hormones!!! Sometimes I am legitimately pissed off or annoyed. Like when you tell me it is just hormones. Ugh.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
noelwr|1295013134|2822607 said:
geri - one of the ladies in my pregnancy class ended up having a c-section. she had problems finding comfy fitting pants because the seam would rub against her stitches. so make sure to get some comfy pants.

GERI - I just had a c-section to deliver my daughter and agree with this completely. Also, get the granniest panties that you can find. Yep, the ones that go up to your bellybutton or above! I got some cheap Hanes ones at the supermarket in a size 2 sizes too big and they are perfect while I'm healing. I haven't been out of my comfy yoga pants since I delivered! Good luck!!
random_thought|1295029020|2822789 said:
Need advice (heh irony)
I'm so tired of people giving me unwanted advice. Seriously about to tear my hair out. Does anyone have any advice on how they handle it when people time and time again give them advice that they could care less about? I mean, do these people really think I am making a mental note or writing down what they say? It's just driving me insane.

The other one I am tired of hearing: "Oh it's just hormones". No, it's isn't always just hormones!!! Sometimes I am legitimately pissed off or annoyed. Like when you tell me it is just hormones. Ugh.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

RT, as a teacher in a building FULL of women, I get un-needed/unwanted advice all the time. I usually just smile and try to change the subject. When someone accuses me of being "hormonal", if I really am just genuinely pissed off, I will let them know, but they probably just think it's me being PG crazy, so who cares. Come here and vent about it all you want! I completely understand!!!!

Have you had people come tell you how "fat" you've gotten? I've heard that a few times, even though I haven't gained more weight than I was supposed to... Yes. My butt is wider, my hips have spread. I know because I'M the one who can't fit into her pants anymore and who can barely zip her coat around her butt/hips. I don't need commentary on it!!!!! The next person who tells me I got "fat", i'm gonna say "Well, i'm pregnant, what's your excuse?"
Tuckins1|1295034787|2822852 said:
random_thought|1295029020|2822789 said:
Need advice (heh irony)
I'm so tired of people giving me unwanted advice. Seriously about to tear my hair out. Does anyone have any advice on how they handle it when people time and time again give them advice that they could care less about? I mean, do these people really think I am making a mental note or writing down what they say? It's just driving me insane.

The other one I am tired of hearing: "Oh it's just hormones". No, it's isn't always just hormones!!! Sometimes I am legitimately pissed off or annoyed. Like when you tell me it is just hormones. Ugh.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

RT, as a teacher in a building FULL of women, I get un-needed/unwanted advice all the time. I usually just smile and try to change the subject. When someone accuses me of being "hormonal", if I really am just genuinely pissed off, I will let them know, but they probably just think it's me being PG crazy, so who cares. Come here and vent about it all you want! I completely understand!!!!

Have you had people come tell you how "fat" you've gotten? I've heard that a few times, even though I haven't gained more weight than I was supposed to... Yes. My butt is wider, my hips have spread. I know because I'M the one who can't fit into her pants anymore and who can barely zip her coat around her butt/hips. I don't need commentary on it!!!!! The next person who tells me I got "fat", i'm gonna say "Well, i'm pregnant, what's your excuse?"

Lol I don't think anyone will to me just because I was little chubby when I first got pregnant so they probably don't want to offend me! I guess I lucked on that one! DH has no problem letting me know how ginormous my boobs have gotten though lol Thanks a lot honey!!
DivaDiamond007|1295029327|2822793 said:
noelwr|1295013134|2822607 said:
geri - one of the ladies in my pregnancy class ended up having a c-section. she had problems finding comfy fitting pants because the seam would rub against her stitches. so make sure to get some comfy pants.

GERI - I just had a c-section to deliver my daughter and agree with this completely. Also, get the granniest panties that you can find. Yep, the ones that go up to your bellybutton or above! I got some cheap Hanes ones at the supermarket in a size 2 sizes too big and they are perfect while I'm healing. I haven't been out of my comfy yoga pants since I delivered! Good luck!!

i didn't have a CS but i also just wanted to live in comfy panties and pants for like 2 weeks...and i stayed in the hospital gown til i left (clean ones every day of course!) because it just was more comfortable than wearing pants.

i finally bought new underwear like 3 months ago, i was like all these old stretched out ones have to GO!
Yes to the comfy undies and pants! I lived in yoga pants for at least 6 weeks after N was born. I'm normally a Medium and wore size XL undies for like two months. It's all about comfort for a while.
Dreamer and Mara, Thanks for commenting on what labor will feel like. I can't wait to feel that myself . . . soon soon soon!

Geri, Sounds like you've got a stubborn little girl on your hands there. Tee-hee! I know it's not the way you expected things to go, but it must still be a relief to know how things will go and when! Plus, you already know your little girl's birthday!



Testing went fine today. U/S showed plenty of fluid. NST revealed no issues. The doctor did an internal, and I'm still 1 cm, 40% effaced, same as last visit.

All I can say is that the baby will come when she is ready, or on the 20th!

I'm debating whether I should call my acupuncturist. I'm not sure I want to spend the money, since I'm not sure it will work. I am almost certain she'll recommend I come in every day until labor starts. :sick: :$$):
LV, glad to hear all is well with Samantha!! I'm sorry there's been no more progress, I know you were probably hoping for some. Sounds like she's just perfectly happy in her warm bubble for now. :bigsmile: You're right, she'll come when she's ready, and you can go from 1 cm to pushing really quickly!! Not everyone eases into labor gradually!! Hang in there, momma! Hope you're getting some good rest.

Geri, how cool that your daughter will have my due date! I'm hoping my daughter comes before then. :) One trick I've heard for post-C/S is using a maxi pad as an incision cover/pillow inside your undies so that things don't catch and rub on your incison! Sounds like a cool idea to me!

Deelight - yay for 32!! :) The tingly arms thing is common - has to do with your soft tissues (which tend to hypertrophy in pregnancy) compressing your nerves.

Dreamer - yeah, that sounds like the kind of cramping I was having, felt very reminiscent of menstrual cramps, especially the way they were radiating into my back. I think my internal exam got them started, and they were off and on for the next 24 hrs. Haven't had any cramping today, though.

RT, cute bump!

ETA: Blissie!!! Where are you!?


Did anyone actually wear their own clothes post-partum in the hospital? I'm planning on wearing the hospital gowns during labor/delivery because of the mess, but wondering if I'll appreciate having my own clothes after or not?? I've packed them, figure it's no biggie if I don't end up wearing them. Mommas, what did you guys do?

I think Ellie's staying put till after the shower tomorrow, good girl!! :) Have rested and drank a lot of water today. Some contractions but nothing too bad (I think I've had 5 or 6 since noon and it's 6pm now). However, I DO think I'm losing my mucus plug in bits and pieces....started after my exam/sweep on Wednesday, and has continued into today. Every several hours I'll have a bit more come out....clear thick sticky mucus, and I had a rubber cementy textured piece yesterday! LOL, TMI. Sorry. Anyway, I've probably had at least a teaspoon total, maybe a bit more!! But no bleeding.

I think I'll start taking some good walks after the shower tomorrow...I am ready to get this thing going!! :bigsmile:
HMG, Sounds like you're making some good progress! Thanks for the TMI about the MP. It'll help the rest of us know what to look for, right? Glad to hear you rested up and hydrated today! Hope you have a great shower!

I know you're right, and I'm really trying to be patient. She did seem quite happy right where she was today. She was reaching for her foot with her hand during the u/s. Very, very cute!


Just e-mailed my acupuncturist! Couldn't hurt, right?! ::) If I don't hear back tonight, I'll call her in the morning and will likely get an appointment in the a.m.