
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I keep popping in for an update on Bliss and that baby girl. Anyone know anything yet?
LV You have a great attitude - sending you more painless and quick labour dust :D

Skippy You and your hubby sound so organised - that is awesome :) get it out of the way while you can be bothered :D - the time flies from now on trust me :D

HOU Glad your shower went really well - as for DTD a body pillow can help you feel less hippo like - so hope little Ellie comes soon - can't wait to see pics :D

Catuver We have 2 kitties - we have a 2 story house so they will occupy downstairs (which is massive) while bubba is small - considering the heat here - it will be nicer for them they love it down there as it is heaps cooler. DH has a fear one of them will accidentally smother the baby.

As I will be home I plan to spend time with the kitties and kiddy together where possible both kitties are not that smoochy during the day but if it is cold they like to snuggle - the younger one is scared of my belly since it popped and avoids my lap like the plague LOL.

DH also spends free time often downstairs it is his domain :)

Pandora Congrats to your sister - I read her story when you first posted and I am so relieved and glad everything went really well :) - that is wonderful that your dad is so happy as well :)

and tons of dust to your other sister for a speedy and painless delivery


16 working days left - not that I am counting - but it is starting to get more uncomfortable to work - the little jiggler feels really low so either I have dropped ever so slightly or she is getting longer both DH and I are tall so will be interesting to see how tall she is. Also getting BH while talking to people is kinda awkward.

Monday morning (while I was attempting to sleep through my snooze button) she decided she wanted to play games she kept sticking her little butt out and I would push on it so she would push back - LOL went on for a while - very cute :D

Also my belly has now finally morphed into a singular belly that is shaped like a D not a B FINALLY I also have awesome "fake" muscle definition on the side - hahahaha I get fatter and I get the V on the sides of my keg :P whoda thunk.

I also have finally got stretchmarks they are not too bad - time to break out the bio-oil :( oh well I am sure she will be worth it

Hope you ladies are well :D
Ditto on thinking about Bliss!! Hope you're doing well, girlie!! Update us when you can!! :appl:
LV - I always found using a TENS machine at the same time as accupuncture made it much, much less bad - especially when they are using electric stimulation.

Deelight - Could I ask you a question. My mother wants to buy my sister something for the new baby and as they are moving to Australia she doesn't want to get them something that is a pain to take with them. She's asked me if I could ask you or any other Aussies on here if there are any baby things that you can't get or are very expensive in Australia that she could give them.
Well, I'm back again for baby #2. I was on here a lot during my first pregnancy in 2008. I see a few familiar names, but lots of new people too. Congrats to all the new mommas and mommas-to-be! I’ve been scrolling quickly through the last few pages trying to catch up a little. I love seeing all the baby and bump pictures.

Diva, I’m sorry to hear you had such a scary L&D. I’m glad to hear that Grace is healthy and that you are able to hold her. I hope she will be home with you soon. I had a complete placenta previa with my first baby, and was in fear of having a placental abruption for months until the placenta finally moved up in the 3rd trimester.

LV, I had an induction 2 years ago, and everything went smoothly. If you are interested, I described the whole process back on page 564 of this thread (3-24-09). There are benefits to being induced, like not having your water break on your good furniture or in a public place. ;)) My DD just refused to come out on her own, so they induced me at 6 days past her EDD. I didn’t have a single contraction before they started the pitocin, and they started the epi before the pitocin, so I never felt any pain in labor, just discomfort.

CDT, congrats on the birth of Vivian and a relatively short labor! Both of your kids are such cutie pies! I hope Lex warms up to his sister. I am worried about our older daughter adjusting to a baby too.

Skippy, good to see you here. Congrats on your twin boys!

HOU, you are so close! Sending you dust for a quick and easy delivery. I used my robe and slippers at the hospital, but just stayed in the hospital gowns until it was time to dress to come home.

Tao, Evan is such a cutie!

Pandora, congrats on your new nephew! I hope your sister will be ok – sounds like it will be a big adjustment for her.
I am due on June 22. We just got our amnio results back on Friday: 46XX. The 46 is the really important part. We were kind of hoping for a boy, so we would have 1 of each (2 kids is our limit). DD is such a daddy's girl; I thought maybe a son would like me better. ;)) At this point, I just want her to be healthy. The upside is that all of A's cute little dresses that were barely worn before she outgrew them will have another shot at being worn.

I have been having some bleeding. It is probably just normal spotting, but I had no bleeding with my first pregnancy, so it makes me nervous. We told our parents about the pregnancy on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, I was getting dressed for church when I suddenly felt wet. I thought I had wet my pants, so I ran to the bathroom, and there was blood. It wasn’t very heavy, it was light red and no tissue. My first thought was that I was going to miscarry on Christmas day right after we told our families about the baby. I called the after hours nurse line since my Dr’s office was closed for the holiday. They told me to lie down until the bleeding stopped, and to go to the ER if the bleeding became very heavy, there was tissue, or bad cramping. The next day, the bleeding stopped. Yesterday morning, I noticed blood again when I woke up. This time it is brown and a bit thicker. I’ve had some spots on the pad and blood on the TP yesterday and today, but again not really heavy. I am not having any pain, but am nervous because I had some strange pains last week, but didn’t worry then because there was no bleeding at the time. I am going in to see my Dr. tomorrow afternoon for a quick ultrasound. Hopefully it is nothing, but it is a bit nerve racking. I stayed home from work today so I could lie down.
Kay|1295384579|2826006 said:
I am due on June 22. We just got our amnio results back on Friday: 46XX. The 46 is the really important part. We were kind of hoping for a boy, so we would have 1 of each (2 kids is our limit). DD is such a daddy's girl; I thought maybe a son would like me better. ;)) At this point, I just want her to be healthy. The upside is that all of A's cute little dresses that were barely worn before she outgrew them will have another shot at being worn.

I have been having some bleeding. It is probably just normal spotting, but I had no bleeding with my first pregnancy, so it makes me nervous. We told our parents about the pregnancy on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, I was getting dressed for church when I suddenly felt wet. I thought I had wet my pants, so I ran to the bathroom, and there was blood. It wasn’t very heavy, it was light red and no tissue. My first thought was that I was going to miscarry on Christmas day right after we told our families about the baby. I called the after hours nurse line since my Dr’s office was closed for the holiday. They told me to lie down until the bleeding stopped, and to go to the ER if the bleeding became very heavy, there was tissue, or bad cramping. The next day, the bleeding stopped. Yesterday morning, I noticed blood again when I woke up. This time it is brown and a bit thicker. I’ve had some spots on the pad and blood on the TP yesterday and today, but again not really heavy. I am not having any pain, but am nervous because I had some strange pains last week, but didn’t worry then because there was no bleeding at the time. I am going in to see my Dr. tomorrow afternoon for a quick ultrasound. Hopefully it is nothing, but it is a bit nerve racking. I stayed home from work today so I could lie down.

Kay, congrats on the upcoming baby girl! I hope that everything turns out ok for you and baby is born happy and healthy!
Delurking to send good labor and delivery vibes to LV, Bliss and HMG!!!
Can't believe you ladies are going to see your little girls so soon!

Oh wow, many congrats.
Alexis is so lucky to have a little sister so close in age.
Kay Welcome back and sorry about the spotting scares! I am 14 weeks now, but a week or so ago I had an instance of light pint CM, never really made it to the panties. Anyways, it cleared up but my midwives thought it was related to cervical irritation, which can happen from an internal exam, sex, and straining during a BM of all things. Has there been any pattern of any of those types of things right before the spotting? You are so far along now, spotting is much less worrysome, though I feel for you, it scared the pants off me.

How old is your daughter now?
Kay - welcome and congrats on #2!!! I'm sending dust your way for no more spotting scares!! Thanks for the hospital attire input. :bigsmile:

Lili - thank youuuuu!! Keep sending the labor vibes - I'm ready to get it going!! :bigsmile:

Deelight - thanks for the body pillow suggestion! We managed alright last night, went better than I expected, actually, LOL! However, I'm still not in labor, so I guess we better keep at it! :naughty: YAAAAY for only 16 working days left! You can do it!!

SS - I'm dying to know about Bliss too!! Haven't heard anything. Is anyone friends with her on FB or anything?

CatLuver - I've wondered about how our 3 kitties will handle the new addition as well. We've been trying to keep them out of the crib and bassinet, both of which they have been quite interested in. We have been keeping the vacuum cleaner next to the crib and plugged in - a quick turn-on of the vacuum makes everyone head for their hiding places!! Kinda mean, but it does the trick. Although they're being pretty good and staying out most of the time. One of our cats LOVES my lap like nowhere else in the world, and I've been trying to wean him down to sitting in it less as my pregnancy progresses to prepare him a bit. We'll have to compare notes on how it goes as we experience it!! We also ordered a couple of those Feliway diffusers - they're like the plug-in scent releaser things but instead of releasing scent, they release a cat pheromone compound that's odorless to us, and it's supposed to really help cats to chill and mellow out and be happy. They get good reviews online!

Pandora - WOW!! So many babies in your family, how exciting!! :) Thanks for the fast labor dust - I'll take all I can get right now!

LV - either you're in labor NOW, or 2 more days!! EEEEE! Soooo exciting!!! I absolutely can't wait to hear that Samantha is here!!! :bigsmile: So how did your dr's appointment go today???


38 and 4 today, still preggo! Have been a bit crampy today, hoping that's a good sign. Walked around Babies R Us picking up a few last minute things this afternoon, which brought on a nice little cluster of contractions. Staying active totally helps. I see my dr tomorrow at 11am - there will be a scan to check Ellie's size (I'm really curious to see how big she is - she can't be very big, because all I EVER HEAR is "you're soooo smallllll" still, even this morning at work a mom of one of my patients asked when I was due and was shocked it was so soon). I was smallish as a baby, born the day before my due date and was 6 lb 9 oz, so maybe Ellie's gonna be like me. :bigsmile: That would be just fine with me, easier to get her out!
Tuckins, thank you!

Lili, thanks, good to see you! A will be 2 years and 8 months old when her sister is born. I think it will be a good age gap. How is your daughter doing?

DD, thanks, good to see you here! Glad to hear your spotting cleared up. It is scary. When it happened the first time, the nurse asked if I had had sex or an internal exam in the past 3 days, but I hadn’t. I’ve been too scared to DTD since then. The nurse did say spotting is more common during a second pregnancy because the cervix takes a beating in giving birth. I was laying out marble tiles for the installers Sunday night, so maybe the physical exertion of leaning over repeatedly and moving the heavy tiles around (one at a time) caused the bleeding? A is 2 years and 3 months now.

HOU, thanks! I was the exact same weight as you when I was born. A was 7 lbs, 5 oz. Small babies (within a healthy range) are good!

A is playing Rock Band with DH. DH sings and she dances around and occasionally picks up the unplugged guitar and pretends to play. It is too cute! She is a real Creedence fan.
I *think* I'm in labor...painful contraction woke me up just after 1am, it's been an hour, and I've been having them since the first one every 6ish minutes (more frequently if I get up and walk around).....will keep you guys posted! :)
HOUMedGal|1295426262|2826485 said:
I *think* I'm in labor...painful contraction woke me up just after 1am, it's been an hour, and I've been having them since the first one every 6ish minutes (more frequently if I get up and walk around).....will keep you guys posted! :)

:appl: :appl: :appl: lots of labor dust to you.
Hope you have a speedy and smooth delivery!
Thanks Lili!!!! :bigsmile:

Yup, definitely in labor. Contrax are getting stronger, anywhere from 3-7 minutes apart (when I'm up moving around I have shorter, less intense, more frequent contrax, but when I sit and relax they are 5-7 minutes apart, longer, and more intense). I managed to eat a nice big bowl of oatmeal, take a shower, shave my legs (hehe), fix my hair and put on a little makeup, and get my last minute things together over the past couple I'm going to sit and time contrax and decide when to go into L&D!! We are so excited!!
Omg Hou... YAY Ellie is coming! I wondered if you were in labor when i saw you were the last poster. You are going to do great mama! :appl: :appl: so excited and thrilled for you. I will be thinking of you and your little girl! and sending you quick dilation and fabulous epidural vibes (if you end up getting one hehe.). Eeeeyay go mama go!
Grr ps double post
HOUMedGal|1295426262|2826485 said:
I *think* I'm in labor...painful contraction woke me up just after 1am, it's been an hour, and I've been having them since the first one every 6ish minutes (more frequently if I get up and walk around).....will keep you guys posted! :)

Positive labor *DUST* going out to you! :appl:
Sending smoooooooooth labor vibes your way, HOU! Yippeeeee...its time for the next PS baby boom!
Hou, I hope you labor was quick and little Ellie has made her entrance. If not, continued positive labor vibes to you! Come on, Ellie!
Best of luck, HOU!! I hope it was quick and easy!!! :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Can't wait to meet Ellie!! Good luck, HOUie!
Good luck Hou, hope all is going well!!

Welcome Kay- I had spotting at 12 weeks, my cervix was irritable. How did the doc appointment go?
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: YAY Hou!!!!! Hope that you have a quick and healthy delivery and Ellie has a great birthday!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
HOU, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited, wooohooo. Sending you quick and healthy delivery vibes, hugs!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

LV, are you there? I hope you are in the hospital delivering!

DEE, yay for 16 - days!!!!!! woohooo!

KAY, thanks; I have you in my prayers. I had something similar happen a while back ago; I am glad you are being checked out, keep us posted please. :halo: I just realized yours and my delivery date is a day away from each other!
Ohh, so exciting for you Miss Houie. :appl: I wish you truckloads of labor dust and hope that labor has gone (or is going) quickly. I can't wait to hear that Ellie has arrived!
HMG, Woo-hoooooooooooo!! Can't wait for an update!!! Hope birthing is going very smoothly and easily for you, or that she's here already!!!! Can't wait to meet Ellie!!! :appl: :appl:

Kay, Welcome and Congrats on Number 2!!!!!! :appl: :appl: Thank you for directing me to your birth story. I'm sure I have nothing to worry about re: induction. We just thought she'd be here sooner, but I need to remember that one never knows what to expect when it comes to birthing!

Pandora, Thanks for sharing your sister's story with us. It is nice to know she has such a great relationship with your parents, and it is truly special that your father was able to be there with her. RE: acupuncture, I looked up a TENS machine, and I still can't quite figure out what it is! :confused: It's used in addition to the electrical stimulation?

Dreamer, Once again, you have given me wise advice -- this time with respect to the doula e-mail. I think you are right; she was trying to be helpful. She might have used slightly different language, however. I tend to be very sensitive, and this is probably as emotional a time as I'm going to encounter!! I didn't respond to the e-mail, which is a huge improvement from what I would have done 5 or 10 years ago, which would have been to respond with outrage and then part ways. We are all works-in-progress, right? :halo:

41 + 3

I find out tonight if I will be admitted tonight to start the induction.

ETA: Hi Skippy!! Still here, not much longer now . . .
yay hou!!! hope you have a smooth L&D!
Hou, Yay!!! Happy Labor dust to you!

LV, Good luck tonight. I hope you can get everything started. Is this little princess's eviction notice? Hee hee!
Yay, HOU! :appl: :appl: :appl: Sending you dust for a quick and easy delivery. I can't wait to see pics of Ellie!
Hou, I’m so excited for you!! Congrats since you probably won’t see this until after Ellie is born!! (Hope the Feliway works for you. Our kits are also terrified of the vacuum.)

Thanks all for the kitty input.

Kunzite - too funny about your boy kitty kneading - I love when they do that. Our one cat who likes to knead only has a pillow to knead on now because my belly is no longer kneadable.

Dee - another of my cats still tries to get ON my belly and I have to remove him because he’s so heavy it hurts when he tries to step on there. I have stretch marks too which started out on my underbelly and are gradually climbing higher as my belly expands, but hopefully yours won’t be that bad.

LV, good luck!! You’ll do great.

Hi Kay, welcome back and congrats. I remember you from before when I was reading up on babies but far from TTC. I think we’re in the same line of work. Hope everything is ok.

I had my first internal today and youch! I thought it would just be one finger gently feeling around but it was more than that with her pushing pretty hard on my uterus from the inside and out. I’m measuring -2cm which is within range but I get an US next week to estimate the size. Apparently he is head down, but could still change position.