
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tiffany, thanks, it is reassuring to hear the spotting is common. I am going to the Dr. in about 4 hours. There is no bleeding today, so the appointment is probably a waste of time, but I will feel better when I see the heartbeat on the ultrasound. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Skippy, I noticed your EDD is the day after mine. I bet your twins will come sooner though. I’m never on time for anything. ;))

LV, you are right that we can never expect delivery to go according to a certain plan. Sometimes the little ones get too comfortable in their cocoons and have to be evicted when the lease is up. ;)) I am sure that you will do great. Your little one will be here so soon!

Catluver, thanks. Those internals are no fun. I am a tax and estate planning attorney. It gets interesting trying to balance work and babies, but it can be done, especially if your office is open to flexible hours.
LV~ good luck! I would have lost my mind by now!! ***********************
LV - Good luck.
Hi guys!
Dying for an update from Bliss, HOU, and LV! Hoping you all have/had safe and 'easy' deliveries!!!

Lanie- what a scary thing to happen! Glad to hear that all is well. Hopefully the reflux won't give him too much trouble and he will grow out of it quickly!

AFM- we found out on Monday that we are having a boy! So excited! Ellie will have a little brother when she is about 19.5 months. Whew- it's gonna be crazy at our house! Due date 5/25, my 35th birthday 5/27 :appl: .
HOUie and LV - yay!! Sending you both lots of positive labour vibes (if it isn't too late already!). I hope you enjoy meeting your little princesses and look forward to hearing all about it!!
Nataline- congrats on a boy!

LV- good luck tonight/tomorrow!
Natalina, congrats on your boy!

I saw the Dr. and had an ultrasound, and everything is okay. Her heart is still beating and everything looks normal. He said she implanted at the front of my uterus, so the bleeding may be from the sac rubbing against the back wall and knocking off excess tissue that built up prior to implantation. There are so many ups and downs with pregnancy! I'm excited, but I'm nervous a lot too. I expected the second time to be relatively uneventful since I've "been there, done that," but this one is just different.

I'm looking forward to updates on our new PS babies.
LV sending best wishes tonight, yay!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl!!

HOU, thinking of you, yay!!! Looking forward to pics!

NATALIA, Yay for a boy, congrats!!!!! :appl:

KAY, oh I meant to say congrats and glad you joined us but I got excited to have someone close to my edd! hehe Congrats!! I am glad everything is okay.

CATLuver, ouch I am sorry about your internal.
Skippy, I understand entirely. I remember with the first one how exciting it was to see that other PSers had EDDs the same week as mine. Of course, my stubborn DD held out the longest. IIRC, I think twins tend not to bake quite as long as singletons.
Kay--glad baby is doing okay! That must be a huge sigh of relief for you.

Natalina--congrats on a little boy! I think one of each is the perfect setup. You are very lucky!

LV--well momma, hope you get admitted tonight. If you are reading this, please update. I can't wait!

HOU--yay!!!!!! I hope you are in baby heaven right now! Can't wait to meet her!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

I'm posting from the hospital now!!! How fun!! Apparently labor and delivery is very busy tonight, so we waited a few hours for a doctor, had the foley inserted and the good news is that I was already 2 cm on my own, so the dr thinks I'll be at 3 in a few hours. The foley could jump start labor on its own. If not, pitocin will start and then hopefully a nice short labor will follow!!!

I'm on the maternity floor now, and I saw some babies in the nursery on our way in. I had to hold back the tears, I was so overwhelmed. I can't believe I'm going to be a momma soon!
LV- my one handed typing message... Hehe :bigsmile: you are going to have an excellent induction and a gorgeous daughter at the end of it. Rest up! We cannot wait to hear about her.
How exciting! Both of you in labor!! LV and HOU, so excited for you ladies!!!!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: LV, best wishes and keep us posted!!! Can't wait to see Samantha!!!

HOU, I hope that Ellie has made her debut:-)
Eleanor Anne was born at 6:28 pm, 6lb 9 oz and 18.5 inches long :) we are in love!!! More later. :)
LV - hope labor starts on its own. Even if it doesn't, you will have a positive induction with you dilated already. Sending you lots of quick and easy L&D vibes.
Babies are coming..!! So exciting..!

HMG... hope labor was quick n'easy..can't wait to see pics of E! Congrats mama!

LV... hope the same for you with your labor..!! I totally remember posting from the hospital, omg almost a year ago. Time just flies. Rest up lady...!!
Congrats Hou!!!
LV I hope you have a quick labor!! :))
CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love:
Houie - Congratulations on the arrival of Eleanor!! So excited for you and your DH. Enjoy your little one!

LV- Lots of speedy labour vibes coming your way! Best of luck.
HOU OMG congrats on Ellie - I am glad to hear you both doing well - rest up and I can't wait to see pics and hear your story :)

LV Tons of labour dust - your post made me well up - you will be a mumma soon :) so happy for you chickie.

Pandora I have been racking my brain for specifics - you can get most things here but they are more expensive say then in the states - for instance the ergo performance baby carrier is $199 here however in the states it is $120 dollars even with the postage it works out cheaper to order it in then buy it here

Some of the websites I use and should give you an idea on prices - Babies Direct, Babies Shop Direct, Babies Galore and for clothes I am a sucker for Pumpkin Patch they have fantastic babies and young kids clothes. I am not sure what the prices are like the in the UK but it should give you and idea - also Get Price website gives you comparison prices across the web however I have found cheaper stuff with searching - hope that helps some.

Kay I have had bleeding once and some spotting and it turned out to be nothing - rest up and congrats YAY for two girls :)

Cat Kitties are cute but they can be so annoying LOL - have you tried bio oil mine have stayed put so far and people swear by it :) the other thing I found worked when I was a teen and had bad stretchmarks on the top of my breasts (I don't advocate it as sun damage is bad for you) was accidentally getting sunburned and when I peeled the marks had almost disappeared - not sure why but it did.

natalina YAY congrats on a little boy :)


Had my ob appointment today - good news baby is still down -back is on the right side and legs are on the left - and I am healthy however the heat is killing me - still considering how lucky I have been with this pregnancy I really can not complain.

The little Lipton has been jiggling like a mad chicken all last night and today - I was asleep last night only to be woken up by DH - it went a little something like this

DH OMG did you feel that - it was like she just kicked a football *laughing with pride*

Me Nope because I was asleep - but I felt that one

DH REALLY!! how can you sleep through that????

Me I don't know I guess I am just used to it

I couldn't be grumpy cause he was so excited that she booted him but I just wanted to sleep - sleeep is my friend

I asked the doctor if he can tell how big she will be and have been told that no one is that great at it however he does not have any reason to believe she will be bigger then average - YAY :) they don't do growth scans here unless your high risk which I am not so here is hoping he is right :)

Hope you ladies are doing well :) LV and HOU - congrats on your new arrival and soon to be arrival so happy for you ladies :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

ETA did you know apparently it is harder to pick a nursery colour then a name for the bubba - we agreed on a girls name fairly early on I want to post it but DH said not to until she is born - grrrr.

DH hates pink - which is fine I didn't want an overly little girl room as we plan to sell after I go back from mat leave so we figure green - he hates the greens I like (blue based and cool muted tones) and I hate the ones he likes (more vibrant grassy tones) gah who knew picking paint would be hard - we will get there - at 33 wks tomorrow we have to :P
Hou - congrats! :appl: So glad Ellie has safely arrived. I hope you have been enjoying these early moments.

LV - you are a rockstar for posting from the hospital. Hoping that things went smoothly! Eagerly awaiting your update.
yay -- babies! congrats to Hou and soon to LV! :appl: :appl: :appl:
LV, best of luck momma! Can't wait to compare notes with you! :)
HOU--you can't leave like that! We want details!!! Hope it all went smoothly!
HOUMedGal|1295500508|2827377 said:
Eleanor Anne was born at 6:28 pm, 6lb 9 oz and 18.5 inches long :) we are in love!!! More later. :)
What a beautiful name!!! :love: CONGRATULATIONS HOU!!! Awww, I can't wait to hear more!!! :appl: :appl:

LV, aww, hugs, can't wait to hear more; yay for already being 2 cm last night!!!! :appl: :appl:

I am soooooo EXCITED to hear more from you LV and HOU!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D What exciting news to wake up to! hehe

DEELIGHT, glad you had a good appt! lol about your hubby and how can you sleep? I like greens too!
congrats hou!!! take care mama!

LV, hope all went smoothly!
HOUie~ :love: :appl: :love: :appl: Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world Miss Eleanor!

LV~ Sending more dust to you, hope it's going well!!
HOU, congatulations Mama! :appl: :appl: Welcome to Miss Eleanor Anne! :wavey: What a beautiful name.

LV, hope L&D is going well for you. Can't wait to hear about your little one's arrival!
Hi Lanie, thanks, yes, we are very relieved.

Deelight, thank you. I feel much better after seeing the Dr. and am trying to rest and relax now. Lol, re the mad chicken dance and your DH’s reaction. We had trouble choosing a color for A’s nursery too. Neither of us wanted pink, and we’d had trouble with green paint before. We went against convention and painted our daughter’s room a shade of blue. It was a beautiful light turquoise or aqua color called “Dragonfly.” I can’t remember the brand, but it was a no VOC paint from Lowes or HD. It was a very bright, fresh color, but not overwhelming, and went well with her cherry furniture. I found a fabric with turquoise, pale yellow and ivory stripes to make curtains, but never ended up making them because we decided to move. I guess I should get around to making them for her new room!
Congrats Hou! :appl: Beautiful name!

Good luck LV :bigsmile: