
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Sneaking in a little early...16w3d. The picture is a little dark and may be kind of hard to see, but I snappped a quick cell phone pic this morning.
I've got a bulb belly. I like how its starting to pop out in my maternity clothes, tho :)

CHARBIE ~~ awww, your bump looks so cute!!! I love it! hehe :love:

MODERN ~~ I love the name Stella! I know a few Stella's, super pretty name. Oh no, I don't want the same first inital for the boys. My sister and I both were S names and it confused the heck out of people. People would call me her name and call her my name. I also had a cousin Aaron and Allen and people still can't figure out who is who. lol I guess since I dealt with it that I don't want to do that to my boys. hehe I do think it is cute but a bit confusing. Thanks about Miles; we might name the other one DH's name.
Charbie-Your bump is so cute! hehe:-)

Skippy we are naming our little guy Samuel as his American first name and keeping his Ethiopian names and then our last name, so he'll have 4 names:-) We can't share his Ethiopian names til we pass court and since they are so unique, we'll probably not share them online, so he'll just be Sam, Samuel, B, or Sammy B :cheeky:

I think Miles and Tate sound super cute together for twins, not matchy matchy, but somehow seem to fit together...
Hi Everyone :wavey:

It's been a while since I chimed in. Where has all the time gone? I am sitting here 39 weeks and feeling healthy and happy. We went for our Dr's appointment today and my cervix is tight,closed, and ofcourse not effaced. This morning I had some of that oh so pleasant electric like crotch pain (sorry for the TMI).

I haven't gone back and read everyone's post in depth but I wanted to wish everyone well! RT-I want you to know I am praying for you.

We had some maternity pictures taken-below is my baby belly and my handsome babe at 38 weeks.



Hey ladies. Hope everyone is doing well.

Charbie, what an adorable belly!!! :love:

Miscka: Harlan is just adorable. So glad you had a good delivery!

luvinlife: Oh my, what a beautiful picture. :love: I hope to have some done when I am further along.

Everyone else, I'm sorry I don't have the time right now to refer to you individually. I don't have much energy to do much of anything lately. My energy level is definitely up since I reached the 2nd trimester but I'm still very tired all the time. Ugh. Hopefully I get all my energy back soon! I hope you're all doing well and even though I don't get a chance to write, I am always stopping in to see how everyone is and the progress you're making. Can't wait to see all the beautiful babies when they are finally here.

Now, I know I said I would post a pic last friday but I completely forgot... so here I am at 17w6d. :bigsmile: I definitely look a whole lot smaller than I feel!! haha.

Just poppin in to say hi! I'm livin it up on my new body pillow with a fan blowing at me :) Also having a nice time peeing in a jug for 24 hours so they can rule out HELLP syndrome tomorrow afternoon. Growth ultrasound at 9am tomorrow so I'm really excited to see the little guy :) It's almost Friday!!
LUVINLIFE ~~ beautiful belly pic, so sweet!!! Wow 39 weeks, awesome!!!! :appl:

INHISARMS ~~ adorable bump!!! :D Hope you feel better soon!

BELLA ~~ I love the name Samuel, beautiful!!! :love:

RT ~~ hope all goes well tomorrow.
hi ladies!

Dee, Thanks so much for posting your birth story! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that terrible OB but so very proud of you for sticking to your guns! I'm so glad your recovery is going so well too. Enjoy every moment with your princess!

Miscka, Harlan (love the name!) is adorable! Conratulations! March 7th is my birthday as well =) I'm so glad L&D went well but sorry to hear he has had some health issues you've had to deal with. Thanks for sharing your story!

RT, so glad your family is stepping up to help you now when you really need it! and YAY for body pillows! I love mine :love: I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

inhisarms, you look great! good to hear that your energy is returning. I hope it keeps getting better for you!

luvinlife, what a beautiful pic! Glad you're happy and healthy. we'll be sending labor vibrations your way!

Bella, Samuel is a wonderful name. I particularly love "Sammy" as a nickname.

Charbie, you look wonderful! love that dress too - super cute!

imperfect, Parker Jude is such a unique name - very cool!

Modern you look adorable - what a cute lil bump you have!! re: bumpers - we've used a mesh one since our DD was 2 mos and it's never been a problem. It's kind of too soft to give her any leverage for getting out of the crib. She hasn't made any effort to get out though. It does the job of keeping the pacis in the crib too. re: swing vs bouncer, our DD LOVED the swing from the start and slept in it for naps for months. she liked the vibrating bouncy thing okay too but was never soothed by it like the swing. It did come in handy when I would put her in it outside the shower so I could get clean though. Like others have said though, your best bet may be to wait on buying either until Stella (LOVE that name btw) is here and can try them both herself.

skippy, Thanks for the good sleep vibes! Miles, Jason, Dean, and Tate are all great names. I like Miles a lot and it was on my maybe list for a long time. Glad you found some good capris at burlington! re: comfy bras - are you looking for something you can wear out that is supportive or something for at home? The sleep bras you can get at motherhood are very soft and comfortable (though not super supportive) - maybe they would help?

Taov How are you and Violet!? Thinking of you and hoping she figures out that she needs to go down to get out instead of through your belly button!

Kay, sorry to hear about your pelvic bone and inner thigh pain! And I feel your pain re: sleep! I'm trying to keep S in her crib as long as possible to prevent her from showing up at our bedside in the middle of the night. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that! The light up toy is this one: She call's it her "snowman" and it does seem to give her some comfort though she hasn't quite figured out how to turn it on in the dark so I sometime shave to go in there and turn it on for her. Hope your energy returns soon.

Blen, Glad you've decided on a birthing class that works for you! I've not heard of Brio but I know people who have loved Bradley so if it's an offshoot, I'm sure it'll be great. How's George these days?

Dreamer, what's your thinking on when to wean from the soother? Sage is also a paci addict but she's only allowed one for sleep or if we're in the car for long periods of time. Our pedi says we should try to get her off them before #2 gets here but I'm inclined to let her have it as a stress reliever since I imagine the transition from being an only child to being one of two may be somewhat difficult for her to adjust to. I do worry about her stealing the baby's paci though... I'd love your thoughts. Hope you're feeling well!

Basil, How did your test go?? Been thinking of you - hoping all is well.

Hi every one else!

AFM: Last night DD slept through the night without a peep for the first time in weeks and it was AMAZING! Seriously, those of you on your first pregnancy, please enjoy your sleep now since it will never be the same once your LO(s) is here! I'm hoping we'll get another good night tonight but it seems like every night is different so we'll see...

I feel like this pregnancy is zooming by but at the same time it feels like an eternity before the baby will be here.

Curious what any of the second time moms here plan to do differently this time around. Anyone approaching L&D differently? Sleep training? swaddle or paci? Any new baby items you plan to use / try? I want to get one of those nosefrida "snot suckers" this time since the bulb syringe was never fun. I plan to try sleep training much sooner. We didn't really let DD CIO until she was at least 9 or 10 months old and that was just way too long for me to be up multiple times a night. Clearly I'm STILL struggling with that... We had a scheduled C with DD since she was breech and they wouldn't try to turn her due to my polyhydramnios. I plan to do the same this time though I still sometimes wonder if I should go for a V Bac.

I also wonder what the second time moms plan to do in terms of a stroller. DD wont sit in one now so I'm thinking a sit and stand (maybe the joovy caboose) might work well for us. We used a snap-n-go exclusively for months with DD so I'd love to do that again but I worry about not being able to contain DD. Thoughts?

Mrs|1301633171|2884863 said:
Dreamer, what's your thinking on when to wean from the soother? Sage is also a paci addict but she's only allowed one for sleep or if we're in the car for long periods of time. Our pedi says we should try to get her off them before #2 gets here but I'm inclined to let her have it as a stress reliever since I imagine the transition from being an only child to being one of two may be somewhat difficult for her to adjust to. I do worry about her stealing the baby's paci though... I'd love your thoughts. Hope you're feeling well!

I don't plan to wean him off them. I don't see the logic of it. Say we wean him, that sure won't stop him from wanting the baby's soother will it ;)) Like Sage, he only gets them to sleep and sometimes in the long carrides, though that is less common now. I was thinking somewhere between 2.5 and 3 we would get rid of them. The whole "Only babies use soothers! Big boys don't use them!" routine will likely work to keep him away from baby's soother, and if not, then he will jus thave to learn by us being firm I guess!

Mrs|1301633171|2884863 said:
Curious what any of the second time moms here plan to do differently this time around. Anyone approaching L&D differently? Sleep training? swaddle or paci? Any new baby items you plan to use / try? I want to get one of those nosefrida "snot suckers" this time since the bulb syringe was never fun. I plan to try sleep training much sooner. We didn't really let DD CIO until she was at least 9 or 10 months old and that was just way too long for me to be up multiple times a night. Clearly I'm STILL struggling with that... We had a scheduled C with DD since she was breech and they wouldn't try to turn her due to my polyhydramnios. I plan to do the same this time though I still sometimes wonder if I should go for a V Bac.

I also had poly and am hoping not to have it this time. It meant Hunter never descended and engaged which caused some issues when my water broke (probably because of the poly too) and the risk of cord prolapse was there. Its out of my control though. If I can avoid that I hope for a totally natual labour at hom as long as possible, then a natural labour and birth in the hospital. I feel like I know what to expect now and learned so much last time, I am looking forward to trying some new things this time and using different methods in labour to manage the pain etc. But I also don't have any major expectations because I know it is out of my control in a lot of ways. I am playing it by ear. The only thing I know will be different - -thank goodness -- is that because I have already birthed an 8.5lb baby vaginally without any complications of tearing, I will not need to deal with all the pessimism that surrounds the anticipation of a large baby like I dealt with before Hunter's birth :angryfire: . It was very annoying, but if I can birth a 8.5 pounded with little issues, then I can birth a larger baby too, so that will be nice to not have that air of doubt in the room.

We will also likely CIO a little sooner ;)) Last time we too waited until 9mo, and I feel like he was ready, and I was ready, around 7/8 months. But again, we will play it by ear. Like Sage, Hunter wakes a fair bit these days too. He will wake around 11-12 if he wakes, and usually wants about 5 oz of milk and a snuggle! Then back to bed. He will do that one night, then STTN the next two, then wake for two nights. We are lucky it is not later on, usually we are still wake at that time so it is not so bad. But I think his sleeping will be a big part of things too when we try to sleep train the new baby!

Mrs|1301633171|2884863 said:
I also wonder what the second time moms plan to do in terms of a stroller. DD wont sit in one now so I'm thinking a sit and stand (maybe the joovy caboose) might work well for us. We used a snap-n-go exclusively for months with DD so I'd love to do that again but I worry about not being able to contain DD. Thoughts?

We are not buying any type of stroller and will just use the same one we used for Hunter. Hunter will be in daycare, so most of the time it will be me and baby. When I have both kids :errrr: I will eaither baby wear and HUnter can go in the stroller. Otherwise DH will be with us and can wrangle Hunter. We will be getting a double BOB once new baby is 6mo so that we can start running as a family again though.


AFM 25 weeks now! Can't believe it! We are trying to sell our car and it is not fun at all. Our lease is up in 14 months so we can always fall back on just waiting and walking away from the car, if we can't sell it sooner. But it is a whole annoying process for sure. We are a one car family so don't want to buy a second car until this one is dealt with (we still owe money on it of course). Bleck!

Otherwise, last day of teaching was today! Sweet blessed freedom! And I found out this morning that I was awarded a national research grant for 3 years, so that is a great big relief. Now I can afford to pay my grad students and run some research for the next 3-4 years :appl:
Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and say that all is going well with us... We had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is doing well. He has fuzzy hair! You could see some little spiky fluffs sticking up, it was so cute! Just like Daddy's hair! :rodent:

Can't wait to meet him!
Dreamer, Thanks for your reply. Sounds like you have some good plans in place for #2. Has your dr said anything of about how likely you are to get poly again? My dr just said every pregnancy is different but I'd love to know the stats, if there are any, regarding moms who get it for more than one pregnancy. That's nice that you can make your stroller work for #2. I will almost always be out and about with both kids which is why I probably need something new- scary to think about! Congrats on your grant! And good luck with the car!

Tuckins, so glad you and the baby are doing well! Baby hair in utero is so cute!
So I had an ultrasound this morning and the baby is weighing about 5 lbs. Everything looked great with that so that was good! Then I mentioned I was doing the 24 hr test for HELLP syndrome and that I had been really sick the last day or two. The doctor told us that if my protein had gone up from the last 24 hr test that they would probably put me on bed rest at the hospital until I deliver. I really REALLY do not want to go back to the hospital until I'm ready to pop this baby out! Please cross your fingers for low protein count! In fact, have your little ones cross their fingers too lol I can use all the extra luck I can get!!!
Good luck RT!
Gosh I have not been on in probably a year... Maybe even longer, but I stopped in to check in on some of my favorite psers and thought I would drop in here. Dh and I are expecting a baby boy august 7th. I am just about 22 weeks and literally ecstatic that we are having a boy. :-) I hope everyone is having smooth easy pregnancies. I am a nervous wreck but things have been great so far!
Congrats CBS!
Congrats CBS and welcome back! There are a number of us in the 20-25 week range! Should be a baby boom in July/August.

Good luck RT! How many weeks are you now?
random_thought|1301678200|2885261 said:
So I had an ultrasound this morning and the baby is weighing about 5 lbs. Everything looked great with that so that was good! Then I mentioned I was doing the 24 hr test for HELLP syndrome and that I had been really sick the last day or two. The doctor told us that if my protein had gone up from the last 24 hr test that they would probably put me on bed rest at the hospital until I deliver. I really REALLY do not want to go back to the hospital until I'm ready to pop this baby out! Please cross your fingers for low protein count! In fact, have your little ones cross their fingers too lol I can use all the extra luck I can get!!!

RT, I really hope everything turns out ok for you!! 5 lbs?! That's a big baby, mama!! I know you're due right around the same time as me, I feel for your crotch.... :o
Tuckins1|1301685456|2885364 said:
random_thought|1301678200|2885261 said:
So I had an ultrasound this morning and the baby is weighing about 5 lbs. Everything looked great with that so that was good! Then I mentioned I was doing the 24 hr test for HELLP syndrome and that I had been really sick the last day or two. The doctor told us that if my protein had gone up from the last 24 hr test that they would probably put me on bed rest at the hospital until I deliver. I really REALLY do not want to go back to the hospital until I'm ready to pop this baby out! Please cross your fingers for low protein count! In fact, have your little ones cross their fingers too lol I can use all the extra luck I can get!!!

RT, I really hope everything turns out ok for you!! 5 lbs?! That's a big baby, mama!! I know you're due right around the same time as me, I feel for your crotch.... :o

I'm 32 weeks so I am worried for my crotch as well lol. I only am being allowed to go until 37 weeks though so within 5 weeks I'll have an outside baby! :errrr:
Hello beautiful mamas! :wavey:

I'm thrilled to join you all over here. I've lurked for months (it's true, even before we were TTC!) and so I do feel like I "know" you all. I want to say that you all have created a really beautiful community. There's so much mutual respect and admiration for one another, and the advice is always caring and sound. What an amazing thing! I just love it.

So a little bit of my story: I'll be 29 on Thursday, DH is 29. We've been married for 15 months, dating for 12 years (yes, since high school!). This is our first pregnancy, and we are beyond thrilled! We both come from VERY large families, and our baby is the "first" for many people (great-grandchild, grandchild, niece/nephew, etc.) So that has been really fun to share the news. I'm 14 weeks 2 days today. We don't intend to find out the sex, as we prefer a surprise. I say that now, so we'll see if that holds true at our 18 week ultrasound! Everything seems to be going well so far, and we are truly enjoying the ride.

Ok, I'll try to catch up with what has been happening with the group in my next post!
Ok, now to catch up....I'll just dive right in I suppose!

Miscka - what a beautiful picture! Harlan is a great name. One of my favorite things about this thread is hearing all of the incredible birth stories. Thanks so much for sharing yours.

Skippy - thanks for the shout out in the other thread! I'm excited to be here. Mmmm, spinach lasagna...sounds amazing! I :love: the name Dean, one of my all time favorites. I also love Miles, in fact Miles and Dean has a nice ring to it! I find boys names easier to choose than girls names, how fun to choose two!

Charbie - my JBP buddy! How adorable is your bump!! I can't wait till mine starts popping a bit! I was on the phone with my SIL today, who asked if I was showing yet. I'm not really, but too big for regular pants that are not unzipped, yet swim in my maternity clothes! You look adorable in that dress!

Luvinlife - gorgeous photo, even made me tear up a little! It's beautiful

inhisarms - awesome belly shot! You look great! Wow, almost halfway there for you!

RT - thinking of you...hope you are able to stay comfortable while you bake Caden a bit longer!

Mrs - thanks for the sleep tip. Some nights I'll get tired if we're out and about, and want to push through because I keep thinking I want to enjoy all of this time before baby comes. But I really should just enjoy SLEEP before baby comes, right? So nice to have experienced mamas here.

Dreamer - congrats on the grant!! I'm in research, too (I manage a few NIH grants) and I know how much work can go into a submission! That's great news. Good luck on the car front, too.

Tuckins - how awesome that you could see hair!! That is too cool.

cbs - congrats and welcome!!

Sorry to anyone I've missed. I'll be around now so I'll catch up with everyone sooner or later!
Welcome January, and Happy early Birthday! Do enjoy your sleep now but if you're up for going out with your DH do that too!! You may find that you're able to be out and about with the baby for a little while since very small babies tend to be relatively portable and sleep just about anywhere. But it's still wise to take advantage of your alone time now!

Welcome back, cbs, I'm due a day before you =) we're glad to have you here with us!

RT, 5 lbs is great! hope your test results come back with good news!
RT: Hope everything comes out okay with the tests!

january and cbs: Welcome!!

Miscka: Love the name Harlan!

had my doctors appointment today. 4cm and 70% effaced.....she stripped my membranes so hopefully things will get going soon.
January & CBS - Congrats, and welcome!

RT - Good luck!

Tao - Hope stuff starts moving soon!! (Assuming the boys are feeling better and can take care of themselves again. ;)) )

DD - Congrats on the funding, that must be a relief. Hope you get the car sold soon.

Charbie - Cute belly! I am looking forward to wearing more dresses but we're having another cold snap. Fortunately, it sounds like it should be warm by Monday!

Bella - even more love for Samuel coming from me.

Skippy - I love Miles! The other names aren't really my style, although I love all of the history behind Jason. I also totally get not wanting the names to be too matchy. My FIL and his twin sister have rhyming names - think Nan and Dan or something, with another little sibling who also rhymed - and just between us, I have no idea what his mom was thinking. You say one person's name and either they all think that you're talking to them, or they all ignore you figuring that you're talking to someone else.

Mrs - Thank heavens for better sleep! I think I'm approaching L&D kind of similarly, but I want to be better prepared for pain management and I have fewer expectations about how things will go. Sleep training - we started CIO around 9 months with George. I feel like we will probably do similarly with this one. I'm not comfortable doing true sleep training much younger than that, although I know that with JUST George right now I sometimes feel like I have a hard time getting in "me" time and enough sleep, and so we will see how tolerant I am of night-time wakings going on for months and months. I was paranoid about the paci last time and we introduced it on the late side and then he never took to it. But I'm not sure I have regrets about that, as now we don't have to try to break him from it. We only swaddled him for a couple months and didn't have issues breaking him from it (that I can recall, ha!) and so I'm not sure we'll be doing much differently there either. I feel much more lackadaisical this time about buying baby stuff, even though we've gotten rid of some of the things we had for him, because so much of it got so little use. There are a few things that I'd like this time though, that we didn't have for George - a glider and a pretty diaper bag (we just have a utilitarian one that DH likes to carry) come to mind, although I like your nosefrieda idea! I also need to buy some new breastpump parts, as I took cracked tubes as a sign that it was time to stop pumping. Strollers - We have a single BOB now, and that is it. We are holding off on buying anything else unless the baby is here and we decide that we need it. George already wants to walk everywhere himself, and can walk up to about 3/4 of a mile under his own power without a break right now, and so I'm not quite sure how much he will be using the stroller by the time the baby gets here. And for those times he does want it or gets tired enough not to care if we put him in it, the baby could go in a carrier. Double strollers are expensive enough (esp the nice ones) that I don't want to splurge and then only use it twice.

IHA - You're looking good! I hope you get your energy totally back soon.
Thankful for the weekend the be here!
Bella and Skippy: i appreciate the bump love! Im now getting a lot of questions pertaining to the due date, etc. since people realize im not just getting fat...ha!
IHA: you have such a compact bump...jealous! Have you been feeling movement yet?
DD: how exciting you're done with teaching for an extended amount of time! Wooohoooo! And congrats on the grant...I know those aren't easy to come by, so great job!
Luvin: that bump is fantastic! So close to meeting the baby...yay!
RT: sorry you keep getting hit with more health issues. Hope you can stay healthy and pregnant for a few more weeks!
Mrs: im glad you posed those questions, bc what people would do differently for #2 will help those of us expecting #1! Happpy DD is starting to STTN again....what a relief, im sure!
tao: yay for Violet getting ready for an appearance...I bet she is here by the end of the weekend!
tuckins: ooo, I hope our baby has some hair...babes with hair are just the cutest. Id LOVE to see the u/s pic if you want to post it ;)
january: welcome to the big board! I know the feeling when it comes to the mat just now feeling comfortable in them. I still feel like mat pants are a bit big for my bulbous bump, but it'll get there. I wanted a surprise, but DH is dead set on finding out the sex of the baby. I hope it helps him bond with the bubs...bc I think it is all too surreal right now for him.
MS: your belly is just too nice and little!
Blen: yeah, its super cold here, too, but im just wearing tights and dealing with it. I only have the one dress now, but bought a super cute mat skirt I can't wait to wear!

AFM: I had a preggo dream last night that I had a boy. But first I was told it was a girl. So now who know what im having :tongue: now im the one getting anxious to find out which team we are on! Went by our new "house" last night...we have a hole in the ground! Yay! And they have started the basement footer! It'll be ready in no time :) have a good weekend everyone!
welcome january!!

tao, hope things get going for you! 4cm is great though!!

RT, thinking of you and your baby. hope everything turned out ok today.

i know i'm really bad at catching up, i am so sorry. but i hope all you lovely preggos are doing well and taking care!!
Skippy just wanted to say I love the name Miles and we thought about Dean for the first name for J, but we made it his middle name instead. I also really liked Ian but Greg didn't like it. The irony is that if I felt really mischievous, I could totally call J 'Ian' since it's in his name. MWAHHA.

Mischka your story is wonderful, congrats on going natural, and your babe is such a darling! Congrats.
I just thought I'd come back and update. They kept me in the hospital for a couple of hours because I have been sick for the last 2 days. As a result, I got very dehydrated. As a result of THAT (lol), I started having lots of contractions while I was being monitored. Also my protein in my urine jumped from 400mg-500mg over the last 5 days so that was no good either. They were trying to decide whether to keep me in the hospital until I delivered to monitor me or to let me go home again and keep with the 2 doctor appts/week monitoring. They ended up sending me home which I was happy about :) Now I need to just stop getting so much protein added into my urine!
MRS ~~ thanks and thanks for where to get comfy bras. I have a gift cert there so I will go try some on. I realized the other day it is my bras because I found an exercise bra I never wear because I bought it too big by accident and it is so comfy now! Good luck on the strollers and let us know what you get. :halo:

TUCKINS ~~ yay for seeing your lo's hair on the u/s, cool!!! :D

CBS ~~ welcome and glad you are joining us, congrats!! Yay for team blue and being 22 weeks, so happy for you!!! :D

JANUARY ~~ welcome and congrats!!! Yay for being in the 2nd trimester! How are you feeling? Glad you are with us! :D I love Dean for Old Hollywood, Dean Martin. hehe I always thought his name was cool but maybe Miles will win because hubby doesn't love Dean like me. thanks for your thoughts.

TAO ~~ how are you today? Your LO will be here before you know it, Super Exciting!!!! :D

BLEN ~~ Names like Dan and Nan are confusing to everyone; lol about no one listening. thanks for your thoughts!

CHARBIE ~~ it is fun having a bump! :bigsmile: Yay for breaking ground on the house, very Exciting!!! I would dream I was having girls but then had boys. Dreams are fun and feel more real now during pregnancy, do you notice? super exciting to hear what you are having pretty soon!!!

PUFFY ~~ how are you mama?

MARA ~~ thanks about Miles. I love Dean; I think of old Hollywood and always thought Dean Martins name was so cool! J Dean is super cute name! hahaha about calling J Ian for short when you want to bug Greg. uh oh. lol!! ;)

RT ~~ glad you can go home and fingers crossed all goes well.


AFM ~~ Hubby finished painting so next he has to put together the cribs; it is now feeling more real and exciting!!! hehe :D He painted the room a light blue and it looks pretty cute!! What is everyone doing about bedding?? I thought I would use those breathable bumpers, but not sure on what to do with the bed skirt or dust ruffle?? It seems like everything is a set if you want the dust ruffle :roll:

Next weekend is my shower so I am looking forward to seeing friends and family. I did buy a dress but it is black (boring); I might go to the other mall on the other side of town to see if I can find something springy. If not I will dress it up with jewelry.

Oh and I am looking forward to Tuesday so I can see the boys again since I will have an ultrasound (I usually have one every 4 weeks). I hit the 28 wk mark (3rd trimester this past week so that was fun); approx 12 weeks to go, woot. It is starting to fly! :mrgreen: Thanks for your thoughts on names too!

Hope you beautiful ladies are having a fabulous weekend!!!! :D
Thanks everyone!

Oh and Charbie, Yes, I feel movement. It's mainly when I'm sitting or laying down and happens very often at night. I feel the baby more and more every day. It's crazy. How about you??

Hope you're all doing well!
RT, I hope you are able to stay at home until it's time! I'm thinking of you!