
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Exciting news! I no longer have to be induced at 37 weeks. I talked to the doctor today and he told me that since my blood pressure has been relatively safe and my protein hasn't been spilling massive numbers that the latest he will induce is at 39 weeks. He also said he would induce if I took a turn for the worse (spilling protein at 5000 mg as opposed to 500 mg that I'm at right now). The reason was that 1st time moms who are induced tend to have a higher risk for c-section and he wants to avoid that if he can as much as possible (and so do I!). I'm still on full bed rest, 2 appts a week (NST and labs), and I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks. Also no more 24 hour urine tests for 2 weeks which is good news because man oh man do I hate those! Anyways, I just wanted to share my news :))
RT - GREAT NEWS! So glad that things seem to be getting better for you. I hope you continue with the low protein and low bp...

DC - Hi preggo twin! I haven't posted about my condo because it generally makes me angry to think about it. But how's this for a fun anecdote? We had another open house on Sunday and so we left for a very long walk with our dog. Came back 3 hours later and the real estate agent (not our normal one) says "oh I think someone spilled something in the laundry room". So we open the door and there is literally half of a Costco-sized bottle of laundry detergent coating the whole floor, underneath the washer and dryer. The bottle was kept about 6 feet high, above the dryer. And it was a new, unopened bottle. So how someone could have accidentally spilled it, I have no idea? Or why they were going through my laundry room shelves?? Trust me - not that interesting! It took us a few hours to clean up - laundry detergent is a pain to get off. Just so annoyed someone did that and no one owned up, not even the real estate agent apologized, and no one even attempted to get some paper towels and try to get it up. So anyway, we haven't sold it yet. There's more drama, but I don't want to raise my BP too much by thinking about it all that much. The test went ok but won't find out the results for 8 weeks or so. That's so nice to be closer to your parents...mine are 8-10 hours away so too far for a weekend which is my biggest regret about living here. It's great that you're moving far enough beforehand that you won't be moving while super-preggo either. Do you have other family in the area too? THanks for the recommendation on the dresser - there is one more baby store I keep meaning to check out but haven't gotten to yet and they are listed as a dealer. Maybe I will get out there this weekend if my call is not too crazy.

Charbie - Love the onesie! Thanks for the feedback on Hayden. I think DH and I are leaning that way now but haven't told anyone yet and not sure if we are going to.

Sarahbear - Welcome! What a cool due date! Wow, so impressive that your kids will be so close but I bet they will be best friends growing up. And I like having second time moms around to give me advice :bigsmile:

Anyway, finally posting a long overdue belly pic. I know it isn't Friday, but I do what I can ;)) As you can see, my bump is sort of diffuse between my hips and ribs, so I didn't get a cute bump like it seems everyone else has. I've just gained a lot in waist measurement :(sad And as a consequence, apparently people I work with are still just realizing I'm pregnant! At almost 24 weeks. And I definitely don't think strangers realize yet. I guess they think I'm chubby and I tend to wear unflattering clothes...But such is life.

Hope everyone is having a good week!

Hi Everyone :wavey:

I can't believe tomorrow is my due date!!!!!! I was just telling my hubby this might be our last babyless weekend....What an abstract thought. I can't wait to meet this little person!!!!!!

TAO: When were you due?

Thanks everyone for the nice comments on our maternity pictures. We are with this baby :love: .
Does anyone feel a little nostaligic about the end of their pregnancy? There is something so beautiful about your baby kicking inside of you!

Here's another shot from photoshoot for your viewing pleasure :twirl:

More news to come.......

BASIL ~~ I love the name Hayden. awww, cute belly bump; you look great!! :love: I can tell you are preggo, super cute! :D yippeee for 24 weeks!!! hehe thanks about the bowling ball; my cousin saw me on Monday and she said "wow, you have a perfectly round belly." the funny thing is I never paid attention and never thought about it until I posted that pic on PS, your comment and my cousins comment, too funny.

DCGATOR ~~ oh no I am so sorry about your uti; those are the worst!! I have been so nervous about getting one as I tend to get them easy but knock on wood this pregnancy I have not gotten one. Bless your heart and glad you are on the mend. thanks about the names, belly and the cribs. It feels good to have the cribs set up and after my shower I can finish up. hehe Yay for your remote working schedule; so happy for you!!! Yay for your Best chair; I totally want one of those, they are so comfy!!! I need to figure that out a little later. Glad things are going well and woohoo for all your baby kicks!!! too cute!

SARAHBEAR, congrats!!! Glad you are with us; looking forward to your posts!!! :bigsmile:

CARBIE ~~ aww, that outfit is so stinkin cute!! :bigsmile: aw, your doctor sounds cute!!! hehe thanks about he bump and cribs! thanks too about the earrings; I need to post pictures soon. I appreciate your sweet words. Yay for finding out the sex on the 27th, very exciting; fingers crossed the lo cooperates!!! very exciting!!!

TAO ~~ thinking of you!!!! :bigsmile:

LUVINLIFE ~~ beautiful pic!!!! Yay for your LO coming SOOOOOON!!! :bigsmile:


AFM ~~ oh I forgot to mention the babies heads are down low almost in my pelvis; it makes tons of sense now why I am always running to the little girls room. lol Their feet are also in my rib area going to town kicking! I can't believe how big they are already; it made me realize time is going to fly in the next couple of months.

Today I had this crazy craving for donuts so I stopped and had 2. :o They were delicious and hopefully I don't make that a habit. lol

Happy HUMP DAY friends!!!! Have a fabulous rest of the week!!! :D
Hello Lovely Preggos!

Blen: you look great! It is fun when people start to actually notice ;) I had the same thing happen on the bus on Tuesday when I was in scrubs, so I think I am finally there too.

Tao: Sending good labor vibes your way! 4 cm is pretty good odds that you are getting there and with that you should hopefully be able to have a nice vaginal delivery.

DCG: Wow you have tons going on! Congrats on selling the condo! Best of luck with all of the Florida moving plans. It it must seem like complex timing but probably easier now while your little girl is inside!

Skippy: Love the color on the walls and the cribs. You look great too!

Dreamer: 25 wks already! I feel like you I just read about your BFP!

Basil: Thanks for the info on the bouncer. Every baby is so different so I think we will wait and see. I like those cribs too! We had looked at the BOB stroller but I think we are leaning towards the Phil and Teds. I love the way the basinnet looks and I think it is a good mix of durability and style.

RT: Glad you are home, hope you are doing well.

Charbie: Love the crazy prego dreams! I have had them too and they are SO real.

January and CBS: Welcome!!

Luvin: Love your pic, that is so sweet!

Sorry to anyone I missed!

AFM: I am feeling this girl moving more and more and it is so fun. I am not sure if I mentioned it but she was breech at our anatomy scan and it seems she is still that way now at 21 wks 5 days b/c I only feel her kicks really low in my pelvis. I know she has TONS of time to turn, but I wish she would at least try to move around in there. DH thinks it is a sign of intelligence that she prefers not to be upside down :wink2: Now, we are trying to figure out colors and design for the nursery. There is SO much out there so it is hard to decide. In not so great news, DH works for the govt and if the budget doesn't pass he will be sans a paycheck as long as it lasts so fingers and toes are crossed that it won't happen. I am trying not to get too stressed about it but the uncertainty is frustrating!
Basil I carried like that with my first, it was so annoying, I just looked fat until I was like 32 weeks! I recommend some tops with empire waist, it really helps make it look more like a pregnant belly!
Just have a few minutes, but-

ModernSparkler - She will probably turn a dozen times before it really matters. I wouldn't start to worry yet. ;))

Basil - You know, I bet you could dress your bump to look more like a pregnancy bump. More empire waist tops, or tops that are otherwise cinched in under the bustline. I know it sounds really weird, but I wore a flowy top today that I belted just under the bustline (similar to how some women belt them at their natural waist) and it really accentuated the bump. Plus a non-pregnant woman who is carrying extra weight around the mid-section wouldn't wear something like that, so that's another clue. Big boo to the laundry detergent, WTF? As for Hayden, it doesn't sound like an obnoxious lacrosse player, but my honest opinion based on what you wrote as far as your reasons for liking it? It seems very on trend to me. Looking at the Social Security Administration list for 2009 (2010 isn't out yet), I counted 10 names in the top 150 boy names that rhyme with Hayden: Aiden, Aidan, Brayden, Caden, Cayden, Hayden, Jaden, Jayden, Kaden, and one other that I forgot to write down. The popularity of all of those names has spiked within recent years, and so I have a feeling that they will eventually seem very 2010-or-thereabouts. Hayden itself may not be super-popular (although it is in the top 100 boy names), but it does fit into that sound trend and if he is in a class with a Brayden and a Jaden, it's not going to seem all that different. So I guess it really just depends on your reasons for liking it and how important trendiness is to you.

LuvInLife - Beautiful! It looks like you are carrying a basketball from the side like that. :D

Sarahbear - congrats!

Charbie - Oh, I love that onesie! My big u/s is scheduled for the 26th, so very close to yours. I'm already excited about seeing the bean again, too!

Skippy - Oh, donuts sound good right now! Dang it, why'd you have to do that to me? :lol: Here's a pic of George's room. He also now has some PBK Transporation Sheets on the bed, and he likes to point at them and tell me, "Mama, train! Plane! Car! F--" Okay, maybe I should stop before I say Firetruck the way he does. 8)

George's Room.JPG
Blenheim|1302145687|2889872 said:
Here's a pic of George's room. He also now has some PBK Transporation Sheets on the bed, and he likes to point at them and tell me, "Mama, train! Plane! Car! F--" Okay, maybe I should stop before I say Firetruck the way he does. 8)


haha, that's so funny! :bigsmile:
We were offered an amnio after the anatomy scan at 18 weeks uncovered an echogenic foci (calcium deposit on the heart) which is a marker for DS. It took our risk from 1:1500 to 1:500 which we still felt OK with. So we just took our chances. Aidan's perfectly healthy.

I'm 31 and DH is 36.
Luv: You look fantastic! I think you'll get your baby before I do! I was due April 1 (the world's longest April Fool's joke I guess?)

All the belly pictures are fantastic!

RT: Glad you finally got some good news!

Skippy: One donut for each baby---so where is your donut? You should have had three!

Nothing interesting going on over here. Been walking a lot and even went to the park (sans Evan) and swung on the swingsets! It was just really nice walking around with my husband and playing like that.

Have an appointment tomorrow--8:30 a.m.--u/s and nst to make sure things are okay with baby Violet. Then we will probably schedule induction...I wonder what the chances are I can schedule it for the same day..haha!
Hi all, I hope everyone is feeling well today! I have a question- Did anyone have slower than average interuterine growth at any time? Ethan is a little bit small... He was in the 25th percentile a while back, and last week they measured him again and he is in the 15th percentile... He is long, but kind of skinny. Not terribly smaller than what he should be, but i'm wondering if anyone experienced a growth spurt toward the end on pregnancy? (At 32 weeks he was just under 3.5 pounds, and he should have been around 3.75 pounds. Not too far behind, but still kind of skinny.)
Good morning ladies! Happy Friday!


Luv--you're belly is adorable!

Basil--I agree, I'm sure you can dress up that bump and make it more promoinent. Either way, it's very cute.

Tao--good luck withe appointment, hopefully you get to meet Violet soon!

Skippy--I think Tao is right, you should have had 3 donuts. I usually get 2 and I'm only carrying one baby ;)

Modern--I was breeched until just a few weeks ago, now baby is definitely head down. You still have plenty of time.

I hope I didn't forget anyone!

AFM--I am 1-2cm dilated and the dr. told me it could be nothing or the baby could be here any day now. Of course, that was on Monday. The last 2 nights I've a ton of contractions and cramping. Last night the contractions got down to 12 minutes apart. This morning I've had a few good strong contractions and still lots of cramping. I wonder if that means Lorelei is on her way? DH has started to ask my stomach/Lorelei daily if she is going to come out and when. He's even started to direct her and telling her where the exit is :lol:. Tomorrow we have our Newborn Care class which I am looking forward to. And hopefully our LO joins us soon, I'm just so ready for her to get out! :bigsmile: There are bets going on in my office that I won't make it to Monday. My next OB appointment is on Monday, I wonder if she is going to tell me if there has been any progress or not. With my luck I'm stuck at 1-2cm. LOL.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday!

2011-04-08 07.44.20.jpg
MODERN ~~ thanks about the nursery and belly. One my babies didn't turn head down until this past week so she probably will. heehe I have my fingers crossed that the budget does pass tonight; what a nightmare if it doesn't?! There are so many pretty colors out there; what are you thinking you like for your nursery? :D

BLEN ~~ your posts to me having been having me do this :lol: lately. Did you get your donut? :cheeky: LOL about firetruck! I love your little guys room!!! The wall art is super cute too; thanks for posting it (I like the blue)!

TAO ~~ lol about 3 donuts; I should have since those donuts were so yummy!!! :cheeky: Thinking of you today and sending speedy/healthy L&D dust !!! I hope you are holding your beautiful LO. :D Looking forward to pics!!!

DREAMER ~~ that is hilarious, I wonder if they are arguing/speculating over what their future mortgage rates might be when they are ready to buy a home or something like that (future economists/finance majors)!!! lol thanks for posting; I sent it to my hubby too! :D

TUCKINS ~~ I am sorry; I hope your lo picks up weight soon. Did your doc give you any suggestions for helping your lo pick up the pounds? Are they going to do another growth us? During my ultrasound last week the sonographer said that 10% - to I think 100% percentile was a good number. It sounds like he is still in the healthy range? sending baby gain dust your way; I understand the worry though. :halo:

CUPCAKE ~~ you have the cutest belly!!!! :D Wow, that is awesome you are due any day now :D Sending healthy and quick L&D dust your way. I can't wait to see pics of your LO!!! lol about getting 2 donuts and me needing 3.


AFM ~~ this weekend is my shower so I am excited about that so then after the shower I can buy what we really need. I am excited to see all my friends and family too!! :D It makes one feel loved! :halo:

I can tell my belly is growing again, oh boy!!! lol Happy Friday beautiful Preggos!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the LO's that are suppose to be born now. Hope you have a beautiful weekend beautiful preggos!!!
Thanks Skippy. We will be doing another growth US in 2 weeks. I am gaining weight just fine... More than I should, since I can't really move too well and i'm not allowed to be on my feet for more than 10-15 minutes... Nothing I can do but hope that he starts to fatten up. He's not too awful small, but I just am concerned because I want him to be a fat jolly baby!
Thanks Skippy. We will be doing another growth US in 2 weeks. I am gaining weight just fine... More than I should, since I can't really move too well and i'm not allowed to be on my feet for more than 10-15 minutes... Nothing I can do but hope that he starts to fatten up. He's not too awful small, but I just am concerned because I want him to be a fat jolly baby!
Tuckins the growth US are not very accurate so try not to worry too much yet. Ours was off by 1.5lbs :rolleyes: The docs will let you know if you need to worry, and since they are not doing another growth u/s for two weeks seems like they are not super worried, ya know? I believe Hundon ended up being induced because they feared IUGR and her boy was a decent size for his age. My friend was monitored weekly for the last month or so for the same thing and her daughter was fine. Smaller than average, but fine.
cupcake -- I lurk here every once in awhile, but wanted to say you look fantastic!!! Your little belly reminds me of mine! And it makes me get a little teary to remember those days. You are about to have THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Or at least I hope there are no complications and it's a good day. GAAAHHH!!! Your DH sounds just like mine too. You can tell you are both so excited. Best of luck...can't wait to see you on the other side!
Dreamer_D|1302282690|2891182 said:
Tuckins the growth US are not very accurate so try not to worry too much yet. Ours was off by 1.5lbs :rolleyes: The docs will let you know if you need to worry, and since they are not doing another growth u/s for two weeks seems like they are not super worried, ya know? I believe Hundon ended up being induced because they feared IUGR and her boy was a decent size for his age. My friend was monitored weekly for the last month or so for the same thing and her daughter was fine. Smaller than average, but fine.

Sorry, that should say "Hudson" as in Hudson hawk. :oops:
Quick drive by post:

RT: I am very glad that you are doing better and no longer have to be induced at 37 weeks! Yay! It's great news!!

Cupcake: Here's to hoping Lorelei is on her own! I hope you have a smooth delivery. Can't wait to see pics of that sweet baby of yours!

Everyone else: I hope you are all doing well!!

AFM: 19 weeks today. I had my anatomy scan a bit ago and it's confirmed we are having a boy! As for names, we have settled on Liam. I'm not sure about a middle name yet. All looked well though and I just loved seeing kick and squirm around. Man, I love him. :love:

Here are some pics...
It won't let me post anymore pics so for now, the money shot is all you get. Hehe.
Cupcake: Thanks for the reassurance. I am sure she will turn too, I just dislike the uncertainty. Yay for making some progress. Hopefully you make it through the newborn class and maybe you can go straight to L&D. I a friend of mine had someone's water break in her childbirth class!

Skippy: Have a blast at your shower. I am sure those boys will be well stocked afterwards! As for colors, I LOVE this crib set but we are looking at sort of re-creating it on a website called Carousel designs where it will be about half the price and we can do without the bumper if we want. I think we are leaning towards doing sage with lots of cream accents. Thanks for the support on the budget. I am thinking good thoughts.

Tuckins: I am sure little Evan will be just fine. Usually they don't worry until the estimated growth is less than 5-10% and Dreamer is correct, the ultrasounds are quite a bit off. I will send lots of baby growth vibes your way!

IHA: CONGRATS on the boy! I love the name Liam too!

Happy Friday everyone! I just woke up as I am on nights this week and I had the pleasure of delivering 2 babies last night which was so fun! It is starting to feel a bit odd to realize soon I will be on the other side in the delivery room!
Thanks for all the positive feedback, it makes me feel so much better!

RT- how are you doing today?
My bump pulled a little disappearing act this afternoonn. Silly bump.
I fluctuate between feeling bumpalicious and just fat.
its been crazy busy in these parts, but ill catch up soon!
Good luck to tao, luvin, and cupcake!


inhisarms17|1302296352|2891427 said:
Quick drive by post:

RT: I am very glad that you are doing better and no longer have to be induced at 37 weeks! Yay! It's great news!!

Cupcake: Here's to hoping Lorelei is on her own! I hope you have a smooth delivery. Can't wait to see pics of that sweet baby of yours!

Everyone else: I hope you are all doing well!!

AFM: 19 weeks today. I had my anatomy scan a bit ago and it's confirmed we are having a boy! As for names, we have settled on Liam. I'm not sure about a middle name yet. All looked well though and I just loved seeing kick and squirm around. Man, I love him. :love:

Here are some pics...

I totally meant **On her way** not on her own. Ugh. Leave it to me!!
hi ladies!

Charbie, you look great! I'm carrying just like you but bigger and perhaps a little higher. I hear you on sometimes feeling like you just look fat but you DO look pregnant! NOT fat.

Modern, that's exciting that you've been delivering babies! I like that crib set you'll be recreating. I'm sorry to hear that your DH may be

iha, yay for boys! congrats on the gender confirmation and a good scan! Liam is a wonderful name - I really like it!

Skippy, you look so great - I love your new dress! yay for having the nursery painted and the cribs set up! Did you find any comfy bras last weekend? I hope you have a fun shower!!

Cupcake, you look wonderful - I can't believe Lorelei is almost here! It's so exciting! Sending you good vibrations.

Tuchins, I'm sorry you're worried about Ethan's growth. As others have said, most estimations of size aren't very accurate so I think he's probably just fine. And if he IS small, that doesn't mean he wont be perfectly healthy. My daughter was only 6 lbs 9 oz at birth and she is still petite but her size has never been cause for concern. In fact, now that I'm expecting #2, I'm glad she's smaller than most kids her age since carrying her would be more difficult.

taov, how did your appointment go this morning? Did you schedule an induction?? I hope Violet is doing well and that you're holding her in your arms very soon!

Blen, you look great - is that one of your new target dresses? it looks really nice. George's room is super cute! what do you have planned for the next baby's room? thanks for your replies regarding what you want to do differently this time.

luvinlife, Another great pic! I hope you are now, or will soon be, holding your little one! sending easy L&D vibrations your way

Basil, boo for inconsiderate realtors and their clients! I think you look great. And I really like the furniture you're considering. re: a stroller, if you need one that can go off-roading, a Bob is probably your best bet. I like the name Hayden. It's unique but like Blen said, it does have the same sound as some very popular names so it may not stay unique so keep that in mind if that matters to you.

RT, glad you no longer need to be induced at 37 weeks! hope you're feeling well!

dcg, congrats on selling your condo and being able to move forward on FL! Sounds very exciting. I'm glad you're feeling better! So sorry you were in pain.

puffy, how are you feeling?

Dreamer, you look great! so sorry to hear you're suffering from heartburn. I hope you fond some relief.

Sarahbear, welcome! congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you get some sleep soon! 2 under 2 is ambitious!

sorry if I missed anyone!

AFM, We're still struggling with sleep issues here.. it's not fun and I hope we can find a rhythm soon since I'm just so tired. Not only is DD having trouble putting herself back to sleep but she can't put herself to sleep for naps and night without a ton of help. Finally had a breakdown about it this week and cried. Sleep is just such a scarce commodity and I'm so aware of how little I will be getting once the baby arrives. oh well. I keep telling myself I can sleep when the kids leave the house in 18 years.

The pregnancy is going fine - I keep loosing track of time though. It's going really fast! The baby is very active which I'm trying to enjoy since it's not painful yet.

Sorry I have nothing else to contribute!

Hey just stopping in (yup I know it's 3am :oops: ) to update. Well it's not much of an update really...but had an appointment today, got some blood work drawn and haven't heard anything so I assume that's good news. My schedule right now is NST every Tuesday and blood work and any other labs I might be having done on Fridays. My mom gets here in 2 days so I have dh running around this weekend to clean the apartment and fix up the 2nd bedroom a bit :praise: Also I've really been sticking to my bed rest! I have the WORST pelvic pressure/pain. At my appointment today they said the baby was really low down so hopefully that's not indicative of him wanting to come early but instead just being a pain in the butt, er pelvis for the time being, lol! Well, I suppose I should go to bed, my sleep schedule is so out of whack right now, I almost overslept for a 1pm appointment today!! I totally suck at addressing people individually and I really promise to do better on my next post! Just know I'm reading them all and following all of your stories, I just tend to not know how to respond :sick: Hopefully I can get my brain moving again soon!
Happy weekend, beautiful preggos!

RT - so glad that you and Caden are doing well! How exciting about your mom coming. Glad DH can help out around the house, but sorry for all the pain/pressure.

Mrs - sorry about the sleep issues but I obviously have no advice! I hope your DD grows out of this pretty soon, hopefully before your new LO gets here.

IHA - welcome to Team Blue! Is your DH excited? Mine was - he wouldn't say before but I think he was really hoping for a boy. Love the name Liam!

Charbie - cute bump! And cute top too!

Tuckins - sending you good baby growing vibes! Hope the ultrasounds are just inaccurate.

Skippy - hope you have fun at your shower and get lots of cute little boy stuff! Let us know how it goes! Great news that they are both head down.

Cupcake - getting so close! Good luck mama!

Blenheim - I know I could emphasize my belly a little more with empire tops, but I'm usually stuck in scrubs 2-3 days a week...if I don't pick a big enough one it's not long enough and that's a very unattractive look :bigsmile: Thanks for the feedback on Hayden. I have to really sit and decide how much uniqueness is important to me. Looking at it, I have the 12th most common name for my year and the 5th most common name for my decade, and I've never been particularly bothered or thought that my name was particularly common or dated. And I do think it makes a difference that Hayden is a "real" name - i.e. it's a last name and has been around as a first name for a while, which I think makes it different than Braden or Jayden. We're not making any decisions yet though! George's room is cute! Does he sleep in the crib or in the bed? I love the wall color and the chair rail.

Modern - it bad to say that I am so NOT envious of you delivering babies? I mean - eeww! :bigsmile: Not really, but you know what I mean! I hated OB as a student and I always wanted to go out and play with the newborn while the attendings wanted me to stick around and help fix up mom. I can't really tell where my LO is positioned cause I tend to feel movement all over...sometimes at my bely button, sometimes near my spleen, sometimes low down, sometimes it goes backwards. So weird! Which Phil and Teds are you looking at?

Anyway, strollers are my new obsession-du-jour, much to my husband's dismay. I'm such a planner and he's a wait-and-see type of guy :)) I was figuring to get a snap-and-go for the early weeks when we don't really want to take him out of his carseat much. And if we wanted to walk we could just carry him in the Ergo. We went to USA baby last night and tried out a few...DH didn't like any of them because he doesn't like padded handles because they feel "dry" :confused: I liked the BOB but seemed bigger than I imagined and I don't really like that you can't use it while they are newborns. DH thought the Baby Jogger handles - which are more rubbery - was the least of the evils and liked the Baby Jogger City Elite. That seemed even bigger though! After doing online research, I'm thinking about the Bumbleride Indie which is a little smaller and lighter than the BOB or the Baby Jogger and has a full recline so can be used with a newborn. It comes with a universal carseat adapter, but you can also can get a bassinet attachment for it if I decide I need/want that. Not sure though since it will be summer and those things look hotter than the regular seats, though they are so cute!

But I can't find anyplace to look at the Bumbleride since there isn't a dealer in my area. And then there is the problem of the "dry" handles. Does anyone know what the handles on the Bumbleride are like? It seems he would really prefer hard plastic handles, but I think any stroller with those is going to be otherwise constructed cheaply too!

Also, in general, is it worth it to have the bassinet? We wouldn't be using the stroller for commuting anywhere, it's just for walks and stuff. If I have the carseat adapter is there added utility to the bassinet?
inhisarms, congrats on a little man!! they are the sweetest.

mrs, sorry you're having sleep issues with DD. i hope things start to get better soon. i'm ok considering i'm almost 38 weeks along, but she's measuring right on track and happy as can be in there, so i'm thinking it might be awhile before she decides to make an appearance which is fine, i just get more time with just my boys for now.

RT, hope everything is ok with you and your little man.

skippy, have a wonderful time at the shower!

tao, hope little ms violet is doing well and you have an induction date set.

cupcake, hope you get to meet your lorelei soon.

luvin, love your maternity pics!!

charbie, you look so cute!! a tiny little bump.

hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Yippee! My baby shower is tomorrow! I'm so excited, I don't even know if i'll be able to sleep! I can't wait to get Ethan's room all put together! :bigsmile: