
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

cupcake, hope that things get moving along for you and you'll be holding lorelei real soon!!

here's Alyssa showing off her dimple...6 days old in this one.

Puffy, she's adorable!! LOVE that dimple!!! Thanks for sharing

cupcake, I know how hard it is to wait! I really hope your sweet girl makes her entrance soon!! Hang in there and know she will be worth the wait and discomfort!

BLEN, I’m sorry to hear about the round ligament pain. It seems like there are so many different spots for the ligaments to give us preggos trouble. It’s interesting that you are having such a different experience with weight gain this time. If you are eating the recommended amounts and nutrients, then everything is probably fine, but it is a good idea to check with your midwife.

BASIL, congrats on reaching 25 weeks! :appl: Cute pic – you definitely look pregnant, but still pretty small. Congrats on the new bedroom furniture – I love shopping for house stuff. I have becoming totally kitchen obsessed (TKO) and have been lurking a lot on the Gardenweb kitchen forum – it’s a little like Pricescope for kitchens.

DREAMER, I think a daily dose of candy is one of the things we should be able to get away with during pregnancy. I’m sure the receptionist at my office is amused when I make my almost daily pilgrimage to the candy bowl in the afternoon, even though the reception area is one flight up from my actual office. :oops:

CHARBIE, congrats on figuring out your day care situation. I like the names you have selected – I am especially partial to Aubrey and Wesley.

RT, congrats on reaching 34 weeks and still baking! :appl: I love your bump pic, but I don’t think I could get up off a beanbag – how did you manage?

MRS, I am not getting even close to enough sleep. I keep nodding off mid-afternoon at my desk at work. A still shows up at our bedside in the middle of the night most nights. The massage felt like heaven at the time, and I just wanted to go home and lay in bed propped up with pillows because I was so relaxed, but instead I had to go home and chase A around because DH had made plans with his friends for that night, and by the next day I was hurting again. I’m glad to hear your DD is sleeping better. Kent Patrick is a really cool sounding name, in addition to the meaning behind it – I’m sure it made your families happy.

CUPCAKE, Big Macs are my guilty pleasure. Nice rental car guy! I hope Lorelei will be here soon.

PUFFY, Alyssa is so cute! I just want to kiss those adorable dimpled cheeks. :love:
I started having really odd sensations in my abdomen this weekend. I was having some cramping, but then I would have a strong clenching sensation, usually followed by a kick. I had a lot of them on Sunday – several in a row during a short period of time. I wasn’t sure what it was at the time, but after reading posts about BH here on Monday, and then going and researching those, I think that is what they must be. I never had a single contraction with my first child, BH or otherwise, until I was induced and given Pitocin (post epidural), so they caught me off guard. I actually didn’t know what a contraction felt like. I have been having them intermittently for 5 days now. I hope they are not an indication I will deliver early. We are supposed to fly to Boston in early May (when I am 34-35 weeks), and I am getting nervous about something happening on the trip.

I had an annoying experience today. I stopped at the mall at lunch time to buy A some new sneakers (she will only wear pink shoes now and rejected the last pair I brought home :rolleyes: ). Two women stopped me to ask about a store location. Then one of them asked how far along I am. When I said 7 months, she pulled up her coat to show her belly, and turned to her friend and said “her stomach is a lot bigger than mine and I am 8 months.” :angryfire: You would really think another pregnant woman would understand how rude that is. Now I need ice cream for consolation, lol.
Evan and Miles were Born April 18th, 2:37am and 2:57am each 3 lbs 8 oz and 3lbs 5 ozs. '

They are beautiful baby boys and are in the NICU but doing well!! :love: Thank you Pricescope friends!!!! I am so Excited for all of you. I will be spending time in the NICU until they can go home and pumping for them so they can get strong. I just love them and my heart beams. My hubby's heart beams too; it is fabulous feeling and we feel so blessed. :love: :D :halo: I will update later. Take care mommas :wavey:
Congrats Skippy!!! So happy for you and your new family!!
Congratulations again, Skippy!!! Sooooo happy for you!

Puffy, Alyssa is so freaking adorable!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Skippy!!! I love their names and I'm so happy for you and your DH! :appl:
Skippy: Congrats! Hope the little men grow quickly and can come home soon!

Kay: Sorry about the RUDE comment. I cannot believe another pregnant woman could be so insensitive! As for the BH, most docs say to call if you have having more than 4/hour. They can usually be felt sooner in subsequent pregnancies. If you are worried, call your doc and they can always check a cervical length which is very reassuring.

Puffy: Congrats. She is so beautiful!

Cupcake: 2 cm is a pretty good start! Nice to get the 5-6 month comment too so close to the due date. Thinking good thoughts that she will be here soon.

Mrs: What a nice name with great meaning.

RT: Cute pic!

Dreamer: Thanks for the info on daycare sickness and the water reminder. I am actually drinking a TON of water so I don't think that is the issue.

Charbie: Yay for making a decision about the care for the little one. I am sure you will feel relieved knowing that the baby will be with family. Good luck with the anatomy scan. Any thoughts for boy or girl before the big reveal?

Basil: I do see that cute little bump now. In the past week or so I have been told I have popped as well. It is so interesting how everyone carries so differently. We are super excited about the B-ready, but we are not ready to even think about #2 just yet...

Blen: Thanks for the info about the BH and the car seat. That is scary about the accident, but I am assuming it held up fairly well?

AFM: I saw my doc today and we discussed the BH and she sent me for an u/s just to check my cervical length. Luckily, it is still 4+ cm which is SUPER reassuring and puts the risk of preterm labor pretty low. She suggested trying to take it easy as much as I can, and said it is ok to intermittently take ibuprofen when I am on call up until 32 weeks. It was fun to see the baby today, and she is measuring right on track too, about 1 lb 8 ounces! Guess the catching up on weight gain is helping since I am now up a total of 10 lbs which I feel pretty good about. Back to resting on the couch.

:wavey: to all I missed
Congratulations Skippy! Love the names, I hope their NICU stay is short and they will be home with you soon!
Skippy, congratulations on the birth of your precious sons! :appl: I hope they will grow quickly so you can take them home. I guess we aren't preggo twins anymore. I had a feeling you would go before our EDD, but not quite this soon. It is good that you were so on the ball with getting the house ready early. I can't wait to see pictures.
modernsparkler|1303345210|2901399 said:
Skippy: Congrats! Hope the little men grow quickly and can come home soon!

Kay: Sorry about the RUDE comment. I cannot believe another pregnant woman could be so insensitive! As for the BH, most docs say to call if you have having more than 4/hour. They can usually be felt sooner in subsequent pregnancies. If you are worried, call your doc and they can always check a cervical length which is very reassuring.

AFM: I saw my doc today and we discussed the BH and she sent me for an u/s just to check my cervical length. Luckily, it is still 4+ cm which is SUPER reassuring and puts the risk of preterm labor pretty low. She suggested trying to take it easy as much as I can, and said it is ok to intermittently take ibuprofen when I am on call up until 32 weeks. It was fun to see the baby today, and she is measuring right on track too, about 1 lb 8 ounces! Guess the catching up on weight gain is helping since I am now up a total of 10 lbs which I feel pretty good about. Back to resting on the couch.

:wavey: to all I missed

I was having way more BH than 4 per hour on Sunday, but then they calmed down. I have a Dr appointment scheduled for 4/27, and they are supposed to do a US to check the placenta position. If the frequency goes up again before that appointment, I'll call; otherwise, I will discuss at the appointment and ask that they check cervical length. With certain sensations, I am now having trouble distinguishing whether it is baby movements or mild contractions. She seems to kick in response to the contractions -- for an hour or so on Sunday it felt like almost constant movement between the two -- I was sore!
Skippy!!!! Congratulations! You sound over the moon. I hope that their NICU stay is short and sweet.

Kay - I can't believe she said that! Some people. I have also heard that BH start earlier on subsequent pregnancies, or at least that women are more likely to notice them.

ModernSparkler - Glad to hear that your cervix is doing okay there! And the carseat held up fine, as did George. I don't think George actually knew we were in an accident. Phew!

Cupcake - I hope that she is here soon!

Puffy - Aw, Alyssa's cheeks are adorable! And the rest of her is, too. :bigsmile:

I asked my mom about the calories thing, as she was a registered dietician and worked as such in a hospital until I was born, so I thought she might have some insight, and man she hasn't kept up with what's recommended. She thinks I am eating too much, that the ~1 lb a week suggestion at this stage is ridiculous as that means I could be up by 23 POUNDS at the END!!! and says that she has a friend who recently gave birth to a perfectly healthy child and only gained 5 lbs. Um, moving on to asking the midwife next week... I mean, I love my mom and all, but... :lol:

I popped yesterday. I looked in the mirror in the morning and looked the same as I had looked, and then one of my coworkers told me mid-day that I'd gotten bigger, which I thought was kind of rude until I looked in a mirror and I had. And I hadn't eaten a ton, and it hasn't gone down. So
Yay Skippy! Congratulations!!! Hope you can take them home soon! Enjoy your little men!
Oh Skippy so thrilled for you. Your boys will be home soon. Congrats Momma. You did a great job. I only wished I lived closer so I could lend a hand or two.. xxooo

Oh MIss Skippy--how thrilling! Love and growing vibes across the miles (km's heheheee)

Hello ladies,

Wow, another baby boom around here! Congrats to Tuckins and Skippy on the arrival of their little ones.

Sarahbear - Well, at least your DH is only on TDY right now versus deployment. My DH is not in the military anymore (was Army) but is a contractor now, so his deployments are usually shorter. He isn't in line for any deployments with this contract, but as we are moving down to MacDill on a different contract, there is that lingering possibility... :blackeye: Have you guys been at Bragg long? I haven't been down there, but DH has a few times. I am looking forward to FL though :bigsmile: So, do you have to deliver at the military hospital or do you get to pick your own Dr. and hospital?

Charbie - Aw, so cute with all the little babies. I can't help but oogle them too. I think the family baby care will be a good move. And you are right, if it doesn't work out, you can always find some alternative care options. I :love: both the girl names. I have a friend with a little girl named Aubrey, and its such a pretty name. Good luck on your scan next week!

Skippy - Congrats on the arrival of Evan and Miles! I know they came a bit earlier than you would have liked, but glad to hear everyone is ok. It must have been Baby A wanting to race down to the exit, lol. At least you got the baby shower wrapped up, and tbought the BOB and got the room set up before the boys decided to grace you with their presence. As for my whole moving thing, I am happy it's coming together too.

Tuckins - Congrats on Ethan's arrival. I hope he continues to do well in the NICU so he can go home with you soon! Glad to hear that he is starting to suckle and I love the fuzzy hair, hehe

Modern - Very cool on getting your Britax. We have it on our registry, and it looks like someone might have picked it up, but I haven't seen in yet. I just hope the registry is right b/c otherwise I will be bummed we missed out on that deal. I know it was more fun to watch the little one rocking and rolling in there, but I bet it's still fun to check in on her :bigsmile: Sorry about the long work days and the BH, but hopefully your schedule will ease up so the baby can relax in there.

Dreamer - Question on your pelvic pain; was it more evil crotch pain or more tailbone/pelvic pain? I think I am dealing with both (or either) and it kinda stinks. Oh well, small price to pay, right? Hopefully your little one will not crawl into that uncomfortable position so mommy will feel better. Your babymoon sounds really nice, especially the yummy food part. Congrats on passing the GD test and thanks for the food tips. I have to take my test in a couple weeks, and I will have to remember that.

Random - Sorry about the leaking, but hopefully your little one will keep baking in there.Too funny about the giant bean bag.

Kay - Yeah, I am really missing the family throughout this pregnancy and am glad that we will be able to move closer. 3000 miles is quite far away, indeed. We will be about 300 miles away, which is just perfect, not too close for random drive by's but close enough for them to come if there is some emergency, or we just want to visit for the weekend. Sorry for the BH and what a rude preggo! I hope her friend had the common sense to tell her she was being a B after they walked away... :x

Blen - We are here till the end of May and leaving before Memorial day. Let's definitely try to get together before then. Sorry for the round ligament pain, no fun. I can't comment too much on the lack of weight gain, but I'm sure your midwife can advise you the best thing to do, if anything.

Basil - Thanks for the praise. I think we have to do so much b/c we are moving and I won't get there till I am almost 7 months, so there is not much choice. As for the cars, we already have a CRV and my DH is planning on using this one, and he wants something with good MPG. So far we have narrowed it down to the Nissan Altima, Subaru Outback, Acura TSX, Toyota Camary and likely the Honda Accord. We will need to get that as soon as we land in FL though, since there is not exactly public transportation there, lol. Congrats on reaching the almost 3rd trimester mark and for passing your GD test. I don't have mine till 27 weeks, but I plan on taking your advice food wise. Very exciting on the new furniture! I'm sure it will look lovely. Speaking of lovely, I think the baby bump looks great and the furry baby is too cute!

Mrs - We are still trying to narrow down our car choices (see Basil's post), but hopefully we can narrow it down in the coming weeks. Sorry you are feeling big, but I'm sure everything will be ok. So glad to hear that DD is sleeping better. I bet you are happy too! As for the name, I think that is a really nice ode to the fathers.

Cupcake - Sorry that you are still baking, but hoepfully Lorelei will get the memo to come out soon. We are moving around Memorial Day, which could be a bit of an extra hassle, travel-wise, but hoepfully it will be ok. Yeah, that rest can be elusive, especially with work being bonkers lately, but I am trying to remember to chill a bit in the evening.

Puffy - OMG, those dimples are too cute! Congrats mama!

AFM - Just hanging in there. I will be 25 weeks manana, and I feel like I am getting really big now! Things have calmed down with the move, as most things are getting done now, but unfortunately work is a bit bonkers again. Oh well, so it goes. I did work like 11 hours yesterday, and realized that I had only got up to go potty once throughout the day and hadn't really moved from my desk the whole day. By the time I left, the baby was not happy and my whole tummy was tight. So, today, even though I had another 10+ hour day, I made sure to get up and walk around for about 30 minutes during the day and she was much happier that way. Anywho, I am super sleepy now, as it's late here, but I did want to give you all the proper attention :)) . I hope you all have a good day tomorrow and an even better weekend!
Congrats skippy!!!! Hope your boys get strong quickly so you can take them home!! I am thrilled for you. Take care of yourself!
Skippy, congratulations mamma!! WOW! I had no idea you would have the boys so soon. I'm so glad that they are well though and i hope you can bring them home soon. Love their names!

dcg, sorry to hear work has been so busy but glad all is well otherwise. Keep taking good care of yourself!

Blen, that's funny that you popped and your co-worker noticed! I'm glad you plan to ask your midwife - I'm sure your mom is right that some women CAN gain only 5 lbs and still deliver a healthy child, I don't think that's the norm! It's funny that she thinks gaining 23 lbs total is a lot!

modern, glad you're hangin in there with no change to your cervical length.

Kay, so sorry you're not getting enough sleep! I hope you can find a way to get some more before the baby arrives. That's interesting that you didn't have any BH contx last time but are having them this time. I can't believe that woman! I think I would have told her off! Hope you enjoyed your ice cream consolation :)

AFM: I had my dr's appointment today and found it so anticlimactic. I was so excited for my monthly appointments last time around - I always had so many questions. Now I just go in, get measured, hear the heart beat for a moment, and then leave with a thumbs up and "see you in a month..." I was surprised to learn I've only gained 2.5 lbs since my last check up so I'm up 14.5 lbs now at 24.5 weeks. I have my glucose test scheduled for my next visit - hopefully that goes well.

Thanks for the nice comments re: the name we've decided on!

Hugs, Mrs
Congrats Skippy!! I'll be thinking about you and your boys over the next few months. It's a hard road but I know you're one strong mama! Don't forget to take care of yourself too!
Skippy, I posted in Kaleigh's thread in Hangout, but I wanted to post here too. I'm SO happy for you! Congratulations!! :appl: :appl:
CONGRATULATIONS SKIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: Welcome to the world Miles and Evan!! :appl:
Skippy123|1303343665|2901361 said:
Evan and Miles were Born April 18th, 2:37am and 2:57am each 3 lbs 8 oz and 3lbs 5 ozs. '

They are beautiful baby boys and are in the NICU but doing well!! :love: Thank you Pricescope friends!!!! I am so Excited for all of you. I will be spending time in the NICU until they can go home and pumping for them so they can get strong. I just love them and my heart beams. My hubby's heart beams too; it is fabulous feeling and we feel so blessed. :love: :D :halo: I will update later. Take care mommas :wavey:

Skippy!!!!! Congrats!! I hope the little ones do well in the NICU and can come home sooner than later! Just love them up and enjoy every moment!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
PUFFY, she is so beautiful!!! Congrats!!!! :love: :love: :appl: :appl:

TUCKINS congratulations!!!!!! :appl: :appl:

Thank you all for the Congrats!!!! I am so HAPPY for all you MOMMAS, hugs and love to you all. In a few days I will try and write my birth story; it was super fast and I had them both vaginally within 20 mins of each other. I think the boys wanted a spin in the BOB like DCGator said so a few mins after I bought the BOB my water broke, more of the birth story later. hugs all :halo:
Skippy I am glad you popped in with a little update! I was wondering about the circumstances of the birth. I am glad you had a vaginal birth with both of them, that is really great for your recovery and any future kids you might want etc. I hope they are doing well and can't wait to learn more!
I was figuring it was vaginal because of the 20 minute difference in time between them....can't wait to read your birth story!!
Skippy - Glad you could pop in, and that you sound like you're in good spirits. Thinking of you and your family!

Mrs - I looked forward to monthly appointments last time more too. But I think this time I know better what to expect and don't have as many questions, so maybe that's part of it.


The baby was very active last night when we were watching TV, and I put DH's hand on my belly -- I've "felt" things from the outside at times this past week, but wasn't sure if that's just because I could also feel from the inside and knew that it was happening -- and after a few seconds DH started tapping my belly back after stronger kicks. Heehee. Guess that is a yes! That was at 19w2d, which is about when one of my friends was able to feel George for the first time. It took DH about two more weeks, as George did not want to cooperate.

I did a bunch of research on basal metabolic rates and calorie calculations and such, and Babyfit - despite knowing that I am pregnant, and my height and weight and activity level - evidently isn't even allowing me enough calories to maintain my non-preggo self plus exercise. No wonder! I'm upping my calorie intake by about 400-500 a day, and will take it back down some whenever I'm no longer able to exercise as much. I see my midwife on Tuesday, and so I'll discuss with her then just to verify that I did my calculations right.
Oh dear dear Skippy. Congratulations on the arrival of Miles and Evan. I adore the names and am so happy for you and your husband.
The boys are blessed to have you both.
All my love Kate xxx
Blen how many calories was it telling you to eat? From my experience with dieting over the years, I would guess a healthy maintenance would be at least 2200 being pregnant...


AFM home from another trip away this weekend. Still trucking along with nothing exciting to report! I am now 28w 4d, and in the third trimester already! I can't believe it. Time is flying!

Went a bought a little more maternity clothing this weekend. I had bought two skirts back at 10 weeks, but now they don't fit 8) How annoying. But I will get use out of them on the way "back down" again post baby.

So far no major pain or other issues. Last time I started having pain around 30 weeks and it got worse as time went on. Fingers crossed I make it past that date pain free this time! I mostly want to avoid the pain because I feel like having pain will suggest polyhydramnios again (for me the pain came from Hunter being balloted and floating against my pubic bone) and that is something I am hoping to avoid. It was a major reason why i was induced and since I want a natural labour, avoiding the poly will be a big step in the right direction. So no pain vibes will be helpful!
DD - Are you really that far along?! I hope that you make it as long as possible pain-free! I remember you had it pretty bad last time.

It was telling me to eat 2160-2460. I'm 5'11" and am still working out at a moderate intensity -- just making sure that I feel good and can hold a conversation) -- for 30-60 min a day, 6 days a week. The midwife today basically told me that she would stop counting calories, and just make sure that I eat when I am hungry and that I generally eat enough (to prevent consuming too little), and that most of my plates of food are about half veggies (to prevent consuming too much in general, and b/c veggies are good for me). This makes sense... I have also gained 4 lbs since Friday, and she says that she wouldn't pay that much attention to the scale as weight gain often happens in spurts anyway, so as long as I don't feel terribly hungry and am eating good food (incl. lots of veggies), she is happy.

I also had the anatomy ultrasound today and everything looked good with the baby! DH was supposed to come with me and couldn't, which was a bummer, but my mom came and then we ate out together. I have a little bit of "me" time now before I pick up G from daycare, which is also nice.