
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Its belly shot time! Ill show you me 5 weeks ago at 27.5 weeks, and me today, at 32.5 weeks. Im a beast.



Charbie - you look great! No beast there! I accidentally left my full length mirror behind in my move and haven't bothered to buy a new one, so I only glimpse my side view in store windows and such...believe me, it's scary! I'm sort of in the midwest as well and it is brutal. I don't only have cankles, but my ankles are bigger than my lower leg! So weird about your receptionist trying to get on bedrest or whatever. Don't people realize that stuff like that is what gives women/pregnant women a bad name? It makes me angry because I feel like it makes it tougher for the rest of us when we announce a pregnancy people feel like we are going to use it to get out of things. We have had a few of those in the past couple years where I work :angryfire:

JCarly - OMG, so scary about being hit by a truck, but so glad that you are ok.

PT - glad you're feeling well! Sorry about losing concentration. You will get used to driving a bigger car - I went from a VW Beetle to a Subaru Outback last year and in the first few months I hit 2 curbs and ruined 2 tires. And then told DH that I didn't do anything to the tires and it must just be that the tires were crappy :tongue: But now I'm used to it.

Mrs - wow, getting close, Mama! I forget, do you have a name picked out?

DC - yeah, it's good the baby wasn't born this week, since it's my birthday, my brother's anniversary, and my parent's anniversary. We are sort of hoping that he comes around his due date, since my cousin's daughter's birthday is 7/30/09...we could have joint b-day parties! I still don't think I am having any contractions - BH or otherwise. My belly nearly always feels hard, cause it's all stretched out and full of baby! And I never had menstrual cramps before either, so I don't really even know what that would feel like...But I figure if I'm not in pain, then I'm not in labor, so I don't really have to worry. So how did your appointment go? Hoping for some progress!

IHA - sorry to hear about the swelling and BP issues. Hopefully it will come down soon. It's tough to avoid swelling in this heat though!

Modern - update when you can! Hoping everything is going fantastic and you are loving your little girl right now!\

Anyway, I'm still working, and I'll be 39 weeks on Sunday. Can't believe it's this close! I go back and forth between being anxious about "what the heck do I do with a baby?" to excited to meet him and see what he looks like and what he'll be like. I have to admit I'm nervous about the labor part though. A few of my friends are having scheduled C-sections for various reasons and at this point it sounds like such a good idea. Admittedly, I'm more comfortable with surgery in general since I am a surgeon, but I don't think I should get myself in the position of hoping for that either! Got the carseat checked this week and forcing DH to go to get his TDaP shot this weekend. Those are the last big things on my list. We also have a date night planned for Saturday, which I'm psyched about. My ankles and fingers are huge, and I can only wear crocs. I am still throwing up every night around bedtime, and I can't really move around very well. But it's all par for the course, so I try not to complain too much. I'm just going to try to enjoy the time with my DH and my puppy while it lasts!
Gosh I know I'm feeling the heat in the northeast, I can't imagine what it s like for those of you in the midwest (aside from not pretty!) Pool party for everyone! :bigsmile:

Modern-Congrats! Welcome to the world LO, here's to cooler temps on your birthday in the future. Hope you are doing well. The butterfly room scheme is super sweet.

Dreamer-as someone w/o kids yet your stories aren't scary as much as fascinating. Thanks for sharing what it's like to be a momma to two ages and stages at once.

Basil-You sound eternally cheerful as you reach the final leg of this pregnancy, hooray for you! It's neat to hear your perspective as a surgeon sneaking in on you for the "understood" parts of birth. It's so hard to imagine one's ankles swelling the way you describe it. I hope you have a pool or cool tub to soak in and maybe push some of that fluid back up. I hope the end of term vomiting stays minimal for you.

Charbie-You look fantastic! what an adorable baby bump. And what exactly IS stopping you from hanging around in the A/C sipping a cool drink all day? Sounds totally reasonable to me.

JCarly-I'm so glad to hear that despite the circumstances you ad the baby are doing well.

RMFA-Congrats on moving out of the first trimester! Feeling surprised to find the first 12w felt so long, but now I can hardly believe I'm at the midway point at 20w! Glad to hear that everything went well with the NT.

IHA: Blah to the BP! How are you feeling these days? Glad you had fun celebrating and being celebrated at your shower. How strange people can be about registries, I had a friend who just recently had a LO and for some reason I was the only one at the shower who bought off the registry. Instead of the various things they needed, they received at least 6 baby blankets, and winter clothes. She and I were joking they must have been worried they were planning to freeze their child through the summer months.

PT-Try to remember to laugh when these things happen. (baby brain) I do feel a little self-conscious of not wanting to give pregnant women a bum wrap on brain skills, especially since I've heard it turns out that pregnancy hormones actually makes us smarter :o but I'm equally guilty of what my DH calls "the fetus ate your brain again?" events.

DC-Maybe if you ask Sophia nicely (PS: Love that name!) she will get with the program on choosing to help be born with the doc you like. It sounds like you are really on top of everything and have made all the arrangements that need to be made for her arrival. Very exciting! Sorry about those little stretch marks, luckily they've been few for you. Not too much longer to go!

AFM-I'm clearly a PS slacker when it comes to keeping up with this list! But the good news is the hyperemesis (extreme vomiting) has seemed to pass. I've been able to cut my medication dose in half, and have now passed my pre-pregnancy weight by a few lbs. Of course now my grandmother has switched gears from worrying about my loosing weight, to warning me against gaining too much weight :rolleyes: I take it with a grain of salt. I'm thrilled to know my baby is growing well and just the right size for 20 weeks. We had our anatomy scan this morning and learned that we are on team PINK! We're thrilled to pieces start planning for a daughter. I can't believe how the time feels like it is flying now. Despite the heat, it doesn't feel like the fall is that far off and other than great prenatal care-we haven't done any other preparation. I take it back, I've been on a cleaning/decluttering buzz that is necessary to make room for introducing a third person to our lives.
mayachel Thanks! Maybe I can scare you with my birth story then ;)) I'm making sure to include all the good stuff, like the vomiting and screaming "Oh it burns!" hee hee.
Mrs|1310502235|2967473 said:
Dreamer_D said:
janinegirly|1310069574|2964074 said:
DD: sounds like you are doing well! I hope I'm not early, if LO shows up 3 wks early we will have 2bdays and an anniversary on the same day/week!

That would be a busy week! And I don't want to scare you and Mrs but a newborn and a toddler is crazy town! Honestly, the newborn is by far the easier creature to manage. Mrs Hunter has been a maniac of late as well. He still insists on waking up around 5am, which is ungodly. Thank goodness for daycare. I don't know what I am going to do when DH goes back to work tomorrow. When Ryder has a good day and sleeps all is well. When he has a day like yesterday and wants to nurse 24 hours in a row and be held to sleep... this is me :errrr: Add a pinch of guilt about not enough time to spend with my older child and woo hoo, fun times ::)

Dreamer, I'm not at all surprised to hear that Ryder is the easy one but I am sorry it's been so crazy for you!! The 5AM wake up is no fun! Sage has been sleeping a little longer the last couple of days but she's been struggling to fall asleep at night. Naps have been rough lately too.... I wish I could get her on a sleep schedule that's reasonably reliable before #2 gets here since she is so much more difficult when she's tired. We'll see. I'm so glad you decided to keep Hunter in daycare - I had thought it would be better to wait to get Sage in pre-school since I worried about germs and the new baby but now, I kinda wish I had started her already so that the newborn and I would have some alone time together. Oh well - you know what they say about hindsight Hang in there and keep us updated please :)) We'll be sending you good vibrations tomorrow when your DH is back at work!

Mrs and janine The good news is it is getting easier ;)) We seem to have gotten a handle on Hunter's sleep stuff. Ryder is still a newborn and my whole life is nursing it feels like, but that is ok too. I am watching "True Blood" season 3 on video. I hope the sound of sex and death does not scar him on a subconscious level. As for germs, if the new baby is breastfed is getting lots of antibodies so get Sage in daycare now and spare your sanity 8)
DD: great to hear from you and good news on the sleep schedule settling! LOL on True Blood, my favorite was catching up on the reality trash (Real Housewives, Millionaire Matchmaker) so I suppose that is something to look forward to during those late hours.

Mrs/Modern: updates please, how are you ladies?! Mrs: I hear you on mourning the little freedom we gained from toddlerhood that is about to be lost again! Sometimes I think I must like having the challenge, lol. Glad you got Bridesmaids with the girls in... DH and I saw that (first movie in years) and I loved it.

Charbie: lookin' good!!

DC Gator and Basil: you are so close!!!! eeek

AFM: passed my sugar test, so big phew on that. In the process of switching drs b/c my current one is in the city I work in (very convenient for appts) and used to live in, but my new one is in the town we now live in. Watch me now go into labor at work! My old/current doctor got a sense something was up when I requested file transfer forms and called me personally (that never happens). Sorry lady, gotta do what I gotta do! I am up alot weigh wise (not as good as Mrs!) and stomach is growing like mad, so I think this one might be bigger, hope that doesn't mean earlier though.
Soooo....where's DC??? Hoping that no news is good news for her? :bigsmile:

Anyway, I'm still here. 39 weeks today - nothing happening that I can tell! I have another appointment tomorrow so we'll see what she says.

I'm now stressing about our name choices. It's dumb...but I think the baby names you hate thread affected me a little bit too much. Even though our first choice name, Hayden, wasn't mentioned, I am now worried that people hate it by association with Braden/Kaden/Jayden/etc. And worried that people will be confused what his name is when he says it. DH told someone about our name choices and they said something to indicate they thought he said "Aiden"...But then again we really like the sound of it, and prefer it over our other choice, Adam. And I'm wishing I could name him Adrian but DH really doesn't like it. Ugh, I already feel like I'm ruining my kid for life!
Noooo basil, don't worry! It has to be a name that you can actually see calling your son!! Hayden is a great, classic name. I don't lump it in with the other -ayden -aiden -aden names at all, personally. Don't let that thread steer you away from a name you really love! A few of my most favorite names are on some peoples hate list too, but I'm not letting that that stop me from considering them for my little one. :))

When it comes right down to it, there are very few names that I can see actually using for my child. While I am doing my best at looking at how our initials play out, thinking of possible awful nicknames, etc, and generally attempting to give my kid a strong, relatively normal name, what it boils down to is that it's going to be a name we love, and damn anyone who disagrees!
Agree with KatyWI! Don't give the thread a second thought Basil. It's purely personal opinion of what one would/might name their own child. Not that the names listed are universally hated. Hayden is a fantastic, strong sounding name and IS different from the ubber popular Aidan bandwagon.
Basil, it's a name you and your DH love. What difference does it make? If you can see your LO with that name, everyone else's opinions likes/dislikes doesn't matter.
Basil, don't worry at all! I personally think Hayden is a great name and wouldn't confuse it with the others but even if so, who cares? Ultimately these opinions are outside your immediate circle so shouldn't even affect you! 5 years from now they'll be hating on all the unique names people are choosing now. I think Hayden is a great choice you 2 have made (which is what counts most), but of course my opinion shouldn't matter at all! Congrats on 39 weeks, yipee!!
Janie, Mayachel, Liang, Katy - thank you so much! I feel much better now. I think I'm just freaking out and hormonal a bit. Of course, Hayden is a fine name. And it's one of the few names that sounds ok with our middle and last names.

Anyway, the doctor said today I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced...which is good, I think! That's up from fingertip and soft last week. She said the baby still has a ways to drop though. So I'm thinking that at least progress is something and hopefully baby will get serious about getting going in the next 2 weeks and I won't have to be induced.

How's everyone else doing??
Yay for Monday being about over...and for basil being 39+1 and 1 cm dialated...wooohooo lady!

Dc: yooohooo?! Come out come out wherever you are....;) gosh I hope I was right and little Sophia decided that her time to come out and play was after your appointment last week! That would be so exciting! Hope you're doing well with whatever is going on!

Mayachel: well, I've been doing my best to lay around as much as possible. We just moved into a new house 5 weeks ago, tho, and so much still has to be done. Note to everyone: do your best to avoid moving anywhere remotely close to the 3rd trimester. It sucks, and I feel like either a worthless bum or like im going to pass out after doing to much work. :knockout: thanks for the belly love...some days I just feel like a blimp.

Basil: oooo lady! Did the doctor assume the baby is head down? I bet you have a quick and easy labor...1 cm down, only 9 to go! As I said before, I love the name Hayden. DH has a cousin who named his son Hayden, and I think it suits him so well. He is a very intelligent, bright, and his mom said they don't know any other Haydens :) definitely not as "cutesy" as the other -ayden names. I also really. Like the name Greyson and Greydon as alternatives.

Janine: I hope all goes well with the doc switch. Its nice your old doc was understanding. And im sure that sort of thing happens all the time. Yay for passing the GD test! Thanks for the belly compliment!

AFM: 33 weeks today. had baby basics class and BF class tonight, cpr is weds, and next saturday is all day lamaze class. I feel more confident in BFing knowing the support systems out there and options. It made me feel like im empowered to know some tricks of the trade to try and have a more successful go at it. Sadly, I feel like you really need to be your own advocate so people don't just take the easy way out and have you switch to formula or bottle feeds just bc it doesn't work in 24 hrs. I sort of feel the same way when it comes to birth too. Too many people I know have had a c/s simply bc they were toldthe baby is too big, or not progressing before even starting an induction. Its crazy that 25% of births are done via c/s thank you! My house has too many stairs to get myself limited to climbing them for a week pp!
I have a dr appt tomorrow, we shall see how the weight gain is coming along. Per my scale I've stayed steady again. Im also out of breath constantly and these jabs to the ribs are quite uncomfortable. Is it terrible that im looking forward to her losing out on the comfy room this babys got in her belly hotel so she can't kick as much/hard over the next few weeks?
Hello ladies,

Sorry to get everyone's hopes up, but I am still here :rolleyes: Work has just been really busy, so I haven't had much time to chat. In any event, Sophia has decided to be stubborn and basically didn't move at all, except for maybe going from a -2 to a -1 head station. Otherwise, cervix was still 50% effaced and no dialation. Boo. Oh well, looks like she may be as stubborn as mommy or even daddy. :lol:

Modern - I image you have your hands full with your little girl right now, but if you get a chance, we would all love to see her! Either way, take care and we look forward to seeing you both in the NB thread.

Mrs - Omg, you get induced tomorrow, right? If we don't hear from you before then, good luck and please let us know how it goes! Btw, I love the Bridesmaid movie too, pretty funny. And I can only imagine that it seems pretty overwhelming to have a second one coming now, but I'm sure once your new LO gets here, you will quickly remember how wonderful mommyhood is.

Jcarly - So how did the other ultrasound go? Did you get to see your little girl swimming around in there? I am really sorry about hubs having to see all that, but like you said, it really makes you appreciate how much you love someone. How about you, are you feeling any better? Hopefully that cold has finally left you alone? As for the moving part, yeah, it's not super fun, but if it will save you some $ for the LO, then its pretty hard to argue. Good luck with that

Parrot - Oops on the paperwork and car. And no, it's not a myth, preggo brain totally exists. I will find myself walking into a room sometimes and completely forget what I was there for. Ugh, I hate being brainless, lol. So how are you little twins doing? With all this screening, are you going to find out the sex of the LO's or are you just going for the surprise? Speaking of, how did all the screening go?

Charbie - Nope, no such luck with the dropping thing, but perhaps she has made some more movement this past week. As for the stretch marks, I REALLY hope since they popped up late, they won't stick around for the long term, but I guess we shall see. Glad to hear your's are small and I hope they stay that way for you! Yes, the breathing thing can be tough later in the third. Just hang in there girlie and eventually she will drop down a bit and give you some much needed relief. Thanks for asking about the mommy time. It was really nice to hang with her and it is kinda crazy that I will be a mommy to my own little girl soon. Where does time go? Btw, I love the baby belly. Keep baking mama!

Basil - Alas, no progress with my little one, but it sounds like you are making some good progress my dear. Hopefully that means your little one will be coming on/before your DD! Fingers crossed for you hun :naughty: That would be really cool indeed to share a b-day with a cousin. As for the contractions, I am jealous on the no cramps thing, but you are right, they say you will know when you are having them, so I think you are ok. Regarding the name choice, I really like Hayden too, and I wouldn't put too much weight into that other thread. In fact, I am just kinda avoiding that one, b/c I don't want to know. I am happy with my choice and have my reasons for naming my little girl that way, so who cares whatever people think. So how did you date night go on Saturday? What did you guys do? As for your swollen ankles/fingers and the throwing up each night, that just sucks! In that case, I really hope that your little man hurries up and makes his arrival so you won't have to suffer through that much longer.

Mayachel - Congrats on joining Team Pink! Yeah for little girls :saint: Hehe, I will have to try that asking nicely thing since Sophia is proving a bit difficult. I'll let you know how that goes :tongue: Well, unfortunately, I now have stretch marks covering the lower half of my belly, but perhaps these won't be the stick around forever type, since I have only gotten them in the last week or two. We shall see though. As for your hypermesis, I am so glad to hear that it has been letting up and you can now hold stuff down. I bet you are so relieved to feel somewhat normal again. And don't worry too much about granny. As long as your doctor is happy, then do as the penguins (from Madagascar) say, "just smile and wave boys, smile and wave..." :lol:

Janine - Congrats on passing your sugar test. Good luck with the doctor switch. I had to do it late pregnancy too, and it's not so bad. Just be prepared for them to do a whole work up when you get there. Ah, don't worry to much about the weight. Like I said to Mayachel, as long as your doc isn't worried, I wouldn't be either. As for the whole concept of being close, I have discovered that is a relative term, lol. It's all up to Miss Sophia, and man is she taking advanatge of that. I will say one thing though, she can't fight her induction date, should it come to that. :naughty:

AFM - Still here. I will be 39 weeks on Thursday, but have my doctor's appt a day early this week, so I get to find out how Miss Sophia is coming along tomorrow. I will try to be better an report back earlier than I did this week :oops: I can see (and people keep telling me) how much Sophia has dropped or how low I am carrying, so she better be on her way down. I have resorted to telling her to start making her way down, but apparently she is not listening right now. In the meantime, I am keeping up with the walks and hoping she finally gets the memo. Btw, for the BTDT moms, is there any truth to all these old wives tales about how to make labor come, ie having sex, taking castor oil, etc? Is she still hasn't made progress by tomorrow, I might get a bit desparate. Otherwise, I am trying to finish up my oodles of work this week, as it is my last week for a couple months. It's kinda crazy to think about, since work just seems like part of life right now, but I imagine I will have PLENTY to do once Sophia arrives.
Anywho, I do need to get on that work now, so I will be heading off now. Good luck again to Mrs and Basil, and hopefully we will have some new little ones to welcome in the coming days :bigsmile:
DCG - Here's to hoping Sophia makes her way down SOON! I'm only 16 weeks along, and some days my belly already feels uncomfortably heavy. I'll occasionally hold it up on the longer walks with our dog. As for the screening, the NT scan itself came back fine (they wanted the fluid measurement to be under 3, and both babies were at about 1.4), but the first trimester blood work came back lower than desired for PAPP A, which caused me to screen positive for Downs. It's very unlikely that either twin has it, but I went in for the 2nd trimester blood test last week (because of the positioning of the placentas, the doctor was unable to perform a CVS). Hopefully I screen negative this time, but if not, we'll be going in for an amnio. We definitely want to find out genders. Assuming we don't need an amnio, we go in for the 20 week anatomy scan on DH's birthday. Can't wait!
Can you guys tell that I'm not busy at work anymore? My techs didn't want to get stuck cancelling a bunch of stuff if I went early (even though I told them I wasn't going to) and so they cut my schedule. I'm so bored!

Parrot - yeay for the good NT measurements! Have they told you how the scan compares to the bloodwork in affecting the probability? Does the fact you're having twins affect the bloodwork? Hoping you won't need amnio...

DC - well, sorry to see you back here, I guess! But glad that everything is going well and it's just little Sophia being stubborn. The doctor made a comment to me yesterday when she was measuring the HB that "you have a very happy baby in there" and I was thinking "yeah, no kidding - he's TOO happy!". Sounds like Sophia is feeling the same. I do the same thing in talking to my baby...sometimes he stretches and kicks me in the ribs/stomach and punches me in the bladder all at the same time, and I tell him that if he really wants to stretch that much, he'd be better off just coming on out! Date night was super fun - thanks for asking! We went to a cool asian-fusion type of place and then ran into some friends of mine...They had these enormous sushi bowl things and I was so tempted. I mean, what can happen now? I get sick and go into labor? :naughty: But I figured I could splurge afterwards when I wouldn't be stuck seeing it come back up :rolleyes:

I know what you mean by not really understanding the concept that at some point in the very near future I won't be at work anymore! Even though my schedule is pretty light right now, it's so weird to think about not getting up and going in to work in the morning. I''m working on cleaning off my desk today though, so hopefully I'll be somewhat prepared.

Charbie - Yeah, the docs have been always pretty sure he is head down and I have too. Too many sharp kicks to the ribs to deny it! That's great you are taking all those classes, I'm sure that makes you feel prepared. Sometimes I wonder if I should have done more of those. That's great on no weight gain!

Mrs - I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck, mama!!

Anyway, any other people getting really invasive questions from people these days? I have had like 6 people ask me what the results were at my doctor's appointment yesterday...And I just don't really want to share the condition of my cervix with my colleagues, you know? DH totally bursted my bubble on the 1cm of dilation after he got home last night. He said he didn't think there was any difference between the width of a fingertip and 1cm, and how could they really measure it anyway - they were probably just guessing :rolleyes: Jerk. I told him that just cause he was incompetent as a med student and couldn't do it doesn't mean an ob with years and years of experience doesn't know what she's talking about. I know it doesn't really matter and it's not necessarily predictive, but just let me think that maybe this baby will come out sometime soon! He was teasing me and said that if I dilate 1 cm per week, it will be another 9 weeks...Boo! Then he told me that he went to the store and bought 2 bottles of champagne so he thinks he's all prepared for the birth now :lol:

Has anyone discussed with their parents/in-laws what they want their grandparent name to be? This is the first grandchild on both sides. I asked my mom and she was thinking about Nana or Nonna. My dad has no clue. I assume my in-laws will want to be called the Chinese words, but DH says he doesn't remember what those are.
Hi All! Thanks for all of the well wishes. It has been one crazy but incredible week. Stella Lorraine arrived last Wednesday July 20th at 3:48 pm after my water broke at 1:15 pm on Tuesday just 2 days shy of term at 36 weeks 5 days. She weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and was 18.5 inches long. It was a long labor that ended up with a c-section but both of us are doing well. I will post a full birth story later, but I wanted to get a few pics up while baby is napping. Taking care of a newborn is far harder than I ever imagined but so rewarding and DH has been amazing since the recovery from the c-section has been slow.

Hope all of you are well. Happy Baking and good luck to DC and Basil up next!

eyes open.jpg

dark hair.jpg

home in carseat.jpg
Congratulations, Modern!!! Stella is so gorgeous. I just love her little pink flower hat!! Rest up, take it easy, and I hope your recovery goes well.

Can I say again that I am jealous? =)
Congrats Modern! Stella is beautiful! :appl:
Oh, Modern!! She is so gorgeous!! :love: :love: :love: I hope your recovery picks up speed and you feel better soon!!
congrats modern!!! she is beautiful!!!!!!

Basil- hang in there. When I was pregnant with my son I was 3 cm at my examine and 2 days later my water broke so you just never know.

AFM- The summer heat is really starting to make me not want to ever leave my house. I'm almost in the 3rd tri and I definitely feel it as morning sickness as come back with vegence. On a side note my beautiful baby boy turned 1 year old on the 19th so he is now a TODDLER!!! He started to say mama the week before and on sunday he took his first steps. I'm such a proud mama these days. He makes me so happy.
Congrats Modern! She is lovely. It gets easier, every week, just repeat: "This too shall pass!" That is my mantra ;)) I can't believe that my so nwas about 2.5lbs bigger than your daughter, born about the same time: 37 weeks exactly!! :o
Modern, congrats! Stella is such a cutie. The going home pic makes me nostalgic. :bigsmile:
Modern, congrats mama! Stella is adorable! I'm sorry to hear your L&D were difficult and ended in a C but I'm glad you both are well!

Sarah, sorry to hear the summer is getting to you but yay for almost being in the 3rd tri! And yay for 1st steps and words!!

Basil, sorry you're bored at work but try to relish it since you won't be "bored" again for a while once your little boy gets here! I'm glad you're feeling better about the name Hayden - I think it's a great name! I hope your cervix continues to cooperate and he gets here soon for you. Thanks for the well wishes!

dcg, yes, tomorrow is my c-section! I'm so excited! re: getting labor started, I have no idea if any of the do it yourself methods work since I had a scheduled c the first time and have one again this time. I hope you find something that works soon though! good luck getting all your work done. I hope Sophia arrives soon!

charbie, sounds like you're getting ready! I hope the next 7 weeks fly by for you!

janine, yay for passing your glucose test! That's funny that your old dr called you personally! I switched drs this time around for convenience too and I'm glad I did. Thanks for asking about me - I'm well but will be even better tomorrow afternoon when my little one is here in my arms!

hi to everyone else!!

AFM: my mom got here yesterday and has been a huge help getting the last bits and pieces together before the baby gets here. DD is rather clingy which is to be expected but I'm hoping she does okay once he's here... We met my friend's 2 day old baby yesterday and DD was not happy about me holding the baby.... oh well - I guess she'll get used to it soon enough!

My carpal tunnel is worse than ever and I cannot sleep - was up for 3 hours last night.... Other than that though, I really can't complain. The surgery is scheduled for 2PM pacific tomorrow so please send good vibes!

I'll post when I can :-)

Modern! She is just toooooo cute! Congrats lady! I hope your recovery goes smoothly,, and I look forward to hearing your birth story once things settle down. Enjoy your 1 week old little Stella!

Mrs.- sending you lots of good vibes as you go in to give birth today! Ahhhh! So exciting! Take care of yourself, and all the best to your new family of 4!
Modern: congratulations and I love the little beanie on Stella!

Mrs: just one more day,eek! Keep me posted on how your DD handles those first few weeks. I'm getting nervous b/c DD is only wanting me to get her ready at night and gives DH a hard time (and he's too much of a softie to ger her into line,haha) I keep wondering how it''ll all flow once LO is here! You sound prepared though and in a way are so lucky to know the date he will be here!!
Oh and my dr. called me but honestly it seemed more like she was annoyed that I might switch - well not everything is a business and I need to do what makes sense for me! But again, I hope I didn't jinx myself and will now go into labor at work!
Congratulations Modern! She's absolutely beautiful. Remember to go easy on yourself as the recovery post cesarean birthing is not easy from what I've heard.

Basil-You had me rolling off the couch laughing at your response to your DH. Mostly because BTDT, especially when one is new to evaluating cervical changes it can seem like frustrating guess work. STILL it is change and change happens in so many ways throughout pregnancy. Some that are clearly measurable, and some that are not. The body has lots to do to get ready for your son to be born. 1/2 cm difference is one bit of change that's already taken care of.

We brought up what the grandparents want to be called during the first conversation announcing our pregnancy. As of now, we have two grandpa's, a mormor (Danish for grandmother), a savta (Hebrew for grandmother) and my step-mother-in-law will likely be grandma, but mostly from a we let her know no one else was using it, so she can still consider what she'd like to be called.

Mrs-Wishing you all the best as you prepare for the new addition in your family. Good luck tomorrow! Hopefully the carpal tunnel will resolve quickly once the baby is born.

Sarah What a milestone celebrating that 1st birthday must have been. Helps keep the nausea/fatigue/general uncomfortablness in perspective though doesn't it?

Charbie It sounds like you are crossing all your "t's" and dotting your "i's". I completely agree about needing to be your own best advocate when it comes to all things health care related. Luckily (or overwhelmingly) there is so much accessible information on pregnancy and birth. Someone wisely (imo) recommended going to a la leche meeting before the baby is born, just as a way to meet the leader and other women so that it is easier to reach out and know where to go if there are questions are problems early on after the baby arrives.

DCG-Onwards! You are almost at the end. Take heart at that she is getting lower. She can't stay in forever right? The main advice I've heard about the walks is remember to keep drinking fluid, and don't wear yourself out- in other words, remember to take naps or go to bed at a reasonable hour so that if you were walking 6 miles one day and then suddenly labor starts that night you aren't flat out exhausted and dehydrated. The intimate time with your partner is good for helping the cervix soften, and can also be achieved with pricking evening primrose capsules and placing waay back towards the cervix.

Parrot-I'm not to far out ahead of you at almost 21w but I completely empathize about the belly already feeling tender and full and heavy. Luckily right around 17-18 weeks I will say for me anyway, it started to feel a little more integrated and normal. I'm sure it's a passing phase like everything in pregnancy, but I just wanted to agree that I was surprised that I felt so much shifting and changing for what seemed like early on to me.

AFM-I've been getting myself up and out to yoga classes here and there which feels great. Also, since finding out we are on team pink, I've been making name lists and pouring through name archives on-line like a woman possessed. It is so much fun to think of who she might be and daunting all the same to feel responsible for choosing a "the right name". I've also been on a cleaning frenzy like I don't ever recall. All I want to do is get rid of clutter and keep surfaces clear. I'm also only working sporadically these days, so cleaning makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something/holding my own in the relationship by the end of the day.
Hey Ladies,

Unfortunately, no news here. Sophia is proving to be quite the stubborn one already (lucky mommy) and after starting to make her way down two weeks ago, she thought "nah, this is good, I'll just stop here." She has made absolutely no progress in the past week :evil: In any event, let me catch up with everybody else.

Modern - Oh, what a cutie you have there. Stella is so tiny and precious :saint: I am sorry that you had such a long labor and eventual c-section, but we will wait to hear your whole birth story when you get a free minute or two. In the meantime, take care of you and that little one and keep up the steady recovery.

Parrot - Ah, sounds like the fun is beginning already, but I imagine with two in there, you probably already do feel heavy. The holding up the belly thing does feel better, and I will do it too sometimes. I'm glad to hear the scan went well on the twinnines, but I wouldn't worry to much about the B/W, as I have also heard that 2 babies can throw the numbers off as well. As for the genders, only a couple more weeks, how exciting!

Basil - Sorry you are bored at work and boo on your techs for canceling your appts. Oh well, more time for PS and other stuff, right? Ugh, what's with these stubborn kids, eh? We really need to get them moving, lol. I think we both may be in for it, :wink2: So when do you finish working again, this week, right? I am supposed to finish tomorrow, but my boss is already asking if I will work until the baby comes. I am going back and forth on it, but I figure I will at least work some of the coming week (or two, God help me). We'll see how that goes though. As for the date night, it sounds like fun. Ugh on the sushi. I sooooo want some too, but am just bidding my time till Sophia gets here and I will go sushi crazy! I already found out where the best place in the city for sushi is and have directed my DH to bring me some as I am recovering in the hospital. Speaking of DH's, I totally would have hit mine had he told me that about dialation :knockout: And I think your Dr. knows best, so good answer indeed. I still have my fingers crossed that your little one will be more cooperative than mine. As for the grandparent name thing, since we have 4 sets, I think the baby will have to be creative. Besides, most have just said they can call them whatever they want, so that helps.

Sarahbear - Sorry for the oppresive heat and the return of m/s. How awful! I can imagine where you are, there is not much breeze going on either. Can you maybe find some kinda pool or even a kitty pool for you and your little boy to cool off in? Congrats on him turning 1 too, how cool!

Mrs - I hope that you are holding your little girl right now and that everything went smoothly yesterday. Please do give us an update/pictures when you get a chance. Glad to hear mom is there to help out. Hopefully your DD will welcome her new sis with open arms!

Mayachel - Goodness gracious girl, you give me way too much credit on the walking thing, lol. I only walk between 1-2 miles at a time, but that being said, maybe I need to step it up a bit. Hmm, I might have to try the evening primrose method. I have heard of it before. I know on another read I peek in on, there is a MASSIVE thread about castor oil, but most people just end up having to go #2 and with contractions that putter out after a couple hours, so I think I will skip that. I remember a while back some people were talking about cooking some particular cookies or something, so I may have to try that one, lol. The intimate time could be a little tricky b/c it's so uncomfortable and it kinda freaks my DH out at this point, but desparate times call for desparate measures :naughty: . As for the cleaning, it's called nesting, and it's totally natural. Note to self, it gets worse, especially when it comes to setting up the nursery, lol. :rolleyes:

AFM - Hanging in there. Clocking in at 39 weeks and my stubborn little girl has stopped progressing. Oh well, so it goes. My doc is now focusing in on my induction date (8/11), though I will see her next week on Monday to see if there is any more progress. Otherwise, I have an appt the following Wed (8/10) to decide whether I will go into the hospital that night for cervical softening or go in on the 11th and just get my pitocin. We shall see. In the meantime, DH and I plan on going to dinner tomorrow and a movie on Saturday to try to keep my mind off of this waiting stuff. I was also supposed to stop working tomorrow, but my boss really wants me to keep working, so I likely will.
Oh, and this is quite amazing: one of my gf's in DC is pregnant with triplets (via IVF with ICSI) and she is still pregnant at 35 weeks! I think that may be some kind of medical record or something, and all her doctors are amazed she has gone this long. In any event, they are going in on Monday to discuss her c-section scheduling, but I thought that was crazy. It also makes me feel not so bad for having to carry just the one. I can't imagine having three babies at 35 weeks inside, eek! :o .
Well, if I don't get a chance to post before the weekend, I hope you all have a great one and I send my labor dust to Ms Basil and her little boy. :bigsmile:
Hello all!

DC - how're you doing? Sorry to hear of Sophia refusing to move it along. That's interesting that your doctor has started to talk about induction already. Maybe they just want to be ready? I guess it's nice to have an absolute end date in mind though. I technically finished work yesterday - but I will probably go in next week if nothing happens today or tomorrow. That way I don't use my leave sitting home on the sofa. Problem is I don't really have anything to do, so I will be sitting in my office surfing the internet or something! Have fun on your date - I'm worried I wouldn't make it through a movie without having to pee!

Mayachel - yes, picking the name I think has been the hardest part for us. So few seem really good. And it seems like such a huge decision! I keep reminding myself that they'll never know what they don't have.

Mrs - I assume you're holding your precious son right now! Check in when you can!

Anyway, I don't really know what my status is...I like to think that the baby has dropped a bit because I am having an easier time eating without puking after, but not really sure. I'm surely not having any contractions. I guess I'll see when I go in on Monday if this little one is making any progress or not. Meanwhile I just need to keep occupied. We went to the mall and I did a few laps to see if that would help, but then I just got tired. I go back and forth on being ok with still being pregnant and being really impatient and feeling like a failure for not having the baby yet - which I know is a ridiculous emotion!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and keeping cool!
Congratulations Modern, Stella is gorgeous!!!!

And congratulations to Mrs who should be holding her LO by now!

Good luck to basil and dcgator! So excited for you girls!