
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi ladies! Typing one handed on my phone so I'll be brief but wanted to thank you all for your support and well wishes! Kent Patrick was born on the 27th at 7:49pm (surgery was pushed back due to some emergencies at the hospital) weighing 7lbds 4 oz, 19.5 " long. He's a really good baby so far and recovery has been great. We got home today. Will post more when I have 2 hands and a computer :-)

Congrats Mrs!!!! Can't wait to see pics!

Good luck to basil and dcgator!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi again - I finally have a little time to jump on the computer. re: the birth - Our c-section was scheduled for 2PM on Wednesday but was pushed back to 7PM due to some emergencies at the hospital. It went without a hitch and our stay at the hospital was brief since I was really careful to do everything I could to recover quickly. Everything is easier this time! Nursing hurts a bit but I expect that will change once my breasts stop being so engorged.

Here's a pic of my new little man from today (4 days old)

I hope DCG and Basil are doing well!! And I hope everyone here continues to have happy healthy pregnancies! See you on the other side!!

Hugs, Mrs

photo 1-1.jpg
Mrs - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he's perfect!! :love: He looks so snug and comfy in his swaddle!!! Congratulations and welcome to the world Kent Patrick!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Mrs congrats! What a little cutie butt!
Congrats, Mrs! Such a cutie!

I have that blanket, too!

Well, I'm officially having a peridot baby!
Congrats Mrs! Sounds like it all went very smoothly! And Kent is such a cutie - I love the expression!!
Congrats Mrs! Hope everything continues smoothly (or as smooth as possible when it comes to a newborn). How's your DD liking her new baby brother?

Congrats Mrs! :appl: And welcome to the world Kent Patrick! :wavey: He's so cute and alert for 4 days old!
Howdy Ladies! Been a while since my last check in!

NEL - Sorry I missed your comment earlier about the scoliosis! Thanks for the bump compliment! Its pretty exciting to finally look pregnant. Yes, the back pain has really sucked. Ouchie on the Harrington rods - mine is bad enough to cause pain, but no where near bad enough to warrant any sort of surgical intervention as an adult. The pain is not fun, but I can usually manage with pain killer, although in pregnancy I'm being stubborn and refuse to take any! Hope your back pain isn't too severe, but I can always commiserate!

Charbie - Haha at the bump looking like you're due already! You look fantastic! DH and I joke all of the time because in the morning I can almost pass for not PG, and by the end of the day its like I'm full term! Hilarious about your DH going all nutso for the girly stuff - daddies and their daughters - so sweet! Also - OMFG the HEAT these past few weeks! I know you and I are more than a few hours away! Holy SHIZ! This has been the hottest summer ever!!!

dcgator - Hang in there girl Its almost here! Thanks for the packing list, that will seriously come in handy!

RMFA - Welcome to the thread!

basil - Hope you're doing well and hanging in there!!

Modern - Congratulations!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Glad you're both doing well!

IHA - Sorry you're not feeling so great, IHA! :( Glad you enjoyed your shower, though! Thats awesome!!

Maya - Glad your vomming has passed for the most part! Congrats on baby girl!!! So exciting!!! Glad the yoga classes are working for you. Good luck with choosing the name! So tough! :)

Janine - Glad you passed your sugar test!! Woohoo! Good luck with switching docs!

PT - Glad your NT scan came back fine

Jcar - Sorry about your cold. :( Hope you're feeling better now!

MRS - He's so handsome!! Oh gosh!! Congratulations!!!!

AFM - Busy BUSY week with my parents visiting. Got so much done! The nursery is painted, furniture assembled! Now we just need to work on all the accessories and art work and it'll be perfect! I've been feeling awesome this week - even heartburn hasnt been too miserable. LO has moved and gotten comfy on my bladder, so I'm constantly running to the bathroom thinking I need to pee, and its barely anything. I live in constant fear of wetting my pants because its hard for me to tell when I have to pee and when I don't! The little kicks to the bladder aren't helping! Also, my libido came back with a vengeance this week. DH is scared of me! He offered to buy me a pack of batteries for my "friend" - haha! He's been a trooper so far but I guess I should take the hint :)

Hope I havent missed anyone! Hope you all are feeling well!
Elle - so fun about your parents visiting. Post pictures of your nursery when you're done!

Feel like I'm hogging the thread - but another update on me...Went to the dr today and baby's head is "right there" and has dropped significantly since last visit. I'm still only "a generous 1 cm" dilated but "very soft". She stripped my membranes which wasn't the most comfy thing in the world, but wasn't horrible either. She seemed optimistic about me going into labor on my own, but if not we will induce either Sunday or Monday. So the end is in sight!

Since the membrane stripping I think I've been having braxton-hicks belly getting hard but no pain to speak of. So we'll see what happens in the next few days!
Hello ladies,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Seems like things are kinda quiet around here, but hopefully we can get some babies moving around here :naughty:

Basil - My doc schedules C-sections for a week after your due date (if you are ok with it, though they will push to 2 weeks if you want to wait). They will schedule a date through the hospital in advance, so I have known my induction date for a few weeks. The fact that this little lady is making no progress has got them talking about the induction, though there is always the old saying of "it could happen anytime" to tease me with :evil: But yes, it is nice to have a finite end date, which is what I am kinda looking forward to right now. However, that brings with it some other concerns, but I am not trying to get to ahead of myself here. As for working, if they are paying you to essential sit around and surf the net and you get more time on the back end of maternity leave, might as well take advanatage of it. I saw your other post as what to do with your time, and they all seem like pretty good ideas. I might have to do some of those as well. As for your feelings about not having the baby yet, I completely feel you. I feel like my body is not doing what it's supposed to do or more particularly, I am not being a good preggo b/c this baby is not coming. Or it could be all these freaking hormones making me all uber-emotional. :rolleyes: Anyway, looks like your little man is making some good progress. That's great that his head is down there and ready to roll. I have heard the stripping of the membranes does help, so please let us know as soon as there is some serious movement. I am excited for you dear and will send you happy labor thoughts!

Fiery - Thanks for checking in on us. I hope all is well with you and your Sophia and I look forward to seeing all the cute pics of her!

Mrs - A HUGE congrats to you, DD and Mr. Mrs on the arrival of baby Kent! He really is quite a cuite and I am loving the peanut in his little A&A swaddle. :bigsmile: Take care of you and I look forward to seeing you in the NB thread!

Lanie - Thanks for the love. I look forward to joining you over on the NB thread soon.

Elle - Glad to see you. No worries on the list, thought I would share my birthclass knowledge though take it with a grain of salt, since I haven't actually used it yet, lol. That's awesome that you got all that stuff done for the baby and that you enjoyed your time with the rents. That's also great news on feeling better. DH better watch himself on the sexy time though. Pretty soon he won't be getting any, so tell him to watch what he wishes for, lol. My poor DH has been shut out for the most part, but I have been trying to be game lately, besides it doesn't hurt the labor chances, right :naughty: As for the bouncing on the bladder, it only gets worse as they get lower, so perhaps invest in some pantyliners, just in case. Otherwise, it sounds like you are getting all prepped, so just sit back and enjoy your little bundle in your tummy a bit longer.

AFM - I had a really good weekend. DH and I went to get some Ethiopian food on Friday night (hence some spicy food) and while quite tasty, Sophia didn't seem to notice, lol. We finally slept in for the first time in months (very nice). On Saturday we did some shopping for my DH, since they had some good sales at the mall going on and then DH and I did some serious shopping at Target, as he wanted to do this huge BBQ feast he saw Bobby Flay do the other day. We were cooking up a storm most of Sunday, but everything turned out really delicious! We didn't end up going to the movies, but we did watch The Adjustment Bureau. I highly recommend it, esp for those of you looking for something to do while waiting :wink2: However, I think I might have pushed a bit too hard, as yesterday I felt like CR*P. I did have another Dr. appt though, so was hoping to hear that my feeling yucky maybe meant Miss Sophia was making her way down, but alas, no such luck. So, doc said take it easy and just wait it out. Otherwise, I go in a week from tomorrow to assess my condition and possibly into the hospital that evening for cervical ripening, and then next Thursday for my induction. However, I would love to be surprised by this little girl and go naturally. Please send dust, if you don't mind. Well, I need to get back to work here, but I hope you all have a good week and keep baking those little ones!
Mrs! He's a dream!!! Congrats!!! :love: :love: :love:
Ill check in while I devour a banana split blizzard for lunch today....
congrats, Mrs! Love his smug little face....he looks quite content with himself. And the name Kent is a favorite of mine.
basil: ugh, sorry the due date has come and gone. BH contractions are a good sign! I can only imagine things are boring, and time goes extra slow when you're waiting on the biggest day of your life to arrrive! Super duper labor dust headed your way.
dc: isn't it funny how we go from wanting sticky dust to unsticky dust?? Im hoping you're still going to go haven't hit that due date yet. But I comiserate with you...being pregnant at this point (and im only 34 weeks) just sucks. Super duper labor dust headed your way as well!
elle: this heat is miserable. We are going on the most consecutuve days above 90* on record. Seriously? Shoot me now. I went back and looked at my 27ish week belly shot yesterday and was nostalgic for the days of not being huge. I've been told I dropped a tiny bit tho. You are sooooooo far ahead of me in the nursery readiness dept. Wanna head this way next? Oh and 2nd trimester was awesome for sexytime. I was ready to go all the time ;) scared to accidently induce labor, so I am holding out until 37 weeks, but then im sure its on again! Haha!
iha: hope you're feeling better!

Afm: had my shower this some great stuff and cute clothes! Now just trying to figure out what I actually need to keep, what I need to return, and what we need to buy. My MIL drove me freaking nuts, and it caused a big argument with DH and I when I told him she needs to get taught her boundaries. After yelling and crying, I felt like crap, and so I told him all the stress she caused was gonna put me itno labor, to which he said, "Uh, did your water break or anything?" And he became super sympathetic and sweet. Oh men. I also told him if he doesn't tell his mom told stop saying im going to have a 10 lb baby, I will, and it wont be in a very nice way. She says it every freaking time we see her, and it is really pissing me off now!
Whew, sorry for the vent.
Everything else is going well. Have work to do on the nursery, etc. I bought a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper is so cute,stylish, and if anyone has one/has heard of them and wants to chime in that they love it so I can feel more justified on the fact I spent so much on a diaper bag, feel free to!

Take care, and let's see these babies start moving!
MRS, he is beautiful!!!!!!!! awwwwwww :love: :love:

MODERN, what a doll!!!!!!!! :love:

Congrats ladies; I am so happy for you!!!! Can't wait to see you in the Mommy's thread :appl: :wavey:
Funny tidbit. Waaaay TMI, but whatever.
I've come to the realization that my husband lives his existence as a 8.5 pregnant woman on a permanent basis. We both are suffering from the following ailments.
He suffers from back/sciatic nerve pain (tho he just had surgery to correct this.)
He recently suffered from pulmonary emboli, and still has some trouble with shortness of breath.
He has been diagnosed with an overactive bladder...he takes Deterol for this (yes I give him a hard time for this...I honestly think he just drinks a lot of water, causing him to need to pee frequently.)
He has hemorrhoids. Not too bad, but complains about them. This just started for me.
He can't bend over thanks to his recent back surgery.
He can't lift heavy objects, also due to surgery.
He gets awful heartburn regularly.

All in all, my husband is a pregnant woman, but without the stretchmarks and big belly.
Mrs, congrats, he is SOOOOO CUTE!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: Look at that faaaace!!!

Charbie - That is the funniest thing!!! Ahahaha. Aww, I just want to laugh, but I feel pretty bad for both of you. I hope your DH feels better soon... cause I know when YOU'LL feel better. Only 6-ish weeks, right?! :appl:
Little under 6 weeks left, true. I have a feeling ill go a little early. If I make it two more weeks, im good to go with my FMLA/work STD/etc. Legs crossed that I make it two more weeks!

One of my coworkers is convinced the receptionist is going to have her baby today. She has had it in her head for weeks that Aug. 3 is the day (remember...she's due two days after me...) Our reception desk is right across the lobby from my office, so I hear everything that goes on over there. This coworker has come up to the front office at least 10 times and said things such as, "Are you ok?" "You look different today. Your face has changed, you belly has dropped again." "Do you need to go on break?" She is a loonytoon! The lady went to lunch, passed by the reception desk, and said, "Ill be back in 15. But you'll be in labor by then." She comes back from lunch, and of course everything is still status quo and she is perplexed by this. The receptionist said she needed someone to relieve her for her break...the other coworker says, "Ok, did your water break? Its ok if the baby comes early, he already weighs 8. Lbs 10 oz..(like she knows)"

ETA: she is being dead serious. This woman doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and sort of thinks she has psychic abilities. So she is saying all of these things not in jest, but bc she truly believes the receptionist is destined to have the baby today.

I just want to scream, "give it a rest, already!"
and of course the receptionist says, "I have this pain in my rib...I think im having contractions."
WHY DO YOU WANT YOUR BABY TO BE BORN PREMATURELY???? If this coworker continued on with me the way she does the receptionist, id have already told her to stop wishing ill upon my body and my baby thankyouverymuch.

Ugh. People.
Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well! I'm just popping in to see if anyone has had any experience with Clomid/HCG trigger/IUI's? My RE is going to have me go that route next cycle and I would love to hear more about your experience with it. DCgator, LC mentioned that she believes you went that route. If you have a moment please pop into the TTC thread and let me know your thoughts! Thanks so much!!! Enjoy those little ones in your bellies ladies!
:appl: :appl: Any day now. Can't believe it just flew by so fast.
Lots of contractions and labor dust to you.
Can't wait to meet your little S.
Hayden was born at 1241 pm on 8/3/11 after 13 hours of uncomplicated labor. We are both doing well though breastfeeding is challenging for us both at the moment. Going home tomorrow - will get photos and check in soon!

Good luck dc!
Yay Basil!! Welcome to the world baby Hayden! So glad labor was uncomplicated!! Hang in there with the nursing - I hope it gets better quickly!

Congrats Basil!! Uncomplicated is good! Did you have an epi or go natural? Looks like it all happened very close to the dd! Hang in there with BF, first few days are tough which is in fact the norm. Welcome Hayden!!

Hi Mrs - how's your DD handling the addition so far?
BASIL!!!!! Congrats, momma! That sounds great, I can't wait to hear about the birth and see pictures of your precious little bundle. Looks like the membrane stripping worked. Im so excited you didn't need an induction...he just wanted to bake a tiny bit longer! Enjoy your newest family member! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Hello ladies,

First off, CONGRATS to Mr and Mrs Basil on the arrival of little Hayden! :appl: I am so glad you didn't have to be induced and that you had a relatively easy labor. We can't wait to get more details on the little one and get some pics! Rest well mama.

Charbie - Ohhh a banana split, that sounds really good (sans the banana). I am trying to keep it light food wise since I don't know when this girl will get here, plus a lot of stuff is making me feel like I want to throw up when I eat it, so that kinda stinks. Anywho, thanks for the unsticky dust. That's great that you had a nice shower. It's always fun getting stuff for the baby. I am sorry to hear that you MIL is driving you nuts. That can definitely be a sticky situation with the DH when "mommy" gets involved, but it sounds like he has your back. Oh, do show off your cute new baby bag please, so we can have something fun to stare at. As for the DH as a pregnant women, poor guy. I know being pregnant sucks, but I look so forward to not having this wretched heartburn and hemmroids, so I can't imagine having it indefinitely. Tell him he can find plenty of smpathy here, lol.

Lili - So good to see you my dear! Thanks for popping and saying hi. I will be sure to let you know when S does make her entrance :tongue:

AFM - Well, its my due date, and me and Sophia are still here...grumble, grumble...I tell ya, this girl is not going to be easy. First it takes nearly a year and two IUI's to get KU, and now she is just going to sit in there till she is evicted, man am I in trouble :rolleyes: Otherwise, the family and friends have been calling all day to find out the latest (like I have been holding out or something) but no news yet. I just told my boss that I will NOT be working next week, so at least I will have a couple days to myself to relax and get some reading and movies in. On that note, I need to scoot off and put out a little fire that just popped up with some stuff at work, so take care ladies and I will be sure to check in soon.
Congrats Hayden and basil!!!! Can't wait for pics!

dcgator -- I jumped to open this thread, hoping you'd have an update. Glad you are doing well...only a little while longer! Relax and enjoy the few days you have off...maybe you won't get them in the end! See you on the other side!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Basil, big congrats to you and your DH! Welcome to the world baby Hayden! Can't wait to her more details!

DC, un-sticky dust to you. Hope Miss Sophia gets the message that it's time to come out now. Enjoy you time off!

Basil congrats! Nursing is a challenge for every new mom! Get as much help and support as you can, and take it one day at a time.
Congrats basil and mrs!
Dcg you are up!
Basil - CONGRATS! Welcome Hayden!
DC - more "unsticky" dust for you.
Charbie - wow. I must say, your DH might actually knows what it feels like (to be pregnant)

AFM - sorry i have not been around in awhile! So far everything is going okay after the accident, and i should be receiving my new kindle today :D Of course today, when my DH is going out of town for a sailing trip, i think i might have started spotting, and feeling tight all over. The spotting was so light that i was almost convinced that my pee must be turning pink because of all the strawberries i am eating, but unfortunately i don't think that is possible. I'll be putting in a call to my doctors as soon as they open back up. I am hoping it is nothing more than first time mommy scare, but we'll just have to wait and see!
The last ultrasound FINALLY went well - Emi was folded over, butt down, so the techs were able to get a great shot of her head. I pretty much started crying at the ultrasound finally knowing for sure that she is okay, and nothing was missing (from her brain scan). But, they did discover that I am at risk for partial previa, so that will have to be checked out at the next appointment (the 30th). Then it will be on to my every 3-weeks appointments!
Lastly, I finally have a bedset picked out. Now I am able to imagine the drapes (dusty rose) and rug (sage green) to match!