
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Sarah - Crossing my fingers for a (slightly) early delivery, and a private room. Is it nice having a previous experience to compare this one to? This is my first pregnancy, and with twins, will be my only.

Katy - Great news about the bonus! There is no better feeling at work than feeling truly appreciated. And love the pics from your scan.

LC - I think you look lovely. I have to admit, though, it's nice when you're big enough that strangers recognize that you're pregnant. I thought I was at that obvious stage, but this past Tuesday, at a baseball game, some girl made a comment about my shirt making me look fat (not to my face, but to her friend). Her friend smacked her upside the head and said, "Geez. She's pregnant." Here's a pic (at 20 weeks 1 day), right before leaving for the ball park:

Alright, I had a good NT scan and am ready to jump in here now. This was such a wonderful resource/source of support during my first pregnancy, and I'm excited to go through this journey with you ladies.

I have one daughter, Claire, who will be two in October. She'll be about 2 and 4 months when the baby is born (due date March 4). I'm currently 12 weeks 5 days with #2. We plan to find out the gender, but we'll be happy and a little disappointed either way. DH really wants another girl. I think I do too, but I'm feeling like this will probably be our last, so I'll be sad if we don't have a son too.

My first pregnancy was uneventful . . . moderate morning sickness for a few weeks, some discomfort towards the end, but nothing too terrible. Unfortunately, this pregnancy has been a different story.

7 weeks ago (but who's counting? ;)) ) I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing, got sick, etc. I thought it was m/s although I never actually threw up (the sickness was the other kind). Zofran, phenergan, nothing worked . . . I just felt like I couldn't get up off the couch. Finally I realized it was like these episodes I'd had a few times since this past fall. Right after I weaned Claire at one year and resumed AF, I started having these episodes of dizziness, heart racing, vomiting or diarrhea, etc. I had to go to the ER once because I couldn't get vertical. They gave me two bags of saline and sent me home. My GP said I could do a tilt table test, but it sounded kind of medieval, and since I was a generally healthy exerciser we decided I would just up my salt intake. So then I kind of forgot about it, honestly. Three of the five episodes occurred after flying, so I figured I'd just have to be careful when flying and otherwise be bothered only very occasionally.

But in the midst of the m/s nausea, I couldn't pinpoint my symptoms exactly, and it took me a while to figure out that it was probably cardiovascular and not necessarily m/s. At 7.5 weeks I went into the OB (just riding in the car was torture) and they immediately got me on an IV drip at home. I was on it for 5 days and then went in to see the cardiologist. Unfortunately, I was referred to a young female doctor who specializes in autonomic disorders, but I was switched to the head of the practice who specializes in, I don't know, something else . . . He was super unhelpful and unavailable, and I wasted several weeks on a prescription that was actually lowering my BP (that is part of my problem, a drop in BP, which is why I sometimes can't get up). The doctor would literally not call me back or respond when I called with questions or new symptoms; all they did was say I could come in 6 weeks later. So I got my GP to track him down, and he promptly pawned me off on his colleague, the one who specializes in my kind of thing.

So I saw her this week and instantly found out I have POTS syndrome (the original doc discovered this but didn't bother to tell me). When I go from lying to standing, my pulse increases 40 beats per minute and my BP drops. We adjusted my medication so that I only take it at night and don't have to have my BP drop upon exertion during the day. I can't take most of the useful drugs because they are steroids, category D, etc.

I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Because POTS causes an accelerated heart rate, it can cause or feel like anxiety, so that wasn't helping. Especially before the IV, I was in a very dark place where I didn't think I could get through this pregnancy and felt like if I lost it, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing. It could be partly that the hCG levels are leveling off, so I don't have the nausea mixed in with the other symptoms. It could also be that as my blood volume increases, I'll make more plasma and feel better (although I assume the increase in blood volume and failure on my body's part to keep up was part of the problem). Or maybe this is just a good spell and I'll feel bad again, but at least now I know what I have and have a doctor I trust.

I'm usually an active person, but I gave that up completely over the last 7 weeks; it was just about survival. I had sister, mom, and MIL coming to spend the night, help with DD almost every morning of the week, etc., and I basically just lay on the couch in varying states of misery. But this week I've been able to walk several miles and do some easy workout DVDs. I've also been able to do laundry, take DD to activities, cook dinner, even DTD! :naughty: The cardiologist said that exercise and being active and upright is the best way to combat this, and I took that as a challenge. I want to be the best patient she has!

So I finally feel like I can relax. The second trimester honeymoon will be here soon (I seriously never thought that day would come!). I do have unusual fatigue, but only when I stop moving, and shortness of breath that prohibits me from really pushing myself (walking a lot more slowly than usual), but I have good stamina, so I think I can build up my fitness that way.

As for my body, I swear I'm huge already. I've gained over 10 pounds (and still had 10 to lose from the first pregnancy, but I was a skinny 0 before that so that my starting point was still pretty small). When I wear maternity clothes, I totally look pregnant. If I wear a normal billowy blouse, I can tell, but I don't think other people can.

So I'm very happy to be here with you ladies and look forward to catching up with your stories.

PhG, Hooray you joined us on this thread!!! Hooray for a great NT scan! Fantastic news!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: How has your dizziness and blood pressure been? Hopefully better. I'm glad you have a new cardo doc that's actually helpful and actually interested in you as a PATIENT not just in the academic interest in your condition. Honestly? How can doctors be so... clueless. HELLO, this is a REAL PERSON here!!!! And in your case a person and a half!!! Dude, are you freaking kidding me?!?
Steroid meds, yeah, I got bit by the CatD drugs too. My fall hay fever is normally really bad (allergic to rag weed), and this year I have the glorious luck of allergy season starting EARLY. I used to take a nasal spray that was the money shot in stopping my allergies immediately. Unfortunately it's a steroid also, so I can't take it. I was telling DH about it and he asked, "Well, who grades it, and how is it decided, and what's wrong with your meds that you normally take?" Then I explained it's the effects and amount of research done on pregnancies, and that the steroid stuff causes cleft palate. So he was like, "Yeah, sounds like it's best to avoid it then."

AFM: I'm struggling with hay fever. I broke down yesterday and bought some Zyrtec. If I take my normal drugs I'm like functioning at like 90%. Still symptomatic but very functional. With Zyrtec, I'm like 50%, reactions are distracting and uncomfortable, but can slog through it. Without I"m like hardly functional and want to claw my nose, eyes and face off.

Today I went to a friend's birthday party celebration out in the suburbs. His wife planned a round of Whirly Ball, which if you've never played is basically: everyone's in bumper cars, and you have a lacrosse basket that you scoop/pass/shoot a whiffle ball into a basketball hoop. It sounds really weird but it's quite fun. Anyway, no preggers allowed. So I had to sit around while everyone else was playing. Booo! Sucks to be me. I and couldn't even drink! Boo! But afterwards we went out for dinner and hung out, then I got to see their house, which I have never been to before.

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend. Going to walk the dog, then hit the hay and try to sleep off the allergies.

~LC (14W, 2D)
LC, I'm so sorry your allergies are making you miserable. I hate allergies--especially that feeling of wanting to scratch your eyeballs. I really, really hope it subsides soon! And whirly bird sounds like so much fun! What a bummer you couldn't play because you're pregnant!

PhG, Yay for the good NT scan and welcome!! I am so, so happy that you finally have a cardiologist who's interested in your case and wants to help you. I know that must be a relief for you. You had a really, really rough first trimester, so I'm very happy that you're finally in a place where you're feeling better and can relax a little.

PT, you look adorable in your 20 week pic. I feel like you're at the perfect point in your pregnancy: you have an obvious bump (can't believe the girl at the baseball game didn't realize you were pregnant), but hopefully still not at the point where it's getting uncomfortable. Have you started to feel the twins move around at all?

Katy, CONGRATS on the NT scan AND getting to tell your boss and HR! And good for you for getting a bonus! It's so funny how we're so worried about how being sick might affect our work in the first trimester, but obvoiusly it didn't affect yours at all! And thanks for the head's up on the Motherhood Maternity sale! I went online and ordered a pair of pants and a winter coat. I also saw a sweater dress that I really liked, but they didn't have it in my size. I ended up going shopping yesterday and stopping by Destination Maternity--they have A Pea in the Pod and Motherhood Maternity and everything was 40% off of clearance. I found the sweater dress I wanted in my size and it was only $6! I'm kicking myself now for not getting two (one in another color). I also swung by Gap Maternity and picked a few things up. I feel like I'm slowly growing my maternity wardrobe--there was a section of my closet that has been empty since we moved in, so now that is the "maternity" section.

Sarahbear, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you have an early delivery and that somehow the hospital is not busy at all and you end up getting your own room! A girl can dream, right?

AFM, D left for Norway on Friday, so it's been a very me-centric weekend. And that has been nice :) It would be even better if I weren't trapped inside because of the hurricane...but at least it's a good excuse to clean.

I think I've finally turned the corner and am feeling less sick! I kept thinking the nausea would get better at 12 weeks, but it was really more like 13 weeks. Now I'm 13w 4 days and am feeling pretty good. Oddly enough, I feel like I've been more hormonal over the past week or so. I was sort of frustrated with D all week, I got frustrated with a coworker in a meeting and I was really annoyed with a woman at the dog park yesterday. I feel a little like I could fly off the handle for no reason and that's not so fun. I think that so long as I'm aware of it, hopefully I don't do anything (too) embarrassing.

Okay, the wind is a little nuts right now and the lights just flickered, so I'm going to finish the laundry and try to bake some bread pudding before the power goes out!
IHA: I feel ya on not wanting to get checked and be disappointed. I feel like at my appt this week if im not even a little bit dialated ill be sad. I've had a number of mildly painful contractions, so if those aren't even doing a bit of damage down there....grrr! It was a bit painful the first time my doc checked my cervix, but I haven't had any complaints since then, and actually haven't even really spotted since that time. You're sooooooo cllose, the end is in sight if you haven't had Liam yet! Good luck lady!

NEL: good luck weathering the weather! Yes, my HR lady is so frustrating. This is also the psychic lady who convinced our receptionist she was really supposed to have her baby 6 weeks before her due date. She claims its bc no other department manager has ever had a baby before, so she isn't used to people actually having maternity benefits get paid out. You're very lucky your HR is on top of it! Also, glad to. Hear the rough first tri is past you and onward to a comfy 2nd tri! Don't be disappointed if you still get a few bouts of nausea....I remember being 24 weeks and having A pull into a parking lot so I could puke. At least I was showing so I didn't feel like I looked like a hungover college kid to the random passersby.

PT: you look fantastic! What a freaking idiot for that lady not to realize youre pregnant, and even more dumb to make a comment about someones weight like that! Surprisingly, most booths have treated me well ;)...I knew the day would come where I wasn't gonna be able to do it anymore though :) I also am not a fan or high top tables at this point, for fear im going to tip off a high chair since my center of balance is so different!

LC: sounds like a fantastic babymoon! I'm so jealous! Glad your friend is doing better, and ill send her my sticky dust since im happy to get rid of any dust keeping this LO baking! HOU sent me her sticky dust when I got my BFP and then had her little girl soon after...*fingers crossed.* you look too cute, and you're gonna have a nice basketball bump in no time. That inbetweener bump isn't any fun for the figure. I avoided spring allergies this year, but now fall allergies are starting to hit. Don't beat yourself up over taking allergy meds. Pregnancy isn't the most comfortable time for your body to begin with, you gotta at least provide your body relief where you can. If you get a stuffy/itchy nose, I recommend a neti pot. Mine was a life saver when I had the preggo runny nose for about 6 weeks earlier.

PG: welcome! I followed your rough first tri....such a bummer on what is supposed to be such a joyous time. Im so happy you have made it through what was such a trying time. I hope you get to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

Sarah: are you going to post some pics of the bedding you ordered? It looked so cute in the mock up, id love to see how it turned out!

Katy: congrats on the bonus, and such a cute scan picture! So glad you finally could out yourself comfortably. I felt so much relief once I dropped the bomb, especially since I hadn't been with my company for a long time.

AFM: 15 days until my due date! Aahhhhhh! I took some nursery pics that ill try to post later. Its not all completed yet, still need a few minor touches. Getting a lot more contractions, and actually starting to feel them in my back, which is a little exciting. Hoping this baby has an exit strategy. Packed the hospital bag w/ A, and made sure every outfit for baby Aubs has a headband with a bow to match ;)
starting to get blurred vision, which sucks since I had Lasik a year and a half ago, so im hoping nothing is permanent, just maybe dry eyes?

Our receptionist at work hopefully had her baby this weekend. She was 37 weeks last Thurs. They had a little shower for me on Weds, and since I was getting a little more attention than her, she had to leave with contrax. Then of course came back bc the doc told her she wasn't in active labor. Then the next day she wasn't at work bc the doc told her not to go to work until the baby was born, but she said she 'may come by later bc she feels better'. Well, Friday she finally was admitted, but apparently stopped progressing so they were going to send her home again... :confused: mind you, she wasn't going to the hospital until she was 'having the baby, since she will know for sure.' It is such a distraction to have her there...but she craves the attention so I wouldn't doubt she would be there tomorrow if she hasn't had the baby so people can ask all day long how she's feeling, etc.
PhG - I'm so sorry you had such a difficult time, both with your health and with your doctors. I'm you finally figured out what was wrong and found a doctor you feel good working with.

LC - Ugh. Allergies are horrible. Luckily they only plagued me during the first trimester (I thought I'd never breathe again!), but that was miserable enough. I didn't take much besides Visine Allergy, and the rare Benedryl at night.

NEL - Thank you. :) I've felt some small movement for weeks now, mostly at night when I'm lying down. I do feel the babies occasionally pushing on my belly from the inside (but nothing resembling a swift kicking motion), which feels odd. There's pressure in a localized spot, and when I touch it, it feels like a small hard ball - sometimes 2 of them. I've had friends describe BH contractions, and this feels completely different, so I don't believe that's what they are.

Even though my m/s was mild, I noticed it went away almost completely at around 13-14 weeks. Sounds like you're hitting that point!

Charbie - Here's hoping your little one decides to make a slightly early grand entrance! Can't wait to see pics of her.

AFM, I'm feeling pretty good. We just bought a new car yesterday! After looking seriously at the Subaru Outback, Toyota Highlander, and Ford Edge, we ended up going with the Ford Edge. DH did all the test driving (I hate test driving), so today will be my first time trying it out. Overall, though, I love it. It's comfy, quiet, smooth ride, comes with a ton of bells and whistles, was on budget, and DH says it drives beautifully. We each made 1 concession by purchasing it - I wanted a white car, and the only trim level at the price we were comfortable with came in silver. And DH wanted AWD/4WD, which this is not. Realistically, we live in the Bay Area with mild weather and no snow, so it would have been a few extra thousand for an option we'd probably use once or twice a year. Overall, we're both happy and excited. Now I'll just have to get used to the size (I've driven a 2-door car for the past 12 years...).
Charbs, trust me, I've been Neti-potting it like crazy. I'm also going to try acupuncture. I had an appt last week that I had to cancel last minute. Booo. But I'll try to book this week. Hopefully they're not pissed at me. Yes, do post pics of A's nursery! I hope she's making her exit soon. So excited for you. And can I just say your receptionist sounds... (how to put this nicely) interesting. I'd *hate* to work with someone like that. I make it a point not to hang around anyone like that, so it'd suck that you're forced to because you work with her.

NEL, hope things aren't too rainy. I think I saw Irene got downgraded. That's beneficial to know it's not as strong now. How'd your bread pudding turn out. I had a tasty Strata for breakfast yesterday, a kinda savory bread pudding, if you will. Woo hoo for turning the corner on the nausea! Hooray! Hope from here on out it'll be smooth sailing. Sorry about the hormonal-ness. And whatever, you're pregnant, you don't need to worry about being embarrassing.

Parrot, woo hoo on the new car! Hope you like it. I can see how it'd take some getting used to: going from a small 2-door to a semi-SUV. Semi-SUV because it's not one of those GIGANTIC gas guzzlers that you see on the road. I don't feel bad about taking meds, since I'm at a point where I couldn't function without it. This is going to be a LOOOOONG allergy season. I think this is going to be my worst pregnancy symptom since I can't take my normal "go to" drugs.

Update on my friend: her son was actually born on Friday, at 25 weeks. He's in the NICU, and she said he's got a long way to go, but is doing well. So I'm happy to hear that. No pictures, but I'm hoping we can get updates soon.

AFM, not doing much today. Just made some waffles. Was telling DH I have zero interest in eating eggs right now, so all the breakfast stuff I want will be on the sweet side, which is odd because I never had a sweet breakfast preference, it's always been a savory breakfast predilection. But I also told him, I have sweet tooth, but not a chocolate tooth. He said, "Aw, poor you, you don't have a chocolate tooth." I never did, so I don't miss it. I responded, "No, more like poor you. I'll be making desserts, but it's not likely they'll be of the chocolate variety." He ****LOOOVES**** chocolate. ha ha!

~LC (14W, 3D)
parrot tulips|1313970221|2996054 said:
I love all the pregnant mama photos! With twins, I'm feeling a little big. This is me at "just" 19 weeks 1 day. I know a lot of singleton ladies who are barely showing at this stage.


YOU LOOK GREAT/beautiful!!!! I remember the feeling though!!!

Yay for Krissie and PT, twin mommas!!!!! :appl:

LLIANG, you look great/beautiful!

great belly shots moms :love:
Wow, everyone must be busy today. Hope this week's treating everyone well.

Skippy, thanks. Your two boys are looking fantastic too!

AFM, yesterday I hung out with one of my girlfriends. She said, "You're starting to show." I think she's just being really nice, because I think all that's showing is a thick middle, not necessary baby-belly. Anyway, she's excited for me which I'm happy about.

I told DH that I'm probably going to cave and fly down for Thanksgiving. I'm going to be really pissed if it turns into the typical LC-family craziness. But it is what it is.

DH keeps giving me these pitiful looks whenever I'm sniffling, sneezing and mouth breathing around the house. I guess he feels really bad for me. I feel like crap but there's no point wallowing in self-pity. It's not going to make me feel better, so I just power through. He has taken the dog out at night on his own though. The devil in me says I should milk this for as much as I can. I told him that next kid we're waiting until AFTER ragweed season so I'm not suffering through this....

~LC (14W, 4D)
LC, I'm so sorry the allergies are still giving you grief! And I'm hoping that if you do see the fam for T-giving, it won't be stressful for you. Tell your family you can't deal with stress right now, so the holiday needs to be calm. Caaaalm. And I'm so glad your friend's baby is doing well--delivering at 25 weeks must be so scary, I'm continuing to think about her. Oh, and no verdict on the bread pudding--the power went out right after I posted yesterday.

PT, congrats on the new car!! I saw a Ford Edge on the lot when we were looking at SUVs and really liked it. It's SOOOO roomy for its size, which is nice. You get the bonus of all that extra space, but it still gets decent gas mileage!

Charbie, your HR lady sounds a little crazy, haha. I love how she thought she somehow had the power to change your coworker's due date. Now that's a super power! The receptionist sounds kind of funny, too. Is she a classic one-upper? Hopefully she did go into labor and she had safe L&D. And you're having a lot of contractions yourself, now, hmmm? Could be good for you!

AFM, power went out yesterday morning and still isn't back on :( I'm at work, but am going to go home in a few minutes because the freezer was starting to leak when I left this morning and I'm terrified water has been sitting on our wood floors today. Tonight I'm going to clean out the fridge and freezer--not expecting power to be restored until tomorrow or Wednesday. Yuck! And of course, D is out of town.

I have a doc appt. in the morning--meeting my OB this time.
NEL, bummer for the no power. Hopefully you'll get it soon enough. I grew up in FL, so we hurricanes were a pretty normal occurrence for us. And having no power was part of it. During a pretty nasty one in middle school (Category 4) we lost power for 2.5 weeks. The no power part wasn't the worst, the no a/c in the FL August was. We would sleep on the tile floor just to stay cool. Sorry your DH is out of town and you're stuck with all this on your own.
Hooray! I hope you get to meet your OB. I"m going to meet the nurse midwife next week at my 16wk.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my last post: MIL is transitioning home tomorrow!!!! :appl: :appl: I'm really happy about that, excited to see them. I'm going down to visit my ILs Labor day Saturday-Tuesday. They're pretty excited that I'll be coming down too. I'll probably do a quick visit in October too. SIL is down there now, and, let's just say it was an ordeal to get her to go.We'll see what happens when I get there.
Total me-centric post today and I do apologize.

39w3d... Dr's appt today and again, NOTHING going on. Midwife said I'm "maybe" 30% effaced, cervix is soft and Liam's head is down low... but no dilation what so ever. I have been trying EVERYTHING to get this labor jump started and NOTHING? UGH!!!! My due date is Friday and I know I am going to fly by it. I'm just bummed. I hurt... everywhere!

End vent.

I hope all you ladies are doing well.
IHA, sending you some unsticky dust so you can meet Liam! You sound like an impatient mama, and I would be too. Did you try any of the midwife's suggestions? Raspberry leaf tea? Bouncy balls? lots of walking? Lots of sex? Well, Little Mr. Liam will hopefully start cooperating soon. Maybe your DH can try to persuade him to make an appearance. :)
LoL... You are right! I am VERY impatient. Haha... And yeah, I've tried them all... and nothing seems to be working. I hope my body knows what it's supposed to do. I just really don't want to be induced!
LC: yeah, it was a pretty busy day at work. Honestly, I was going to post during my lunch, but was feeling pretty pathetic and it could have been an ugly post. My allergies are starting to arrive this season....I missed out on my usual spring hay fever, which I was grateful for, but my nose started getting itchy throughout the day yesterday and lots of sneezing. I feel your pain (but on a milder scale, luckily).

NEL: glad the storm wasn't as bad as originally predicted, though going without power sucks! 3 years ago there was a hurricane (can't remember which) that pretty much made it all the way to Ohio as a Cat 2 storm! We lost power for a week and I was NOT a happy camper. Yes, the receptionist at work has been quite the one upper. I lost a bit of weight in the beginning of my pregnancy, and told her about it. Well of course 2 days later, at her appt, she had lost double what I had, and said her doctor told her she was going to check in a week if she hadn't gained weight, she was being admitted to the hospital...really? And so she kept a scale in our front office to weigh herself after every meal. Funny thing is, at this point she's put on at least triple what I have :snore: . Oh, and still no baby. PSA: the baby will come when its may want it out earlier (im ready!) But there is a reason you gestate for 40 weeks. Jokes on her now...she is dialated to 4, effaced 100%, but baby is NOT moving out, and doc wont induce bc she isn't 38 weeks.

IHA: oh honey. I feel for you. Its hot, uncomfortable is an understatement, and just the anxiety is so exhausting. I sympathize with you so much. Have you guys discussed what will happen once you hit 40 weeks? At what point do you think you'll be ok looking into induction?
big hugs- its aggravating.

AFM: yes, having lots of irregular contrax. Wish they could just form a pattern or quit! I always wondered if I would recognize that I was having contrax, and even tho these aren't even very painful, ummm, yup, I know what they feel like a little. I get annoyed when people keep saying things like, "you're still here!?" Or "oh, it must be miserable to be that pregnant at the end of the summer." Or when someone asked, "any contractions?" And I said, "yeah, but nothing too bad." And they said, "Oh just wait! Youll know when they get bad, im sure you ain't seen nothing yet!" Umm, thanks? Bc im pretty sure I wasn't complaining, and didn't ask your advice on how terrible it will be. Im looking forward to labor, pain and all!
DH is nesting, wanting to make sure the house is all ready. We put in the car seat bases (chicco keyfit 30) and it was pretty anti-climactic. I pictured this struggle lasting an hour to make sure they were just so...they were installed in less than 5 mins.
I hit an emotional/mental wall this morning which is why I didn't post. I just was tired, and frankly tired of being pregnant. I hate this not knowing when the baby will be here, which of course is half the fun. Im so nervous I wont go into labor on my own, and thinking it could be 3+ weeks of this is just exhausting! But im in a better place now, A was very encouraging this morning, and so I know he will be a great labor coach. I need to pray for some patience.

38 weeks! Wooohoo!
Charbie, unsticky dust for Baby Aubs to join the party. Hugs my friend. I can't say I know what you're feeling, but it does sound like you have a great husband. You guys are going to make an amazing team raising Baby A. Vent away about the stupid comments. It's like all of a sudden everyone's an expert. My mom kept telling me how I have to eat a TON now that I"m pregnant. Um, no I don't. The doctor said eat more protein and calcium. Like I said, EVERYBODY's an expert, *especially* in YOUR business.

IHA, still sending that un-sticky dust to you too.

Hi all! I am still around - haven't left Australia yet, but am interstate (Perth) for a conference.

I don't think I can possibly catch up on everyone in this thread all at once! So I will report my progress and then gradually work my way back in :)

I am keeping well. On Saturday I had these funny contraction/cramps intermittently all day - all lasting about 20-30 sec, all a little painful, and I could feel my uterus going rock hard. Got a bit worried after a few hours, but it all settled down overnight and I'm wondering whether they were just early Braxton Hicks? I know they can sometimes be felt early in the 2nd tri. I normally have them every now and then (usually when I go to bed) but not all day like that.

Anyway, since then - nothing much is happening. I keep wondering whether I'm feeling little flutters, and then they go away and I'm not sure again! I am a pretty petite person and am now beginning to show; it's more obvious when I've eaten a big meal of course, but there is definitely fullness there that is clearly not just me! I blew off the conference program this afternoon and went shopping, and picked up a few things - a pair of maternity leggings, and then apart from that just a few bits and pieces (2 dresses and a skirt) which are not maternity but are definitely wearable for the pregnancy. Determined not to live in smocks and tents! Once my bump pops out properly I am going to embrace it and wear fitted stuff, I just get swamped by voluminous clothes :lol:

We are leaving for Germany on Saturday afternoon. Excited!

I am so pleased that all of you are well, and Charbie and IHA - I hope your bubs make their entrance into the post-belly world very soon!

IHA and Charbie, I hope you both go into labor very, very soon. I can't blame either of you for being tired of being pregnant. I'm sure by the end you'd pretty much do anything to just get L&D overwith so you can meet your LOs and carry them around in your arms instead of your tummy. That must be why the last few weeks are so uncomfortable--it gives you motivation to get through L&D!

Pancake, hmmm, those definitely sound like BH contrax. And I bet those flutters are the baby moving--so exciting. Everybody says that's what they feel like at first and 16 weeks sounds about right for feeling those first flutters! Enjoy Germany!

LC, just want to say that I'm so happy your MIL is finally tranferring home tomorrow!! This has been such a long journey for you and your DH, and I know it's not over, but this is a big step for your MIL! As soon as I saw there was news about your MIL I wondered if your SIL was being a pain about it. I guess some things never change. I'm so glad you're going down for Labor Day, though, your MIL will be so happy to see you!

AFM, day 3 without electricity--I'm hoping it's back by tonight, but am not holding my breath. The electric company said they should have an estimate as to when it should be restored by the end of the day. At least the weather is cool, so the dogs aren't hot without A/C. The thought of being in FL without A/C like LC sounds AWFUL! And Charbie, it should be back before the end of the week--an entire week without power would be awful. At least my fridge and freezer(s) are really clean now!

Had an appt. with my OB this morning, but it was uneventful. I was weighed and listened to the heartbeat, which are two things I do every other day or so, anyway. Apparently these routine appts. lose all appeal in the second trimester!
NEL, I really hope you get power soon. You seem to just fine without though, but not saying you want to stay that way, just that it does'nt seem too bad y'know? Glad you got to meet your OB, even though the appt was uneventful. I still haven't heard any heartbeat yet, so I'm hoping my appt next week will let me do that. Yes there was drama about my SIL's visit down to FL, but it's too petty and childish to get into, so we're just ignoring it. She'll be there when MIL gets home, and she'll be so happy she cancelled her vacation plans once everyone's home safe and sound.

Pancake, hope your conference is going well. So excited for your vacation! Yay! Hm, they say BH contractions feel like a tightening, so that might be it. It's not unusual for it o be in the 2nd tri. Hooray for flutters! It sounds like that's what you're feeling. How exciting! I definitely feel you about rocking the baby bump once you get it. That's totally my plan too.

IHA and Charbie, any unstickiness happening yet? Come out and play babies! You're being eagerly anticipated...

Second pair of pants I couldn't button today. boo! totally feel fat. I think I had the makings of a cold, on top of my allergies, but I sorta took it easy and I'm feeling better today. Planning more of the same tonight. Dh was so thoughtful, he bought me some Airbornes in my favorite flavor (grapefruit, and he hates grapefruit flavored Airbornes), but I looked it up and it said I can't take it. Aw, it's the thought that counts.

~LC (14W, 5D) a little over a centimeter dialated. He said, 'ill give ya a 1.2. A centimeter and a little wiggle." Yay for some progress!
Getting some more painful contrations. I don't want to get my hopes up, I don't want to be the girl who cried wolf, I just feel uncomfortable contractions, whatever that means. Since I have nothing to compare how im feeling to, im just going to keep waiting until things get more uncomfortable, I guess.

If one more person asks me about my cervix tho, (IRL), I am going to tell them to go ahead and reach on up there and check it themselves. PSA: let a very preggo women share the news she wants to share. Ill tell ya how im doing...I don't need to be all about my cervix. Dialation really doesn't mean sh*t until you're at 10 and can push anyways. I know peole are just excited, but they are really nosy, too! Thank you, MIL, for awkwardly texting me asking if im dialated today.
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Diving into the big thread now! Baby and I are officially in the second tri. Will try to keep up as best as I can - school is starting soon and I will get very busy once my middle school students set foot in the building.

I am just over 12 weeks preggo and baby is due March 13th. This is my first pregnancy and will be the first grandbaby for my parents and DH's parents. We were married in November last year, and I wanted to start TTC in June to hopefully have a spring baby, as it would be better for my school schedule to be able to take a maternity leave at the end of the year and run that into summer vacation. We got pregnant our first month trying, using some OPKs to help with timing. We found out that we were going to be parents on 4th of July weekend, so baby was likely conceived close to Father's Day.

So far, everything is going very well. I have had an easier first trimester than most, and I am hoping that I continue feeling well throughout the pregnancy. My biggest issue has been with my allergies, because I can only take my daily Zyrtec and was not allowed to continue with my shots. I am running and/or working out a few times a week, and plan to keep going as long as I am comfortable. I have not gained much weight yet, but have noticed a change in the fit of my pants and my shape is starting to round out a bit.

I have my next appointment scheduled for September 19th, and about three weeks after that we will be scheduling a gender ultrasound (CAN'T FREAKING WAIT). We did not opt to do an NT scan, but due to DH's heart condition, we will be getting a fetal EKG around week 20. Baby has looked healthy at each appointment and it melts my heart to see the heart beating on the screen.

Recent 11 week ultrasound and my 12 week pic attached. Excited to join the crew here!

Good morning!

Hope everyone is feeling great!

Just a few things before I go back and try to catch up:

Charbie - I fully expect daily cervical status updates on the-site-that-shall-not-be-named! The public at large demands cervical transparency! :cheeky: Hoping things start moving along for you! I'm sure you're dying to meet her already!

Mannequin - Welcome to the big preggo thread! Congrats on finishing your 1st tri! Glad you've been feeling well, and I hope that continues!

AFM: 27w2d today - finally 3rd trimester! So freaking exciting. Just got back from the babymoon yesterday. It was such a fantastic trip, although I overdid it a bit our 2nd day in Mackinac Island, and kinda paid for it the rest of the trip. I guess I am just really at the point where my body just can't do what it used to, and a mile long walk uphill was probably a bad idea! Gah! Our massages definitely helped, but I'm still catching up on rest! Ha! The trip was really amazing though, the views from our winery were unreal! I did try some wine (Ice Wine and a Malbec) and also tried some hard cider. Such a tiny amount, but it was fantastic.

Unfortunately reality smacked us back in the face when we got home. One of our kitties(our older one), who was just recently diagnosed with hyperthyroid, didn't look too good when we got home. I thought maybe he just slept on one side of his face funny, but an hour or so later, it was clear his face was swollen, and he'd been scratching his fur off his face. We had upped his meds before we left, and the pet sitter didn't notice a problem (probably because she doesnt know his "look" as well as we do) so he'd been having an allergic reaction all weekend, and I feel horrible. Turns out that the drug he's on is literally the only one available to treat hyperthyroid, and he can't use it. The vet said we either have to do a very expensive radioactive iodine treatment, or he'll be dead in a year. Now I don't have a problem spending the money (we're happy to do it), but kitteh will then be RADIOACTIVE for 2-4 weeks! Which means, as a pregnant woman, I can't be around him. So now we have to find someone to keep our radioactive cat for up to 4 weeks for us. UGH! Such a bummer, but the process should completely cure him, so we're going to go ahead with it. Just a crappy way to come back from vacation!
Elle, I'm glad you enjoyed your babymoon, but I'm so, so sorry to hear about the kitty. I'm glad you came home when you did, but what a bummer about the radioactive iodine. Byron was on chemotherapy meds from last fall to this spring and was radioactive two weeks out of every month, so I completely understand your concerns. We didn't start to TTC until he was done with his chemo (his body couldn't take anymore), so I can relate to being scared of being pregnant and having a radioactive pet. I hope the treatment works for her and that her time away flies by. I just feel bad that you're going through this--reality really smacked you in the face after your vacation!

MQ, Welcome to the thread!! The only reason I did the NT scan was so I could get another ultrasound--and you got one at 11 weeks, anyway, which is great! You and LC are going to have to start an allergies thread, I feel bad for both of you. Great pics, by the way!

Charbie, how is the cervix today? I KID! How often do you go to the doc at this point? I feel like I'd want to go every day. I feel like you have to post every day or I'm going to assume you are in labor :)

LC, woman, I am telling you that the maternity pants are where it's at. Buy them. Enjoy them. Breathe in them. It's so nice.

AFM, Day 4 of no power. I want to punch somebody. Also, I've decided I'd like to skip the pregnancy and just meet our baby. We're not at all prepared...we've bought nothing, but I'm just eager to have the baby in our lives. I need to slow down and pace myself, I have a long way to go. I'm 14 weeks today, haha.
Been NEL we had no power for 3 days, and a slightly flooded basement. Not a cool thing for an 8month pregnant lady in full nesting mode. My to do list was being attacked with such vigour, and then this? I had alot of DD's baby items in the basement and almost had a meltdown when I saw her first pedipeds floating. I saved most everything baby related (made DH do it at least), but there is still some clean up. On top of that we had no food with the fridge down and transit was also down which meant 3hr roundabout commutes to work. Not cool, but at least it's getting better and we have power back (we went to my parents by Day 2).

Hang in there NEL, is your DH back? When is your next u/s so you can ask about the sex? I hear ya on uneventful visits, I mean now they're just measuring my belly and listening to the hb so why do I have to go in every 2 weeks for that?

Other than that, can't believe I'm 33 weeks. Supposed to go to bi-weekly appts now but am in denial of how close it is. I am huge, people at work make constant comments ("wow, really filling out for this one!" :shock: ). We are down to 2-3 names, but still not finalized. Baby's room is almost done, got a mini chandelier - total splurge but I love it.

Charbie & IHA: how's it going?? For what it's worth, with DD1 I was told at my 39 wk appointment that I was ZERO dilated with no progress and had a "long way to go". I delivered 6 days later. If my doctor had given me some idea that might happen I would have at least packed a bag and not ignored the symptoms (thought contractions were stomach cramps).

Hope everyone else is well, love the photos! Jealous of all the babymoons too ;).
NEL & Janine - Ugh. I can't imagine not having power for so long. Especially when pregnant. I get frustrated if it's out for more than an hour!

Elle - I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. I know how horrible it is to have a sick pet...the worry and heartache you feel. I even remember feeling horrible, awful guilt when we lost our family cat earlier this year, despite how diligently we tried taking care of her (regular vet visits every 3-4 weeks for years for her diabetes, twice daily insulin injections, specialty diet, etc.).

MQ - Congrats on coming over to the "big" pregnancy thread!

LC - Ditto NEL about the maternity pants! One thing, though. I've noticed that as well as jeans fit me in the butt/hips/thighs, they keep sliding down. I have both the full belly coverage ones and the low rise, and they both do the same. My favorite are leggings and yoga pants. I haven't tried regular pants in lighter fabrics.

IHA & Charbie - Can't wait to read some good news about some new arrivals!

AFM, my belly is growing by the day, but other than that, I've been very comfortable. We've got names all set, and I've made my first baby related purchase - decals to go above their cribs (which we don't have yet). When does everyone plan to start buying furniture...?

Pancake, those sound like baby movements to me! My first time around I kept thinking whatever I felt was just the uterus stretching or gas or something, but that's definitely the baby! I've even felt some already as early as 11 weeks because now I know what it feels like.

LC, hope your allergies are treating you OK. Sorry you can't take your normal stuff. :((

Charbie, ha, sorry for all the wanna-be-doctors asking you about your lady parts.

Mannequin, glad your first trimester wasn't too bad, but also sorry about the allergies. Cute pics!

Elle, eek, how terrible for your kitty. And so sorry you can't be around him.

NEL, hope your power comes back on soon!

Janine, sorry about the flooded basement and baby stuff! Glad you got your power back on.

PT, love the decals!

AFM, the weekend was rough health-wise but I'm back on track. I've learned that I have to sleep well, go the bathroom regularly, stay hydrated, and eat first thing in the morning. Otherwise I can bring on an "episode." But overall things are a lot better. I'm able to be resume my normal activities minus my exercise (though I'm doing a little). So I can't complain.

Hey ladies!!

Charbs, sorry everyone's all up in your business (and in this case, your cervix). Seriously? Dude I'd just tell them, "I'm planning on having my baby on my desk. Right here next to my computer. YOu can help too if you want because *clearly* you're WAY interested in my lady parts...."

MQ, Hooray for the jump! Great U/S and belly shot! You look fantastic! Honey, don't get me STARTED on my allergies. Are you allergic to ragweed too? Is it just me or is the Midwest like ragweed CRAZY this year! GROAN!

Elle. hooray for hitting the 3rd tri!!!Hugs to your poor kitty! I hope everything is better. I'm sorry you have to find someone else to watch him while he recovers. That just plain stinks. But it's most important that he gets better. Your vacay sounds amazing, I'm so glad you had fun.

NEL, Hope your power is restored soon. I totally hear you about wanting to hit a fast forward button. Yeah I haven't done the mat pants yet, but I do have the B-bands that I've been using those are quite helpful.

Janine,bummer you're stuck with no power too AND a flooded basement? Oy! I'm glad your DH was able to rescue a lot of the baby stuff. Yeah, clearly Mother Nature didn't read the memo about nesting.... HELLO! Totally want to see the pics of the nursery, so you better not hold out!

Parrot, LOVE the decals! And the baby names. I love that you're not doing matchy-matchy names. My sis and I (twins) have Matchy-matchy names and it's :rolleyes: Not planning on buying furniture until after the 20 wk US. I need to make curtains and make a new futon cover, so those all depend on if we're having a boy or girl. There's absolutely NO REASON why having furniture is contingent on sex, but it is. Don't ask me to explain :)

PhG, I'm glad you're getting there with your health. Sorry this week was kinda hard on you. But sounds like you have a better idea of what your body needs and that you can get to a point where you're functional and even exercising. Go you!

AFM, late day at work for a production deployment, but not much I can do about it. DH is working late too so at least i"m not sitting at home by myself. The past two days I feel like my tummy is really tight and firm. Kinda like how you feel if you over-ate on Thanksgiving dinner. I hate that feeling. Is this what it feels like the whole time? I totally feel like I have zero waist line now, I hate it. Just want this baby to bump out so I can start looking preggo instead of a post-Thanksgiving dinner guest.

~LC (14W, 5D)
LC - It's difficult enough thinking of names that both of us like, let alone names that coordinate. I'm just hoping my parents (Korean, although their accents aren't too bad) won't struggle too much to say them. My poor youngest sister grew up with some family members calling her Cola, because Cora didn't roll off their tongues.
LC, if it makes you feel any better, we're planning on different furniture for boy vs. girl, too. For the record, I wanted the same crib, but D thought the crib I chose was "girly". I figure it's another month, right? I guess the furniture can wait. I just think that once we do find out the sex, it will be a frenzy of buying things.

So sorry for the late night at work last night and I hear you on being tired of the post-Thanksiving dinner look. I totally thought about you when I saw the Bellabands on babysteals today :)

PhG, it's good to hear that slowly, but surely, you're starting to feel better. It's been a ROUGH first tri for you, my dear!

PT, those decals are ADORABLE!! I looove them!

Janine, I can't believe you're 33 weeks! I can't wait to see nursery pics, I'm sure it looks beautiful. I looove the idea of the mini chandalier, I'm planning to do something similar if we have a girl. And I'm so sorry to hear you were without power for days and days, too! I was okay--I just want shopping or to the movies in the evenings. I know it would have been sooo much tougher if I had kids. The flooding sounds awful...that must have been really frustrating for you.

By the way, D is home tomorrow (yay!) and our anatomy u/s is scheduled for 9/30. Which is officially this month! :)

I'm off tomorrow, so everybody have a WONDERFUL long weekend! Charbie and IHA, I'm hoping that Labor Day puts you both into labor. Cheesy joke? I know, but I couldn't pass it up.

(P.S. My electricity came back on last night! Comcast is still down, so no cable, internet or phone, but I don't even care!)
Charbie! Yes I got the bedding. I'm actually just finishing up her nursery this weekend so I will post pictures soon. My SIL gave us an entire 70 lb suitcase full of baby clothes so right now the nursery is just a mess of clothes.