
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

PT - I'm sorry to hear about your cervix shortening. Try not to go too nuts with the bedrest and I have everything crossed for you that your twinnies will sit tight just where they are for at least the next 5-6 weeks!

IHA - Good luck! Exciting times ahead!

Charbs - hope your (and baby A's) time is near!

LC - how did your boss react? Was it ok after all? Good luck with telling the others at work, I know it was one of my most anxious periods. I am so glad your MIL is home and doing well so far, it must have been a difficult and uncertain time for all of you.

Janine, there is no other situation like pregnancy to bring out unsolicited advice from complete strangers!!! I find is really odd and weird but I wonder if I will end up doing the same thing later on?

PhG, what a sensitive cardiologist! :roll: I wouldn't worry too much if the same thing happened the first time and you're keeping your

NEL - you are so organised! I might just poach your list off you - I ran out of steam after exhaustively researching strollers :oops: I haven't thought about what we need beyond the basics - a cot, stroller, change table, high chair, bouncer chair, mat, nappies, singlets, jumpsuits, rugs, wraps, socks & mittens, bottles etc... and I haven't researched any of those except the stroller!!

Elle - what a relief that your OGTT was normal! So glad to hear it.

AFM - I am still here in Berlin, seeing the sights and shopping! My favourite chain store in the whole world is COS (it's the sister chain of H&M and they have very minimalistic Scandinavian-style clothing, right up my alley!) has 3 stores here and I have been buying up a storm, and mostly in my pre-pregnancy size so everything fits across the shoulders etc - these pieces should get me through all of the rest of the 2nd tri and I'll wear them again after bub is born. We are doing loads of sight-seeing and eating and drinking. The mini one is moving quite a bit and I can often feel it now - exciting!

We're here until Tuesday and then fly to Dubrovnik for 4 days - husband will be at a conference so I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I'm sure it involves a lot of relaxing and eating!!!
Wow, Pancake, checking in with us on your awesome European vacation. That's awfully nice of you. I'm glad you're having a good time. Sounds like you're really enjoying Berlin. My sis LOVES Germany, she said if she had to pick a new country she has to live in, she'd totally pick Germany. Of course we've traveled a bit, but not a WHOLE lot, but she really loves Germany. Anyway, eating and relaxing sounds like the perfect Croatia itinerary. Hope you can enjoy the coast while you're in Dubrovnik. Hopefully it's not too cold. My sis has gone to Croatia a few times, but only to Zagreb, the country capital. She has not gotten a chance to check out Dubrovnik yet.

IHA, Hopefully you're holding your precious Liam in your arms now. Or sleeping. Either would be totally awesome.

The whole work conversation was pretty easy. My boss said congrats then little "parenting small talk". Diapers, daycare etc. He said he'll follow my lead when it comes to telling the team. What did everyone else do? Just announce it in a team meeting or something? We have them weekly, so I guess I could do that, but I dunno, I'm not really a big "Woo hoo! Pay attention to me!" kind of person. But not saying anything seems weird because most people try to avoid saying anything for fear of foot-in-mouth sort of thing. :confused:

LC (16W, 1D)
Pancake, I'm so jealous that you're in Germany right now, I want to go there so badly! I'm also jealous that you've started to feel movement, that is so exciting! Oh, and there are still several things I still need to research--for instance, I haven't narrowed down bottles, but think I'll get an assortment. Have a WONDERFUL time on the rest of your trip and thanks so much for checking in! It's fun to see where you are an hear about the trip!

LC, Congrats on telling your boss! I actually think that's easier than telling the rest of the team since it seems awkward to make a big announcement. I sort of told a couple of members of the team privately and it quickly spread to the rest of the team without any big announcements. My plan was to just sort of let it happen organically and at the very least, they'd see my belly at some point.

AFM, went to the orthopaedic surgeon this morning and he said I should be fine to go through natural labor, but that he thinks that I'm likely going to end up having a c-section before 40 weeks. All I can do is play it by ear and be thankful I'm comfortable for now. Below is my 15 week pic--I feel like I've popped a bit in the past week.

15 weeks side.jpg
Liam Hudson C**** born 9/9/11 @ 9:16 am. 8lbs 9oz and 20 inches long. Red hair just like his daddy! I'm in love! <3

Things didn't go exactly as planned but I don't have the time or energy to get into it now. He's perfectly healthy and so far latching like a champ!

Will be back eventually to post the whole birth story.

IHA - Congrats on Liam's arrival! He is a cutie. I love little red-headed babies. I'm sorry that things didn't go as you had hoped.

Charbie - Ugh, isn't the final stretch just brutal? I hate all of the anticipation and waiting. I hope that it happens soon for you.

NEL, you look great and I love your bedroom!

Telling work - I told my manager at 9 weeks after I had to abruptly leave work for an ultrasound due to bleeding. I ended up telling the rest of the team at 12 weeks at the end of a team meeting. It was kind of nice getting the news to everyone at once; I had one coworkerwho would have gotten her panties in a twist if she wasn't one of the first to know, and we're not close enough that I would have just told her.

I'm either 39w1d or 39w3d, depending on what EDD I'm going by. I feel like it's too early for the waiting to be killing me, but it is. I went into labor with G at 39w3d so I was kind of expecting something to start happening around now, if not sooner, and I had five (yes, 5!) hours of 1-min long contractions 5-8 minutes apart on Sunday, and then was woken up by a couple painful contractions 2 nights later, and, well, the baby's still baking. Sigh...
NEL, you definitely look like you popped too. I popped about 15 weeks also. I think with drape-y clothes it could still be hidden, but at this point I'd tell you to ROCK IT! :)

IHA, Congrats to you and Baby Liam!!! He's beautiful and I'm very happy for you and your DH. Sorry things didn't got as you planned, and for the long wait but, talk about being worth the wait.

Blen! You've been hiding on us, lady! Ha ha! Sending you some un-sticky dust. Hope Big Bro G is doing well too.
Took early from work since I have an event I need to do tomorrow for work (ugh) but hopefully can touch base with everyone as I get a pedicure :)

LC: so glad things are going well for mil at home! The transition is tough for anyone, and if she was particularly active before the accident it can be brutal. But being in her own home im sure is actually such a relief for her that any depression probably wont set in for a little bit. Good call to keep an eye out for it though! Glad you came out to your boss...I know its sort of scary, and I didn't want to just tell everyone either, but I let it go through the office grapevine as well.

IHA: welcome Liam! So glad he is here! I've been having those same feelings, where it isn't quite painful yet. I think the 'starving but nauseas' is a bit of nerves. Sorry it didn't all go as planned, but seems like things progressed quickly! Congrats, momma!

NEL: such a cute bump you've got! It's funny how at the time you feel like you've gotten huge, and now I look back at my little 16the week picture wishing my belly will one day be that small again!

JG: people honestly don't think before opening their mouths. I bet you look great.

PT: sorry your cervix is thinnig so early! Take care of you and those babies, let DH handle whatever else needs to be done. Have they discussed putting cerclage in?

Pancake: sounds like such a nice be sad without the german beer, but german food is good regardless :) mmmm...

Blen: I can only iagine wanting/hoping to go early since they always tell you that subsequent births come quicker and earlier. Glad you're hanging in close! Hope G is excited and not overwhelming!

Elle: glad you passed the test! And im sad about radioactive kitteh...any news on that front?

AFM: constant BH contractions suck. There, I said it.
I somehow didn't finish my post. Well. Anyways. Thanks for all the encouragement. I'm usually not a negative person, I think I just vent on here. Im looking forward so much to all of the changes having the baby here will bring. I cannot wait to see A as a father...he is going to be so amazing with that little girl, it brings tears to my eyes. My boss complimented me today and said that I'veby far been the easiest pregnant woman to work with, that I've been such a trooper. I still plan on going as much as I can next week until she makkes her debut, but I think eventually our bodies just start to get more worn down at the end.

The crazy receptionist brought her 1 week old in to visit yesterday. Errrm, we work in a nursing home, ya know, the kind with SICK people, who have all sorts of infections. And not only did she bring him in, she walked up and down the halls and had him in patients rooms, let patients hold him, etc. WTF?! I told a few people that while I look forward to having them meet her, don't expect me to bring the baby in at a week old, and they all agreed that was just dumb on her part. People have no common sense.
Charbie - The doctor feels that since my cervix is currently firm and closed, a cerclage with a twin pregnancy may do more harm than good. I'm currently on modified bedrest (not much allowed, but at least I can still shower daily and prepare myself a sandwich or bowl of cereal), and vaginal progesterone taken once daily.

Thanks for the well wishes and positive thoughts. They're much appreciated.
Just checking in here! Baby Liam is adorable, InHisArms! Congratuations!

Hope you'll go soon, Charbie! You too, Blenheim (I just realized you aren't on the preggos in waiting list)!
IHA -- what a cutie! I can't wait to see his red hair!!! Hope you are enjoying mommyhood and getting "plenty" of rest and cuddles!!!
PT: thanks for filling me in. I always wondered about cerclage and its sounds scary so im glad you and your doctor have good communication for plans to keep those babies baking!

Still here. 40 weeks tomorrow, just generally uncomfortable. Contrax will still come on strong every so often, then fade into the distance ;). Either way, odds are she will pop out sometime this week, so im getting a lesson in patience. Trying to be as brief as possible with all of the texts/calls from family and really random people alike asking me if the baby's here. I know everyone is excited, but hearing it over and over just wears you down. Dr appt on Tues, and im going to talk with him to see if he might strip my membranes and see if that jump starts anything. I don't want to put plans in place for an induction date quite yet, but will talk with him about what we need to do to monitor and make sure Aubrey is hanging out ok in there...not really worried about it, but just want to make sure. Full moon tomorrow....ill put some stock in it!
Oh charbie -- hang in there! Stripping membranes sounds like a good plan to me! I hope to see the post soon where you are waiting in the delivery room. Try to get 'some' rest, try to relax, and try to enjoy these last days. She's coming!!!! You are going to be over the moon in love very, very soon!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
IHA, Congrats on little Liam!! I think a red-haired boy named Liam is perfect :) Liam is my favorite name for a boy! Sorry to hear that it didn't go as planned, but am still looking forward to your birth story!

Charbie, you must be exhausted by now. The good news is that it CAN'T be that much longer. You're at 40 weeks, so this is the very end of the final stretch. My mother always says that she has two theories: 1. God made the end of pregnancy really uncomfortable so that you're willing to go through L&D just to get that child out of your body. and 2. God made teenagers so that when it's time for your kids to leave the nest, you're happy.

Blen, it sounds like you're with Charbie in the final stretch. I can't believe that after 5 hours of contractions 5 - 8 minutes apart, that didn't lead to something! You must have been so frustrated. I hope you had a good weekend and weren't too uncomfortable.

Hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was uneventful, but felt much shorter after Labor Day weekend :)
Hey everyone!

Charbs, I hope Baby A has been waiting to make her grand debut on the full moon. Sending you some un-sticky dust! When do you plan to cut out of work? Or do you plan to work up to the end? Yes MIL is transitioning well, but it'll be a process. I really hope by the end of the year, she'll be done with all the doctor appts, suctioning, trachea tubes, catheters etc. We'll see. But it was SO nice to see her home :)

Blen, hope your wait will end soon!

AFM, I'm still trying to figure out how to disperse the news through the grapevine. It's not a big deal either way, but I'm not an attention-getter. Although, kinda hard to AVOID attention when you have an ever expanding belly. :)

Oops, I realize I didn't post a belly pic last week. DH took the camera (although we have others, but I"m just lazy). I'll post this week

DH and Sis's boyfriend were both out of town Thurs-Sunday. We had a Sisters Weekend which was totally great! It was just like when we were living together and neither us were dating/married/preggers etc. We hung out, hit the gym, ate Pho (Vietnamese noodle soup :lickout: ), took the dog to agility class, cleaned house, had an impromptu BBQ. It was great! But DH finally got home last night and it was really nice to have him back.

~LC (16W, 4D)
Popping in to tell IHA that I have a 2nd cousin named Liam and he has a head of thick red hair and it suits him perfectly! Congrats on the birth of your son!

(back to lurking.....) :tongue:
Welp, due date has come and is pretty much chance she's going to be born on her due date.... :loopy: oh well. I feel now like the pressure is off, and now I can focus simply on letting her arrive. You don't realize the stress that little date which has a 5% chance of being the delivery date causes! Im now just really really hoping and praying I go into labor without induction and can give birth naturally...and even at this point if I beg for an epidural, I don't care! Just gimme my baby! Haha!

LC: plans all along have been to work until I go into labor. Today was pretty uncomfortable, and all the puppy dog looks of sympathy were a bit much, but by now I've begun just shrugging it off, laughing about it. It'll be fun from here on out to say, "Oh my due date? Yeah, that was Monday." I feel pretty worthless at work tho...the full 8 hr days aren't for me right now.

Thanks for the unsticky dust and well wishes! I simply cannot wait to introduce the little lady to my girls here!
Posting a quick fly by belly pic (late, I know!!)

Will catch up at work. Charbs, I'm so excited to meet your little girl! Baby A, can you come out and play now??

Hi ladies, checking in from Cavtat in Croatia this time - we arrived a couple of hours ago and are staying in a gorgeous little apartment overlooking the Adriatic :) I've just been uploading photos from my memory card to my computer so I'll include some belated belly pics too.

IHA - Congratulations on Liam's arrival! He is just beautiful, can't wait to see more pics and hear more from you.

Charbie - hang in there. Any time now! Would you consider just stopping working now until the baby arrives? I suppose on the other hand, if you are still feeling relatively well, work helps to pass the time... but if you're really struggling with the full days, can you cut back to just mornings?

LC and NEL - cute bumps, ladies!

Blen - any news???

PT - how are you and the twinnies faring? Thinking of you.

AFM, I am ready for 4 days of beaching, eating and reading! Husb is here for a conference, I am just here to stay at rancho relaxo. I brought my biggest bikini but I have to say, it's borderline - not indecent yet, but the girls are, ahem, filling it up and out a little! There is no doubt about the bump now. It's funny how it totally changes the way strangers look at you. Before, I was...I dunno, a young woman I suppose. Now I'm a pregnant woman!

The baby (known as "Mini-[1 syllable surname beginning with M]") is having a good old jiggle in there. I feel a couple of bouts of jiggling each day, usually when I'm just sitting or lying down. The other day there was one big ?knee ?kick that I could feel from the outside as well, but otherwise it's like Mini-M is just bouncing little foam balls around in there. We went to a Berlin Philharmonic concert the other night and during the Strauss Rosenkavalier Suite, it was dancing!

Here are some belated bump pics. For the first tri I was just bloated... then I think I actually deflated a bit at the start of the 2nd tri, then in the last 2 weeks I have really popped out quite dramatically. From the back I pretty much look the same as pre-preg.

13 weeks, 3 days:

16 weeks, 5 days:

17 weeks, 5 days:

18 weeks, 5 days:




LC and pancake: you ladies look great!

So I feel like I've been sucker punched right now. Had a very emotional morning. Traffic was terrible,, making me miss my appt, and so I just showed up 20 mins late anyways. They let me in, I just had to wait about 20 mins more. Did the normal pee in a cup, then checked weight...I've trended down again the past two weeks. This makes my overall weight gain 9 lbs. First not good sign. Took my blood pressure. 160/90. Figuring it might be the stress still from my stress in the traffic, went into the actual room and waited a little more. Doc comes in, we chit chat about football, check hb (sounds good), and then checks me....he said he would be generous to call me 2to cm dialated. Disappointed, sure, but I still was ok. Has them recheck my BP...still high. He then asked if my vision was still blurry (yes), and if I've had headaches, noting the high BP. I told him I've had headaches on and off, that yesterday I had one that got pretty bad and that I had my BP checked at work yesterday and it was 140/92, which is still very high for me. Ive got a headache right now to b honest. I knew at this point where the discussion was going to go, and that this baby wasn't picking her birthday, but that we were going to pick it for her. Soe, he had the nurse call the hospital to induce me TODAY since he didn't like my symptoms. No openings, though they will call if that changes.

So, I have an induction scheduled...not spilling the details on the specifics so you all can be in suspense for when A is arriving ;). Not going to work, relaxing to keep the BP down, and maybe she will realize she's gotta make a move or get evicted.

Im upset. I know I shouldn't be, I told myself that we need to do whatever is best for the baby and myself, but I just feel kind of in shock right now. I can't argue with my BP and headaches and blurred vision...they are all there and all red flags. Im not being induced "just because"- but I guess I need a little bit to come to terms with this is how A will be making her appearance. I've always said my "birthplan" is fluid and im ok with there being changes to it when medically necessary...I just didn't think it would get to that! It is what it is. Once she's here I doubt ill care, and having the end in sight is exciting. I just need to process for a bit and once I do, and have the chance to talk with DH for more than just a minute, ill regroup and know it'll all be juuuuuuust fine ;)
Gah! Been so busy lately I haven't had enough much time to check in!!

IHA - Liam is adorable!!! Congratulations!!! So excited for you! :) Hope you're enjoying every minute of new mommyhood!

Charbie - Sorry that the last week or so has been so tough, and that you have to do an induction, which I know you wanted to avoid. I'm just super excited for you that it's only a matter of time now before you have your healthy little girl in your arms! Wishing you the best labor possible! Can't wait to hear all about it, and of course, see pictures!!!

All these little bumps are so cute! I love them! You guys all look so great!! We have such gorgeous moms on PS - I swear!

I hope everyone is doing well.. seems like you're all just trucking along!

AFM - 29w1d. Getting big and uncomfortable. Blargh. Can't believe it's still another 11 weeks until DD. Dropped kitty off for his iodine treatment yesterday, and won't see him for a month. I cried most of the way home, and then on and off for the rest of the day. The kitten misses his big brother, and he's been crying also. Rough day in the Dizzy household! :cheeky: I have prenatal yoga and birth classes today - so there's a ton to keep me busy. I'll post a belly shot after I've showered and made myself presentable!
Charbs, I'm sorry right now is not the plan you had in your head. But you've got the right frame of mind that you're doing what's best for both you and Baby A. The blood pressure and an those symptoms is pretty serious stuff, and your doctor seems 100% on your side. So even with the induction, you can still plan what you can plan. Y'know? And NAUGHTY Charbie for keeping the birthday a secret! Hope you have a safe and quick labor, friend.

Pancake, sounds like you had a few fun days and now all relaxing and hanging out while you DH is busy. That sounds awesome. How's the weather there. I think I kinda know what you mean about the new way people look at you. I'm definitely looking more round, maybe in the "Is she pregnant or just fat" phase right now. I must say you look fantastic.

Elle, aw, poor kitty is missing big brother. :( Sorry you'll be missing kitty for a month. That's a long time to go without a pet... How's your prenatal yoga classes? I think you were talking about the birth classes a few weeks ago. Are your birth classes like once a week for a couple of weeks or one long uber workshop thing?

So trying to plan the whole Thanksgiving trip down to FL. DH wants to move the "planned" baby-thing to Saturday and take a later flight, my guess is to spend more time with his folks. I understand he wants to see his folks and spend time with them and I love spending time with them, too. But we *have* been spending time with them (this month, and next month, we're having the baby shower in their town so MIL can attend, not to mention he's not spending Christmas with me). And while, I don't necessarily want to spend time with my family, it feels a little uneven to spend ALL this time with his family and a fraction of it with mine/doing what I want. But to be honest, I have a selfish reason to not take the later flight. I kinda want to get back early on T-giving Monday so I can go to the Opera that night with Sis. I freely admit I'm being a little bit of a brat... So half of me is thinking, just book the earlier flight and tell DH that everything else was too expensive or unavailable. Terrible, right? Not sure which direction I'm going to go, but just had to get it out there since it's kinda on my mind right now...

~LC (16W, 5D)
Charbie, what a whirlwind of a morning you've had. I can definitely understand your frustration with A not being able to decide her own birthday, and not having the option of the L&D happening as naturally as it could, but I think we'd all agree that what is best for you and Baby A is what needs to be done. I think it's going to take a few hours to sink in--I'm glad you have the rest of the day to relax and prepare a little mentally. I have no doubt that once she's here, you'll forget about all this drama!

Pancake, a few day of relaxation sounds sooooo nice. And your belly shots are great! Enjoy these next few days!

LC, do you think your hubs will be annoyed if you tell him you want to get back in time to see the opera with your sis? If I were you, I'd probably just tell him the real reason and hopefully work around it, especially since you will be spending the holiday with his family. I feel like I have to tell you to avoid the buying-tics-then-lying route because it could really bite you in the bum if he looks up tickets on his own and sees the prices aren't much different. :)

Elledizzy, so sorry to hear that you won't be able to see the kitty for another month--that really does stink. It does sound like a rough day in the Dizzy family. I'm interested to hear how your prenatal yoga class goes. I was supposed to start mine two weeks ago, but it seems that every week something pops up and I can't go. I hope that the stretching at least helps your back a little.

AFM, here are some random thoughts that have gone through my head today:

1. I wish I were rich. And could take a year off of work starting today. This is the thing: I'm a planner. And right now? I feel really overwhelmed with my "to do" list. And my "to buy" list. And it's not even all baby crap. It's stupid stuff, like decorating the house. Suddenly I feel like my house looks like crap all the time and with all of my time and money spent on (seemingly) 38,543 baby items, I'm afraid it will NEVER look nice. If I were rich and never had to worry about work, I think I could take care of this issue.

2. My husband is driving me crazy. And it's not him, it's me. I feel like a hormonal basketcase about 95% of the time. I'm even annoyed at my dogs for no reason at all. I want to cry just typing about it because I feel so bad.

3. Seriously? The bacne? I don't get it. I just bought Neutrogena Body Scrub, which I've never bought before in my life. Not even as a teen. And I have to stand in a wedding in three weeks, so I don't appreciate it. Now I'm in the midst of having to find a seamstress to make a little bolero for my bridesmaid dress in case my back is broken out. This kind of stress is not good for a hormonal woman.

Sorry for the vent-fest. I feel better.
LC - You're looking fantastic! And I completely understand why you'd want to take the earlier flight, even if it is Thanksgiving. If I had something fun potentially planned, I'd want to do the same thing. You're already making concessions to spend time with his family, so...

Pancake - Thanks for thinking of me. So far, no big red flags signalling preterm labor. I have a doctor's appointment in a week to re-check my cervix. One exciting thing - DH felt the babies kick for the first time over the weekend! I've been able to feel the occasional kick here and there (from the outside), but this is the first time they've cooperated for DH.

Charbie - I had a friend go through something similar recently. She had a relatively uneventful pregnancy, and was actually hoping to do a natural/drug-free childbirth. Long story short, she ended up having a c-section and having a gorgeous, healthy, baby boy (gender was a surprise, but everyone was dead certain she was having a boy). As dead set as she was on her natural childbirth, she hasn't mentioned it once since her baby arrived. All she talked about was the great care she received, and how excited she is to be a mother. She's already talking about having the next one!

NEL - I hear you on the planning, and on the money front. I was really hoping to buy some baby stuff this weekend (with the Babies R Us coupons/sale), but I can't, and it's frustrating, because I'm not sure if we'll be able to get the same prices, and I can't help but wondering if buying now would be getting ahead of myself. I also hear you on the body changes. You always hear about morning sickness and bloating with pregnancy, even hormones getting out of whack, but two things that took me by surprise were mild acne and some very light fuzz growing on my belly (so, so weird).

AFM, I'm crossing my fingers that my cervix is holding up. The bedrest is making me a little grumpy. Plus a little sickly feeling. If I let myself walk around outside for even 10 minutes once every other day, I feel 100x better. On the up side, DH has been fantastic, reminding me to sit or lie down and take it easy, doing dishes/laundry/cooking without being asked (which is HUGE for him), and we hired a housekeeper to come every other week. DH's friend (one half of the couple who introduced us) mentioned his mother, who cleans houses, was looking for work, so it all worked out. While it's strange having a friend's mother clean our house, it's also nice having someone we trust. She even offered to walk the dog if she ever finished up early!
Here is 29 weeks. PLEASE ignore the dirty mirror - I have so NOT been on top of house keeping, and the guest bath was the first to get slacked on! I feel freaking huge. UGH!

Hi there!

Pancake, you're looking great! I bet you'll pop more in the next couple of weeks,

Elle, what a cute belly! The whale feeling only gets worse, unfortunately.

Charbie, I'm really sorry to hear about the recent turn of events. Yeah, those are big red flags and not something to mess with, and inducing is the right thing to do, but that still must be disappointing. At 2 cm or so, you probably have a decent-enough Bishop's score, so hopefully everything will go really smoothly for you! Thinking of you.

AFM, still trucking along. This baby's now been baking longer than G did, with more attempts to fake me out regarding its arrival, and I think I'm actually doing a lot better today as I'm realizing how unpredictable this all is and how little control I have in the matter. Whenever it comes, it comes.

I hope everyone's doing well!!
charbie -- sorry this is not the way you wanted things to be. I had a voluntary induction, and it wasn't bad at all. I'm glad I did. I know it wasn't part of your original plan, and that sometimes inductions aren't pleasant, but some ARE. Focus on the final product!!! Good luck!

I miss being preggo! Such a special time!
This little lady apparently does NOT want to be told what to do.
She got the memo, cause I'm pretty sure that labor has started.
Bloody show, and contractions are 10 mins apart and woooooohooooooo they are pretty darn painful.
I feel pretty good between contractions, that's why I can write to you guys now, just crampy.
If this isn't early labor, I don't want to know what is...

I really hope this is baby Aubs plotting her exit! :appl:
Argh GOOD LUCK, Charbie!!!
LC - thanks hon, my husband likes the way I look as well but to be honest I am still adjusting to the body changes! Especially to these coconuts that have been affixed to my bust!!! They are having a prolonged summer here, it's still around 30 deg Celsius during the day, and sunny. Re your dilemma with flights etc, my view is that it's better to talk to your husb about these things, even if it's awkward. He could easily look up flights himself and that would be even MORE awkward. Explain to him how you're feeling about it. You don't sound like a diva, you sound reasonable!

NEL - thank you! I am really looking forward to these few days of absolute downtime too. Re your vent, I hear you 100%! This whole 2nd trimester glow thing is a crock. It's not a glow, it is the SHINE of my OILY SKIN and my LANK HAIR - my skin is usually very well behaved and suddenly I have pimples. It's like being 13 again, complete with the embarrassing bodily changes :oops: And re the Pregnancy Anger - my husband calls my outbursts my "Grizzly Bear" episodes. He is being great. I have these swells of irritability which I cannot control. Ugh.

Blen - you are so chill about this! I am going to be a basketcase at term, I can tell already :S Be sure to tell us when things start happening...

PT - glad things are still baking as usual in there. I can imagine it's really difficult with the stir-craziness of bedrest. A friend of our family has an arcuate uterus, has had multiple miscarriages and has cervical incompetence. She's been on strict bedrest since 16 weeks and has a stitch in place. Her family have been taking time off work and tag teaming to keep her company. She's 22 weeks now and doing ok, fingers crossed - they are aiming to get her to 34. You sound like you are doing really well - hope the cervical check is ok. Tightly closed is good! Did your obs have any ideas about what gestation he thinks you will realistically get to? From a paediatric perspective, I think around 28 weeks is the golden number (or it will be for me and my neurotic paediatric brain anyway!). Will keep thinking of you!

Elle - you do not look like a whale, you look like a pregnant woman in her third tri! I wouldn't have noticed the mirror if you hadn't pointed it out. I dropped the ball with house cleaning long ago. We have had cleaners since mid-first tri and I could never go back to doing it all myself now - doesn't that sound terrible?!

AFM, it's our first full day in Cavtat (near Dubrovnik) and I have to confess I have not left the apartment yet. I slept in, had a late breakfast, surfed the web, have sat on the balcony reading my book... husb finishes today's conference proceedings at 2pm so I'll wait till he gets back and head to the beach a bit later. Too self-conscious in my "blooming state" to be seen alone in my bikini! Last night we had the most heavenly dinner - octopus, scampi, prawns, fish, baby squid, crepes...also allowed myself one glass of white wine. Am feeling more relaxed already.