
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Ok, so I lurk ALL OF THE TIME, but I never post because I'm really not good at posting on a regular basis. Plus this has been a pretty unremarkable pregnancy, so I feel like I have nothing to post! (Fingers crossed this continues!)

NEL - I'm sorry about Byron. He's always held a special place in my heart after seeing your wedding photos, and especially since he's played such a big part in your online image - I'd recognize that avatar anywhere.

PT - you look ridiculously cute! Fingers crossed that everything keeps trucking along.

Huge congrats to IHA & Charbie! Your bebes were the first ones I've shown my husband and his reaction has been an excited "Ohh! Babies!" rather than a less than enthusiastic "Ok..."

AFM: Nothing much to say except that I am finally getting reasonably uncomfortable. She seems have taken special interest in trying to take out my right hip, which is starting to get old. I am thanking my lucky stars that everything has been so normal, and I just hope that it continues. We finally managed to clear the crib and dresser boxes out of the nursery and I'm just trying to figure out a little bit more decor type things for in there. I'm finding decorating baby's room MUCH easier than picking out her name! Anyone else having mental block issues with picking out someone's name forever?!
Charbie and IHA - Congrats, new mommies! Your LOs are adorable! :love:

NEL - I am so very sorry to hear about Byron. Will be keeping you in my thoughts. We lost our family parrot of about 19 years suddenly this weekend, one of my first pets ever. It's a lot harder to deal with than I thought it would be.

PT - Glad to hear you are doing okay on bedrest. Hope everything continues to go well for you and your twins.

Belly pics look great, ladies!

Almost 15 weeks here! I have been lurking and following everyone along over the last few weeks. Back-to-school time for me has been nothing short of insane. I plan on telling my students about the baby next week. I'll be introducing them to the new kid in our class. :bigsmile:

Like Freke, things have been fairly unremarkable for my pregnancy and I haven't had much to post. Another doctors appointment is coming up on Monday, and we'll schedule the gender ultrasound for about three weeks from now. Yesterday, I had my first OMG PREGGO moment when I went to get dressed and my normal jeans were nowhere near closing when they fit just fine the week before! It's like a bump appeared out of nowhere overnight! I had a pair of maternity jeans ready for just that occasion, thank goodness. They are crazy long for me at only 5'3" though - I can't wear the petites and the regular stuff needs to come in a short version! I will get them hemmed, but in the meantime I am cuffing them like a dork. I feel good and have been eating and working out regularly. Experiencing some hip pain when I get up in the morning, probably from side sleeping. I miss sleeping on my belly. :((
MQ, Glad to hear things are uneventful for you. Uneventful is good, even though it's boring. :) My belly also popped overnight. All of a sudden I got dressed for work and I couldn't button my pants anymore. FIrst I thought, "Oh, it's just this one pair of pants." Then on the same week, a second then a third pair. Now I only have 1 pair of jeans that will fit with no button hole/bella band tricks. And of course I *live* in trackies/elastic waist bands when I'm home. I'm also a shorty and I normally hem my own jeans. But when I'm feeling lazy, I'll cuff inside and pin the cuff with safety pins. But then I stay lazy and never hem them... :rolleyes:

Freke, I'll repeat the "hooray uneventful" cheer for you too. I can't WAIT to see your nursery! You must post pics! As far as baby names I don't have much. I think DH and I are waiting until we find out the sex, then just pick names. Till then we haven't shared much. I told my sis and my Best-ie some of my name preferences, and that was the extent of name research I've done.

Parrot, Sorry bedrest is still... going. I can't imagine what I'd do, but it seems you have a lot to keep you occupied. Do you have friends you can online chat with? Sorry to hear about the preeclampsia. It's a pain but better to play it safe. Aw!! So cute to hear the twins are active. Can your DH feel the movement too?

NEL, you look amazing, btw! Did you get a new haircut,btw? Or is your hair just pulled back?

AFM, not much going on. I had to reschedule my 20 week U/S because the practice lost one of the U/S techs. :( So now it's a week later. Boo! But not big deal I guess, but kinda tough to be patient for a first time mama, y'know? DH and I had a date night last night. The restaurant lost our reservation, but randomly one of my good friends and her husband just sat down for dinner at the same time, so we double dated. It was super fun. But DH didn't like the restaurant at all, very small portions. We hit a taqueria right after dinner so DH can order 2 steak tacos and actually EAT dinner. Ha ha! Babymoon in T-2 days! Looking forward to it. DH and I did some last minute "wilderness shopping" at REI. Got a stuff sack, some sport towels, and some other "wilderness hygiene" items. I also had to get a new pair of wicking/sports pants. I have a few pairs from when DH and I went on safari, but clearly it can't fit anymore...

~LC (17W, 3D)
IHA - Congrats mama! Liam is so cute, and I love the read hair! Sorry you had to have a c-section, but glad everyone is ok.

Charbie - Congrats to you too mama! Aubrey is soo precious, yeah for little girls :bigsmile:
congrats charbie!! what a cutie! :appl: :appl:
IHA and Charbie, you have the most adorable baybees!!!!! Congratulations!!!

PT - so sorry to hear about the bed rest and the possible pre-e. Hopefully it's just the stress and there's not really anything to worry about in that department. Can a girl get a break?! I don't know if you've said anything about this before, but were you working? It must be so difficult to have to check out on an employer for reasons so far beyond your control! I hope that the bed rest helps your babies stay cozy in there where they belong!! You look fabulous though, and I hope you're able to find plenty to keep you entertained.

LC - Yay for babymoon!!! I am so jealous, still haven't been able to plan a good one with the hubby. Hoping to maybe sneak in a B&B getaway in October or November. Don't hike too hard, and enjoy your time together!! And take pictures to share with us! I love your bump, it's so cute!! Sorry the flight you wanted for Turkey Day was sold out... pretty sure I would have just bought the ones I wanted, you're a nice wife! I would have been like "I'm growing your baby, I get to do something for ME this one time!" Hahaha.

NEL - Hey lady! I am so sorry to hear your news about Byron, you couldn't possibly have done more for your beloved pup and he is so lucky to have had you for puppy parents. Your bump is so adorable!! I can't believe we're all showing now, it seems like yesterday we got BFPs and were dying to tell people.

Janine and Blen, you two been absent because you've been busy bringing new life into the world? Can't wait to hear all about it!!

MQ, glad to hear everything is trucking along normally.. and so jealous you get to find out the gender at 18 weeks! My hospital won't do it before 20, and I have to wait for 20w6d because of scheduling! Sigh.

pancake - I am loving hearing about your travels! And look how your bump has grown! It's really quite amazing!! Continue to enjoy yourself, and post a few pics when you get back!

Elle - So sorry about radioactive kitty, but the month will fly by before you know it! Hang in there! Did your DH get the nursery painted?? I have an insane-o mother who plans to paint mine as soon as she arrives in town, so I'm not so worried, although I'd like to get it done in the next month before she gets here. How does 30(!!?!!) weeks feel??

Freke - I have been lurky instead of post-y too. :)) Sorry about the hip pain, but I hope that nursery is coming along quickly!! And you'll be fine, everyone eventually does choose a name, and I'm sure hers will be perfect!

AFM... Wow, I keep meaning to post but I've been so busy and then look, it's been 3 weeks since I posted! I think I actually popped around late 14, early 15 weeks. Now here I am at 16w2d, and feeling all self-conscious about my belly! Sometimes it looks bigger than other times, but at least I don't feel like such a fraud looking at maternity and baby stuff, hahaha. I discovered when temperatures outside dropped considerably this weekend that I am definitely going to have to invest in some more fall and winter maternity clothes! Brrr!

My mother has apparently completed the nursery textiles... glider cushions, quilt, curtains, crib skirt, etc.... all without consulting me on the fabric. :eek: She swears it's in the grey and yellow that I wanted, and that my only complaint might be that it's not baby enough... which is fine, I didn't want a super baby nursery anyway. She's an amazing seamstress and she knows what I like (I think!) and even though I am incredibly grateful and thrilled, part of me is so mad! Don't I get a say in what my OWN BABY'S NURSERY is going to look like?! Argh. At least I know when she comes here in a month she is literally showing up with a whole entire nursery! It will look so cute right away! And then she will be here when we find out the gender, so we can accessorize together. I'm trying to look on the bright side... Mothers!!

I am feeling a thousand times better - except for a couple very isolated incidents that came on and left very quickly, I am nausea free, off the Zofran, and feeling much less tired, although still more tired than my non-pregnant self. It's nice that I actually have the motivation to do something again! The house is a lot cleaner :)) Anyway, I'll be better about posting in the future! And since I missed BPF, I snapped a quick blurry pic this morning of my 16w2d belly, here it is!

Oh my goodness Charbie!!! She is beautiful! congratulations!!!!

Freke I didn't know you were pregnant? When are you due?

AFM- I offically only have 8 weeks to go but since my DS was 3.5 weeks early I'm really hoping this one will come early too (that and I would puffy heart LOVEEEEEEE an October baby....i'm a sucker for halloween). Her nursery is almost done, we are just waiting for some company to come later this month and once they leave we can pull out the bed in there and really set the room up. I'm definitely more uncomfortable this time around and I feel like a beached whale most of the time. I just want to have her come out so I can feel like a normal human being again. :appl:
To ALL, thanks so much for your well-wishes for Byron and understanding how hard all of this is. One of our docs came out to our house last night to talk with us about all of our options and we feel better. Our plan is to do a very minor (painless) procedure to make sure that Byron isn't in any pain in his eyes, then we're going to make the decision of when to put him down. This has been a very long time coming, so I'm not as devastated as I imagined I would be. D and I mostly thank our lucky stars that he came into our lives. I'm telling you, that dog is an angel in disguise.

Okay, moving on to less depressing subjects!

Sarahbear, only 8 weeks to go?? I'm with you on loving the idea of a late October baby. If I had my choice of times to deliver, that woud lbe my top choice, too. I love that time of year and can you imagine how fun her birthday parties would be? Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Katy, it's so good to hear from you!! I've been wondering how you've been--funny how I still consider you my "cycle twin"! Your bump looks fabulous, by the way, nothing to be self-conscious about. I do understand, though. I was wearing really bulky shirts because (using another LC phrase), I had the "just had thanksgiving dinner" look happening. I bought some more fitted shirts over the weekend, though, and am embracing the small bump now.

It's so sweet of your mom to do all of this work for the nursery, but I can understand your wanting to at least get a peek. She could send some pictures your way at least! :) I'm sure it will all look wonderful--I love the idea of grey and yellow. Very soft and subtle.

LC, Sooooo close to the babymoon! Woohoo!! And I'm so sorry to hear about the anatomy scan being pushed back a week (a week feels like FOREVER). When is the new scan scheduled for?

MQ, yay for uneventful pregnancies--I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays uneventful! Mine has been uneventful as well, which makes me happy. Glad you had the backup pair of maternity jeans, now you'll have to get a few more pairs!

Freke, sorry to hear that things are starting to get uncomfy. I'm just hoping it doesn't get any worse for you. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything stays as comfy as possible. And woohoo for getting the boxes out of the nursery, I can't wait to see pics. Unfortunately, I haven't even started down the "name" path...the whole thing makes me nervous. D and I don't tend to agree on names, so I feel like it could be rough. We decided not to worry about it until we know the sex, but we're delaying the inevitable. I think I'll be in your boat soon.

PT, I'm keeping everything crossed that your cervix looks good on Wednesday. You must be SOOOO tired of the bedrest at this point. The upside is that you look absolutely adorable. Those twins just need to sit tight and let you move around a little!

AFM, I was lying on my stomach yesterday morning and I felt several little vibrations. Granted, this could have been gas as my digestion system has a life of its own these days, but I can't help but wonder if I may have felt a little movement? I'm at 16.5 weeks, so it could have been...but I haven't felt anything since.
NEL, The new scan is scheduled for Oct 13th. Kinda cool you might be feeling movement. I think I'm feeling movement too. But it's internal movement, nothing that can be felt from the outside. I told DH that I think I feel movement and he said "That's exciting." Hugs to you and your DH. Byron sounds like a champion, and I'm glad he is part of your lives.

SarahBear, wow on wow! 8 wks!!! Go you! I hope DD is born an over achiever like her big brother. :) Sorry you're feeling more uncomfortable, but it'll all be over soon and you'll get a beautiful baby girl.

Katy, there you are! Glad to hear things are going well. Yeah half of me wanted to be bratty and say, "Too bad! I'm booking the earlier flight." But I guess everything worked out. Sigh! So sweet your mom was so excited she finished everything all the textiles. I can totally see why you're frustrated but I'm sure most will work. And she'll probably be able to help alter stuff if you want to make changes too. I have my anatomy scan at 21 weeks, so I hear you on the impatient frustration. Super cute belly pic!

AFM, today was my last chance to hang out with Sis before the Baby Moon. Poor Sissy she got into an accident (other driver at fault) on Friday coming home from work. Everyone's OK but she got some damage on her car. She took it for an estimate... $2,900! OUCH!! DH's best friend knows a shady body work shop that did good work on their minivan. So Sis is going to check them out.

Then the rest of tonight was pack-pack-pack. DH must've asked me the same questions about our trip like 8 times. I started getting annoyed tonight because I've gone through the itinerary with him verbally 4 times, and twice via email. Then he proceeds to ask me what to pack. Sigh! I dunno what he'd do if he wasn't married.... :rolleyes:

After this the only OTHER thing I want to plan is my family baby shower. Then that's IT! FINITE-O! I'm so done with doing all this planning/logistics stuff.

I'll probably be MIA until I get back on Sunday. So if I'll catch up with you guys soon.

Good luck Blen & Janine.

Charbs, and IHA hope you guys are snuggling up with your new bebes. SMOOCH those cheeks!!!!

~LC (17W, 4D)
LC - Boo on rescheduling the 20 week ultrasound!

Katy - so glad that nausea has eased for you! I know how terrible you were feeling for a while. I can't wait to see the nursery! I love gray and yellow together!

Sarahbear - I'm hovering around the 32 week mark. I'm really bad at figuring it out - I'm due November 20th/21st. Doc keeps changing it on me! Sounds like you and I are due around the same time?

NEL- I started to feel things around the 17 week mark. I remember thinking to myself "huh I'm gassy today...Holy $#!+! That's the baby!" It's kind of a crazy revelation...So exciting!

AFM: We've narrowed it down to a first name (it's been THE name for a while, but we didn't know if we'd use it as a first name or a middle name) and we have about 3 middle names. So we're getting there...still it's daunting!

I've gotten a couple BH contractions...that's been interesting... I really had a "Oh crap, I'm pregnant!" moment the other day. We were poking around at Target, D was a few aisles down and I knocked over a rug, I stood there for a second just staring at it thinking "Aw crap, I have to bend over and pick that up?!" when this woman swooped up and picked it up for me. Apparently I look pregnant.

I promised EricaR a few nursery pics, so I guess I'll post one here...kinda messy, but much better without the stupid giant boxes.

DSCN1016 freke.jpg

DSCN1020 freke.jpg
My cervix is no longer measurable at this point, although it remains closed. Fortunately I'm not working right now, since the doctor wants me to take it even more easy than before (avoid driving as much as possible, lying is preferable to sitting, don't do ANY chores around the house, etc.). I'm grateful for every day that I don't experience any preterm labor signs, because that brings me one day closer to the babies being viable. I'm currently 24 weeks and 3 days. While I'd love to make it to 36+ weeks, my first big goal is to make it to 28. Luckily my family is amazing. DH is currently out of town (his brother is getting married this weekend), and my family has been bringing me 2-3 meals a day, doing my dishes, doing my laundry, walking the dog (and cleaning up her poop from the yard), and taking out the trash. DH is pretty fantastic himself, picking up all the slack and doting on me, while trying to run a business, and doing his best to keep me optimistic, even though I can tell the stress (both work & personal) is wearing on him. On the up side, they did a detailed ultrasound on Tuesday to track the babies' growth, and everything looks right on track. They're kicking up a storm, although they tend to slow down when DH tries to feel (he'll only feel a few kicks before they stop).
Hi all! I'm at Frankfurt Airport, we got up at 4am this morning to take a 6am flight from Rome to here, and now we are waiting until we can drop our bags for the long haul home :( We've had a fantastic trip and I feel very lucky that our timing was so good in terms of me being well!

PT - hubby and I have both been thinking of you. I agree that 28 weeks is a great goal. In Australia we consider viability to be somewhere around 24 weeks (depending on the neonatal centre, I have resuscitated down to 23+5/40). Every day makes a difference at this stage. We have our fingers crossed for you, your husband and your babies!

Katy - look at your cute little bump! I agree, there is a "pop" at some stage. Mine happened at about 16-17 weeks, and growth has been rapid since. I know what you mean about feeling self-conscious. People look at your totally different once you're obviously pregnant, and before you're obviously pregnant you just feel self-conscious about looking a bit heavy. Ugh. But I'm getting used to the bump now - as will you!

Freke - you look all set!! The nursery looks fantastic. Such exciting times.

LC - how annoying about the US being rescheduled, I always have such anticipation before my appointments so I understand your disappointment. But it's only a week!

NEL, I'm sorry that Byron is so unwell and for the adjustment process that you guys are going through. It really sounds like you have his best interests at heart and I'm thinking of you as you walk through it.

Sarahbear - gosh that is soon! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your October arrival too :)

AFM - I'm 19 weeks and 4 days today and Mini-M is kicking and jiggling up a storm in there! I had my first flutters in week 16 and then since week 17 it's been all systems go. Hubby felt some big ones for the first time yesterday and got a real buzz out of it! My belly is now clearly preggo - some kind people even gave up seats on the Rome Metro for me! Every day it seems to stretch a bit more - it was a bit uncomfortable yesterday at the end of a long day of walking, I think just because of all the muscular stretching.

We spent the last 5 days in Rome and LOVED it! Italy is my favourite country in Europe (of the ones I've been to) and Rome did nothing to change that... I have to say I think I'm still a northern Italy girl at heart, but it was really just fantastic. I am DREADING the next 30 hours of travelling and transit, but looking forward to my scan on Wednesday. We are going to find out whether Mini-M is a girl or boy and I am SO excited about it! Then we can really start workshopping names in earnest... we have a little shortlist but most of the time when I bring it up DH just gets silly :rolleyes:
I was running out the door this morning and forgot to snap a pic, so no Friday pic for me :(

Pancake, I'm encouraged that you're feeling so much movement at 19 weeks! I'm still only feeling the occasional flutter (I'm 17 weeks) and I can't wait to start feeling a little more movement. And I can't agree more about Italy--I fell in love with Italy while I was there and would loooove to go back again. I'm so glad you loved Rome. I also had to laugh about your hubby getting silly when discussing names. Mine does the same. We agreed to hold off until the anatomy scan, but every few days I offer up a few names that I'm thinking about and he'll say something like "How about Captain Wonderpants???" and then I roll my eyes and stop talking. I hope the 30 hours of travelling doesn't drain you--hopefully you can sleep through a good chunk of that.

PT, I'm so happy that you keep trucking along with no signs of early labor, but my heart really goes out to you for having such limited movement. That must be really tough. It's great that your husband is being so helpful and that you have a good network of family members who can pitch in as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, mama!

Freke, first I have to tell you that I LOVED the shoe pic. As soon as I scrolled down I started laughing because it's so appropriate for you. And I really love that nursery furniture--I love the dark wood!! I would love dark wood, but we have dark wood floors and a wood wall, so D thinks it would be too dark. We'll figure it out, but I think it looks absolutely perfect in your nursery!

LC, I know you're on your babymoon right now and won't be back until Sunday, but I wanted to tell you that I hope you're having fun!

AFM, can I just say holy heartburn? This week has been the week of lots o' heartburn. I've never really had it much in the past, so I'm getting used to it, you could say.

Just a quick Byron update: we were supposed to have a procedure done on his eye this week, but the procedure will deteriorate his retina and then there is no hope at all for vision. He was displaying some signs of seeing light, so we decided to hold off for a few days. But yesterday and today have been bad days for him, so we need to reassess.

And finally, a funny story: I jumped in a cab yesterday because I had to run to a client meeting and the cab driver said to me (and I quote verbatim) "Are you pregnant or just fat?" HA! I said "Lucky for you, I'm pregnant". Then he asked me if it was a boy or girl and I said I didn't know. He said "Oh, it's a girl". I asked him how he knew nad he said I was skinny everywhere except my belly. If it was a boy, I'd be "fat" everywhere. I don't know why that cracked me up so much, but he was funny.

That's it for me. One week until my anatomy scan!
Morning from the West Coast ladies!

On route to the airport, but just wanted to check in

PT, sorry to heat about your full bed rest (is it full? ) but as they say, you have bigger fish to fry with your babies. So wonderful your DH and family are there to help so much. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that babies will make it for as possible.

NEL, funny storey about the cabbie. DH and I have just been avoiding the name conversation all together. He still wants to keep the sex a secret. Not sure why but I'll try to play along. I might have to tell my sis and brother then swear them to secrecy.

Katie, glad you're doing okay.

Freke, aw the nursery pics look awesome! Ha ha love the shoe pics!

That's everyone I can remember right now. I'll post more from the airport after reading three thread again. For me, spent three days hiking Yosemite back country. It was amazing, breathe taking and totally moving! Also so incredibly difficult. I didn't account fire the altitude as an additional challenge. Them spent the last two days at Tahoe, relaxing and eating. Got a preggo massage n that felt awesome.

LC (18w, 3d)
Wanted to quickly reply to Pancake. How your flight back? Hope you were able to get some rest. So glad you loved Rome. Mmmm just picturing ask the delicious food you got to eat! Aw, I hope you post pix of your bump. So nice of people to give up seats for you.

parrot tulips|1316741912|3023491 said:
My cervix is no longer measurable at this point, although it remains closed. Fortunately I'm not working right now, since the doctor wants me to take it even more easy than before (avoid driving as much as possible, lying is preferable to sitting, don't do ANY chores around the house, etc.). I'm grateful for every day that I don't experience any preterm labor signs, because that brings me one day closer to the babies being viable. I'm currently 24 weeks and 3 days. While I'd love to make it to 36+ weeks, my first big goal is to make it to 28. Luckily my family is amazing. DH is currently out of town (his brother is getting married this weekend), and my family has been bringing me 2-3 meals a day, doing my dishes, doing my laundry, walking the dog (and cleaning up her poop from the yard), and taking out the trash. DH is pretty fantastic himself, picking up all the slack and doting on me, while trying to run a business, and doing his best to keep me optimistic, even though I can tell the stress (both work & personal) is wearing on him. On the up side, they did a detailed ultrasound on Tuesday to track the babies' growth, and everything looks right on track. They're kicking up a storm, although they tend to slow down when DH tries to feel (he'll only feel a few kicks before they stop).

PT, sending lots of dust you keep going for many many more weeks!

All you preggos look beautiful, love the belly shots!!!
hello everyone! Long time no post - I am sorry about that! I have been trying to keep up to date by lurking. I am going to claim i am like Freke, that i just have a terrible time actually posting.
first, congrats IHA and Charbie! Liam and Aubrey are both just adorable! Hoping (and wishing) that all of you are doing well!

LC and pancake - i love that you do bump pictures. Looking back i wish i would have done that, but i never really thought i looked pregnant until now. Now, i have an honest-to-goodness basketball-smuggling bump!

Work is finally slowing down a bit to where i will be able to catch up more, and i hope that i will be able to do so more regularly!

AFM - 32 weeks as of today. 8 full weeks left. 56 days, which mean DH has 56 days to quit smoking. And speaking of DH, though he has been the BEST house husband ever since getting laid off back in August, He was offered a job last friday!! The pay is less than what he made at the State, but the oppertunity for growth is a lot better, and faster. This means i will have to get back to cooking and cleaning (he took over almost all of it while being laid off) again, since he will be taking a couple night classes and self study courses to have gain more certifications. His new job, you ask? Building Inspector! I think the actual title is Construction Materials Inspector, but it is for new buildings. Once again I get to call him Inspector :naughty:
The nursery is almost done - we need to hang a few shelves and start filling in the dresser and organizing the closet. We have our semi co-ed baby shower this weekend, so I am not rushing to put things away until them. My wonderful sister and friends gave us a lot of items to use until we got back on our feet, and fortunately it looks like i'll be able to give those items back! Although I am still trying to be a minimalist when it comes to buying baby gear. I know i don't need everything right away, and do i really need 3 different types of jumpers?
Here are some pictures for the kiddo's room. Honestly, its the best looking room in the house.
again, sorry if the pictures do not show up. I am one of the olders before PS 2.0 came out, and never figured out how to put in pictures :confused:



the bed is not 100% set. I am waiting for our breathable bumpers, and the current bumper is too tall at the highest mattress setting.

this is hanging on her door. It's kinda lame since it is my first one, and the yarn isn't the best choice. But I was bored while watching a moving saturday night.
The room is purple (mystic Fairy by Bahr), but it comes up grey in almost all of the photos. But, i love it. I am in so much peace when i am in her room.
JCarley, your nursery looks GREAT!!! Did you buy all the textiles to coordinate or were you just lucky enough to find it that way? I'm really digging that you used lilac/lavender for the walls. It's feminine but not baby, y'know?? Congrats on the 8 wk mark. I'm glad your DH got his new job. When does he start? What is your plan for the semi-coed shower? I think I want to do the same thing too, but not sure what I'd do for it. I think for my family shower, it'll just be at a restaurant in FL. I'm going to ask everyone to not bring presents (of if they want to get presents, please send it to our house) since we'll be flying back the next day.

NEL, hope the heartburn is easing back. Maybe Elle has some tips for you? I think I remember her mentioning some killer heartburn too. Dust to you and D re: Byron. I'm unsure if I feel movement or not, but I think sometimes I do. It feels kind of like a pulse sometimes. But the baby doesn't move much. After all the hiking, some parts I really exerted myself which I probably shouldn't have, so I kept asking the baby to move a little so I know he's OK. Didn't listen, the little stinker.

Pancake, wow, I hope I can feel some kicks at 19 wks. DH and I tried to see if the baby would move for him, but he hasn't felt anything yet. Oooh! Can't wait for your scan on Weds!!!! DH and I have been totally avoiding the name discussion in general so it'll be interesting what we come up with. I think I have 5 names each that I really like. I dunno about him. He said he has an easier time thinking of girl names than boy names.

Parrot, Has you DH been able to feel any more kicks. Is he back from the wedding? Hope you're doing well, my friend.

Freke, what's your wall color? It looks like a nice ocean-y blue. I was unsure about doing dark wood, which is my preference when it comes to furniture but I'm really digging how it turned out in your nursery. I might want to do the same.

AFM, back at work today. :( But it wasn't so bad. I got the first random person congratulate me, she noticed I was rockin' the baby bump. I haven't mentioned it to my team yet, maybe this week if we have our team meeting. I'm still going through my pictures need to color correct some of them etc. I'll post some pretty shots when I get through it all. I think DH might even have some "Backpacking Belly shots" of me. I had one camera and he had the other.

So I think we're ready to tackle this baby thing head on now. I figure we'll need to sort out the nursery (clean the closet out, get rid of my monitor and old desk, new curtains, recover the futon, and nursery furniture), pick out names, sort out the day care stuff, plan the family shower, and start asking people what they'd be willing to loan to us re: baby stuff. My goal is to only buy a stroller, big kid car seat, high chair, furniture and cloth diapers. I guess toys and health care stuff. I'd like to borrow the infant car seat, snap n go, baby carrier, tub, bassinet/cosleeper, pack n play, swing/bouncer/bumbo/exersaucers/activity thing. etc. We'll see.

~LC (18 wks, 4D)
JCarley - Your nursery is darling. And I'm so glad to hear your fabulous husband has found work!

LC - Your trip sounds like it was amazing. I'm so envious. Can't wait to see hiking belly pics! As for your approach about baby stuff, I agree about trying to borrow or "inherit" as much stuff as possible before purchasing anything. I've already been gifted a double snap 'n go, Maclaren Twin Techno (in fantastic condition), and have been promised a bouncer, excersaucer, and swing, which my friend's (last) child will have outgrown by the time mine would be ready to use them. My sisters are going to be so set by the time they're ready to have kids. Oh, and yes, DH got back Sunday evening. He hasn't felt any more movement yet. He always seems to be in the middle of something when they kick, and when he finally manages to pull himself away... :rolleyes:

AFM, my back aches a little from laying down so much, but I'm doing well otherwise. My baby shower is scheduled to take place about 3 weeks from now (relocated to my house so I won't need to do any unnecessary moving). The reason I'm most looking forward to it is that it will be just one day shy of me reaching 28 weeks, which I understand is a huge milestone for people at risk of PTL. I'm just hoping that no complications arise before them, for all the obvious reasons, and because I know my sisters have already put so much work (and money) into planning the shower.

Thanks to everyone for your positive thoughts. DH and I remain cautiously optimistic, but knowing people are thinking of you definitely helps.
Quick drive-by before I go to bed, as has been mandated by my husband...

LC, it's "Delicate Mist" from Behr. I originally grabbed what I thought were light green-grays...turns out the one we picked ended up being way more blue than planned!

Had a bit of a breakdown earlier today (hence the mandated bedtime as per above) because, as with JCar, it's 32 weeks for me today and that means we have 8ish weeks left to prep for baby (still unnamed...mostly). Which is sounding scarier and scarier. Add to that the stress of my dad getting remarried on Friday and the world is changing a little bit too much, too fast for my comfort levels...

Be back with more later.
Freke, Hugs for everything being so crazy for you. Your DH sounds like he's really good at taking care of you when you're too busy getting wrapped up in life. Go Mr. Freke. But just take everything one day at a time. And look, you already did so much with the nursery! You guys ROCK!

Parrot, Still going through pics so I haven't found a hiking belly pic yet. Some close ones, I might post. :) Your shower sounds great! You sisters are really sweet to move the shower to your house. And yes, it's a great "milestone" to hit. Wow, you got some pretty sweet stash built up for your babies. That's awesome! You've got some great friends. We're still thinking about you and I'm sending you happy baby baking vibes. :)

~LC (18W 5D)

ETA: 18wk hiking belly pic @ Yosemite's Tenaya Lake. This was actually BEFORE we started our actually hiking part.

LC, you look fabulous in your pic! I'm so glad you had such a great time. Interesting that you're not feeling much movement, either. When I randomly feel something I'm still not sure if it's just some sort of gas bubble or actual baby movement. D is convinced that the baby is just very laid back. Ha. And I'm right there with you on the "ready to tackle this" mentality. Your plan sounds like a good one! We are still on hold with a lot of the big stuff until this weekend (find out sex on Friday), but I'm hoping we can knock a lot of things out in Oct. and Nov.--we'll keep each other updated!

Freke, I'm glad you're taking a little timeout for yourself--you're going through a lot at once. Your father getting remarried is a big one. And I can imagine the anxiety you feel being in the final stretch--do you sometimes wish you could hit pause and just breathe a little? I already feel that way!

PT, I'm definitely still keeping everything crossed for you. I'm sure the end of each day without any pre-term labor signs is a relief. I feel so bad that you're worried about something happening before the shower. I understand, but feel so bad that you're worried. One day all of this waiting and hoping that everything will be okay will be a distant memory. I'm definitely going to be extra excited for you when you make it past some of these major milestones and eventually are able to hold your twins...and then the next phase of worrying can begin :)

JCarly, so good to see you! You and Freke are both in the final stretch. Your nusery looks fabulous! I'm so jealous of you ladies who are nearly done with your nurseries. Congrats on your DH getting a job offer, but I also understand the disappointment of not having to worry about the cooking and cleaning. My husband took several months off from his job when he was really stressed out a couple of years ago, and it was SO NICE to come home to a house that didn't need to be cleaned. Anyway, I'm sure the trade-off is worth it and it must be so nice that he doesn't have to worry about job hunting anymore!

AFM, no new news here. Still feeling good, just hormonal. This weekend I baked a pie, then got angry with D when he came in from mowing the lawn and ate 1/3rd of it. Even though I only wanted one slice (my sweet tooth is waning these days). I also got mad at him for mowing said grass, because I wanted him to put away shirts instead? I'm very happy that D takes my moodiness with a grain of salt and laughs instead of getting angry. Though when he does laugh, that makes me angry, too. Good times!

He's gotten a bit of a break recently--yesterday was his birthday and tomorrow is our anniversary, so I promised him I wouldn't yell at him all week. So far, so good!
LC - thanks! I bought the set from BuyBuyBaby, and I am not 100% happy with the quality (rip in the quilt which is fixable, and the valance measurements were off) I cannot complain for the price of a 6 piece set ($99). Plus, it was the only set that DH and I could agree on; All girly bedding makes me want to barf, and DH instisted that Emily has something more to look at than circles and squares (modern bedding). YOU look fantastic btw, and i wish i had as much energy as you did around the same time! I swear at 14 weeks i checked out, energy wise.

PT -thank you! I hope you enjoy your shower! Mine is this weekend, and i am looking forward to it!

Freke - I know what you mean by the freak out mode. Honestly, until the room was set up (or should i say, furniture ordered), and my sister dropped off the carseat, I was starting to freak out A LOT that we were horrible un prepaired parents. But as soon as the crib was set up, and DH put the rug in the room, i have felt a lot more at ease. I know i have 5000million things still left to do (oh, say, wash all of her clothes and actually sort through them), i feel like now there is more time. Even though, really there is only 8 weekends left.

NEL - Thank you! I know what you mean about the raging hormones - this morning (after DH left for new job) I cursed his name for putting a glass of water on the bathroom counter near the light switch. Why is that so bad? Because when i turn off the light switches on my way out the door, i always knock over the dang glass! That stupid glass of water always seems to be right in my hand's flight path when i turn out the lights.
Also, regarding movement, i really could not tell the difference (as a first timer) between 16-22(ish) weeks. What i thought was gas was really the babe, and vise versa. And from 22-28 weeks it was still a guessing game, unless she judo chopped my kidney/bladder/internal organ of choice.

AFM - nothing new since yesterday, except that DH started his new job. Did i mention he looks all handsome in his new clothes? It is refreshing to see him in something other than clothes that match high-vis orange :naughty: Oh, and I started taking my prenatal vits again (didnt take them almost all of July and Aug, much to DH's displeasure) which i am already regretting. Sorry for the TMI, but they make going to the bathroom near impossible. I feel like a rabbit, although i am sure their digestive system works better!
PT- I'm thinking about your and sending all good thoughts your way. I know a woman who gave birth to her twins at 24 weeks 3 days and both are doing just fine. They were in the hospital for awhile, but it is amazing what doctors and hospitals can do these days. Regardless I have all my fingers adn toes crossed that your babies continue to stay put and that you and DH relax and can be stress free a little while longer.

JCarley- your nursery is adorable and congrats on your DH getting a new job!

Freke- I"m due 11/11/11 but am measuring ahead around 11/2 so we will see what happens. I think I'm 34 weeks at the end on friday. I'm with you- it is confusing...PS needs to get tickers so when I post it can just tell me how pregnant I am.

LC- Love your updates. You are so upbeat. Hope your pregnancy is going well.

AFM- I'm pretty pissed off right now. We are military so I get see at the local military clinic. My doctor finally at 33 weeks put in a referal for me to be transfered to the large army hospital on base so I can be seen there by the women's clinic (so far I have only been seen my my OB this entire pregnancy). Well the hospital is super busy as it caters to many people in different services so the earliest appointment they could get me was the END of OCTOBER. Yup I will be almost 38 weeks by then. Considering I delivered my son at 37 weeks there is a really good probability that I will deliver this LO before I"m even seen by a doctor at the hospital. The entire situation just irritates me. :angryfire: I'm so ready to have this baby. I'm exhausted all the time. Plus it is really starting to bother me that I can't play or even pick up my 14 month old. he is really walking now and I just want to play and have some fun with him and I constantly feel like I'm handing him off to DH so I can rest more on the couch. It makes me feel like a horrible mama. Thank goodness this is our last pregnancy so after this I can just concentrate on my two beautiful little ones and get back into the groove.
Hey, I hope you all are gestating as comfortably as possible! I just heard my sister is in the early phase of labor, trying to do a VBAC. Do you think you could spare some PS dust for her and the little one? Thank you!
Sorry I've been MIA! I did have the baby, as some people guessed. He was born last Sunday. I was having contractions on and off all day on Saturday, and they finally settled into a good pattern around 10 PM. We were a little lackadaisical about getting to the hospital, as it took so long last time (43 hours of labor, including 2.5 hours of pushing), and then when I finally got there I was 10 cm dilated at my first internal check (1:30 AM). They told me to try not to push while they went to get the OB and stationed a gloved-up resident in the room, just in case. I gave a little involuntary push at 1:33 which broke my water, and then did a really good job relaxing through contractions until the OB was there. Then my body took over as she was washing her hands, and I unintentionally birthed his head. She quickly gloved up and got to me just in time to catch his body (1:44). It was just crazy how much easier it was the second time around! And our new "little" guy was 8 lb 15 oz, so not all that little! I didn't have any tearing but did need a bag of pitocin to help with the bleeding.

We went in with a short list of names, and -- about 12 hours after he was born -- ended up choosing a name that wasn't even on the list: Edward Joseph, sometimes called "Teddy".

He's been nursing like a champ and was back up to his birth weight at 3 days post-partum. He's just a little doll, but is still in the sleepy newborn stage, and I'm guessing that he's going to wake up some any day now.

George has mostly been doing really well and seems to like his little brother, even wanting to change his diapers and nurse him (haha), but he did get really upset over the weekend that I don't like him anymore. That was heart-breaking. The newborn thing is a lot easier the second time around, but it's really hard dividing time between the two of them.

NEL, I'm so sorry to hear about Byron. It's hard when a beloved pet is so sick. Big hugs.

IHA and Charbie, a big congrats to both of you!

Kelpie, dust going her way!

PT - Thinking of you, and hoping your little ones stay put at least another 4 weeks (and hopefully even longer)! I'm glad to hear that you have such a great support system.

Freke - love the shoes, heehee. It's daunting, but I'm sure that you'll settle into everything beautifully when the time comes.

LC - Great pic! You look fab, and that is some wonderful scenery there!

Blen, OMG what a cutie!!! So happy your labor went well with Edward. Guess he just really wanted to come out into the world. Ha ha! What a cute face! I'm glad George is adjusting to his big brother role. And yes there was some absolutely BREATHTAKING scenery out there!

Kelpie, lots of dust to your sister! Hope everything goes smoothly for her.

Sarah, I don't blame you for being annoyed with the hospital. I can see myself getting really impatient as well, but I couldn't imagine still having to chase after a 14 mth old as well. And you're not a horrible mama at all. Take everything to the best of your ability. It's important to be healthy for your whole family, so don't go pushing yourself because you feel "guilty" for being tired.

JCarley, Aw, your DH sounds so cute being all concerned that E will have something nice and pretty to look at. :) Have fun at your shower this weekend. I'm glad to hear it was hit or miss figuring out what was the baby and what was just gas. I"m still trying to figure that out too. First day of "school" for your DH, how great! Maybe you can try the gummi prenatals. They don't have iron so they're easier on the GI tract. Plus according to NEL they're really tasty.

NEL, DH hasn't really tried to feel the baby movement at all. He just says, "That's great babe." Wow! I can't believe your anatomy scan is this Friday! How can you stand it?!? Hey don't sweat the hormonal-ness. Sounds like D is pretty level headed with it, even though his laughing makes your more angry. Happy Anniversary!

~LC (18W, 5D)
Absolutely exhausted so I'll reply properly to everyone tomorrow, but just wanted to pop in and say...


(and a healthy one :) )
Blen, Edward is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! Wow, that is REALLY a super photo! What a nice quick L&D story! You make is seem so easy! Congrats on your little Teddy!! Very cute about George wanting to help with the new baby.

Pancake, Yay for little girls!!!

Kelpie, Special VBAC delivery dust for your sis!

LC, You're so cute! What a great photo!!
Congrats Pancake and Blen!!!!

Kelpie I'm sending dust to your sister! Hope everything works out for her!