
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I signed on tonight to comment on the fact that most of us from the JBP thread are now in our third trimester (WOW) but NEL beat me to it! :appl: Time is flying by, now, and you all look so great. So happy that everyone is hanging in there.

I'm 30w2d and the boys are doing well! I have an ultrasound tomorrow, then my DH's work is throwing us a lunch shower at a Mexican restaurant - can't wait! I continue to have contractions every day (as I have since 22w) but as far as I know, the cervix is hanging in there.

I've finished up some projects for work and there's only one outstanding, so I'm starting to have more free time and I'm getting more excited about their arrival. Of course I'm still guarded because of my risk factor, but every day I'm closer to meeting my babies. So exciting - I need to just let myself relax and have faith that it will all work out :)

I've attached a pic of the twin bump (ignore the mixmatched clothes - that was my "relaxation gear" and the top isn't maternity (hence the skin showing!) This was taken at 29 weeks.

S&I|1322779701|3072537 said:
bobbin, Are you going to find out? Your anatomy scan should be coming up soon too, right?

Yep, in fact I am leaving in ten minutes to head to the scan! I am actually a bit nervous!
Krissie, Great to hear how you're doing. I was hoping you'll stop by and check in. Great picture. I'm glad the boys are doing well. How nice that your DH's work is throwing you guys a shower! Sounds like you're all settled in and ready and waiting for your two little ones.

S&I, don't sweat trying to figure everything out. YOur DH is right, you don't need to figure all out at once, and you should take time and enjoy your pregnancy. If you're going to do a registry do NOT do a Target one! Target by itself is OK, but if you're getting anything shipped to your house, it requires a 21+ signature. For stuff from Target. So I spent 45 mins at the UPS pick up facility waiting for the stupid package! ARGH! Annoying!

Missy, I'm glad the results of your test and urine sample were all normal. Fantastic! Did you guys do a NT scan? Not gonna lie, I did one just for the extra U/S...

Bobbin, let us know what the scan says, if you're comfortable sharing. Good luck!

~LC (28wk today!)
Pancake: I like your birth plan! It is mine too. I have no idea what it means to 'ballot' the baby's head? Maybe you could show us the video?? :Up_to_something:

NEL: I am glad your screening went well. When did you start having broken sleep? I seem to have started in the last few weeks and I am not sure why – I am not physically uncomfortable at all! And nothing exciting is a good thing!

China: Welcome! I have been getting a lot of headaches recently too but I hadn't linked it to being pregnant!

Missy: Welcome to the big girls thread! I read about your urine collection weekend on the JBP thread. Ugh.

Krissie: Glad your cervix is holding up! You look great.

LC: Thanks for asking about me! I'm doing really well. As far as baby prep goes we have cleared out most of the boxes that have been sitting in the spare room since we moved in to this house in August 2010! I found and bought a cot and dresser/change table that I like and DH has mostly put it together.

AFM: The past two-ish weeks have been quite exciting for me and DH! On Tuesday 22 November, when I was exactly 18 weeks, I felt baby moving for the first time. I was surprised at how kick-like the movements were. I haven't felt any kind of flutters or bubbles or anything, just straight to kicks. Then last Saturday night the baby was being particularly active when I was in bed. I told DH so he put his hand on my tummy and actually felt the baby kick! I was surprised he was able to feel it this early, but it was unmistakeable (and really cool that we could experience it together).

Then today we had our anatomy scan. It was really tedious and a bit uncomfortable actually. We had two technicians, one who was obviously a student. She was having SO much trouble getting the shots she needed as bean was being really active and she kept complaining, telling us our baby was a troublemaker and just wouldn't keep still. The scan took an hour and a half, and as I had a full bladder, I was uncomfortable. :rolleyes: Baby is fine, everything is in the normal range. As mentioned, baby is a litlle wriggly worm, completely changing positioning, waving arms and legs about, moving the head about etc. Baby is also measuring at 20w3d now. I am 19w3d along. It kind of makes sense that DH was able to feel baby so early, given that the baby appears to be a big baby, I have a little bump for how far along I am and the baby is so active!

But the most exciting news is that we are having a little GIRL!!! :love: :appl: :love: I am thrilled, as is DH. His parents are really excited too. DH and his two brothers were all meant to be girls...

We have been talking about names. I am pretty set on Sophia. DH doesn't seem to object but won't commit. He has suggested a few names, but 95% of them have been joke names (Canary, Gothika) and the other 5% I don't like.
LC - Thanks! No, we decided not to do any extra testing. I regret it a little, because I would have liked the extra ultrasound, but oh well! I can wait until 20 weeks!

Bobbin - Thank you! Yes, the urine collection was fun :tongue: Congrats on the little girl! We're wishing for a boy, but last night I was thinking how cute it would be to see DH being so protective over his little girl and seeing them dance together at one of those Daddy/Daughter dances! So really I would be happy with either!

Just curious, when did all of you feel your first flutters? I felt weird muscle twitches/bubbly feelings in my stomach recently. I'm guessing it's just stuff expanding in that area and not really baby yet since it started at 12 weeks. Last night was funny. I had one cat sharing my pillow with me and the other curled up beside my legs in bed and DH says "we have the whole family tonight and they're taking up all of YOUR space! Just like it should be" and laughs. I said "Yea, I'm sharing my pillow, my side of the bed and MY body for the baby. What are you sharing?" And he was silent and pretending to snore :lol: What a goofball! We had an "Omg how are we gonna afford a baby moment" last night too. DH mentioned that his health insurance is going up again in January. From $50 a week to $62 a week. Luckily my work offers single health insurance to me for $0 a week. So I'm sure it'll be cheaper to put the baby on my health insurance. Now is when I'm kicking myself for not going to college, I could be making more money right now!
Bobbin, congrats on team pink!!! Baby Bobbin will have plenty of good company with all the other sweet PS girlies due soon. :) I really like the name Sophia too. I hope your DH comes around to it, it's so pretty! Wow! can't believe your baby is so big. And SO GREAT your DH was able to feel her.

Missy, when I went to my 20 wk appt, the midwife said that I'm probably feeling flutters but think it's gas or something. But muscle twitches and bubbles is movement. Just keep telling yourself that. :) We're all entitled to freak out moments every now and then. But don't let them get to you too much :)

We got a Christmas tree today! Hooray I'm all ready to start holiday decorating. I like thikning of all the holidays/events coming up and saying, "Wow by X next year, we'll have our baby!" Like we'll get to celebrate our first Mothers' an Fathers' Day next year! WOW!!!!

Haven't taken a belly pic yet but I'll do that when I get home today. My aunt hasn't sent any pics from my shower so I don't have a belly pic for wk 27, but when I get it I'll update my belly collage.

~LC (28W, 1D)
Missy and ChinaCat, welcome!!!

Missy, I didn't start feeling anything until after the 20 week mark. The first real kicks were probably around 23 weeks? I was a late bloomer in that regard. I had some gassy type bubbles prior to 20 weeks, but I still have no idea if that was movement or not. When is your 20 week ultrasound?

Bobbin, congrats on joining team pink! There are a few of us here on team pink, so you're in good company :) Sophia was one of the names my husband suggested--we both really like the name. It's a super cute girl's name. And I'm jealous your husband has felt the baby kick already--I'm 27 weeks and my husband STILL hasn't felt ours kick.

LC, look at you getting into the Christmas spirit! You'll have to post a belly pic in front of it :) And I keep thinking the same thing about how the baby will be here for the holidays next year. In fact, at Thanksgiving I was sort of excited about the fact that she'll be able to start eating soft solids (like mashed potatoes) at Thanksgiving next year.

In terms of baby prep, the top 3 things on my list right now our childcare, classes and then the nursery and other "stuff". Childcare is definitely the biggest one by far. We're registered for all our classes, so nothing left to do there but take them and the nursery is being worked on. I didn't register for much having to do with the nursery--so I'm planning to buy the rest of the stuff in the next week or so (mattress, bedding, rug, chair). I also need to find a pediatrician and buy some nursing gear. After our baby "dinner", I'll just buy the stuff left on our registry.

Krissie, it's so great to see you again! Fantastic belly shot, you're looking fabulous!! I can't believe you're at 30 weeks already, but am happy to hear the boys are doing well!

S&I, I completely understand being overwhelmed by the "stuff"--my registry process was VERY SLOW because I felt like I had to spend 80 hours researching things before I could start putting it together. Heck, I still get overwhelmed thinking about the "stuff" part, but you have plenty of time and I know you'll figure it all out!

AFM, it's Friday evening and I'm exhausted. Between the holidays, work and baby prep, I'm not feeling very relaxed. But that's okay--I'm just glad it's the weekend. And my due date just seems closer and closer--funny how that works.

Attaching my 27 week pic!

27 weeks side.jpg
Welcome Missy and CC!

Bobbin, yay for finding out the sex! Hope things at work aren't stressing you out. The pregnancy will definitely eclipse work in your headspace if it hasn't already ;) Sophia is a lovely name. Ballotting is where you sort of paddle an organ between your hands. You can do it with kidneys, and, evidently, with a baby's head! That video will never see public light (you ratbag!)!

LC, you guys are so organised! In terms of us and further baby preparations - we bought the bassinet for our Baby Jogger today. Dot's floor is being polished Wed-Fri this week and her room has aircon now. I also bought a box of newborn disposable nappies today, and a newborn head hugger thing for carseat/stroller/bouncer/etc. She also has some more clothes (guilty pangs!) and I have bought about 25 cloth nappies to try out.

Krissie, so good to see you popping in! Your belly looks fantastic, pretty compact if I may say so :) Great to hear that things are going well and that the cervix is still closed. Keep us posted, even if it's only every now and then. Hope you guys are enjoying being in the same house/town again!

NEL - I know, I was reflecting on the whole "we're in the third tri!" thing as well. It has gone so quickly, hasn't it?! And look at us all now... your bump is so cute, you are absolutely tiny! I am so glad that your back is holding up well, I remember how worried you were about it at the beginning. Fingers crossed you get to term without complications.

S&I, don't stress! It is amazing how quickly you can accumulate baby things when you put your mind do it :oops: I have those flashes of stress as well, worrying I won't get ready in time, but my friends all tell me that I am super-organised compared to most and it's true, we really do have most things sorted already. As will you!

AFM, no new news here. I did a long shift at work yesterday and now have only 2 long shifts to go before I cut back my hours to just 8:30am-5:30pm for my last 4 weeks of work. Dot is still paddling around inside, still not head down that I can tell but she's got time (and for the moment, room to move!). I am now trying very hard to take my iron supplements and vitamin D - I think I may have mentioned that my iron stores were great at 12 weeks and now in the frankly deficient range :S Vitamin D still low but not surprising as I have been terribly non-compliant with my supplements... Now trying to pick it up a bit, I don't want to have to give supplements to Dot after she is born!

Today we went to our local baby store (more like an emporium - those places are HUGE!) and got the BJCS bassinet for our stroller, a baby/newborn head hugger, some newborn disposable nappies and a simple wedge pillow for my bump. In the last week I've also bought some bassinet mattress protectors, a few more pieces of baby clothing (naughty!) and some more muslin wraps. We're getting there now, I can see it. The only items we really need but haven't bought are a bouncer (wondering if my friends might put in for this for my shower, now that I am apparently having one?) and a changing pad. I splurged and bought myself the Storksak Elizabeth tote (in quilted fawn leather) in the Black Friday sales, and also a set of Olian nursing pyjamas... I figured it would be nice to spoil myself a little since I'll be tired and going through labour!

Took a bump pic this morning but haven't loaded it onto my computer yet. Will do so later tonight!

NEL, you're looking awesome!!! I think I'm going to buy a pump off my friend and as far as nursing tanks, bras etc, not sure what I'll do. I think I'll wait until the baby gets here, if I can BF then I'll get them. If I can't then I won't have them lying around. I did buy some nursing nightgowns. Mostly because I wanted something cute & pretty to wear to bed to keep the romance going, so to speak. I know what you mean about your DH not being able to feel the baby kick. My DH didn't feel anything until 27 wks also. It took a WHILE.

Pancake, wow, look at you Mama, you're totally on the ball. DH and I are now doing a super purge of all our crap. So that's the only other organization thing we're doing. Next week we'll go car shopping (GROAN! not looking forward to that). Haven't decided what my plan is for the bassinet. I guess we'll have to do something. Still haven't gotten a crib yet, hoping DH will find one from his coworkers/friend. If all else fails we can buy one relatively quickly I think.

Loading a belly pic from wk 28.

LC (28W, 3D)

Missy0483|1322843851|3072958 said:
Just curious, when did all of you feel your first flutters? I felt weird muscle twitches/bubbly feelings in my stomach recently. I'm guessing it's just stuff expanding in that area and not really baby yet since it started at 12 weeks.
The movement I feel started out feeling like muscle twitches, except like it was being poked from the inside, rather than just a muscle jumping, if that makes sense? I think where you are feeling it is important too - does it line up with where your uterus would be for how far along you are? I started to feel it about halfway between my belly button and my hips, it is often quite low down (DH has to tuck his hand into the waistband of my pants to feel it normally). It is possible to feel it early, from what I have read.
Just a quick post, I wanted to share the nursery (so far).

Dresser/change table:



The outfit was one of many we bought on the weekend. I know we shouldn't buy too many clothes as we will be given some, but they are just too cute and I can't resist!

Stuff inside cot (the pillow says "I love you to the moon and back" and will go on the glider when we get it, the owl is a rattle and the fan I found in a box and thought it looked pretty there for now):

Bobbin, the nursery is looking fantastic so far! I probably sound like an idiot, but what is the chair-type thing on top of the dresser? That outfit is ADORABLE! How far along are you now? I know Pancake felt quite a bit of movement from pretty early on (prior to 20 weeks if I remember correctly).

LC, you're looking wonderful as always! Good move buying the nursing nightgowns, I need to get some of those myself. Just something comfy and cotton to wear around the house. I haven't done much research, I'm sure there are cute nursing pajamas out there. Does the car shopping start this week?

Pancake, you are on a roll with all things baby-related! When is your shower? You are going to feel so much better when you're down to 8:30 - 5:30. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to really feel it in my hips when I'm on my feet for hours at a time. You must be feeling really tired after pulling 2 shifts--I can't imagine!

AFM, I had a productive weekend and will try to keep it short!

1. D finally felt Katie kick on Saturday--woohoo!
2. Took the newborn essentials class and it was actually very helpful--we went over all things practical: several swaddling techniques, when to call the pediatrician, how to give a bath, a little bit of infant massage. I'm glad I took it--though I'll probably forget everything by the time I deliver.
3. Ordered more things for the nursery: the crib mattress, bedding, a rug. Aside from a chair, I registered for all things left in the nursery (noise machine, humidifier, diaper pail, etc.) so I'll hold off until next month to see what is left to buy

And FINALLY, most importantly...
I secured child care!! YAY! The woman we're interviewing wasn't on my initial list because her home is slightly out of our way, but two of the women I called (who didn't have availability) referred me to her and said she was sort of the matriarch of child care in our area. As it turns out, one of her kids is leaving in June, so the timing worked out really well. She was really nice, down-to-earth and accommodating. We aren't doing a formal interview and tour until after I deliver, but I'm happy with that. I may continue to ask around (I wouldn't mind interviewing a couple of people), but it's nice to know that we have a good option.

The only thing I'm not quite sure about is price--she charges $70/day, which is ~$1600 a month. I feel like that's competitive, but don't know if I should do more research in that regard.
Krissie, what a cute bump! Hope your ultrasound went well, and glad your cervix is holding up.

LC, thanks for the info about the Target registry. I was thinking about doing one there since their prices are usually a bit cheaper, but now I'll just stick with BRU instead. I would be quite annoyed at having to go pick up stuff at UPS. Yay for getting your Christmas tree! Great 28-week pic too!

bobbin, congrats on joining TEAM PINK! How cool that you and your DH have already felt her moving! I've only had some questionable movements from the inside. Your baby is already bigger than mine - at this rate, you might deliver before me! Now I feel even more behind, since you've already gotten a start on the nursery (which looks great, by the way). I also love the name Sophia! Sorry about the student ultrasound technician. We had one of those at our first dating ultrasound, and she was definitely shy about pressing too hard, compared to the veteran. Did they move your due date up, to account for the extra growth?

Missy, I didn't start feeling movement until this past week or so, and even then, it's sometimes questionable. Just keep telling yourself that anything you feel way down there is the baby! We also need to figure out who's insurance we'll add the baby to, when the time comes. I guess it'll kind of depend on what we decide to do with my working schedule, full-time versus part-time, etc.

NEL, I'm the same way - having to research everything beforehand. It's kind of annoying. :rolleyes: Your 27-week pic is awesome! You definitely look like you've got a little basketball under your shirt - so cute! Yay for your DH getting to feel Katie move! And double yay for securing child care. That must be a huge relief to get checked off the list! I think we're going to have my parents help us out in that respect, since they live less than a mile away from us. We'll probably pay them for their time, but it should be a lot less than other child care places, and less worrying on my part about strangers taking care of the baby. Thanks for your review of the newborn essentials class - I think I'll add that one to our list with the birthing class.

pancake, yay for getting so much baby-related stuff done! My DH decided to clean out the closet in the baby's room yesterday, even without me asking, so that's a start. For now, we're basically just moving the stuff we had in that guest bedroom into the other bedroom to make room for the baby's furniture (whenever we figure out what kind of furniture we want). We're still keeping the bed in there for now, because I think I'll be sleeping in there with the baby for the first few months, or however long the overnight feedings take.

ETA: China, sorry about your headaches! I used to get headaches on a pretty regular basis pre-pregnancy, but luckily, I haven't had any bad ones since getting pregnant - weird. Hope Tylenol or the caffeine work out!

AFM, I finally signed up for the lifeworks site through my work, and found out that we actually get a choice between the Medela In Style pump ($125) and the Freestyle pump ($225). Does anybody know which one is better? The Freestyle seems to have more features and the portability function going for it, but I've read reviews that people are pretty much split between the two. DH, our doggie Pixie, and I got our Christmas portraits done this past Saturday. I can't wait to see how they turn out, so we can order our holiday cards.

NEL, wow! Good for you for securing childcare!!! I'm going to say I'm jealous of the rate you scored. I'm looking at daycare centers and the going rate is hovering around $2K per month in Chicago. Sniff, there goes the shoe fund (as my girlfriend said so eloquently).Good for you for making so much progress on the nursery etc. And I'm glad D felt Katie kick for the first time. After DH *finally* felt our son kick, he now tries to sleep with his hand on my belly in case he kicks. Most of the time our baby is really lazy though and doesn't like moving around too much. Yes... car shopping starts this week, probably on the weekend. Not sure what we're going to do, probably go to CarMax. Otherwise, I guess calling around the different dealers. GROAN, this sounds so painful.

Bobbin, total cute-ness with your nursery. I'm TOTALLY not going to have a cute nursery since NOTHING is going to match. My DH's dressers are a oak stain, I've got a black futon frame and bookshelf, overhead shelves are white and the crib will be whatever we can get for free (hopefully), or something we pick up for cheap. I personally don't think it'll be a big deal, but who knows, I mightc change my mind... :tongue: Especially with you guys putting together super cute nurseries... ;)) That is SUCH a super cute outfit! I love it! It's so hard NOT to buy the cute-patootie baby clothes isn't it???

AFM, just did my glucose test this morning. I should get my results tomorrow. Or well, if I don't get a call that means I passed. If I do get a call, that means I failed. Here's to hoping I don't fail... The midwife said DS's head is down and showed me how to feel for it. I asked how can you tell if that's the head. She said it's because it's hard and that it bobbles. That made me immediately think of bobble head dolls. I'm such a weirdo...

Anyway, I've been pretty diligent on research for 1) Independent living facilities for the ILs and 2) day care centers for our baby, so I'm really hoping DH takes point on the whole car shopping thing. I doubt it, but we'll see.

S&I, wow! I'm so impressed your DH cleaned out the closet all by himself. My DH won't do ANYTIHNG without me. ugh! Seriously??? Anyway, sounds like you're making great progress on baby-readying. It's tough to get around to doing stuff this time of year since it's the holiday etc.

Speaking of the holidays, anyone do any Christmas shopping???

~LC (28W, 4D)
I don't mean to hog the thread today, but S&I, I saw your question about the Pump In Style vs. the Freestyle and wanted to chime in since I'm having the same debate with myself and have talked with several friends and coworkers who have one or the other.

All in all, I think most of my friends prefer the Freestyle. The friends who love it are the working moms--the pump is lighter, quieter and the battery lasts longer, so for them it was worth the extra $$. I do have a coworker with the PIS and is very happy with it--she didn't think it was worth it to spring for the Freestyle and says she has no complaints about her PIS, so she's glad she didn't spend the extra money.

I do have one friend who wishes she'd just gotten the PIS, but that's because she had planned to go back to work, but then ended up deciding to be a SAHM. She didn't pump that often and while she loves the Freestyle, it was just more than what she needed. She said she only used the hands-free option once.

I was planning to get the PIS, but now am leaning toward the Freestyle. I'm not buying anything until after my breastfeeding class, so I'm interested to hear what the instructor says.

Oh, and yay for having your parents so close and being able to help with childcare! D's parents were at our house for dinner when I got the child care call and I could tell that my MIL was a little sad because she was hoping she'd get to watch the baby when I go back to work (D is her only child, so this is the only grandchild).

LC, good luck on the results! My doc told me she'd only call if results were bad, but she called to tell me they were fine. So if you see the name of your doc pop up on caller ID, don't freak out (like I did). And I was satisfied with the rate as well--we had budgeted $2 - $3K per month because childcare centers are typically around $2K or more, but the closest childcare center is pretty far from our house and it wouldn't work out. I got the nanny quotes first (the $4,500 quote), then the childcare center quote and had not gottten an in-home quote, but was afraid they'd be comparable to the childcare centers. I know in-home care is typically cheapest, but the neighborhood is pricey and I wasn't sure. Anyway, we might end up having to pay closer to $2K because we might need her an extra half of an hour per day, but I'm still happy with it. I just don't know how much to pursue other options.

How is the independent living facility research going?
Hey NEL, don't sweat hogging the thread. It's always nice to see this thread hopping :) Well, I'm unsure what I'm going to do in terms of pumps. My friend said she has one I can use, but I don't know what kind it is. She said I can try it out, and if I need something more "heavy duty", I can just get one of my own. When are you scheduled for you breast feeding class? That's the only one that I haven't signed up for, not sure when is the best time for me to do it.

Oh and question for the group, when are you going to meet with the pediatrician? Hopefully Pancake will chime in when we should meet. I got a rec from two friends, but I'm not sure when I should meet with the pedi office.

~LC (the other thread hogger ;)) )
Hey LC, I'm just on my way to work and will post properly later today, but re the paediatrician - it doesn't really matter. Here in Australia we do not automatically get a paediatrician and children don't need one unless there is a specific issue requiring a paediatric specialist. Otherwise, people see general practitioners. At the birth, if there are issues then a paediatrician (in the private system) or a paediatric trainee (in the public system) is called. We do not plan for Dot to have or see a paediatrician apart from her discharge-from-hospital baby check.

I would say to do what you feel comfortable with.
Just chiming in on the pediatrician question. We interviewed ours before birth, but don't remember how much time before. Definitely late in the game, probably when I was 8 months or so? Not sure if all hosptials are this way in the States, but ours came to the hospital and did the newborn check himself. They recommended for us to have a pedi do this; otherwise, the hospital's pedi on call could do it, but most people I know had their pedi come to the hospital.

After delivery, you take the newborn in to the pedi quite often in the first few months. I think we had an appt at one or two weeks post delivery, and then quite often after that to check weight, etc. Wish I could remember exactly, but it's a blur + preggo brain = no memory. ;))
Ok I can see myself being really bad at replying to everyone. All of you are so far ahead of me, it seems!

We received good news from one of DH's good friends from college. DH called him to talk college football and also found out that they're expecting a baby on June 29th. We are so excited for them!! They knew weeks ago when we told them that I was pregnant, but they hadn't made it to the doctor yet to confirm so they've held off telling people until recently. DH's friend must have asked if I was showing yet because I heard DH say "Yeah, she's showing I just didn't want to tell her that" :lol: As if I wouldn't know myself haha. My mom took me shopping this weekend and she bought me 2 pair of maternity jeans. I am in love with them! The rubberband/hair tie around the button just wasn't cutting it anymore! We got a couple bigger size shirts, but not maternity yet because they just fit so long on me right now. I'm so short waisted so a lot of "normal" length shirts fit so long, but that won't be a problem once my belly is sticking out! The elastic panel on my new jeans come up so high since I'm short waisted, it literally sits directly under the underwire of my bra right now! One of the shirts we got is black and I wore it to work today. One lady says "that shirt really makes you look pregnant today" (everyone knows I'm pregnant at work so I wasn't upset) I figured black wouldn't show off so much but apparently it did! I took a pic when I got home tonight. I guess it is there a little!

I haven't felt the bubbly/muscle twitch feeling since I asked about it earlier, must have been a fluke thing! I have no idea when my uterus is? How do I even tell :confused:

Hope she doesn't mind me spilling the beans...but elledizzy is in LABOR!!!! Wooohooo, elle! Baby boy is on his way :)
Wow!!!Hooray Elle!!!! Quick and easy labor dust to you!!!!!!!

Missy you're looking great! What great news from your DH's friend. And hooray for moms and mother daughter shopping trips. :) Glad you're liking your maternity jeans. I think you' look great in your top. Sounds like you're still in your normal bras. I swapped out to "yoga bras" about 20 wks. Way more comfortable. If I can nurse I'll go to nursing bras after the baby's born.

AFM, I didn't pass my glucose screen ;( Got the results just as I was coming home today, so that blew my reasonable day. But I had dinner with my sister and a good friend, so I figured that'd cheer me up, and it did. Then I come home and have to deal with a moody DH. Yay, great mood ruined. So, I'm pregnant and he's the one that keeps complaining all the time about how tired he is and is the one with the mood swings. Um, I think maybe someone wrote down the wrong part, because I thought that was supposed to be the pregnant lady. :rolleyes:
Yay Elle! Can't wait to hear that your little boy has arrived (and see some photos)!
ELLE!!! Good luck! Argh so exciting! Charbie, thanks for popping in and giving us the heads up!

LC, blah re the glucose challenge. That said, the way I see it is that it is better to know than not know; at least this way you can do something about it if it's necessary. When do you have to do your GTT? Fingers crossed that result will clear you, but even if it doesn't, it will be ok. Hugs. Am totally with you re the DH thing. Sometimes I am so tired - which I KNOW is a pregnancy thing - and if DH also says "I'm really tired too" I have a tendency to get a little grumpy. That's MY thunder you're stealing there, husband!!!

Missy, you look great! I know what you mean re the maternity jeans, maternity pants are just the biggest relief aren't they?? I actually just bought another pair of Maternal America jeans even though I'm already in the 3rd tri and we're heading into summer - because I know I will be wearing them for months after I've delivered :lol:

NEL, your post pretty much sums up what I had heard about the Medela pumps too. I hope very much to be only expressing here and there, so I think the Swing is enough for me. But if full-time expressing was on the cards, I would definitely be getting one of the more hardcore pumps. Cannot believe how expensive childcare is. Clearly my mother is worth her weight in gold in more ways than one! :lol: We are going to enrol Dot for probably 2 days a week after the first year - both my workplace and the hospital where DH will be working have terrific childcare centres (they should, too - they are both paediatric hospitals!) so we just have to make sure we waitlist her in time. Like, now :? YAY for your hubby feeling Katie kick! Is he loving it??

S&I, your DH is lucky - I won't be sleeping in the baby's nursery when she arrives, she will be coming in with us!!! Apparently it is quite common for women to find their headaches and migraines settle right down when they get pregnant because the hormones are no longer cycling. DH's cousin's partner (phew!) has really debilitating migraines and absolutely loved being pregnant with her two kids as it was the first time she could remember that she was headache-free.

Bobbin, NEL is right - I had flutters around 15 weeks and then recognisable baby movements from late in week 16. My placenta is at the back though so that made a big difference I think - if it's at the front then the baby is just kicking against a big cushion and it makes it much harder to feel I think. Very exciting that you are feeling bub moving around! I just loved it - still do, although some of Dot's movements are now not so comfortable for me. Your nursery is looking great already!

AFM, Dot's floors were meant to get polished starting tomorrow but now they've put it back to Friday. Oh well - we are going down to the beach for the weekend anyway so we will still be out of the house for the requisite 3 days. Tonight I have to go to a work dinner with my boss - not really looking forward to it (she is nice but some here will recall that she is quite weird in many ways, and she has become ever weirder since I announced my pregnancy - she is one of those people who is lovely and means well but is just on a totally different wavelength and I cannot get my head around the way she communicates!) but it's only one evening. Work Christmas party is on Friday evening, should be fun!

I am still buying cloth nappies - naughty me! I think Dot will now have about 30 - some sized, some OSFM, all snaps, some pockets, some AIOs. STOP BUYING NAPPIES PANCAKE.

My Olian nursing pyjamas arrived today. They are absolutely lovely and I think it is going to be really nice to spoil myself with them after Dot is born. If I am going to hang around the house in my PJs they may as well be nice ones, hey?!
Elle is in labor!! Yay! Elle, I hope all is well and can't wait to hear from you again!

Pancake, sorry to hear the floors have been pushed back, but I'm glad to hear that you don't have to rearrange your schedule since you guys were planning to head down to the beach, anyway. Can I just tell you how jealous I am that you get to go to the beach?? While I live close to the beach, it's winter here. And I've been wanting to take a quick trip down to the Caribbean SO BADLY for the past several months--but with a sick dog, it's just not in the cards. Enjoy yourself this weekend!

Glad to hear you love the PJs--I think some nice PJs might be a little xmas gift to myself this year :)

LC, I'm so sorry to hear about the glucose screen :( So what does it mean for you--do you have to do the 3 hour test? Remember that many who fail the initial screen go on to pass the 3-hour test. Elle failed the first and passed the second, right? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

And sorry to hear that your DH is moody, as if you needed any extra tension right now. D isn't moody very often, but when he is, I literally just ignore it. It's like I don't even want to acknowledge it.

Missy, good for you for getting the maternity jeans! I was one of those women who wanted to hold out on maternity wear, but once I got a pair of jeans it was like heaven. I think I bought three pair, but one pair is too tight to wear now. If I had to do it over again, I'd have gotten them to fit a little looser. Hopefully you can wear yours through all trimesters! You look fabulous in your pic!

Just a general note about pediatricians--I know it varies by hospital, but our pediatrician process is the same as ChinaCat's. The pediatrician you choose comes in to do the newborn check. Also, at our hospital, the pediatrician does the boys' circumcision if the parents have elected to do so. At other hospitals, the OB does this.

I found my newborn class really helpful--the nurse teaching the class explained how it works at different hospitals.

I'm planning to use a pediatrician from a small office about 5 minutes from our house that is affiliated with the hospital where we are delivering. I figure that I'll be there several times soon after Katie is born, so the closer to home, the better. And I like smaller offices (like my OB office) because I'm not stuck waiting forever like I do at the hospital. I don't know when I'll interview, but I need to choose somebody soon.

AFM, I did a little more breast pump research yesterday because I wanted to see if I could get any of the cost covered through work or through my insurance company. As it turns out, my insurance does cover breast pumps, however I need a prescription for one. I actually do have an issue that might warrant a prescription, so I'm going to talk with my OB about it at my next appointment. I already reached out to the medical supply company--all I'd need to do is give them the prescription, choose the pump I want, then they submit all paperwork. The only downside is that my insurance won't "fill" the prescription until AFTER I give birth. So this isn't something I can do prior to delivering.

You know I'll go through all of this and then I'll have some issue where I can't breastfeed at all!
Yay Elle!!! Hope you have a quick and easy delivery! Can't wait to see pics!

LC, I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet - and I'm usually so on top of that! The bottom of our Christmas tree is so lonely. Good luck car shopping. Hopefully your DH will take the lead on that one. So sorry about your glucose test results! When do they usually schedule the 3-hour one? I've heard lots of carbs the night before that one helps. The NP I met with at my last appointment gave us a huge list of pediatricians to go through, but she basically said that we just needed to call them to make sure that they accept our insurance. It sounded like she didn't think we needed to meet any in-person until after the baby arrives. I'll have to figure out if it's usually the pediatrician or the OB that does the newborn check and circumcision.

NEL, thanks for passing along the info you've gained about the breast pumps! Yay for finding out that your insurance covers them if you have a prescription, which sounds like you should be able to get rather easily. I hope your MIL isn't too sad about not getting to watch Katie when you go back to work. Just remind her that there's still weekends. Glad you have a pediatrician so close to your house, and bonus for being affiliated with the hospital that Katie will be born in.

Missy, you look great with your tiny bump! I don't really know where my uterus is either. I just know that the top of it is supposed to be about level with my belly button now, according to my pregnancy apps on my phone. :lol:

pancake, I'm forcing my DH to sleep in the baby's room with me while he's on paternity leave, just so I can get used to sleeping in there so I won't freak out about being alone once he goes back to work. Sorry you have to sit through a weird dinner with your boss, but yay for Christmas parties! Have fun at the beach! It's 40 degrees over here, so I'm quite jealous! I think I might have to go check out these nursing PJs!

AFM, I somehow lost track of where I was last week, and posted that I was 21w+3d yesterday. :oops: My pregnancy app told me I'm 20w+4d today, ha! I've decided that I don't need to decide on which breast pump to purchase right this moment, and have now switched over to researching strollers/car seats. There's so many choices between the travel systems, the snap-and-go's, the joggers - I just have no idea. How did you ladies decide which one to go with? I've asked my mommy friends, and they all seem to have multiple strollers for different needs. Oh, and my OB's office told me that Baby Boy was 10 ounces during my anatomy scan, and in the 34th percentile. He was measuring 4 days behind his GA, but he's been behind since the beginning.

Elledizzy- Good luck! Hope it's an easy and peaceful labor and delivery.

NEL- That's awesome that your insurance will cover the pump. Never even thought of that! I've heard good things about both, but no personal experience. I ended up renting mine last time. The thought was rent before buying to make sure it all worked, etc., but then the longer I kept it, the cheaper it was so I just kept it the whole time and ended up being about the same (a bit cheaper) than buying one. The one I rented was a hospital grade one, so it was super fast and efficient, which was great for going back to work. But now that I'm having #2, I guess it would have been nice to already have purchased one. I will probably just rent it again.

S&I- Crazy how LONG the first few weeks were for me in this pregnancy and now it's flying by. As for strollers, it really is overwhelming and there are so many options/combos and it makes a difference where you live and what you need it for. Most moms I know don't like/need the huge travel systems, though a few really liked them. What type of city to you live in- do you do a lot of walking for errands, etc., or do you mostly drive to destinations? Do you work/will you work after baby? Do you jog or need a jogging stroller? For me, and for most of my mom friends, the best combo was the following:

1. Snap-n-Go- Basic frame that you just snap your car seat into. Relatively inexpensive (around $60-$70). Great for immediate use and for taking into stores and restaurants, etc. In the beginning, you don't want to have to take the baby out of the car seat, esp when sleeping.

2. BOB or some type of walking/jogging stroller- Can buy a car seat adapter for car seat for early use, but can't use w/o until around 6 months? Too big/wide for errands/stores, though I still take mine in some stores.

3. Lighweight Umbrella stroller- Like Maclaren, etc. For when kid is bigger, easy fold and keep in car. I didn't use this till O was older.

Now, I like in a city where we mostly drive everywhere. If I was in a more urban environment like NYC or Chicago or London, I would look at the Bugaboo and the UppaBaby Vista, etc.

I love our Bob for walks/jogs, for the zoo, etc., but can easily use the Maclaren if you don't want/need a big stroller.

Other options that might get you all you need in one stroller, unless you are a serious jogger: UppaBaby (I LOVE this stroller, but needed the Bob instead), the Bumbleride, or Mountain Buggy, etc.

I'm not a stroller junkie, but there are some serious stroller experts in the PS community if you need more help. Hope that helps!

LC- BOO to the glucose test. Does this mean you take the 3 hour test? So many women fail it the first time around, so may not mean anything. Did you doctor suggest you fast before the 1 hr, out of curiousity? And hell to the no about DH being "tired" or "moody"! :angryfire: Mine kept asking me why I was so tired. I"m like, Umm, you mean BESIDES the fact that I'm pregnant and queasy and work FT and have a toddler? Do I really need to answer that? They just forget, I guess.

Pancake- Jealous of your beach time! And you are so funny about the CD obsession. I so don't get it, but I love popping into that thread and reading about the cloth diapers. Good call on the nice jammies.

AFM- Sorry if I just jump in here with lots of BTDT info, hope it's not annoying! I just got so much helpful advice last time, so trying to share what I remember. Which isn't much- my mind is totally gone.

For example. DH and I were watching Rudolph (the old school claymation cartoon) and I seriously asked him if reindeer were real. That isn't the bad part. When he said yes, I asked him if they really fly. :eek: :cheeky: I don't know where my brain cells have gone, but I would like them back.

Just trucking along at 15w6d. Trying to decide how to open THE envelope. ;))
OMG China, you totally made me feel better with the reindeer anecdote :) I was down in the dumps all day from glucose test thing and DH's bad attitude, but your reindeer story is the first time I really smiled and felt more like myself. PS ROCKS! Wow great info with the strollres. Don't feel shy to share the BTDT info, that's why I love having the PS community to help noobies like us. For the stroller, I'd *really* like to avoid having 3 strollers, so I'm contemplating if I can get away with sometihng between an-uber jogger, like the Bob, and a regular stroller like a Uppa-Vista.

S&I, yeah I've done zero Christmas shopping either. Not sure what I'll do this year. I'm still crabby at DH, so I'm not really in the gift thikning mood for him. I'm goign to make my sister an apron, I already bought her an immersion blender as an early present. I'm at a loss at what kind of stroller to get too. I guess I need to make a decision, but whatever I decide I want to try to score it off Craigslist before I get it from a store.

NEL, awesome that your insurance covers breast pumps. Don't worry about having to get the prescription AFTER you deliver, though. I read somewhere that you should try feeding "from the tap" for the first few weeks anyway. Maybe ChinaCat can chime in on her thoughts. You inspired me to call my insurance and ask too, unfortuantely they do not. Oh well, I was planning on having to pay for it anyway. Great idea to use a pedi close to you. Have you asked around for suggestions as well? The independent living facilities are going well, thanks for asking. We've visited 3 so far will probably visit more in the coming weeks.

Pancake, love the idea of nice PJs! I think I' might follow your lead too. But I'm sure my dad then my mom will be coming up and spending time with me so I dunno how much lounging around in PJs in front of my dad will work. So awesome you're hitting the beach! Good for you. YOu have to enjoy it for those of us faced with winter right now. Keep applying that sunscreen! Hope Dot's floors end up how you're expecting. It'll look totally awesome to come home to new floors and everything. How great!

AFM, thanks everyone for the encouragement about the glucose screen. I barely failed, I got a 146 and they test if it's over 140. So I'm hopeful that I'll pass the 3 hr screen. Of course the glucose screen is during the height of holiday season, so I need to squeeze it in between work holiday parties, cookie exchanges etc. Just my luck, right? :rolleyes:
Re: strollers LC: I have the BJ City Mini and really like it. It is really easy to steer, lightweight, folds great. I have the car seat adapter. It isn't rated for jogging, but you can find super cheap joggers on CL. There is also the Britax B-agile which I know a PS mom has and loves. Its compatible with the Britax car seats and very very similar to the City Mini. I also didn't want to get a whole lot of strollers, and I think the Mini was a great fit for our needs. Its one item you probably will use a whole lot, so if you spend a bit on it, it will be worth the money.
Re: pumps - I got the PIS from my health insurance. I didn't get a choice. I probably would have gotten the Freestyle if I was buying it myself, but the PIS is fine. As far as logistics, I got the fax number of the medical supply company and DH faxed the prescription from the hospital. They delivered it before I even got home, totally free. I didn't end up using it for the first few weeks, so it's not really necessary to get it right away. The reason that needed to be on the prescription was "mother separated from baby due to return to work" or something - just meaning you likely don't need an actual medical reason to have them pay. Obviously all insurance is different, but it turned out to be much easier than it sounded while I was pregnant!

Re: daycare - wow! I don't know where you guys live, but my daycare is $850/month (hospital-associated center). That's crazy expensive, may as well get a nanny!

Re: strollers. We got the Bumbleride Indie. Love it but honestly haven't used it that much. H really doesn't like riding in it - or anything not attached to a warm body. Now that he's 4 months and can sit up and is interested in looking around it may be different, but now it's cold so we haven't tried. Plus we're used to carrying him in the Ergo or sling. I am glad we never got a Snap N' Go cause H hated his carseat and screamed continuously up until recently, so he spent as little time in it as possible. Waking him up from sleep was not a problem! YMMV of course.
Oh my lord, the strollers. I still haven't bought mine. I swear I spent 40 hours reading various reviews (and every PS stroller thread) and ultimately said "F it, I'll buy an Ergo carrier for now so I can wear the baby, then figure this out later". I originally thought I'd go with the Vista (as some of you remember), but after "test driving" the Vista and the BOB, we liked the BOB more. Plus, let's face it, I'm an outdoorsy suburban mom and 90% of my outtings will probably involve a dirt trail or the beach. I really think stroller choice is all about where you live and what you plan to do with the kid. This coming from the woman with no stroller.

We're buying the infant car seat adaptor for the BOB. And I'll buy an umbrella stroller at some point.

China, everything I read says that renting the BP from the hospital for the first month or so is the best idea, so I can completely understand why it would be easy to just continue renting. Oh my gosh, your reindeer comment cracked me's something I can appreciate since I feel like my brain has been temporarily disconnected. I don't mind sounding like an idiot so much in front of my husband, but I've made a couple of really dumb comments at work and that is seriously embarrassing.

S&I, all of this research can be overwhelming, right? I've always said that researching what you should buy is 100x more difficult than actually buying it. Once you have a good idea of what you want/need, then at least you can put it all in a list (or registry) and start tackling it a piece at a time. You have time, don't sweat it too much! I found the "Baby Bargains" book to be helpful, along with PS threads and Amazon reviews!

Do you have a Buy Buy Baby near you? I only ask because I swear they have every stroller under the sun and it was nice to be able to test drive all the strollers on my short list. For some reason the infant carrier/car seat was an easier decision. It was down to the Snugride and the Keyfit30 and we just decided to go with the Keyfit because I'd heard the base was easier to install.

LC, it's unfortunate that the weekend is a few days away because you could seriously use a break. Between the glucose news and your moody DH, you just need some time to yourself. And don't worry about the stroller--you'll figure it out and I feel like it's one of those things that can wait until after you deliver if necessary. I'm also bad about Christmas shopping--usually I'm done by now, but I've only bought one gift so far. I might need to do a little online shopping tomorrow if I have time.

Also, you asked about my breastfeeding class--it's next weekend. The only reason I'm doing it now is because I have to do the childbirth class over 2 weekends in January.

Oh, and glad the independent living facility research is going well.

ETA: Basil, glad to hear the BP process through your insurance company was really easy. The medical supply company I called said the same thing--just fax the script and they'll ship it overnight. Interesting that you had to go with the PIS--I might call my insurance company to double check this. And man, jealous of your daycare rate! If I could get a nanny for under $2K, I might go that route, but the nannies I reached out to were over $4K per month and for one child it was just too much.

AFM, three things:
1. D is leaving for a trip tomorrow, so I get a few days to myself. The only downside is that he's going to miss my ultrasound on Friday.
2. I ordered a "girly" nursery rug because Katie's nursery was looking a bit too masculine. I don't love it. D likes it. I'm going to keep it for now and hope it grows on me. I don't think I'll ever love it, though.
3. I found out my insurance company will reimburse me for $90 of my childbirth class. Yay!