
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Bobbin, so funny that I asked about the Puj tub since I actually registered for one. Leave it to me to not recognize something on my own registry :) I still have a couple of months left, but I feel like the second half of the pregnancy is flying by. Granted, I can understand not having any big appointments/ultrasounds left, but it seems like the first half of pregnancy is dedicated to lots of research, then the second half is dedicated to classes, putting together the nursery, buying everything, etc...which makes it feel busy.

And don't sweat the shower--I've been to several showers with 15 or fewer people (my baby "dinner" will be really small). I really like them, you get a chance to talk to everybody and the mom always seems less overwhelmed. I think it will be great!

I told my DH that I felt the seatbelt was "squishing" Katie, too. Now it's not so bad because I wear it under my belly (though even that makes me uneasy because I know her head is down there). Anyway, I'm sure it's really safe, but I think about it every time I put on my seatbelt.

MQ, Can't wait for a Weston update!

LC, the ultrasound pic was really bad this time--I can barely make anything out. And D has the camera since he's on vacation, so I didn't get my weekly belly pic this week. I hope you're enjoying your massage today--you need a little destressing after last week! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow.

S&I, I forgot to tell you that I asked the ultrasound technician on Friday about how they measure weight. Interesting that Bobbin's OB said they use the length measurement. My tech said they use a combination of the femur length, the thickness of the belly and the width of the head. I wonder if different practices use different measurements...or if it varies based on how far along you are. The tech also told me that weights can vary quite a bit under 20 weeks--in fact, they don't offer a weight (unless it's requested) at the 18 week anatomy scan. I just thought that was interesting.

AFM, I'm so close to finishing the nursery! I had my eye on this antique victorian rocking chair that was at a furniture consignment store for a couple of weeks. I went to buy it yesterday and saw they had a cute glider as well. I ended up buying the glider because it was so comfy--and I ordered new cushions for it online in the same material as the bedding. I also went to another antique store and found a neat old window. I painted the glass part in chalkboard paint and I really like the way it came out. I'll post photos of the nursery when I get the camera back.
Bobbin, I dont' think I've put much thought into the seat belt. TBH, I feel everyone (mommy and baby) are much safer with the seatbelt on and that your body already does a lot to protect your little bean. You have ab muscles, and your uterus both very strong muscles keeping your baby safe, so just think of it as nature's way of being protective. But if it makes you really worried, maybe you can talk to some nurses or docs at your OB. I agree that there's really nothing "exciting" left for the rest of the pregnancy. My midwife "showed" me how to feel for baby's head, but I'm not sure what I'm poking for. For the baby shower, I'm sure all the people important to you will show up and it will be a fantastic time. As NEL said, it's nice with there's just a core group of people that really care about you, since then you can pay attention to everyone.

NEL, wow, you're really putting together your nursery! Good for you! We've done ZERO to ours... It's pretty bad. DH has culled some more of his book collection. He still needs to decide what he wants to do in terms of buying a desktop computer or not. Furniture-wise, I want to buy a new dining table (round wood one) to replace our all glass one (glass table + baby = DISASTER!) and get DH a new dresser(s) so we can move one of his to the baby's room.

AFM, not much is up. The gingerbread party was SO MUCH FUN! Sis helped me host. We had 5 girlfriends over and decorated 2 small gingerbread houses and about a dozen cookies. DH ran away because he didn't want to be the only guy around, but he came back and there was TON of candy, about a dozen frosted sugar cookies (his favorite) and two candied gingerbread houses. He was like SWEET!

Other than that not much else is up. Massage today, woo hoo! Then some Christmas shopping, booo!

Attaching a 29-wk pic. Please excuse the bummy clothes.

~LC (29wks, 3 days)

Hi all, the further along I get in this pregnancy the slacker I am becoming with posting! Sorry!

NEL - I think a plan is good. Childbirth is never a truly controlled process and I think in your case where there are potential complications, it is good to try and bring all the variables into line as much as possible. This way your doctors and you guys have time to plan and think about how things might run when the time comes. Does your obstetrician think you'll get to term before being delivered? If a GA is involved in the C/S, the more planning the better really. So glad to hear that all is well with Katie - our babies are getting so big!

LC - you are looking fabulous lady, sweatpants or not! Very envious of your massage - I had one a couple of weeks ago and it was heaven. Heaven! Note to self, must organise another one soon...

Bobbin - you can buy these seat belt modifier things for pregnant women - I've seen them around in baby shops here and online. I haven't bothered. Babies are tough and in the womb they have a lot of cushioning! I figured if seatbelts were truly unsafe for pregnant women, they wouldn't exist in the form that they do. Re the exciting stuff being over, I kind of get what you mean, and I felt the same way during the early-mid 2nd tri, but I have to say that things are definitely more exciting now that I'm in the 3rd tri. Partly because everything feels so imminent, but also because Dot is so much bigger and she does so much more - it is so funny to lie down watching her make big lumpy bits in my tummy, she kicks me in all sorts of weird places, and I can feel bits of her body under my hands. Plus everyone else around is more excited now that the pregnancy is so tangible and the big day is drawing closer...

MQ - how was your appointment? Hope you and Weston are both well!

Elle - MASSIVE congrats! Liam is just beautiful and I am glad that after all the drama with your labour, things went well in the end and both of you are healthy! Please pop back with more photos when you can :)

AFM - chugging along! Still feeling well and work is going fine but have had intermittent SI joint problems again and am getting some sciatic nerve pinching at times. Had a hardcore session with the physiotherapist last Wednesday and fingers crossed, things have been good since. Still going to pilates to try and maintain what little core strength I still have - after this pregnancy I SWEAR I am going to be diligent about building up a strong core in preparation for next time!

My stash of cloth nappies has started to arrive. The tiny newborn ones are so ridiculously cute!!! In other acquisition news, I WON my dream baby/toddler chair - the Leander! So freaking excited, I never win anything!

I have a heavy week at work this week culminating in a 13 hour shift on Sunday, but as of Monday I am on strictly 8:30am-5:30pm for the remainder of my working time before going on leave - woohoo! Very excited about cutting back and having a little more time to relax and rest up. We have a 4 day long weekend here for Christmas and DH is not rostered for any of it (!) so that will be a nice break too.

Have an obstetrician appointment in a couple of hours. Expecting it to be supremely uneventful as the previous ones have been... I guess you never know, but fingers crossed!

Here are a couple of bump pics, plus a sample of my newborn MCDs and the chair that I won :) Haven't got an up to date bump pic, will get onto that in the next day or two...


Newborn MCDs:

Leander chair - the one I won is in natural blonde wood though:

28 weeks, 1 day (bit dark sorry!):

29 weeks, 6 days:




NEL, I think it's a good thing that your doctors are thinking ahead and preparing you for a c-section early on. I'm glad Katie is looking perfect, and am also a little jealous that you get extra ultrasounds to see her! Yay for finding a nice glider for the nursery! You're such an expert antique-er. My OB explained pretty much the same thing about how they estimate baby's weights from the head/belly/leg measurements.

LC, you look great! I know there's plenty of time for Baby Boy to grow. I just had a weird idea that he would be more substantial (in my head) after passing the 1-pound mark. I'm glad your gingerbread house party was such a success - I've been wanting to do a gingerbread house for the past couple of years, but haven't ever gotten around to actually doing one. I've also been wanting to schedule a massage. Do you just have to make sure that you go to a place that has people who have experience with pregnant ladies, or is there some special certification they need? Just want to make sure I know what questions to ask before scheduling one.

bobbin, you are so ahead of me with the nursery! I need to make sure I'm caught up with you soon. My OB had explained that they use the crown to rump measurement to estimate the gestational age, but they use the actual head/belly/leg measurements to estimate the weight (pretty much what NEL said). I guess it's different at each practice. I agree with the others that you shouldn't worry too much about your shower only having a few guests - it'll be that much more intimate. I also feel like being inside your womb is probably the safest place for your little one, so the seat belt probably isn't going to squish her. But I totally hear you on the horror stories about women getting cut by their seat belts during a really bad car accident. :eek:

pancake, you look great, and those newborn diapers are unbelievably cute! Yay for winning your dream baby/toddler chair - I never win anything either. Sorry you're having problems with your sciatic nerve, but hopefully things are on the mend. Just one more long week for you, and you'll be on your reduced schedule. So exciting!

AFM, we finally made it down to BuyBuyBaby yesterday, and even registered there! We ended up liking the UppaBaby Vista stroller and picked the Chicco KeyFit 30 car seat to go with it. We also put a crib, glider chair/ottoman, and bedding set on the registry. I felt pretty bad about only scanning in 8 items that totaled almost $2000. I'm not expecting people to buy the big things for us though - I just wanted to get them on the list while we were at the store, and then add the rest of the stuff online. I might go back and schedule a personal shopper to walk me through the rest of the stuff without my DH. He was ready to go home after only looking at the strollers! This week, I need to sign up for the birthing and newborn basics classes, as well as call some pediatricians.

ETA: (21w+3d)
I'm loving all the bump pictures!!!!

I bought a onesie for DH for Christmas, well not really "for" him but for the baby! DH loves his Michigan football! I bought 3 - 6 months so hopefully it'll fit when the football season starts in September. My friend kindly reminded me that I could have a big baby so I better order 3 - 6 months just in case, so I did! And attaching a pic comparing 5 weeks to my 14w1d "beginning of my bump" picture. It's a bare belly one! :o



Missy, you look fabulous! I love that onesie, it's adorable! Our newborn essentials instructor said that lots of babies start wearing the 3 - 6 months size really soon after their born--she said to stock up on more of that size than the 0 - 3 month size. She could be completely wrong, but I thought it was interesting. I love the comparison shot, your bump still looks so teeny and cute to me. I remember waiting to "pop" I miss the teeny bump! Possibly more than ever because I attempted to give myself a bikini was this weekend.

S&I, I'm glad you made it to BBBaby and registered for a bunch of big-ticket items! I agree that it's really helpful just to have everything in one place, even if you don't expect anybody to buy the more expensive items. And congrats on choosing the stroller and infant car seat, those are two big checks off the to-do list. Do they sell the Keyfit 30 adaptor for the Vista at BBBaby? I seem to only remember seeing it on Amazon. Signing up for classes is kind of fun! And I definitely need to call pediatricians, too. I was hoping to get my c-section date first for some reason.

Pancake, you won a high chair? How awesome is that?! How did you win it! Congrats!! And those teeny diaper covers are sooooo darned cute! I love the owl one! You must be so tired after these long shifts. Christmas is right around the corner (eek!) and you'll be getting that lovely 4-day weekend soon!

As for whether or not I'll go to term, I asked the GA about it during our consultation. My assumption was that with general anesthesia, they'd probably want to schedule it a bit early as to reduce the chances of me going into labor naturally. I don't think it would be a HUGE deal, but since I'm not supposed to eat or drink before the surgery and all of that, they'd probably just want to avoid labor. The GA said it's up to my OB and the neonatologist, but warned me that regardless of when it's scheduled, if I feel like I'm having a lot of contractions, not to eat :) I'm hoping to pin down a delivery date this week, but the GA hasn't called yet.

LC, the gingerbread party does sound fun! And delicious! And I don't think it's bad that you haven't started on the nursery. The only reason I started mine early is because I was worried I wouldn't be feeling so great after the 7-month mark and didn't want a bunch of stuff hanging over my head. If I'd known I'd still be feeling pretty good, I probably wouldn't have pushed it.

We are replacing our glass dining table too! In fact, this summer we met a guy who uses reclaimed wood to make custom dining tables and we're going to go that route. I think the dining room table might be my push present, but we still haven't pulled the trigger.

AFM, D got back late last night. I missed him, but I slept SO WELL while he was gone. Now with the shifting and the snoring, I'm up every hour.

Not sure if I'm just feeling Katie more and more or if she's more active. Sometimes during meetings I just leave my hand on my stomach and try to figure out which part is kicking me. It's fun...and possibly a little distracting.
Bobbin - Thanks for bringing up the seatbelt question, I am wondering too! The link LV posted has good info on it! Thanks, LV! I think you should just go with the flow on the baby shower. How thoughtful of your cousin to want to host the party to celebrate your little one! Even if your new friends aren't that close to you yet, you could still invite them to a family get together if space allows.

NEL - Hope you and Katie are doing well! Yay for good bowel news! Looking forward to seeing your nursery additions. I still need to start mine - UGH! Hopefully I will have some time over the holiday break from school. I feel Weston moving a lot now, some days it seems like ALL DAY LONG. One day last week, I could have easily pictured an Olympic gymnast doing flips inside because he was rolling and turning all over the place. LOL It's a fun distraction to have, for sure. ;)) Any news on when your c-section is going to be, yet?

LC - Cute belly pic! I am in the same zero-progress zone with our nursery too - don't feel too bad! :nono: Hope your massage was heavenly! I am thinking about asking for one for Christmas...

pancake - Congrats on the chair! Belly pics are adorable, and what a haul of diapers. Cute! Sounds like your schedule is going to be wonderful for that final homestretch before baby arrives. I started putting in my maternity leave paperwork at school recently, and I am still waiting to hear how things will be set up for my leave/return dates.

S&I - I just registered for Weston and I have yet to sign up for classes. You are ahead of the game - awesome! Any boy names you are considering yet? I am not sure if I missed a post as I lurked...

MIssy - You look fabulous! Welcome to the big thread! I got some UofM onesies from a friend here at school recently - our kiddos will be little Wolverines together. =)

Hello to all the mommies I may have missed! Hope you are having a great holiday season so far. :wavey:

AFM: 27 weeks! Weston's expected birthday is three months from today. :appl: Woo hoo! Still doing really well here, other than hip pain. If I don't wake up and roll over every hour or so at night, I am really tight and sore in the hips every morning. Total preggo gain is about 20 lbs. and it is all out front, especially because I am short waisted. I have that typical basketball belly that little boy mommies are supposed to get. Weston is very active some days, and he is now big enough to be felt outside the belly. My husband loves the little kicks and punches.

Weston and I went to see the doctor yesterday for a checkup, and I was excited to hear that I am now being bumped up to a third tri checkup schedule. We'll be seeing the doctor every two weeks! I did my one hour glucose test, and will be hoping not to hear anything from the office. I get to start meeting the three other doctors over the next few weeks, since they all rotate who is on call for delivery. I picked up a flyer for classes - any suggestions on what has been really helpful so far? I am considering birthing, breastfeeding, and newborn care. The costs seem reasonable for all of them.

DH and I registered at Target and BRU over the last two weeks- just in time, since there are showers planned for the end of next month! I am still debating on some of our choices for gates, strollers, bottles, and carseats. I will probably research more and go back and change things next week while I am off of school. I also need to check and see if breast pumps are covered under my insurance.

My husband is really getting excited about Weston's arrival coming soon. I get lots of belly kisses and belly rubs. He was Christmas shopping with me this past weekend, and commented about how we were going to be able to buy Wes presents at this time next year. 8) He also enjoyed getting to test drive some things and help fill out the registry at Target. I would like to start having him read to Weston soon, so he can hear Daddy's voice more. DH has been working on one of our rental houses for almost two months, and is finally finishing the work in order to rent it. Next big project - nursery!

Belly pic coming next week! Back to lurking for now, but I will update again soon! :bigsmile:
Missy, that onesie is too adorable. We've already gotten some Longhorn gear from one of my cousins. Cute bump - it's still so tiny, but definitely there! Have you decided if you're going to find out the gender yet? I'm interested to see if that Ramzi method that MuffDog posted about in JBP is correct for you too!

NEL, BBBaby does have the Keyfit 30 adapter for $39.99 there. That was actually the one that the lady let us demo with the car seat. Hope you don't have to wait too much longer to figure out your c-section date.

LV, thanks for the link about the seat belts!

MQ, no name ideas yet. I don't know why it's so hard for me to think of boy names. We were originally thinking of using my DH's first name as the baby's middle name, but that was just an idea that I threw out there before we even knew the gender. Yay for hitting 27 weeks, and moving to the every two-week appointment schedule!

NEL - Thank you! It's funny to hear my belly as being "teeny", I've never felt that way before! I was blessed with a little belly flab :tongue: Hopefully my 3 - 6 months will be good then, baby will be about 3 months when the football season starts!

MQ - Thanks! Yay for little Wolverines! DH wants a boy so we can name him after a Michigan player (Anthony Carter) I'm okay with Carter for a first name...not sure how Carter Anthony flows...I guess we'll see! He also said he wanted to name our kid Ramens Noodle after Ramen Noodles...hahaha, I guess it does kinda flow with our last name but NO!!! :roll: Maybe I'll compromise and we can nickname the baby "Noodle" until he/she is born :lol:

S&I - Yup, it's slowly popping out! I'm wondering how my short waist is going to factor in with how it pops!
No, we are still undecided, although we haven't talked about it recently. I'm curious to see if Muffdog's comment turns out to be true also! If we do find out my SIL will be SO upset. She's totally against people finding out, like it's God's gift and you should let it be a surprise or something like that. She actually said on Facebook when someone asked if we were gonna find out "This chick better NOT hear what you are having if you find out!" Whatever!! There's some tension between us at times if you haven't noticed!

I feel like I'm so behind you ladies being the newbie and all!
NEL: Post some pics of your nursery! I love your taste and the fact that you have found your furniture at antique stores! Are you hoping to go to term? I hope that you and your care providers decide on a date that you are comfortable with. Have you heard anymore about whether D can be in the room when you are under GA? I think I would be sad to miss out on the birth so I hope you are feeling okay.

S&I: The explanation from my ob was only about estimating how far along she is. I don't actually know her weight!

I am only as 'organised' as I am because I am super excited about shopping for baby! I don't think we need to have the nursery set up etc just yet seeing as we still have 19 weeks to go!

LC: I definitely agree that we are safer with the seatbelt on! I would never think of going anywhere without it. I had heard people say to put the belt over your lap but couldn't work out how to do it as it just flips up. I think it will be easier when my belly is big enough to sit over the top of the seatbelt. Don't apologise for your clothes! ALL of my weekly photos I have worn the same clothes, a singlet and a pair of tights. Completely bummy, but hey, I am pregnant and I was at home, comfort is the key!

I wouldn't worry about the nursery, it seriously only took us a week to choose, purchase and put together the cot and change table, and to clear everything out of the room. I didn't need to do it this early either, but I was excited about buying stuff!

Have you got your GD results yet?

Pancake: Thanks for the reassurance about bubs being safe. It hadn't worried me until I could feel her move, and then it just seemed like she was so close to the belt and I became worried. I think I will just leave it and hope that in the next few weeks I get big enough to keep the seatbelt under my belly, or that she moves out of the 'danger zone.' I LOVE your cloth nappies! They are so cute. I really want to do cloth nappies, but seeing as I struggle to keep up with my own washing now, I don't think it will be worth the extra stress with a new baby.

LV: Thanks for that link!

MQ: So cute that your DH is excited! My DH loves to talk to my bump too. At the moment he is trying to 'teach' her the alphabet and numbers. He also likes to rip the covers off me in the morning before he goes to work, when I am still trying to sleep, to talk to her. :angryfire:

Have you gone to a physio or osteopath about your hip pain? I was getting pain from my hips down to above my knees earlier on. I went to an osteopath who told me that my hips were out of alignment and did some manipulation and massage, and I haven't had the pain since.

I am working from home today as I have had bad back pain yesterday and today. It started as I have been taking instructions from a client while typing, so I have been on the phone or in a meeting with her and constantly typing for between 1-2.5 hours at a time without a break. I think I tend to hunch over my keyboard a bit when I do it. I need a better chair at work as well because the one I have has a short back to it and doesn't give my back any support.

Has anyone bought a baby carrier yet? Which ones have you gone with? I want the hug-a-bub (an Australian brand wrap carrier, not sure what brand you would have in the US) for when she is a newborn and an Ergo for when she is older. I have been considering making my own hug-a-bub or getting MIL to make it, as it is essentially one long piece of material, but retails for $115!! :o
Just popping in to say hi, don't feel like I have much to contribute these days. Still holding steady at 17 weeks. Not doing nursery/gear yet, not talking names, not feeling kicks yet. It's kind of that lull where not much is going on. Fine by me, it was a stressful first trimester so I'm enjoying the calm now.

Bobbin- I had a Baby Bjorn and the Ergo with O. Used the Bjorn all the time, rarely used the Ergo BUT I've heard people like the Ergo better, esp when the baby gets bigger. I am thinking of getting another carrier, more like a wrap one this time. Let me know what you end up getting.

Second baby is strange. Don't really have to do all of the research and shopping and registering. No baby shower this time most likely. Keep forgetting to take pictures. It's not that I"m less excited, it's just that it's not all new, you know? I am thinking of getting a journal and writing a weekly letter to the baby- but didn't do it with O, so I'm like, is that unfair? :cheeky: Which is RIDICULOUS. O will not care and it will never be even steven. Still, funny how I'm already worrying about that!

Still haven't opened the envelope. Hoping some inspiration will hit me this week. Otherwise, it will have to be after Christmas. Will keep you all posted!

Hope everyone is doing well.

17 weeks today
Hello Mamas!

Finally back with my birth story! I hope everyone is doing great! I'm so excited to have Liam here. I fall a little bit more in love every day. Being a mom is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! He's such a good-natured baby! Sleeping as well as can be expected, eating like a champ, and otherwise stealing our hearts. We are so in love.

Here is my "Could anything else possibly have gone the opposite of what we wanted?" birth story! Wishing you all continued health during your pregnancies! Very much looking forward to your birth stories - I'll definitely lurk even though its time for me to move on to NB-12 months! Can't wait to see you all there!

Ok here goes:

We went in for our induction on Monday, December 5 at 6:00 PM. We were admitted, and the nurses set up for the fetal monitoring. My doctor’s office forgot to fax over my prenatal care information so I had to spend at least 30 minutes answering medical background questions for the nurses. I had my cervix checked by both a resident and an attending physician, and they determined at that point since I was about 2 CM dilated, that they would use the foley bulb to start the induction rather than the cervedil. At around 8 PM, the attending physician came in to insert the bulb. The small amount of pressure that she put on me during the insertion (before it was complete) had caused my water to break. So apparently it was pretty close to breaking on its own, and now that my water had broken, I wasn’t going anywhere until the baby came out.

After my water broke, and the bulb was inserted, it took about 30-45 minutes before I started having contractions. Contractions began about 8:45 PM. They continued, increasing in intensity. I labored for about 6-7 hours and only progressed to 4 CM by about 3 in the morning. At this point, my contractions were extremely painful, and I was making little progress. Even though I had originally wanted a natural birth, my slow progression, coupled with the fact that I had been up for nearly 24 hours, made me decide to get some pain killers. They gave me morphine around 4 AM, which really took the edge off (although did not completely kill the pain). I was able to get about 20-30 minutes of sleep by that point, then the morphine started to wear off after a few hours. I was dilated to about 5 by this point. I knew I had several hours ahead of me, and the pain was so intense that I decided to ask for the epidural. The anesthesiologist was up in my room pretty quickly (only took about 10 or so minutes) and they started the insertion. Apparently, due to my scoliosis, they were having a really hard time getting the epidural in. They got it in eventually (after making we lean in weird positions to compensate for my crooked spine) and it seemed like we would be good to go. Unfortunately it only worked on one side. They redid the epidural three more times, and it still didn’t work. The pain was excruciating (even though it was only on one side!) and I was losing it pretty quickly. Finally they brought in another anesthesiologist to give it a shot - same thing. I could feel everything on my right side. Then the original anesthesiologist came back and tried to pull the catheter out a little bit (they usually like it in further so that it wont fall out), but that seemed to do the trick. So after 6 hours of no pain relief, my epi FINALLY was working.

During the 6 hour epidural debacle, I developed a fever due to infection. They had to start me on IV antibiotics. They were also worried about my blood pressure - I naturally have really low blood pressure, and the epidural was making it low to the point where there were times I felt like I might pass out. So my whole “no interventions” thing got completely thrown out the window. I finally ended up hitting 10 CM at about 1 PM. Baby was still not fully engaged, so I couldn’t push. My OB waited another 3 hours at 10 CM to see if we would make any progress engaging the baby. Nothing. She decided to have me push a little bit anyway, to see if we could get the baby in position. We tried for maybe 30 minutes to an hour, and then she noticed that baby’s heart rate was dropping with the contractions, and she started to get worried. We tried a few more pushes, but baby wasn’t doing well with contractions. She suggested that we do a c-section, and at that point, I just wanted my baby out safely. We consented and got sent off to the OR.

The c-section went really well, even though I SHIVERED like crazy through the whole thing. It was the coldest I’d ever felt. I don’t know if it was the fever, epidural, or what, but it was miserable. Finally, Liam Jules was born at 5:12 PM. Turns out that the kiddo was sunny side up! Whoops! I got to see him for a brief second, (Holy head of hair!!!) then he and dad had to head off to the NICU to treat his fever. They put my parts back together, and I got sent to recovery. Jim joined me shortly after, and then baby Liam finally joined us! His Apgars were 8 and 9, and he looked great after his short (maybe 2 hours) NICU stay. His fever was under control and we could all go together to our mother/baby room.

Everyone is doing great! He’s been a fantastic baby - he even lets us sleep sometimes! I’ve been pumping and supplementing with formula, as we’ve had some latching issues. Even though NOTHING went the way that I thought it would, we all came out fine, and I’m so excited to have him here!

Elle, thank you for sharing your birth story and another Liam pic. Holy head of hair is right--the boy has got some hair! He is so ridiculously adorable, you must just want to stare at him all day! I can't wait to join you in the newborn thread, I'll be reading up about you and Liam in the meantime!

I'm so, so sorry about all of the failed epis. During my meeting with the general anesthesiologist last week, she said many patients with scoliosis develop scar tissue along their spinal cords which actually prevents the medicine from going where it need to go. I'm just glad that after 6 hours of attempted epidurals, you finally got some relief and that you could have the c-section without being put under!

ChinaCat, I have a close friend who's pregnant and has a toddler and she says most days she completely forgets she's pregnant. I think everything you mentioned (lack of pictures, not needing to register, not worrying about what to buy, etc.) seems completely normal, so I say enjoy it while you can!

Bobbin, still no word on the date or if D can be in the room. If I don't know by Friday, I'm going to call the hospital. I'm a little sad about being unconscious during the birth, and a little worried, too, but I have to get over it :) I promise to post pics of the nursery. I only have a couple of things left, but I don't think I'm going to bother finishing until January, so I may as well post an updated pic now. I just have to take a couple!

I bought the Ergo baby carrier with the newborn insert. I know it sounds silly, but I wanted something really supportive and I was terrified of Katie falling out of a wrap. I was convinced I'd do it all wrong and she'd fall out, so the Ergo eases my mind, haha.

Missy, I'm super short-waisted as well. I even told my orthopedic doc that I was worried there wasn't enough room for a baby. And I do feel a little like I have a basketball under my shirt, but that's okay! You're going to look fabulous!

S&I, oh, fantastic that BBBaby had the adapter. I should probably see if they have one for the BOB and register for it. I hope I get my c-section date soon, too! There is sort of a lot hinging on it--I want to call my insurance company, I want to let my boss know when I'll be out for sure, I want to be able to finalize the FMLA/maternity schedule for the childcare lady. I'll feel better once I have a date!
Elle- Congrats and he's super cute. That hair is crazy! Sorry about the failed epis. :knockout:

NEL- It's not that I forget I'm pregnant but yeah, working FT plus toddler, doesn't really give me lots of time to sit around and write letters to unborn baby. :cheeky: I totally understand about the carrier- that's why I didn't have a wrap thing first go round b/c I was so afraid of squishing him. You'll be fine with just the Ergo!!! As for being unconscious during the birth, well, that's not entirely a bad thing. :cheeky: Kidding, of course, but I have to say that I did not have that magical moment after giving birth. The whole thing was kind of a blur, and at the same time I felt like time was slowed down and I was underwater. It wasn't the epidural, it's just the whole thing was surreal. I thought I would have this moment of elation when they handed him to me, but I honestly didn't. :(( Point is, some do, some don't, but you'll have your moment with your baby and it won't matter if it's right at deliver or later, I promise.

And yes, post pics, I love your nursery!
Hey ladies,

Sorry I've been so MIA for a while. The good news is: I PASSED MY 3 HOUR GLUCOSE TEST!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: So happy about that. I was pretty worried. I did like half of my holiday cards while I was killing time between blood draws. I did get some weird looks from other people waiting in the office.

Pancake, AWESOME belly pics. I love the diapers!!! I think I'm going to rent diapers for when the baby's a newborn, and then just buy one size diapers when the baby gets bigger >10-12 lbs. Wow, how great you WON your dream high chair. I never heard of Leander, but it looks a lot like the Stokke Tripp Trapp. My cousin & his wife have that for their kid(s) and she swears by them. They're PRICEY though... We'll probably hold off on the high chair purchase for a little while. Hope you're enjoying 8:30-5:30 days! That's pretty much what my hours are too, and sometimes it feels like FOREVER! I dunno HOW you did 13+ hr shifts!

S&I, I think once the baby passes the 1lb mark they grow like weeds. My sister keeps telling me I look bigger and bigger. I definitely feel that way. When we first joined this thread all the 3rd tri mamas were like "Love your cute 20wk belly." I thought to myself it looked huge, but now I feel like that's going to me saying it to you guys soon! Great you got some big ticket items scored already! Good for you!

Missy, cute onesie. My DH went to Northwestern so that inspired me to get a little NU onesie for the baby as his "stocking stuffer." You're looking fantastic.

NEL, must take pictures of your nursery! Sounds like you're making such good progress. Hm, that's so generous of you to allocate the push present as a dining room table. I would like to be a bigger person and say that, but I want a present all for myself :devil: I think I found some styles I like, and can get it for pretty reasonably priced ($800+). Luckily I don't need chairs, just the table. I think I might top it with a glass top because kids WRECK wood tables like nobody's business. Hm, DH has been home the whole time but he's going out of town for Christmas, so I'm looking forward to the good sleeps. I'll probably spend the night at my sister's place, we usually do sleep overs when the other is flying solo.

MQ, You should totally get a massage for Christmas. I would tell my DH to give me massages but he gives TERRIBLE ones, so I just go and pay for them. He better not complain though. Wow, you're doing great with the preggo weight gain. I think I'm hovering around 23-25lbs total. My sleeping tightness/soreness is in my shoulders/back. For classes I'm signed up for L&D, newborn care and infant CPR. I'll probably do a breastfeeding one too, but maybe in Feb. Hope your DH can start on the nursery soon. The fact taht he's getting excited is a good sign though :)

Bobbin, how's your back? Maybe your office can provide you with a higher backed chair at work. I was thinking of getting an Ergo carrier. They say with the infant insert, it can be quite warm. It shouldn't be a big deal for me since it'll probably be HORRIBLY COLD when DS is born, but maybe you should look into a Beco or Mobi Wrap. Pandora loves her Mei Tei/Mobi Wrap.

China, How did you like hte Baby Bjorn? Wow, I can't believe you still haven't opened the envelope! I'm guessing working and chasing after O keeps you kind of busy, huh? That's a pretty sweet thought of writing a letter to the new baby. Maybe instead of a letter every week, just one long letter?

Elle, so glad you posted your birth story! Liam looks gorgeous and holy cow, that's a lot of hair! They say if you have a lot of heart burn the baby will have a lot of hair. In Liam's case I think they're right! Catch you on the Newborn thread!

AFM, aside from passing the glucose test ( :appl: ) my company has also reworked the short term disability (STD) leave. I get 6 wks 100% paid then 19 wks at 2/3rds pay after that! That's 25 wks total! That's 6 months + 1wk! I told DH I don't think I'll take the WHOLE time, but it's nice to know we have some flexibility at the tail end if we want to extend it further. But the down side is that the cost of our benefits are going up, nearly double. I'll still put us down for it in open enrollment but when the baby is born maybe we'll switch to DH's insurance.

Friday I'm taking the day off and we're touring 4 different daycare facilities near us. That's all for me.

~LC (29w, 6d)
Elle, he is so stinking cute! What a sweet little boy. So sorry you had to go through a lot of trouble and change plans, but he is SO worth it.

LC - Good news on the GD and disability fronts, woo hoo! Good luck with your day care tours!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd I get to do the three hour glucose test. Yay. :rolleyes: I am hoping I can schedule it sometime while I am on Christmas break from school. I really don't want to take a day off to do this - I need the days for Weston later!

Speaking of the little man, DH and I were watching TV together this evening and he got to feel some major kicks and rolls as he sat next to me with his hand on my belly. Baby must have liked the tacos we had for dinner!
MQ, sorry you have to do the 3 hr glucose test. You're handling it a lot better than I did. I had a terrible time with the failure results and for the rest of the week DH and I were just not meshing. I think there's still stuff to be hashed out, but it's not happening, yet. Anyway, I hope you can schedule it when you're on break.

So DH tells me last night, "So I heard that a lot of day care facilities don't take cloth diapers."
Me: (Hidden eye roll) "Really? Where did you hear that?"
DH: "Diane (one of his co workers) said so."
Me: "Uh huh. Well, all the places I called and we'll be touring on Friday take cloth diapers." (again, hidden :rolleyes: )
DH: "I also heard that they don't let you bring in homemade baby food."
Me: "Uh huh, like from the same person? Yeah, well, I asked already and they all let you bring in food."

And ALL this is very preliminary info that I put down in notes about the day care facilities we're visiting tomorrow. So, y'know if he read any of the notes (that's in a shared google document) maybe he would've seen that and wouldn't have sounded like a total a-hole....

I dunno,slightly annoyed that 1) the only "research" he does is hearsay from random other people who have almost zero contact with us or our situation. 2) The only "research" he's "doing" is to shoot down or make excuses to NOT do other work. 3) He's not even reading anything I'm putting down re: the daycare facilities that, y'know, his son will be going to.

I dunno, maybe I'm just being sensitive or cranky from lack of sleep.

LC, (30 wks today)
Hi ladies! Since some of you have had your showers already and/or are in the process of purchasing your "high ticket" items, I thought I'd share what I've found recently. After our "virtual" shower, DH and I were planning to buy the remaining items from BBB and BRU using the completion discount (10% off). BRU has even had a lot of sales lately. But we've found that Amazon's price is a lot more competitive for a lot of our items - we got our Rock n Play sleepers, carseats (Chicco Keyfit 30) and double stroller/converter kit (City Select w/ second seat, plus adapter for Chicco) for a much greater discount than we would have gotten at BRU or BBB - plus, we've managed to get free shipping!

So, if you're looking at remaining items and they seem to be on sale at BRU or BBB, take a look at Amazon - you may be able to get a much better deal! We were definitely surprised (pleasantly!)
I may be late to the party on this, but I saw you ladies talking about jogging strollers in an earlier post, so I thought I would add my two cents: I didn't feel like paying an arm and leg for a BOB or a Phil and Ted, and I wanted to run before my baby is six months so I decided on the Jeep Limited jogging stroller. Not only is it only around $160 or so (compared with $400+ for some of the other ones) but it rides really well AND is compatible with my Britax carseat! All I have to do is sit the carseat in it and strap it in and we are good to go. Whatever way you decide to go, just remember that most jogging strollers are desgined for babies 6 months or older (or sitting up on their own) so find one that is compatible with your carseat if you plan on jogging before then.
Missy, don't worry about being the newbie. Time will start to fly by soon, and there's a bunch of JBPers that are about to graduate. Carter is one of my cousin's son's names - so cute!

bobbin, sorry your back has been giving you pain lately. I hope your work can give you a better chair. Don't be afraid to use your pregnancy card to get what you need. We haven't thought about a carrier yet. I was thinking of just getting a Bjorn, but there are so many more choices out there now. I'm sure you could easily make a hug-a-bub, and it would be a one-of-a-kind too!

China, it's understandable that you would be more chill about a 2nd pregnancy, since you've already been through all those first experiences with O. I think Christmas would be a perfect time to open up that envelope!

Elle, thanks for posting Liam's birth story! So sorry about all the failed epidural attempts, but I'm glad it finally worked. He really does have a lot of hair - so adorable!

NEL, it looks like BBBaby does have the Chicco adapter for the BOB strollers for $54.99. Any news on the c-section date yet? I second China's request for more nursery pics!

LC, yay for passing your 3-hour glucose test! What an awesome leave you get - I would totally take advantage of the extra 19 weeks at 2/3rds pay. We only get the 6 weeks (8 for a c-section) at 100% pay, and then we'd have to use vacation time or take a leave of absence. We do have a program during the summer where we can take up to 4 weeks at 1/3rd pay, which I might want to do, but that requires management approval. Hope you had fun touring the daycares today! So sorry that your DH hasn't been as helpful in the research department. I have a shared google spreadsheet too, that my DH has yet to look at.

MQ, sorry you have to do the 3-hour glucose test, but I hope you can schedule it during your break.

Krissie, thanks for the advice. The lady at BBBaby told us that they just started price-matching with Amazon. I couldn't find any proof of that on their website though, so she might have just been making it up. She was saying I should price-match the UppaBaby Vista stroller, versus just using their 10% completion discount.

dcgator, thanks for chiming in on the jogging strollers!

AFM, I'm pretty sure I had a BH contraction last night. I was falling asleep on the couch, and I felt a pain on my lower right side (where baby's head usually is). The pain then continued across my belly to the left side. It was almost like a shock went through my uterus or something. It only lasted for less than a minute though, but it was definitely noticeable. I've also decided that I need to go get more maternity shirts this weekend. The 3 maternity shirts and pre-preggo sweaters that I have just aren't cutting it anymore. So I guess I'll be shopping this weekend. After Monday, I'll be off work for the rest of the year, so I'll be tackling my Christmas shopping next week. I know, I'm so behind!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

(22weeks today)
Krissie, good call on buying things left on your registry from Amazon (or other sites). I definitely plan on doing the same. Because my baby "dinner" is so small, I know I'll have a lot left to buy, so I plan on price shopping at Amazon and other sites next month. Sometimes I wish I'd juts registered on Amazon since my family is out-of-town, anyway (so they'll most likely ship items to my house).

LC, Yay for passing the three-hour test! That must be a huge relief for you--I'm glad it's OVER! And I'm sorry you're not really feeling all that supported on the childcare front. If it makes you feel better, I only filled my husband in on where I was in the process. I knew that I really wanted a good fit for me, especially being the working mom, so I totally took over finding care. I can appreciate your frustration about him not even reading the notes in your spreadsheet, though. In your mind, I know this is important and his lack of interest is very frustrating. This is going to sound lame, but at least he was asking coworkers about childcare, even if he got incorrect info!

In the spirit of sharing, I had to work late the other night and D took care of Byron on his own. Apparently Byron had an accident, but instead of actually cleaning it up, he just took all of Byron's bedding outside and waited for me to get home. Awesome.

MQ, Boooo to the three-hour test! Christmas vacation starts next week, right? So hopefully you won't have to take a day off to do it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! And I've been noticing more of the baby rolls, too. It used to be just kicks, now now I feel when she puts pressure against my rib. Not really a kick, but it's like she's just shifting positions.

ChinaCat, thanks so much for sharing your birth experience (and the moments immediately after). Several of my friends have shared similar stories with me. They're exhausted, incredibly thirsty, totally out of it and then suddenly they have a baby on their chest and it's just a lot to take in at once. Every person's experience is different and my bonding time will come, even if slightly delayed.

S&I, I saw the adapter for the BOB, too, and I stuck it on my registry :) Thanks for filling me in on the adapters! And if you need a couple more shirts, you may as well get them now!

AFM, the anesthesiologist did call me back yesterday, but I didn't get the message until last night. I've been trying to call back all day today, to no avail. The only thing the anesthesiologist said in her message is that she talked with my OB and wanted to fill me in on what they discussed. I had an appt. this morning, but it wasn't with my OB, it was with the nurse practitioner (whom I adore) and she said there were no notes in my file.

I talked with the NP about my concerns about breastfeeding since I won't be able to do it in the first hour after Katie's birth. She said some anesthesiologists feel that you should pump and dump for 24 hours after being under, so she got ahold a lactation consultant where I'm delivering and the lactation consultant said that they didn't support the pump and dump and encourage all new moms to BF as soon as they can sit up and feel comfortable. I need to do a little more research and I'll also bring this up in my BFing class and C-section class.

Finally, some updated pics of my belly and the nursery. The window over the changing table was last weekend's "art project". I found an old window pane at an antique store and painted the glass part with that chalboard paint, then used chalk to fill in Katie's name. I like that I can change the design on the wall! Also, I ordered new pads for the glider in the same material as the bedding (black and white gingham). I'd like to get a pink or purple leather ottoman to put my feet on and a pink or purple side table with a lamp next to the glider...just to add more girly elements to the room.

29 Weeks Side.jpg

nursery 3.jpg

nursery 4.jpg

nursery 5.jpg
NEL, your nursery is looking adorable and so are you! Getting close now!
NEL, I love your nursery!!! You look great!

Oh and if you don't get the BOB adapter, check out they have them for less expensive sometimes! I have bought lots of stuff from NBD and it is like half off, swings, gyms, snap and go's etc
Hey everyone! Wow, we must all be super busy with the holiday season because this thread is empty! Sadly I've been busy but nothing to do with preparing for the holidays. I'm just a SLACKER in that department.

Skippy, thanks for the tip on I'm on the hunt for baby stuff on the cheap so I will definitely check that out. Your boys look adorable, love following up on the NB thread.

NEL, holy smokes, mama, look at that GORGEOUS NURSERY!!! I adore it!! You've got such good taste! OMG I feel terrible saying it but I'm so glad it's not just my DH that leaves tasks that he can EASILY do himself, but doesn't and waits for me to get to them. I do have to admit though J has, in the past few days gotten really attentive and is really going out of his way to do things. That reminds me I should mention something to him. Did you hear back from everyone about the c-section? I'm glad it seems like you'll be able to breast feed right away, but good call to ask about it in your BFing class.

S&I, Sounds like my DH isn't the only one that's not looking at google docs shared with him. Good to know I'm not alone in all this. How was shopping? I hope you were able to find some more clothes. I think on the JBP thread, AMC said that JCPenneys had a Buy One Get another 50% off over this weekend. Hopefully you scored some good clothes. I'm so jealous you're off for the rest of the year. My sis and DH have "shut down" at their respective companies so they're off all next week, while I have to go into work! Boo stinky!

Krissie, how are you and the boys doing friend? Thanks for the tip! Hope you're doing OK. You must be due soon! How exciting!

MQ, any word on when you'll be able to do the 3 hr test? Fingers crossed for you. Me failing the 1 hr test totally triggered this oddly "hormonal" irrational sensitivity to everything DH did.

AFM, did our day of day care tours on Friday. Man oh man they're expensive! $2000+ a month! DH was like, "Where the hell do we get $2K from each month?" Hopefully we both get raises at the end of the year, but I'm not kidding myself, this is definitely going to affect our lifestyle. Boo... But we liked two places, not sure which one we'll do yet. DH's work allows for a few weeks of "emergency child care" with one of our choices (the most expensive) so maybe we'll do a trial run with them? I dunno yet.

Saturday we went to a labor & delivery class. It was really useful, they taught us about all the different coping techniques, breathing exercises, visualization, and showed us different laboring positions. The other stuff, I kind of read about in the pregnancy books. I also got some of the baby sleep training books/DVDs from Amazon that I ordered, so hopefully DH will start reading those.

SUnday hung out with Sis. We're doing "family dinner" tomorrow, with Sis, sis's BF at her house. She's making a crown roast of pork + stuffing. I"ll make twice baked potatoes, and some kind of squash. My dad's coming up for Christmas. 1) to spend the holidays with but mostly to get him out of FL and make things easier for my brother. My parents are a freaking TRAIN WRECK, mom mother doesn't want my father anywhere near by even though he's visiting for the holidays, so there was all this back and forth about where he's going to stay, etc etc and all this other relative B.S. My parents have totally regressed to 3 yr olds, I feel so fortunate that I get along with Sis and Bro so well. I guess that's one good thing about all this ridiculous drama, it really bonds the 3 of us together as we all cringe at dealing with our parents.

Attaching a late belly pic. THis is more like 30.5 wks but oh well.

~LC (30W, 5D)

LISA, thanks about my twins!!!! Yes, I got their snuggabunny swing for $70 (half off), snap n go for twins $50 (half off), play gym and a few other things I am forgetting about. I love nobetterdeal; the only things I buy from them are damaged box and open box items. The as is I don't buy. You look great!
MP and Skippy, thanks for the compliments! MP, I'm definitely still following your TTC journey and feel like you're getting closer and closer every month. Regardless of whether you can do the IUI this month, I'm hoping the Clomid does the trick! And Skippy, your boys are SO ADORABLE! I lurk the newborn thread for pics :) And thanks for the NBD suggestion, I'm putting that on my "leftover registry" list!

LC, I was wondering how the daycare tours went--sorry about the sticker shock. Well, not so much sticker shock because I know you were looking at $2K per month before the tours, but it still stinks when you think about the impact it has on your life. Would you be open to looking at in-home care at all? I feel like each has its perks (in home vs. center-based) and I know our center-based care here is in the $2 - $3K per month range whereas the in-home care woman we interviewed was closer to $1,600. Obviously the care shouldn't come down to price, but who knows, you might find a provider you love.

So glad you found the L&D class useful, was it the one-day, all-day class? And yay for ordering some of the sleep training books. Remember how I ordered the "Happiest Baby on the Block" DVD early in my first tri? Yeah, we still haven't watched it! We did go to Barnes and Noble last night and picked up a couple of newborn books...I got one for myself and a Caveman book for D (he picked it out). Speaking of, I'm glad your hubs has been more attentive. I'm leaving to visit my parents for 10 days and I'm nervous about leaving D for so long.

Every time I read about your parents I have to cringe a little. I'm just really glad you have support in your siblings.

I hope everybody else is doing well! I know everybody must be super busy now--it's just a crazy time of year, ESPECIALLY when pregnant!

A few random things:

1. I had the stomach flu this weekend. Being pregnant and sick is miserable and D was really worried about me getting dehydrated. I didn't go to the hospital, though, because I wouldn't have been able to make it without vomitting. Luckily, I started feeling better yesterday.

2. I think I can start to see and distinguish body parts when Katie moves!

3. I am so fed up with doctors and trying to create a delivery plan that I want to cry. Literally...I've been brought to tears several times in as many days. Long story short, the anesthesiologist suggested the c-section and thought my OB would be on board. My OB called me yesterday to tell me if I wanted the c-section, that was fine, but she didn't feel it was necessary. Long story short, I have a lot of concerns about BOTH options (natural and the c-section) and I don't have a lot of guidance. I wanted to talk with a neurologist, but none are available until March. I need to make a decision, but I'm struggling.

I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday!
NEL, Hugs to you my friend! Are you over your stomach bug? I'd be worried if I were D too! I'm glad you're doing better.
I'm sorry you're getting pulled in all sorts of directions re: your delivery plan. Are you choices between natural v-birth or c-section? Can you have your OB/NP do extra ultrasounds to find out the position of the baby, let you know if Katie's in the best position for birth. e.g. if she's head down sunny side down (facing your back). Also will your OB be able to tell you if you do a c-section, will all subsequent children need to be born via c-section or would they entertain VBAC? Have you tried talking to D about this too? He might not be able to offer you an opinion, but maybe he can help you feel a little LESS overwhelmed and isolated.
I can't figure out what the baby is pushing out, but I'm starting to feel him do other stuff besides just kicks. Like rolls, stretching, shifting, etc.
Re: childcare, unfortunately in-home day care hours just cannot work out for us. The drop off/pick up hours are such that I have to do all the drop offs and pick ups, and will be constrained to a 9AM-5PM work day. DH commutes much further from work and would need to do a drop off at like 6:30AM or pick up around 6:30-7PM, which is a no-go for in-home centers. And if I do all the drop of and pick ups, I'd be constrained to a 9-5, which is really tough to do for my job. My typical day is 8:30AM-5:30/6PM, so it's going to be either day care facility or nanny. Above the table nanny services start at $3300 a month when you pay hourly + taxes etc.

Haven't cracked into any of the baby sleeping books or the HBoTB DVD. Hey if you watch it I'll watch it :)

Oh and speaking of c-sections, DH told me during lunch break of the L&D class how he'd be totally freaked out if we had a c-section. He was saying he'd need to be outside the room because he'd be no good to me passed out. Regardless he was joking or not, I straight up told him "Well, man up, this is our baby being born. You better be there." I dunno if he agreed or anything, but at least it's out there.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well. :) Midwife appt in 2 hrs. Just a pee in the cup, get my weight one. So probably not very exciting.

~LC (30W, 5D)
Aww, thanks for understanding, LC! I am over the stomach bug...not eating "normally" yet, but not puking!

Yep, it's between a natural v-birth and a c-section under general anesthesia. Anesthesiologist is worried about the stress on my back during delivery. She's more worried about a shunt that I have in my spinal column, though. She feels the "safest" option is to just do the c-section and not mess with my back. The OB thinks there is no harm in trying a natural birth and if it doesn't work out, we can do the c-section. She said that because my ortho doc cleared me to push, then my back should be fine. My concerns are 1.) the shunt, since I never saw a neurologist specifically and 2.) If I go into labor and still need the c-section, it's going to be harder for me to recover (since it's under general anesthesia and I'll likely have food in my stomach). Obviously there are downsides to the c-section...I mean, I'd like to be conscious, but I do feel like it's "safest" in terms of my health, which makes me feel selfish.

D is nervous about the c-section because he's terrified of "losing me" if I "go under". And he's not excited about being in the room, either, and my OB said she wouldn't allow it. With the breathing tubes and all of that, the husbands get really overwhelmed. And i need the focus on me :)

I completely understand the issue with hours for in-home care. We're going to have to alter our schedules so that one person brings Katie in (likely me) and gets to work later, then one will have to leave work early (likely D) to pick her up. Right now we both take the commuter rail into work and the daycare place is 5 minutes from there, so it should be okay. When I first found out the hours for in-home care were typically 8 - 5:30, though, I freaked. Anyway, it's all very difficult to figure out--the hours, the costs, the time...but I guess everybody does it!
NEL, hm.... that's a tough call for the delivery plan. I'm sorry it's such a difficult decision for you. I'm sure D is/will be as supportive as possible, but there's absolutely NOTHING WRONG with worrying about you and your health. There are two VERY IMPORTANT patients in this scenario, and you can't just think of Katie and not yourself. Maybe you can get a second opinion, either from another ortho about pushing, or another OB about natural v-birth vs GA c-section, or both.

It's fantastic that you both can shift your hours around to accommodate the in-home schedules. I really don't see it happening with J and I. Mostly because I have a much easier commute. Which in my opinion is totally not fair to put more "burden" on me, just because my commute is shorter.

The midwife said that DS is still head down and that his back is probably along my right side, since that side is harder than the other. Everything's measuring well, and weight gain is looking OK. That makes me happy to hear because I think I'm up 30 lbs since pre-preggo weight. :eek:

Oh and thanks for the sympathies re: my parents. Yes, it's definitely a cringe worthy situation, and to be honest I can hardly wait until all this is a thing of the past. It's something I resigned myself as having to put up with, since divorce etc is such an emotional process. But dude, can't we just have a fast forward button?

~LC (30W, 5D)