
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I guess it's high time I poked my head in here, can't stay in the just barely preggo thread forever!

I'm currently 15w5d, due in June with my first. I'll try and catch up with you all in here, looking forward to spending some time here!

Pancake, oh my goodness, so sorry you are suffering through that heat, hope it eases up soon! I'm hoping my LO makes his/her debut before the worst of summer hits here in the US.

Katy, you look fantastic lady! So sorry about the GD and the cold. I've been suffering through a cold myself and I miss my Nyquil so much!

Krissie, you are doing great to keep your boys in that long! Hope the last three weeks passes quickly for you!

LC, wooohooo for getting some of the nursery stuff set up! Can't wait to see it when it's all together. Your bump is so cute!

NEL, sorry about the heartburn. Hope you can figure out the delivery details soon, it must be so stressful to just have it so up in the air! Oh, and I saw some pics of your nursery while I was lurking and it is so adorable! You have great taste!

MQ, hope your GD results come back favorably, I am dreading that test! The holidays are exhausting, I was hoping to rest up since it's likely the last time off I'll really have before the baby is here (gotta save my vacation/sick time for mat leave) but I found myself more tired at the end of it than I was before!

Hi to all the other ladies in here that I missed, hope everyone is doing well!

Not much to report on my end, I'm finally able to occasionally forget I'm pregnant instead of feeling sick all the time. Starting to look at some maternity clothes since I'm down to only a few pairs of work pants that can button. Does anyone have anywhere they liked for work clothes for a business/business casual environment? Motherhood stuff did not fit me well, but I don't want to spend a fortune either and I don't have any girlfriends to pass stuff down to me.
NEL, I'm so glad that your vacation at your parents' house was nice and relaxing, even though you missed your DH. I am lucky that I haven't had to be separated from my DH since we got married. So sorry your heartburn is in full force, but I hope the Zantac is working for you. I still have a pretty full bottle of that stuff sitting on my nightstand, just waiting for my heartburn to come back. I really hope you can get an answer from your docs soon about the whole c-section vs. natural delivery thing. I know you've been struggling over that for a while now, and would like to get it straightened out once and for all. Sorry your shwinner didn't turn out as planned with the registry items. I would have been a bit upset if I ended up with a bunch of camo clothes too. Katie's room sounds like it's almost complete - how exciting!

LC, you're looking great! Glad you had a great NYE, even with the annoying people trying to get you to drink. Yay for your DH painting the 4th wall, and for buying a crib/mattress. Like Katy said, the Vista isn't what you would call a 'compact' stroller. It folds up pretty well, but it's bigger than regular SnG strollers so you probably wouldn't want to take it on a plane. We are planning on getting the Vista as our main stroller because I feel like it's slightly smaller than the BOB, but we're not planning any plane trips anytime soon. I'm still trying to decide if we need a smaller SnG for times when I don't feel like lugging around a big stroller though.

Krissie, you're so close! Yay for the babies growing/gaining weight. Hope the low amniotic fluid doesn't cause any problems!

Katy, you look great! I took a break from posting over the holidays, even though I continued to read everyone's updates. I'm finding it so much harder to catch up properly with everyone now. Glad you had a fun NYE too! So sorry you are so sick - that must be awful. Glad your GD has the positive effect of thinning out your face and arms. I hope you get the rest of your must-have items from the 3 showers!

pancake, so sorry about the crazy heatwave over there! I can't imagine having to be so pregnant in that kind of heat. Hope your swelling is just a result of all the heat, and not anything related to pre-eclampsia. Yay for your friends pitching in for the bouncer. How sweet of your MIL to start shopping for Dot, and for the dinner out with built-in baby-sitting!

MQ, hope you hear back about your 3-hour test soon! Yay for getting the roommate out of the nursery - that's a huge accomplishment already! Our house is a mess from the Christmas/New Year's aftermath too. My sister and her DH stayed at our house as usual, which then spurred some of their friends to come over to hang out. Our poor dog was so tired of staying awake past her bedtime for the past 2 weeks :lol:

steph, welcome (finally)! :wavey: Glad you are feeling better. I'm no help in the maternity clothes suggestions - I wear jeans to work. All the stuff I've gotten so far is from Motherhood.

AFM, today is my first day back at work, and it is definitely hard to get going. I had my 24-week appointment yesterday - fastest one yet. They gave me the sugar drink to take home, so I'll probably do the test before my 28-week appointment. After that appointment, I start going in every 2 weeks! We had a casual family baby shower at our house on the 30th. My sister, her DH, and 2 cousins chipped in to get our Chicco Keyfit30 car seat. Another cousin and his wife bought us the extra car seat adapter. My parents got us a convertible crib with the toddler/daybed/adult full-sized bed conversion kits. We bought the matching dresser and changing table and the crib mattress. We also got some money from the in-laws and my sister's MIL, which will go towards the rocker. Since we haven't rearranged the baby's room yet, all that stuff is sitting in our dining room/foyer area. Baby has been moving around quite a bit, and my sister was even able to listen to his heartbeat with her stethoscope. He even kicked it once for good measure!

Okay okay I'm a bad Pregnant thread poster...I've been hanging out in JBP thread more than I should be :rolleyes: I just can't keep up with all the exciting thing you ladies are doing over here!! It seems like a lot of you ladies are getting close to full term...whoa!!! It seems like it's going so fast to me, but I'm sure it's the total opposite for you!

Steph - YAY! Now we can be newbie posters together over here! I got some stuff at JC Penny, but that was Motherhood Maternity line...try Kohls. I got my first 2 pair of maternity jeans there. Do you need jeans or dress pants? I only got one pair of maternity dress pants because they were all too long or too wide in the legs...if I moved to petite they were too short. Not sure why 5'2" wouldn't be considered "petite" and how they could be too short on me but whatever!

Afm, I scheduled my ultrasound for January 27th. We're going to remain on Team Green and wait til birth to see what we're having :eek: I think I'll be fine until the moment of the ultrasound when we tell them that we don't want to know...and then afterwards knowing that we had the chance, but turned it down! I will survive! I'm becoming more comfortable with the thought of possibly having a girl, it used to terrify me!

Attaching my 17w3 bump picture! Why do I feel huge already! Ha...I think I can thank my "lack of a torso" for that!

*peeks in* :sun: :wavey: Hi ladies! I'm finally joining this thread at 19+ weeks! I didn't participate in TTC or JBP, but I've followed this thread for a few years now and didn't want to miss out on it. It's good to be here!

I've had a really uneventful pregnancy so morning sickness, minimal 1st tri symptoms (sore breasts and fatigue), my checkups have all been great, and I'm so tall (5'10") that I'm still wearing regular jeans and not showing yet. I can definitely feel the baby moving around, though, and have since about week 14. It's SO BIZARRE!!! I'm not a big bump pic person and have only taken one so far at 10 weeks. I'll probably get another tomorrow and just continue the every 10 weeks pattern I unintentionally created. We also are not announcing on FB so that was another reason I held back from posting here lest anyone congratulated me on my page! We'd rather tell people as we see them in person. I've always hated seeing friends post their announcements on their walls when I know damn well they have my number, yanno?

Tomorrow is my 20 week checkup (u/s measured me a week ahead of what I actually am based on our conception date), and we are doing a gender ultrasound. My mother is coming with us (I invited her because my brother and SIL never included her in anything when they were expecting my niece and I think she felt sad about that), so it will be an exciting day. I've always wanted to find out the sex and so has my husband, we're excited to start decorating the nursery!

We have a crib so far, and I will be using my solid walnut rocking chair that was given to me by my grandmother when I was a baby and which my mother rocked me and read to me in. My husband is building the changing table and probably bookshelves/storage, and he also has a set of blocks in the works--they're so cute so far! He just got me a new DSLR camera for Christmas and as soon as I figure out how to use it I'll try to post some pics of the nursery in progress. I am in hardcore nesting mode and am dying to get the nursery finished ASAP!

I keep waiting for weird things to happen like crazy mood swings, discomfort, etc. I actually am really enjoying being pregnant, though! I have a feeling that will change as my DD approaches, but so far I am embracing any changes in my body and am feeling really positive. We didn't tell anyone except my mother until Christmas, so it's been fun keeping it a secret. Everyone is super shocked when we tell them I'm 4+ months (now ~5!)

Everyone here looks fab, I love following your stories and seeing pics of bumps and nurseries. Thanks for reading my little intro!
Monnie, congrats on your pregnancy and welcome!! But wait. You're 19 - 20 weeks along and NOT wearing maternity pants?! Please ignore the steam coming out of my ears. I'm so jealous of your nice, long torso and your baby is lucky to have so much room! And how great is it that you skipped the 1st tri nausea? Hopefully the last half of your pregnancy will be just as comfy as the first half!

I'm sort of a nut for all things old and nastalgic, so your rocking chair sounds amazing. I would LOVE to have a family heirloom like that in my nursery. Not to go off on a tangent, but my cousin received a bassinet that my grandfather and father used (and his brothers, hence why my cousin has it). Anyway, my cousin has no appreciation for antiques, so they put it in a closet and never used it. I'm obviously still a little bitter because I would LOVE to have the bassinet my father used.

Which DSLR did you guys end up getting? I'm planning to order one today and think I've settled on the Nikon D3100, but am still not 100% sure. I can't wait to see the nursery pics! We definitely started getting a lot more done in the nursery after finding out the sex.

Missy, you are looking fabulous! I think you're in the most fun time of pregnancy. You're past the first tri, so hopefully feeling pretty good. You have a bump, but it's not so big yet that it's causing you any discomfort. Enjoy it while it lasts!

I also got a pair of black dress pants at Kohl's that were so big when I bought them (around 18 weeks), that they almost fell off of me. Now that I'm at 32 weeks, they're starting to feel a little snug. So maybe the regular size will be a better fit for you in several weeks.

So exciting that you're keeping the sex a surprise!! I was also terrified of having a girl, but now that I know I'm having a girl, I've completely wrapped my head around it and am excited. No matter what you have, I have no doubt you'll be thrilled!

S&I, sounds like you had a fantastic shower! Which color of the Keyfit30 did you get? That was one of the first things we ordered (several months ago) and I still haven't taken it out of the box, haha. It sounds like you have almost all of your nursery furniture, so I have a feeling once you get started on the nursery it will go very quickly!

Steph, welcome!!!! I'm so glad to hear the nausea is finally starting to subside for you. It's like recovering from a 2-month long stomach bug. It's amazing when the nausea fog finally recedes and you feel hungry again. Are you guys planning to find out the gender? Is the fetal anatomy scan scheduled?

As for work clothes, I have dresses from Motherhood Maternity, H&M and the Gap. I have to admit, the Gap clothes are my favorite. Plus, the Gap often has sales, which is nice since most maternity lines are never on sale. Twice when I was buying maternity clothes, the Gap would have a "spend $100, get $40 back" sale. I also really like their basic cotton shirts--the stretchy ones are super comfy and I never had to pay full price for them.

Pancake, I'm so glad you're getting a short reprieve from the heat!! And yay for Dot dropping--I can totally understand the tradeoff (less pressure on your diaphram, but more pressure on the bladder!) My torso is super short, so I feel like her head is right on my bladder and her feet are right in my diaphram. I'm so sorry the hip pain is getting worse. I've resolved that any pain and/or pressure I'm feeling now is probably just going to get worse. I'm definitely ready to have this baby!

Katy, it's great to see you!! You are a smart lady for keeping Zantac on hand. I was at my parents when I was hit with the crazy heartburn and I was very sorry I didn't have any. I'm so sorry to hear about the GD, that must be very frustrating. How did the ultrasound go?

I feel like I've been sick for the vast majority of my third tri. It's the worst, isn't it? I still have a lingering cold and coughing constantly actually hurts since my abdomen is sore as it is. I'd definitely go back to your doc if things don't clear up! The good news is that you're looking great! :)

Krissie, only a few weeks left for you?? Oh my gosh, I'm jealous! Great to hear that your boys are each over 5 lbs. now!

PT, I saw your pics in the nursery thread, I need to comment over there, but I love it!! And besides, you had so much going on with your pregnancy that there is no way I would have thought about the nursery if I were you. I'm so glad to hear that Ava is doing well, though!

LC, well at least your husband's hard work can be enjoyed for another 6 months at least :) Congrats on getting the crib and mattress, that's exciting! And also for deciding on the BOB. I feel like you should have good luck on CL, I see them often on ours. I've kept my eyes peeled for sales over the past couple of weeks, but right now albeebaby still has the cheapest I can find (new) at $379. I don't know how small the Vistas folds up to be, but I feel like it's a bit heavy for travel (nearly 25 lbs.). I was thinking of getting the Uppababy Cruz as an umbrella stroller, but it's still 18 lbs., so I think we might just got with the Uppababy G-luxe as an umbrella stroller (11lbs). If I were you, I'd probalby stick with the BOB and get the carrier adaptor for it. You have a Keyfit30, right? You can just order from Amazon (or buy them at BBBaby) and I've read they're super easy to install, so your BOB can act as a SNG. That's our plan, at least. Then we'll probalby get the G-luxe in a couple of months.

AFM, I'm missing my smaller bump days, haha. Yesterday I had a really tough time getting out of work and had to run about a half of a mile to the train. Oh lordy, it was literally like running with a 20-lb. bowling ball strapped to my waist. Poor Katie must have been wondering what the heck was going on. I'm sore today!

Still figuring out delivery options. D wants me to go to a more specialized hospital in Boston, which would require me finding a new OB. I can't tell you how much anxiety that gives me right now. I'll figure it out!
Greetings fellow preggos! Just going to jump right in if that's ok, no way I can catch up with everyone since I haven't been posting.

Monarch- Congrats and welcome! Have to admit, your post made me wistful for my first pregnancy. I didn't get into mat clothes until 22-23 weeks and had no nausea, no mood swings, nada. It was really an easy and blissful pregnancy up till the very end- never got that big, never got swollen or uncomfortable. This pregnancy, not so much. :knockout: Here's hoping yours stays easy!

Mat clothes- Fancy stuff I got at Pea in the Pod or isabellaoliver. com. For regular, try Gap, Old Navy. Heard good things about Ann Taylor Loft mat clothes, but haven't tried them. Michael Stars has good t-shirts. Oh, and actually the Liz Lange line at Target has some decent sweaters and stuff.

NEL- I got the Nikon D3100 for Christmas and it's great. I so wish we had it before. I thought I wanted the Canon Rebel, but went and held them in my hands and the Nikon fit better and I liked the placement of the snap button better. I know that sounds weird, but it just was more natural in my hand. If you haven't already, just go and hold them and see what feels right. They are about equal in terms of quality, etc from everything I've read and from everyone I've asked.

AFM- 20 weeks and all is fine, albeit a bit boring. I did have croup over the holidays, which was really scary but thankfully all is fine now and baby still looks ok. My 20 week scan is next week. I'm bummed b/c the doctor that normally does my 20 week scan just changed jobs (total drama with the hospitals, apparently) so I have to go see some other lady. No biggie, but I LOVED the other guy, and sad to not see him again.

Still haven't opened the envelope about the gender. We've had it for six or seven weeks now, if you can believe it! :cheeky: I do think we are opening it, just waiting for a good moment. The DH is getting anxious though, so probably soon. I am actually ready to know now, but still like savoring the surprise.

I am in a weird in between with mat clothes too. Definitely showing and obviously pregnant and can't wear regular pants BUT mat pants are still huge on me. So annoying and frankly uncomfortable. Plus this little one is carrying so much lower and it feels like the belly is right where all the pants hit me.

Just realized I haven't taken a single picture! Poor baby #2, already getting the BTDT laziness!

All is good otherwise. O is crazy clingy lately and obviously knows something is up. I will take the extra cuddles though, as I know soon he won't want anything to do with me. They grow up too fast! Remind me I said this when I have a newborn again b/c I won't believe you!

Hope everyone else is good. Will promise to try and be more involved with posting/responding!
Missy, cute bump pic! Maybe you can ask the ultrasound tech to write down the gender on a card, so you'll have it in case you and your DH change your minds about being on Team Green. Or would that cause more stress for you? I feel like it would have been hard for me to look away during the anatomy scan since they measure so many things. When our tech was looking for the money shot, our baby decided to put one of his hands down there to cover it up, so she couldn't get a good look. It was actually pretty amusing. But maybe if you tell them that you don't want to know, they'll stay away from that area or tell you to close your eyes when they get near it? Have you felt any movement lately?

monarch, welcome! :wavey: I'm jealous that your pregnancy has been so easy for you, and hope it stays that way. Hope you have an awesome anatomy scan today! We also invited my mom to ours, and I think she had fun. That's so sweet that you'll be using the same rocking chair that your mother used with you!

NEL, we got the Adventure (brown'ish with green) one. Which color did you get? I think you'll like the Nikon DSLR. We have one of the older ones (D200 I think?), and it works great. I had only ever had Canon point-and-shoots before that. Have you already played around with the D3100? I can't imagine having to run anywhere, let alone half a mile to catch a train! Did you have your arms wrapped around Katie while you were running? I would have done that! Sorry you're still up in the air for delivery options, but I know you'll figure it out soon. How far is the specialized hospital from you?

China, sorry about the croup, but I'm glad you and baby survived it and all is well again. I can't believe that you still haven't opened that envelope yet! You are way more patient than I am. Yay for O being so clingy! Boys are so sweet like that.

NEL - Thanks!! You're right...I've been feeling great. Actually, I've felt great the whole time, even in the first trimester :o I'm hoping it carries through til labor. An easy labor would be nice!!

China - WOW still didn't peek at the envelope yet. You have great will power!!

S&I - Thank you! I don't think I want the temptation of knowing I have the card and could peek if I wanted to. I have no will power. I told my doc that we're most likely not going to find out the sex (before we made a definite decision) and she said no problem, they won't write the sex down on any of the paperwork so they don't accidentally let it slip! I have NO clue what I'm looking at on the ultrasound, so I'm hoping I won't be able to tell. I think they usually have you turn away while they check in that area, which means I'll miss a little time being able to stare at the screen :tongue: I hope the appointment is long...DH wasn't able to go to my first and only ultrasound at 6 weeks. It's been 11 weeks since then!

Re: Maternity clothes not fitting. Jeans have been no trouble, I've been wearing them since 13 weeks. They feel just like regular jeans to me. I like the fully cover belly panel, it keeps them up a little better. I think my problem will be maternity shirts. Right now most of my pre-pregnancy shirts just fit a little tight and I've noticed myself pulling at them a little because the bottom part in the front gets pulled up from my belly and boobs :lol: With my short waist, I think most shirts are going to be really long on me right now. I haven't tried any on yet, but I saw that Kohls has Buy 1 Get 1 half off on some maternity clothes so I think I'm going to take a peek tonight.
NEL, thanks! I love your nursery and so glad you posted pics as you added new things. I'm sad for you that your cousin got the bassinet and didn't use it at all. If it's something you would like to use for Katie, could you get in touch with your cousin and ask her to share it with you for a bit? Maybe under the guise of storing it for her? If that's not an option whatsoever, are any of the things you've included in your nursery ones that will become heirlooms within your own family?

S got me the Nikon D3100, actually! He used to be very into photography and I know next to nothing, so he did all the research and it was a total surprise to me. I haven't used it yet (I'm skeered of it--it's so gadgety!) but I need to pick it up and learn how to use it soon so I can practice a lot before the baby is here.

ChinaCat, thank you. I hope my pregnancy continues to be easy, too! I am due right when the weather here typically changes from chilly spring to super hot (in Indiana there is never an in-between) so I am hopeful that swelling won't be too much of an issue. I have more problems with swelling when I sit at a desk all day and my current job has me on my feet most of the time so I think I'll be ok (but who knows?) Also, I am impressed that you have delayed opening the envelope so long. Delayed gratification can be so satisfying.

S&I, thank you for the welcome. I need to go back and catch up on your story!

Missy, cute bump!

AFM (which I think means "as for me?")...the baby was being modest today, so I'm going back in two weeks for another try. Everything else looked perfect, though, and my checkup was great. My blood pressure has been normal every time, and the doctor says my weight gain is "spot on." So all in all, a good day. I have to tell you something funny: when I woke up this morning the sun was shining, and I thought to myself, "I wonder if it's like Groundhog Day--if the baby sees its shadow, will it hide?" What a silly thing to think, and then of course we get to the u/s and can't see the business. I jinxed it! Coincidentally, my next checkup (after the next u/s in two weeks) is on Groundhog Day. I know, I am rolling my eyes at MYSELF right now. I can't even blame it on pregnancy, because I was nuts before. :cheeky:
Monnie - Congrats!!! I was wondering with the stuffs you were pinning.
qtiekiki|1325802850|3095992 said:
Monnie - Congrats!!! I was wondering with the stuffs you were pinning.

I KNEW that was gonna be a dead giveaway to people!!! Hahaha! Thank you, Qtie! :wavey:
Hello my friends! It's great to see this thread hoppin'. Sounds like everyone had a great new year! So good to see some of the JBP mamas poking in here.

PT, yay on the CL score for Ava's stroller! What kind did you guys get? LOVE the nursery.

Krissie, there you are! Sounds like the boys are doing a-okay! Wow, three weeks, that's coming up SUPER QUICK! How exciting you'll get to meet them soon.

Katy, Wow! You look fantastic! Sorry to hear about the GD, but yay on losing weight and thinning up around your arms and face! That's great! I feel I'm ever expanding so I'm a touch jealous. :) Thanks for the tip on the Vista size. I guess I'll just get a cheapie SnG from Craigslist and use that with the car seat. Then go with an umbrella stroller once DS is big enough for one. Do post a picture of your nursery too! I'm really intrigued since you said your mom made a bunch of stuff. Sounds like you're going to have a busy next few weeks with all your showers! Hope you're feeling better.

Pancake, yes a Snap n Go is a stroller frame that the infant car seat snaps into. I guess it's supposed to be really easy and useful. I don't want to pay a whole lot for it though since it's so cheap to buy new. I'm looking on Craigslist and people are trying to sell it for like $40! Dude, it costs $50 brand new!!! I'm glad you're getting a break from the heat. I'm glad Dot's giving you a little more room in the diaphargm, but yikes with the bladder! I had to get up TWICE last night to pee... How sweet your friends are getting a bouncer for you.

Steph, WELCOME! I'm glad the M/S is slowly subsiding. Really makes you EMBRACE the 2nd tri bloom :) I only bought 1 pair of mat corduroys but have been using bella bands with my slacks, since they're lighter material and can be held up with them. Maybe you can try some thrift stores for maternity clothes.

S&I, I hope your heartburn stays away but good thing you have Zantac handy. So nice you had your family shower! IIRC, it was because your sis was in town. I'm glad you got to share some baby celebrating with your family. How generous of them to get you a car seat! And sounds like your nursery is really coming together!

Missy, how great you're going to be on Team Green. You can do what ChinaCat did and have it written down in case either of you change your minds. I think you look great, with a very cute bump! And you'll very soon reach the 3rd tri/full term and you'll also be like, "HOLY COW! How did that happen!" Hee hee!

Monnie, Glad you've been having an easy go with the pregnancy. Hopefully it continues all the way through birth and the newborn stage :) What a well behaved baby! THat's what I'm banking on.... Hooray for the 20wk check up. How nice your mom will be with you too, that's very sweet. How handy of your DH to build a changing table. We're going to add some HD "hacks" to DH's dresser to make it changing table-y. I have to agree with NEL, you're one lucky lady to be able to carry the baby bump so nicely. I wish I were as tall... I hope the baby's not as shy next time for the U/S!!! Such a funny thought about Groundhog Day.

NEL, I read about Monnie's rocker and immediately thought you'd be all over that too! Too bad your cousin is not appreciating the cradle. I want to get a DSLR too (D5100). But J's response when I told him was "Well, you should first learn how to use it." This coming from the man who wants to buy a $5K computer for video editing... :rolleyes: Wow, can't believe you ran for the train! I've done a couple of short hustles for the bus but nothing like 1/2 a mile.

China, You've got some serious self control and patience if you stil haven't opened the envelope! If you decide to, you must report back. Sorry about the croup. I hope you're feeling better now. Bummer your fav doc isn't there anymore, but hopefully this new lady will get along with you alright. Aw, so glad you're getting extra cuddles from O. I'm sure he's going to be a great big brother!!!!

AFM, not much going on. Had my 33 wk appt, pretty much nothing special. Peed, got measured and weighed that was about it. The midwife said he's still head down. I told her his movement feels a little different and she said it's because he's getting bigger and not kicking OUT so much as turning and rolling around. I showed DH that you can actually see him moving around in my belly. Sis saw it too.

Hope you ladies are doing alright. Adding my 33 wk belly pic.

Hi everyone, dipping my toe in here now, but I've been following this thread for several years! I'll selfishly use this post as an intro post, but after this I will go back to reading all of your stories!
By my LMP my due date is 6/20, but the ultrasound machine on the first appointment measured me for 6/22. Which date should I go by? I thought the machine was more accurate so I thought my due date was 6/22, but my paperwork still said 6/20. It's why I haven't updated the preggo-in-waiting list...

I told all of my relatives over the holidays, and we're telling our friends if the topic ever comes up. At first I thought I would announce it on facebook but I couldn't find a tasteful way to do it, especially having a friend who is having trouble conceiving. We're not hiding anymore though.
So far I've been very lucky with preggo symptoms. No vomiting, no taking off work, etc. I can't button my trousers anymore, my sweatpants are tight already, and I need to shop for work clothes before I start teaching in February. I'm definitely not showing pictures to my Japanese mommy friends, who all look like they just graduated from high school. I'm convinced they starve pregnant ladies over there. I'm finally comfortable with researching on strollers and cribs, and boy, this is going to be harder than planning a wedding!

Looking forward to this journey with all you ladies!
monarch64|1325802274|3095988 said:
S got me the Nikon D3100, actually! He used to be very into photography and I know next to nothing, so he did all the research and it was a total surprise to me. I haven't used it yet (I'm skeered of it--it's so gadgety!) but I need to pick it up and learn how to use it soon so I can practice a lot before the baby is here.

Monarch, I just got a D3100 in September. I knew nooothing about working a camera, but there are some great blogs out there with really basic tips. I've found that I enjoy using manual focus instead of auto. I am by NO means an expert now, but after flipping through the instruction guide and reading a few how-to blogs, I can take decent pics. Have fun learning- it is a great, sturdy camera. Don't be afraid to play around with it! :))
Choro: I think because the dates are so close they just leave it as the original date. I was told over 6 days they would change it.
Thanks, all, for the D3100 input. I'm glad everybody had positive things to say about it because I ordered it yesterday. I should be getting it early next week!

Choro, congrats and welcome!! How exciting that you told all of your relatives. Telling friends is always tricky because of Facebook. I'd definitely tell the friend who's having trouble TTC in person or over the phone if possible. I have a couple of friends in the same boat and I wanted to make sure they knew that I was thinking about them. Of course your friend will be happy for you, but I also understand needing to be a little delicate.

LC, I had my regular checkup today and the doc said the same thing--that there are fewer "big" movements near the end because there just isn't that much room. I think it's pretty interesting how much the movements have changed. A couple of months ago I was excited just to feel a tiny bit of fluttering. Then the "kicks" started. And then less kicking, but big rolls and shifts. Now it seems I can feel her shifting all of the time and can see her foot move along my belly. It's still so fascinating.

Monnie, I also had to do the 2-week follow-up because they couldn't get some of the cranial measurements. It sounds like you got all the measurements they needed, just didn't find out the sex. Honestly, that's not so bad because I feel like getting the medical "everything looks good" seal of approval must be the biggest relief. AND you get to get another u/s, which is always good :) I had no idea how involved the fetal anatomy scan was until we were going through it!

As for the bassinet--my cousin lives in another region of the country, but that's okay. And AFM is an acronym for as for me!

Missy, I also have a short waist, so all the maternity shirts were long. I don't mind it too much because it gives me more room in these final weeks and I never have to worry about the belly panel on my pants showing :)

S&I, Oh, I like the adventure! We got the midori, which is the apple green-colored one. For some of the "bigger" purchases like the carrier, the stroller, etc., I'm trying to get colors that would work for either sex so that we can re-use if we have another. As for the camera, I've also only had Canon P&S cameras, so this will be my first Nikon. And yes, I totally carried my belly while running. Then again, sometimes I hold it while I'm just walking because I feel like it takes some of the pressure off.

China, it's always interesting to hear the differences between #1 and #2. I know I would be the same way--I probably wouldn't be taking the weekly photos or be as focused on what's happening with my body. It would be nice to already know what to expect, though. Especially concerning L&D, which I think can be daunting for first-timers. Heck, it's probably daunting for anybody, regardless of how many you have.

AFM, nothing new. These 2-week appts. are kind of a pain in the butt, but it's fine. Everything looked good this morning--I always seem to measure for the week I'm in. I've gained 21 lbs. to date. I officially weigh more than Byron and Bo (individually, not combined) now. My next appt. is actually my 34-week ultrasound, I believe.

Posting my 32 week pic!

32 weeks side.jpg
NEL and LC, you guys look so cute! I know it might feel like you're big, but I think both of you have adorable all-belly bumps.

I don't understand cameras AT ALL but so far I found the Nikon easy to use. It came with a video that I haven't watched yet, but I plan on it. It has some great auto options, like one for KIDS which is great, since they don't stop moving.

NEL- I think labor/delivery is daunting and frankly a bit scary no matter what! Yeah, BTDT helps to sort of know what to expect for sure, but every labor is so different. Can't say I'm not still apprehensive! I'm just worried about different things now. ;))

Choro- Welcome! Just pick whatever date you like better. :cheeky: Seriously, I think whomever said they don't change it unless it's a full week ahead is right. My sister is measuring 6 days ahead, but they are keeping her original DD. I know you probably want a definitive answer, but it's such a wide range anyways. Back on this thread a few years ago, I think Dreamer had her due date changed in like the very end of her third trimester! :o For reference, O's due date was either August 8 or 9, but he didn't show up until the 18th, and that was after being forced out. But my BFF's two kids were both three weeks early.

Monarch- So wait, are you finding out or not? For some reason I thought you weren't finding out. Can't keep anything straight. And yeah, O was born in August and I live in TX and it is HOT and HUMID starting in June and surprisingly I didn't get swollen at all. I was sure I would, but didn't happen. So there's hope you will be able to keep your slim ankles! :bigsmile:
Hey ladies,

Anyone doing maternity pics? I don't think I will, but I'm starting to look into doing newborn pics. I really want them, but I'm sure DH is going to say, "blah, blah, blah, expensive, blah, blah." Again this coming from the man that wants to drop $4K on a computer and $500 on video editing software.... :rolleyes: I guess I want a $1K camera... Sigh! Sounds like I need to pick up some more contracting hours to pay for all this. Hee hee!!

AFM, not much going on. My boss is having me put together the contractor recruitment for my mat leave holdover consultant. So I did that today. TOnight DH and I are going out to dinner, hooray for date nights! Tomorrow we're going to check out another senior living facility for his parents WAAAAY down in the south suburbs like 1 hr away! And we're going to go car shopping. Just going to hit CarMax for now and figure out what type of car we like.

This weekend I'm going to make a bunch of cakes and cookies for the DH's university friends shower. I want to do a cake buffet so I'm planning on making 3 types of cake (chocolate, lemon and green tea white chocolate). I'm also going to bake a bunch of cookies as favors for the shower too. I also made some homemade vanilla extract as favors, but not sure if it's going to be "vanilla-y" enough. Oh well, I'll bottle it up anyway. I want to make little tags that say, "Happy baking" or something like that. Anyone creative and can help me come up with a little saying that has to do with baking/buns in oven?

Pancake & Krissie, I think you guys are the only ones who regularly post that will be reaching full term soon. Wow! How exciting! There's going to be a bunch of us in that boat soon :) Oh what fun!

~LC (33w, 1D)
Missy, you'd be surprised at how much more like a real babies they look at the anatomy scan, especially since you haven't seen yours since the first early one! I think ours took a good hour or so, to get all the measurements. You and your DH will have fun. We also got a DVD of some parts of the scan, so that's always fun to watch and show other family members. You'll be grateful for the extra length in the maternity shirts once your bump starts growing out more. I thought the shirts were so long too, but now I'm finding that I have to pull them down to avoid showing my belly panel when I sit down! Did you score anything good at Kohls?

Monarch, glad you had a great anatomy scan, and now you get a bonus scan in 2 weeks too! Our baby had his hand covering up his goods when the tech was trying to look there, but we eventually got a shot when the doctor caught the butt-view. :lol:

LC, you're looking great as usual! I hope you can find an SnG for cheap on Craigslist. I've heard great things about them from BTDT moms, so I'm sure you'll be happy with it. I'm not sure about doing maternity pics (we did take some side pics during our Christmas photo shoot, but my bump wasn't as big back then), but I definitely want cute newborn pics. I haven't discussed it with my DH yet, but I'm sure he'll be fine with it. We'll probably just use our photographer friend, so it shouldn't be too expensive. Have fun baking this weekend!

choro, welcome! :wavey: They usually just go with your LMP due date unless your measurements are off by a week or more. Early on, I was measuring up to 6 days smaller than what my dates said, but they still never changed my due date. Yay for telling your relatives! Glad your preggo symptoms have been mild so far, and hope they stay that way!

NEL, your bump is so cute! I like the midori one too, but they didn't have that one in our local BBBaby. What color BOB are you getting? We registered for the slate blue Vista mostly because my DH likes blue, but also because I thought the black one was just so black, haha. I'll probably change my mind once we get around to actually purchasing it. Yay for ordering your camera!

China, looks like we've got quite a group on Nikon users over here. They really do make some nice cameras that are easy to use. Any luck on figuring out when to open that envelope yet?

AFM, not much going on. DH says he wants to work on the baby's room this weekend. We also have to de-Christmas-ize our house. Not sure how much we'll actually get done.

(25 weeks today)
S&I- No movement on the grand opening of the envelope. :cheeky: Though DH is getting anxious, so soon, maybe? Did I tell you that we had a date night all planned to open it? We made a reservation at one of our fave restaurants right before Christmas, got all dressed up, etc. Well it was an epic fail. They "lost" our reservation, made us wait over an hour and then told us we were third on the "wait list". We left and went to our favorite local neighborhood restaurant, which is where we should have gone in the first place, but the mood was ruined. Then it was Christmas and too hectic. Now I'm trying to think of something else. I would like to wait till we go to Santa Barbara in March, but don't think I can put DH off that long!

Mat pics- I don't know. I didn't do them with O and I really wish I had. I was planning on doing them this time, but honestly (and vainly) I don't feel as cute this time. Much more lumpiness and unseemly love handles I didn't have last time. But might regret if I don't? I highly recommend newborn photos though. We didn't do them with O and I really really wish we had. Just FYI, newborn pics are usually done in the first two weeks when they are still super sleepy and scrunched up, so if you want to do them, make appointments way before!I had no idea and never got my act together with O. Some photographers will do a package of mat shots, newborn pics, 6 month photos and then 1 year photos, which is nice to do if you can get a good price.
taovandal, ChinaCat, S&I, thanks! I think I'll just go with the original LMP date then. It's my first time so this blob is bound to be late.

NEL, such an adorable belly pic!! And I love your outfit!!

lliang_chi, yummmmmm, I want to try the green tea cake and the lemon cake! I'm not creative so I'm no use for cute tag terms. I don't think we're doing maternity pictures...I feel ugly already that I can't imagine having fun at a picture session.

ChinaCat, I'm so sorry about the ruined envelope opening :( I'm sure you'll find another romantic setting! Valentines day?
Choro - congratulations and welcome! If your cycles were regular, LNMP is the most accurate for dating; thereafter a 6 week ultrasound is the best, and then progressive ultrasounds become less and less reliable for dating.

NEL - you are so tiny and Katie is like a basketball that you've shoved up your top! You look fantastic! Your weight gain sounds spot-on - the smaller you are to begin with the more you need to gain :) Have you decided about changing centres (or not) yet?

Monarch - congratulations and welcome to you too! Sounds like things are going very nicely for you, I hope it stays that way! How funny that your bub was being prudish and hiding his/her bits from the ultrasound probe :lol:

Missy, I just wore looser pre-preg tops until it was no longer an option - in fact most of the tops I wear are still pre-pregnancy tops. I don't think the extra length is a problem, you will want it as the bump grows, to hide skin or an over-the-belly panel.

China, I think boring is good! Excitement in pregnancy implies that there's something "happening"... and really, I reckon uneventful is best when it comes to gestating. Admire your willpower in not opening that envelope. We were both busting to know!

S&I, you seem SO organised! I am good in terms of buying the stuff, but we haven't set anything up yet :oops:

LC, I wish I were as diligent as you with the bump pics! I am managing to remember every 2-3 weeks at the moment. Sounds like you guys are getting organised too. My brain is boggling about being so close to term now, time is just hurtling by! Remember that you are only 10 or so days behind though ;) I am DEFINITELY not doing maternity pics (puffy, oily skin and hair, glamour all the way isn't it!) and probably won't do professional newborn pics either... although to be honest, haven't thought about it that much yet.

Steph, welcome! I found that Bella Bands (used doubled over for extra grip) were great to start with. I stopped using them around the end of the 2nd trimester. I also have two pairs of Maternal America jeans which have been absolutely brilliant and will also be great for post-partum wear.

AFM, going pretty well. Hip has been better since physio a few days ago and I'm trying to put my feet up when I can. Swelling is no worse than it was before Christmas, which is good. Dot is getting bigger by the day (the growth is so rapid it's weird!) and doing lots of lumpy bumpy twisty stretchy stuff in there as usual.

I think I have decided that I would like an epidural. Mostly based on several conversations I've had with people in the last week in which they have told me that they/their friends didn't have an epi the first time and then invariably did the second time; also a friend of mine this morning had an epi with the first, none with the 2nd and will definitely be having one with the next! I also think that it might help me conserve energy for recovery and establishing feeding after the birth, which is my top priority (after having a healthy baby and staying healthy myself, of course!).

Am on call for work this weekend and then just 5 proper working days to go. I am really looking forward to having time to rest up and do nothing for a while - I probably could work a bit longer but really don't want to!

Here's a couple of bump pics from a couple of days ago, at 34 weeks and 3 days - I feel HUGE but am probably quite compact/average.


Quick driveby post - I got the news today that I failed my 3 hour test. :(( I have already scheduled appointments with the GD nurse and nutritionist for next week. I feel awful, even though I may not have done anything wrong. I'll be back to post and catch up this weekend.

Welcome, new mommies to be! :appl:
Mannequin - sorry to hear that, but keep your chin up; it is so much better to have GD, know about it and be able to manage it tightly than not to know at all. It's all to keep you and little Wes as well as possible! Hugs.
Manne, Sorry to hear you didn't pass the 3 hr test. I agree with Pancake, it's best to have the knowledge and to keep you and Wes healthy. My friend had GD also and said it was mostly controlled through diet and exercise. You're doing great!

Pancake, wow, looking great! I'm like you and havent' set anything up either, but I did buy some things so that's progress. Oh I got 2 pairs of normal one-size all in one diapers. I showed them to DH. He was enlightened, so I think he's kinda on board. We'll see. I'm going to start with cloth diapers for the baby also, so I'm excited. Will post more info in the CD thread. Yeah, I'm kinda not feeling doing maternity pics, but will definitely want to do newborn ones. I'm glad your hip is better. Good on you for not having to work in one week. Lucky ducky!!!

Choro, glad you were able to share your good news over the holidays. Hopefully you'll be able to tell your friends. I did not do any facebook announcements myself. Mostly because if not everyone whom I'm connected with on facebook are friends that I really talk to/email normally, so I figure whatever if they don't get the news. Hope your symptoms stay mild and you enjoy an easy pregnancy.

S&I, good luck on the nursery this weekend. What are you planning on doing? So nice your DH is taking the initiative to do stuff. It took us a while to get our butts in gear. So lucky you have a friend that does photography, such a big bonus.

China, wow, that sucks that your date night got ruined. I love the idea of doing it on Valentine's Day. How great. Thanks for the advice on the photos etc.

~LC (33w, 1d)
I am loving all the bump pics! Wow, we're so close ::sniff::

Here's my contribution, from last weekend.

I am so sick of dr. appointments! I had 3 this week and will continue until they're born. (2 NSTs and an OB visit). Today my fluids were back down to about 2.1 each, but apparently that's not a problem anymore? Who knows. I'm so done! :tongue:

ladies you look fabulous!!!

Krissie you look Fabulous fellow twin momma!!!! :appl: I can't wait to see pics of your twins
Hi ladies!

S&I, glad your shower went so well, you've got a lot of the big stuff now!

Missy, I'm so impressed with your willpower, I am dying to know if we are team blue or pink! You look great, thanks for the rec. to try Kohl's, I always have tons of coupons for there. I need dress pants for work sadly.

Monnie so glad to see you in here and glad you have been feeling so great! Sorry baby was such a little punk and wouldn't show you the goods though! Hope they are more cooperative in two weeks. I love that you have your old rocking chair, how special!

NEL, we are going to find out the gender, the scan is schedule for Feb. 1. So excited! I just ordered two pairs of pants from Gap, hopefully they will work. I've been avoiding a lot of online shopping because it seems like none of them will take in-store returns but if I can figure out a size that works for me I can order more stuff going forward. So sorry you've been sick so much this trimester, that is no fun. Your belly looks great!

China I can't believe you still haven't opened that envelope! Thanks for the suggestion to try Loft, that's where most of my usual wardrobe is from so hopefully the maternity stuff will fit me just as well.

LC, oh, thrift stores, great idea as well! Your bump looks so great! I definitely want to do newborn pics but was debating maternity as well...the photog I'm considering has a package for both, and would be nice to get some good pictures of DH and me together, but then again, almost two years after our wedding we have no pictures of that anywhere so I don't know if we would do anything with them.

Hi Choro, my almost due date buddy! Glad things have been going well for you so far! I haven't found any way to announce on FB either. One of my best friends has been trying since April so I was very nervous to tell her, but she was super excited for me outwardly even if I'm sure it was a little hard for her. Agreed that researching everything is so hard! My friend gave me the book “Baby Bargains” and that has helped somewhat but there's so much to decide!

Pancake you look great! How exciting to be almost done with work!

MQ, so sorry you failed your test, I hope controlling everything turns out to be easy for you.

Krissie, you look fantastic. I can't believe there are two in there!

AFM, thanks to everyone I missed who gave maternity clothes suggestions, I've ordered a few things, and have checked out a few stores I hadn't thought of before. I also got the name brand Bella Band instead of the crappy Target one that didn't work for me, and I've made that work with a pair of work pants this week. Between that and lots of dresses, I should make it a bit longer and be able to find some clothes I really like and am comfortable in. It's funny how many people have bought new cameras in prep for baby, we just got a Canon Rebel for both our birthdays in December. DH has learned all about how to use it, so I figure he can be in charge of photographing the baby, because the technology overwhelms me. But he bought me a cheap point and shoot for Christmas so I have something to use too.

Here's my 16 week bump pic! I feel huge now but I'm sure I'll look back and long for these days soon.

Steph, I hope you like the pants from the's nice to have a growing maternity wardrobe so you feel like you have some options. You are looking adorable at 16 weeks!

Krissie, your 35 week picture looks great--I wouldn't even guess you were a twin mama based on the pic. I'm glad to hear your fluid is back at "normal" levels--do they think you'll go to 40 weeks at this point? When is your OB going to start the internal exams? And three appointments in one week? I'd be sick of appointments, too!

LC, How did the senior living facility tour go this weekend? And the Carmax visit? Did you decide about maternity pics? I think I might skip the maternity pics, but we're definitely doing newborn pics. I need to schedule that this week. Oh, and I hope the cake baking went well!

MQ, I'm so, so sorry to hear about the GD. Please don't feel awful--I completely understand, but I hate the thought of you beating yourself up about it. I hope your appt. with the specialist this week eases your mind a little. I'm thinking about you!

Pancake, you're carrying your bump so well! You look great! I'm so jealous that you've only got 5 days left at work to go! That's so nice--I think it's a good idea, though, especially since you spend a lot of time on your feet. I sit all day and that is even getting uncomfortable for me. I've decided not to change hospitals, I just don't have the mental energy to make a big switch right now.

China, I'm so sorry to hear that the restaurant lost your reservation the night of the "reveal". Is your DH still not on board with waiting until March? So far it sounds like he's done a good job of being patient!

S&I ,how did de-Christmasing the house go? I took down the last of the lights yesterday. And I'm not sure about the color of the Bob. I love the slate blue Vista (is it called Cole? I'd look it up, but I'm feeling lazy). I wish the Bob had more color options. The plum color is probably my favorite, but I have a feeling D will probably want the black. I wish there were more color options.

AFM, I only have one piece of furniture left to buy for the nursery (just a small table to put next to the glider) and I scoured every antique store in a 20 mile radius yesterday, but to no avail. I hope I can find one in the next couple of weeks, I want to finish the nursery.

I am closer to finishing the "baby" area in our bedroom, though! I have the sofa that we bought a couple of months ago, but bought an ottoman last week (might use it as a changing area). I also bought shelving at Ikea today and put it all together, so I have a place to put all the diapers/wipes, etc. I'll have to take a picture at some point.

I'm headed off for a date night with D! Trying to take advantage of the last several child-free weeks we have!
Krissie, you look incredible! Wow, you're doing 3 appts per week until the boys are born? :eek: I'd totally be sick of appts too. But at least it's comforting to know you're *really* being taken care of, even if you're seeing your doc WAY more than you'd want to. I hope you continue to get the clear on the fluids. Maybe it's not a problem anymore because the boys are getting bigger? Maybe they just had a growth spurt the last time they checked. Hope they're both hanging out and the three of you continue to do alright!

Steph, you're looking great! You look like you're in the "I think she's pregnant" stage. I remember I just wanted to pop already in the late 1st/early 2nd tri so people didn't think I was just packing on the pounds/skipping the gym. LOL. Hope the maternity pants work out for you. Cool you have a nice camera for your birthdays. Awesome that your DH is all about learning how to use it. I really want to get one, but I might need to just take a little bit of contract work money and buy it with that. DH is going to drag his feet on letting me get it. He's got not interest in learning how to use it.

NEL, Wow! So impressed you're like all done (almost) with nursery AND your baby area in your bedroom. I'd love to see pics of both. I hope you can find a nice side table for the glider. That'd be pretty sweet. J asked if we need a rocker, and I told him I wanted to wait and see if the baby likes if. If he does then we'll get one. But I didn't want to buy a glider/rocker and have it sit unused if the baby hated/was indifferent to it. Hope you had a good date night. DH and I are trying to do dinner out once a week or so to enjoy the last few child-free weeks also. MIL bought me some restaurant certificates, so we've got some happily free date nights. :)

AFM, this weekend was really productive. Yesterday we saw the senior facility and we both really like it. It's our favorite of the four we've seen thus far. We'll still keep looking but it was so great. The one pretty big downside is it's 32 miles in the wrong direction. It took about 45 mins to get there. So it kind of rules out any middle of the week, "We'll just swing by and hang out" sort of scenarios. But it's so nice, it might be something we'd be willing to work on, maybe going once a week on the weekend, or every other weekend or something. Thanks for asking about it NEL.

Car shopping was OK. We went to Carmax, so it was low stress, no pressure and we were able to leave with any issues. Test drove 4 cars, and DH liked the smaller commuter gas efficient cars. We don't really need anything with bells and whistles. Thinking of like Honda Civics, Mazda 3s, or VW Golf. DH drove a Ford Focus and didn't like to too much. Not that it wasn't a good car, it drove really well and was nice, but it was more for "gear head/car people" he said. More like "Yeah! this is my *CAR* I rule the road" sorta thing. He liked the smoother ride he got from the Civic.

Today it was a cookie extravaganza. I made 96 cookies that I can package for favors for Saturday's shower and about 2 dozen "Oopsie" batch (I must've shorted the flour count the first batch turned out totally flat and spread-y). Baked the chocolate cake for Saturday's shower, made ribs (actually just seasoned them, Sis's BF smoked it in his smoker for the afternoon), mac and cheese for dinner. Helped Sis make homemade soap (favors for our final Souper Bowl shower with my friends), and even went grocery shopping. I'm totally tired now and my feet are T.I.R.E.D. I think I'm goign to take a warm bath and just relax :) I still need to make the lemon cake and the white chocolate one, and then frost them all Friday night/Saturday morning.

~LC (33w, 3d)