- Joined
- Apr 28, 2008
- Messages
- 473
Hello ladies! I am still here, still reading every day!
NEL: I am sorry your baby shwinner didn't go so well. Who thinks cammo clothes are funny/a good idea as a baby shower gift?
I would be upset too. Sorry about the heartburn, I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. So funny everyone on this thread has a DSLR. DH and I agreed years ago that we wanted to get a DSLR, and we HAD to have one before we had children. Well, we went out and bought one in August, two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I worked out that the day we bought it was most likely the day of conception! We have a Canon 60D. I don't really know how it works still, but it takes really nice photos with autofocus!
LC: How is your MIL going? Does she still have the infection? Good luck with making the decision re residential care. I am similar in that I am not sure if I want my parents or in-laws around right away or if I would really appreciate it, I just don't know how I will feel. I definitely don't want them to stay in our house. Luckily my dad has just retired and bought himself a camper trailer, so they are going to stay in a local caravan park. Good work on the crib. I am sure your nursery will end up looking super cute as well! I am doing maternity pics. I really like the idea of them, but was a little put off with the cost. However, I was lucky enough to find someone on one of the local parenting forums who is trying to build her profile who will do them for free! We are doing them mid Feb, when I will be around 30 weeks.
Pancake: How have you been coping with the Summer heat? I have really been struggling with it and I am only 25 weeks! Your MIL sounds really thoughtful, and excited about her granddaughter's arrival! I hope your last few days at work are smooth and not too hectic. You look GREAT! All baby, and yes, very compact I think.
MQ: So sorry you failed the 3hr glucose test
I hope you are able to get some good advice about managing GD, and I am sure you will be able to take the challenge in your stride. When is your roommate going to move out? I hope that you have managed to convince DH that she needs to go before Weston arrives, you don't need the extra stress.
Steph: Welcome! I have no useful advice for you for maternity clothes – I bought a pair of work pants at 12 weeks from Target, then nothing until 22 weeks when I bought a pair of jeans and shorts. Other than that I have just been wearing stretchy pre-pregnancy clothes.
S&I: I also had my 24 week appointment the other day, then I am on the same schedule, 28 weeks, then every two weeks after that. Poor DH missed that appointment, the first one he has missed, and so of course the OB did a quick ultrasound and he missed out on seeing our little girl.
Monnie: Welcome! Wow, 20 weeks already, you have been hiding! Your pregnancy sounds like mine so far, super smooth! I almost feel guilty telling other preggo ladies about it as most of them weren't so lucky with morning sickness etc! Hope baby isn't as modest for your next scan!
Missy: You must be so excited heading up to your morph scan. Particularly as you haven't seen your baby since 6 weeks! Our 12 week scan was amazing as it was the first time we saw a baby rather than a dot. It will be such a great experience for you both. Well done on the willpower of not finding out. I just couldn't imagine doing that (because I am a control freak).
Choro: Welcome!
Krissie: I cannot believe you are 35 weeks with twins. You look amazing!
AFM I have been such a bad PS'er, I haven't posted in weeks! It has just been so hectic with our 1st wedding anniversary the week before Christmas, packing and getting ready for a week in our hometown over Christmas, the holidays and then going back to work! On top of that I have been EXHAUSTED! It was really hot in our hometown (temps from 100 to 105 - if my celcius to fahrenheit converter is correct). I could not sleep, my feet were always sore, hot and puffy, and if we went out, I would feel insanely uncomfortable and dehydrated, which brought on frequent BH within the hour, tummy pain etc. I couldn't sleep because I wasn't in my bed and it was hot. When we got home, it wasn't as hot, but it was still between 77-86 and our bedroom doesn't have air conditioning, so I was waking up feeling like I was radiating heat, groggy and dehydrated. I have been waking up 10-15 times a night for the last few weeks. It was hot again today here (95) and I couldn't cope in the heat!
When we stayed with the in-laws, MIL really upset me. They had asked us what names we were thinking about, and we truthfully told them Sophia and Charlotte. Five minutes later MIL begins to mock Charlotte, saying that everyone would call her Charlotte the harlot, and that it was a really harsh sounding name that couldn't ever sound nice. She made a disgusted face and said "Ugh, no, not Charlotte." I don't care that she doesn't really like a name that we like, but it just felt so hurtful that she didn't respect our opinions or views enough to simply be polite about it! I had tried to disrupt her little mocking rant several times by saying "We really like that name." and "It is very likely that will be your granddaughter's name." But she wouldn't stop. After that every negative thing she said about anyone upset me and I was feeling very negative about DH's family in general. It caused a couple of arguments between DH and I over the holidays. He understands why I am upset, and he agrees with me, but keeps saying that they are his family, his mum loves him unconditionally etc so he doesn't like me talking negatively about them to him.
Our anniversary was nice, we went to the Gold Coast for a weekend and spent the Saturday relaxing before going out to dinner, and then went to a wildlife sanctuary on the Sunday. We got a little dressed up for the dinner and DH took a really nice photo of me using our DSLR which I have posted below (I was 21 weeks then). I have also posted a bump picture of me at 11 weeks for reference, and one taken the other day at 24 weeks. I am 25 weeks tomorrow.
We found a glider that we liked, although I am concerned it might break over time as it doesn't look like the rocking mechanism is that sturdy? I don't know. I am not sure about what colour to get though. It comes in black and beige. Our nursery furniture is white, so originally I thought beige would be better, but the beige one in the shop had scuff marks on it, and I know that it would get dirty very quickly. We also plan on moving it into the lounge room after we are done nursing/using it to read to DD, and our lounge furniture is black. Do you think a black glider, maybe with a white throw rug, would look weird in a nursery with white furniture?
11 weeks:

24 weeks:

21 weeks anniversary dinner:

NEL: I am sorry your baby shwinner didn't go so well. Who thinks cammo clothes are funny/a good idea as a baby shower gift?
LC: How is your MIL going? Does she still have the infection? Good luck with making the decision re residential care. I am similar in that I am not sure if I want my parents or in-laws around right away or if I would really appreciate it, I just don't know how I will feel. I definitely don't want them to stay in our house. Luckily my dad has just retired and bought himself a camper trailer, so they are going to stay in a local caravan park. Good work on the crib. I am sure your nursery will end up looking super cute as well! I am doing maternity pics. I really like the idea of them, but was a little put off with the cost. However, I was lucky enough to find someone on one of the local parenting forums who is trying to build her profile who will do them for free! We are doing them mid Feb, when I will be around 30 weeks.
Pancake: How have you been coping with the Summer heat? I have really been struggling with it and I am only 25 weeks! Your MIL sounds really thoughtful, and excited about her granddaughter's arrival! I hope your last few days at work are smooth and not too hectic. You look GREAT! All baby, and yes, very compact I think.
MQ: So sorry you failed the 3hr glucose test
Steph: Welcome! I have no useful advice for you for maternity clothes – I bought a pair of work pants at 12 weeks from Target, then nothing until 22 weeks when I bought a pair of jeans and shorts. Other than that I have just been wearing stretchy pre-pregnancy clothes.
S&I: I also had my 24 week appointment the other day, then I am on the same schedule, 28 weeks, then every two weeks after that. Poor DH missed that appointment, the first one he has missed, and so of course the OB did a quick ultrasound and he missed out on seeing our little girl.
Monnie: Welcome! Wow, 20 weeks already, you have been hiding! Your pregnancy sounds like mine so far, super smooth! I almost feel guilty telling other preggo ladies about it as most of them weren't so lucky with morning sickness etc! Hope baby isn't as modest for your next scan!
Missy: You must be so excited heading up to your morph scan. Particularly as you haven't seen your baby since 6 weeks! Our 12 week scan was amazing as it was the first time we saw a baby rather than a dot. It will be such a great experience for you both. Well done on the willpower of not finding out. I just couldn't imagine doing that (because I am a control freak).
Choro: Welcome!
Krissie: I cannot believe you are 35 weeks with twins. You look amazing!
AFM I have been such a bad PS'er, I haven't posted in weeks! It has just been so hectic with our 1st wedding anniversary the week before Christmas, packing and getting ready for a week in our hometown over Christmas, the holidays and then going back to work! On top of that I have been EXHAUSTED! It was really hot in our hometown (temps from 100 to 105 - if my celcius to fahrenheit converter is correct). I could not sleep, my feet were always sore, hot and puffy, and if we went out, I would feel insanely uncomfortable and dehydrated, which brought on frequent BH within the hour, tummy pain etc. I couldn't sleep because I wasn't in my bed and it was hot. When we got home, it wasn't as hot, but it was still between 77-86 and our bedroom doesn't have air conditioning, so I was waking up feeling like I was radiating heat, groggy and dehydrated. I have been waking up 10-15 times a night for the last few weeks. It was hot again today here (95) and I couldn't cope in the heat!
When we stayed with the in-laws, MIL really upset me. They had asked us what names we were thinking about, and we truthfully told them Sophia and Charlotte. Five minutes later MIL begins to mock Charlotte, saying that everyone would call her Charlotte the harlot, and that it was a really harsh sounding name that couldn't ever sound nice. She made a disgusted face and said "Ugh, no, not Charlotte." I don't care that she doesn't really like a name that we like, but it just felt so hurtful that she didn't respect our opinions or views enough to simply be polite about it! I had tried to disrupt her little mocking rant several times by saying "We really like that name." and "It is very likely that will be your granddaughter's name." But she wouldn't stop. After that every negative thing she said about anyone upset me and I was feeling very negative about DH's family in general. It caused a couple of arguments between DH and I over the holidays. He understands why I am upset, and he agrees with me, but keeps saying that they are his family, his mum loves him unconditionally etc so he doesn't like me talking negatively about them to him.
Our anniversary was nice, we went to the Gold Coast for a weekend and spent the Saturday relaxing before going out to dinner, and then went to a wildlife sanctuary on the Sunday. We got a little dressed up for the dinner and DH took a really nice photo of me using our DSLR which I have posted below (I was 21 weeks then). I have also posted a bump picture of me at 11 weeks for reference, and one taken the other day at 24 weeks. I am 25 weeks tomorrow.
We found a glider that we liked, although I am concerned it might break over time as it doesn't look like the rocking mechanism is that sturdy? I don't know. I am not sure about what colour to get though. It comes in black and beige. Our nursery furniture is white, so originally I thought beige would be better, but the beige one in the shop had scuff marks on it, and I know that it would get dirty very quickly. We also plan on moving it into the lounge room after we are done nursing/using it to read to DD, and our lounge furniture is black. Do you think a black glider, maybe with a white throw rug, would look weird in a nursery with white furniture?
11 weeks:

24 weeks:

21 weeks anniversary dinner: