
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Missy, the monitor is connected to our computer at home. From my phone, I log into Skype and do a video call to the extra account for the monitor. We have it set to only allow contacts to dial in. If the monitor isn't connected to the computer, then nobody can get in to see anything. We're not planning on having the monitor hooked up to the computer all the time. This was just to test it out, and because I always wondered what our dog was doing at home all by herself.

Your bump is coming along nicely! Not much longer until your anatomy scan - you'll have so much fun, and it'll be so different from your first scan.
Welcome Mayerling! How are you feeling, have you had any M/S? A few ladies had it here and it subsided around 15 wks. Hope yours is gone too.

Muff, great belly shots. LOL about the PJ pants comment. But yes, definitely more comfy wearing mat clothes than regular ones. I like the over belly ones, not so much the under belly ones though. But the only under belly one I have is a little too big for me so maybe that's my problem.

S&I that's a pretty sweet monitor with Skype. Your pooch has quite the nice little room. My dog has a little crate, she'd be so jealous of your Pixie.

Missy your bump is getting bigger, rock it, mama!

AFM, did some more organizing of our shower stuff. The dog keeps trying to take the baby toys to play with.

We'll probably be pulling the trigger for the day care this week.

Today's my first acupuncture appt to hopefully help with the carpal tunnel.

~LC (34w, 6D)
Oh I also broke out my compression calf-"warmers" I got when I was marathon training. I noticed yesterday that my feet felt kinda swollen. They feel normal today. At least I'm getting a little more use out of these things. :bigsmile:
LC, how did the acupuncture appt. go? Did you go to the same place you were going while TTC? Their success record is pretty good :) And it will be a relief to finalize the daycare, just one more check off the list!

Missy, adorable little bump! You're right at the halfway mark, do you feel like it's flying by?

S&I, I love that you're already using the monitor for the pup, that's awesome! I've wondered many a time what our dogs do while at home. I know Byron (our older dog) just sleeps, but I get the feeling that Bo (our younger dog) goes a little crazy when the dog walker comes. Around me he knows to stay calm, but the scratches on our wood floors indicate that he gets really excited when she comes in. It's probably better that I don't see because I'd be inclined to call and yell "SETTLE DOWN!" through the answering machine.

Also, the nursery furniture looks fantastic!! Your husband was productive on his day off! And I'm really glad your parents got to see the furniture set up, that's always fun.

Muffdog, Woohoo for the maternity clothes. I agree that maternity clothes are super comfy--in fact, you might be wearing the leggings for weeks after you deliver! The hump day bump shot is adorable--you ladies and your tiny bumps make me long for the second trimester.

Mayerling, welcome! My first thought was the same as LC's...not sure if you had morning sickness, but at 15 weeks it should start to subside, which is SUCH a relief! Another adorable little bump! Enjoy it!

ChinaCat, thanks for the Gap sales info. I just ordered a few things and wish I'd waited! I do like how the Gap has a lot of sales, unlike most maternity lines. I ordered about 5 nursing shirts and just got them in--they're great!

Also, thanks for the advice about the positives of having the c-section later in the day. A good friend of mine (who had her baby in the morning) said the exact same thing. She said she's hoping to deliver later in the day to avoid family hanging around all day long. I can see the point and it makes me feel better. So thank you!

AFM, plugging along at 34 weeks and 1 day. I've been nailing down some logistics since finding out the c-section date. I had to call the insurance company and submit more paperwork for work. My plan now is to take maternity leave until after Memorial Day weekend, which is about 14 weeks (hopefully it will all be paid, but I may have to take 1 unpaid week if I don't have enough vacation), then I'll work part-time through the summer until Labor Day weekend. In September, I'll be back full-time.

Question for you ladies: how much vacation time is your husband taking? I think D is planning to take off while I'm in the hospital, then take one more week while we're at home. His boss is flexible with him working from home after that, but I don't think he'll get anything done if we're all at home. The only reason I might want him at home is if I can't drive due to the c-section. Many moms have told me that they wanted their husbands out of the house after a week. Just curious what you ladies are doing...
NEL, you and I have the same plans for Maternity Leave, except I'll be going back FT after Memorial Day. We plan on going down to FL to visit J's folks since MIL won't be able to fly up to see Ethan when he's born. Then we'll probably make the 3 hr drive to my family so they can see the baby too. Ugh! There's the upsides and downsides of having both sides "so close" to each other. Yeah it's close that we can see both sides, but then *we're* the ones driving back and forth!

To answer your question about J's time off: He's definitely planning on taking more than 1 wk. At first he said he'll take 1 wk + whatever takes him through to the next weekend. But now he's leaning towards taking two weeks since we won't have anyone (ILs, family members, etc) with us to help. I'm kind of inclined to have him take the 1+ wk, and see how it goes. But in your case, with the c-section, I think they said that you can't drive for 3 wks. Maybe you can check with your doc. That's a long time, and you'll definitely have pedi appts shortly after you deliver.

AFM, the compression skins are fab! 1) it's SUPER cold here, so it's nice to have another layer to keep me warm. 2) It's definitely helping my feet be less swollen and less tired at the end of the day.

Other not so great news, MIL is back in the hospital for the same bacteria infection. She was able to get discharged and went home, but within a few hours she was exhibiting the same issues that admitted her the first time. So she's back in the hospital. And now she's having some breathing issues with her trachea tube. And now that she's back in the hospital, we're unsure how to get her to her ENT to examine her. The hospital she's in has a pulmonary specialist, but it's not the same doctor that's been seeing her for the past 6 months. :(sad Needless to say, we're a little worried. Please send some dust if you've got any.

ETA: Acupuncture was nice. Got an awesome nap in. But as I was expecting it really didn't do much right away to help my wrist. I'll probably have to go a few times to notice some relief. I'll plan for another appt next week. Thanks for asking, NEL.

LC (35w, today!)
Thanks for the welcome, ladies! :wavey:

LC and NEL, yes I did have morning sickness, but thankfully it decreased substantially around 14 weeks and I can finally function properly again.

I'm still in the early days compared to the rest of you ladies so I haven't really started looking at baby stuff yet (except for some window shopping!). I've been looking at maternity clothes, though. I'm already in maternity jeans and leggings and my mum's knitted two maternity dresses for me - but they're for later; they're still pretty big right now.

Also, these days I'm just sitting around waiting for the results for my triple test. They said I should hear within a few days. And I have my next antenatal appointment with the midwife on the 1st of February. I really hope I get to hear the heartbeat!

I'm also looking into the time off I'll be taking for maternity leave. I'm entitled to 9 months on a fixed pay and I'm thinking of taking the whole time as my current contract ends right before the baby comes so I'll be between jobs. So unless something comes up during those 9 months, I should be home the whole time. DH and I are also trying to figure out whether to have the baby in the UK or back home. We're putting off the decision until we get a chance to talk to the midwife in February.

Mayerling, 15w2d
Mayerling, 9 months of maternity leave sounds AMAZING! Where is home for you? For some reason I thought the UK was home, but it must just be where you are living now. And I'm glad to hear the nausea is subsiding, it makes such a big difference, doesn't it??

LC, I'm really sorry to hear that your MIL is back in the hospital :( I assume this bacterial infection is the same as the last one? Is it likely that the infection will continue to return even if you keep it at bay temporarily? I really want for 2012 to be a better year for her, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is a minor setback and that the bacterial infection can be overcome! Sending lots of dust your way!

I understand the upsides and downsides of having family both near and far. It's frustrating that you have to figure out a way to go visit family (as opposed to them coming to you), but hopefully a few hours won't be so bad. D's family is here, so his job is to keep them from overwhelming us. My family is far, so I'm trying to coordinate when they should visit.

AFM, I had my 34 week ultrasound this moring and everything looks good! The docs are no longer worried about Katie's hyperechoic bowel because it was an isolated abnormality and there are no other indicators that something is wrong. I still think about it, but each time we have an ultrasound and everything looks good, I feel better. She weighs 5 lbs. 13 oz. according to her meaasurements, but the ultrasound tech said she didn't get great cranial measurements. Her head is extremely low--in fact, the ultrasound tech told me she had no idea how I could even sit down. It made me feel less wimpy about not being able to sit for long periods of time!

I'm attaching my 34 week bump shot and a pic of the "baby area" in our room. The shelf + drawers were a cheap ($50) buy from Ikea, but holds a ton of stuff. Right now I have 500 diapers in there. Plus swaddles, wipes and a few other things. The plan is to use the sofa for nursing and changing at night, but I like my glider so much that I might move it in there, too.

34 weeks side.jpg

Baby area.jpg
Lliang- I always fall asleep in acupuncture- best nap ever. Speaking of, I should make an appt just so I can get a good rest in! Hope it helps with the carpal tunnel. Sorry to hear about your MIL. Hope she clears the infection soon.

NEL- Holy bump lady! Is it me or has your belly gotten tons bigger? I was so amazed at how much the belly grew in the end. You look adorable. I think that's so smart to have the baby area in your room- or somewhere. I didn't nurse O in his room, even though I had a glider in there. I ended up setting up camp in the family room right next door. I had everything set up at all times so I could sleep walk in there and nurse, change him, watch TV, etc. Looks so cozy! Are you a tv watcher? If so, I recommend getting an old favorite or a new series on DVD or Netflix to watch when you are up in the middle of the night. It sucks being up at 3, 4 am, but I watched the entire series of Gilmore Girls and I kinda looked forward to it. I would save them for the middle of the night feedings. I am currently auditioning series for my upcoming mat leave. :cheeky: Right now I'm thinking Friday Night Lights.

As for your husband- it just depends. Do you have family nearby or coming? I think mine took 2 weeks? I can't remember. But my mom was around also. Esp since you will have a C-section, it would be nice to have an extra set of hands to help.

AFM- Finally getting the nesting urge. Cracks me up how it sneaks up on you. Luckily my DH is a total clutter freak and LOVES organizing and cleaning stuff out. This weekend: my closet, our office, O's clothes, and our freezer!
NewEnglandLady|1326983419|3106604 said:
Question for you ladies: how much vacation time is your husband taking? I think D is planning to take off while I'm in the hospital, then take one more week while we're at home. His boss is flexible with him working from home after that, but I don't think he'll get anything done if we're all at home. The only reason I might want him at home is if I can't drive due to the c-section. Many moms have told me that they wanted their husbands out of the house after a week. Just curious what you ladies are doing...

NEL - I think the amount of time you'll want your DH home really depends on how involved he is as a parent. I hate to generalize (so apologies to anyone this wasn't true for), but what I've experienced most is that the ladies who are ready to kick their DH out and send him back to work are the ones who are already doing 99% of the work. They either have the DH that refuses to get involved with the "baby chores" (after all, that's woman's work!) or the wife that is too controlling to let their DH get involved without hovering and correcting everything he does. Obviously there are other scenarios, and lots of stuff between the two extremes, but that's what I've seen most often. DH and I are truly 50/50 parents and that was true from day one, especially since I EP (I pumped, he fed). So when it was time for him to go back to work it was hard for me. I suddenly went from doing half of the work to all of the work! And it's not even all baby related, the little things like having someone available to make lunch, someone available if I needed to use the bathroom, etc were priceless. So much easier with two! He stayed home the first two weeks after LO came home from the hospital and I really wish it had been more. We stacked our FMLA, so I took my 12 weeks and when I went back to work he took his 12 weeks. This time I think he's going to stay home a little longer in the beginning because that was when it was the hardest to do everything myself. By the time he got LO for his FMLA, everything was a breeze! He was basically on vacation :cheeky:
LC, I'm glad your compression socks are working well for you. So sorry to hear that your MIL is back in the hospital fighting the infection. I really hope that she can overcome it quickly and have a better rest of 2012. Hope your carpal tunnel gets better soon too! Did you make the final decision on which day care to go with?

NEL, Katie is getting so big, but you still look so cute! I love the baby area in your room. Have I told you how jealous I am of your ginormous bedroom? I think we technically could have a baby area in our room too, except that there's a big commercial-sized treadmill taking up space there. :rolleyes: Aww, I'm sure Bo is just super excited to have visitors. Pixie is the same way when people come over, except that her paws are so small that she hasn't managed to damage our wood floors yet. For now, I think my DH is planning on taking 2 weeks off from work. We haven't decided if it'll be 2 weeks after delivery, or a combination of a week before and a week after. It's good that D's boss is cool with him working from home, so that should help out if you need extra help after the c-section. And 500 diapers! How many are we supposed to have stocked up?

Mayerling, I am so jealous of your 9 months off - wow, that's awesome! I forced myself not to buy any baby items until after our anatomy scan. Even now, I haven't splurged on that much stuff yet. That's awesome that your mom can make maternity dresses for you! Good luck and hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your triple test results!

China, good luck with cleaning out the house this weekend!

Kunzite, thanks for your BTDT insight about DH's time off.

AFM, I just realized that I am officially in the third trimester! It seems like the first trimester dragged on for so long, and the second trimester just flew by. I'm back to restless nights, having to pee (of course, it's always right after I finally get into a good sleeping position too!) overnight, and being super tired. This week, I called and confirmed that the pediatrician we wanted takes both of our insurances, and is taking in new patients, so all I had to do was note her name on the hospital registration forms. I also filled out the registration forms online for the hospital, so we won't have to fill them out while I'm in labor. Next week is my 1-hour glucose test. After that, I start going in every 2 weeks! We're heading over to our friends' house tonight for movie night. We're also making our own pizzas, so it should be fun.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

(27 weeks today)
Hey everyone,

May, I'm glad your M/S is gone. Wow, how awesome your mom knitted some dresses for you! That's pretty cool! NEL really likes getting mat clothes from the Gap and they often have sales. Subscribe to the blog and they often post Old Navy and Gap sales for kids clothing and Mat clothing. Wow, the timing of your contract seems to work out well. Hope your appt with the midwife goes well in Feb.

NEL, your baby area in your bedroom looks AWESOME! Really comfy. I'm so glad the docs aren't worried about Katie anymore. And all these normal U/S are definitely a good sign. Can't believe Katie's 5lbs! That's awesome! You're definitely not wimpy for not being able to sit for long times. LOL. I agree with China looks like Katie's doing a good job getting bigger and you look awesome, as always.

China, ooh, good idea about watching old episodes of TV during the middle of the night feedings. I'm not a big TV watcher though. Hope you get an acupuncture appt in. I agree, best naps EVER! LOL how you're all of a sudden nesting now. Good taht your DH is helping you tackle all this stuff too.

S&I, hope you have fun at your friends! Hooray for making it to the 3rd tri!!! :appl: I totally hear ya on how you're getting restless sleep. I didn't have any fatigue in my first tri, but I'm DEFINITELY feeling it now. I'm EXHAUSTED and find myself falling asleep at my desk! Yes we did come up with a decision on the daycare, just need to cut them a check for 1 month's enrollment.

Thanks for the well wishes for MIL. DH said she got discharged yesterday, so I think htat's a good sign. I'm happy they think she's good enough to be out of the hospital. Perhaps it was a bad response to the antibiotics or something? Hopefully they can figure out what's going on with her trachea tube and stuff. DH is calling ILs today so I'll get an update when I get home.

AFM, not much is going on this week. DH has today "off" so he said he was goign to try to get some purging done in with the closet etc. I need to pull some old books off the shelf so I can clear out more space in the nursery. I still haven't put my crib together yet.

Sis and I are working on the details for last baby shower. This would be the shower for most of my friends so I hope it's a lot of fun. I wonder if DH is going to gush about how much Sis is doing for this shower like he did about his friends. Actually he hasn't done squat for any of the showers and I've been more or less planning (or at least had a hand planning) everything... LOL.

Will post my Belly Pic tonight when I get home.

~LC (35W, 1D)
Monarch - just noticed your post about cleaning pump parts at work. I pumped for over a year for DD, both at home and after I went back to work at 3 months. I'd pump handsfree in the car on the way to work, 3 times while at work, and in the car on the way home from work. Looking back, I don't know how the heck I did it (had to pump often because of my crummy supply). At any rate, breast milk is sterile. I sterilized pump parts and bottles and stuff ONCE, before I used them for the first time. Apart from that, I had a bunch of bottles, and 3 sets of pump parts. I'd have been fine with two sets. I would have one set washed and air drying (washed them in the dishwasher from time to time to get things extra clean, and by hand the rest of the time) and would use the other set for 24h. Pump, toss the pump parts in a ziploc baggie, and toss the baggie in the fridge at work. The baggie kept everything clean, and no one ever complained about it being in the fridge. The milk got zipped in bottles into my medela thermal carry bag. Seriously, I truly believe sterilizing or wiping down pump parts after each time is a huge waste of time. My daughter never once had any kind of GI bug the whole time I was pumping for her. Make life easy for yourself - get 2 sets of pump parts, and do the ziploc in the fridge thing. It sure made exclusive pumping a lot less painful for me!
Hi ladies, checking in at 36 weeks and 5 days here!

LC, I was too slow in replying to send dust to your MIL here but I was sending it in my head!! I'm glad she's on the mend, your husband's family (and you!) must be so relieved. When is your last shower?

S&I, isn't it amazing how the 2nd tri flies!! I have to be honest and say that I think I felt at my best at the start of the 3rd - in the 2nd I was having intermittent periods of feeling uncomfortable in the belly just from the rapid stretching etc. Enjoy this time if you're feeling well :) I giggled at your PixieCam!

ChinaCat - yay for your nesting urge! I wish mine would kick in. I am doing a lot of decluttering etc but it is only out of grim necessity, not out of any kind of a domestic urge :?

NEL - looking fab as always! Glad that your serial ultrasounds are continuing to be unexciting, and fantastic that Katie is growing so well! I can't imagine what it must be like to have an "ETA" for Katie's arrival that actually MEANS something (ie that unless you go into labour before the day, that will be The Day). Are you feeling more positive and on top of things now that you have that date ready to go? Hope so. My husband has applied for two weeks of leave so far - one of paternity leave (which is his entire entitlement!) and one of annual, starting from my due date. We really wish he could get longer (oh to live in Northern Europe!) but he will have another 4 weeks of annual leave during the year and we'd like to keep that up our sleeves for the time being. My mum and MIL will both be around so I will have plenty of support.

Mayerling, I think your plan to max out your paid mat leave is a good one. I am sure you will be able to return to work earlier if you so choose - and in the meantime, better to keep your options for staying home as open as possible. I have been following your posts on other threads, and I hope that you're feeling less stressed re your screening, toxo, etc.

Missy, great bump shots! My bump started to "pop" at around the point you're at now, and to be honest it was kind of a relief to look truly pregnant rather than just a bit thick around the middle :lol:

MuffDog - you look fantastic!! You are so svelte and tiny... and isn't the boobage crazy?! Mine grew the most in the 1st trimester and then stopped until just recently - they have grown about another half cup size in the last month or so but thankfully after the initial...erm..."growth spurt", they stayed as they were for quite a few months.

I hope I haven't missed anyone!

AFM, I had my baby shower this afternoon! It was a picnic in the park with about 10 of my close girlfriends, my mum and MIL. It was fun! We got some lovely gifts - baby showers are not de rigeur in Australia the way that they are in the States so I was just chuffed that my girlfriends thought to organise one!

Apart from that, I am liking being on leave. It's a funny thing - my energy levels fluctuate quite a bit and it's not entirely predictable. Last night I slept really well and then today I have been REALLY tired, whereas yesterday I felt entirely my normal self! I am pretty sure that Dot is engaged as I am now waddling a lot more than I was before, and walking/waddling is much less comfortable than it was even last week.

Trying to declutter as much as I can but hating it - no nesting here! The nursery floorboards FINALLY got done yesterday and they look fantastic! Just now trying to decide if it's worth trying to repaint the windowframes and skirting boards before Dot arrives, or whether to just give that up as a loss and put the furniture together. We won't really be needing the nursery to begin with, but I just worry that if we don't do it all now, it won't happen...sigh. It stresses me out a bit! Husb is going to put the bassinet together tomorrow, and I bought a changemat today, so we will have the "essentials" sorted even if we don't do anything now. Going to set up a bathing/changing/laundry station in our laundry (it has a long desk/workstation opposite the washer/dryer/laundry trough), so we don't even need the nursery for that at this stage. I suppose that is a comforting thing...

Starting to feel quite apprehensive about the whole labour, birth and beyond thing... I'm sure these are normal feelings too!
Hi friends!

I finally have a free moment to post a more complete update :bigsmile:

I went for a regular non-stress test on Tuesday, January 10th at 35w6d; you may recall that the fluid levels were measuring pretty low for both boys, so my perinatologist upped my non-stress tests to twice weekly. I was scanned on the prior Friday and the fluids were going back down, but they thought I'd make it fine through the weekend. So I actually had an active weekend, relatively speaking - had ice cream with a friend on Friday night, went out for a low-key dinner Saturday night and did some grocery shopping on Sunday. I don't know where I got the energy, but it's like I knew my time was limited to get things done!

At the non-stress test on 1/10, the ultrasound tech could not locate the membrane separating the boys. What I didn't realize was that meant there was little to no fluid left. She asked the perinatologist to see if he could find it; he couldn't (after 20 minutes) and commented that Baby B's placenta was starting to look calcified. He sent me to the hospital L&D immediately and told me that I'd need IV fluids throughout the night, and then they'd deliver the boys the next morning. I freaked out massively - even though I knew it was coming, I wasn't ready! He told me that delivering at 36 weeks meant that the boys wouldn't automatically need NICU time, and he thought there was at least an 80% chance they'd be coming home with me. That relaxed me a little.

So, I went to L&D and they admitted me to an L&D room overnight. My OB stopped by and told me she had scheduled me for a c-section at 12:15 the next day. I was hooked up to an IV and to the non-stress monitor - one for each baby and one to monitor contractions. My mom was with me, and DH joined us after going home to pick up our bags. Mom then left, and DH stayed with me through the night. I only slept 40 minutes! I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable in the L&D bed (not meant for sleeping) and the monitor kept me awake because the babies were thrashing around. It was impossible to get up or reposition myself because I was attached to the IV and monitor, plus my feet were in compression booties.

Needless to say, I was ready to deliver my babies! The whole surgery prep and c-section were just surreal. I barely remember it, but was so relieved when DH was allowed in the operating room. We heard Noah's cry and it was the most amazing, reassuring sound in the world. Then Connor came just a minute later. Both boys were healthy weights for their gestation and went to the well-baby nursery while I was stitched up. I had some loopy reactions to the pain meds so the rest of the day is a blur, but I then spent 3.5 days recovering in the hospital. I was deeply disappointed with some of the nursing staff, but there were a couple of great nurses who really helped me out. I also met with 2 different lactation consultants. My milk didn't come in until 5 days post-c, but we're all doing great now - I'm pumping 3 times and nursing 5 times daily.

The boys had their first ped appt. at 1 week old, and they're just about an ounce under their birth weights. They are so sweet - they love sleeping right now (recovering from all that exercise in the womb) and they are more alert by the day. I don't miss being pregnant - I'm just so excited for our new life! It's been a great week.

Thanks to all of you for your support! I am so excited for all of you to join me on the "other side" :appl:
Krissie, congratulations!!! :appl: You must be loving your time with the babies!

Pancake, I'm trying not to obsess; well, not too much anyway. I know what you mean about feeling apprehensive about the birth and beyond. I'm only 15w3d and I'm already apprehensive!

LC, I keep seeing everybody's updates about great deals on maternity wear but I'm not sure I can take advantage of them since I'm in the UK. It's such a shame.

S&I, wow! Every two weeks! Will you get to see the baby every time?

And for everyone I've missed, happy pregnancy!

AFM, nothing much to report except that constipation has finally kicked in and it's a *itch! I'm ashamed to report that I actually clogged the toilet yesterday... :oops: :errrr: :sick:
NEL, I agree with Kunzite. DH was so helpful and his company was so needed in those early days. I actually cried when he had to go back to work! I have had many friends who either prefer to do things on their own or their hubbies weren't much help. Sometimes, even the best effort from your DH doesn't feel like enough when you have a newborn - add to that a Csection and trying to nurse and you'll probably be feeling a little testy. We just played it by ear. DH told work he could be off for two weeks and we figured he could go back sooner if we decided.

Monarch, re: pumping at work. I pumped at work for about 11 months and you definitely get a system down after a while. I had three sets of pump parts. I started with two then forgot my parts one day and had to buy a third which I just ended up leaving at work for emergencies. I sterilized my pump parts here and there but definitely not often. After pumping, I would run hot water through the parts. Sometimes, I would even use the water that was in our work kitchen for hot tea. Then I would just dry them the best I could and store them in my pump bag. Pumping at work was stressful but I kinda liked it. I was sad to leave DS and I felt like I was doing something good for him while I was away.
Hey ladies!

Attaching a late belly pic.

DRK & Pupp, Re: pumping at work, do I just call up HR and ask them where the pumping rooms are located? It's required that work places have to provide one, right?

Pancake, oh, so jealous you're on leave!!! I'm still liking being at work, but not liking being so exhausted all the time. Would love the chance to take a nap (or two) in the middle of the day. Glad to hear you're doing well, and the decluttering is OK, despite not really having an urge to do it. I'm like you, zero nesting urge as well. Still being very rational about everythign. I think DH is nesting more than I am, LOL! How wonderful your friends threw you such a nice shower! What a great way to do it too, picnic in a park! My last shower is Feb 5th.

Krissie! So glad you posted! Fantastic that your LOs are doing so well. Sounds like your doctor was right on top of things and I'm glad he was able to ease your mind about the warp-speed "We need to deliver them now" conclusion. I'm glad your DH was with you and your boys had such a strong and healthy entrance in the world. I'm sure you're blissfully enjoying them! SO happy for you and Mr. Krissie!

Mayerling, Hm, didn't know you were in the UK. Do you have family/friends in the States that can send you some things? I actually haven't purchased a lot of Mat stuff, got a few tops loaned to me from a friend. Bought 1 pair of pants and 1 dress. The rest are just my regular pants with Bella Bands and regular tops. I bought a few cardigans that I can wear open over my belly. Sorry to hear about the constipation. I got it mostly in my first tri, and it got better in my 2nd and is completely gone in my 3rd. Perhaps some more fiber or natural stool softeners like prunes/prune juice can help? Also make sure you stay hydrated.

Had a TERRIBLE night's sleep last night. So today "woke up" exhausted. Then had to drop off the dog to Sis's, got stuck in the parking space (had a big snow storm last night) and had to dig/shovel myself out. THen off to our newborn basics class. DH found it really helpful and is glad we went. I'm pretty glad too, didn't know a few things like sponge bathing and swaddling. But mostly was for DH's benefit. Then got some lunch and checked out a furniture store here in the city. It had some REALLY cool stuff, but nothing that would work for DH so we didn't end up getting anything. I think we'll end up getting stuff from online, just need to figure out how much $$ we want to pay.

That's all for me.

~LC (35w, 2d)

LC, I just asked coworkers who I knew had pumped. Our Mother's room is part of our regular calendar/room scheduling system so it was pretty easy. It was just like scheduling a meeting. I do believe employers are required to provide a place.
LC, I'm so sorry about the awful sleep. I can definitely relate--the only good news is that it's still the weekend, so you have time to recover. When I have an awful time sleeping on say, a Monday night, it really stresses me out. Sounds like you had a productive day! Glad you loved the newborn class--I think I've forgotten everything from mine, haha. And sorry to hear about all the shoveling. We also got a storm (first of the season, really) and D got frustrated with me because I wouldn't just let him shovel. I hate feeling like I can't help, it makes me anxious.

Looking great at 35 weeks--is your hair longer? It looks good!

Puppmom, thanks for the paternity leave advice. I think we're just going to have to be flexible. He might take off a week and a half and then try working from home at that point. I just don't know how I'm going to feel and how much help I'll need.

Mayerling, the constipation is the worst! Mine was worst in the second tri--not sure if it's normal for it lessen later in pregnancy, but I hope it does for you because that is no fun.

Krissie, thanks for sharing your story! It all happened so fast, I would have had a massive freak-out, too! It sounds like the night prior to delivery was long and uncomfortable, but I'm so glad that the c-section went well and that the boys are big and healthy! Now you can just concentrate on those adorable boys!

Pancake, I'm also sooo jealous of your leave. My energy really fluctuates as well--as does my comfort level. And your baby shower picnic sounds awesome! I love the idea of doing it outdoors and I always think a small shower is nice. I am definitely feeling a little better now that there is an "end" date. I also feel better just not having the decision weighing on my mind. I know I may go early, but am hoping I won't, haha.

S&I, congrats on entering the third tri! And for finding a pediatrician! So smart to complete all of the hospital forms now--I never even thought to go online and do it. I was planning to call the hospital and ask about all of that in the next couple of weeks, but I should probably start by seeing if the forms are online.

Oh and I only bought 500 diapers because the Baby Bargains book recommended it (100 Newborn size, 400 Size 1s). But then I also got a diaper cake as a gift, so I have diapers coming out of my wazoo.

Kunzite, how wonderful that your husband also got 12 weeks of FMLA, I wish mine got something like that (he gets no paternity leave at all). And I can see how having a helpful hubby around would be such a relief. I think D could be very helpful, especially with things like making lunch/dinner, making sure the house stays somewhat in order and having an extra pair of hands when needing help with Katie. I think we're just going to have to play it by ear.

Chinacat, my bump has definitely gotten bigger. I think that's why the stretch marks have started. I feel like it grows every day! I do love the idea of "setting up camp". This will be my nightime camp and the living room downstairs will be my daytime camp. I don't want too much stimulation at night, so I'm hoping I can just nurse and relax on the sofa (and love the idea of getting a series to watch--I'm thinking of Downton Abbey), then downstairs will be the swing, the Pack 'n' Play (for napping) and a tummy time mat. We have built-ins in our living room which already have diapers and other essentials in them.

D has family nearby who can help in a pinch, so that is a little relieving (when D returns to work). How did the decluttering go this weekend?

AFM, a few things:

1. I missed my c-section class yesterday! I thought it started at 3, but it started at 1:30. Oy. The next one (at this location) isn't until March, so if D and I want to take a class, we'll have to find another one. At this point, I'm torn about taking one--I feel like I can get the info. I need from my doc.

2. I think we're going to get the Bumbleride Indie instead of the Bob. I like the features of the Bumbleride better and it's still all-terrain, so it won't be an issue on the beach or trails. And it's lighter--I might even hold off on getting the UppaBaby G-Luxe (as an umbrella stroller) because I might not need it if I get the Indie. We'll see. D just took Bo for a run on the beach, but when he gets home we're going on one last "stroller test drive" and making a decision.

3. The nursery is DONE!! Woohoo!! I got the last piece of furniture (the small table next to the glider) on Friday night. All the clothes are washed and in the drawers, but I still need to clear a few boxes out of there.

4. I bought our car seat last summer. And it's been in its box since then. I finally took it out this weekend and installed one of the bases, haha.
LC - I never asked about a pump room because I get no breaks at work. I'm an anesthesiologist, so my only downtime is either during a case or in between, and since turnover is typically 15-20min, there would be no time for me to drop the patient off in recovery room, go meet the next patient, and then go pump for 20-30min without seriously screwing up the schedule for my room for the day. I ended up getting the Med.ela pump and using it with my handsfree bra and its handsfree kit under my scrubs. I'd step outside the OR to hook myself up, start the thing going, and pump away while the surgeons operated. Then I'd step outside for another couple minutes to detach myself and put the milk and pump parts back in the fridge. Occasionally in a busier room I'd end up with the thing still pumping away while I took the patient to PACU (patient still groggy, so they weren't going to notice/remember the pump chugging away).
As it turns out, after the hospital tried to get me to stop pumping in the OR (didn't realize I had a handsfree pump that was on a battery and not plugged into the wall), they did tell me there was a pumping room over on L&D that I could use. Of course, I had no time to go there, but that's where the hospital nurses apparently go to do their thing on their breaks.
I'd say either as HR or a fellow coworker who you know has pumped in the past. If you're the first to pump, I'd guess they'd have to set something up for you. I know some people who have their own office who shut the blinds and lock the door while they pump and work on the computer. Unfortunately, I didn't have the privacy option at all, so I was pumping with 4-6 people in the room at all times. As long as they couldn't see anything, I didn't really care, as I was just doing what was best for my daughter.
ChinaCat, When do you go over your anatomy results with your doctor? My doctor was quite abrupt about it too. She didn't say anything other than the sex of the baby. At least she was smiling...When everything was done and I released my bladder, she didn't even turn back to say goodbye or anything until DH and I opened the door to leave. Well, that's Kaiser for me I guess...
Hope your headaches get better :blackeye:

Steph, I'm planning on emailing my coworkers today. Mainly we were waiting for our anatomy scan to tell the school. Luckily (or unluckily) time off is inconsequential to me because I'm part time, and it's summer holiday when I pop anyway. I hope they won't give you smack about 12 weeks...Do you know any female coworker with kids? Did they really not take 12 weeks? I can't imagine not...

Missy, Yay for flutters!!!!! What do they feel like? I can't wait!!! I always here that it's like gas bubbles, but then how am I supposed to tell the difference? I also read that it feels like a goldfish in a plastic bag. What the heck does that mean!?

Monnie, That's such a cute bump!!! 21 weeks??? That's still got to be amazing even with a long torso, which I don't see in your pic! How are the maternity pants? I'm hoping that I can keep wearing my low rise jeans, because they sit underneath my belly. That way all I need to get are maternity shirts.

LC, awww, so sorry about your carpal tunnel. I didn't know you can get the brace at CVS :o Things I learn everyday...Did the acupuncture work?

MuffDog, hi! How did your scan go? Your bump is so non existant...

Pancake, such a cute bump!!

NEL, congratulation on setting your date! Can't wait to see your little one! DH and I haven't even considered him taking time off...But then, he's a contractor so he doesn't have any vacation time anyway. Is your mom going to be there?

Mayerling, hahahaha, clogging is good! I think it's healthier than not releasing any...

AFM, Anatomy scan was on Thursday, and we're team blue! I was so convinced that it was a girl, so now I have to look at different names :bigsmile: My mom and sister both knew it was going to be a boy though. I never had good intuition :rolleyes: I convinced DH that it was going to be a girl, so now he feels like we have to keep trying until we have a girl. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm going shopping for maternity shirts this week. I'm stretching these so much that I wouldn't be able to wear them again.
Hi ladies, just a quick question...I was wondering if anyone does any workout videos for pregnant women? If so, I really could use some recommendations. I want to do something to burn some calories but still be safe. Thanks!
Lizzy, I just bought Summer Sander's prenatal workout video and think it's pretty decent. It's all resistance band style toning stuff, there are three workouts tailored to each trimester, and for each one you can do a short (30 min) or long (1 hr) version. I was sore after doing it for the first time but not unbearably so, and it was reasonably priced at around $12 on amazon.

Choro, congrats on team blue!
Choro, hooray for Team Blue! Acupuncture won't work right away, so I'll keep going back each week. But it's significatly better than it has been prior to going, but it could also be the acetomitphen I"m taking. More on that later. I've been able to wear my low rise jeans throughout my pregnancy, I just needed a stretchy belt to help keep them up. They're a little too heavy for Bella Bands. But Bella Bands are great for work trousers for me.

Steph, glad you found a work out that works out for you (LOL). It's good you feel like it's pushing you enough but not too much. And for $12 can't beat the price.

Lizzy, maybe your little man can help work out wiht you, LOL!

DRK & Pupp, thanks for the advice. I know no one in my company that has recently had children or pump, so I might just call up my HR.

DRK, wow, I can't imagine how go-go-go it would've been to have to pump DURING surgeries. I hope you didn't have any issues with the surgeons or nurses. I remember you EP for a good while, didn't you?

NEL, yes, fortunately I have the weekend to try to catch back up on the sleep but I think it's a combo of different things. Yes my hair's longer, mostly because I haven't gone back to my stylist. It's totally luscious and thick too, I'm going to be sad when it all falls out. One of my girlfriends totally commented on how nice it looks, and I told her it was because of the pregnancy. My sis also said the same thing, that my hair looks really good. I totally know what you mean about still doing stuff. DH also does the same thing, but now he kinda lets me do things within reason. It's sweet that he's really attentive so I kinda like that too. Good idea to play the Pat leave by ear. We'll be doing the same thing too. Bummer you missed your c-section class. :( I agree, I'm sure lots of info could be had from your doc, or the very smart ladies here. Interesting you're thinking of going with the Bumbleride. It hink we're goign to stick with the Bob since DH wants to run with Ethan, and he's a pretty good runner. I'm SOOOO wanting to see your AWESOME nursery!!! Do post pics in the nursery thread. My nursery is going to be a mix of odd/end furniture but I'm really not that bothered by it. Haven't set up the car seat yet, but we'll probably do that next weekend or this week.

AFM, I'm SICK!!! I feel liek a total baby and I'm usually still quite productive when I'm sick. This SUCKS! I'm taking tomorrow off since I didn't get much chance to rest with all the stuff we planned this weekend. We had Newborn class yesterday PM, then went out to a birthday dinner for DH's friend. Then infant CPR today and then sis and I put together the crib. I took a 1:15 min nap, then started making dinner. Speaking of which, it's probably done. I've been taking some acetomitphen to keep the fever down, I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to let it get too high or it'd be bad for Ethan. Ugh! I feel like crap! It's just fever and just blah-ness. I suppose I can't complain since NEL and China have definitely dealt with worse than what I'm dealing with now... Booo, being sick sucks.

~LC (35w, 3D)
Hi all... Dot and I are at TERM! We're 37 weeks today :)

LC, as well as the acupuncture I'd highly recommend you get a split to immobilise your wrist, it'll minimise the compression of that nerve through your wrist. I have carpal tunnel on the right (only mild though - touch wood! Only daytime symptoms I get are mild tingling in my middle and ring fingertips. At night if I don't split I get numbness in the typical thumb-index-middle-half-of-ring-finger distribution.) and De Quervain's tendosynovitis on the left, ugh. Sorry to hear you've been sick. Maybe your body is just getting it out of the way so that you'll be well when you deliver... in any case I hope you feel well again soon, and that DH is giving you some TLC! Lucky you with your lustrous pregnancy hair - all I can say about pregnancy and MY hair and skin is that it's not a glow, it's OIL! EW.

Lizzy, so pleased to see you here! Unfortunately I have nothing to contribute re exercise videos. My understanding is that exercise during pregnancy is limited by a) having to avoid increasing the heart rate too much and b) not doing anything that tests the extremes of ligament laxity.

Choro - wow, you're having a boy!!! I remember my 20 week scan; I didn't think I had expectations about the gender but when they told me Dot was a girl it took me a couple of days to process it, so I wonder if somewhere buried in my subconscious I expected a boy?

drk, cannot believe you were expressing in theatre. You are an angel!

NEL - 500 nappies, wow!!! I suppose I am not much better... we have 144 newborn disposables and enough prefolds/fitteds/AIOs/pockets/flats/covers to do about 30 cloth changes. But 500 is just such an impressive number! Cannot wait to see your nursery. It has looked so beautiful all the way along! Re the C/S class, I don't think you need to worry. As long as someone has gone through what to expect before/during/after, I don't think you need to know that much else. You have a great head on your shoulders and are really diligent, so I think you'll be fine. Re paternity leave, you may well find that you need the extra hands around the house whilst your wound is still new/a bit sore... but if you have the flexibility to wait and see, that is always the nicest option to have!

Mayerling, poor you re the constipation! I found it worst in the first tri and that it got much better during the 2nd, but keep your fluid intake up and take some fibre supplements. It is the worst!

Krissie, thank you for posting your story! Noah and Connor look amazing. Hope you are getting through the days and nights, enjoying the little ones, and keeping in good spirits!!

AFM... I'm heavy! And Dot is RIGHT DOWN, so sitting and lying down is ok but standing/walking, not so good! Sleep is hit and miss, and I'm finding myself a bit up and down in mood these last few days. Energy levels have definitely dropped. Still decluttering... so much STUFF in this house, I don't think I'll ever finish!

Our nursery is still pretty much empty, but at least the floors are done (blonde floorboards - they look beautiful!), and our neighbour - who is a retired painter - has offered to paint the skirting boards, doors and windowframes for us! He is so sweet - he dropped around today with dropsheets, a tin of paint, a roller tray, paintbrush and sugar soap which he picked up for us so that we wouldn't have to.

The bassinet is now set up and ready to go (it's in front of me in the living room right now!) and I've also set up a couple of lightweight sets of drawers on castors - one for towels/wipes/blankets, and one for nappies. All of Dot's 0000 (newborn) and 000 (1-3 month) clothes are washed and stacked in drawers (my drawers, not hers - we haven't set hers up yet!). My hospital bags are packed. I have a towel in my car "just in case" :? Popping into work on Wednesday to do my final supervisors report for my training year (that is just finishing now). Tonight have Tet (Vietnamese New Year) dinner at my mum's; tomorrow have pilates and an antenatal appointment before a new year dinner at my Dad's.

Dot is still really active. I am trying to enjoy these last days of having her inside me and the two of us having our special little "thing" - don't know if that sounds weird!

Trying to get all my commitments out of the way this week. For what it's worth, I don't "feel" like I'm going to go into labour this week, but I think from 38 weeks onwards it's anybody's guess... It is scary!!!
Choro - Haha as for the flutters...well, there's really no way to describe it other than what you've heard already! I don't feel it really often so it's sometimes hard to remember! And very easy for me to not notice when I'm moving around. It's still so faint right now! YAY for team blue!!!

Chinacat - Sorry about the headaches! Are they migraines? Just the thought of getting them makes me anxious...they are so horrible!!

NEL - I LOVE your baby area! You have so much space, or at least it looks like it! So neat and organized. You do look like you just popped out more! But it suits you very well ;)

LC - How is your MIL doing now?

S&I - Yay for 3rd tri! Getting to the home stretch now!

Pancake - A picnic in the park shower sounds like so much fun! I hope whoever is planning mine does something creative like that for me. I'm just praying my SIL and/or MIL are not in charge because their ideas just don't cut it. Sorry that sounds so rude, but it's true. I want my mom to get a chance to plan this but it's out of my hands! Oh and congrats on making it to 37 weeks, you are SO close now!

Mayerling - WOW you get a lot of maternity leave. I don't even think they offer it here, since most people here are over the "baby making" age. So that means us young people get screwed. I'll be able to use short term disability, I believe that's 90 days at 60% pay. I'll have to use my sick time first which is only 3 days I believe (big deal) and maybe my vacation also (2 weeks, but minus a few days because I already have a few days planned off). Then I have the FML time which is unpaid so I probably won't be using much of that!

AFM, my mom and I went to Baby's R Us to window shop. We ended up buying a few outfits! Their clearance stuff had an extra 40% off so we couldn't pass up a good deal! And I fell in love with a crib bedding set. :love: It's called Mod Pod Pop Monkey. It matches perfectly with the green walls that we painted. So that's going on the registry. Sometime in the next couple weeks, my cousin and I are going to set up the registry together. DH said "I have no idea what we need and I know how particular you are with colors and patterns matching, you can go with someone else if you want." So I'm fine with that. My cousin and I were best friends growing up, grew a part for a couple years and have recently gotten close again so I'm excited to have a fun day with her!

Here's a picture I found with a white crib and the bedding I like. The green in our room is the same color as the darker green dots that you see on the wall

ChinaCat, I've been getting headaches too. Have yours been getting better?

LC, what a cute bump! I really think I'll miss mine after I have the baby.

NEL, that baby area is gorgeous. I really wish we had space in our bedroom for something like that.

Missy, yeah, maternity leave in the UK is great. Mine isn't even that good. Some ladies get a whole year, 9 months of which is at 90% of pay!

Pancake, yayyy for getting to full term! You must be getting so excited.

AFM, trying to manage the constipation with lots of fibre and fluids. I'm also a bit pissed at the health services here. They took my sample for the triple test last Tuesday and I got a call today saying that they can't process it because they're missing some information. As I was speaking to her, she's like "oh, I needed to ask you about your ethnic group and about whether this is your first baby, but I see in your notes that we already have this information"! :angryfire: Meanwhile, they've been sitting on my sample for a week... :roll:
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend.

Missy - that nursery picture is so cute! Love the polka dots :-)

Pancake - congrats on reaching full term. Sounds like Dot is engaged and ready to go!

Lliang_chi - sorry about your cold, lady. That sounds awful! what did you think of the infant CPR course? I took one recently and it scared the sh*t out of me! Better to know than not know, but it was still kind of freaky. What I did like was that the instructor said that in most choking scenarios, basic first aid (the stuff they taught you) is 95% effective. Phew.

AFM - had a wedding this weekend and only had one dress that fit. It was actually a tough moment when I realized that 3 other dresses wouldn't do up. It isn't even the bump that is the problem. It is my boobs!! Damn boobs.

I also *might* have some super exciting news about the nursery - we might be on a tv show where a really famous Cdn designer will do it all!! I should find out tonight so cross your fingers for me! How awesome would it be for someone else to take care of everything! haha
LC, I hope you got a good update about your MIL. Hope you and your sis were able to iron out the details for your last shower without too much stress. It seems that husbands just aren't as into planning these types of things as we'd like. So sorry you've gotten sick, but hopefully you can rest today. When I was sick during my 1st trimester, the nurse just told me to make sure that my fever didn't get up to 101, so hopefully yours isn't staying above that for too long.

pancake, congrats on being fully-baked! Your baby shower picnic sounds like it was so much fun. It's nice to be able to just hang out with a small group of your closest friends and be able to catch up with everyone. Yay for having the bassinet set up and ready to go! I'm glad your neighbor is going to help paint your skirting boards, window frames, and doors - one less thing for you to worry about.

Krissie, thanks for coming back to post your birth story! So sorry that the night before the big day was so uncomfortable for you. It sounds like everything happened pretty fast and I'm glad the boys were so big. You did an awesome job incubating them for so long! Can't wait to see more pics of them both!

mayerling, I won't be able to see the baby at every appointment. I actually haven't seen him since the 20-week anatomy scan! I think most of the later appointments are just the boring quick-check of weight, blood pressure, fundus, etc. I was told I would only have 1 more ultrasound later on, unless I start measuring off with my dates, but I don't know when that's supposed to be. I hear you on the constipation! Mine was awful during the 1st trimester, no matter how much water I chugged throughout the day. My OB suggested taking some Colace for a few days to see if it would get better, and it did. Try it out if you can't figure out anything else that works. I would be really pissed with the testing people too, if they waited so long to call me, only to confirm that they already had the information! Hope you were able to convince them to do a rush order!

NEL, the only reason I knew that I could even fill out the hospital forms ahead of time was because my OB told me to at my last appointment. But it makes sense to get it out of the way, instead of having my DH ask me how to fill out the forms while I'm fighting contractions. Hey, I guess it's better to have too many diapers than not enough, right? I totally want to make a diaper cake for my cousin's baby shower in a couple of weeks. Sorry you missed your C-section class, but like you said, you can probably get all the info you need from your doc. Yay for completing the nursery! Can't wait to see the final pics! Was the car seat base easy to install? Ours is still in its box too. How did the stroller test drive go?

choro, congrats on team blue! I was pretty shocked when we found out we were having a boy too, because I really thought we were having a girl. I've gotten used to it now, but I still sometimes wonder if the "pointy" thing we saw on the ultrasound was actually a finger or something, because the baby had one hand down there for quite a while when the tech was trying to take a peek.

Lizzy, sorry I'm no help with the workout videos, but I'm so happy to see you over here!

Missy, I love that crib bedding - it's so cute! I thought we would do monkeys for our nursery too, but all the cute ones are green-themed, and my DH doesn't like green so much as blue. I had complete say over our green and brown wedding colors, so I guess it's his turn to have a say now. If they had that bedding in shades of blue, I'd be all over it!

MuffDog, ooh that's exciting about your nursery possibility! Good luck, and I hope you get awesome news tonight!

AFM, not much has changed. DH and I pretty much just caught up on sleep this weekend. It's funny because I'll lay down for a nap not feeling too tired or anything, but then wake up like 3 hours later! Baby was kicking up a storm yesterday. I'm not sure if he had hiccups or if he was just kicking consistently. How long do baby hiccups usually last?

Quick question: Is cramping in the second trimester common? I've been cramping all afternoon and I'm seriously freaking out!