
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Wow!!! Big congrats Krissie! THey look adorable! I hope you're enjoying them!

Krissie - Congratulations! They are SO cute!!!
Krissie, congratulations on the safe arrival of your little guys! They are so so cute!
Krissie, another big congrats on Noah & Connor! They look incredible! Hope things are going alright with you, I'm sure you're totally in love but also exhausted. Would love to hear their birth story (when you have the time of course!)

Missy, Very cool that the tech at your work can give you extra U/S. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. ;)

AFM, DH's Friend Shower was pretty fun. I made 4 cakes, everyone liked them. Less people at the green tea white chocolate one. I liked how the frosting turned out for that but hte cake was kinda heavy... :(sad But the shower was fun. K made some mostaccoli and salad etc, tons of beer etc. A lot of DH's friends came by. They gave us SO. MUCH. STUFF! I mean a LOT of stuff! Like I dunno what we're going to do with all this stuff!!! DH said he feels humbled/a little guilty because some of them, when they were having kids, he didn't do much/anything for them. And he's just like, "Wow, so many people are so nice...."

Today was my friend's baby's 1 yr b-day. It was fun that everyone got together. Her husband totally hit the nail on the head when he said it's more for his wife than anyone else. The baby's too young to remember anything, and her husband was just happy she was happy. It was pretty chill, they ordered cupcakes, and had pizza/beer etc. Fun times, just hanging out.

To all you lucky mamas taht have off tomorrow, I hope you enjoy yourselves!

~LC (34W, 3D)
Congrats Krissie! Your boys are so cute, and look so sweet in that pic! Can't wait to hear about your birth story when you have time.
:appl: :appl:

NEL, ha! We mostly wanted to get one with external access for the ILs and my sister, since they won't be able to see the baby in person that often. It'll be a bonus for me to be able to check up on him when I go back to work and my parents are taking care of him. We'll see how it works in real life when the time comes. Hope you have a great day off, just relaxing!

China, I would pick Austin too, if we didn't already live here. I was thinking maybe there would be something fun to do in Dallas. I'm pretty much limited to the major cities close by. It'd be nice to go to the beach, but I doubt I'd enjoy it during the winter. I haven't checked out all of the Old Navy stores here, just the one that I frequent. That's good to keep in mind. I'll have to check out the other ones.

LC, I must be lucky with our dog then. She enjoys taking naps in our bed if we're both there like on the weekends or something, but for the most part, she goes to her own room. Just the other night, she had gone in there after coming back inside from her night-time pee. We were still getting ready to go to bed, and were both in our bedroom, but not in bed yet. Pixie came into our room to remind us that we hadn't tucked her in yet (basically telling her to be a good girl and go to sleep, and then locking the gate to her apartment). She thinks of that place as her safe place, so we'll find her there whenever she's not patrolling the house. What a silly dog. I'll let you know how the baby monitor works with Skype once we get it. So sorry about your painful carpal tunnel, but I hope the brace and acupuncture works! Yay for such a successful shower too!

Missy, that's awesome that you have a vet tech that can give you ultrasounds! How often does she go there? I'm sure I'd want her to do one every chance I got, ha!

monarch, did your pants arrive safely? If so, how do they fit?

AFM, I'm stuck at work today while my DH is off. No fair. He did say he would do laundry and start setting up the crib, so we'll see if that happens. His work is going to throw us a baby lunch next month, and all chip in to get one of the few things on our registry. His project lead made fun of him because we only had like 6 items left on the registry. Oops! My belly has been feeling pretty sore the last couple of days, almost tender to the touch in some areas. I'm thinking maybe Alex (trying it out to see how we like it) has been kicking me a little too much lately, but it's weird because it doesn't feel like it hurts internally. Maybe my skin is just stretching even more.

S&I - I'm curious to see how your monitor works out for you. I had never heard of these with the Skype thing and all until you mentioned it the other day. Pretty neat idea! Oh also...the vet tech works here with me, she's out on the farm and I'm in the office but I can communicate with her pretty much whenever so we'll have to set up a time for the ultrasound soon! I'm so anxious!!
Congrats Krissie!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

They are just adorable!! I'm so happy to hear that you made it to 36 weeks and they were so big! You must be in heaven :love:
Krissie, congratulations on the birth of your boys! They are adorable!!!

LC--glad the party went well. Sorry more people didn't eat the white choco/green tea cake--I would've been all over that if I had been there because I love white chocolate! Also really cool that people gave you guys a bunch of stuff, that is so nice.

S&I--my jeans JUST arrived about an hour ago. Everything is great, I'm pretty satisfied. I got these jeans in two different sizes:

and some skinny cargo pants in an olive green color because they were like $12. I like everything...I ordered "longs" in the jeans and am so glad I did, if I'd gotten regular lengths they would've been too short! Anyway my only complaint is that the rise in all the pants seems so high! There's about an inch too much extra room in the crotches. I think the jeans might stretch out a bit and maybe fall down, but I got the ones with belt loops so I can just add a belt if that starts happening. I'm so not excited to be wearing maternity clothes but at least these are slightly stylish. Can't wait for spring and cute dresses!
Hi everyone :-) Dipping my toe in over here from the Barely Preggo thread. I'm 18.5 weeks (I think) with my first baby. So HI!

It is strangely intimidating jumping over to this thread! It is like walking in during the middle of a movie and trying to catch up. I'll figure it out though!

Anyhoo - have my 20 week scan next week and will be finding out gender then (if baby cooperates of course). Booked our 'babymoon' today and otherwise...haven't done anything!

Krissie - congrats on the two cuties. Hope you are recovering well!
MuffDog, are you ever gonna reveal who you are/used to be on PS?
Krissie, congratulations!! They are too adorable!!

MuffDog, I echo Monarch's sentiment :wink2:
Monarch - Ok, I didn't realize you were that tall! Wow I feel extremely short now! Haha. Glad your jeans work well. I'm in between "short" length and regular length. Short is too short and some regulars are too long. I can never blindly order stuff online, because I have no idea how things will fit!

Muffdog - I agree, spill the beans. Inquiring minds want to know! :tongue: Where is your babymoon? I'm excited for you to have your ultrasound next week!!

AFM, well I have to scratch the ultrasound idea at work for now. I set it up with my co-worker, asked DH if the time was good for him and he said he wanted to wait until our ultrasound on January 27th since we scheduled the appointment for a reason. Booooo. I thought it would be fun to take a peek early, but he wants to wait so now I have to wait! His missed the first ultrasound, so I don't want to do it again without him. I mean this one is free so why turn it down, but whatever! So then I had to turn around and cancel with her. Hopefully she can do another one in a couple months or something.
Happy Monday ladies!

Lliang- Your showers sounded lovely! Do you like to bake? And :nono: to carpal tunnel. I've heard that can happen, but come on, as if you didn't have enough discomfort, right? Hope the acupuncture helps. And thanks for asking. I seem to have recovered from the croup/chest cough and then had some sort of sinus infection. Now I only have allergies! I haven't sounded like myself in 2 months. I've gotten used to it though, and I really don't feel that terrible.

Krissie- Congrats and welcome to the world Noah and Connor! :appl: :appl: :love: :love: They are so big for twins, yay! And oh, I love that scrunchy old man newborn face.

S&I- There are a few hotels in/near SA and Dallas that are sort of destination type hotels. Also, not sure what your price range is, but if I were you, I might go book myself into a fancy hotel in Dallas (the St. Regis or the Mansion) and pamper myself silly. Sleep late, drink $10 orange juice, have breakfast in bed, massages, etc. I grew up in Dallas so can definitely ask around for good restaurants and stuff if you go that route.

MuffDog! WELCOME! Just jump in. I found it easiest to just update on myself and try to respond if I had something to say, but I didn't try to respond to everyone/everything. Seems like there are a bunch of just about to graduate ladies, and then us relatively new ones.

AFM- Finally got the car to the dealership today. Baby went from sort of flutter kicking to full-on rumbles and karate chops in one weekend. I was taking a nap on Sunday and was literally jolted awake- the baby KICKED my bladder. It was so weird, I felt it internally and the reason I knew what it was is b/c I almost peed right there, it was that abrupt and strong. WERID. Also, watching the Golden Globes last night, baby went all kinds of crazy during Morgan Freeman's tribute/speech. Even babies in utero respond to that man's voice! She/he was not so impressed with the rest of it though. :cheeky:

Finally feeling like I want to figure out O's big boy room and baby nursery. Not sure what I'm going to do yet, but been musing on it.

ETA: A few questions:

1. Has anyone found anything that actually helps headaches? I know they are normal for 2nd tri, but my goodness, I can't get rid of them. Just curious if any one found any remedies.

2.Anyone else have a weird fluttering thing right under your bra strap? Occasionally I can feel this fast pulsing and it's on my right side, right under the bra line. Sort of like a fast heartbeat. Obviously it's not mine or baby's, but that's the best way I can describe it. It's weird but I can't figure out what it is.
monarch64|1326741583|3104388 said:
MuffDog, are you ever gonna reveal who you are/used to be on PS?

SO funny! I actually kind of forgot. I used to post as October2008bride back in the day - wasn't anyone famous or anything! I only created a new name (with the blessing of the mods) because some of my colleagues/friends knew about me on PS and I didn't want to 'out' myself as preggo (or TTC) in advance :-)

China - I hope you get some answers on the headaches. I am suffering from multiple a week PLUS migraines. NOT fun. I've heard there is some natural remedy that Dr. Oz recommends that is basically making ginger tea. Who knows. I'm going to ask my doctor next week. As for your fluttering bra thingy - maybe it is just too tight and you are getting twitches there :-)

Missy - we are heading back to Jamaica - staying at Sandals Whitehouse. Was going to do something a bit different (Turks, non all inclusive) but I got nervous that as a preggo, I might not want to think or walk too much :-)
Congrats Krissie!!!!!

I've been a bad PSer and haven't been keeping up with this thread. I hung out a lot on the barely preggos thread, but that was way back when . . . I'm 33 weeks already!

And I'm nesting. We both are. We wound up buying a rental property in the fall, and then DH broke his collarbone, so our plans to move DD into her "big girl room" and get everything prepped for the baby were put on hold. Now we're trying to get ourselves in gear and should have her moved in in a couple of days. We're having another daughter so the nursery will stay as is.

My pregnancy has been going OK -- more eventful than the first because I got horribly sick in the first trimester and have never really caught up. I feel huge; I'm already 5 or so pounds above my highest weight with my first and I'm just sluggish. But things are going well and I'm trying to prepare mentally for a VBAC. I have a doula and I'm trying to find someone to do private natural childbirth lessons. I'm not super gung-ho about going med-free but I think I need to be mobile to be successful, and the epidural might exacerbate my condition (POTS - dizziness and fatigue caused by your heart racing when it shouldn't - this leads to low blood pressure, and anesthesia lowers your BP even further). So I want to avoid it if possible and use it only at the end if at all.

The nesting urge is making me want to talk pregnancy shop, so I hope to catch up with you ladies soon. I know from last time that you've got to just jump right in. ;)
Lordy, I don't look at this thread for a day and I'm way behind!

First, Krissie, congrats on having your boys!! Noah and Connor are cuties! Like LC said, if you have the time/energy to share the birth story, we'd love to hear it!

Phoenix, it's so great to see you! I've been wondering how you've been since I know you had a really rough first tri! And now you've only got a month and a half left, I can't believe how fast it's all gone. So great to hear that you're having another daughter so there will be minimal changes to the nursery. And I can definitely relate to being in nesting mode--I am very much in nexting mode as well. Do stick around, it's great having you here!

China, the kicks right to the bladder are the worst, aren't they? I was glad when Katie rotated and kept her feet toward my diaphram. I'll take kicks to the ribs over kicks to the bladder any day--at least you don't have to worry about peeing your pants with kicks to the ribs! As for your questions, I never found anything that really helped with the headaches. I tried Tylenol, of course, but those second tri headaches are rough. I really enjoyed my second tri except for the kicks to the bladder, the headaches and the moodiness (I was really moody in the beginning of my second tri). The flutters you mentioned are interesting, I never had them, but I wonder what they could be?

Missy, I'm sorry to hear that your husband vetoed the idea of the early ultrasounds. I can relate--there is an ultrasound clinic nearby that will do ultrasounds to identify the sex. Nothing medical, but still informative, and it was only about $30. Anyway, I really wanted to do it prior to our fetal anatomy scan, but D vetoed it. The good news is that you only have to wait a couple of weeks. I know a couple of weeks feels like a long time when you really want to find out, but I'm sure it will fly by!

Muffdog, welcome!! Your anatomy scan is next week already? Wow, there are a few finding out the sex in the next several weeks, so exciting!

Monnie, woohoo for ordering jeans and liking them! I wonder if extra room in the crotch area is common for maternity jeans because I had/have the same issue. I only ordered a few pairs of maternity jeans and I ordered the same brands that I like in my normal jeans. The only brand that didn't have the crotch issue was a pair of Seven for Mankind jeans that I really liked, but are too tight now. I also ordered a pair of Paige jeans and a pair of Citizens for Humanity jeans and they both have the crotch issue.

My mom ordered a few maternity things for me for Christmas from Old Navy and I love them. And I've always had too luck with the Gap. I just ordered about 5 nursing shirts from the Gap and I like them all.

S&I, you'll have to let us know if your husband did the laundry and started setting up the crib today :) I was off and my DH worked, but I got a ton done. I had actually planned on relaxing, but a surprise shower yesterday (explained below) threw a monkey wrench into my plans. How sweet that your husband's office is throwing you a shower!! And I felt something similar to the skin tenderness prior to 30 weeks. The area that was the most tender for me was right above my pubic bone. It just felt like there was a ton of pressure. Oddly enough, over the past few days I've noticed some stretch marks developing there. I find it odd because it's at the very base of my stomach and my skin doesn't seem nearly as stretched there as the rest of my belly, but now I wonder if that's why I was feeling so much tenderness.

LC, so glad to hear that the shower was a success! And that the cakes were a hit! Did you get a ton of stuff off of your registry or did they just get you a ton of stuff? I understand feeling humbled, I felt the same way this weekend when my MIL threw a surprise shower. I'm so sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel--is the brace helping at all?

AFM, a few things:

1. As I mentioned to S&I and LC, D's mom threw a surprise shower for me this weekend. It was mostly my MIL's friends (some of whom I've never even met!) I was a little overwhelmed because I don't like the spotlight and felt bad that these women I didn't know were buying things for our daughter, but it was very, very sweet and I felt humbled (like LC's husband). I didn't really get much from my registry, but I got a TON of clothes. And D's parents got us a diaper cake, which was absolutely adorable. I spent the day writing thank you cards and washing all the clothes!

2. In the past few days, I've started to get stretch marks. Booo! It's not like I wasn't expecting a few because I'm so short-waisted and knew my tummy would be really stretched, but I'd made it to 33 weeks without them and was hoping they'd just stay at bay!

3. Still haven't 1.) heard from the OB about my c-section date or (less importantly) 2.) Finished the nursery--still trying to find a nightstand I love. There is one I like at one antique store, but I keep holding out for one I love more. If one doesn't pop up by next weekend, I'm going to settle.
KRISSIE!!! When you didn't post for a couple of days I wondered - and now here are the boys! They're gorgeous, congratulations!

NEL, poo re the stretch marks! I don't have any on my belly (fingers crossed...) but I have a couple of small ones under my boobs :( They will fade though! When do you think they'll give you a delivery date?? Are they hoping to get you to 39 weeks?

LC - I would have chomped through that white choc/green tea cake, it sounds absolutely delish and right up my alley! Glad you are having a good time with all the celebrations, both yours and others'.

S&I, through the 2nd and early 3rd tri I would have 2-3 day periods where my belly would really be quite sore - I think it's a stretching thing. Then it would settle and I'd have a good week or two, and then it'd happen again. Is the crib all done now? Ours (as well as our bassinet!) is still in flat packs :oops:

Monarch, it's style vs comfort... and eventually comfort wins :lol: I didn't have Old Navy jeans so I can't comment, but I find the Maternal America ones fantastic. I have two pairs and they fit me pretty much just as well now as they did at the beginning of the 2nd tri, except that the front elastic sometimes folds down because of the take-off angle of my enormous belly.

MuffDog - welcome and congrats! The 20 week scan is so awesome...bub is still small enough for you to see it all on the screen at once and you can see so much detail!

Missy - bummer re the scan. At least it's only a couple of weeks until the formal scan, and I'm sure your husband appreciates you taking his wishes into account too.

China - I used to sometimes have those flutters too. Think it was just muscle fasciculations around the ribs, maybe related to stretching or something? I'm not sure. But they felt weird for me too! Still cannot believe your willpower re The Envelope.

PG, great to see you back here! Glad that the rest of the pregnancy has been better than the first tri was... couldn't have been much harder I reckon!

Katy, Bobbin, Marlie, Mannequin - hope you are all doing well!

AFM, I'm 36 weeks and 1 day today. Had the growth scan today and all is well - Dot's estimated weight is 2730g (give or take 10%!) - that is 6lb already!!! She's slap bang on the 50th centile and extremely active (although the latter part I knew all too well already!). As I thought, her spine is on the left and her feet push out to my right. Don't think she's changed positions for the better part of a month as I constantly get odd lumps made by her feet on that right side. Still having heaps and heaps of BH contractions but again, that's nothing new either.

Dot's hospital things are all packed, and my bag is almost there too. Cannot believe that I am almost there - although that said, it could be a week, it could be five...god I hope it's not five!

Here are a couple of pics taken today... I look like I shoved a basketball up my top and stuffed my bra with socks :lol: Sorry they're a bit dark! The cobalt blue bag hanging on the wardrobe door behind me is one of my baby/diaper bags (I love this one, it is so luxe and gorgeous! I spoilt myself!).


Pancake, you look fabulous as always! And Dot is definitely still growing like crazy--6 lbs! That's right where she should be, but so bizarre to think that she's the same size as Noah and Connor!

UPDATE: My c-section is scheduled for 2/23! Now I share a due date with LC! :) It's odd to know the birthdate already, but nice to have something concrete planned. I expected for the surgery to be scheduled before 10am (not sure why), but it's not happening until 2pm. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what time of the day it's done, but it just feels really late to me. By the time I get out of recovery it will be late-ish in the day and I'm afraid I'm going to want to spend some alone time with her, but D's family will probably be there. Leave it to me to already worry about the will be fine.

Now that I have a date, I need to figure out when I'm going to stop working.
Missy, I had never heard of baby monitors that you could view outside the house (whether with Skype or otherwise) either! Ours was delivered yesterday, and was so easy to set up - basically just plug the camera and monitor in, turn them on, and they're in sync! We also hooked the monitor up to the computer with the supplied USB cable, and got it to work with Skype. My sister in NY was the first guinnea pig. The camera is now sitting in the office so I can check on our furbaby. Sorry your DH didn't want you to get a scan before your official anatomy scan, but hopefully he'll be fine with you getting extra ones later on.

monarch, glad the ON pants worked out well, except for the extra crotch space issue. I've only been wearing jeans from Motherhood Maternity, so I'll definitely have to check out the ON ones.

MuffDog, welcome! :wavey: You will have so much fun at your anatomy scan. I'm especially interested in seeing if your guess at the gender is correct! I'm jealous of your Jamaican babymoon!

China, thanks for the suggestions. I'm thinking we'll probably go for the fancy hotel idea. We just need to pick a city. Sorry about your headaches. I've been lucky and haven't had any (knock on wood), so I can't comment on what you can do to relieve the pain. I also don't have any fluttering under my bra strap, but I did have some a little lower, like at the very top of my belly, when I knew the baby wasn't that high up yet. I just assumed it was either gas or random internals moving around or shifting to accommodate the growing uterus.

PhG, welcome back! I'm so glad your 2nd and 3rd trimesters have treated you better than the 1st! Can't believe you're already 33 weeks - getting close! Good luck finding someone to give you some private birthing lessons!

NEL, the laundry was not done, but the crib and dresser are both in the nursery! My DH had to call my dad to help move the dresser from the hallway into the baby's room because that sucker is heavy. That worked out well because my parents got to see the new room setup, and also play around with our new baby monitor. Your description of your skin tenderness is exactly what I'm feeling, and way on the bottom side of my belly too! I guess I'll find out if I end up with stretch marks down there. I totally get you being overwhelmed by being in the spotlight, especially with people you've never even met. I guess people just all love babies and can't help showering mommies-to-be with cute baby clothes! Yay for getting Katie's birth date set! How exciting!

pancake, it really does look like you have a basketball under your shirt - so cute! I feel like my belly soreness lasts for a good 2-3 days too. It seems to be lessening now, so I'll see if it comes back next week. The crib is all assembled and in place! We even stuck the mattress in there, even though it still has its plastic covering on it. We haven't bought any crib sheets yet, so I didn't want to take off the plastic just yet. You'll be using your bassinet first, right? So you don't technically need the crib to be set up right away. Have you gotten all the renovations done on Dot's room?

AFM, here is a quick Blackberry pic of the crib and dresser/changing table:

I'll take a better pic once we have some crib bedding. Also, I'm sitting at work today, with my iPhone showing me a live stream of Pixie's room. So far she's lifted up her head, stretched a bit, gotten some water, and curled back up into her normal ball position. Poor girl looks so bored!


Phoenix- Hi friend! :wavey: Care to post pictures of your nursery and C's big girl room when you're finished? :cheeky:

NEL- Yay on the shower! Don't feel awkward, people love giving baby gifts, I promise, even if they don't know you. And 2/23! :love: I have a thing about the 23rd (I was born on the 23rd and tons of people in my family were also born on the 23rd of different months). I think it's lucky. ;)) It might be better to be later in the day, b/c the family will probably have to go home. :devil: If you get out of recovery in the morning, they can stick around all day.

Pancake- You look adorable. And I love the bright blue bag. And yes, I think I will say it's "muscle fasciculations" just b/c that seems fun to say. :cheeky:

S&I- Nice looking crib! Love the dark wood. I'd do a fancy hotel myself.

PSA- 30% off ON and Gap till the 19th. Use code "NEWYOU".

On mat pants: WHY are they all so wide-legged and big? I cannot find a single pair of slim cut (in the legs) for work. Mine from last time are falling off AND too big in the leg. Wide legs makes me look huge. Annoyed. I found one crop pair at Gap but they only have size 12. If anyone sees any, let me know please!

Not much here. Headaches are just part of this pregnancy I guess. So far, this pregnancy: nausea, headaches, sickness and stuffed up nose for 2 months straight, started showing around 14 weeks, belly sitting much lower and lopsided, kicks to the bladder, muscle fasciculations, hormonal swings (aka I'm a total b***h to my husband), cried at a preview of Titanic for goodness sake, AND no fun/yummy cravings except for caffeine and sweet candy (in the first tri). :nono:

Last pregnancy: no sickness, no nausea, no headaches, didn't show till 22 weeks or so, belly high and perfectly rounded, no internal kicks to organs, cravings for peanut butter and avocado and beer. ;))

HMMMMM baby. What's up with you?

ETA: I think the crotch thing is just b/c they are too big right now. All of my mat pants sag and are too big but they won't be by the end.
China - I got my black maternity trousers from an Aussie label here called Soon (they are slim straight-leg), but I know that Seraphine makes a pair too and they might be easier for you to track down Stateside?
Pancake, thank you! :appl: Seraphine ships to me and has some cute stuff on sale. Question though- sizes? So it says a 0 is a UK 6- it's been awhile since I've been to UK, and I don't remember what this means. I normally would order the small size, but they are sold out of the 0's in the pants. Do you know how they fit?
A UK 6 would be a US 0-2. I wear an Australian 8/UK 8-10/US 4 (when I am not preggers, that is!). You could email them and ask about their sizing though? I only have one thing from Seraphine in numbered sizing (rest is S-M-L) and it is a dress in size 8.

ETA: I just looked on an Australian website that stocks Seraphine and they said that in the slim straightleg trousers the fit is slightly generous, so if in doubt, size down.
Thanks Pancake, that helps. I am going ahead with the "1" as I'm b/w a 2 and 4 (not preggo) so it should work. Yay! Black pants for me!
S&I, very funny that your dog is so chill and just hangs out in her room. You are very lucky. My dog is quite the mischief, so having a Skype linked monitor would be awesome, especially if it could follow her around... Your crib and changing table look fantastic! Hope the belly soreness subsides. It's probably stretching as Alex gets bigger.

Monnie, those ON pants look great. Now you don't have to worry about being pantless, lol. And yes, the cute spring dresses are awesome. I'm jealous of you summer mamas that can rock the "hot momma" look with the dresses and swag jewelry. I'm stuck in cardigans and mat-jeans/corduroys....

Muffdog, WELCOME! There's a lot of recent JBP graduates so you should fit right in. You Jamaican vacation sounds FANTASTIC! What a way to Baby Moon!!!

Missy, aw, that's so cute your DH wants to save the fetal exam to find out, but doesn't necessarily rule out seeing the baby in your later tri. The 20 wk is the last time I got to see Ethan, I SO WISH I had an "in" to get to peek at him again.

ChinaCat, yes, I like to bake. I wish the cakes turned out "prettier" but I had to frost all four at once, and then transport them all, so not the best logistics. I used to bake cakes pretty regularly and home-decorate them. I'm nowhere near as talented as some of the PS ladies here. You should check out the cupcake thread sometime.... Wow! Some pro bakers there! I'm sorry you're still congested. When I had allergies I neti-pot'ed like CRAZY. It was only about 20 mins of relief but SO WORTH it to breathe normally for 20 mins. Sorry about the headaches. it might have something to do with you being so congested. Perhaps you can talk to your OB or allergist, see if htere's anything safe that you can take. I took Rhinocort during my fall hay-fever season and it helped tremendously. Otherwise, maybe you can try some weak tea for your headaches. Perhaps the pulsing you feel is the baby having hiccups? I get some regular fast pulsing on my right side, lower though, but it's not the baby's arms/legs kicking me because it's on the wrong side. His arms/legs are on my left side, spine on my right and head down.

PhG, Hey there!!! WOW, you're at 33wks already! I'm glad you're doing much better after your terrible 1st tri. How is C's "big girl room" coming along? Sounds like you have a reasonable plan in place to try the VBAC. Hopefully with the Doula and the natural childbirth classes, you'll be fully armed.

NEL, HOORAY! You have a birthday for Katie!!! Awesome!!! I'm so excited for you and D. How very nice of your MIL to throw you a shower. I understand how you felt like it was really humbling, but I'm sure your MIL was just super excited and her friends were just as happy for her and your DH etc that they were happy to join in. Babies are such happy news, it's easy to get excited about them. Boo stretch marks, but hooray it's limited to just the base of your belly. We got a lot of stuff on our registry and also just a lot of other stuff like bath toys, baby books etc. I agree with PhG, having your c-section later in the day could work out better.

Pancake, your bump looks AWESOME and you look amazing! Wow 6lbs is fantastic! Glad Dot's measuring all healthy and everything. Sounds like Dot's facing the opposite side that Ethan is facing for me, so I get weird stuff on my left side. Also his butt is quite up and in pointed to the front, so I get a lot of butt stretches when he probably tries to stretch his legs. Hey, there's not a whole lotta room in there! LOL. Sorry about the BH contractions. I've luckily not had any. Wow, you're on weekly appts now. Did they do the Group B Strep? I'm a little nervous when they do mine... I'll probably feel really :eek:

Will post an update on me when I get home. I've been in the office for too long now and I want to get the heck outta here!
Hey LC, I was going to do the GBS swab yesterday but our parking meter was running low :oops: So I'll do it at my next appointment, which is on Tuesday afternoon. Here they tend to do it between 36 and 38 weeks, the rationale for leaving it closer to 38 is that if you're positive at 36 weeks, you might clear it by the time you deliver, or if it's negative at 36 weeks, it could still be positive by delivery. In some centres in Australia they no longer test it... I have to say that from a paediatric standpoint, I would rather have an imperfect screening test than not to screen at all, but I haven't looked into the evidence for a while now.
Hi ladies. :wavey:

I'm carefully dipping my toes here. I'm 15 weeks today so I thought it was time to move to the preggo thread. Hope to catch up with everyone soon.

p.s. I attach a bump pic from yesterday (14w6d):

Hi Mayerling :-)

Hope everyone is doing well. As far as maternity clothes go, a friend gave me BAGS of them yesterday. Mostly casual summer stuff but it is nice knowing I won't need to get everything, you know? I'm wearing a maternity skirt today and OMG I see why people never want to stop wearing them. Like PJ pants...seriously!

I also ordered some leggings from I might like to order more stuff from there, but thought I'd start with something cheap to figure out sizing, etc.

Over on JBP'ers, we do a Hump Day Bump Day - not sure if you guys do the same or if you stick with BPFridays or not. Just in case, here is mine today.



Of course - my sweater is usually closed at work. Opened'er up just for you girls :-)

ETA: Yes, my boobs are huge. haha
China, thanks! We'll probably head up to Dallas next month. Hopefully we can find a good show or something to go to. Let me know of any good sushi places or nice restaurants that we need to try out. How strange that your pregnancies are so different so far - maybe that means you're having a girl this time around ;)) Good luck with the Seraphine pants!

LC, a camera that follows the dog around - now that would be cool! Don't get me wrong, our dog is quite needy at times too, but she seems to have a good balance between needing attention and being independent. That's awesome that you used to bake cakes a lot, and still remember how to do it so well. I can follow a recipe, but it just doesn't feel natural to me.

mayerling, welcome! :wavey: Aww, your bump is so tiny and cute!

MuffDog, your bump is still tiny too! I agree with you that maternity clothes are so comfy! That's awesome that you got a bunch of clothes from your friend.

AFM, here's a screenshot from my phone connected through Skype into our baby monitor, currently pointing at our furbaby for now:


S&I - That is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing! I don't know if you mentioned anything in an earlier post and not to freak you out as I'm sure you thought about it before buying. I'm guessing it's pretty secure right like someone couldn't hack into your phone? Btw, love the nursey furniture!

I posted this on JBP thread too since I still contribute over there sometimes, but here it is over here too! Attaching a pic from today.
