
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

So I just got the call that we were picked! We are going to have a custom nursery designed and put together and it will all be on tv!!

OMG I'm sort of freaking out! Funny part is that we get little to no say on what it will look like :-) I figure that since it is a nursery, it will be cute no matter what !
Hey ladies,

SIgning in from my sick day. I know I should whine so much but for some reason being pregnant and sick makes me a total baby in dealing with it. Normally I'm just like, whatever power through. But right now I'm kinda like "I'm siiiick (whine, whine)." So bad.

Thanks everyone for asking about MIL. She's doing well, they think she had a bad reaction to antibiotics the 2nd time she got admitted. Her trachea tube is much better and she's feeling good so we're doing OK, I think. I really appreciate you guys thinking about us.

Pancake, FULL TERM!!!! :appl: :appl: Hooray! Hopefully you guys will be on cruise control from here on out! Hope things will go smoothly for you! Make sure you get your rest when you can. And how great your neighbor can help with painting. Not a big rush for the nursery since Dot will be rooming with you guys the first few weeks/months. THat's kinda how I feel about our nursery. I still need to pick up a bassinet from Sis's coworker who said we can borrow theirs. I hope the offer's still good. Worse comes to worse we'll just use the PnP that our friends got for us for the shower. I do have a brace to wear on my left hand. I will have to pick up one for my right now. I'm getting some numbness/tingling in my right hand now.

Missy, cute little sheet set! Monkeys are getting so popular you should be able to find tons of cute little prints and accessories on Etsy etc to coordinate. I hope you sort out your mat leave. Sounds like you've got a few options to keep you going for a little bit. My company the STD and FMLA are concurrent. FMLA covers the entitled time off and guaranteed position upon return, STD provides the partial income while I'm on FMLA. DH wasn't that interested in doing baby registry stuff either. So I just picked out a few things on my own. I didn't really have a theme, so I just registered for stuff I liked.

Mayerling, ugh! I'd be totally annoyed with the staff there too! Nice to know they're waiting on their sweet laurels for a WEEK! GRR!!! Hope the fiber and fluids help but like others have said some supplements can't hurt either if you're having a tough time with it. Hope your headaches go away soon.

MuffDog, I kind of liked the infant CPR course. Hopefully we'll never need it but I'm really glad I took it. And the choking part I think was really important since little kiddos are always putting things in their mouth. THe class was quick, 2 hrs, so I thought it was useful. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you guys get picked for the nursery design! How awesome would that be! I wonder if your DH is complaining about the bigger boobs. I'd think most guys would be happy with them. LOL! Hope you had fun @ the wedding.

S&I, our Souper Bowl shower is pretty much nailed down. Just waiting to hear back if people are coming. Hopefully they'll make it. My fever has been pretty low it's just the general feeling of Blah-ness that I'm fighting. Plus getting tired. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend. That's fantastic!

That's all for me. Back to bed soon, hopign to kick this bug by tomorrow.

~LC (35w, 4d)

Congrats MuffDog!!! How fun and exciting

Mayer, I think some of the other ladies experienced a lot of stretching during the 2nd tri also. For the most part, my midwives said as long as you're not seeing any spotting you're probably OK. But definitely call and leave a message with your doc if you need some advice from them.

Muffdog - so envious, that is incredible re the interior design!!! What's the timeframe? Do you have to move out while it's being done? More importantly, will it be on teh interwebz??

LC, totally within your preggy rights to whine whilst sick. I have been quite whiney too. Sometimes I just have days where I feel completely useless and get really frustrated/upset with not being able to DO anything and then I whine about that too :roll: Are you feeling a bit better today? Re the wrists, I keep telling myself, "It's just pregnancy, it's just pregnancy" - it'd better all go away after Dot arrives!

Mayerling, ring the hospital/your GP/whoever is looking after you. That's what they are there for - you will feel much better if you can get some advice specific to your situation. Hope all is well. I got a lot of stretching discomfort in the 2nd tri, and I started feeling uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions very early (around 15 weeks). Get it checked out if you're not sure. Have your screening results come back yet?

S&I, the hiccups are funny aren't they?! Dot gets them all the time and I've felt them since about 18-19 weeks. Usually a bout lasts a few minutes, maybe 10... but she gets at least 4 or 5 bouts a day :lol: Funnily enough, I haven't had the hiccups once since being pregnant and I used to get them all the time. Maybe I have passed on the torch...!

Missy, maybe get one of your close girlfriends or your mum on board for the shower early on? That way she can jump the gun and get organising before MIL or SIL get the chance ;) Cute bedding by the way! Monkeys (and owls it would seem) are huge at the moment so like LC said, I think you'll find heaps on Etsy etc.

AFM, not much news since yesterday. Nappies, towels, bibs, wipes, cloths, wraps are now stored away neatly in my little mobile drawer sets. Set up a nappy caddy for the laundry change station. Picked up my friend's baby bath. Dot still doing her active little thing in there.

This morning I have started to pack away my maternity clothes...feels very weird!! But I figured there was no point in keeping all the above-belly stuff, winter dresses, opaque tights etc out, so I've packed them away into storage containers. Trying now to pull out the nursing basics - nursing tanks, tops with buttons, cardigans, etc. I have a Yummy Tummies tank and a Mother Tucker tank which I plan to try out, and my maternity tanks have nursing clips so they're staying. I ordered a couple of Glamourmom tanks (the full bust nursing tanks) from Figure 8 and they have already being shipped. Thinking I will probably be living in sweatpants/maxi skirts and nursing tanks for a while after Dot arrives, so those are the things that I've got ready to go.

Last night I was at my mum's for Vietnamese New Year dinner (happy new year all!) and we Skyped my little brother who is currently on exchange in Berlin... I was saying to him that I couldn't believe that he was coming home so soon and that the time has flown so quickly - and then realised that his homecoming that is "so soon" is still a fortnight AFTER my EDD! Argh!!!

Have pilates and then an appointment with my obstetrician this afternoon. Have to do the GBS swab - presumably he'll be able to tell me what my cervix is doing too!
Pancake, hooray I can't wait for you to meet Dot. You can tell how excited you are in your posts. Re: the Capral tunnel, I'm going to continue going to acupuncture until ti goes away. In the newborn class if I picked up the dummies funny my wrist would have a sharp pain. Wouldn't want that when Ethan's born, so I'm going to try to head off the CT as much as possible.

Feeling a touch better, but not a whole lot. Going stir crazy so Sis and I are going to do a little shopping trip. There's a wine store that's closiing (they couldn't renew their lease) so they're having a "going out of business" sale. Yay! Pregnant lady buying ton-of-wine! Ha ha!
lol LC, when I was about 22 weeks pregnant I was helping a restaurant-owner friend taste wines for his new season wine list in the middle of the afternoon. Got some strange looks!!
Pancake - Thanks! The timeline is tight - it will have to be finished by Feb 10!! I think it will air in the Spring and I'm sure it will be on the net. Can you watch tv shows on I won't have to move out of the house but I imagine it is going to get messy again!

I need to figure out where to put all the stuff that we had in that room. Ugh.
Muffdog, congratulations! I'm so jealous! I'm sure it'll turn out great and your LO will love it!

LC, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I had a horrible cold in December and I spent Christmas Eve in bed! It's so annoying not to be able to take any meds. I basically just OD'd on oranges and other vitamin C food, fluids, and soups. I hope you feel better soon.

Pancake, how did the obstetrician appt go?

S&I, if it persists I'll probably ask the doctor for something. I'm not sure if they have Colace here, but they probably have something equivalent.

AFM, it seems that the hospital people finally got off their a$$es$ and processed my results after discovering they had my information all along. :roll: The good news is that the baby has, what DH says is, low risk for down syndrome and spina bifida. So we're breathing a sigh of relief...
My cramps are still here and they were pretty bad during the night. I almost couldn't pee because I couldn't relax my abdomen long enough. But I don't have any bleeding so I said I'll try to hold out for a while longer before I decide that I need to be checked out. The fact that I don't have somebody regular monitoring me makes me reluctant to contact the health professionals...
NEL: I'm not sure how long DH should take off either, but in your case, with the additional concern about recovering from your CS, I would choose for him to take as long as you can afford, just in case. I know that if I end up with an emergency CS, I would want someone to be home with me for as long as I wasn't able to drive, as we have very limited access to public transport and I wouldn't want to be stuck at home. A good thing about having the planned c section is that you will be able to plan dates etc for his leave. If our bean arrives early, DH will probably take off a little more time as my parents won't be arriving in the state until 2 weeks after my due date, and I don't want to be all alone for at least a week and a half after the birth!

I am still so jealous of how big your rooms are! In our bedroom, we will have just enough space between our bed and the wall to fit a bassinet, and then only walking room the rest of the way around the bed! I would love to see some finished nursery pics too.

Pancake: How is your maternity leave going so far? I can't believe you are at term already! It just seems like yesterday that I was joining the JBP thread as you were 'graduating' up to here. Time has FLOWN. You do sound so excited, it is lovely to read.

Congrats on the birth of your twins! They are adorable.

LC: I have been having the same sleep issues. I am exhausted everyday. I don't think I have had a good nights sleep since October. I hope you feel better soon. I think it is totally understandable that you are not able to power on through being sick when you are 36 weeks pregnant! I think it would be silly to try and power through that actually, give your body rest, it is what it needs, and don't feel guilty about it!

Choro: Congrats on team blue! Sorry your sonographer wasn't very personable at your scan. I didn't ever really feel flutters like how I read them being described. From 18 weeks I was feeling definite kicks, like little muscle twitches, and DH could feel them from the outside at 18w4d.

Mayerling: I'm glad you have received your results now and they are good, even if it took them a while to get it to you! I think some cramping is normal, although I'm no health professional, so speak to your OB if you are worried.

How exciting! You have to share the end result with us!

How do you tell if it is hiccups? I feel a lot of movement at the moment but except for some kind of somersault feelings, I can't tell what she is doing in there! Yay for being in the third tri!

Sorry to those I missed, I leave it too long between posting and find it difficult to say hello to everyone when I do!

I am now also officially into the third tri! It still feels like forever until my due date, but I look back and it seems like only yesterday I was POAS!

Thanks for the support about my MIL and the name Charlotte! We have tentatively chosen Charlotte Elizabeth as our little girls name, nickname Charlie or Lottie (probably both). I didn't think I would choose a name before our baby was born, but we were kind of forced to! DH is an animator who makes computer games. They are just finishing up a game which will be published in April I think. His work has a thing where they will include the names of any babies born or conceived whilst they were completing the game on the credits of the game, but they needed a name last week! So we had a chat and gave them Charlotte. We have said to each other that it does not bind us and we can change our mind at the birth, but it feels scary and permanent to me! I am now freaking out a little as to whether we have made the right choice!

I have felt a bit isolated and lonely here since we moved from our hometown in 2010, but I reconnected with a girl I worked with at my last job over facebook just before Christmas. The other day I discovered that she is also planning on using cloth diapers, and exclusively breastfeeding. I found this out as we 'liked' a whole heap of the same pages on facebook, including a local mother's group that I have joined. We have been chatting a bit about various mummy related stuff and I feel a lot better knowing that I will have at least one local mummy friend who has a similar approach to parenting that I do!

It has been bucketing down with rain here the last few days and when I came home from work tonight one of the roads leading to our house was flooded so I had to go another way. I have a feeling that our street may flood tonight. To be honest, as long as no damage is caused, I am kind of hoping that it does so I can have a sleep in and get out of meeting with a client I don't like tomorrow! :Up_to_something:
Bobbin, Charlotte Elizabeth is lovely--and I love both of the potential nicknames! I think it's a fine plan to reserve the right to change it in the hospital, my husband and I made the same agreement. That being said, I'd be surprised if we did change it since we've used it for so long. How great that you've reconnected with an old coworker who has the same parenting plan as you--it's always good to feel like you have a resource close-by to lean on! Especially when you've been feeling a little isolated. How is the flooding??

Mayerling, I'm happy about the test results, but so sorry you're having bad cramps. I had awful cramps in the first tri, then for a very short time in the second tri, but as LC said, I was mostly focused on spotting, so I didn't call my doc. That being said, don't be afraid to call your doc if you're worried! I know my practice has a 24-hour line with nurses on staff to answer questions. If you're worried, just call, it can't hurt. I'm sure it's normal and your uterus is just expanding, but I don't want you to be stressed.

LC, I'm so sorry you're sick! Being sick in the last tri is the worst. You feel like crap, but it's also very uncomfortable to not move all day long. And you're just stuck with it since you can't really take anything. How are you feeling today? I hope you're on the mend! And I had to laugh about you buying wine. I just bought wine and beer last week for a coworker's b-day party and the guy behind the counter was chuckling.

Pancake, I can't believe you're full-term!! So exciting! It sounds like you are in the final stretch of prepping and have all of your nursing gear ready to go. How sweet of your neighbor to offer to paint--is it all finished now? I just feel like it's a waiting game for you now...almost there!

Muffdog, oh my gosh, I'm so excited that you guys were chosen for the show!! That's really exciting! When are they coming in to film? Is it a show only for the Canadian market or will your neighbors to the south get to see it, too??

S&I, I'm glad you caught up on some sleep! I have started to drift off to sleep earlier and earlier at night. I'll think I'm awake, then by 10 I'm groggy. Katie gets the hiccups pretty regularly, but they only last about 5 minute. I can tell they're hiccups because the feeling is softer than her normal kicks and very rhythmic (several seconds apart).

Missy, that nursery inspiration pic is adorable! And how perfect that the walls will already match the bedding set. It's super cute, I love it. Have fun setting up the registry! I think it took me a few times of going to baby stores before I finally buckled down and started a registry. All of the "stuff" is just overwhelming!

Choro, congrats on joining team blue!! That's great news and you're in good company on this thread :) I was convinced Katie was a boy, so had to wrap my head around having a girl instead. But once the news sank in, I became excited and now I don't think twice about it. I'm glad I had a little time to prepare myself, though!

AFM, I officially have less than a month to go until c-section day. And it can't be here fast enough, haha. I'm really trying to enjoy this last month (date nights, getting all the sleep I can, etc.), but the truth is that I'm uncomfortable and am ready to be done. I say that now...ask me in 6 weeks and I'll probably wish I could go back to this time.

I ordered a ton of stuff off of Amazon this week (should be in tomorrow). I got the pack and play, a tummytime mat/activity gym, a sleeper for our bedroom, a diaper genie, a video monitor, more swaddles and a bunch of other smaller things. I probably need to order another batch of things from Amazon, but the two big things I have left are the stroller and breast pump. We decided on the Bumbleride, so I just need to order it. I'm still not 100% sure about the breast pump, but found out my insurance DOESN'T cover it after all. Now I figure I may as well get it now intead of waiting until after the c-section.
NEL - thanks for the congrats :-) We are pretty excited! As far as I know, they haven't started airing this show in the US yet but other shows with this designer are aired down there. Maybe you could see it online? Once I find out what I am allowed to say, I will maybe be able to get more info.

Also - sounds like you did some serious shopping!!! You feeling more prepared? So excited that your little girl is coming so soon!

Bobbin - congrats on 3rd tri! Very exciting. I didn't comment earlier but I love the name you chose :-)

Mayerling - what a relief that the results were good! However - if you think you need more regular monitoring, can you go to the clinic and make some noise? Be the squeeky wheel? That must be very annoying.

AFM - my 20 week scan is on Thursday. I am really anxious about it. I know that as of now I have no reason to worry but I am feeling very nervous. At least it is in the a.m. so I don't have to wait forever ;-)
Mayerling - in your shoes, I went and got checked out. It turned out (in the end after 20 weeks + of worrying) to just be Braxton-Hicks that started super early (16 weeks). But they checked me out, made sure my cervix was nice and long, and ruled out a urinary tract infection as a cause for the contractions. I didn't have any pain with them, but my whole uterus would tighten up into this ball and stay that way for a minute or so. It wasn't fun. At 22 weeks, I was in the hospital on a contraction monitor and they called it an irritable uterus but took me off work for a few weeks to make sure things turned out ok.
If you're at all worried, get it checked out. Put your mind at ease!
Mayerling, I agree with drk - and I don't think that the lack of one consistent care provider in the NHS model changes the fact that you should get checked out if you're worried. Hope all is ok! How are you feeling today? So pleased for you that your serum screening came back low risk!

NEL, wow - you're a flurry of activity! I was earlier this week but now I've run out of steam :oops: Re the breast pump, you probably COULD wait until after K arrives - buying it online you can get such good deals and shipping is pretty fast.

Bobbin, the name is beautiful!! Once you get used to calling her Charlotte she will just BE Charlotte, and you won't second-guess yourself any more. We have a shortlist (of two names, will get to that at the end of my post) and on the whole we have not been telling anyone because everyone seems to think they can pass judgement and loudly express their opinions (negative or positive) on the names before the baby is born. I did make the mistake of letting the cat(s) out of the bag yesterday and wished afterwards that I hadn't! Whereabouts are you with all this rain? We have been having another mini heatwave in Melbourne, ugh.

MuffDog, if I "know" someone who is on this interior design show (even if only on PS!) I will FIND a way to watch it online, lol!


So I had my 37 week appointment yesterday. Dammit, Dot's head is not fully down yet! So my obstetrician feels it is very unlikely that I will go into labour by the end of next week. The bummer about that is that he is on leave after that; I knew that when I booked in with him at the start though, and I actually REALLY like the obstetrician who is covering him while he is away (I know her through work from many years ago and she is fabulous) so all is well, really.

I have to confess I was hoping Dot would arrive a little earlier than expected! Might still happen, I suppose.

Re the names thing, we have it down to a shortlist of two. A couple of months ago we agreed not to share them with anybody IRL because, as we've discussed here so many times, discussing names with people before the baby is born seems to invite opinions of all sorts, solicited and unsolicited (mostly unsolicited!!!). Anyway yesterday my mother asked me and I told her we weren't telling for those reasons - she said, "of course I won't comment!" and so idiotically I relented... and she immediately said, "Oh, I love [name B], I don't like [name A]" :rolleyes: She did then say that she would probably call Dot by her Vietnamese name anyway (which she chose, at my request, and it's lovely!) so it didn't really matter.

Anyway I feel like a right idiot (which I am!) but am reminding myself that everyone will love Dot regardless of her name and that whatever we eventually name her will just be part of her and nobody will give it a second thought very soon after it's given to her! And for now, keeping my mouth firmly shut IRL!!!

But since PS is not "IRL", I can share here... we are thinking that Dot's first name will be either Sylvie or Lila. It took us SO long to get to that point and they are the only two names that we keep coming back to and firmly love. To me they both seem like "little dark-haired girl" names (and looking at my husband's head, I am SURE that Dot is going to emerge with a full head of black hair!) and they seem appropriate for babyhood, childhood, adulthood...

Others on our shortlist were Beatrice, Imogen, Allegra (which I understand is the tradename of an antihistamine in the US!) and Olivia. But those seem to have gone onto the backburner for now.

(but now that I've divulged, please don't do what my mum did, ladies!!)

Hope you are all well, ladies. As I get closer to the big day I am ever more grateful for all the support and companionship on this thread. What a fabulous little mothers-to-be group we are!

(37 weeks, 2 days)

ETA bump pics from yesterday...

ETA (2): I know this is probably TMI but we've all been on the TTC and JBP threads where TMI is never enough, so... any other third tri ladies finding they are starting to leak a little bit of colostrum? I know it is normal but geez it seems weird at first!!!


Bobbin, 'Charlotte' is such a lovely name - elegant and classy.

Pancake, unsolicited opinions on names is what makes me reluctant to discuss names with people. Unfortunately, DH keeps asking everybody under the sun what they think of different names - I don't particularly mind him discussing it with friends, but I'd rather keep our families out of it.
I know what you mean about wanting the LO to arrive a little earlier. Mine's due in mid-July but I'm hoping for a June baby.

Muffdog, you must be so excited about your 20-week scan coming up! Can't wait to see pics! I just realised that I still have a month to go until mine :(

Choro, I don't remember if I've already congratulated you on finding out the sex. If not, congratulations on having a boy!

NEL, it's the final stretch. Are you nervous?

LC, how's the cold going?

AFM, thankfully the cramps have subsided. I really think it was just my uterus stretching since I didn't have any bleeding. One week to go for my appt with the midwife. I really hope we get to hear the heartbeat but somehow I'm not sure we will. Oh, and I'm 16 weeks today!
So my girlfriend had her baby yesterday. First time mom and she ended up having it at home!!

She had a midwife but was planning on giving birth at the hospital with the MW. Her water broke at 12:30 a.m. - she called her MW who told her to just wait it out at home - if she went to the hospital she'd be there for ages.

The contractions started and my friend had some back labour. Called the MW who told her to take a tylenol and a gravol and try to get some sleep. Most FTMs are in labour for 24 hours etc etc.

By the time the MW arrived (8 a.m. - they'd been stuck at another delivery and then in traffic), my friend was already pushing! Just her and her husband! She said that she couldn't help herself - her body just took over!

25 mins later she had a healthy baby boy. At home. CRAZY eh?!
Muffdog, I hope my labour is that fast! Congratulations to your friend.
It's been far too long since I checked in, let me see if I can catch up!

NEL, so glad you have the date officially set, less than a month to go! That sounds like a fantastic plan to work part time all summer. You look great and I love your little baby area in the room. DH and I can't decide if we want baby in the room to start or not...but we have some time.

Pancake you are the cutest preggo lady. Love your name choices, can't wait to see which one you pick!

S&I, I love dark furniture like that!

China, yes, why all wide legged mat pants??? Maybe to hide the cankles for those who get them near the end?

LC, sorry you've been sick and dealing with the carpal tunnel. Hope both are getting better. Wow, under a month till your due date now! You look fantastic!

Welcome mayerling! Cute bump! I've had bad round ligament pain which feels similar to cramping in the last few weeks, but don't be afraid to ask your doctor if you are worried!

Muffdog, awesome on getting the mat clothes from a friend! I wish I had some similarly sized friends who could pass things to me! Your little bump is so cute! Very cook about your designer nursery, I can't wait until you can post pics!

Choro congrats again on team blue! Hope you find some good maternity shirts! My mom and sister think it's a boy too and I'm convinced it's a girl...I wonder if I'm in for the same surprise next week!

Missy, monkeys are such a cute gender neutral theme, I have a friend who is also not finding out and she says she keeps buying monkey stuff.

Bobbin, yay for sticking with Charlotte, and for finding a new mom friend!

Hi and hope things are going well to anyone I missed!

AFM, I'm 18w5d today. It's been a bit of a hard week so far, my grandmother has been very ill for the last few weeks and was moved into hospice this weekend. I live about three hours away but left after work Monday to drive there and see her. She's comfortable and has been able to see so many of her loved ones over the last few days, she just turned 89 and has had a wonderful life so we are hoping her last few days are peaceful. Was able to work from the hospice part of the day yesterday and drove back home last night. On top of this all DH has pneumonia! Is it the weekend yet??

On a more positive note our anatomy scan is in one week! My uncle tried hard to convice me not to find out but our minds are set. Can't wait to see if my instinct that it's a girl is correct!
So many anatomy scans coming up soon!!! It's an exciting time on this thread :) Mine is on Friday! SO ready to see the little one! Am I the only one staying on Team Green? It seems as if I'm the only one not finding out!

Muffdog - That is so cool about getting on the show! You must be so excited/relieved/scared at the same time! I think I'd be a little scared if I couldn't have much say on the design, but it's free, right?? And WOW to your friend for such a fast delivery!

Mayerling - Did you decide to call you doc or not?

Bobbin - My aunt's name is Charlotte. I like it!!

Pancake - Even if my opinion doesn't matter, I happen to LOVE both of the names you have picked out!! You're right people will love her no matter what he name is. People usually don't pick their friends because of the name they have!

Steph - Booooo to the Ravens losing! I was good til the end, but then started yelling at the tv because I KNOW that had to hear me! :lol: I keep finding more and more monkey things online. I hope I don't go overboard when I start buying things haha.

AFM, I need to vent for a minute!! I am way way stressed at work. It is just ridiculous. I keep reminding myself to settle down. I feel like I'm so busy and no one cares to help with all the overwheming stuff I have going on here. And then to add to it, the receptionist called me yesterday and said she's out the rest of the week. So now I have phone duty. Not sure why this became my job. I am no longer the new person here, we have a new girl in my department sitting at MY old desk (with the switchboard phone by the way, and I was told when i was hired, whoever sits at that desk answers calls if the receptionist isn't here. Yea, that didn't turn out well!) and I got kicked out into the accounting department so she could have MY desk. I got the crap end of the deal. I am just sick of getting stepped on. I wish I didn't have to come back here after maternity leave. I would love to tell this place to shove it and wouldn't even feel bad about it. Ok end vent!!!
Hey ladies!

So the wine sale was a bust, but the time Sis and I got there, it was pretty much picked over. I scored 3 nice bottles. Sis grabbed 9.

Mayer, I'm glad your triple test numbers were good. I'm glad the cramps subsided, but do not feel like you need to wait to call anyone if you're ever worried. I'm sure OB/midwives are used to all sorts of weird questions etc.

Bobbin beautiful classy name for your daughter! I'm glad you like it. It's pretty awesome that it'll be forever memorialized in the game. Even if you guys decide to change it, it'll be kind of your secret, y'know? I'm glad you found some local mommy friends. Hope the rains have subsided for you.

NEL, Look at you getting all this stuff for Katie! She's going to be all set! I can't believe we have less than a month to go! I was going to rent a hospital grade pump in the very beginning for the pumping experiment. If it works out then I'll buy one. Maybe you can do that too?

Muff, Hooray for your anatomy scan! How exciting! I got ZERO work done the whole week of my scan. I kept looking forward to it and being unable to concentrate. Then afterwards I was so excited I couldn't concentrate either! LOL. OMG about your friend having a "surprise" home birth! That's pretty crazy! I'd be freaking otut but lucky friend for haivng a fast and uncomplicated labor!

Pancake, you look amazing! You can barely tell you're preggo from your front shot! I love both names, hard to pick a favorite between the two. Sorry Dot's not fully down yet, but she'll get there. At lesat you like your back up OB and you know her from previous work.

Steph, wow! 1 wk until your anatomy scan! How exciting!!!! I'm very sorry to hear about your grandma, but it sounds like she's got a lot of people around her and htat she's had a wonderful life. Hoping she is comfortable. Hugs to you and your family. Sorry your DH has pneumonia! That sucks! I totally know what you mean about wanting the weekend already!

Missy, I think you might be the only surprise one of the next batch of 20 wk scans. I can't believe you're so disciplined to not find out. I'd be TERRIBLE! But China also still hasn't opened the envelope yet, so technically she's on team Green for now too. Sorry work's so UGH for you. Maybe you can politely redirect the receptionist to tell the new girl to cover the phones. Or you can show the new girl the first day and tell her she can cover it the rest of the week.

I'm getting better. Taking the day off on Monday helped me recharge. Been back to work since. I dunno if DH is giving me another cold now, his company changed their sick leave to a common Personal Time Off (PTO) bank, so now EVERYONE in his copmany (including him) goes to work sick instead of taking PTO. I expressed my displeasure when he said one of his employees is super sick AND in the office and DH was like, "What we don't want to take PTO," not thinking it was a big deal. My response was: "That's what PTO is there for. So instead he just brings his sickie germs to work, to infect everyone else, and you bring it home and infect your pregnant ALREADY SICK WIFE!" :rolleyes:

Carpral Tunnel is stlil bad. My right got worse, started getting numbness in my fingers. So I'm splitting wearing the braces between the two hands. I've got another acupuncture appt on Friday. I could NOT get any sleep last night with DH's snoring! Totally kept me awake. I had to dig around for noise isolating ear buds and sleep with those one to FINALLY get sleep at about 4:30AM.

A little vent on my part too: DH keeps telling me I should set the expectation with my boss to take more time off than 14 wks. That "I can always come back early." And I keep telling him, "I don't think I *want* to stay longer." Yet he's still pushing it. And like why is it ME that has to take the time off. And just because my STD pays out for 25 wks, doesn't mean my job's protected for 6 months. FMLA only protects for 12 wks, not 25 wks. So if I take a ton of time off who's to say I'll even HAVE a job when I get back. It seems like I'm the ONLY one of the two of us that sees this! And everyone I know keeps telling me, "Oh you're going to want more time off." Says who? You don't know me. I think I know myself MUCH better than you *think* you know me. :rolleyes:

OK off to a meeting.

~LC (35w,6D)
Hi ladies! :wavey:
Sorry for dropping off the planet, I am back now and hope to be contributing more frequently in the future!

I wanted to give Missy a little love since she and I are close due date buddies and we also have decided to stay Team GREEN! My anatomy scan was at 18 weeks and it was great to see the little bub!

I am currently 20 weeks (will be 21 on Friday) and have had a really good pregnancy so far. My only complaints are that I have had severe heartburn which I now take Pepcid OTC twice a day for and have had near daily headaches which my OB said should be going away soon. I have a prescription for something stronger than Tylenol but I am trying to not use it if I don't have to.

I also switched OB practices right after the new year because my old one was just not giving me the confident feeling that I want while going through my first pregnancy. Met my new Dr. this past Monday and I am very happy so far.

I am so happy to see all of you progressing so well and I am thrilled to join you all again! :appl:

I'm off to add my name and date to the list!
Hey all. It's about time for me to join this thread, as I'm in my 15th week. Time is dragging by, yet also moving swiftly. How is that so?!

I've been reading the JBP and Preggo threads since I started charting my cycles this past July, so I'm pretty familiar with many of your pregnancy histories. Many of you are so, so, SO close to the end & meeting your babes! And those who I saw during my time on JBP, I can't believe you're nearly halfway (or more) through your pregnancies. WOW!

...Off to drink half a cup of coffee and try to grade some papers. I will return and properly respond sometime in the next week. Scout's honor!
School work/report cards, nursery progress, and baby showers are keeping me busy! I have been lurking here with no time to post! A new belly pic to contribute - here is what 32 weeks looks like for me and Weston.


I have been so bad at keeping up with this thread, hoping to catch up with all of you soon!

Hello, new JBP grads! :wavey:

Krissie - Congrats on your adorable boys!
Mary - So glad to see you here! I was wondering where you went! We're close due date buddies and team green buddies all in one, how exciting :P Was it hard to say no when they asked if you wanted to know the sex of the baby? I really think I'm going to be fine on Friday at my a/s. I second the heartburn. It seems like something triggers it and then I have it the rest of the week no matter what I eat. And constipation. Iron is NOT my friend! I knew I would have problems with my prenatal. I was taking a daily multivitamin a couple months before getting pregnant and stopped it because the iron didn't work well with me. Other than that I have felt great!

LC - I wish I could tell the new girl...but you know it's just not me to tell others what to do. I could never be a boss that's for sure!vI don't want to look like I'm whining either. I just can't handle everything at the moment. It's just not possible! I'd talk to my boss but I've tried before and all he says is "work faster. I bet if I sit here and watch you you'll work faster" Seriously. He makes me feel like a child. I'd say something but I think at this point it would all come out wrong, I'd be at a loss for words and probably cry! Haha. I think I just need a vacation.....a permanent one! ;)

MQ - Looking great as always! How have you been feeling? Besides being have you been since the glucose test?'s a sad day. My ankles have officially disappeared :(sad
A bit of a me-centric fly by. Just finished the anatomy scan and can confirm that I am joining team BLUE!!

Back later with more details.
MuffDog, congrats on team BLUE!

Pancake, sorry you're missing your ankles. Keep your feet up and just keep telling yourself you're going to meet Dot soon!

Missy, maybe you can take the opportunity to call it "cross training" so your boss can see what a "team player" you are ;))

MQ, looking great!

PPM and Merry! Welcome to the preggo thread! So great to see you JBP ladies making your way over :)

NEL, Pancake, holy cow we're at the top of the list already! :eek:

~LC (36 wks)
mayerling, I'm glad your cramping has subsided for now. But if it does happen again, don't hesitate to call your doc to get checked out. Yay for finally hearing back about your test results and that everything looks good. I'm sure you'll be able to hear the heartbeat at your next appointment.

MuffDog, that's so exciting that you got picked for the custom nursery, and congrats on Team Blue! Was your intuition correct? I love watching HGTV, so hopefully they'll air it in the States too. Congrats to your friend on the quick delivery. I would have freaked out if that were me though!

LC, I'm glad that you're getting over your sickness, but boo on your DH's coworkers for bringing their sick germs to work to spread around! Sorry the wine sale was a bust. Yikes about your CT getting worse. Is there anything else you can do besides the wrist braces? The time off thing is such an open question. How does anybody know how much time they'll need beforehand? It really does depend on the baby sometimes.

Pancake, both of your name choices are lovely. Are you holding out until you meet Dot to decide which name fits her better? Yay for being able to set up your little mobile drawers and laundry changing station. Sorry that it doesn't look like you'll be delivering next week with your regular OB, but that's good that you know the backup OB already. You're so close, and you look great, even if you've lost your ankles! Hope you had a great Australia Day!

bobbin, I'm not certain that it was hiccups, but I think you can tell the difference if it's a consistent little bump for a few minutes, versus the normal random kicks or flipping sensations. I love the name Charlotte Elizabeth, and how great that it's going to be included in the credits of a game that her daddy made! I'm sorry you've been feeling isolated, but am glad you were able to reconnect with an old friend who's also pregnant.

NEL, the countdown begins to c-section day! Yay for getting all that last-minute stuff ordered from Amazon. I'll probably be doing the same thing come March. That sucks about your insurance turning out to not cover the breast pump. I'm not sure how much it costs, but worst case is that you can rent one from the hospital if you don't order your own in time.

steph, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, and am glad that you were able to go see her at least one more time before she goes. You are going to love the anatomy scan!

Missy, just one more day until your anatomy scan! Sorry that your work is stressing you out. I would try to find a way to pawn off the phone duty to the new girl if I were you. Don't you hate it when your boss tries to give you more work, and spins it by saying it's a great growth opportunity? Blah! Try some extra fiber or prune juice to combat the iron, or a laxative to flush things out. My constipation got better after I tried that.

Mary, welcome back! Yay for a pretty smooth pregnancy, and I hope you're able to control your heartburn and headaches easily.

PPM, welcome! :wavey: I totally know what you mean about time going slow, but fast at the same time!

MQ, you're looking great! How's your GD going? Did you ever talk to your doc about getting retested? I'm up for my 1-hour test tomorrow, and am a bit nervous since my cousin has GD.

AFM, my last 4-week interval appointment is tomorrow, and then I move on to every 2 weeks! I also have my 1-hour glucose test tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll drink the thing in the morning while I'm getting ready, and then get my blood drawn right before my appointment. Any idea if I should eat anything first, or just drink it on an empty stomach?

S&I, just wanted to post and tell you NOT TO EAT before your glucose test. Eating will just introduce MORE sugar to your system.
Okay so I'm back from the appointment!

The ultrasound took about 45 minutes. The little guy was bopping around in there but never in the direction the tech wanted (foreshadowing?). Everything looked normal, which was a huge relief!

It was so cool to see all the bits and pieces of him. Each arm, each leg, fingers, toes, stomach, kidneys. SO amazing.

I of course was analyzing every picture trying to figure out the gender - some looked like boy and some looked like girl. She then confirmed with 100% certainty that it is a boy!!

So if any of you were on the JBP thread, according to the Ramzi Theory, we were having a boy so that proved to be right! Or lucky, I guess :-)

I thought that I was having a girl - I also come from a family of girls (I'm one of two, my sister had two). I don't know what I'm going to do with a boy (aside from love the crap out of him!).

I'm not saying I have 'gender disappointment' but..well...I guess I just feel a little freaked out!

My mom screamed and cried which was nice :-) She is in AZ so I sent her this picture.

Our second gender u/s was this afternoon as well. TEAM PINK.

MuffDog: I had the same reaction as you since I was subconsciously hoping for a boy. Wanna trade? :naughty: Kidding!!!
monarch64|1327605150|3112362 said:
Our second gender u/s was this afternoon as well. TEAM PINK.

MuffDog: I had the same reaction as you since I was subconsciously hoping for a boy. Wanna trade? :naughty: Kidding!!!

Congratulations!!! That is super exciting :-)

Thanks for letting me know that you had the same reaction. I feel kind of guilty about it because this little guy deserves the big whoops of excitement too!