
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

lliang_chi|1327980369|3115321 said:
If any BTDT mamas can comment, did you guys keep a spare underwear and some sanitary pads with you at all times? I'm contemplating doing the this....

~LC (36W, 4D)
Well the hospital gives you some funky netting type disposable undies, but you will want those and you will cherish them! They also give you some sanitary napkins, and snag as many of those (and the undies) as you can. I had the ol' C-section and they suctioned a lot of stuff out, and I still used a TON of that stuff. It was really alarming how much stuff was coming out. So take some undies, but I wouldn't expect to wear them in the hospital. I wore the hospital ones for a couple weeks afterwards. I wear string bikinis the vast majority of the time so I went back to those after the hospital undies were gone.
Effing cramps are back! :angryfire:
At least I'm seeing the midwife tomorrow so I can ask about it.
S&I: We were in a local baby shop the other day and I saw this bedding: and thought of you!
Thanks for the explanation about hiccups. After knowing what I was looking for, I think I felt some the other day.

NEL: Luckily the rain eased off a bit just after I posted so we didn’t get flooded in. Other areas around us were flooded in parts though, and the next morning, it took me 50minutes to drive to work, which is only 6km away! It normally takes between 10-30 mins depending on traffic.

Pancake: We live in Brisbane. It stopped raining for the first time in a bit over a week today, and we got to see some sun, but it is supposed to start raining again tomorrow. I am originally from Adelaide, and to me rain=cold, which isn’t the case up here, but it still doesn’t feel like summer even though it is hot! I like both of your names (but prefer Sylvie a little bit more, only because of a Lila I knew in real life). I can’t wait for little Sylvie/Lila’s birth post on PS! Any day now..
Re ankles: I noticed my ankles were a little less prominent the other day. It is only a matter of time now for me too!

Stephbolt: Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope your DH feels better soon too!

Missy: I hope your work situation settles down soon and allows you to de-stress a bit. Are you doing any relaxation type things outside of work? Going for walks, yoga, massage etc? In the third trimester (maybe before, I am not sure) stress hormones can pass through to bubs, so it might be worth looking into a way to deal with work stress now!

LC: I am glad you are feeling better, but boo to carpal tunnel! It sounds awful! I hope your DH is able to come round and be supportive of your work choices.

MerryMary: Welcome!

PPM: Yay, so glad to see you on here!

Muffdog: congrats on team blue! Such a cute way to tell your mom too. DH comes from a family of 3 boys… each of them was supposed to be a girl and everyone knew that his parents really wanted a girl. We were a bit mean when we told them. DH rang up and said “So, I did it in one go.” They then asked what he did and he said “Made a girl.” Luckily they were just happy that there would finally be a little girl in the family!

Don’t feel guilty about your reaction, it is totally normal! I was worried going in to our scan that I would be disappointed if it was a boy and felt pre-emptive guilt about that, but it is just not worth it. By the time you are holding your little boy in your arms you won’t be able to imagine having a girl instead!

Monarch: Congrats on team pink! I like your attitude about your feelings towards it. Very healthy IMO.

Missy: Wow, 10 minutes! My scan took 1.5 HOURS!!! It was awful though.. full bladder and inexperienced tech. Ugh.

Mayerling: sorry to hear the cramps are back. Let us know what the midwife says.

AFM: I had my 28 week appointment yesterday and am now onto fortnightly appointments. It was funny, my OB didn’t see me from the front until we were in the room and I was sitting down. When he first looked at me, he looked at my tummy and this funny look crossed his face, like “Aren’t you supposed to be 28wks pregnant, where is your bump?” Later when he used the doppler he said that I was hiding the baby very well! Hah. I keep thinking my tummy doesn’t look that big, but then I look back at my 12 week photo and I am HUGE compared to that. People have only in the last week or so begun asking me if I am pregnant though.
The OB also said that most 28 week babies are in breach position, but our bub was head down. He grabbed her head! DH was a bit surprised at that. Not sure if her being head down means anything though, because surely she will change position before the birth anyway?
Oh, and I did my 1hr GD test the other week, and I passed! My iron levels are good too, which I am surprised about as I have been anaemic in the past.

All of the February ladies: you are getting so close! I am going to be a little bit sad when your babies are born though, because I will miss having you on the thread. Come back and visit us (when you have time in between caring for a newborn that is)!
Bobbin: Thanks for the comments re: gender. I am feeling more accustomed to the idea now. It helps that everyone I talk to goes on and on about how great little boys are :-) Congrats on passing the GD test! That is great news.

Mayerling - sorry the cramps are back. That must be annoying to deal with!

NEL: Your nursery is gorgeous!!! Congrats on getting it all done! I especially love the crib and the back wall. Amazing.

AFM: The TV crew is in our house today doing the opening shot of the show. We have to empty the room tonight and they start renos etc tomorrow! Crazy!!

Hubs finally told his mom that we are Team Blue. It was hilarious - she didn't want to know but was kind of being annoying about it (and difficult). She knew we'd tell her eventually but she kept going back and forth. At one point she asked hubs for some of his custard tart that he was eating, and he said "only if you find out the gender."

She refused.

later on, when hubs wasn't looking, she STOLE half his tart.

He turned around, got a mean look on his face, and yelled "BOY!!".

I almost died. It was hilarious (and scary). She was happy though, so it ended well.

One more thing - hubs is convinced we don't need to buy anything before the baby is born. I mean, I bought a baby monitor and he said we didn't need one. Uhh...

Does anyone have a 'must have' list re: preparing for baby? I'd love to see it if you do! Thanks!
Muffdog, HA! The tart story was hilarious--good for your husband for telling her after she stole half the tart! Also funny that he thinks you don't need anything beforehand. I always teased my friends for overbuying before the baby arrived. I joked that all you REALLY needed was a carseat to get them home and a few diapers because it's not like you can't run out and get anything you need. What a joke, I'm the worst offender of all. I'm convinced that I'm going to want to hibernate for a month. And it's not just the baby stuff (which has now taken over our family room), it's things like frozen meals and stockpiling body wash. So my "must have" list has gotten hilarious. I literally bought extra floss the other day just in case we run out and I forget to buy more in some postpartum fog.

Bobbin, yay for hitting the 28-week mark! It's funny how much bigger you feel at 28 weeks when you look back at photos. And now I look at my 28 week bump with envy, haha. Katie was also head-down at 28 weeks and she hasn't moved out of that position since. At least not that I know of--my OB said that at that point, they usually stay head-down. And as one of the Febraury due dates, I definitley intend on checking in with you ladies after delivering. It's been such a great journey and I'm going to want to see how everybody is doing!

Mayerling, I'm so sorry about the cramps!! Ugh, I can't believe they're back!! Keep us updated on what your midwife says.

LC, thanks for sharing the list, it's great to cross-check it against what I have. You have a few more things, but that's good because I didn't think about things like chapstick. I'm intending to buy a cheap pack of granny panties, but I keep hearing what Freke mentioned--that women love the mesh panties they give you, so I'll probably want to stockpile those as well! I'm also planning on bringing a few outfits for Katie depending on the weather. This winter has been so mild. We've only gotten 8 inches of snow in Boston this January compared to 80 inches last January. I'll probalby just put her in footed cotton PJs and a hat. I haven't bought anything "special" because I assume we'll probably just go out in the car seat and she'll be in the bundleme.

Oh, and I think the only thing I have on my list that I didn't see on yours was the boppy. But I'm mostly bringing it so the lactation consultant can help me situate it so it doesn't hurt my incision, so it may not apply to you at all.

I love the stroller, it looks fantastic!!

S&I, our nursery is totally a mish-mash of stuff. Some antique. Some not. Some bright colors, some black and white. I'm not very good at decorating, but luckily I'm not a matchy-matchy type. I have no doubt your nursery will be fabulous! Any news on the glucose screen?

Missy, it sounds like you've made some progress with names, which is great. I like the way Carter Anthony flows and I can think of worse initials than CAN (though I also understand the initial thing). And Emma was on my short-list--love that name. I love Mackenzie/McKenzie as well--I have a niece named McKenzie whom I adore, so it has good connotations for me :) And so cute that your husband talks to your belly before going to bed. My husband talks to my belly in the morning--he says goodbye to her before he leaves for work.

Pancake, you may be 38 weeks, but you are still looking great!! How've you been feeling over the past couple of days? I feel like you can go at any minute, so check in with us :) Oh my gosh, so exciting!

AFM, I ordered the stroller and it should be here next week. I must have spent an hour trying to find the best deal (or a promo code for various sites), but it was all fruitless. Oh well, at least it's done.

Byron still has a slight fever, but I can tell he's feeling better. I've been taking the later train in the morning so I can give Byron his meds and D has been taking the early train home so he can give Byron another round of meds. So we're both taking the trains that we'll be taking once Katie is in daycare. I miss commuting with D, but it's good practice for later!

I'm hoping to do a little pajama shopping tonight for my hospital bag, haha. I may end up just wearing the hospital gown, but have heard that having pajama pants makes it easier for them to check on the incision.
MuffDog- Little boys are the best best best. Just wait. Also, I am not a big believer of "stuff" but you absolutely need some before baby. A lot you can wait on though. Here is my list of must-haves for the first few weeks:

Cloth wipes- Can't use baby wipes right away (some do I guess, but we didn't for about 2 weeks)
Vaseline or Aquaphor
Square gauze pads- (If you are getting boy circumsized)
Onesies- side snap if can find so don't have to go over head in middle of night
Nightgown/sacks- Long gowns that go over their feet; some have snaps that can make into sleeper
Socks and/or hand mittens- They tend to scratch their faces a lot. Feet get cold.
Miracle Blanket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Swaddle Blankets- used these for everything. For laying baby down on surfaces, to cover infant seat while walking, to cover, to swaddle.
Infant Car Seat- This must be properly installed in your car or they won't let you leave the hospital. They check.
Some type of stroller car seat can fit into
Sound machine (personal preference; could use Iphone or Ipad)
Itzbeen Timer (personal preference)
Swing- Some babies don't like it but it was a lifesaver for us in the first few weeks.
Moses basket/Bassinet/Crib- Some place for baby to sleep.
My Breast Friend or Boppy- For nursing. The My Breast Friend was better for my small baby, as it is firmer and attaches to you higher up
Nursing Pads
Nursing tank or nightgown- It's a pain to have to undress. Much easier to just unsnap your tank.
Lanisoh cream
Tucks medicated pads
Pads- For you, the heavy duty kind for the first few weeks.
Pump- Some don't need this right away, some need it it stimulate the milk. You can rent one if you aren't sure you need or want to buy it
Formula- We didn't use, but hospital will send some home for you
Bottles- We didn't use right away, but you might want to have one or two on hand in case you can't BF or need to supplement with formula
Monitor- Personal preference. I loved it b/c I could try and nap in the next room but check every time I panicked that he wasn't breathing. You can do without it at first, but I'm glad I had it.
Pacifier- He didn't take one, but I would have one for soothing. The newborn kind.

Take every single thing from your hospital room you can carry. ;))

That's it off the top of my head. Will keep thinking. BBL.
Oh yeah, seeing China's list, I also threw in my Itzbeen timer into Ethan's diaper bag to take to the hospital.

Muff, I dunno what you would need immediately, but for non-baby items, I'd freeze a couple of casseroles in your freezer. That way you have something healthy to heat up Day1 at home instead of having to cook or having to go out and pick something up. And on my list of things we need I have a cleaning service, but DH thinks that's not a "need". Too bad I do... Very funny story about your DH and his mom.

NEL, I just put the bundleMe on our car seat today. I figure we'll take Ethan home in that so not going to worry about bundling him up much with clothes either. We've had really crazy weather, really warm, really cold and lots of rain and snow too. Not as much as last year, but definitely more precipitation than years prior. I was thinking of bringing my boppy, but I decided against it. Worse comes to worse, I can ask DH or Sis to grab it afterwards. I'm glad Byron is doing better, I hope he bumps this quickly. Sounds like you're getting a good practice with the day care routine, and at least you're sorting out the kinks now. ALthough for 14 wks, you'll be home with Katie.

China, thanks for your list. I didn't think of stuff like Tucks pads and gauze+aquaphor. Re: paci's in the hospital. Is it suggested to try giving one to the baby. Everyone keeps talking about "nipple confusion" and don't give the baby anything until he tries breast feeding etc. What's the deal? We did pick up two newborn paci's @ Target. I sterilized them and put them in my diaper bag.
NEL- Sorry to hear about Byron. :(sad Hope he feels better soon. On a brighter note, your nursery has really come together! I love it, very unique.

Missy- Glad you had a good appt and stayed green! No one can believe I haven't opened my envelope yet, but I like the suspense. I am guessing BOY for you. No reason.

S&I- Hiccups are so funny. You can totally tell, they look just like hiccups should look, but coming from your belly. O had hiccups all the time. Haven't felt any with this one! Did you decide about your babymoon?

Lliang- I think the mat bras are in the regular bra section. Definitely online. I didn't get very big so I liked the Gilligan O'Malley nursing tanks. For those more well-endowed or engorged, they didn't give a lot of support. Worked great for me. Also, GET GROSS GRANNY PANTIES you will want to throw away. I am a thong girl and I'm saying this. You will wear the weird mesh panties as long as you can. I don't think I wore anything else in the hospital. Not only is there this huge diaper sized pad, but you also have this frozen bag of ice thing you wear at first. The mesh panties holds everything in there. I bought some basic black hip hugger briefs from Gap Maternity that I lived in at first when I got home. They cover, but they weren't totally terrible looking.

As for pacis, no they don't recommend giving them right away. It's a weird time. The thing is, your milk doesn't come in right away. You only produce colostrum at first, which is considered "liquid gold" and is really high in fat and gives baby everything he needs. But some people panic that they are starving the baby, and give formula. I think the general idea is nurse exclusively for first month or so. After that, try to introduce a bottle occasionally. If you wait too long, some babies refuse.

O wouldn't ever take the paci anyways. But if you read Happiest Baby on the Block, the 5 S's totally work, and one of them is to stick a paci in the baby's mouth (for soothing). I just held it in place for O and it calmed him down. Sorry for the novel- point is, I would have a few at home, but don't need to take to hospital.

AFM- Just had appt. Boring. :)) Which is a good thing. 24 weeks tomorrow, which technically they consider baby viable. Not sure in what way, as it isn't very viable out of the womb. But still. Another milestone, another sigh of relief. Glucose test in 3 weeks.

Speaking of glucose tests- I know there's a ton of differing advice/opinions on whether to fast or not. I asked my dr again and she recommends fasting. Here's why- They are testing your processing of sugar. If you only have the drink to process, they get a more accurate reading. If you have, say, 2 doughnuts in the morning, that is affecting your result and may give you a false positive. In which case you have to do the 3 hour. So she recommends fasting- not b/c you can't eat or anything, but b/c it gives you the best chance of getting an accurate reading and NOT having to do the 3 hour. The percentages of people that fail the 1 hour but pass the 3 hour are crazy, so obviously there are other things involved. But I fast b/c I don't want to have to do the 3 hour if I can help it. Just passing it along, FWIW. But I am going to do the test at 8 am, which makes a difference. Couldn't possibly fast all day!
Missy, why would they take your BP again after knowingly scaring the crap out of you with the preeclampsia talk? How rude! :nono: When I went in due to my pink spotting around 12-13 weeks, my BP was 128/94, but the nurse immediately said it was probably due to me freaking out about the sudden spotting. I think I also get stressed out easily, especially when I drive. One of my friends ended up with hypertension towards the end of all of her pregnancies, so she gets put on bed rest until delivery time. I really hope your job situation gets better soon so that you're not so stressed out.

LC, thanks for listing out your hospital bag list. I've bookmarked it so I can come back to it in a few weeks when I start packing mine up. Hope your last shower this Sunday is fun - I'm sure it will be! That BOB looks pretty new to me, nice score!

Lizzy, thanks for the granny panties suggestion. When are you heading over here? ;))

Freke, good to see you!

mayerling, so sorry your cramps are back, but I'm glad you have your midwife appointment soon. Good luck and remember to ask all your questions!

bobbin, thanks for that link! I think I saw either that one or a similar one at our BBBaby store, but DH vetoed it, saying it was a little too busy. Maybe he'd be okay with just the monkey mobile or something. Yay for passing your 1-hour glucose test! I did not, and my iron level is borderline low. I wasn't checked at my 28-week appointment to see what position Alex is in, so I have no idea.

MuffDog, that's so exciting about your nursery renovation! Funny about your MIL. Ha, I would have done the same thing your DH did if my mom were acting like that.

NEL, so sorry that Byron still has a fever, but I'm glad he's feeling better. Hopefully he can get back to 100% after the round of meds. I got the call that I failed my glucose screen, so I'm scheduled for the 3-hour test on Friday. Boo.

China, thanks for your thorough must-have list! I am nowhere near prepared. We had originally decided on going to Dallas for our babymoon, but now we're kind of thinking of killing 2 birds with one stone and visiting the ILs in Galveston. We normally stay at their house when we go, but we're thinking of staying at the Hilton this time, just so we can relax and enjoy our last hotel stay pre-baby.

AFM, I have to do the dreaded 3-hour glucose test on Friday. Ugh! My iron level is also right at the bottom cutoff of the normal range. I looked at my test results from August, and my hemoglobin was 13.5, versus the 11.5 it is now. Normal is 11.5 to 15.5, so it's not a huge range to begin with, but I have to bring in my prenatals for them to determine if I'm not getting enough from that, and if so, they'll prescribe an additional iron supplement.

Re hospital list, this is what I have packed based on a 4 night stay:

For me:
* 3 sets of PJs/nursing nighties
* 2 nursing tanks
* 3 regular nursing bras, 1 sleep nursing bra (glorified crop top)
* 6 pairs of undies (known as panties to you ladies!)
* shampoo, shower gel, conditioner (I don't use any other skincare), deodorant, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss
* 3 packs of maternity sanitary pads - 2 x 10 packs of Kotex (old-skool, thick/soft ones), 1 x 10 pack of some other brand with wings etc
* Lanolin ointment, disposable breast pads (going to use reusables at home)
* 1 pair sweatpants, 1 pair jersey harem pants, 1 jersey maxi skirt, 1 maxi dress
* 2 l/s tops suitable for nursing
* 1 pair flip-flops (it's mid-summer here)
* iPad, iPod, iPod speaker dock, phone, camera
* chargers for above
* baby journal

For Dot:
* 4 x long growsuits - all with snaps all the way down, either down the middle or kimono-style at the side
* 2 l/s onesies (no legs)
* 2 pairs of leggings with feet
* 1 sleepsuit
* 2 hats
* 2 pairs of scratch mittens, 3 pairs of socks
* 6 wraps - 2 stretch cotton, 4 muslin
* wipes (hospital provides disposable nappies), 2 dummies (pacifiers), nappy rash cream samples

NEL - I know I could go "any time" but it certainly doesn't feel like it! At the moment it feels like it could just go on indefinitely, like the closer it gets the further away it seems. I think the comfort is deceptive. At the moment I still feel great! I went to the dentist yesterday (for a clean) and today (to get a chip repaired), I've been doing grocery shopping, errand-running, cooking... etc! I am so glad Byron is feeling better, poor boy.

LC - I am keeping a couple of pads and an old towel in my car these days, lol. Your new stroller looks fantastic! Nice get! Thank you for the compliments, I have to say that it has only been in the last couple of weeks that I have felt totally comfortable in my 3rd tri body and I am quite enjoying my neat bump at the moment!

Mayerling - glad you have an appointment today. How did it go? I hope everything is ok. Since you will probably only read this post-appointment it's a bit pointless, but could the cramps be constipation-related?

Missy - thanks! The names you're considering are lovely :) Those early kicks are so exciting, especially once your partner can feel them too. We used to just lie together feeling Dot kicking and giggling. Glad your BP is ok at the moment. You can only do what you can do - just keep up with your healthy diet and try to minimise stress, and see how things go. The main thing is that if your BP does shoot up, there is plenty that can be done about it.

Bobbin - I heard Brissie has been having some "biblical" weather conditions recently! We have been having quite a lot of heat down here but it's dry-hot, not humid. I am looking forward to posting about Dot's birth here too but at the moment it just doesn't FEEL like it's on the cards imminently! I know that the "feel" means nothing and it could happen any time, but... :roll: Dot was breech at 28 weeks but cephalic by 32 weeks. The stats are 25% breech at 28, 3% breech at 37, so your little one has plenty of time to make her way down!

Muff - your MIL gender reveal story is HILARIOUS. I giggled out loud! You will definitely need to buy some stuff before the baby. Unless you want to have a screaming new baby at home and a husband who is dispatched to the shops every 5 minutes to buy something that you could have bought in advance! You at least need nappies/wipes/clothes/cloths/blankets, somewhere for bub to sleep, somewhere for bub to be changed etc. I found the lists that are on Babyzone, Babycenter etc quite useful as a starting point, also helps you to not go the opposite direction and go completely overboard!

China - thanks for the BTDT comprehensive list! It is great for me to have something to check my stash against :) In Australia we are told NOT to fast for the initial glucose challenge test (which is the 1 hour screen - and when I showed up for mine I was specifically asked if I had had lunch yet), but obviously a definitive OGTT is fasted.

S&I - glad everything is going well! HR of 137 is 100% normal for a 28 week bub. Hope your glucose challenge test results are normal, fingers crossed! EDIT (you posted at the same time as me!): sorry you have to do the glucose tolerance test. But at least if there are any issues they will be identified and you'll be able to do something about it - and if it's normal, then phew! Good luck.

AFM - still going here at 38 weeks and 2 days. I have a check-up this afternoon, which will be my last appointment with my obstetrician (until my 6 week post-partum check) as he goes on leave at the end of this week. Next week I'll see his relief cover, who is a fabulous woman and I know she'll be fantastic! Still trying to get things done... finished our wedding reception album (have put aside the actual wedding album for now - am sick of putting albums together!) and placed the order to have it printed, ordered a whole heap of wedding/wedding reception/other photographic prints which have arrived and mostly been put in frames. Our neighbour said he would come over today to start the paintwork in the nursery (it should only be a 1 day job as it's just windowframes and skirting boards).

Went to the dentist yesterday for a check-up and then had a chipped tooth repaired this morning. Thank goodness for my private health insurance, which covered all of yesterday's and half of today's costs - today I just had 3 minor restorations done, it took half an hour, and the cost was $605!!!

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my MIL, Friday morning I have coffee planned with a friend (my bestie's younger sister - who happens to be 31 weeks pregnant and also has 2 1/2 year old twins!). Beyond that - no plans, trying to take it a couple of days at a time. Still going to pilates, I really think it has helped me a lot during this pregnancy. My carpal tunnel, wrist tendonitis and ankle swelling have all miraculously improved in the last 3 days - not sure why! I now have a nasty case of residual dermatitis on my left wrist as a result of the strapping I had on it a week ago. I hope it goes away soon - sometimes the itch drives me nuts!

Will check back in after my appointment this afternoon :) Keep baking, ladies!
Ho hum... just got back from the obstetrician. All is well (as I knew) but he reckons there's not that much more likelihood of me delivering within the next week than the last. Ho hum!
Quick fly-by to ask a question. I'll come back after my mid-wife for a proper post.
Anyway, to my question: what did you do to babyproof your home?
China, thanks for the explanation of what I'll need. Right now I have bralettes, kind of like sports bra for way minimal impact stuff like yoga. I could pretty much pull one side to breast feed. But I think having a nursing bra or tank could help to have somewhere to put the nursing pads.
Good to know about the paci. I'll leave it in the diaper bag, but won't plan on using it until we get home. DH has read Happiest Baby on the Block, (I'm so proud of him!) and he was talking about the 5 S's. But I would like to try breast feeding so I'll go by your advice and try the boob for a month and mix it up a few times with the bottle after that. We have a breast feeding class this Saturday so I'm sure I'll learn a little bit more from there.
I also fasted for my glucose test. Hope you pass yours. I agree appts can be super boring from here on out. They did the Group B Strep test and I have to say I hate the QTip swab of the V. I generally hate all GYN exams etc. I'm just glad they just did the one swab, if they had to swap my butt too, I'd put that up there in the worst pre-natal appt list.

S&I, poop the 3 hr glucose test. It's really not so bad, it's just a pain in the butt and a total time suck. Find something you can do. I wrote and addressed holiday cards. Maybe you can write thank you notes from your shower (if you had one) or something like that. My iron level was low also, but 11 isn't too bad. The midwives said that they expected my iron to be a little lower since I'm anemic anyway.

Bobbin, don't worry about Alex being in breach position. By 30 wks, Ethan was head down and has stayed that way since. Also they baby gets bigger it's less likely for him to flip since there's not as much room anymore. The movement also is different. Less poking out and more rolling around/wiggling.

Pancake, you look wonderful and I'm glad you're feeling so great too. I hope it stays that way. Hooray for getting Dot's nursery painted soon! That's awesome. Wow, your friend sounds like one BUSY Mommy!!! I hope you have a great lunch. Awesome you're still hitting pilates. I'm glad you found one that you liked. I went to one and it was super easy so I just worked/work out at the gym with SIs.

~LC (36, 5d)
Wow! Seems like so many of you are getting ready to actually HAVE the baby!! OMG. So exciting!!

Here is my 20 week hump day bump day pic :-)

Muff, that's such a cute bump! Funny that your 20-week bump looks like my 17-week bump :(

Pancake, I'm sorry it's dragging on; though you'll probably long for this time in a few weeks ;)

Missy, how are things at work? Are you still having to answer the phone?

NEL, is Byron feeling better?

China, how are you feeling about the 3-hour glucose test? Actually, as I write this I realise that it never even occurred to me to ask the midwife whether this is something they test in the UK :(

Bobbin, it's cool that the baby is already in a position to be born!

AFM, I'm just back from seeing the midwife. She said cramps are okay and probably are due to my uterus stretching. The great news is that we got to hear the heartbeat. She had to fiddle around with the doppler for a couple of minutes but sure enough it was there :D. It's good to have some indication that things are progressing normally as we haven't really seen/heard/felt the baby since our scan a month ago. She also took my blood pressure and said it was normal and checked my urine and said that was normal too.
Unfortunately, she wasn't very well-informed about various things so she suggested I see a doctor too. So I'm going back this afternoon to see the GP. I want to ask about G6PD deficiency which two of my cousins have. I know I don't have it but I'd like to get tested for it to see if I'm a carrier which means I could probably pass the gene on to the baby. It's best that we know because there's pretty severe limitations in terms of what food or medication people with the deficiency can have. So I'm seeing the doctor this afternoon and I'm also finally getting a flu shot.
Missy, sorry your job has been so stressful but yay for a good anatomy scan!

LC, ugh, that is so annoying that everyone at your husband's work keeps coming to work sick. Sorry about the CT as well. Your belly collage is so cool, maybe it will inspire me to take some more pictures! The BOB looks great too and your list looks super thorough! I think the nursing tanks/bras are in with all the other bras but I haven't looked for them there.

MerryMary, good to see you here again! Glad things are going well and I admire your restraint in staying team green!

PPM, glad to see you here!

MQ, cute bump! Glad you and W are doing well!

MuffDog, congrats on team blue! Cute pic! Hope things are going well with your nursery! Cute bump!

S&I, sorry the one hour test didn't go well, hope your 3 hour is ok!

Monnie, congrats on team pink!

China, glad you have a plan to open the envelope fiiiiiiinally! Can't wait to hear what you have in there! Thanks for giving your BTDT list, I'll definitely be coming back to look at that!

NEL, the nursery looks great all finished. Sorry Byron has been sick, hope he is doing well.

Pancake, sorry your ankles temporarily disappeared but glad to hear you are still feeling good and getting a lot done!

Mayerling, smart to make a list of questions, I have a bunch for my next appointment I need to write down! I don't think we'll do much to babyproof from the start, will wait till baby starts moving around and we can think about what might be dangerous.

Bobbin, glad things are going well and you passed your glucose test!

AFM thanks for all the kind words on my grandmother. She passed away peacefully last Friday and the burial is today.

But in much happier news, our anatomy scan was also today, it was very cool although we had the same personality-less tech as we did at the NT scan. But everything looked good and she said we are TEAM PINK! I had a feeling it was girl all along, so it's nice to have it confirmed. Now to try and figure out a name...oh boy. We had a boy name all settled on but still too many options for a girl.

Hope everyone I missed is doing well!
Pancake- Sounds like you have some great plans lined up! I know how you feel with the waiting- O was 10 days late and I was just like WHAT do I do with myself now? I went to a lot of movies, went swimming, had lunch with friends. That's interesting about the fasting/not fasting- do you know why? I'm so curious as everyone gets such different info. Your list is impressive! I will say that I packed a lot of that stuff and didn't use any of it- but better to have it than not, right? I didn't wear any real clothes until I left. It was a bit, um, messy and didn't want to ruin my pretty nursing nightgowns. :cheeky: You are so close!!!!!!!

StephBolt- YAY for TEAM PINK!!!! Seems like we've got quite the mix of boy/girl.

S&I- Ugh, didn't realize you had to do the 3 hour. Hope it isn't too bad!

Lliang- Well, that was a few years ago so I'm sure they have completely different advice now. ;)) Let me know what your BF class says. Not sure if I'll do another one, but a few refresher hints would be nice. And the 5 S's totally works. My DH read the book too and was doing it for the first few weeks and I had no idea. When he went back to work he showed me and I was like OHHHHH! Doesn't work everytime, but enough to at least calm them down when they seem to be crying for no reason. You don't need to read it, just get your DH to show you.

AFM- Grumpy and bored. So tired but other than that, feeling ok. Happy Wednesday!

ETA: Forgot to come back and reveal what the hands test was supposed to mean! Ok, old wives tale is that if you show your PALMS (hands facing up) you are having a GIRL. If you show the top or BACK of your hands, you are having a BOY.

Lliang showed her palms, so guess it doesn't work. :cheeky: Still, I'm curious as to what everyone else does!

So far, it's worked correctly IRL of my admittedly very small control group.
Steph - YAY for Team Pink!!!!

So I think our girl name is now OUT! One of our friends is having a girl this month and she picked Makenzie! Crap! Probably a good thing though. We have a lot of M names going on. Missy, Mike (my brother) and his daughter Mikala. My mom already calls all of us by the wrong name as it is anyway. So back to the drawing board! I still like Emma, DH likes Lillie/Lily. Would Emma with middle name Lillie/Lily work? Emma Lillie/Lily North (Not worried about my last name being on's not an uncommon last name anyway!) Too many short names? Should I have a longer first name to make it flow better? Ahhh I hope we just have a boy because we're pretty set on our boys name! Unfortunately I'm one of the last of my first cousins to have a baby so a lot of the "good" names have been used!
MuffDog, great belly pic. Super cute!

Mayerling, we haven't done anything to baby proof yet. But in one of our classes, they suggested putting all your cleaning materials in an upper cabinet instead of under sinks etc. We dont' have many overhead cabinets, so we'll plan to put them in our storage. DH also bout outlet covers so we'll put those around the house. Hope your GP can answer your question on the G6PD deficiency. I'm in the "Best to know" school of thought, so I'd want to have as much info as possible. Glad the MW was able to confirm the cramps are just from uterine stretching. Hopefully they'll be gone soon. Ask your GP about the leg and arm cramps you were feeling too. At times mine would get really bad. If your doc can suggest some supplements that can help, it'd go a long way to making your pregnancy easier.

Steph, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, but it's great that she passed peacefully. Sending you hugs to you and your family. But onto happier news, HOORAY for Team PINK!!!! How exciting. Very cool you were totally right on your intuition. DH and I both thought we were having a girl, but ended up with a boy. Names will be fun, I hope you guys can come up with some you like. I had 4 names that I liked, and DH ruled out 2 of them. Then he spent like 4 wks going through all the Congressional Medal of Honor winners to find more boy names. We shortened the name list to my remaining 2 and 1 from his medal of honor names.

Missy, sorry to hear your girl name got used before you. I think Emma is a very classic and pretty name. My name is Lisa Marie, so I guess I'm immune to how short the names are.

China, I'll let you know any tips from the BF class. I agree that refreshers would probably be useful. I have the Happiest baby DVD too. I also bought Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child but DH said it was horrible to read, that it wasn't well written at all. Like Weisbuth didn't have an editor or something, so he didn't read it. It's funny because Weisbuth is actually associated (maybe even is at) the hospital I'll be delivering at, so DH suggested we knock on his door and tell him to get a new editor. LOL. I totally know what you mean about feeling tired. I'm glad youre feeling OK though. I think I'm doing palms up because my palms are so sweaty (aren't I an attractive preggo lady, lol), that I want to air them out as much as possible.

Katie, MQ, Merry, how are you guys doing?

~LC (36w, 6d)
Coming back to post a bump pic. I waited too long to edit my prior post. And to add that I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother Steph, but glad to know that she went peacefully.
21 weeks 3 days!

Missy0483|1328117174|3116485 said:
Steph - YAY for Team Pink!!!!

So I think our girl name is now OUT! One of our friends is having a girl this month and she picked Makenzie! Crap! Probably a good thing though. We have a lot of M names going on. Missy, Mike (my brother) and his daughter Mikala. My mom already calls all of us by the wrong name as it is anyway. So back to the drawing board! I still like Emma, DH likes Lillie/Lily. Would Emma with middle name Lillie/Lily work? Emma Lillie/Lily North (Not worried about my last name being on's not an uncommon last name anyway!) Too many short names? Should I have a longer first name to make it flow better? Ahhh I hope we just have a boy because we're pretty set on our boys name! Unfortunately I'm one of the last of my first cousins to have a baby so a lot of the "good" names have been used!

What about Emme? A bit of a cross between the two, a little more uncommon? Just an idea.

If you are sticking with Emma (which is a gorgeous name) I like Emma Lily. :-)
Missy, look at your adorable little 21 week bump!! As for names, I love both Lily and Emma. Together is tougher because they're both two syllables. Something like Emma Lillian might have better cadence, but I like Lily more than Lillian. Gah, it's so hard! We went around and around about middle names 100 times. At least the boy name is all set so you just have to figure out the girl name!

China, thanks for posting your "must have" list, it's helpful for all of us. Really, any BTDT advice is helpful! Like the nursing tank insight. I bought a couple of cheaper nursing tanks from Target and they work, but I should probably invest in some better ones. I only have one actual nursing bra so far, but I worry how much bigger I might get once my milk comes in. Congrats on hitting 24 weeks today!!

Oh, and the idea of fasting for a "true" reading makes sense. I do feel like there is a lot of conflicting information around eating vs. not eating before the 1 hour test. I ended up calling my OB office because I didn't know what was best. I was afraid if I ate nothing at all, then the sugary drink might send my body into overdrive or something. I ended up only having a handful of cereal, and it was more than an hour before the test, but I remember having no clue what was best.

Steph, I am so, so sorry to hear about your grandma. I've been thinking of you since she moved into the hospice. I know that must be really tough on you and your family. On the bright side, I'm excited for you to join team pink!! The name will come along, no stress! You have lots of time!

Muffdog, your bump is tiny and adorable, too! You and Monnie both seem to have long torsos with lots of room for the baby, which is great!

LC, I STILL have not watched the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD, which is kind of hilarious. We WILL do that over the next couple of weeks. Then maybe it will be fresh in my mind :) Oh, and thanks for the reminder to throw my itzbeen in the hospital bag.

Mayerling, I have done absolutely nothing to babyproof my house yet. Nothing at all. I haven't even bought outlet covers. I know what I'm going to need to do, but haven't had the inspiration to actually do it. I'm sure I'll regret it in about 6 months :)

Pancake, your hospital list has a lot more clothes on it than mine. I think I just need more nursing clothes. I have several nursing shirts, but only 1 nursing bra and 2 nursing camis. I just don't know when to buy them because I'm worried I'll get the bras in the wrong size. Blah, I might make up a "back-up" bag for D to grab if I need it after a couple of days. I'll figure it out.

Glad your appt. went well, but I'm sure at this point you're hoping to see some signs of progression!

S&I, ugh, I'm so sorry to hear you have to take the 3 hour test. What a pain in the butt! I'm sure it will be fine, but spending hours at the doctor's office is not exactly fun. I'm wishing you lots of luck!

AFM, I was doing a little "hospital pajamas" shopping last night and couldn't help but notice that all of the sexy lingerie is out for valentine's day. HA! I don't think a corset is in my near future!

I'm 36 weeks today! Only 3 weeks and 1 day to go! Eeee!
Steph, congrats on being team pink! :appl:

LC, unfortunately the doctor wasn't very helpful about G6PD. He had to check a bunch of books, gave me incorrect info - that only males can have the deficiency - and basically said I don't need to worry in the pregnancy because I'm doing all the enzyme work for the baby anyway :shock:. But I've done my own research and found out that it's an X-linked deficiency - so it's certainly not true that only males can have it - so if I have the gene I could pass it on to the baby. And yes, it would be really good to know in advance because people with this deficiency are extremely allergic to certain medications (e.g. penicillin) and certain foods (e.g. broad/lima beans which I love but which my research tells me I shouldn't touch while pregnant). Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to get to the bottom of this during the pregnancy, so I'll try to avoid the dangerous substances and stick it out until the baby is born and they can check for it. And next time I'm home I'll pay privately to have the blood work done myself so as to be aware of what's going on for future pregnancies. I mean, there's no reason to avoid penicillin, broad beans, etc. if I don't carry the defective gene in the first place, is there?

As for babyproofing, I'm really concerned about table corners. Is anybody doing anything about that?
Mayerling- We didn't babyproof until O actually got mobile, so you have some time to worry about it. In general though, we either bought furniture with soft corners (replaced our sharp-edged wood coffee table with soft ottoman) or bought the table pads to go on the edges. There are kits that you can buy that add these plastic hook type things to cabinet doors and drawers so that they only open a tiny amount unless you know how to open them. We bought a different toilet lid so that it slowly closes and you can't slam fingers under it. Also, baby gates for any stairs or rooms you want to close off. Put all of the household cleaners, medicines, anything toxic, up high so they can't accidentally put anything in their mouths. Outlet covers.

O crawled at 6 months, which is average/early, and we did nothing before then. Once they get mobile, you will see quickly what you need to protect the kiddo from.
Mayerling, ugh! So annoying your GP was not helpful at all. AND gave you mis-information. I mean, in my opinion, it's better if you tell me, "I don't know the answer to that, I'll have to follow up with you later" than give me the WRONG info! Good thing you're so on top of your research. Re: table corners, we only have 1 table in our condo, dining table, and it's glass, so I'm going to get rid of it and get a whole new table. And for the space, a round one actually works best. Our coffee table is one of those coffee table/ottomans, so that's pretty baby-safe. ChinaCat has some great advice. They say the best thing to do is to invite a toddler to your house and see what they get into. It'd be a stressful visit,but at least you know you'll be baby proofed. And the rowdier the toddler the better I guess. LOL.

NEL, I haven't read or watched Happiest Baby either. I'm "reading" The Baby Whisperer. Reading in quotes because I'm carrying it around in my bag, but not really reading it... Worse comes to worse, you can watch Happiest Baby in teh hospital during recovery. That way it'll be super fresh in your mind. LOL about the sexy Valentine lingerie. I feel the same way too. I should check if they make any sexy V-day lingerie for 9 month preggo ladies. I think it'd be hilarious since I currently ROLL myself out of bed etc. Not exactly the super smooth svelte image one would project in sexy lingerie.
BTW, I so think Katie is going to be born before Ethan. I was just telling DH, that I seriously do'nt think he'll come early. And DH said the same thing too.

OK late to a meeting!

Wow, you guys have been busy posting here whilst I've been trying to sleep!

NEL, I am a serial over-packer, don't worry! I am pretty sure that when I'm actually IN the hospital I will be in my pyjamas or sweats all day, either with no bra or just a sleep maternity bra on! You are right... part of me is hoping for things to start getting moving!

LC - I am in the "rolling out of bed" (with variable amounts of difficulty!) camp too! Actually I am moving more comfortably than I was a couple of weeks ago, I think mostly because my belly is much lower. But still! Not conducive to sexiness, agreed!

Mayerling, I'm sorry that your GP wasn't able to give you better information about G6PD. If only your cousins are affected then it's more likely that the mutation comes from someone outside of your own bloodlines, but I can totally understand why you would want to get checked! Glad that the midwife was reassuring. Re babyproofing - haven't even thought about it! We have toddlers here all the time and I have an idea of some of the things we'll need to do, but we'll do them gradually as they become issues. First thing will be moving some things that are down low up onto higher shelves, safety-plugging the power points and corner-guarding eg. the coffee table. Then onto gates etc.

Missy, your bump looks gorgeous! Mine popped out around your stage and I really enjoyed that initial period when it was really clear that I was PREGNANT, not just thick around the middle :lol: I agree that with a two syllable first name, perhaps consider a 3 syllable middle name? That said, Dot has a Vietnamese middle name which is 2 syllables, and both of our shortlisted first names are 2 as well, so...!

Steph, I'm sorry to hear your grandmother passed but I'm glad that she was comfortable and that you got to spend some time with her so close to the end. Very exciting that you are having a little girl, and I'm sure your grandmother would have been excited too!

China, oh, I have definitely overpacked! But better over than under I think? You are right, it is funny at this stage, just waiting for things to happen. I am keeping busy and enjoying my days though. All the old wives' methods of sex prediction told me I was having a boy... but apparently I am having a girl :lol:

Muffdog, you look fantastic! I love that dress by the way, and the way it highlights your teeny little svelte bump!

AFM - 38 weeks, 3 days. The way I am counting the days harks back to the scary 1st trimester, except that it's not so scary. It's a funny time; I don't think it's so much that I want things to happen NOW (in fact I don't really!), it's the Type A part of my mind (soon to be completely blown out of the water, I'm aware!) wanting to know WHEN they will happen.

My obstetrician and I have talked a bit about induction over the last couple of appointments. My desire is not to go further than 41 weeks, and fortunately he agrees with me as does his relief cover. So next week I'll see the covering obstetrician, we'll see what's happening, and the likely thing is that if I haven't gone into labour at 40 weeks she'll do an examination and see what my cervix is doing in order to plan for a possible IOL. That said, it could all well happen before then so I guess it's just a wait-and-see thing! (like so many parts of pregnancy!)

I have ticked off quite a few things from my To Do list: been to the dentist, had my hair cut, unpacked boxes that needed unpacking, sugar soaped the areas of the nursery that need painting, designed and ordered our wedding reception album, fixed up our car insurance, picked up the baby capsule (which I have now had for a week and is still sitting in its box on the back seat of my car :rolleyes: ). I need to: organise cable TV (most people in Australia don't have it but I figured it would be good to pass the time during bleary-eyed night feeds!), send some work emails, repack my hospital bag into something bigger now that I've got a breastfeeding pillow.

I don't know this Happiest Baby on the Block book/DVD/?. I think here a lot of people are into the Baby Whisperer but there is also this fabulous book called Baby Love, written by a maternal and child health nurse with decades of experience and it's just fantastic! Really sensible and down to earth, very reassuring, very practical and thankfully free of hyperbole.
Um... how is this for a "PS preggo brainfart"??

I purchased a 1.15ct OEC about 8 months ago and had it sent to BGD to be set in a pendant. Somehow, along the way, I have completely FORGOTTEN about the project, didn't pay for it and it didn't even cross my mind until last night! It didn't help that their last email to me went to my spam folder, but seriously - what kind of PSer am I???

On the nice side, this pendant will become a nice push present to myself :lol:
Pancake, LOL about the PS preggo brain fart! That's totally funny. But you can't brain fart on posting pictures or we'll be very cross with you.... This *is* PS after all ;)) I'm glad to hear Dot's making her way down. Ethan's still sitting up pretty high, I can definitely feel him high up when I'm sitting. Although the MW did say he's moving lower, but it must just be very slowly. Wow, look how productive you've been in your time! Make sure you take some time to just take it easy and/or just pamper yourself.

AFM: Full term today! Yay! :appl: I've been on a real fruit kick of late an packed myself a bunch of grapes and oranges etc as snacks today. Of course I'm eating it all right now.... Finishing up some things for our last shower, except I have a busy next two evenings. Breast feeding class on Saturday too. For you ladies who did one, did your DH's come along too? J is coming with me on Saturday.

~LC (37 wk today!)
Pancake- Wow, look at you all super organized! Glad you have an induction "plan" in mind. I so didn't want to be induced, but of course that's exactly what happened. I got to 41 weeks, fluids got too low, so out he came! The induction wasn't bad at all, despite all my concerns. No cable? Do you Aussie's not watch a lot of TV, or just watch regular TV or what? Do tell! We have an Aussie family on our block and they are awesome, so much fun. As for Happiest Baby on the Block- I didn't read it. But I can tell you what the 5 S's are-


Basically do this when baby is screaming and fussy, but not hungry or need diaper change: Swaddle baby tight. Stick a paci in their mouth. Place baby on your arm, but facing out on its side. So place your forearm out in front of you, put baby on its side lengthwise facing out, cradle baby's head in your palm. Make loud "shushing" noises. Bounce and swing back and forth. Continue for 10 minutes or 4 hours, however long it takes for baby to stay quiet. :cheeky:

O wouldn't take the paci, so I just held it in his mouth with my finger as I was swaying with him. That's it, that's the 5 S's. I have no idea if Happiest Baby on the Block says anything else. ;))

I read them all and they all confused me. My advice is pick one that appeals to you, and stick with it. Consistency is key. And the books will say things like "if you do this, your baby will do x." Your baby will not do x and you will cry and scream and throw the book and wonder why.

The answer is sometimes your baby will do x. Sometimes they won't. Keep at something long enough and it will eventually work 75% of the time, which is as good as it gets.

LLIang- Yay for TERM! :appl:
pancake, it sounds like you are getting so many things crossed off your list, and I'm glad that you're able to do so much because you're feeling great so close to the end. Sorry your last checkup didn't show much progress, but as you know, all that could change in an instant. Thanks for your detailed hospital bag list too! It's good that you and your OB have agreed on an induction plan if needed. Oh, and your preggo brain fart story makes for an awesome push present! I'm surprised Brian and Leslie didn't just give you a call when you stopped answering their emails. They just sat there with your stone? Can't wait to see the finished pendant!

mayerling, I haven't done anything to baby-proof our house either. I figure we'll have a while before the baby becomes mobile. When he starts crawling, we'll probably put up some gates or something to block off the area around the TV in the living room. Other than that, we haven't really thought about it yet. Yay for being able to hear your baby's heartbeat! Sorry the doctor you saw wasn't very helpful with your G6PD questions, and that he didn't just tell you honestly that he didn't know the answers, versus giving you wrong information!

LC, do you remember if you were able to drink water during the 3-hour test? Even with the 1-hour test, I was getting thirsty just because I wasn't used to such a sweet drink. Thanks for the reassurance about my iron level too. I've had problems in the past with it being too low, so it wasn't a total shock. I was told to bring in my bottle of prenatal vitamins so they can take a look at how much iron I'm getting from that to see if they want me to add more. Yay for getting to full term - not long now!

MuffDog, your tiny bump is so cute - enjoy it while it lasts!

steph, I'm so sorry to hear that your grandmother passed, but it sounds like she had a wonderful life and went peacefully, and I'm so glad that you were able to spend some time with her beforehand. Congrats on team PINK!

China, I never got a chance to answer you before, but I think my first instinct was to show you my hands palms up, so I guess it didn't work for me either. What happens if you're having boy/girl twins? :cheeky: Thanks for spelling out the 5 S's - I was wondering since I haven't read the book either.

Missy, sorry Makenzie is out, but Emma and Lillie/Lily are both great names! Great bump pic too! You are definitely carrying high up, so maybe you won't have to worry about your girl name in the end.

NEL, I'm definitely not looking forward to it, but I've resigned myself to just accept it for what it is. It's better to know if I do have it so I can do whatever it takes to ensure Alex is safe. My cousin is going through all this ahead of me, so I've been bombarding her with questions. Funny about all the V-day lingerie.

AFM, my 3-hour test is tomorrow morning. I am dreading that sweet drink, and just hope that I don't feel like puking after drinking it. They told me to just eat a normal dinner tonight, which I thought was a bit weird since I've heard that most people are told to eat carbs before fasting.
