
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

PetitePoire|1330444663|3136345 said:
Mayerling- oh yes, it would be a shame to not use the healthcare here, so I'll just stick with what I've got! I'll learn. Re: idea! I feel like I've read that somewhere, so perhaps there is truth to it and I will definitely ask about it. It would be nice!

I just had another idea. You could take advantage of EU policy too and just have the baby in the UK where you speak the language. Having said that, it would probably be difficult if you don't have anywhere to stay in the UK... :confused:
Morning! Well, I'm 16 weeks today and I'm wearing maternity jeans to work. My normal jeans still fit, but it got to be a hassle using a bella band/tank and always having to adjust. This just seems so much easier. I took my weekly picture and I think I finally have a bump...I'll post it tomorrow for hump day bump day. Also (I hate to say this, because every time I do it reverts back), I think I'm out of the morning/all day sickness phase! I haven't had to take a zofran since last Wednesday. There are times when I don't feel great, but nothing like it was. It seems to have been replaced with a fun new thing- if I get hungry I'll dry heave over and over until I eat. Yeah, totally sexy. Still better than the morning sickness though!!

Hope you are all doing well!
I just had another idea. You could take advantage of EU policy too and just have the baby in the UK where you speak the language. Having said that, it would probably be difficult if you don't have anywhere to stay in the UK... :confused:[/quote]

I've definitely wanted to consider ALL options, but the more DH signs me up for things the better I feel. I get paranoid that I would go into early labor and not be at the "better" hospital anyways and not registered at a local one. DH has done a great job this week of taking me to speak with the midwives to ask my billion questions. When I asked I could understand about 95% of what she said, so that made me feel better.

AMC- glad all day sickness has started to subside! Definitely a good thing. Pregnancy seems to have all sorts of odd joys that come along the way. Early on I had sore bbs, but that went away and now it's back! Things seem to come in waves.
Quick question: I had a friend and her toddler over for brunch a couple of days ago and the toddler's just come down with chickenpox. I've had it so I'm not that worried. But is there any way it might turn to shingles for me, or could the baby be affected?
Mayer, not a clue but if you've had it, I wouldn't worry.

Another quick question for experienced preggo mamas - how do you know the difference between leaking amniotic fluid and just peeing a little when you didn't realize it?
megumic|1330477102|3136818 said:
Another quick question for experienced preggo mamas - how do you know the difference between leaking amniotic fluid and just peeing a little when you didn't realize it?

It keeps going! Trust me, given my history, I freak myself out daily. After my shower yesterday I felt a dribble, wiped well, waited a minute, then checked if there was any more. Nothing thank goodness. A leak wouldn't just stop. They also say you can smell it (or not smell pee, really) but that didn't work for me. I guess my nose doesn't work well enough.
Kunzite|1330478976|3136852 said:
megumic|1330477102|3136818 said:
Another quick question for experienced preggo mamas - how do you know the difference between leaking amniotic fluid and just peeing a little when you didn't realize it?

It keeps going!

Exactly. During my 1st pregnancy, my water started leaking on Friday night. I woke up and my undies and pants were wet - not soaked, but wet. I wasn't 100% sure what exactly it was since I always expected a big gush when my water broke. Then around 6am I woke up and was wet again so we went to the hospital to get checked out. They ran some sort of test to see if it was amniotic fluid and it came up negative :o . Home I went....and for the rest of the day, I kept leaking (while at the mall, the grocery store, etc). So...back to the hospital that night and they determined it was in fact my amniotic fluid. Gave birth about 12 hours later to a big, healthy baby boy :))
Meg, I leaked fluid and that's how my L&D started. It doesn't stop. If it's just a little tsp or so just once then I wouldn't worry about it. If it's constant then I'd call the OB. For me. It would leak out when I stood. I picked some up wiht TP and it was colorless and didn't smell like urine. Later on, 12 hrs later almost it smelled "fleshy" for lack of a better word.
Mayerling - if you've had chicken pox yourself, you should be fine. I think your doc could check for antibodies against it if you want to make sure. Shingles is when the chicken pox you had before reactivates, but I don't think that can happen just because you're exposed to the virus in someone else. And if you're immune, you're not going to get it again and your baby won't be affected. Call your OB/doc if you're concerned.
FLy by hump day-bump day post!

These were taken on the weekend (31w5d), we had a free maternity shoot from McKenzie & Todd Photographers in Brisbane:




Bobbin! Love them!!!! You two look adorable and in love! :love: The smiley face is too cute, first time I've seen that!
Here's my hump day bump day contribution! I don't think my bump has changed too much recently.This is a regular sweater, not maternity. I don't want to buy too many long sleeve shirts since *hopefully* Spring is coming soon! Oh and this is 25w3d.

IMAG0485 (2).jpg
Well, it's official...I've popped. I swear, this baby read some sort of book on development. Yesterday I actually looked pregnant and was starving all day. Before 11am I had a bowl of cereal, a banana, cheese stick, grapes, and a yogurt...and was still starving. Then I get my weekly update that says week 16 is a growth spurt, so expect to be hungry and start showing. Done and done! DH was outside when I got out of the car after work and his eyes got really big, and he said "wow, you really look pregnant!"

So, here's my 16w pic from yesterday. It may not look like much to you guys, but trust me, it's a pretty big change over the previous week.

And here's week 6 for comparison-


Yay AMC! I definitely see that you've popped. Love the comparison! I'm feeling girl for you because the way you are carrying.
Amc - Ooooh when you compare the 2 pics I def see it. Yay!! :appl: It's always fun when DH notices. I was wearing one of my Michigan football zip up jackets a couple weeks ago and DH laughed and said it looked funny sticking out like that. HA!

DH has been "patting" my belly before he leaves each morning and says "bye bye" to the baby. He does the same to our cats heads when he leaves. So silly. I bought a body pillow and it's so comfortable! DH said it takes up so much space like another person is in the bed. I told him there is another person in the bed!! He said "Oh yeah...I'm just kidding I have plenty of room!" :lol:

BRU has a one day online sale...20% off today only!
Missy0483|1330536079|3137391 said:
Amc - Ooooh when you compare the 2 pics I def see it. Yay!! :appl: It's always fun when DH notices. I was wearing one of my Michigan football zip up jackets a couple weeks ago and DH laughed and said it looked funny sticking out like that. HA!

DH has been "patting" my belly before he leaves each morning and says "bye bye" to the baby. He does the same to our cats heads when he leaves. So silly. I bought a body pillow and it's so comfortable! DH said it takes up so much space like another person is in the bed. I told him there is another person in the bed!! He said "Oh yeah...I'm just kidding I have plenty of room!" :lol:

BRU has a one day online sale...20% off today only!

Apparently week 16 is when the baby can start to hear, so DH now talks to the baby and says bye when he leaves for work. He's also told me not to sing anymore because he doesn't want it irritating the baby. Ha. :shock:

Thanks for the heads up about the sale, we just did our registry over the weekend so maybe I'll get something for the baby.

PetitePoire said:
Yay AMC! I definitely see that you've popped. Love the comparison! I'm feeling girl for you because the way you are carrying.

Funny, everyone in the JBP thread poll we had said boy for me! Hopefully we'll find out soon!!
Hi girls - I hope you are all doing well and growing!

I just had a question for you...does anyone else who is a first timer feel...scared? I mean, I know that we wanted this and that we will love this baby but sometimes i look at myself (and my belly) and get a wave of anxiety. I don't know what to do - I'm sure it is normal ish but it is worrying me. Plus when I read stories about people who are already having 'moments', I worry that I'm not. Hubs doesn't talk to the baby - sure he rubs my belly once in a while and is happy to see me growing, and I don't sit down and read stories to the little guy or anything.

I guess I'm just feeling like I *should* be a certain way and it is freaking me out that I'm not. Is it possible that I'm the only person in the world who won't just fall over in love with their baby? I certainly hope not - in that I want to be one of those people. I do! I guess I worry that because I'm not all mushy over this and am having anxiety that I'm not going to 'get there'. You know?

Anyways - hope someone has words of wisdom for me. I could use them. Thanks.
MuffDog|1330542095|3137488 said:
Hi girls - I hope you are all doing well and growing!

I just had a question for you...does anyone else who is a first timer feel...scared? I mean, I know that we wanted this and that we will love this baby but sometimes i look at myself (and my belly) and get a wave of anxiety. I don't know what to do - I'm sure it is normal ish but it is worrying me. Plus when I read stories about people who are already having 'moments', I worry that I'm not. Hubs doesn't talk to the baby - sure he rubs my belly once in a while and is happy to see me growing, and I don't sit down and read stories to the little guy or anything.

I guess I'm just feeling like I *should* be a certain way and it is freaking me out that I'm not. Is it possible that I'm the only person in the world who won't just fall over in love with their baby? I certainly hope not - in that I want to be one of those people. I do! I guess I worry that because I'm not all mushy over this and am having anxiety that I'm not going to 'get there'. You know?

Anyways - hope someone has words of wisdom for me. I could use them. Thanks.

I get what you mean. It's weird, when I had my very short-lived chemical pregnancy, I was super connected to the baby, from the minute I found out I was pregnant. I remember having this feeling that I had a little buddy who was always with me. I never got that feeling this time. Maybe it was a way of protecting myself, who knows. I know I'm pregnant, and even now that I appear slightly pregnant, it still hasn't sunk in. Like I haven't really bonded with the baby at all. I love him/her, and can't wait for the baby to be here, but it's all very disconnected still. I think/hope it will change a little once I feel the baby move. I mean really, up until now, the baby has just been something that has made me feel like crap every day for 10 weeks...not to mention fat. Now that the nausea is going away and I will (hopefully) be able to enjoy pregnancy, I'm hoping I'll start to bond with the baby a little more.
AMC- I remember reading the poll! I can't wait to see because I always wondered to myself why they were guessing boy, not that I have any real evidence as to why. :cheeky:

Muffdog- when I see other new babies, in real life, I get a wave on anxiety thinking "omg this will be us soon!" It wasn't until recently that I started feeling lots of movement, which helped me to connect with the baby inside. I get excited over the idea of her being here and using things for her, but then when I think of the reality, I worry. I guess I would just say that you aren't alone! We all have our own worries, perhaps in different ways.

23 weeks. <--- I'm going to start remembering to add this at the bottom because I get so lost with everyone's dates, so hopefully if anyone else is like me this will help them. :)
MuffDog|1330542095|3137488 said:
Hi girls - I hope you are all doing well and growing!

I just had a question for you...does anyone else who is a first timer feel...scared? I mean, I know that we wanted this and that we will love this baby but sometimes i look at myself (and my belly) and get a wave of anxiety. I don't know what to do - I'm sure it is normal ish but it is worrying me. Plus when I read stories about people who are already having 'moments', I worry that I'm not. Hubs doesn't talk to the baby - sure he rubs my belly once in a while and is happy to see me growing, and I don't sit down and read stories to the little guy or anything.

I guess I'm just feeling like I *should* be a certain way and it is freaking me out that I'm not. Is it possible that I'm the only person in the world who won't just fall over in love with their baby? I certainly hope not - in that I want to be one of those people. I do! I guess I worry that because I'm not all mushy over this and am having anxiety that I'm not going to 'get there'. You know?

Anyways - hope someone has words of wisdom for me. I could use them. Thanks.

Muffdog, I think some anxiety is totally normal, at least I hope so, because I'm the same way! DH and I planned and wanted this, but I have days where I think "OMG, were we insane? Our lives are never going to be the same!" I worry about how we are going to deal with sleep deprivation and balancing work and home life and raising a child without scarring them for life! But it helps me to tell myself that millions of other people have done this successfully and we don't have to figure it all out right now, we'll be able to learn as we go. So you're not alone!

As a first time mom to a 5 1/2 month old, my advice is to not beat yourself up. There is no certain way that you "should" be feeling. I have always wanted to be a mom. ALWAYS. When I found out, I was beyond happy and excited... and scared. I loved my baby growing inside of me. We didn't read to him and my hubby also did not talk to him really. But that didn't mean we loved our baby any less. Honestly, I don't think I truly fell in love with my baby until a month or so in... as in, after he was born. Sure, the first moment of seeing his gorgeous face, I absolutely loved him. But it wasn't the same love as I feel now. I don't know how to explain it really. I think that becoming a parent is a HUGE milestone in anyone's life. I truly felt like I was in denial the entire time I was pregnant. Sure I knew a baby was growing inside me, but until you actually have the baby, none of it seems real. And the love you think you feel now, is nothing compared to the love you will feel later.

Trust me, how you are feeling or not feeling, is absolutely normal.
Phew - you girls are making me feel a bit better. It might be the hormones but my emotions are all over the place with this thing.

I also had no clue how hard it would be to see my body changing like this. It was cute for a while with a little bump but I just exploded recently and wow - it is a weird thing to watch and unexpectedly hard to handle. I've never been body obsessed but woah.

That being said, I know how lucky I am to have a baby growing away in there. I know that. See? I'm all over the place these days!
Lynnie, Hi!!! My sister and I are 15 months apart, and I have no idea how my mom did it :shock: It's so much fun for the kids though :D

Mayerling, yay for team blue! And glad you're looking forward to it now :) I'm still sad whenever I go shopping. Girl's clothes are so much cuter! Woo ho for kicks! Aren't they the best??? :D Funny because that didn't kick in my nesting instinct...I'm such a lazy bum.

Pheonix, wow, your lucky baby is going to be born at such a posh hospital! :naughty: Hope you get to snag it! Has he turned?

Monnie, thanks for that question! Love the info.
Megumic, thanks for the blog too! Loved that birth plan. Actually I might simply edit and print it out for myself.

PPM, yuck, what NA horribleness did your DH find?

Steph, I have no registry. At this rate I'm not even sure if we'll have a stroller before he's born! So no worries.

Kunzite, thanks for your sympathies. What a horrible bus experience! Do you do this every day? I take the train to commute once a week. Last year I was 11 weeks pregnant, and I gave my seat to a lady who was ready to pop the next minute. Granted I was only 11 weeks and nobody knew I was pregnant, but why did a pregnant gal had to give up her seat for another? grr
Love your US! They are so cute!!!!

S&I, thanks for your sympathies. I was about to buy a belt, then my mom sent me a box full of stuff! So I have a belt, a girdle, and granny panties that work as girdle :lol: I wear the belt to work for now, and I feel much better. I'm not sure if it's because I'm forcing myself to sit now, or if the belt is working. I think it's worth it though.
I'm still frustrated that your doctor didn't explain your induction reason! What are your thoughts on it? Can you refuse if you wanted to?

Lizzy, have a great scan! I'll be looking for your update :D So jealous about your Orlando trip! How long are you staying?

Mannequin, I'm assuming that you didn't deliver today!! :D

Bobbin, what cute pictures!! :love:

missy, I'm jealous that you can still zip your sweaters.

Muff, I never read stories to mine either. I talk enough to DH that I figured he knows my voice already :p If it helps, I don't think you need to panic about it. My mom constantly told me how she doesn't like babies, how she had the worst case of blues when I was born, and how she held me and thought it's the stupidest thing ever. You can be sure that she never talked to me when she was pregnant, because back then doctors said there's no point :roll:
I never felt unloved though. These are just funny stories that we laugh about together. I turned out fine (I think), I know my mom loves me, and your boy will too!
I don't know how strongly you're reacting to your body, but I hate it.

AFM, 24 weeks today! I'm focusing so much on being comfortable when teaching that my lectures are suffering from it :p The baby didn't like the doppler last week and he kicked it. Just chugging along here :) Hi to all!!
choro72|1330553116|3137671 said:
missy, I'm jealous that you can still zip your sweaters.
Haha well I better be a little more up stretchy sweaters still work as long as they were bigger on me to begin with, sweatshirt-material type jackets don't. I mean they do, but I look ridiculous like I'm gonna bust out the zipper! :oops: By the way, where have your bump pics been!!

--25 weeks 3 days
Missy0483|1330561008|3137801 said:
choro72|1330553116|3137671 said:
missy, I'm jealous that you can still zip your sweaters.
Haha well I better be a little more up stretchy sweaters still work as long as they were bigger on me to begin with, sweatshirt-material type jackets don't. I mean they do, but I look ridiculous like I'm gonna bust out the zipper! :oops: By the way, where have your bump pics been!!

--25 weeks 3 days

I know the feeling. My current go-to coat is a North Face coat which is actually the inner layer of my ski coat. Super cute, black, warm, fitted. It's a stuggle to get it zipped at the bottom...and once I manage that there's the matter of my boobs. So I end up feeling very sausage-y once it's on. But seeing how it's March 1 tomorrow I don't really want to buy a new one, you know? I thought I'd get away with it since this winter has been so mild...but of course now we've had snow every day since Sunday...

Also, can we talk about baby showers? Mine isn't for months, but my extremely organized BFF is already brainstorming on themes. I *think* I've decided for a boy I'd like a baseball theme, like this-
But can't think of anything for a girl. I like the idea of high tea or something like that, but it would require me to dress up which is something I'd like to avoid. What did all of you do?
My water broke this morning as I was getting up to get ready for my teaching job. Heading to the hospital soon! I can't wait to meet my son!
Good luck MQ! :appl:
Easy labor dust MQ!
MQ!!! Thinking of you this morning and hoping that L&D is going well!!

Muffdog, I agree that you can't beat yourself up. The mom guilt starts early, doesn't it? I remember when we had our very first u/s at 7 or 8 weeks and saw the heart flickering. I thought I SHOULD be crying, but my primary emotion was fear, haha. Everything you're feeling is completely warranted and normal.
MQ!!! Wishing you tons of good luck today and hope everything goes smoothly!!