
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MQ, happy pushing!
MQ, good luck today!

Choro, I know what you mean. Girl outfits are sooooo much cuter. I have to force myself to only look at boy stuff whenever I go shopping.

Muffdog, you shouldn't feel guilty about anything. Your feelings are perfectly understandable. I for one am constantly worried that the baby will come, I'll get PPD, and won't want to have it around at all :(( I have to force myself to think positive.

Lizzy, have you had your scan yet?

Amc, the bump is definitely there!

AFM, 21+1 today. I have a bump pic from yesterday that I need to upload at some point. Baby is happily kicking away and I'm enjoying every minute of it :love: Nothing much else to report right now.
Mannequin, wishing you good luck today!!

MuffDog--I hope you're feeling better today and more at ease. I was really able to relate to your post. I have had several moments of sheer panic over the past few months! Typically, when I'm at work I forget all about being pregnant UNTIL the baby moves, and then I feel this weird panic/self-conscious/hyper-aware/ickyness. I think it's because I work exclusively with guys, not that they make me uncomfortable, but that it's so easy to focus on just work and not pregnancy when I'm there! But when I'm at home and I start to panic out of the blue it's usually over something I feel like isn't getting completed fast enough like nursery projects. In no way do I feel like I won't be able to handle parenting, but I do sometimes worry that I won't have an infinite amount of patience and that scares me a bit. The body changes...are tough. I am someone who has been obsessive about my body in the past, and honestly I'm glad I waited until I was in my 30's before doing this pregnancy thing. I don't think I would've dealt with some of the changes as well if I were younger and less comfortable in my skin. Anywho, I still expect a lot from my body and some of the symptoms I've had (constipation, swelling) are making me angry because I feel like my body is healthy enough to be immune to those things! Argh! The appearance is kind of secondary, for me, to function is what I'm trying to say. Oh, I was also going to add that I think since your nursery is being done by someone else (yay--so cool!), maybe you could bond more by making something for the room? Or maybe a really simple quilt? I find myself wanting to nest all the time now, heck even when I was just 2-3 months along, and that has helped me feel closer to my child.

AFM, 27 weeks and thinking of switching health care providers. Long story but I think my doctor is useless and the people at the hospital where I'm supposed to deliver are idiots. In other news, yesterday a woman asked me when I was due and I said "I'm not, it's a tumor." I admit to feeling rather prickly these days and very protective of my privacy and I think of the baby as well!
Hi there ladies, just popping in to give an update on my anatomy scan today. Baby is looking great! All anatomy checks were right on for size and no abnormalities were found. What a relief! We even managed to stay on Team GREEN! You don't know how bad DH and I wanted to look at the screen but I know it will be worth the wait. We also got our results of the second round of blood work from our Sequential Screen and it all came back negative - 1 in 10000 for both Down's and Trisomy! It was so weird because in the waiting room, I could feel and see my belly moving a little while we waited and I thought maybe they were kicks, but when the u/s technician started she immediately said that the baby had hiccups! That totally explained it! I do still have an anterior placenta which is why I haven't felt any kicks yet, but it was cool to finally experience some feeling in there!
Ahhhh so my friend who is an u/s tech said she would scan me. She's been on maternity leave and was supposed to go back to work this past Tuesday. Well, they didn't put her on the schedule so she didn't know when she'd actually be starting up again. She just texted me and said she is going back tomorrow, and might be able to work me in to her schedule! She won't know until the morning...but it's crazy to know I might know what the baby is in 24 hours. OMG!
Monarch - Good luck with the doctor switch!!

Lizzy - YAY for team green!!! Good to hear that things went well today! And yay for feeling some kind of "feelings". It's so cool to sit and see your stomach move! I haven't felt any hiccups though.

Mayerling - I'm the total opposite. I love boys clothes. A lot of the girl stuff is too frilly for me!

Muffdog - I'm sorta the same. I'm so scared that we won't know what we're doing when the baby comes. DH and I are both the youngest out of our siblings so we never got to help a younger brother or sister while growing up. Luckily we both have nieces, but I helped out a lot more with mine than he did. I don't even think he's changed a poopy diaper yet, only pee. Oh boy!

AMC - :o So exciting!!! The veterinarian at my work said she'll still do an ultrasound on me whenever I'm ready. I think I can wait a little while longer!
Wow. It is so nice to know that I'm not alone in feeling this way!

Missy - I'm sure that you will be fine once the baby comes!! Since your DH doesn't have too much experience - I guess he's going to do all of the poopy diapers to start!

Lizzy - congrats on Team Green! Even though I knew that I need to know I do think that it would have been more exciting to wait :-)

Monarch - Your description of the weird panic/self-conscious/hyper-aware/ickyness is exactly what I've been feeling!! I was feeling that even more so a month ago I think when I thought someone was looking at me or if I thought they even COULD look at me. It was so weird...but it is really comforting to know that I am not the only one. I think pregnancy is such an interesting thing - external proof of our 'situation'/private lives. I remember when I wasn't preggo I would look at women and think they were so lucky/beautiful to be pregnant. Of course that doesn't translate to what I think people are thinking when they look at me! I think a 'project' would be good for me to get more comfortable with all of this! PS if your doctor is useless, better to move on now than wait!

Mayerling - 21 weeks now eh?! The kicks are so cool, right?

NEL - I'm glad you said that about what you felt like you 'should' be feeling. I felt that way at our first real ultrasound (shouldn't I be crying?), when we found out it was a boy (shouldn't I be screaming with excitement?) and even when we saw the nursery (shouldn't I have shed a tear?). I think we place a lot of expectations on ourselves and can't help but not meet them every now and then. Sigh.

Mannequin - GOOD LUCK!! So exciting - I hope that you have your sweet baby in your arms by now!

AFM - 24w tomorrow. I feel movement every day but not a ton. Enough for me to know he's okay. Still thinking about names. OMG how hard is that? Half the good boy names have been turned into girls names!!
Mayerling: Yay for feeling kicks! It is so exciting when they first start isn't it? I am the same with shopping, I much rather buy baby things now than anything for myself!

Katy: Congratulations on the birth of Madeline! Can't wait to read your birth story and see some pictures!

Kunzite: Ugh to having to stand on the bus! I think a lot of people are really scared to ask women if they are pregnant, even if they obviously look it! I would tell you to ask people to move, but I know I am a massive wuss when it comes to things like that too! I hope O is feeling better, poor little duck!

PetitePoire: Any more progress on where you are going to deliver? I liked the suggestion of using the EU policy to deliver in the UK if that is possible, although the French health system sounds amazing!

AMC: glad the pain and morning sickness has gone! I went through about a week at 14 weeks where I just did not stop eating and was constantly hungry too! I have no idea what theme my baby shower will be or even if it has a theme. I just know when and where it is!

S&I: I thought it might have been to do with the GD when I first read about the induction. How are you feeling about it now? The induction is scheduled for when you are 39 weeks right? He may already be here by then! My mum sounds similar to yours! Everything we tell her she immediately thinks it must mean something is wrong. Example: I told her bubs was measuring 1 week ahead at the 19 week scan. She assumes I have GD. I told her that bubs was already head down at 28 weeks, she assumes this means that bubs will be premature.... It is annoying!

Missy: Sorry to hear about your douche boss. FWIW though, I think a lot of older men are just really uncomfortable with pregnancy and don't know how to handle it! My boss is a similar age to yours and he always appears to be very uncomfortable in broaching the subject with me. Just after I first told work, he made a comment that he assumed I wouldn't be able to make it to a work function because of my 'condition.' I was 17 weeks, and it was a 2 hour social event....

Thanks for the compliments on the photos. We really love them.

MQ: Good luck! Hope you already have W in your arms now!

Muffdog: I concur with the other ladies. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Feeling scared is completely normal for such a huge life changing event! Everyone has some fears about it. I personally feel scared when I see how messy the house is as I am worried I won't be able to keep the house clean enough for a child! The other time I freak out is when I see parents with 4-5 year olds. I can picture myself with a baby but not with an older child!

Monarch: LOL to the tumour remark. I thought I might do something similar but honestly the only people to ask me if I am pregnant have been clients and I didn't want to offend them!

Lizzy: Yay for a good anatomy can! Did you see the baby at all? I would have thought they would be able to get you to look when there was no chance of the potty shot being on screen?

AFM: 32w3d today. I am really exhausted and hating the fact that I have to work until 38w3d. I just don't know if I will be able to do it. It is just that I haven't had a good night's sleep for 4 months, have been working full time and for the last month have been busy every weekend too and it has really caught up with me. I have been getting really run down and getting cold symptoms (scratchy throat, headaches etc) on and off but they don't ever fully develop into a cold for me to be able to justify taking time off work.

I am getting super frequent braxton hicks contractions which are becoming stronger and more uncomfortable all the time! I probably get around 1-3 an hour.

I am also not entirely happy with my OB. There is nothing wrong with him, he knows what he is doing and I agree with his practices overall. I just always feel rushed. I think that is mostly my problem as I feel like that with other professionals at times too and he will always answer any wuestionst hat I have, but he is not very talkative at appointments – it is always go in, blood pressure, listen to the heartbeat, feel my tummy and off you go. I am unhappy now I guess because he has no idea about my birth preferences etc. On my appointment planner sheet I got at my first appointment it said that the 32 week appointment is when we discuss the birth, but he did not bring it up at all and only briefly answered a couple of my questions. Having said that though, I am not unhappy enough to try and change practices at this point.

Finally, I have my baby shower tomorrow! I am a bit nervous about it as I don't know anything about what has been planned and I can be a bit shy and awkward with silly games etc. This will be the first baby shower I have ever been too and I am not sure what to expect. I am also nervous about the guests mingling etc because I have work friends from two different workplaces and family going and there are very distinct groups who don't know each other!
Bobbin- I'm pretty set, for now, to deliver here. My current ob delivers at the main hospital though, so I will be switching at month 8 so I can get the hospital I prefer. The docs don't even deliver the babies here, unless there is an emergency, so I'm not too concerned with having a new doctor. I like the midwives, who do the delivering, at the other hospital so I should be fine. We will be doing all of the classes and prep at that hospital. I'm not even as far along as you and I'm exhausted mid day! I can definitely understand being ready for maternity leave. Have fun at your shower! They aren't popular here, so I won't be having one, so be sure to come back with tons of details! I'll live vicariously through you!

Muffdog- I'm 23 weeks and feeling about the same movement. I enjoy knowing she's moving though. :)

Lizzy- yay on team green! I wish I had the patience for that as I think it would make the birth extra special.

Mannequin- good luck! I can't wait to hear from you!

Hello to everyone else! :wavey:

Afm, still 23 weeks! Appointment tomorrow, so happy to see her again. :) fingers crossed that everything is still looking good.
Bobbin - We sound like we have the same boss. He also referred to my pregnancy as a "condition" Strange. I'm also worried about my showers. The one my mom is planning is fine I'm sure, but MIL and SIL are planning the second one and I've found out that they are having it at MY house. They did this with the wedding shower too and I'm not the happiest about it. DH doesn't know that I know, but I also found out the date too so at least I can make sure the house is cleaned! I too am nervous about being the center of attention and all those goofy games. Ahh!

Petite - You get another ultrasound? Man I was jipped on mine. I've had my 2 and no more the rest of my pregnancy. Hope your appointment goes well!

AFM, it was a rough day for DH and his firefighter brothers. He's a volunteer firefighter so calls go out any time of day/night. At 12am a call went out for a house fire with entraptment. When they got there flames we shooting out the first floor windows. DH and another firefighter went upstairs to search for the guy. They ended up finding him on his bedroom floor, pulled him down the stairs and outside. He was already dead :( By the time they got outside the second floor bedroom window cracked and flames shot out. DH was there 3 minutes close! It took 6 hours to get the fire under control and all the debris outside. So 7am when he got home. He took off work due to lack of sleep and a stressful night. Fast forward to 10:30am (only working on 1 1/2 hours of sleep) and another call for an accident involving a car and tractor trailor. The lady driving the car died on impact. So DH saw two dead bodies in one day. Both of these calls were right in our town, so 2 fatals within 12 hours. I didn't know either one, but still so sad!
Happy Friday ladies!

Missy, argh, I would be so pissed if the shower was at my house! My mom floated that idea briefly but I shot her down because no way am I cleaning, and besides, almost none of my friends/family are local.

Bobbin, I know the feeling about not being able to deal with work anymore. I have to save all my vacation time for maternity leave, so my next day off wil be Memorial day, 12 weeks from now I think? Hope you can take advantage of the weekend to rest up! Cute pics!

Muffdog, I know, names are so hard! Do you guys have any frontrunners?

Lizzy, so glad everything looks good with your baby!

Monnie, good luck finding a provider that you feel comfortable with. LOL to telling someone it's a tumor!

amc, wow, you are on the ball with thinking about the shower already. I've always been a bookworm so the only suggestion I gave to my mom/sister is that I'd love if they could somehow get everyone to bring children's books/have a book themed shower, but if not, I'm grateful they are throwing me a shower regardless so I'm not gonna be too demanding about it.

choro, glad you have been able to get more comfortable while teaching. I'm sure you are still doing an awesome job.

MQ, hope you are holding your little guy in your arms right now!

AFM, 24w today! Excited to get a lot of stuff done around the house this weekend and go fabric shopping for the nursery. My mom and sister are coming up in a few weeks to help really get the whole nursery together so I need to get as much of the planning done as I can before then. My SI joints are killing me the last day or so, hoping that turns arounds soon, the only thing that helps right now is long baths, and unfortunatly my office doesn't have a tub. :lol: But I actually saw baby girl kicking from the outside during a bath last night, so at least it isn't all bad! It was so awesome and weird all at once.

I know bump picture Fridays are a long standing tradition in this thread, we need to bring that back! I'll kick it off!

Happy Friday!

Went out to dinner last night, followed by Coldstone. Couldn't get to sleep (I was so uncomfortable and felt icky) so finally gave up around 11 and went to sit on the couch with DH. Ran to the bathroom a few minutes later and threw up all of my ice cream. So sad. Then I couldn't fall asleep until about 2. Today is rough, I feel like I've been out drinking all night. I'm super lethargic, as in moving my arms is tiring. Downing some gatorade right now which seems to be helping. I've already told my boss that there's no way I'm going to make it all day today...

Why can't the baby hate food that I don't love? Ice cream, really? DH asked if he thought it could be a lactose issue (since I've thrown up frozen yogurt as well)...but I don't think it is, I think it's a "I need to learn that I can't fit as much into my stomach as I could before" issue.
So, I can't decide which is bigger now, my belly or my butt. THIS IS SO WEIRD. I've never really had a belly before so I have to say I'm pretty uncomfortable with all of that going on in front. I wore 3" heels today and lasted all of an hour before hightailing it out of Hobby Lobby and coming home to change into sweatpants and a tee shirt that is starting to get too short. Two days ago I discovered that my ankles were gone after I came home from work, so now it looks like edema has made its appearance. Fun times. Is 27-28 weeks too soon to be ready to be done with this whole thing? :bigsmile:

Hi girls! Just wanted to let you know that I'm heading out on our babymoon on Monday!! Hope everyone has a great week!
Have a great time Muff!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!! ENJOY!!! :appl: :appl:
Have a great time Muff!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!! ENJOY!!! :appl: :appl:

Introducing my son Weston Jack, born at 8:18 this morning. 8 lbs even, 21 inches long. He was about a week and a half early. He is not breastfeeding well yet, but has been a real trooper through our long labor and delivery process. Loves to snuggle and has lots of dark hair !
Aww, MQ, look at all those cute baby wrinkles! Congrats momma! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I can't wait to hear about your long labor and see more pictures! Enjoy this time with your son, and I'm sure he'll get the hang of breastfeeding soon.
Congrats, MQ! Weston is beautiful...well, we knew he would be!

MuffDog, have a wonderful babymoon!!! :wavey:
Welcome Weston! Congrats to you MQ, he's just perfect!
Congratulations, Mannequin! :appl:
MQ! He's precious! Welcome to the world Weston!!! Looking forward to reading your story :)
Weston is adorable!!! And another early baby--so funny that so many of us went early!

Looking forward to reading your story, MQ, and seeing more pics!! :)
Congrats on baby Weston!!
Just got back from the u/s...

MQ: Oh goodness! He's so stinking cute! Hope you're well, mama.

AMC: CONGRATS ON TEAM BLUE! So happy for you!

Quick fly-by BPF, more detailed post later...Large, achy, and still not feeling movement. So far my 20th week has been a blast :rolleyes:

Photo 5.jpg
amc80|1330742660|3139692 said:
Just got back from the u/s...

AMC!! Welcome to team blue :-) Can I take some credit for positively predicting the gender based on the "what side is the blob" theory?!

MQ - what a cutie - love those little wrinkles!! Can't wait to read your story. I'll check in from Jamaica!
MuffDog said:
AMC!! Welcome to team blue :-) Can I take some credit for positively predicting the gender based on the "what side is the blob" theory?!

Sure! It's funny, that's the only "boy" sign I had. All of the others pointed towards girl- bad ms, high hb, terrible skin breakouts, etc. We are so happy and excited!

At first she couldn't get a great shot and told us to keep the receipts on any boy stuff...then baby moved a little and really showed us his goods.

Also, for anyone else with a boy- is it weird to thing that you've got a wiener in you at all times?
Mannequin- congrats momma! How exciting! Welcome baby Weston. :)

AMC- congrats on team blue!
AMC, congrats on having a boy! I have to say I haven't considered the issue of having a penis inside me at all times :lol: I've kind of been more focused on getting used to the idea of a boy.

PPM, hang in there. I got to 20 weeks on a Wednesday and felt the kicks the Sunday after that, so at 20+4. You're getting there.

MQ, more pics! More pics!

PetitePoire, I'm glad you're getting used to the idea of delivering in France. It really sounds like a great system and I'm sure you'll be well taken care of.

AFM, nothing new. I'm going shopping for baby clothes on Wednesday and I can't wait. I have also heard back from the person who's giving us all her baby stuff. It's great! She's got everything! So we're excited about that too. At the moment, I'm still waiting to hear back about my chickenpox antibodies. When I told the doctor I was exposed, she said I'm probably immune but we should check :roll:. So they took some blood and I'm waiting on the results...