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Kunzite|1336772609|3193366 said:AFM - I had protein in my urine again so I have to do a 24 hour collection this weekend. I told my OB that these babies are trying to throw everything they can at me! Little stinkers. My glucose numbers have been good, although I miss sweets an awful lotThis weekend will be 31 weeks which is when O was born, so it's quite the milestone in our house
sunnyd|1337019138|3194990 said:AMC he has such a cute little face! Happy 3rd tri to you!
Bumpy has started moving! Happy Mother's Day to me! On Friday I swore I felt a little thump, then that night it was full on rolls, like when your stomach flops on a roller coaster. So fun!![]()
monkeyprincess said:AMC, I think I might have figured out your baby's name based on a couple of things you've said in the past and today. If I'm right, I think it's a great name, and it's one I was hoping to use until one of my cousins used it (but for a little girl).
monkeyprincess|1337029122|3195093 said:Hmm... You gave a clue awhile back about a nickname you gave the baby, so when I saw the change in popularity chart on the SSA site, I thought I had it figured out. I'll just be quiet and wait to find out in a few months![]()
megumic|1337042123|3195281 said:amc, that's a riot of a pic with the baby's leg above his head! (That is the leg, right??) And what a cute face! I haven't had an u/s in awhile and makes me jealous! Do you or your DH have long legs??
PetitePoire said:what a cute ultrasound! I'm now wondering if our LO is capable of those moves. Do you feel the feet kicking you? Sometimes I feel her knees or feet pushing out and I worry she's changed positions, but maybe she is just flexible like in your pic?!
PilsnPinkysMom said:What a sweet son you have- his profile is darling! Are you nervous at all about the breech position? I know that there's plenty of time for him to move around yet, but if you're curious, the Spinning Babies website (Monnie posted links earlier) is a great resource. Did your OB mention anything to you about optimal fetal positioning?
Missy0483 said:AMC - Love that u/s picture!!! It's so fun getting to take little peeks at them. I get them weekly now, but it's so cramped in there, it's hard to really see the good stuff!
MuffDog said:AMC - omg your hubby is tall! 6'7"? That is crazy town. My hubby isn't that tall and (secretly) I wish he were taller for sureYour kid is mighty lucky as he is bound to have long legs too!