
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MP and AMC, we're the same. The baby's room was my old study/overflow/storage room so we really had to clean it up and make room for the baby's things.

China, you're getting so close! I hope baby comes soon.

PPM, I'm also in the camp of hoping the baby comes at 37 weeks or thereabouts. The thought of getting to 42 is unfathomable! :errrr:

Muff and Missy, you two look great!

Dani, welcome! :wavey: I'm in the camp that believes finding out at the scan is just as exciting as finding out at the birth. It's a surprise whether it's at 20 weeks or 40 weeks. Also, for me it really helped finding out at the scan because even though I didn't have a preference initially, when I was told it was a boy I was a bit disappointed and realized I would have preferred a girl. I really wouldn't have wanted to be disappointed at the birth so it was good to find out early. And finding out early really gave me a chance to adjust - it only took me a couple of days to adjust to him being a boy and to get excited for him but it's best that the adjustment period happened before he was actually here than after the birth.

Petite, you're looking good! Like someone said to me earlier, you're all bump. I can't believe you were only 4 pounds at birth! I was 8.6 and DH was 8.8! So needless to say our son will probably be huge as well.

AFM, I just had my last midwife appointment in the UK. The baby's heartbeat was strong, my urine and BP checked out fine, and she measured my fundus and said he's measuring on track now and no need to refer me for a growth scan. I was actually a bit disappointed because I was looking forward to the opportunity of seeing him again.
I also mentioned that I've been waking up with really bad leg cramps every night caused by having to lie on my side all the time and never stretching out. She said it's fine to sleep on my back if I need to - she's the first person to say that - but I don't know if I will.
Anyway, one more week to go before I fly out and am trying to get everything on track. At the moment, I'm trying to resist the urge to buy more cloth diapers before I go! :bigsmile:

Oh! Happy hump day bump day. Here's a pic of me from today at 31 weeks:
Mayer you look so cute!! Great bump, lady!

GIRLS - I know you will appreciate this. Today was a very bad day. And by bad, I mean, my fingers swelled. I had to literally RIP my rings off my fingers, and they are now locked in a drawer in my office.

SO sad :-(

In other news, my mom is coming back from the US next week and today was the last day to buy anything and have it sent to her (thanks, Amazon 2 day shipping :-)

So far here is the haul she is bringing back for me:

1. Big jug of Bac-Out for the cloth diapers
2. Diaper pail liners x2
3. Rockin Green detergent
4. Storksac diaper bag - Sofia
5. A rug for my front entry
6. Boon grass drying rack for bottles (the cool one that looks like grass!)
7. Another wet bag for my diaper bag
8. Some face cream that you can't get in Canada
9. Stoller (Uppababy Vista)
10. Some Grovia diapers I bought on Baby Steals
11. Cotton wipes

It is going to feel like CHRISTMAS when she gets home!!! I know it looks like a lot, but OMG things are SO much cheaper in the States than in Canada. I saved 200 on the diaper bag, almost 200 on the rug, and the detergent/bac-out etc were all about half price. CRAZY.

Anyways - all that is left to buy is a) a diaper pail and b) a car seat. Other than that I think we'll wait till the little guy arrives and figure out what he needs then.
I know where the term "bun in the oven" comes from. Anyone else hot ALL THE TIME? Last night I couldn't sleep because of it...meawhile, DH was freezing cold, under all the covers. I walked into work and immediately wondered if the heat is on. Nope, it's just me.

Here is my 26 week picture. I'm sticking out about the same as I was last week, but the bulge is definitely getting longer/filling out.

week26 shirt.JPG
Hi preggies! Everyone looks FABULOUS!!!

Welcome, Dani! So, we did not find out the gender until 23 weeks (doctor wouldn't do it until 20 weeks and when we went that week she wouldn't show us her business). I don't think I could've waited any longer than that but we had our minds set that we would find out. If we had decided to go team green, I think we would've been able to hold out since waiting 23 weeks didn't exactly kill us.

PetitePoire, I don't think you look huge at all! Your bump is beautiful and very proportionate to your frame from what I can tell.

Amc, I can't believe how far ahead you are measuring! That's crazy! Oh, and yes I am hot all the time. The guys at work are always cold now because I make them turn on the a/c, and I am still hot. And at night at home we have the a/c running and 1-2 fans pointed at me, meanwhile my poor husband is under all kinds of covers freezing his poor little butt off. But I am on top of the covers going "omg it is so freaking hot in here!" LOL Bless their hearts.

Missy, love the pics, and wow there was nowhere for that child to grow but out! You look great!

ChinaCat--you are so close! I don't think I will deliver before you, but Missy might!

MuffDog, that is so awesome all the stuff your mom is bringing you! I am jealous--we still need to get a lot of the items on your list. I have to go to the crunchy baby store and look at their cloth diaper selection and all the accoutrements...and hopefully get some advice.

Mayerling, you look wonderful, time flies doesn't it! Glad your last appt. went well. Don't feel bad about the u/s, I have only had THREE this entire time. And I would have only had two because the first gender u/s was a flop! My doctor only does them if there is a reason to suspect something might be wrong. It's really fine with me, heck they didn't use to do them at all so we are lucky to have the technology now!

Hope I got everyone, if I did not I apologize!

AFM I am 37 weeks as of yesterday! Still not waddling and feeling really good. I feel healthier and in better shape now than I have for several years, honestly. Again, I feel like I'm going to miss being pregnant when it's over. We went out to a friend's boat on Sunday and I got some sun which was so nice, and I realized it would be the last trip out there without a baby! Other friends have their son's lifejackets sized newborn through 10 years that they are going to give us--can't wait! We bought our annual pass yesterday so barring any unforeseen complications we plan to have our little girl out paddling around this summer.

Still working full time and getting around marvelously. I am planning to keep working as I am able up until I deliver even though my boss took me off the schedule.

My husband won his primary last night so now things won't be SO crazy-busy with campaign stuff and he can complete the changing table he's building for the nursery. I received the knobs I ordered from Anthropologie today and they are so cute! Our classes are coming up weekend after this one but otherwise we have tried to keep our schedule clear. I'm having one more shower next Sunday which reminds me I need to go over our registry again, crap.
A bump pic from Sunday--yes, I have on a two-piece but no, I did not lounge around in it while on the boat. And my belly button still hasn't popped, I am still wearing my navel ring because I am a crazy person. I thought about taking a quick dip but wasn't sure if I'd have trouble climbing up the ladder to get out so I nixed the swimming. Another bump pic from Monday. I just got my last order of maternity clothes from ON and I love all of it--I got several tanks, a skirt, a pair of linen blend pants, and a pair of shorts. Hopefully I don't deliver until mid-June so I can wear everything at least a few times. Oh, and I am posting several pics on the nursery thread documenting the progress so far if anyone is interested.


Hello ladies!

monkeyprincess you won't feel June 1st coming, it will fly by, I promise!

Kunzite sorry to hear about the 3 hour GD test, but very glad to hear the boys are staying put and cooking nicely :appl:

Missy glad to hear you were able to go and enjoy the wedding! Great news about your work situation, I am so glad to hear things are working out on that front for you. You look great in all your photos but I gotta say I really love the one from the wedding in the blue dress, you look so summery and pretty! Love the one of you pointing at your belly button too, so cute!!!

amc hope you got to ask all your questions and got good answers at your appointment! I don't know anything much about measurements but I know my Mum measured a month ahead the whole time with me and in the end all was fine. Perhaps it is just a growth spurt, or maybe baby was sticking its bottom way out and that affected the measurements? ;)) Your nursery bedding is gorgeous :love: You look fab in your bump photo. I feel you on the being hot all the time thing - I am normally a very cold creature but since being pregnant I am just right most of the time, which is very unusual for me. DH (who I always say has a broken thermostat - that man would wear shorts year round if he could get away with it) commented today on being cold at the doctor's office because of the air con, but I never even noticed it!

Steph I had a fab time snuggling the new babba, I monopolised him the whole time we were there, he is adorable :love: Sorry to hear about your pelvic pain, I hope you can get some relief from that somehow. Take care and try to delegate that to-do list Momma!!! ;))

mayerling the fabric portions of most buggys / car seats / bassinets are machine washable. If you Google the brand you'll find the original user manuals are usually up on the manufacturer's websites. The chassis etc. you can just clean with soap and water. That is fantastic your friends gifted you so much stuff, so nice of them! We won't be doing a baby nursery either as we are moving across the country a month after the baby is born so there isn't much point. I hope your stomach pain has cleared up and glad to hear your midwife appointment went well :bigsmile: You look GREAT in your photo!

PetitePoire you look amazing, like a model from a maternity clothes catalogue! Oh how I wish I would have any chance of looking like you do at 32 weeks! Sorry to hear about your worry re the GD, I hope you get to have a good chat with your doctor about it, and about the lack of sleep. Take care of yourself, you have so much on your plate, don't forget you need minding too... 8)

Hi Dani great to see you over here!!! :wavey: Your Mom sounds very cute :bigsmile: I have no advice either way re finding out the gender. We are waiting to find out but we are both very patient people anyway so it is no hardship on us to wait. We feel like there are very few real surprises in life and this is one we really want to experience. Plus I want DH to get to ring all the family and announce the gender and the name, I think it will be such a special moment for him.

MuffDog you are so glam lady! Looking fab-u-lous!!! That is a fantastic haul your Mom is bringing you, by any chance does she do transatlantic runs too? ;)) We have the same stroller, but I have to admit I am jealous of your Storksak Sofia :Up_to_something: I have been ogling those on the diaper bag thread!

ChinaCat maybe a name will come to you when you meet baby? :bigsmile: Glad to hear all is well. Hang in there!

Monarch how amazing do you look, woman? Wow!! I love your positivity in your posts, you are an inspiration. Glad to hear you are feeling so well and keeping motoring. Looking forward to checking our your nursery pics in the other thread!


AFM we had our 20 week scan today, a week late but all good. Everything measured perfectly, baby was wriggling around like crazy and even throwing its legs over its head, and holding its arms up like a ballet dancer. At one point it even gave us the victory symbol with its fingers :bigsmile: Also had my GP appointment and all is well, measuring on track, weight gain good, no issues with blood pressure / protein / sugars etc.

I have been having some bad pelvic pain and haven't been able to turn over in bed at night without yelping and both the consultant at the scan and my GP said it could be either a pulled ligament along the side of my uterus, or more worryingly, it could be the start of SPD. They want me to schedule a physio appointment at the hospital if I don't feel better by Monday, so I got a referral letter for that.

I'm still not sleeping well so I have an acupuncture session tomorrow with an acupuncturist who specialises in fertility and pregnancy (she's affiliated with my hospital). I have had acupuncture before and hated the sessions themselves but did find I got great relief with the treatments so I am hoping for a great night's sleep tomorrow night!

No bump pic from me today but thought I would attach this gorgeous 3D shot we got of Wee Button - here s/he is at 21 weeks 2 days :love:


Everyone looks great!!!! Love seeing these pics every week!

So my appointment went well today. At my AFI ultrasound I found out that our baby has hair on his/her head! Yay! No pictures though, the hands and feet were up in baby's face again! haha. Last AFI level check was 9.4, today was 10.0 so they said my bedrest is doing the job! I also got my first internal today which I wasn't expecting! She said my cervix is closed, but soft and I think she said 20% effaced? She could barely feel baby's head, so it's still a little high up there. Next week I'll have another AFI ultrasound, ob appointment, and NST scan. The week after that (37 weeks) same thing, but they'll do a growth scan as well to see if baby is still measuring big. She said they try to avoid inductions until 39 weeks unless problems arise or if baby is measuring really far ahead. So that's it! Just chugging along!

Monarch - I second the hot thing, but it's not all the time for me. Today was bad. I had to wait for the doctor for 25 mins in the room and I felt like I was overheating! I refuse to buy anymore maternity clothes!! None of my shorts or capris fit from pre-pregnancy. I don't know what I'll do if it's starts getting really hot. It's been on the colder side here even though it's May.

Muffdog - That's so great that your mom is bringing all the stuff back for you! My fingers swell a little here and there, I just take my rings off when I'm home and only put them on if I'm going out.

Mayerling - I always fall asleep on my side, but sometimes wake up on my back. Not sure why, it's not the most comfortable position. But I do get the leg cramps too, I just have to keep switching from my left to right side every couple hours.

China - I think we have our girl names, still not sure about boy names! I hope something pops up soon!

Buttons - I LOVE those 3D scans!!! Your baby is too cute! Isn't it so fun to watch them moving around? At the 20 week scan, we got to see him/her wave to us before she finished the scan :love: The tech I had today kept saying we had a real mover in there. And I forgot you're team green too! Yaaaay!!

I just realized we have a lot of "M" names and nicknames around here...Monarch, Mayerling, Muffdog, Monkeyprincess, MerryMary (wherever you are!!!), and myself! Am I missing anyone?
Monarch, that's interesting about the belly button. For some reason, I just assumed that happened to everyone, but I'm glad to hear that's not necessarily the case. The thought of it popping out makes me squeamish for some reason :) Sounds like pregnancy really suits you and you have escaped a lot of the uncomfortableness. I wonder if being so nice and tall helps relieve some of the stress on your body. Hope the next few weeks continue to go well for you.

amc, looking good. Your bump does seem to have filled out lengthwise. Exactly how accurate are the measurements they take to determine if you are measuring ahead? Hopefully everything will just even out for you over the next few weeks. And too funny about your DH having more clothes. Mine is the same way! He must have gone through a shirt and tie frenzy before he met me because he can fill a closet and a half with just those things, not to mention all of his suits and other clothes, and he hates getting rid of things. Our office is currently his closet/office. When baby #2 comes along (God-willing), we are in big trouble. We might just have to buy a new house.

Muff, how fun! It will be like Christmas. I'm going to have to get on and take a look at some of the products you mentioned. DH and I definitely need to start making a list of things we need/want. You're still looking lovely with your bump as well.

Mayerling, glad to hear everything is checking out well, well, except for your leg cramps. Good luck getting everything ready to go before you leave!

China, hope you are holding up well. Do you at least have your list of girl names narrowed down? One of my cousins and his wives just had their third child, and every time they have a baby, they cannot decide the name until just before they leave the hospital. I used to think they were crazy, but now I'm starting to understand how hard it is to commit to a name. We have not even had one serious conversation about it yet. My husband apparently isn't ready to take it seriously, well, that or he just has really bad taste in names.

Kunzite, hope all is well. So glad that your babes are hanging in there after your earlier scare.

Missy, is your BP still looking good? Hope you are hanging in there! Nevermind, it looks like you just posted. Glad to hear things are going well!

PP, don't be silly, your bump is gorgeous!

Dani, hi! Glad to see you pop in over here! So, you're not showing at all yet? Do you have a long-ish torso or lose weight during your nausea? I'm definitely sporting a little bump now. I still don't think it's to the point that a stranger would assume I'm pregnant, but people who know me can see a difference depending on what I wear. As far as finding out the baby's gender, it sounds like the envelope route is a good plan for you so you can decide later. I toyed with the idea of waiting, and then when I really thought about it, I realized it's not my personality to need that magical/fairy tale moment of finding out at birth or making a big announcement. I really like the idea of putting together the nursery and choosing clothes and other products with a little boy or little girl in mind and I do think it will help me bond a little more. I've gotten so used to the idea that it's probably a boy, so if it turns out, Bumby is actually a she, it's going to take awhile to get used to! As someone else said, one approach is not better than the other and you will not be ruining the experience by waiting or finding out. So I say just go with what your gut is telling you.

Buttons, ah, such a sweet picture of your babe's face. Hope you figure out a way to sleep better. I just bought a snoogle last week, because I've always been a stomach sleeper, and I'm finding it very uncomfortable to be on my side. I've been really exhausted though, so I think that is helping me get a little more sleep than I would have pre-pregnancy.

AFM, I'm kind of boring because everything is going well right now and things are pretty much status quo. I must say I'm getting quite anxious to feel the baby move as I'm almost 18 weeks. I've been using the doppler more frequently because I just need the assurance that Bumby is still there. When did you first-time moms start feeing movement? At my appointment last week, my doctor said it should be any day now because she could tell baby was moving around a lot when she listened to the heart. But I'm pretty sure I haven't felt a thing!
MP - I had just started feeling movements around 20 weeks for sure. A little before that I wasn't sure if it was gas or baby because they basically feel the same until the baby gets a little stronger. DH felt them at 22 weeks, could have been earlier but we didn't try until then. Shouldn't be too much longer for you I'm sure. I'd had a little extra padding/flabbyness in the belly area than you do! haha.
MP- I think I first felt the baby at 19 weeks. It felt like bubbles popping. But it was very random- like I'd feel it once and then not feel it for another week. It started to get more frequent, and then one day I felt a kick. It was maybe at 21-22 weeks? My doctor told me 20-22 weeks, so I guess I was on track with that. Now I sometimes wish the little guy would relax a little because he kicks all the time!
Missy and amc, thanks for your input. It sounds like I just need to be a bit more patient. I keep lying really still at night before I go to bed and willing the baby to move, but he or she hasn't complied :) Amc, I'm sure I'll be saying the same thing in a few weeks, but right now, it would just be so reassuring to feel a little movement once in awhile and make this thing feel more real.
MP - I didn't feel regular movement for AGES. I was definitely past 20 weeks. I have an anterior placenta though so that explains it a bit. If you have a baby with a heart beat, dont' you worry about it!! At least you have a doppler as you can get some comfort for that!

Just think - he/she is probably moving and you just can't feel it. If he is just chilling out, it is because he is GROWING and getting big and strong for you!!
Hi everybody!

I just read everything and got distracted by work for 2 hours, so I'm going to miss something, I know it!

MP - I'm also getting anxious to feel something! I keep thinking I feel a bubble or a swish, but it's probably just gas...haha.

Missy - love the pictures you posted, you look so happy! Glad your appointment went well! NO kidding about the M names! It's hard to keep you all straight! Hehe!

Buttons - Love the baby face! Acupuncture freaks me out as well, hopefully it provides some relief for you.

Monnie - You look fab! Happy 37 weeks! I can't believe you still have your navel ring in. I had to take mine out a couple of weeks ago because it was feeling tight and uncomfy! This does not bode well for my innie. Dammit. :rolleyes: :cheeky:

AMC - also looking great! I also filled out this week, except that I'm 10 weeks behind you. LOL, this thing is out of control! I haven't been hot yet, but I imagine being 30 weeks in August will not be the most pleasant time. FINALLY, DH and I will be on the same temperature setting!

Muff - nice haul! Sorry about your rings, hopefully you can get them back on soon!

Mayer - I'm with you on the finding out business. It's a surprise no matter when you find out, and we'd rather have the time to prepare! You look great!

AFM, this week and last I have been tossing and turning in bed from about 12:30 on (I'm in bed before 10) so I've been exhausted during the day. Last night was better, except for the horny cats outside howling and of course, driving my cats insane! :angryfire: ;(

I got my NT scan results back last week, and they were perfect, yay! We set the anatomy scan for 5/30. 3 more weeks, and this one has been CRAWLING by. Ack!

My belly has been tightening the last couple of days, like my abs are getting a workout. Not quite sure what's going on down there! Thoughts? A bit of crampiness too. I guess things are just expanding!
sunnyd|1336602197|3191547 said:
My belly has been tightening the last couple of days, like my abs are getting a workout. Not quite sure what's going on down there! Thoughts? A bit of crampiness too. I guess things are just expanding!

It's just everything expanding, that happened to me as well. I'd wake up feeling like I had done situps all night. I took a prenatal pilates class and one thing we worked on a lot was stretching and relaxing the abs. Our whole lives we are trained to keep everything nice and tight. Pregnancy is the opposite. The more you can get your abs to stretch and relax, the less of a need there is for them to split. So practice exhaling and allowing them to just expand.
Buttons, your baby is SO CUTE! Awesome picture. I was being silly today while DH was home for a bit and googled "real x-ray glasses" just in case they have been invented so I could see the baby. Nope. Still haven't been invented. We got a good laugh out of the fact that I actually googled that.

SunnyD WHERE IS YOUR BUMP PIC??? :naughty:

MP, I started feeling bubble-like sensations at 14 weeks but very sporadically. Somewhere between 16-17 weeks I started feeling actual movement but it was like a goldfish swimming around in a plastic bag. When I went for our gender u/s at 20 weeks I was feeling regular movement/kicks, but during the u/s there were movements happening that I could feel and some that I could not. So even someone like me who was able to feel movement very early on does not necessarily feel EVERYTHING. You can rest assured that your LO is moving around in there!
Ahhh good info, thanks AMC!

Mon - ummm I left it at home? :bigsmile: I need to do one tonight, I feel like this kid put on at least 10lbs in the last 8 days since my last photo. This is ridiculous. Oh, and I can't believe how early you felt movement! That's awesome!
Hi all!!!!! :wavey:

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!! And thank you so much to all of you that weighed in on the should we find out the gender? debate. So I think we've decided to get the envelope and then decide later on what to do with it.....We do have a vacation coming up at the end of the month, so we may just take that envelope with us and open it when we're doing something special. We'll see, but it will at least give us the option. No matter what though, if we find out we will NOT tell anyone. MH wants to have his big "ITS A .....!!" moment, and I don't want to take that away from him.

Muff- WOW, I can't believe all the stuff your Mom is bringing back for you!!! That's awesome!!! Take lots of pics for us!!! ;))

Monarch- You look FAB lady!!!! WOW!!! Only a couple of more weeks to go, and you're done!!! Lucky girl!!!!

Hi Missy!!! :wavey: Hope you're feeling well and your blood pressure is behaving!!!! Rest up!!!

Buttons- You bump and your pic is so cute!!!

Amc- You look great!!!!

China- Thanks for your input!!! I like your envelope on vaca idea! I think we're stealing it!! ;))

Hi Kunzite!- Hope your feeling well and baking those babies!!! Hang in there!!!

PP- What a FAB bump you have there!!!!

Mayerling- Thanks so much for your input!!! What you said made alot of sense!!

Hi MP!!! Hope you're well!! Nope, I have really no bump to speak of, but I think its harder to notice when you're a little *ahem* fuller-figured, if you know what I mean. As MH says, "I think you're on the verge of popping." LOL!! Honestly, I just feel like a stuffed sausage in my clothes right now- they're all tight and snug, and every time I sit down I have to unbutton my pants. UGH.
When is your anatomy scan? Ours is next Wednesday. My Mom is coming and she is so excited she can barely stand it. Just hoping everything looks good.
Dani, that's so cute that your DH wants that moment. If you choose to look in the envelope, you'll have to watch your pronouns! Your anatomy scan is so soon!

Alright, so Bumpy has turned Lumpy today. And this pic is super blurry. Oops! 16w6d glory!

Hi ladies!

Had the anatomy scan and it went great!!

I may be doing a gender reveal party so I think I'll hold out and share those pics with you all too - planning to do one of those cute pink or blue cakes to tell everyone. We've told our parents and a few close relatives / friends who live far away, and I told my work peeps already.

It still seems very surreal to me that I'm even pregnant, let alone nearly half-cooked and knowing the gender! I think it's my realistic, pragmatic personality, and just not being huge and feeling tons of movement yet. The next month will bring a lot of changes, I anticipate.

I think I've felt some movements in the past few days, but not sure. One night I was laying in bed with my hand on my belly and felt a slight tap. Then about 2 days later (yesterday) DH and I had massages, and I was good and stil so I think I eflt some swimmy type movements while I was lying there. I'm not sure wether I was feeling my own pulse through my hand or the baby though. Then last night I'm pretty sure I felt the baby swimming around in there. Also definitely feeling some lower belly achiness, I guess it's either RLP or general stretching. Fun fun and I know sitting at work all day is not good for me so I'm working hard to get up and walking as much as possible and at night.

So the scan and visit went great, baby is exactly measuring on time, but that's to the 5 days increased due date the specialist gave me at the NT scan. So hmmm. Baby is also about 9 ounces and in the 42nd percentile for size, which sounds good to me. My midwife checkup is tomorrow so we'll talk about the results of the scan more I'm sure.

Also - thrilling (NOT) the specialist has ordered me to have the GTT early, due to my family hsitory and PCOS. I had already set up my appointment for 1:45 so I'll jsut go ahead and do it in the middle of the day. Have planned my eats - omlet for breakfast with veggies and meat, and early lunch of a cobb salad with viniagrette (no sugar) maybe more boiled eggs or almonds if I'm snacky, but lunch will be early (11) to give me enough time to digest before the test. I'm pretty sure they do it in the middie's office not at a seperate lab. I sure hope I pass! I don't want to do the 3 hour nor do I want to need a special diet. And the final bonus is that even if I do pass I still have to take the test as regularly scheduled at 26 weeks or so! Extra Fun! I wonder how long it will take to get the result - do you know right away?

I really need to get to bed, so will skip the full responses for now but everyone looks awesome and making great progress!
Miss you ladies! I am back from Guantanamo and in full blown packing mode for our move this weekend, but I look forward to catching up on everyone's posts! I'm feeling more giant than ever and have drs appt and gd test next week. Gahhhh! Can't believe just 11 weeks til full term! more later...
Dani- Welcome and thank you for the compliment! Glad the MS has stopped and you are feeling better . Have fun telling your in laws. That’s exciting news!

Missy- What a relief that your work is working with your bedrest! Any extra income is always nice, so that’s wonderful to hear. You look great in your pic! I’d say you are carrying high? How cute that they saw hair!! I’m glad the scan went great.

Kunzite- Were you or O born early? I’m really petite (5’1?) and I’m so surprised she is already over 4lbs! My entire family said I’d have a tiny baby, but it looks like she’ll be average if born on time! Thank you so much for the diabetes list! It really helps to have a visual and your list works perfectly for that! I don’t have a monitor, so I’m just going by the way I feel (ie racing heart , dizzy or not)

Amc- I don’t think I commented on your bedding, but it’s super cute! Love your 26w pic! It’s been great seeing you pop!

Muffdog- Cute pic! I’m with you on the swelling. My rings have always been a little big and I wanted to wait until after we had a baby to see if I should get them resized. I’m glad I didn’t earlier because I can still wear them. I’m feeling more puffy the last few days. Do you think you noticed a change hitting the 32-33 mark? Your shopping list looks great! Did you get the insert for the longchamp bag? I need to order that asap.

ChinaCat- I can’t believe you still don’t have a name! That’s kind of exciting!

Mayerling- Thank you the compliment. The swelling is starting to hit all over, so bye bye just bump! You look great in your pic! You are for sure all bump! Have fun back home. I’m slightly jealous you are able to go home for the birth.

Monarch- Thank you for the compliment! 37 weeks already? You look fantastic! Your boating trip sounds so nice and relaxing!

Buttons- Oh gosh, your compliment made me smile. Thank you. No chat with the doctor. He seems to think it’s ok. I won’t see him again until next week. We only do 2 week appointments here. I love, love, love your 3D ultrasound. Ours are never that clear! The sneak peek is just so precious. Sorry about the pelvic pain. I had no idea that was a real concern. I’ve had it for the last couple of weeks when I turn sometimes. Keep us updated on what the physio says. I hope the acupuncture session helps. I’ve been really wanting to try it lately.

Monkeyprincess- Oh, it’s just a change for me. I enjoy the belly and will definitely miss it! I hope you can feel the baby move soon. It’s such an incredible feeling and only gets better as the weeks pass. I’d say at 18 weeks was when I/we started feeling movements. Before then, it’s possible, but I was never sure if it was air or baby.

Sunnyd- I’m glad the NT results came back ok! Your bump is coming along nicely!

Missrachelk- A gender reveal party sounds wonderful! I can’t wait to see the pics from that! I’m glad your scan was right on par!

Meg- Welcome back! Have fun packing!

AFM- 33w2d. We had our last big scan. Everything looks great and baby is measuring right at 2kg already. I’m really confused by the chart numbers/names. Some say she is measuring 31weeks, etc. We finally had a clear view of her face in the normal ultrasound view. DH now feels better and feels like she will be cute. It’s been a concern of his. I am in total count down mode and just waiting for her arrival. I’m so close yet so far!
Megumic, Guantanamo, huh? Wow. I'll bet that was interesting. Good luck with your upcoming move!

Dani, hmm, if you're not going to tell anyone, huh? That's going to be tricky if you do find out because you'll have to hide any gender-specific things. But I'm sure it will be fun to have a secret with your husband. Hope your appointment goes well next week! I'm sure it will. You're lucky, mine is not until June 1st! Seems so far away.

Rachel, glad to hear the baby is looking good! So you're going to keep us in suspense are you? Have fun telling everyone. I've been getting some random pains too when switching positions, etc. I do think it is just everything stretching out and making room for the growing uterus. Good luck with your test!

Sunnyd, you have definitely popped! Bumpy/Lumpy is looking good :)
I know, MP, I was thinking about that.....What good is it for MH and I to know the gender if we can't even paint the nursery because if we do we'll give it away?? My parents live 5 mins away and I'm sure will be over tons in the next coming months. UGH, this is going to be harder than I originally thought. Maybe we should just all wait till October??!!!!!

Rachel, I'm so glad you're scan went well. For some reason I'm thinking girl for you! Are you going to let us know, hmm??? :cheeky:

Is anyone else having REALLY DISTURBING NIGHTMARES?? I always have had vivid dreams, but since I've become pregnant, I've had such bad nightmares...Not to go into details, but it usually involves me losing the baby and its so vivid and sad. I'm assuming its just my internal anxieties and fears...I hope!!?? They really are so disturbing and its really scary. :confused: I wish I knew what to do/how to control it, but how can you control what you dream about? Oh man!!! :blackeye:
Dani, what does MH stand for?
Mayer- it stands for "my husband". Sorry!!! :))
Dani, I just had the most disturbing dream this morning! I have been having them intermittently but this was very vivid and I remember the whole thing this time. I've never had a bad dream about the baby or birth or anything, it's always some other sort of trauma. This morning I dreamed that one of our very good friends died unexpectedly. We went to the funeral. A police officer I've known since childhood stopped by when we were all gathered at her house and had someone investigate one of her basement windows, in which we found her family's photo album. On the way home from the wake, we saw a flat bed trailer with all the floral arrangements and plants people had given. It was so freaky. I woke up crying! I had to check her FB page this morning to make sure she had posted since I saw her last on Sunday! The last weird/crazy dream I had was straight out of a Terminator movie. It wasn't as personal though and I can't remember most of it, just the feeling of impending doom!!! So ready for the nightmares to end, it is hard enough getting good sleep as it is!
Rachel - 2 glucose tests?! :knockout: I hope you pass with flying colors! Would you have to do the 3 hour twice if you don't pass? Bleh. Are we left out of the secret? ;))

Meg - welcome back!

Petite - LOL at your DH's comments about her being cute! She's be the most beautiful thing because she's yours and that's all that matters!

Dani - Sorry about your disturbing dreams! I've been having more than normal, I think, but nothing that stands out as particularly crazy. I guess there's still lots of time for that!
Ugh, ladies, I know this is not the appropriate forum to post this in because I don't want to scare anyone, but I just heard some horribly sad news, and didn't know where else to post it. There is a paralegal at my law firm who works two offices down from me, and she was also pregnant and only a few days behind me. I guess she had been having a little cramping this past week and had some pains today, so she went to the doctor and found out she lost the baby. :blackeye: I was just chatting with her yesterday, and I know she was supposed to have the anatomy scan on Monday. I just feel so sad for her and can't imagine what she's going through. This was her third child, and I guess it was sort of a miracle baby because she needed assistance with the first two and this one just came as a surprise. I'm just so sad for her, and I don't know how to act around her when she returns, especially because we are more of acquaintances than friends. I just feel like I'm going to be a horrible reminder to her every time she sees me. If anyone has any suggestions for me on how to handle this, please let me know. I want to be as sensitive as possible and not make it any worse for her. Such a good reminder of what little blessings these babies are that we are carrying and to not ever take it for granted. Hope everyone is hanging in there.
monkeyprincess|1336682642|3192366 said:
Ugh, ladies, I know this is not the appropriate forum to post this in because I don't want to scare anyone, but I just heard some horribly sad news, and didn't know where else to post it. There is a paralegal at my law firm who works two offices down from me, and she was also pregnant and only a few days behind me. I guess she had been having a little cramping this past week and had some pains today, so she went to the doctor and found out she lost the baby. :blackeye: I was just chatting with her yesterday, and I know she was supposed to have the anatomy scan on Monday. I just feel so sad for her and can't imagine what she's going through. This was her third child, and I guess it was sort of a miracle baby because she needed assistance with the first two and this one just came as a surprise. I'm just so sad for her, and I don't know how to act around her when she returns, especially because we are more of acquaintances than friends. I just feel like I'm going to be a horrible reminder to her every time she sees me. If anyone has any suggestions for me on how to handle this, please let me know. I want to be as sensitive as possible and not make it any worse for her. Such a good reminder of what little blessings these babies are that we are carrying and to not ever take it for granted. Hope everyone is hanging in there.

Wow, I don't even know what to say. That is so sad. Maybe a card with a "please let me know if you need anything at all" written inside? I mean really there's no way to make her feel better at this point, she'll just need time more than anything.
Oh, MP, that is so sad. :blackeye: I'm so very sorry for your friend. Unfortunately, we know this stuff happens, I always just pray that it doesn't happen to any one of us and/or anyone we love or care about. My 13 years of L&D experience (so far) has been such a blessing in my life, but unfortunately, I've seen this happen so many times over my career, and every time is like the first time and its so very sad. I think that's why I've been having these horrible thoughts/nightmares, and I don't know how to control it. I think I am going to seek someone out to speak to about it. I don't want to have this negativity following me when I become a mother. It's so hard.
There really isn't anything you are going to say that's going to make her feel better or take away her pain. I like Amc's idea of a simple card just letting you know how much you care and how sorry you are. I think that would be very nice of you. :))
Thanks amc and Dani. The news was just so upsetting because I just cannot even imagine how she is feeling right now waking up to realize she lost her baby. Dani, I'm sure it's very hard not to worry when you have first-hand experience with loss at work. It's just so sad that any mother has to experience that and right before mother's day. Anyway, sorry to put a damper on this thread.

On a lighter note, I had dinner with a former co-worker last night who has three little boys. It was fun to chat with someone who has BTDT three times recently and could give me all sorts of advice on what to expect and what baby products are unnecessary, etc. It's funny how so many mothers just love to talk about pregnancy. I guess it really is a bonding experience. Also, we heard back that our blood tests last week came back negative for spina bifida risk, etc., so that is another relief. I think I might try to tackle the first phase of preparing the baby's room this weekend. I need to go through and give away some clothes and sort through the paperwork I've been stockpiling in there. Gotta start somewhere.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!